chairman, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mis. Annual Picnic Isabelle Bourgeault and Mrs. Vir­ ginia Bailey; Membership com­ For Children Held mittee. Mrs. Ruth Snider chairman, Mrs. Margery Pierson, Mrs. Marion At North Beach Mahar and Mrs. Esther Griffin The annual picnic of the members Finance committee, Mrs. Barbara of tne Mothers Circle and their Carpenter, chairman; Scrap book children held Friday at North Beach committee, Mrs. Jessie Toppan; was attended by about 80 members auditors. Mrs. Margret Towle and and their children. The newly elec- Mrs. Olga Casas9a; press commit- ltd president, Mrs. Edith Cunning-WPItet. Mrs. H Maude I M E. Hamilton; Cus- ham, Chairman of the committee in ■ todian Mrs. Isabelle Bourgeault. charge was assisted by Mrs. Alice 1 Johnson and Mrs. Dorothie Root. During the luncheon the com­ Summer Services mittee distributed ice cream and Summer Chronicles Of ’s Seacoast Resorts tonic to all to add to the home pack­ On World Peace ed lunches. As usual many arrived lor the picnic throughout the early At Rocky Hill hours and bathing and beach sports VOL. XIX., NO. 4 WEDNESDAY, JU L Y 18.1945 were enjoyed. • Ftw people realize that Old Rocky FREE DISTRIBUTION The annual business meeting fol-1 Hill Meeting House in Amesbury. | lowed the lunch hour., presided ■ Mass.. is considered the master- over by the new president. Mrs. piece of all the old meeting houses | Cunningham, who at this time nam­ of New England. The architecture j ed her commit ties for the year as is identically the same as when It follows: program committee. Mrs. was built. This of itself should be Verna Sumner, chairman. Mrs. sufficient to attract large congrega­ Katherine Gunther. Mrs. Wilma T. tions to the meetings to be held White, and Mrs. Ruth Russell; there ibis summer. Sunshine committee. Mrs. Dorothy The subject for the four meetings . Smiley chairman. Mrs. Dorothy this summer will be Contributions Hunter. Mrs. Ustina Simons aud to a Permanent World Peace. On | and Mrs. Mirni Waters; Education July 15 Dr. David D. Vaughn, for-1 committee, Mrs Alice Johnson uier professor at Boston University | will speak on the subject Contribu- j tlon of American Democracy To A World Peace. Miss Eleanor Bene­ dict will be cello soloist playing her THE o* 1 Italian cello made in 1690. On July 22. Dr. Fredrick M. Elliot, president of the American Unitari­ BIG an Association will speak on The | Contribution of Religion To A Per- | manent World Peace. At the same STORE i meeting Dr. Dioftenbach will speak upon Practical Working of Organ­ Popularly Called The 10c® Store ized World Peace or the Larger | Fellowship in Religion. At this LOCATED ON j meeting the celebrated Sanford I Choir of English singers will fur- B STREET 1 nish the music. This choir Is pro- » ou can bet on a bright life in the i uoun<-ed to be the finest chorus don one of these intriguing little ey choir outside of the star cities of New England. catcher outfits. Has What You On August 5 it Is hoped that we , shall have Dr. Hastle of Howard Swim Suits Need For Your i University who will speak upon the uay two- and three-piece Play race problem and Its relation to Suits in sizes 12 to 18. You'll Beautiful collection of om world peace. It is also hoped that love these cool, comfortable two-piece styles. Plains, si Cottage we may have one of the great negro creations. Prints and checks. and prints. White. Blue. singers at this meeting. Black, Red, Lime. Sizes 32 Later in August there will be a Houseware Stationery historical pageant at which there will be represented Anne Hutchin- Hardware Dishes son and John Winthrop. both in the costume of their period. Music for I this service will be announced later




Boy Scout Units Fresh Air Fund Parade, Special Shows And Invited To Field Children Due To Luncheon Mark Annual Affair Day Activities Arrive Aug. 2 The annual Hampton Beach Chil­ The Hajnpton Beach Field Day For the 69th year the New York Prefers Ocean dren’s Day originated by Colonel will be held Thursday, July 26. Col. Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund George Ashworth many years ago George Ashworth invites all Bcouts will send the children from the ten­ Waves Here To will be held this year on July 26. NEAR MILE BRIDGE and leaders to attend. Units should ement districts of New York City Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Cub report at 10 am in uniform at the to homes in the country for a two- Iceland Waters Scouts, from all over New Hamp­ State Bath House reservation, to week period starting August 2. shire have been invited to attend Field Executive Frank Rogers. Funds for this service are volun William Bradford Towne, RDM besides all children from Hampton. Bring your national colors and k tary. The majority of contributions 3/c, USCGR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Some arrangement will be made to scout flag. this year were received from ser­ Herbert ft. Towne of Kingston, who furnish transportation for those The Children’s Day Parade starts vicemen who themselves once en­ has spent the past two years in the children who are unable to afford at 1 pm. Food should be brought joyed two weeks in the country un­ Arctic, spent the weekend with his a bus fare. Punch and Judy shows tor the noon meal and for the even­ der the New York Herald Tribune grandmother at the Trading Post and clowns will perform -n front North Beach. VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ing meal, also, if you plan to Btay plan. Most of the 12,000 children of the playground and local through the evening. who i are being sent this year are Residents of the beach will re­ speakers will extend their greetings the sons and daughters of men who member “Bill” as their vegetable World’s Fair COCKTAIL BAR At Firewood will be furnished for to the Scouts. those desiring to cook their own are In the armed forces. boy. who worked with his father. Local children in costume will FANCY GROCERIES meals. Due to ODT regulations, a The children, between the ages Before enlisting, he was employ­ parade at 1 pm with the Scouts camporee will not be held this year of 5 and 15 are given a physical ex­ ed as a bouncer at the Casino Ball and the Lawrence Drum corps. but come prepared for a swell day amination by Fresh Air Fund doc­ Room. After this, free Ice cream and can­ Feather Cottage tors two weeks before and one day He enlisted in the Coast Guard dy will be served to all children. of fun. Remember to bring bathing in Sept. 1943. He will return to duty Route 1 Salisbury suits and towels. before they are sent to homes. If The Drum corps will be cared any Illness developes within that July 21st. for at the Fire station, the Child­ Any other information may be His grandmother has owned cot­ Phone Newburyport 1510 For Reservations obtained by calling Raymond Stur­ period the child is not allowed to ren’s Day committee at the Com­ leave. They bring their own ration tages at the beach for the past 23 munity church and a luncheon for gis, Hampton, 