Studies of Mississippi Fishflies (Megaloptera: Corydalidae: Chauliodinae)
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JOURNAL OF THE KANSAS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 56(3), 1983, pp. 356-364 Studies of Mississippi Fishflies (Megaloptera: Corydalidae: Chauliodinae) ABSTRACT:Nigronia serricornis (Say) is reported for the first time in Mississippi and new distributional data are presented for five additional species of Chauliodinae occurring in the state. Neohcrrnc.~concolor (Da- vis) appears to be restricted to northern areas of the state, while iVPo- Izermes matheri Flint, h'igrolzia ,fasciatus (Walker), Nigronia serricornis (Say). C~lzauliodespectinicornis (Linnaeus) and C. rastricornis Rambur are more generally distributed. Keys to adults and larvae are given and genitalic structures are illustrated. With the recent work of D. C. Tarter and colleagues (Tarter et al., 1 976, 1 977, 1979; Tarter and Watkins, 1974; Watkins ct al., 1975), the distribution and seasonal occurrence of eastern nearctic Chauliodinae have become increasingly better known. With the exception of Flint's (1 965) review of Neoherl>zcs,however, no recently published studies have included figures of genitalia. There are perhaps two reasons for this: 1) species in Nigronia and Chauliodc>scan be reliably sep- arated by color patterns, and 2) Hazard's (1960) unpublished study. which in- cluded genitalic figures of Nigronia and ('llau1iode.s species, has apparently been widely circulated. We have undertaken this study to determine more completely the distributions of fishflies in Mississippi and to provide revised keys. based in part on genitalic characters, for species occurring in this area. The following abbreviations indicate collections in which specimens studied are deposited: BM-Bryant Mather Collection, Clinton, Mississippi: BPS-Bill P. Stark Collection: UM-University of Mississippi; NMNH - National Museum of Natural History. Key to Fishflies of Mississippi 1. Adults ......................................................... 2 - Larvae ........................................................ 73 2. Wings black, patterned with white; male with apical spines on lateral margins of sternum 10 (Fig. 1) ............................hri,pronia-3 - Wings gray or brownish; male without apical spines on lateral margins ofsternum 10(Fig. 8) .............................................. 4 3. Anal area of hind wing white; male with apex of sternum 10 truncate . (Fig. 2) .................................................. N. ,fasc'~utus - Anal area of hind wing black; male with apex of sternum 10 rounded (Fig. 1 ) .................................................A'. sc~rricornis 4. Antennae pectinate or serrate; apex of anal plates of male with spinules I Biology Department, Mississippi College. Clinton, Mississippi 39058. Department of Biology. University of Mississippi, Univcrsity, Mississippi 38677. Accepted for publication 13 October 1982. Larval key modified from Hazard (1960). VOLUME 56, NUMBER 3 357 on inner margins (Figs. 3, 5); apex of female gonapophysis lateralis smoothly rounded in lateral view (Fig. 14) ................Chauliodes-5 - Antennae moniliform; anal plates of male with patch of dense, short, black hairs on inner margins (Figs. 7, 10); apex of female gonapophysis lateralis with slender finger-like process (Fig. 