The BEACHCOMBER chairman, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mis. Annual Picnic Isabelle Bourgeault and Mrs. Vir­ ginia Bailey; Membership com­ For Children Held mittee. Mrs. Ruth Snider chairman, Mrs. Margery Pierson, Mrs. Marion At North Beach Mahar and Mrs. Esther Griffin The annual picnic of the members Finance committee, Mrs. Barbara of tne Mothers Circle and their Carpenter, chairman; Scrap book children held Friday at North Beach committee, Mrs. Jessie Toppan; was attended by about 80 members auditors. Mrs. Margret Towle and and their children. The newly elec- Mrs. Olga Casas9a; press commit- ltd president, Mrs. Edith Cunning-WPItet. Mrs.H Maude I M E. Hamilton; Cus- ham, Chairman of the committee in ■ todian Mrs. Isabelle Bourgeault. charge was assisted by Mrs. Alice 1 Johnson and Mrs. Dorothie Root. During the luncheon the com­ Summer Services mittee distributed ice cream and Summer Chronicles Of New Hampshire’s Seacoast Resorts tonic to all to add to the home pack­ On World Peace ed lunches. As usual many arrived lor the picnic throughout the early At Rocky Hill hours and bathing and beach sports VOL. XIX., NO. 4 WEDNESDAY, JU L Y 18.1945 were enjoyed. • Ftw people realize that Old Rocky FREE DISTRIBUTION The annual business meeting fol-1 Hill Meeting House in Amesbury. | lowed the lunch hour., presided ■ Mass.. is considered the master- over by the new president. Mrs. piece of all the old meeting houses | Cunningham, who at this time nam­ of New England. The architecture j ed her commit ties for the year as is identically the same as when It follows: program committee. Mrs. was built. This of itself should be Verna Sumner, chairman. Mrs. sufficient to attract large congrega­ Katherine Gunther. Mrs. Wilma T. tions to the meetings to be held White, and Mrs. Ruth Russell; there ibis summer. Sunshine committee. Mrs. Dorothy The subject for the four meetings . Smiley chairman. Mrs. Dorothy this summer will be Contributions Hunter. Mrs. Ustina Simons aud to a Permanent World Peace. On | and Mrs. Mirni Waters; Education July 15 Dr. David D. Vaughn, for-1 committee, Mrs Alice Johnson uier professor at Boston University | will speak on the subject Contribu- j tlon of American Democracy To A World Peace. Miss Eleanor Bene­ dict will be cello soloist playing her THE o* 1 Italian cello made in 1690. On July 22. Dr. Fredrick M. Elliot, president of the American Unitari­ BIG an Association will speak on The | Contribution of Religion To A Per- | manent World Peace. At the same STORE i meeting Dr. Dioftenbach will speak upon Practical Working of Organ­ Popularly Called The 10c® Store ized World Peace or the Larger | Fellowship in Religion. At this LOCATED ON j meeting the celebrated Sanford I Choir of English singers will fur- B STREET 1 nish the music. This choir Is pro- » ou can bet on a bright life in the i uoun<-ed to be the finest chorus don one of these intriguing little ey choir outside of the star cities of New England. catcher outfits. Has What You On August 5 it Is hoped that we , shall have Dr. Hastle of Howard Swim Suits Need For Your i University who will speak upon the uay two- and three-piece Play race problem and Its relation to Suits in sizes 12 to 18. You'll Beautiful collection of om world peace. It is also hoped that love these cool, comfortable two-piece styles. Plains, si Cottage we may have one of the great negro creations. Prints and checks. and prints. White. Blue. singers at this meeting. Black, Red, Lime. Sizes 32 Later in August there will be a Houseware Stationery historical pageant at which there will be represented Anne Hutchin- Hardware Dishes son and John Winthrop. both in the costume of their period. Music for I this service will be announced later Air View of Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals THE GREEN LAM )S TOURIST CAMP NORTH SHORE BOULEVARD HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE ALBERT D. FANNING WINTER ADDRES8 PORTSMOUTH’S LEADING HAZEL P. FANNING 31 SHERWOOD ROAD department store Children’s Day To Be Held July 26 MELROSE, MASS. 1 MaRKET STREET PORTSMOUTH - - The BEACHCOMBER The WF BEACHCOMBER XIX NO 4 VISIT VOL WEDNESDAY JULY 18 1945 FREE DISTRIBUTION Gala Program Planned For Children’s Day Boy Scout Units Fresh Air Fund Parade, Special Shows And Invited To Field Children Due To Luncheon Mark Annual Affair Day Activities Arrive Aug. 2 The annual Hampton Beach Chil­ The Hajnpton Beach Field Day For the 69th year the New York Prefers Ocean dren’s Day originated by Colonel will be held Thursday, July 26. Col. Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund George Ashworth many years ago George Ashworth invites all Bcouts will send the children from the ten­ Waves Here To will be held this year on July 26. NEAR MILE BRIDGE and leaders to attend. Units should ement districts of New York City Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Cub report at 10 am in uniform at the to homes in the country for a two- Iceland Waters Scouts, from all over New Hamp­ State Bath House reservation, to week period starting August 2. shire have been invited to attend Field Executive Frank Rogers. Funds for this service are volun William Bradford Towne, RDM besides all children from Hampton. Bring your national colors and k tary. The majority of contributions 3/c, USCGR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Some arrangement will be made to scout flag. this year were received from ser­ Herbert ft. Towne of Kingston, who furnish transportation for those The Children’s Day Parade starts vicemen who themselves once en­ has spent the past two years in the children who are unable to afford at 1 pm. Food should be brought joyed two weeks in the country un­ Arctic, spent the weekend with his a bus fare. Punch and Judy shows tor the noon meal and for the even­ der the New York Herald Tribune grandmother at the Trading Post and clowns will perform -n front North Beach. VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ing meal, also, if you plan to Btay plan. Most of the 12,000 children of the playground and local through the evening. who i are being sent this year are Residents of the beach will re­ speakers will extend their greetings the sons and daughters of men who member “Bill” as their vegetable World’s Fair COCKTAIL BAR At Firewood will be furnished for to the Scouts. those desiring to cook their own are In the armed forces. boy. who worked with his father. Local children in costume will FANCY GROCERIES meals. Due to ODT regulations, a The children, between the ages Before enlisting, he was employ­ parade at 1 pm with the Scouts camporee will not be held this year of 5 and 15 are given a physical ex­ ed as a bouncer at the Casino Ball and the Lawrence Drum corps. but come prepared for a swell day amination by Fresh Air Fund doc­ Room. After this, free Ice cream and can­ Feather Cottage tors two weeks before and one day He enlisted in the Coast Guard dy will be served to all children. of fun. Remember to bring bathing in Sept. 1943. He will return to duty Route 1 Salisbury suits and towels. before they are sent to homes. If The Drum corps will be cared any Illness developes within that July 21st. for at the Fire station, the Child­ Any other information may be His grandmother has owned cot­ Phone Newburyport 1510 For Reservations obtained by calling Raymond Stur­ period the child is not allowed to ren’s Day committee at the Com­ leave. They bring their own ration tages at the beach for the past 23 munity church and a luncheon for gis, Hampton, 657. All children in years. Hampton are invited for the day. books and if necessary, their own about 35 invited guests including sugar. Any accident or illness that He says he prefers the bathing at Boy Scout executives. Hampton developes while the child Is at the Hampton Beach to the icy waters Selectmen and businessmen and Have You Heard? of the Arctic, where he played foot­ SEE OUR vacation home is covered by Fund possibly Governor Charles M. Dale ball on the ice cakes. Frank Moultls, USAAF, who has insurance. These children always of New Hampshire will be held at the Ashworth Hotel. hc*>n serving with the 8th Air Force, arrive clean and suitably dressed. Have You Heard? INSURANCE bowled 50 strings last Thursday at If a volunteer has religious prefer­ This annual program was origin­ the Ferncroft? His average was ence, such a wish is granted. Reg- Mrs. Julia Boulanger of Berwick, ] ated by Col. Ashworth many yean? OPEN AIR Maine bowled 122 at the Ferncroft 85.8 and h‘s highest string was 122. CHILDREN'S DAY That is “up in the air” even for a FRE8H AIR FUND Alleys last week? What girl can flyer. beat that score? (Continued, on Page Seven) JOHN SISE & COMPANY VEGETABLE MARKET Serving The New Hampshire V fiM P J u ESTATE iiS winner *fcACH« m m ' :* -V ' . * '■ v ■ y>:--.T >• Seacoast Region VEGETABLES FRESH • y * FREE APPRAISALS RIGHT PRICES Since 1836 EACH DAY FROM NEARBY ON Y O U R WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS FARMS n i l Fire ■ Casualty - Life BUSINESS PROPERTIES 3 Market Square Telephone OCEAN Portsmouth, N. H. HENRY REAL SAME Hampton Beach 409 Ocean Boulevard f BAG IN BAG f f The BEACHCOMBER % The BeachcomBer The BEACHCOMBER New Eire President Have You Heard? Incorporating The Hampton Reach Advocate Noted Authors At New Move To Isolate .Tap Helen and Mary are still Throngs Attend A Vacation Digest of all the news UNH Conference XIVA IKIMCHAH on the prowl? information for the summer visitor.
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