657. All children in years. Hampton are invited for the day. books and if necessary, their own about 35 invited guests including sugar. Any accident or illness that He says he prefers the bathing at Boy Scout executives. Hampton developes while the child Is at the Hampton Beach to the icy waters Selectmen and businessmen and Have You Heard? of the Arctic, where he played foot­ SEE OUR vacation home is covered by Fund possibly Governor Charles M. Dale ball on the ice cakes. Frank Moultls, USAAF, who has insurance. These children always of New Hampshire will be held at the Ashworth Hotel. hc*>n serving with the 8th Air Force, arrive clean and suitably dressed. Have You Heard? INSURANCE bowled 50 strings last Thursday at If a volunteer has religious prefer­ This annual program was origin­ the Ferncroft? His average was ence, such a wish is granted. Reg- Mrs. Julia Boulanger of Berwick, ] ated by Col. Ashworth many yean? OPEN AIR Maine bowled 122 at the Ferncroft 85.8 and h‘s highest string was 122. CHILDREN'S DAY That is “up in the air” even for a FRE8H AIR FUND Alleys last week? What girl can flyer. beat that score? (Continued, on Page Seven) JOHN SISE & COMPANY VEGETABLE MARKET

Serving The New Hampshire V fiM P J u ESTATE iiS winner *fcACH« m m ' :* -V ' . * '■ v ■ y>:--.T >• Seacoast Region VEGETABLES FRESH • y * FREE APPRAISALS RIGHT PRICES Since 1836 EACH DAY FROM NEARBY ON Y O U R WE ARE OPEN

7 DAYS FARMS n i l Fire ■ Casualty - Life BUSINESS PROPERTIES

3 Market Square Telephone OCEAN Portsmouth, N. H. HENRY REAL SAME Hampton Beach 409 Ocean Boulevard f BAG IN BAG f

f The BEACHCOMBER % The Beachcomber The BEACHCOMBER New Eire President Have You Heard? Incorporating The Hampton Reach Advocate Noted Authors At New Move To Isolate .Tap Helen and Mary are still Throngs Attend A Vacation Digest of all the news UNH Conference XIVA IKIMCHAH on the prowl? information for the summer visitor. Durham, N. IE, July 12—Further Monday Evening IHIMCHAN 1 luOOV «* or o k non* - Have You Heard ? Published Wednesdays, June 27 to August 29 addition to the staff of the 1945 an­ RUSSIA Beach Parties Why Buddy wasn't pollshinc nual W riters’ Conference at the By The * OAVAN glasses at Al's until very late Satur­ University of New Hampshire, WITSMIHA*- The second Hampton Beach day night? scheduled for August 6-17, were an­ Party held Monday evening and HAMPTON PUBLISHING (^OMPANY nounced today by Dr. Carroll S. NCHURIA broadcast over radio station HAMPTON NEW HAMPSSHIRR Towle, director. • h aCiin WHtB, Portsmouth, by announc­ Have You Heard? Leading one of the discussion ers Bob Fuller and Win Bettison of Pat at Randall's is impatiently a- FOR ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS PAPER groups on non-fiction prose will be CHIHUNO Portsmouth attracted throngs in , waiting November when her cap- TELEPHONE HAMPTON 655 John T. Gould, author of “New the area surrounding the band­ I min comes home from overseas.' England Town Meeting,” a record stand at Hampton Beach. The en­ Communications and Items from of the fast-disappearing New Eng­ tire block between the bandstand Have You Heard? land tradition, and “Pre-Natal Care and Casino was roped off by police Mrs. Flaherty at Foley's celebrat­ readevs are welcome at all times. for Fathers,” a “non-medical, non­ under the direction of Police Chief ed her birthday last week? The girls APAN * technical. non-scientiflc explana­ m iow *19Ef A Jerome F. Harkness. with through at Foley’s and Randall’s presented tion of the masculine side of the traffic detoured via Marsh avenue, hor with a Lee-Hayman bag, ear­ matter.” Born in Lisbon, Maine, to assure vacationists an uninter­ rings and a pin set. he now lives in Lisbon Falls where rupted program. Sean T. O’Kelly, newly elected READING & WRITING he is associated with the local paper The party this week, was in four president of Eire, is shown with his Have You Heard? and also writes reviews for “The parts. A scavenger hunt institut­ wife waving to the crowds who On account of the paper, shortage New York Times” and free-lance ed the start. Among the articles lined the streets In Dublin to see Randall’s is still selling laughing W BY AND articles. contestants were told to find were him ride to Dublin castle for his tissue? : Inauguration. Newly added to the conference a large crab, 'an egg, 3 baked staff as a leader in juvenile liter­ f OKINAWA IWO?f' Pacific beans, ocean water, and a red Have You Heard? ature is Miss Helen Fay of Los An head. Two couples took part. The ! Where Jimmy Spent his evening C h RISTOPHER M©RLEY says: "No one can ever say that 4 f* second part was a quizz program Saturday night?* geles. Known from coast to coast Ocean HARRINGTON as counselor on books for children, in which these couples participated the Scots are thrifty with their humor, they give it away in handfuls." and the third part, consisted of HOTEL Have You Heard? You’ll find plenty of all varieties in "The World, the Flesh and Father parents, teachers, and writers, she stunts. The fourth part of the party Stretch reported back to duty in Smith” by Bruce Marshall, a story written will work with Miss Jennie Lind­ The daring raids by U. 8. naval units In the sea of Okhotsk (1) was a spaghetti-eating contest be­ quist of the University library and are taken by military experts to mark an important new step in the RYE BEACH, N. H. Virginia last week? by a Scotchmanrwvuiuau about a Scottish priestav«« w m liv- v tween two blindfolded men. 25 summer school staff on subjects effort to completely cat off enemy supply routes and isolate Japan. • mg m the.l. environs__ :___-C of cJ:_l Edinburgh._____i_ TT.:.This Already from Okinawa planes and ships are shfc- silver dollars were awarded to the SHORE DINNERS pertinent to students in children s (2) U. S. making Have You Heard? altogether delightful story is a Book-of- movements in the south of Japan almost impossible. With oil fields winners of the contests, while a " and Despite sandstorms, rainstorms literature. As an editor-critic, chil­ of Borneo falling to the Allies and gateway to Indo-China opened b> carton of cigarettes w*as awarded the-Month Club selection for July, along dren’s reactions to them, Miss Fry Chinese troops, the Jap blockade progresses more rapidly than many COCKTAIL LOUNGE and Ixmdonish fog, there are no va­ the winner of the spaghetti-eating cancies on Hampton Beach? These with “Up Front" by Bill Mauldin. contributes articles to the “Publish appreciate. contest. Another Hampton Beach OPENING JUNE 30 are good days for bridge or getting In the Scottish city, the Church of ers Weekly” and is a member of the will be held next Monday out vhe old victrola and listening to Rome is a minority, and Father Smith is visiting lecture staff for the nursed Have You Heard? evening. PORTSMOUTH 2792 those records you've been collect­ not surprised when he encounters a hood­ of the Children's hospital in Los Local Teachers Neither sand, rain or wind keep ing. lum sign in the market place, "No Popery Angeles. the natives