No online items Finding aid for the Moshe Lazar papers 5282 Jacqueline Morin USC Libraries Special Collections 2015 June Doheny Memorial Library 206 3550 Trousdale Parkway Los Angeles, California 90089-0189
[email protected] URL: Finding aid for the Moshe Lazar 5282 1 papers 5282 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: USC Libraries Special Collections Title: Moshe Lazar papers creator: Lazar, Moshe creator: Chagall, Marc creator: Ionesco, Eugène Identifier/Call Number: 5282 Physical Description: 44.75 Linear Feet66 boxes Date (inclusive): 1967-2015 Abstract: Moshe Lazar (1928-2012) was a professor in many subjects at the University of Southern California from the late 1970s until a year before his death. In addition to the many topics he taught at the University, he actively and avidly researched a variety of topics related to medieval literature, antisemitism, and Sephardic studies. The materials in this collection span the breadth of his scholarly interests and activities. Language of Material: Most of the materials in this collection are in English. However, many articles, notes, and publications are in Spanish, German, Ladino, Hebrew, and other languages. Assistance with the Hebrew language materials was provided by Dr. Yaffa Weisman of Hebrew Union College. Storage Unit: 1 Storage Unit: 2 Storage Unit: 3 Storage Unit: 4 Storage Unit: 5 Storage Unit: 6 Storage Unit: 7 Storage Unit: 8 Storage Unit: 9 Storage Unit: 10