15) ..........Neoher~nes-6 5. Large rectangular spots on vertex posterior to ocelli yellow; anal plates of male with small spicules on inner margins (Fig. 3), lateral aspect of plate cylindrical (Fig. 4) ................................C. pectinicornis - Large rectangular spots on vertex posterior to ocelli dark brown; anal plates of male with prominent tooth and smaller spicules on inner mar- gins (Fig. 5), lateral aspect of plate triangular (Fig. 6) ....... C. rastricornis 6. Aedeagus with lateral margins angulate in dorsal aspect, anal plates of male truncate apically (Fig. 7); posterior margin of female sternum 8 almost straight (Fig. 16) .................................. Ai: concolor - Aedeagus with lateral margins sinuate, anal plates of male rounded apically (Fig. 10); posterior margin of female sternum 8 with deep V-shaped notch (Fig. 17) ...................................N. matheri 7. Respiratory tubes of abdominal segment 8 at least twice as long as segment and unequal in length ..........................C'hauliodes-8 - Respiratory tubes of abdominal segment 8 slightly longer than segment or shorter and equal in length. ................................... 9 8. Middorsal abdominal line black .........................C. rastricornis - Middorsal abdominal line yellowish .....................C. pectinicornis 9. Spiracles of abdominal segment 8 on short conical tubes subeclual to segment in length ...................................... Nigronia- 10 - Spiracles of abdominal segment 8 sessile ...............ilreohermes ~pp.~ 10. Respiratory tubes of abdominal segment 8 shorter than segment and widely separated ........................................AT. serricornis - Respiratory tubes of abdominal segment 8 longer than segment and nearly contiguous at base .................................N. .fasciatus hTigroniafasciat us (Walker) (Fig. 2) Tarter et al. (1976) reported N. fasc~atusfrom Mississippi, but no records were given. The species apparently occurs throughout the state but is uncommon. The April 1 collection date (Claiborne County) is two weeks earlier than any adult collections reported by Tarter et al. (1977). Mississippi Records. Claiborne Co., Owens Crk., Natchez Trace Parkway, 1 -1V- 1980, T. Dent, 1 6 (BPS); same location, 14-V- 1977, B. Stark, 1 larva (BPS). Lafayette Co., 9 mi NE Oxford, 8-IX-1980, C. Sanders, 2 larvae (UM). Lamar Co., 5 mi N Baxterville, 23-V- 1978, P. Lago, 1 6 (UM). Pontotoc Co., Pontotoc, 2 1 -1V- 1973, R. Isbell, 1 6 (BM). Stone Co., Univ. of Mississippi forest lands, 19- V-1978, D. Stanford, 1 6 (UM). Tishomingo Co., Tuka, 12-V-1973, J. Bryson, 1 a (BM). Larva of N. mathcri: unknown. JOURNAL OF Tf-IL KANSAS ENTOMOLOClICAL SO( IETY Figs. 1, 2. Nigror~iaspp. 6 tcrrnittnliu, ventral. 1. N. .serricornis (A= aedeagus, X = sternum 10). 2. N. frtsciatus. Nigrotzia serricornls (Say) (Figs. 1, 13) This species has not previously been reported from Misslss~ppi,although ~t is known from the adjacent states ofAlabama (Schciring, 1980), Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee (Tarter et al., 1976). Scheiring (1980) found N. cerncortzrs in rocky, fast flowing streams and suggested its absence from coastal plains streams. We have collected adults and larvae in association with two typical coastal-plain streams in Simpson County, both having fine sand-coarse gravel substrates, rapid flow and pH ranges of 5.5-6.5. Mississippi Records. Clarke Co.. Moore Mill Crk., Clark Co. St. Park, 3-XI- 1979, B. Stark, 3 larvae (BPS). Lafayette Co., 11 mi NE Oxford 27-1X-1978, A. Johnson, 1 larva (UM). Lauderdale Co.. Tallahatta Crk. at Interstate Hwy. 20, 12-1-1979, B. Stark and P. Hartfield, I larva (BPS). Simpson Co., 7 mi S Magee, 30-IV-1977, B. Stark, 1 6 (BPS); Mill Crk. at Hwy 472. 