off the beaches? Seen Aloud." When he is beset upon by other Attending UNH Sunday afternoon under the board­ hoodlums and knocked unconscious with a walk steps were Tucky, Rita. June stone, he accepts his martyrdom with Summer School Koehler, Eddie Schaake. Loyce ISABELLE STANLEY . philosophy. "That's the great thing about V IS IT T H E Bowes, Claire Crompton, Eddie PALM READINGS BRUCE MARSHALL Durham. N. H., July 12—Frances Attend or tune in ... th* tvurlr T*» l r • . Persecution," he says, "it keeps you up to Boudreau. Johnnie Fransoso. Dot. 5 (Sd » 1 *W>?t’ *0t hatred* that “ th* real enemy of the Church V. Smith, Exeter road; Ada L. Windy and Bob. And they were 30 Marsh Ave. Foot B I STANDISH Perkins, Beach road; and Eda W. there ALL afternoon. Burnett, Exeter road, are register­ The in great •^)4rancc *or weaknesses of human nature ed here for the 23rd annual session in thu modest pilgrim, m en a dying old [FT SHOPPE of the University of New Hamp­ sailor cannot admit to being sorry that shire Summer School. A total of durmg his lifetime he has known the joys t 340 students are attending the ses­ NORMANDY HOTEL “BEACH PARTY” of beautiful Chinese girl, with gold-lac­ ‘A trip through the sion, including 12 World War II quered nails and black satin slippers, Father Standish Gift Shop is veterans, one of them recently lib­ Every Monday Evening Smith understands. "Are y o u " ^ the" erated prisoner of war who is spend­ DINING ROOM S V k DOt S0n7?” Ye,> ^e iailor is like a trip around the ing his sixty-day furlough taking tha? r a DOt fjrry> Father ^ t h decided college courses. He is Sgt. Charles ; STILL SERVING HIGHEST QUALITY FOODS 7:15 world” Spear of Cambridge. Mass., former, radio operator-gunner in a Flying J DAILY FROM 12 A. M. TO 10 P. M. ON THE BANDSTAND Fortress shot down over Mannheim Smith wn^fortyw its hero from 1 &03, when Father Ocean Boulevard last January, husband of Priscilla 154). h, “Th, World p£ T jV hJ ‘''‘S'''’ of tht Aldcn Spear, formerly of Hampton. Salisbury Beach Tel. 714 HAMPTON BEACH crattd - ° f - * f i s a T r 1 bu Patronize Our Advertisers U - i * 4 F“ Shore reu. a macabre on the air FLOWERS *i0r^ a^°ut an American officer who 7 :30 p. m . .» • 0V cr7ing at his failure to get the molt They’re Ever Welcome ! 5 ^ 1 tr°phy of all—a German Luger. A IAMPTON BEACH CASINO ^ ill—a merman lugw. - FOR ALL Lucre u ^ j 11 a Cherbourg street, th* THE HUB OF HAPPY HAMPTON WHEB offlfF beSlde **“• Each time the American OCCASIONS ( . er *tarted for the Lueer, an enemy CASINO ATTRACTIONS ! waj'h'tu^ 11 ^ m’ 1111111 at la,t tbe ____ Cafeteria Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 750 on your radio dial Ballroom » ”<5^ T 7 an American sergeant snip*1, ____ Gift Shop ASiJl • Bath House a— *uiit < ■’•"But f°r Lu8er” said tlic °®C two steps, I W .00'! ! ^ d°, y0U knoW Ocean House - 1 ^ anats alL Just by two itep*. The BEACHCOMBER me Have You Heard? ton and Mrs. Martin Gunther, Goes Over Niagara Joe Whitney who has been stay­ Hampton are on the committee for IESH AIR FUND — DEEDS O F V A LO R BySenich jYale Grad Will ing at the Malcolm loft yeBterday Hampton. Mr. Birt Georges of Last Rites Held for the Great Lakes Naval Training (Continued from Page Three) North Hampton is chairman of the station? Portsmouth-Hampton area. Head Technology Mrs. Francis LaVertue and Mrs. For Nancy Hoyt istratlon for the Fresh Air Fund Harold Piorson of Hampton and College At UNH Nancy Elizabeth Hoyt, oldest children closes July 20 in order to Mrs. Archie Lantz of Hampton daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch Saddle Horses make transportation arrangements Falls are each entertaining one of Durham, N. H., July 12—Appoint­ Hoyt and the.late Prof. Laurence B. and physical examinations. The these ch ldren beginning August 2. ment of Lauren Earl Seeley as dean Hoyt, Park avenue, died at her of the college of technology at the home early Sunday morning after To Let committee in charge of these chil­ a long illnes. dren in New Hampshire wish host­ University of New Hampshire was Beach Notes announced yesterday by President A funeral mass wus held at St. esses to meet the train on which , Harold W. Stoke. Patrick s church, Hampton Beach the children will arrive. They will Staying at the Meredith ths sea­ Mr. Seeley is associate professor on Monday. Rev. Fr. James R. Mc- be duly notified. However if this is son are Mr. and Mrs. Royal Dadinun of medical engineering at Yale Uni Grail officiated at the High Mass. impossible, arrangements will be of West Hartford, Conn. Mr. Dad- versity where he has taught since The Girl Scouts of Hampton attend­ made to meet the children and mun, the famous baritone, has a 1923. He will come to Durham with ed in a body and representatives of bring the child to the home. large group of music lovers study­ Mrs. Seeley and their daughter to the American Legion, the Mother’s Of the eleven camps which enter­ ing under him. From Burlington. COAST GUARDSMEN PRITCHARD -=* +' assume his new position as soon as Circle and the Parent-Teachers As­ tained the children in former years, Vermont are Misses Lucille Roch- LIEUT. JOHN PRITCHARD J * , AND BOTTOMS TOOK OFF FROM his release from Yale can be ar­ sociation were present. After the only six are open this year since leau, Elaine Myers, Alice Hazen, AVIATOR,BURBANK,CALIF.,WHO W ITR - CUTTER IN SEARCH OF MAROONED ranged. mass the funeral proceeded by car personnel could not be em­ and Mrs. Lillian Grandey. and ac­ BENJAMIN BOTTOMS FLIERS. SIGH-TING WRECKAGE- “We consider ourselves fortunate to Lowell, Mass, where the child ployed to care for them. This companying her, daughters, Jear BOTTOMS RELAYED MESSAGE: was buried in St. Patrick’s ceme- MOTOR MACHINIST'S MATE lc,SALEM,MA5S. 'WE'RE READY TO SET DOWN." to have found, in Mr. Seeley, a man means that 7,000 children must be Marie and Linda. Mario Lopardo WAS AWARDED whose record shows sound scholar­ tery with Father McGrath of St. placed in homes. BACK CAME A REPLY." DON'T TRY of North Adams, Mass, is also study­ DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS IT.YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT." - - ship supplemented by experience ill I Rita’s church conducting the burial LEARN TO RIDE CORRECTLY These children are not neces­ ing with Mr. Dadmun. f=OR GIVING-THEIR LIVES IN ATTEMPT TO teaching, research, administration services. Bearers were Henry sarily underprivileged but they are Guests at the Kentville, this Shown above la William (“Red”) RESCUE STRICKEN ARMY BOMBER FLIERS and the practical application of en­ Bailey. Jr., of Hampton Beach, Dumas Hotel children who are unable to leave week are Mrs. Frederick Bedard Hill Jr* trying out his “barrel* IN GREENLAND. gineering knowledge to business,” Thomas Lynch and Edward Lyncl* the very hot tenement district dur­ and daughter, Katherine of Wor­ prior to his successful ride over flu President Stoke commented in his of Lowell and Owen Hoyt. Stables ing the summer months. They like cester, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Edward