Red Bank Register *£«* Volume Lxxi, No
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RED BANK REGISTER *£«* VOLUME LXXI, NO. 6. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 5,1948 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Harold McCormick Bendix Workers Reject Sol Lautman Joint Forrar'a More River Oaks Company Offer Harold McCormick Is now asso- Ask Coast Towns Mainstay Marks Union workers at the Bendix Named Treasurer ciated with Chester L. Forrar in Homes Sold In thu operation of Forrart liquor plant Friday rejected a company stora on highway 38, opposite the increase offer of seven cents an 0( Shore Croup firs house, Shrewsbury. Fair Haven hour and will ask for a labor con- A native of Shrewsbury, Mr. Jse- ciliator to iron out the salary dif- For Protest AM 25th Birthday ferences and other adjustments be- Cormlck is president of the Shrews- J. F. Lord To Head bury borough council, la which, he VanHorn Agency Sold fore the present contract expires is chairman of the ftnanee cotnmit- next Wednesday. Association Host At Silver Commuter Group Ut. He it a past president of 30 Placet During Part Otto VanHowa, president of lo- Rail Fight Launched With $13,000. Shrewsbury Hose company, an of- oal 417, United Electrical Radio In Railroad Fight fice he held many years prior to Year For Allen Bros. and Machine Workers union, which Anniversary Shore Dinner his retirement last year. Ha atlll claim* membership of 200, said But $20,000 Pledge Mutt Be Paid Mayor lot Lautman of Deal has is an active member of the Are During 'the past year ths Ray that the union is requesting a 15- Mainstay Federal Savings and been appointed treasurer of the company. Van Horn agency, Fair Haven real- cent an hour Increase, which he Several Monmouth county Mkw Loan association celebrated Its sil- Jersey Shore Protective committee, tors, report that they hava sold staled, Is being given Bendix Well-known In this vicinity, Mr. over 30 new homes in the River nlcipalltlea which have not yet set* vtr tnniverMry Wednesday nifbt Ralph Mauriell it was announced this week by McCormick formerly owned workers In other parts of the state. Two Attractive ed upon the Issue are being urget of lait week with a ihorc dinner at Mayor J. Edward Wilson of Rum- Oaks section of Fair Haven for Al VanHowe indicated a strike at Shrewsbury market. Before open- len Brothers, Inc., owners and to make immediate appropriations Bhadowbrook Inn, Shrewsbury. son, committee chairman. The ing that business, he was associa- Bendix if the efforts of the concili- toward the *20,00O fund, which will committee is in charge of the fight builders of the River Oaks com- ator failed. Thomaa Cook, preaident of the Joins The Staff Of ted with the Hancs hardware store munity. River Oakes is part of the Properlties Sold finance a sweeping investigation- aiioclatlon, acted ai matter of of shore municipalities against the in Red Bank. protest against commutation fan effort of the Central Railroad to former Joseph C. Hoagland and ceremonies, Introducing the various Thomas N. McCarter estates. increase petitions by the Jersey jpeakera after an elaborate feait Thompson Agency increase commutation fares. By Minugh Agency Central and New York * Long •njoyed by more than 100 assocU- It was also announced that Jo- Three recent River Oaks sales ne- Borough Buys Branch railroads. tion official* and guests. seph F. Lord of Little Silver has Donald Lawes, Jr. gotiated by the Van Horn firm of custom-built homes from plans Mayor J. Edward Wilson of Rum- The tablet in the large dining Will Operate A* been appointed chairman of the One In Navesink, eon, chairman of the Jersey Shore Commuters' group of the commit- drawn by the architects, McMurray hall were decorated with pink & Chirgotis of Union, and Emll Third Parcel On Protective committee, which la gladioli arranged by Mra. Charles Real Estate Salesman tee. This group will include per- Buys Former 1W The Other On Portland launching the protest, said he de- sons from all sections of the shore Schmtdlin of East Orange, Include R. English and Mrs. Grace C. Bid- the sale of a rambling seven room sired to make "as light as possible" d)e. A basket of 25 red roses was With Local Finn area to help raise funds to make White Street Koail, Highlands the request for county funds," which up the deficit In the amounts being stone and frame dwelling, with two a gift from The Red Bank Register. White Homestead baths and attached garage located The John L. Minugh agency of our generous and co-operative free- After welcoming the guests, Fred The Thompson agency of SI East raised by municipalities to fight the holders have offered us." railroad Increase proposal. Mr. on a