14-V-1981, B. Stark, 1 9, 1 larva (BPS); same location, 7-11- 198 1, B. Stark, 1 larva (BPS). Tishomingo Co., Tishomingo St. Park, 16-1-198 1, J. Goddard, 1 larva (UM). Chauiiodes pectrnicornls (Linnaeus) (Figs. 3, 4) Tarter et al. (1 976) reported C. pc~ctzrzzcornisfrom five Mississippi counties. We have collected specimens from 1 1 additional counties, but the species is apparently absent from the west central (Yaroo Delta) region of the state. The in-state flight period extends from mid-April to mid-September. Mississippi Records. Calhoun Co., 13 mi NW Bruce, 12-VIII-1978, H. Schuster, 1 larva (UM). Covington Co., Seminary, 3-IX-192 1, H. Lott, 1 (BM); Collins, 23-VII- 196 1, J. Todd, 1 n (BM). George Co., 7 mi S Benndale, 24-V- 1980, P. Lago, 1 6 (UM). Harrison Co., Biloxl, 3-V- 1964, R. Taylor, 1 P (BM); Biloxi, 20- VOLUME 56, NUMBER 3 4 F~gs.3, 4. Chaul~ode.~pectrnzcornzs6. 3. Term~nal~a,dorsal. 4. Termmaha, lateral. V-1978, S. Hurdle, 1 a (UM); Biloxi, 23-28-VIII-1964, R. Taylor. 2 Pa (BM); 3 mi N Gulfport, 25-V- 1980, P. Lago, 1 9 (UM); Lyman, 14-VI- 1926, J. McLemore. 1 a (BM). Itawamba Co., Fulton, 24-VI-1969, J. Bryson, 2 ?a (BM). Jackson Co., Ocean Springs, 10-V- 1972, McManaway, 1 a (BM); Ocean Springs, 3-V1- 1979, R. Kergosien. 1 6 (BPS). Lafayette Co.. Oxford, 8 records 3-V through 30-VIII, P. Lago, 5 66, 3 aa (UM); Oxford, 6-1 1 -VII- 1969, C. and A. Bryson, 13 $8, 10 aa (BM); Oxford, 16, 17-V1- 1970, J. Bryson, 2 66, 4 Pa (BM); Oxford, 15-26-VII- 1973, A. Bryson, 4 68, 3 aa (BM); 6 mi E Oxford, 13-VII-1977, D. Stanford, 1 6 (UM); 9 mi NE Oxford, 30-V-1978, P. Lago, 2 a0 (UM). Lamar Co., 5 mi N Baxterville, 20-IV-1979, P. Lago, 1 6 (UM). Marshall Co., Wall Doxey St. Park, 28-IV- 1978, S. Hurdle, 2 larvae (UM); same location, 2-VIII-1978, D. Stanford, 4 66, 2 aa (UM); same location, 9-IX-1980, C. Sanders, 1 P (UM); Watercord, 6-V-1972, P. Young, 1 9 (UM). Oktibbeha Co.. Adaton, 19-IX-1969, M. Cramp- ton, 1 $! (BM). Panola Co., 7 mi SE Sardis 3 1-111- 1979, D. Massey, 2 larvae (UM). Pontotoc Co., T9S, RlE, Sec. 17, 13-VII-1977, A. E. Zuccaro, 1 6 (UM); Camp Yocona, 10-VI-1969, S. Bryson, 1 9 (BM). Quitman Co., 2 mi S Sledge, 16-111- 1977, S. Hurdle, 2 larvae (UM). Stone Co., Wiggins. 22-V-1980, P. Lago, 1 6 (UM). C'hauliodcs rastricornis Rambur (Figs. 5, 6, 14) Tarter et al. (1976) reported this species from three counties in southern Mis- sissippi. We have recorded C. rastrlcornls fi-om 12 additional counties throughout the state. The in-state flight period extends from late February through mid- September. Mississippi Records. Claiborne Co., 5 mi N Rocky Springs, Natcher Tracc Parkway, 30-111- 1980, T. Dcnt, 1 pupa (T. Dent collection). Forrest Co., Paul B. Johnson St. Park, 29-111-1972, K. Kcrgos~en,3 nn (BM). Georgc Co., Black Crk. at Hwy 57, 1 1 -1V- 198 1, P. Lago, 1 9 (UM); samc location, 1 -V- 198 1, P. Lago, 1 JOURNAL OF THE KANSAS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Figs. 5, 6. Chauliod~srastricorn~s 6. 5. Terminalia, dorsal.