rapids at Niagara. The last so* announcement of the appointment Nancy was born in Evansville, plain food; plenty of milk, bread, cessful trip wss msde by Us father In addition to his teaching, Mr. Indiana, December 7, 1929. Her J. Wall and daughter of Loudon- in 1931. KING’S HIGHWAY vegetables and food that any ville, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Seeley serves as consultant on en­ father was resident engineer or mother feeds her own children. En­ Drupeau, executive in a banking BOTTOMS,*! PLANE, V M M p flg'l gineering and manpower problems the State of New Hampshire who NORTH SHORE tertainment is no problem for just concern in Holyoke, Mass., and Mr. ^ MAINTAINED RADIO for a number of government agen­ supervised the construction of the Robert Kleza of Hartford, Conn, ‘ ,-O^Zl CONTACT WITH CUTTER. PRITCHARD, dikes and jetties at the State res the fact that they are in the coun­ and Mtb. Harold E. Townsend and are guests at the Hill-Crest for the cies, trade associations and private Tel. Hampton 2101 1 CLIMBED ICY TERRAIN-FOUND FUER5 firms. ervation at Hampton Beach. She try will be fun for the city child. daughter from Amsterdam, N. Y. summer. PRITCHARD- . INJURED.HUNGflY,NUMB FROM COLD, Mrs. Pearl Marston. North Hamp / Mr. Richard Patterson and Mr. He graduated magna cum laude leaves besides her mother, a sister. Among summer visitors at the SKILFULLY MANEUVERED — ^ Priscilla, 14, three brothers. Arthur Langley are Mr. and Mrs. Dudley PLANE TO SAFE GLIDE LANDING from Yale in 1921“ with the degree of Ph. B. and also holds M. E. and 10, Frank 12 and Samuel 17, her Kimball of DorcheBter, Mass, ana DOWN SLOPE WHERE ICE WAS x “ COVERED WITH HEAVY . " LIMITED SPACE -t LL.B. degrees from that institution. grandfather Frank M. Hoyt of Mel­ Mrs. Annie McGrath of Somerville. SNOW. ACCOMMODATED ON LY ^ S S K fiP ^ te ^ :.- *—= His research has been concerned rose, Mass, and several aunts, Massachusetts. TWO RESCUED AIRMEN ON chiefly with heating and ventilation, uncles and cousins. Among guestB at the Lincoln FIRST TRIP. RETURNINGTOCUTTER^^SUfi^^^^ Nancy was always an honor stu­ iV c M lr u — i WITH REMAINING SURVIVOR IN SECOND including studies of wood burning House are Miss Molly Moriarty, Uscc-i^T I RESCUE TRY-PLANE CRASHED-KILLING Jj devices and the effect of relative dent at the Hampton schools and and Miss Rita Moriarty of Lowell humidity on the respiratory system. was active in the Girl Scouts. Mr. and Mrs. J. MacAloon of Jamai­ Until recently Mr. Seeley has been tinue to serve in that capacity until ca Plain and Miss Blanche Vln- regional advisor in Connecticut and runups heter A blowgun is a Paul-Bunyan-size the arrival of Mr. Seeley. V.7fT. ,^iiULiainui celette, Willimantic, Conn. CHILDRENS DAY — Rhode Island for the Engineering. | i academy S ? Three ensigns from Harvard version of the tin peashooter or (Continued from Page Three) Science, and Management Wai University were guests at the puttyblower. Training program of the U. S. Office Tired ? Hungry ? Seven Gables, Saturday night They of Education. He is a special con­ & Jt/picai "Pl/uu buj&H were Ens. R. F. Torrence. NSCS, There are 60,000.000 radio sets in ago. He first furnished a few swings sultant to OPA on fuel oil and coal BOAR’S HEAD /63# Ens. P. w . Weiser, NSCS. and Ena use in the United States. set up on the sand Ln front of Dud­ rationing problems and was a mem­ 3. E. Fuss. NSCS. ley and White’s. Every night they ber of the committee which prepar­ INN Historic House. “ MILES-ROUT 1,1 C weie brought in for adults made ed the basic program for fuel oil use of them as well as children. In rationing. I for Have You Heard? STURGIS In his new position, Mr. Seeley PARTICULAR PEOPLE Phillips Exeter Academy 1925 John A. Janvrin built a high That Ruth Dyer, Lowell In charge white fence around the swings and will succeed George W. Case, whose °“r*' «nd Abraham of Barrow’s Travel Agency located a few slides that had been added retirement was announced recently. approved by Duncan Hines beside the Chamber of Commerce* Leon W. Hitchcock, professor or f TAXI and from that time the George C.. DINNERS BY is rssieted by Jackie Cate, Muriel White Memorial playground has electrical engineering, has been RESERVATIONS ONLY VISIT Fought OffrthoI lBSjm?‘to*,E;,^J|i k”1 v ov' d “n<1 Thornton and Mr. Graham Pascal- been improved upon every year. serving as acting dean of the col­ Old Town, this Quaint TELEPHONE Also since that time a Children’s lege of technology at the University of New Hampshire and will con- PATORNIZE OUR ADVERT6ER* Dav devoted to the childien s enjoy HAMPTON meat with enterfcaiment parades and refreshments has been held every year, even during the difficul­ You’llCordial Merchants Enjoy and Will Profit Gladly by Serve a Visit Mr" to [»^ t w High Tides 864 ties of holding such a large affair during wartime Correct Figures at I u p . To. The. » » M - J - J j j J W Beach 5 * u- S. Coast Guard Station. HamPt0° Time THURSDAY 7:45 am EARL’S MARKET Hampton Store 8:15 pm g r o c e r ie s MODERN THEATRE FRIDAY 8:45 am Div. Of E. G. COLE Co. DELIGHTFUL SHOPPfs 9:00 pm SATURDAY 9:30 am HAMPTON CENTER 9:46 pm LARGE NATIVE “m c i ' SUNDAY 10:16 am — High Street — Stores Closed 10:30 pm Mo n d a y LOBSTERS Excellent Bus Service 11:16 am Fine Furniture Between The Beecb 11:15 pm 1EW LOCATION — ROCKY BEND T u e s d a y 12:00 am for Summer Homes 12:00 pm oo.__o.oo™ TEL. HAMPTON 880 WEDNESDAY 12:30 pm The BEACHCOMBER Have You Heard? Have You Heard? • Have You Heard? Why the red wagon never gons Who the sailor is running around Bethany Cottage Have You Heard? Have You Heard? Sonny Rowell, of Exeter, is read­ with a new car? Have You Heard ? That Dottie and Bob said good­ out unless called for? ing meters for the gas company RIDE Holds Indoor That members of \raughn Mon- That Judy and Windy were seen bye on the boardwalk with appreci­ a now instead of the sports page to roe's band were dancing to Bob ative audience? on the boardwalk together Sunday see if the Red Sox have a ball team HORSEBACK Partv Satlirrlnv Poolfty’8 mupic recently’ The p:an- evening? Windy is also an ex-ser­ ,st of the famous name band l* the % 6 ' yet? ARCADIA Miles of private bridle paths Odiurciay viceman of two year's overseas STRAND through beautiful pine woods Bethany cottage camp at Boar s one that did (he most dancing. Have You Heard? PORTSMOUTH. N. H combat with the 1st Division. That Bill, ex-dishwasher at Mun- NEWBURYPORT leading to the sea. Head, held a special indoor beach Have You Heard ? party Saturday evening. As guests sey's was visiting at Lake Attitash The Marlene has a trio of effici­ Private riding ring. last Friday evening? of honor. Mrs. Kathryn C. White ent waitresses? Two were born and Fri. & Sat. Ends Thurs. executive secretary of the Family • brung up right on the beach. The Al Pierce & Dale Evans in The Hit Picture of the Year HOOPER’S Welfare Society of Manchester and girls are Val Bridle of Portsmouth Have You Heard? “HITCH HIKE TO in