half acre wooded plot on the Rumson reports the sale of the D. Wikoff, chairman of the board Front street has announced that east side of Highland avenue to Tanner Properly George Schindler property located Therefore, he asserted, "I call for of directors, gave some interesting Ralph Mauriell of Bunnycrwt,' Lit- Lord last year was active in pro- Walker 4 Tindall 100% co-operation by shore towns) testing the rate increase before In- Clyde W. Quick. Mr. Quick, who Bought For $13,827 on Valley drive, Navesink, to Miss and personal facts concerning the tle Silver, hss joined the staff of Sells This And now resides in East Orange is head Edna Mary O'Rourke of 4120 East whose commuters are carried by association and officials as follows: th«> agency as a real estate sales- terstate Commerce Commission of the bonding department of the 50th utreet, Woodside, L. I. the railroads." This, he said, In- "We were organized October 1, man. Examiner Burton Fuller. Aetna Insurance company with of- —Canal St. Change cluded Ocean county's Point Pleas- The Jeney Shore Protective com- Another Place Since purchasing this property 1933, with our assets for the tint fices in Newark. The house will be Miss O'Rourke has been married to ant and Middlesex county's Am- year of $46,000, scling 2,922 shares. mittee has joined forces with the ready for occupancy In September. A resolution authorizing Mayor Harry Rupley of Highlands, and boys. The mayor stressed he had Intermunlcipal group for better Donald E. Lawes, Jr., of Syca- Charles R. English and Mrs. Amy not accepted any local govern- The first loan was made to Fred Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cowan of after the completion of extensive Dressier In the amount of $2,200. rail service. Members of shore more avenue, Shrewsbury, has pur- Shlr.n, borough clerk, to sign a alterations, the couple will make ment's "no" voto on the issue aa committee include Asbury Park, chased through Walker «V Tindall Rumson have purchased a house contract for acquiring a third par- final. We had at that time 29 directors built on contract by Allen Brothers this their permanent residence. of which there' are still four' with Atlantic Highlands, Allcnhurst, the Timothy White homestead prop- cel of land on White street was up- Individual commuters and other Belmar, Bradley Bench, Brlelle, erty located on the west side of through the Van Horn firm, located The dwelling, of stucco over us. They are Thomas Cook, Newton on an acre of wooded grounds on proved at Monday night's meeting frame, is situated on the crest of Individuals or group* who wish to Doremus, R. V. R. H. fltout and Deal, Eatontown, Fair Haven, Branch avenue, Little Silver. of thu borough council. This lat- help could mall contibutlona to h'.m Highlands, Kcansburg, Little sil- The property, which comprises Brook terrace in River Oaks. The a hill overlooking the Navesink val- Fred D. Wikoff. Mr. English, our architecture of the dwelling is clas- est purchase is the Nellie J. Tan- ley, and contains a living room, at the Rumson borough hall, he mayor, has been with us for 24 ver, Long Branch, Matawan town- approximately one-half acre plot, ner property for which the borough dining room, pantry, kitchen, two said. ship, Middletown township, Mana- contains a six-room house and sical square design. The layout of years. At the present time we have the house Includes seven rooms, will pay $13,(27. It has a frontage bedrooms nnd a hnth on the first Meeting in a mood of victory, Of- IS directors. squan, Matawan, Monmouth Beach, barn, The beautiful shade trees are 1 of 83 feet on White street, and floor, and there are two finished ficials from more than a dosea Neptune township, Ocean town- one of the outstanding features of three baths, breezeway and two-car "Through these 2ff years we have garage. exteiidH 155 feet along a driveway bedrooms on the second floor. There Monmouth communities—many of ship, Rumson, Red Bank, Shrews- the property. Mr, Lawes plans to which runs to the rear of stores is a large veranda around one-half had both good and difficult times, The same brokers sold from them mayors—made the commuta- bury township, Sea Bright and Sea occupy the house after making ex- on Monmouth street. On it are a of tho house, pnrt of which in tion fight official Friday night by but we have come through with Girt. tensive improvements. plans a house of rambling design our assets as of June 30, 1S48, at large house and a bungalow. To screened. The house is heated by signing a contract with the Wash- Emphasising importance of the Walker fc Tindall Were the brok- located on the south side of Linden thn east, la the business of John H. an oiMlrej hot air furnace.