
A: Aleamotu`a Adm: [British] Admiralty AH: Archives of Hawai`i, Honolulu AJCP: Australian Joint Copying Project ANU: The Australian National University, Canberra ATL: Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington BC: British Consul BCFP: Great Britain, Foreign Office, British Consulate, , Papers BCT: British Consulate, Tonga CAFI: Correspondence respecting the Annexation of the Fiji Islands 1874, Fiji Blue Book, Rhodes House Library CG: Cakobau, Ad-Interim and Provisional Government records, Fiji CO: Colonial Office, London CRD: Consular Register of Deeds, British Consulate, Levuka F: Fiji FA: The Fiji Argus FCSO: Colonial Secretary’s Office, Fiji FG: The Fiji Gazette FGG: Fiji Government Gazette FM: The Fiji Museum, Suva FO: Foreign Office, London FSM: Fijian Stipendiary Magistrate FT: The Fiji Times GHMP: Government House Miscellaneous Papers, National Archives of Fiji GS: General Secretaries xxiii Ma’afu, prince of Tonga, chief of Fiji

HBM: Her Britannic Majesty HL: Hocken Library, University of Otago, Dunedin HMS: His/Her Majesty’s Ship HO: Home Office, London HP: Hennings Papers, National Archives of Fiji HSANZ: Historical Society of Australia and New Zealand IC: Inwards Correspondence IL: In Letters ILTF: In Letters, Tonga and Fiji JM: Journal de la Mission de Notre Dame des Douleurs, établie à , le 12 août 1844, par Msgnr Bataillon, évèque [du] vicaire apostolique de l’Océanie centrale. JPH: Journal of Pacific History JPS: Journal of the Polynesian Society LC: Legislative Council (Fiji) LCC: Lands Claims Commission, Fiji LFF: Letters from Fiji LMS: London Missionary Society M: Ma`afu mfm: microfilm ML: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney MNA: Ministry of Native Affairs, Fiji MOM: Methodist Overseas Missions n: note ns: notes N: Nuku`alofa NAF: National Archives of Fiji, Suva NLA: National Library of Australia, Canberra xxiv Abbreviations used

NLC: Native Lands Commission, Suva NSM: Native Stipendiary Magistrate OC: Outwards Correspondence OL: Out Letters PAH: Division of Pacific and Asian History, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University PMB: Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, The Australian National University PP: [British] Parliamentary Papers PRO: Public Record Office, London R: Report [of the Lands Claims Commission, Fiji] RHL: Rhodes House Library, Oxford University RSPAS: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University RTL: SM: Stipendiary Magistrate SMH: The Sydney Morning Herald SR(NSW): State Records (New South Wales) SSC: Secretary of State for the Colonies SSL: South Seas Letters SSFA: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs T: Tonga TA: The Argus (Melbourne) TAF: Tāufa`āhau TC: Tui Cakau TCC: Tongan Cultural Centre, Nuku`alofa TCJ: Town and Country Journal TFS: Transactions of the Fiji Society

xxv Ma’afu, prince of Tonga, chief of Fiji

TH: Tu`i Ha`atakalaua TK: Tu`i Kānokupolu TN: Tui Nayau TPFS: Transactions and Proceedings of the Fiji Society TPFSSI: Transactions and Proceedings of the Fiji Society for Science and Industry TR: Tukutuku Raraba TT: Tu`i Tonga UAL: Special Collections, University of Auckland Library UCLA: University of California (Los Angeles) USC: Despatches from United States Consuls in Laucala, Fiji 1844–1890 VPLA: Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly [Fiji] WMM: Wesleyan Methodist Magazine WMMS: Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society WMN: Wesleyan Missionary Notices WMN(A): Wesleyan Missionary Notices (Australasia) WPHC: Western Pacific High Commission

xxvi This text taken from Ma`afu, prince of Tonga, chief of Fiji: The life and times of Fiji’s first Tui Lau, by John Spurway, published 2015 by ANU Press, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.