Glorious Technicolor her daughter Susan and Dr. Con­ THEATRE Exeter That Peggy O’Brien is the new and Earlene Dunbrack and Connie Van Johnson - Esther RIDING roys children of Boar's Head, were Gagne of the beach. HAPPINESS” Telephone Exeter 270 pastry clerk at the Casino Market? “THRILL OF A entertained by nautical games. Inez Bill "Red Ryder" Elliott in SCHOOL ROMANCE” Balcoin of Manchester gave a sailor “The Lone Texas Ranger Just off U. S. Route 1 dance and a pantomlne, "Cinder at Breakfast Hill For A Pleasant Evening’s rri. - Sat. July 20-21 ella" was presented under the direc­ Sun. - Mon. & Tues. Tel. RB 139 W. RYE, N. H Thrill Again to * tion of counselors. Miss Janet Gil Entertain] Robert Stanton and more and Frances Patton. The par­ Lynn Merrick In Clark Gable - Loretta Young ty was festive with gay-colored “BLONDE FROM and Jack Oakle In ships’ banners and ships cut out in GEORGE SANDERS - HURD HATFIELD ouTDC-cm v.o v ies for the e n t ir e f a m il y *. BROOKLYN99 “CALL OF THE WILD” craft classes. * ---- plus — Besides the usual camp activities DONNA REED - ANGELA LANSBURY Walter Brennan - Jeanne Crain OLYMPIA SIALKBURY AUTO THEATRE Preston Foster - Gall Patrick carried out under the guidance uf f e a PETER LAWFORD “Home In Indiana" “Twice Blessed19 PORTSMOUTH. N. H. counselors Marjorie Davis and Miss Alice Maloney, other higkfights of Wed. & Thurs. Sun. - Tues. July 22-26 Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. camp activities for these Manches­ Gale Russell ^ Diana Lynn in ter children Who stay at Bethany ‘THE PICTURE OF NOW! ENDS SAT. NITE! Cornel Wilde - Evelyn Keyet July 19-20-21 “OUR HEARTS WERE ‘THOUSAND AND ONE Cottage camp for Iwo weeks, were YOUNG AND GAY99 ‘Gangsters Den’ a “cook-out” on the beach, folk dan­ DORIAN GRAY” s N IG H T S ” cing, and song fest and an evening Gregory Peck and with Buster Crabbe Starts Wed. of favorite games. A shopping tour Tamara Toumanova In and Al St. John for souvenirs was also made last Bette Davie In “Days Of Glory99 — plus — week. “CORN IS GRE Working in units. Unit two won ‘A Tree Grows honors for the best work in sard- craft and a camp- counsel was form­ “To The Shores Of Iwo Jim a” In Brooklyn’ ed, represented by one member of OLYMPIA CASINO with Dorothy McGuire * each unit^who worked with the The stark realism of the battle for this important Paci­ counselors. Those chosemwere Mar­ THEATRE THEATRE and Joan Blondell HAMPTON BEACH - F O X N E W S lene Berger, Unit one: Myrna Nich­ fic Isle photographed in Technicolor by the Navy, Coast HAMPTON BEACH olas. Unit two; Marion Wayne, Unit Mats. 2:30 Eve: 7:15 ne Courage’ News • March of Time '"The Affairs of from 2:00 P. M — SUN - MON. TUES. — Dark Waters” with Tom Conway Cont. Sat Tues., Wed., Thurs., July 24-25 Susanna Foster - TurhanBev Susan” and Ann Rutherford Sun. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. — plus — IDA LUPINO - SYDNEY GREENSTREET Van Johnson - Esther Williams and Alan Curtis in ‘It’s A Pleasure’ WILLIAM PRINCE - STUART ERWIN ‘THE THRILL OF A with Sonja Henie RUTH DONNELLY ROMANCE" F r i s c o S a l and Micheal O’Shea — plus — FO X N E W S News Shorts “PILLOW TO POST” Devine - Thomas Gomez - Collette ‘TARGET TOKYO99 Cont. Sun. & Mon and Fuzzy Knight ‘ — Extra Show Tues. 11:30 A. M co-hit Com ing “FACES IN THE FOG" "BRIGHTON Coming Thurs. JUI>r c STRANGLER” NEW COLOR CARTOON Frederic March - Betty Field “BODY SNATCHER" WE SELL WAR BONDS DAY AND NIGHT CHILDREN UNDER 12 ADMITTED III _ C '!da P .r hour In new * * free * ' eam wod ,rai" » on the newest end *** “T H R E E IN T H E “TOMORROW THE _ ‘ " " ‘n9 'Oiler coaster in N ew SADDLE" WORLD" “SALTY O’ROURKE" ->ALISBIJ RY BEACH The BEACHCOMBER ZiljEACHCOMBER Have You Heard? Have You Heard? Beach Notes Young Engineer With Did Idea That the Marlene has some pood That Teresa Bailey was very sur­ moving pictures of some of last Spending vacations at the Mar­ prised to hear that she had won the Iwo Jima Hero Wed? year’s guests and personnel? The lene are the Anderson sisters, Mary j War Bond raffled off at the band­ shot of Mr. Percival’s Madeline is and'Lillian, of Boston, Misses Edith j stand last Saturday night? Miss Have You Heard? very good. Benjamin and Shirley Scott of East Hailey is from Springfield, Mass Hartford. Cbnn., Miss Genevieve That makes the second time in a Have You Heard? Fort Yukon, in Alaska, has a Bancroft and Miss Bertha Mulney row that the winner has been stay Have You Heard? weather bureau record of 100 de­ of Lowell. Mass., Miss Rita Wliee- ing at the beach when the bond was Gin Thomas, cute little waitress grees in the shade and another len of Moosup, Conn. Miss Ricky won. at Als, wears a unique bracelet That Shirley Gilmore caught a 1 record as the coldest place in Alas­ Laverin and Helen Upson of Rock- • vhese days? Her pilot boyfriend mx pound striped bass Monday? 1 ka. at 78 degrees below zero. ville. Conn.. Mr. and Mrs. Howard j fashioned it from silver-colored She and a friend went fishing in a Stimpson. Worcester. Mass., Mr. ( metal from a wrecked plane. The f-k ff in Hampton River. Howard Jackson, Hartford. Conn., TEL. HAMPTON bracelet is approximately four Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hatzes, Brocton, inches wide. On it, carefully in- The Kentville Mass., Mr. and Mrs. H. L: Coronis scr.bed and well designed is the Have You Heard? and fanrly of Nashua. Misses Doro­ 930 story of a B-17 in the Eighth Air Why Marsh Ave. is not patrolled?* located on thy and Muriel Little of Manches­ force which participated in 71 mis­ Ocean Boulevard ter. Conn, and Miss Agnes Hart and sions over enemy-occupied terrL- FOR QUICK SERVICE Hampton Beach, N. H. Esther Crowley of Lawrence. Mass. 'ory. 15 swastikas indicate 15 Ger­ Have You Heard? ALL ROOMS WITH Sgt. N. Hunt, Winchendon, man planes shot down and twenty HOT AND COLD Mass., who recently arrived in the !names or German cities tell of twen­ Why merchants have no parking j RUNNING WATER states after duty in the Pacific, YOUNG’S ty German cities bombed: Berl i, privileges? spent part of his thirty-day fur Hannover, Brunswick, Bremen, Co­ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Goding, lough with his wife at the Starlight. TAXI logne. Dusseldorf, Schweinfurt. Owners He reported hack to duty, Tuesday Giorge A. Bucher gives his son, David, a helping hand to complete IKarlsruhe. Leipzig, Stuttgart, Stet- Shown leaving the cathedral 3 TELEPHONE HAMPTON 950 the latter’s idea of building a sidewheeler at their home at Lake Mo­ Have You Heard? where he was married, Pfc. Rene Other guests at the Starlight are hawk, N. J. The boat is 14 feet long and driven bv a two-horsepower ten, Etrnlen. Munich, Wiilielmsha- Mrs. Earline Andrews of Winchen- Gagnon of Manchester, N. fiL, one gasoline engine connected by a belt with a shaft on which are mounted ven, Nurnburg, Frankfurt on Oder. Why lirtle Eva works so hard of the six men who planted thd two 304~lnch paddle wheels. Ludwigshaven. Munster, Kiel and when? Ask Al. American flag which signified our *fc P IC K Y O U R Hamburg. Gin says her boy frienn conquest of Iwo Jima, and hi» al is now fighting in the Pacific. bride, the former Pauline Hornois, a» Hooksett, N. H. Ph. M. John H. f ,ilon. