Strategy / Korea 24 August 2012 Seoul Searching Mainland Chinese tourists riding the 'Korean wave' • Chinese tourists are making a real splash in Korea • The mix is changing but Chinese visitors are shopping at all price points, with a particular focus on Korea cosmetics • AmorePacific, LGH&H and Hyundai Department Store stand to benefit, as do aviation, hotel, gaming and other retail players business hotel, a sign of the current shopping lists, followed by apparel shortage of rooms in Seoul. and then packaged food. Our on-the-ground experience is Changing mix of visitors from backed by Korea Tourism Mainland China Chang H. Lee Organization statistics showing a Tourists accounted for 57.1% of (82) 2 787 9177
[email protected] sustained increase in the number of visitors from Mainland China in 2011, visitors from Mainland China as a up from 37.1% in 2003. Within that group, the number of tourists proportion of total visitors to Korea. Summary travelling independently, rather than Overseas visitors to Korea in a tour group, is on the rise, while Continuing Daiwa’s series on the 50% rising impact regionally of outbound females now outnumber male visitors. 40% tourism from Mainland China, we Last but not least, average spending take an on-the-ground look at the 30% by tourists from Mainland China spending habits of Chinese tourists 20% continues to rise, notably on shopping. in Korea and highlight likely 10% Stocks to watch beneficiaries at the company level. 0% Inside, we highlight several 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Japan China ASEAN On-the-ground experience potential beneficiaries of this Source: Korea Tourism Organization, Daiwa emerging theme, including ODM As part of our research for this edition of Seoul Searching, we headed for and OEM cosmetics producers, hotel Indeed, with visa requirements on chains, gaming companies, airlines, Myungdong and Dongdaemun, the tourists from Mainland China having most popular destinations for people and department store operators.