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. F. Nutter Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Don­ LOBSTERS Have You Heard? Bradley, who aided in mounting ■ Whitman, Mass., Misses Ruth nelly, Worcester. Mass., Mr. and Fresh Out Of The the Stars and Stripes atop Iwo Jima, ■ That Martha Reuter has been 1 was best man. ■ Beron and Marion Holden, Pitts­ Mrs. Will'am Pennock and daugh­ WATER Have You Heard? field. Mass., Mr. F. P. Reed, Pitts- •’cooking with gas” for nine seasons ter, Mary, of Albany, N. Y„ Mr. and WHOLESALE — RETAIL That Pat Devine, USNR, of Man­ at the Marlene? No fooling she is field. Mass.. Misses Helen White Mrs. Paul Gignac and family of New V NEW and Hope Paquette of Framingham, chester and his wife are spending a wonderful cook. Vork, Miss Mildred Gamey of Bris a week at the Lincoln House while Mass., Miss Mary Moriarty of Win­ tpl. Conn., and the Misses Lois and The Lobster X - RAY POKER chendon, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ Pat is on leave from Newport, R. I? FASCINATING SKILLFUL Mildred Ashworth of Lonsdale. It. I. Have You Heard? man Benoit of Worcester, Mass Pound Valuable Variety Of Prizes Miss Mary McAllister and Miss BOULEVARD Have You Heard? (formerly Yacht Club) Have You Heard? Why Al has a sour disposition Geraldine Guarde or Hudson. N. H. these days? HAMPTON BEACH Mrs. and Miss Marion Cary, Bron- T hat Rosy Is the kitchen navy at TeL Hampton 424 ton. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. William Al’s. That Larry and Bob were feeling Toomey and son Thomas of Hyde their oats Saturday? Tossed June Park. Mass.. Mr, Frank O’Neil and Dottie B. into the cold, cold Have You Heard? Production of harvesting equip­ water. FISHING Fitchburg. Mass.. Mr. Peter Kern ment in 1944 had a value of $82,800.- DANCING Where (he black chariot lost it's BOATS and LINES iT Titu?1^ 8^ N- H" Mrs‘ W- 000, compared with $48,000,000 in fender? for Rent at the MRS. H. C. GILMORE 1* Mrs John r ” ’ MaSS ’ Mr and 1943. and $56,000,000 in 1941. # Irs, John Rae and daughter Jane Have You Heard ? AT HAMPTON RIVER BRIDGE of nMaSS- and Mary Vignue Barn Theatre TEL. 503 of Manphester, N. H. g"Ue Patronize Our Advertisers Pfc. Joe Cullen, USA, and Pfc. Have You Heard? North Beach, Hampton Ned Callahan, USMCR. both from That Hal MacDonald has four and TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Woburn, were at the dance Satur­ a s p h a l t day evening? high school boy instrumentalists & S A T U R D A Y in his band this year? They are TRY THE EX and T H IS W E E K Robert Coebrick and Philip Dan- C o c ™ Hm8hi forth ol Mathuen, Vincent O’Keefe ASBESTOS AND EVERY Have You Heard? of Manchester and George Boyd o. HARBOR © REDDY KILOWATT Lawrence. Your Electric Servant »■» ^ " r dBex» " - ROOFING WEDNESDAY & That Gen, who was all through - «■ with men, is engaged? GRILL ,__ and SATURDAY At The Bridge “So you’re been out deep-sea fishing! Well, that’s a Ca’lta h a d “ 2 “ St lh' Seven SIDEWALLS DURING THE SUMMER Have You Heard? swell thing to do on your vacation at Hampton Oils week. Amon?tbo?1™'?" ther8 r*Pept workmanship, free Have You Heard ? Sarah Coffin is serving as nurse Hampton Beach Beach. And you ve come home with a good haul. Fine ------OPEN ------'mates. Rock Wool Insulation Sgt. Bill “Red” Kennedy. USAAF, at the First Aid room of the Hamp­ .. . because that’s where I come in. I’ll broil those fish Visit Our 9:00 am — 1:00 am ... or pan fry them so they’ll be fit for the king’s taste. W. H. Getchell i of Lawrence. Mass, who is station* ton Beach Comfort station for her SANDWICH SHOPPE ! ed at Camp Edwards, Mass., spent eleventh year? Miss Peggy Hurne, ALL HOME COOKING Yes sir . . . I’m • cooking specialist among my many >rt#- 523'R Dover 986 other accomplishments. y the weekend on Boston avenue? RN, is helping her this summer.

1 m always at hand . . . to shorten yoi und the camp or cottage ... to see that you WHEN AT HAMPTON BEACH “Where you meet your old and new friends." e in the good old New Hampshire sun. Call and be sure times. I’m always ready.” Insurance Protection Visit FERNCROFT ALLEYS REDDY KILOWATT COOL AND PLEASANT THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING DOING m Electric Co Thc PENNIMN Agency Penny Arcade ENTIRELY REMODELED “A”STREET HAMPTON BEACH, N. H. H a m p t o n u z Opposite The P l a y g r o u n d The BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER TWO DOW N . for the dogs or children for it and Stacy and Susan Bragg, Mrs. could be your dog or mine or even Beach Notes George Summer and George, Jr., a child. and Mrs. Robert Morrison and Beach Resident William I. Elliot of Dearborn daughter, Helen and Richard True. avenue, is soloist for the season Rev. and JVIrs. Edgar Warren UTTERBOX on Sundays in the Episcopal were guests of Rt. Rev. Karl Moi- THE HAMPTON UNION To The Beachcomber: church at Ogunquit. Mr. Elliot is gan Block, Episcopal Bishop of Naval Aviation also an announcer over radio sta­ California in Rye last Tuesday. Appeal To Drivers tion WORL, Boston, Mass., and Bishop Block who filled the pulpit So far at the beach there have Program Opened sings two evenings each week. at Saint Andrew’s. Rye, for many WORKING FOR THE INTERESTS Sunday and Wednesday, from the only been a few accidents but yes­ The Navy Department announces summers, is spending a few weeks terday afternoon around five o’­ that the Naval Aviation Prepara­ handstand, with the Hampton of his vacation in this vicinity. Beach Concert band. clock, a small dog was killed at tory Program has been reopened Pfc. Seth Junkins. son of Mrs. OF HAMPTON BEACH “P ’ street and Marsh avenue. to meet the need for prospective Miss Louise O’Brien, who is a Margaret Junkins, Hampton Beach, student nurse at the Sacred Heart Police officer John Keefe ques­ Naval Avaitcrs. The Bureau of who has been receiving treatment Naval Personnel has authorized the hospital, Manchester, N. H., is at an Army hospital has returned tioned the driver and received the spending a three-week vacation 52 WEEKS IN THE YEAR same old answer, 4,The dog ran in­ local Offices Af Naval Officer Pro­ to duty in France. to the car.” curement to accept applications with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major and Mrs. Haydn Trow­ Charles O’Brien, Cutler, Ave. Now a dog isn’t always to blame, irom seventeen-year-old civilians bridge, Jr. and -unall daughter. Rita who have graduated or will bs nigh Mrs. Madeline McKay, organist Jane, of Little Rock, Arkansas, ar­ for like you and me when we want at Hampton Beach, this shmmer, ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING NEWS STANDS to cross the street or speak to school graduates ou or before Octo­ rived here Monday to spend the ber 1, 1945. . recently visited her father, Mr. O- summer with Mr. and Mrs. Harry someone in the street, we are apt A. Meredith, Mill road. to step a little too far into the Applicants selected for this pro­ Carlson, Five Corners. Major gram will commence their training Mrs. Ella M. Winn, sister of Mr. Trowbridge will return to duty at LAMB’S STORE PAGE’S MARKET street, knowing all the time that Albert Dunhrack. Hampton Beach, we will move out of the street on November 1, 1945 with one to Camp Robinson, Ark. at the end of three terms of college followed bv who has been ill at the home of her his fifteen-day leave. when au automobile approaches. A son. H. E. Winn at Kittery Point, dog, not having human sense will preflight and flight training, upon Lt. Com. Wheaton J. Lane. successful completion of which, Maine, is now oeing cared for at the walk out. into the road. Small chil­ Hobbs Convalescent Home, North USCGR, spent three days with his they will be commissioned Ensigns. father and sister at their home on dren are the same. That is why we | L nited States Naval Reserve. Hampton. must be more watchful while driv- j Miss Suzanne Langley, daughter Lafayette road, this week. The qualifying mental and phys­ ing and use a little less speed in a 1 ical examinations arc held every of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langley. congested area. Mill road, was honored by a party Have You Heard? clay except Sunday at the Office of on her fourth birthday. Saturday That the soldier with the lovely Getting back to the dog angle, Naval Officer Procurement, 150 afternoon at 3:30. Outdoor games, brown eyes. (Co. C., 28th Inf., 8th WHY NOT SUBSCRIBE NOW people say. "Well it’s just a dog.” Causeway street, Boston. Mass. favors and refreshments, of birth­ Div.) who i6 staying at the Drift­ True, it is just a dog. The owners wood was looking for a date at the usually say ‘*$50 please.” and the day cake and ice cream served pic­ a nic style on the lawn, were enjoyed dance the other night? He should people who killed his dog say that by the young guests. ask Wally for help. one can buy another dog with $50. ROSS GARAGE Attending were Suzanne’s sis­ IT WILL FOLLOW YOU TO Very true but you can’t bring back • ters. Gail and Karen. Mrs. Edmund Have You Heard? the dog you spent hours playing j HAMPTON BEACH Langley and daughter Carol, Mrs Why George was walking in the OFFICIAL COAST GUARD PHOTO. with, tugging on a piece of rope or ( C. Brickett Bailey and daughters, rain Saturday even lig? Was it to jumping up to meet you when you | STORAGE Salisbury? YOUR WINTER ADDRESS If any graphic illustration of our progress in the war is needed, it can come home. The old saying "A I DAY Brenda and Virginia, Mrs. C. Bragg be found painted on the side of this Coast Guard-manned LCI currently WEEK operating somewhere in the Pacific. This landing craft, upon which man’s best friend i6 a dog" an it By Swan Coast Guardsman Alex Newman, seaman first class, serves, started a is very true indeed even though SOCONY The Flop Family long time ago to whip the Axis. It participated in the campaigns in the animal never speaks. GAS OIL FOR ONLY Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany. V-E Day has come and So let’s not kill off Man’s friend. 8 £ FLATS FIXED GREASi-NG one. V-J Day lies ahead and already its outline can be seen. Like this Please drive with less haste. We j Joast Guard-manned LCI and its crew, all our men and equipment now don’t want a cop on every corner OPEN 8 A. M. — 10 P. M. are ready Jo beat the Jap into final ana irrevocable submission. with a whistle to tell us when we j 82.00 per year are going too fast. Jusr slow down Have You Heard? That with the manpower short­ age, A1 Carbonneau, Exeter native, FOR SERVICE MAILED ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES employed by th^ Allied New Hamp CALL shire Gas company at the beach wishes he had four pair of hands— WATCH FOR THE HAMPTON 401 what with repairs, meters, com­ AT NO EXTRA CHARGE plaints, etc? Allied • Have You Heard? FOOD - TO - GO New Hampshire Mrs. Katherine Sullivan is one of the hardest workers on the beach PHONE 555 TODAY Gas Co. right now? She is in charge of he MAN tickets for the War Bond raffled 95 MARSH AVE. off at I he bandstand Saturday nign T and Is doing a very efficient job at AND p l a c e YOUR NAME ON o u r R A P .D L Y G e e .hcv/d 'J u s t u s e d that. r e v e a • MEAD. DEAE,«JUSTT WOBiC it USED MyUEAO/ GROWING u s t o f subscribers MAY WE BE OF SERVICE? CALL HAMPTON 2038 JOHNSON’S MILK ,N> \ »**/. For Protection rHii Ha m p t o n u n i o n The Local Dealer ’% COSE ON YOUR SUMMER PROPERTY Grade “A” Milk Family Milk TOBEY AND MERRILL Homogenized Milk Chocolate Milk Vitimln “D" Milk Cream Ip 1 ON CENTER PHONE 555 Retail §9? INSURANCE AGENCY Tel. Hampton 564 HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE Stop Our Trucks


2m v 1

14 The BEACHCOMBER Have You Heard? Ex-GI Attends Craftsmen School Dartmouth College Student Work The BEACHCOMRp.p That Mrs. Matilda H. Batch- Shop. The U. S. Veteran’s Admin- cider. 93 years old, had a perman­ istration has approved the School ent Monday and looks very cldc? and makes referrals to it under the Mrs. Batchelder lives with her GI-Bill of Rights. A veteran, m,, VISIT daughter, Mrs. Hazel Simonds at or woman, may apply to hl8 local Seven Gables. She also has a grand­ Veterans Administration Buaid i ■ daughter. Mrs. Olga Cassussn and referral. _ EH Formerly The Cutler a great grandson. Alfred Cassassa. It is the belief of tile sponsors of of Dearborn avenue, who live in thy ihe School that a living of $2,000 t0 Page’ Village. . _ ' _ $2,000 annually can ne made in the hand crafts today by craftsmen who are well trained and who apply Lobsters - Any £ steady work and an intelligent Restaurant Open To The Public adaptation of modern methods of I production to the making of their ! products. This belief is substam- NEAR MILE BRIDGE ; iated by hundreds of independent PRINTING j craftsmen throughout the country, PATSY’S I who are now supporting themselves SHORE DINNERS I hv their crafts, and who have devei- «I hv • their crafts, and who have devei- MENUS DINING ROOM i r.pcil tor themselves a way of tile LETTERHEADS j which gives them independence, LOBSTERS AND FISH B STR E E T % 0 : economic security, and, as the ex- ENVELOPES G1 put it. ‘‘something to ao they Sensible Prices BUSINESS CARDS like doing." ' * , FAMOUS STEAKS AND • ln the magnificently . equipped PERSONAL CARDS ; workshops at the School for Amerl- ! can Craftsmen, students accepted HAMPTON RIVER FRIED CLAMS RECEIPTS > for training learn their technique FOLDERS and principles of creative design Hanover, N H„ July 12—“I mouth College, buildings on its his ; under the direction of master crafts- Sea Food From The Ocean ON THE OCEAN FRONT SALES BOOKS __w aa., **uiy li- I ! men whose skill have been proved (Dup. & Trip.) thoughtought it would feel feel good to be toric camnus__a~, »r. uuuuiugb on its - his­ earningmine mymv living doing — something toric campus are used by the School by their ability to support them­ selves by their crafts. In addition, To Your Plate The Same Day GUEST CHECKS 1 like to do," was the reason given for American Craftsmen which is HOME COOKING IN ALL DINING ROOMS by Claire Moore, former ul and sponsored by the American Crafts­ trainees are taught how to set up AUTOGRAPHIC shipyard worker for enrolling as a men’s Educational Council, Inc., a and run an efficient workshop, how WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT AND INSPECT RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS REGISTER FORMS trainee at the School for American non-profit making.organlzation with to price and how and where to mar­ Craftsmen here. national headquarters at 485 Mad­ ket their products. % OUR CLEAN KITCHEN Moore is one of an increasing ison avenue, New York, and by the •__ In 1944 North Carolina took the EDGAR P number of ex-service men and ______• national lead in production of yi CALL others from industry who are tak- national lead in production of yftmB. HAMPTON 555 advantage of the unusual opportun­ School For Craftsmen At Hanover ities ottered by this new center for training in the hand crafts. — ------The summer semester opened * - V h'- W And Solve July fifth. Veterans wishing to en­ Jm to • w m : DIAMOND C MARKET roll make application through their tm Riley Real Estate Your Printing local Boards. Civilians apply direct­ | ly to the School at Hanover. • The School offers courses in ’ Successor To AND BAKERY Problems woodworking, metal working, cera- j mics. and weaving. The normal F. S. PILLSBURY course is two years, or less, depend- 1 ing on Che progress of the student and Meats - Groceries ,! The student first masters the tech- GEORGE K. JONES • niques or a craft and the principles I or creative design under the direc- BUY HONEST Hampton ! lion of the teacher-foreman. This Fresh Fruits and Vegetables j is done during themoming sessions. REAL ESTATE (In Season) mg The balance of the day is spent in actual production in the School a n d Company workshop for which the student Is WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF c paid an hourly wage, based upon ‘fa INSURANCE BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS Through the co-operation % ■ H AfR*' •»/ 'i' 4 '» 4 v'f'i COURTEOUS RAY BINETTE m: RENT 401 Your Guests Will Enjoy Our OCEAN BLVD. HOME BAKERY PRODUCTS QUALITY ASHWORTH__ FRUIT and PRODUCE BAKED BEANS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FRESH DAILY WHOLESALE — RETAIL Hampton Serving ; Hotels - Resturants - Stores and Beach / We Invite Summer Visitors To Inspect Our VISIT OUR SNACK BAR DINING ROOM SERVICE BOAR'S HEAD TELEPHONE s t il l r e n d e r in g t h e s a m e FINE SERVi SELL HAMPTON BEACH HAMPTON 2142 T E L . 876 Modern Refrigeration Plant and DELICIOUS FOOD MR. and Mrs. RALPH A. MOULTON, Propriett AND CLEAN, WHOLESOME BAKERY RILEY L" - LIAN RILEV KENNETH D.


. ,„>d For WAVES Doris I. Pai r Wed Increases Quota Sun. Afternoon The quota of New England re­ At Beach Rites french cruits for the WAVES has just been Miss Doris Irene Parr, daughter increased because this section has of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parr, became always had enthusiastic response the bride of Mr. Frederick Hansen r from its patriotic citizens. The Navy Small of Rockland, Maine, on Sun is now calling for additional young day afternoon, July 15 at four women for the Hospital Corps to o’clock. The ceremony was pre­ help care for the wounded and ill. formed by Rev. Fr. James R. Me- and to do all types of work on the Grail of St. Patrick’s Roman Cath­ 1 business end” of the Navy. olic church, Hampton Beach. The • - • On 30 July 1945 the WAVES will bride was given in marriage by her 'observe their third anniversary. SftiS# father, • . • • . 1 Summer Chronicles Of New Hampshire’s Seacoast Resorts This duy will re-emphasize the ex­ Miss Lorraine Parr, sister of the cM W** cellent service the S2.000 members From the P°9eS bride, was bridesmaid and i«*iss / of the Women’s Reserve arji per­ Dorothy Folan, flower girl* Mr. FREE DISTRIBUTION forming. The fact .that thd Navy Thomas J. Folan was the best man. -VO I XIX NO 5 Incorporating The WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1945 continues to increase the number of K VUL. A1A., IVKJ. J Hampton Beach Advocate WAVES needed is proof that the The bride was gowned in white organization has done well. Nearly organdy and wore a fingertip veil 9,000 New England-women have en­ of lulle caught up with a tiara of listed in this three-year period. seed pearls. She carried a white Many more should take advantage prayer book. The bridesmaid wore 1 of the benefits and satisfaction of aquamarine organdy with hat to serving their country by joining match and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and mixed flowers. their brothers and sisters in the * J Navy while the need is still so great. After the ceremony, a reception - for about 75 guests was held at the home of the bride’s parents on Win- * V Have You Heard? nacunnet road. The guest hook. : ftm. \% . *• That when you ask Al’s wait­t “Bridal Memories.” a gift of Mr. it-.* » resses where they are from, they I and Mrs. Harlan Teague, was in say in chorus. Nashua. charge of Miss Gwendolyn Teague. Look cool-as-shode in this m \ The bride cut the beautiful wed­ color-splashed Enko Rayon Jr;;-, ding cake and offered It to her M guests. Sheer Printl Smart Mrs. Harry Parr, mother of the THE bride was dressed in black and tucks extending from blouse white and wore a corsage of white - jrj roses. Mrs. Small, mother of the into skirt are hemstitched W/ • bridegroom wore a flowered dress in contrasting tone. An exclu­ •• -V BIG with a White corsage, j Guests trorn Camden. Rockland sive Martha Manning 'A STORE l aud Thoiuaston. Maine; Rosindale. « ' Quincy. Cambridge. Norwood, Sha- print st , -, J Milton. Mass.; and Sanbornvllle m . - • • . 3s Manchester, and Concord. N. H. as . • ** - : ijf*/ LOCATED ON i well as many local guests were pre- . ' - se n t. B STREET The couple left for a two-week I honeymoon in Maine and will be at home August 15. Has What Y ou Mrs. Small graduated from 9.95 Hampton Academy and High ' • I a - •'itjfiiv ' «. School in 1944 and Mr. Small grad t.%. ii» - PjP . s uated from Rockland High School % . i" Need For Your ..T* '■ rz ■ - in 1940. They are both employed -IW « at the Sylvania Electric Products ♦ Cottage Company in Dover, N. H. • ■ • * . - ***;,

Stationery! Have You Heard? Pa- H ouseware OTHER STYLES * That Barbara Stocks. Exeter gal I Hardware Dishi employed at the Gas company, has been there for years? She says Mr. Moody is a grand boss. - v.?- 5.95 TO 10.95 * C orner-A Familiar Sigh. To All Beach Residents ■ d Beach Road at Elmwood THE GREENLANDS The Famous Giant Elm on TOURIST CAMP I NORTH SHORE BOULEVARD GeorSe B. French Co. HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE PORT8MOUTH’ ALBERT D. FANNING s leading departm ArmuaTChildren’s Day Tomorrow WINTER ADDRES8 HAZEL P. FANNING 31 SHERWOOD ROAD ENT STORE MELROSE, MASS. 17‘41 m a r k e t s t r e e t PORTSMOUTH