Tachwedd / March 2009 Christians on the Street by Dennis Wight

HE 100th Street Pastors group and ambulance, and are trained to a Chairman Oliver Harries said: Tin the UK was launched high standard so that their be- “So far we have 24 people signed recently for Haverfordwest. Street haviour, and the help they offer, is up as volunteers, a prayer team, a Pastors is set up as a voluntary appropriate at all times. management committee and great Christian initiative aimed at giving The launch of the Haverford- support from Churches, local Police practical help and support to the west group on 31st January was and NHS alike. Training started in thousands of young people who are well attended, with guest speaker January and so far we have com- out ‘clubbing’ on a Friday or Satur- Adrian Prior Sankey from Taunton pleted modules that cover drugs and day night in towns and cities all over Street Pastors, and endorsements alcohol awareness, sociology and the UK. from Chief Inspector Mark Bleas- knowing our community, roles and Although all volunteers are dale, MP Stephen Crabb, Rev responsibilities, and we have lots Christians, recruited through local Louise Hearn and High Sheriff of more lined up, like mentoring, churches, the aim is not to preach Dyfed Claire Mansel Lewis. counselling, violence and aggres- or be openly evangelistic, but to be Local Church in congre- sion handling, mental health, first a helpful and calming presence at a gations have given their support to aid, spreading the good news etc.” time when tempers are often fraught this new Venture in Mission through The newly commissioned Street and when many people are suffering prayerful support, volunteering and Pastors will be patrolling the streets from the effects of drink. The Street writing letters of support so that from 22nd March. Pastors work alongside local gov- funding can be received from For more information, visit ernment services such as the police agencies. www.streetpastors.co.uk Just what are Archdeacons for?

T’S got to be more than gutters who each have set a high standard to Iand gaiters (I hope). That word live up to. ‘deacon’ in the name ought to give Then, the outstanding Christian a clue. A deacon is of course a heritage of this archdeaconry strikes servant. So an arch-deacon ought to me. Almost every period of be a kind of chief servant (if that’s Christian history has seen the area not a contradiction in terms). The play a vital role, from St David and archdeacons serve the Bishop, the Synod of Llanddewi Brefi, to the extending his ministry and being, in Cistercian monks of Strata Florida, the old phrase, ‘the eyes of the and on to the visionary foundation Bishop’. They have duties relating of Bishop Burgess’ college at to church buildings and property. Lampeter. It has witnessed some But archdeacons should surely striking examples of ministry. To What God has done in Cardi- of the great missionary Hudson also serve the church in their take just a few examples: gan, God can do here again. That’s Taylor: “God’s work, done in archdeaconry. Especially by being Daniel Rowland at Llangeitho in the thing I hope we can keep in mind God’s way, will never lack God’s of service to the clergy in the the 18th century, the Tractarians of above and beyond the problems we supplies.” parishes where the actual work of returning to Cardigan archdeaconry, Llangorwen in the nineteenth, and face of finance, buildings, numbers In these coming years, if we ministry goes on. where Fen and I spent four happy in the twentieth the remarkable and the rest. Are our resources apply ourselves to God’s work, and And what are my hopes and years while we were in Aberystwyth. ministry of my former Rector and meagre and stretched? They cer- determine to do it in God’s way, what is my vision for this ministry? I am aware, too, that I am following predecessor as Archdeacon, Bertie tainly appear to be. But I often find we’ll see whether Hudson Taylor First of all it is a privilege to be some remarkably gifted predecessors Lewis. myself coming back to some words was right!

Chapter & Verse Contributions to Pobl Dewi We welcome articles of interest from readers and, in particular, we On 8th March Bishop Wyn would like to encourage submission of articles in Welsh. and Canon Librarian Patrick Tessa Briggs [email protected] Thomas welcomed the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and is the lead editor of the next issue and will be pleased to hear from Brother David Hodges OCSO anyone who would like to submit an article. from Caldey, who were reading The other regional editor can be contacted as follows: some of their poetry in aid of Revd Nicholas Cale [email protected], the Cathedral Library Fund. or articles can be posted to: The Archbishop was also the Pobl Dewi, The Diocesan Office, Abergwili, Carmarthen, SA31 2JG, guest speaker at choral even- marked for the attention of ‘The Editor’. song

Menter Esgobaeth Tyddewi . An initiative of the Am ddim Free 2 Pobl Dewi, March 2009 Recession and food prices New Dean Chosen by Eileen Davies, Rural life Advisor

HE announcement in February OOD price inflation in the UK closer integrated relationships be- Tthat the Revd Canon Jonathan Fis predicted to fall below zero tween farm businesses and their food Lean had been appointed the Dean per cent by the end of the 2009, chain customers. The advantage to of St Davids brought much delight according to new retail forecasts. food businesses looking to secure the across the diocese and within the What does this mean for food raw materials they require will also Cathedral. producers and consumers in the help farming businesses regain the Canon Lean was appointed Diocese of St David’s? market share lost to food imports Canon Residentiary of St Davids There are two underlying facts. over the last decade through greater Cathedral in 2000 and, in 2001, Team First, prices will still be vulnerable import substitution. The clear Vicar of the newly created Rectorial to supply disruptions or demand message is that we need to source Benefice of Dewisland, with respon- surges. Second, the value of agricul- our food locally, as the cost of locally sibility for St Davids parish. Most tural commodities will plateau at a produced food is truly good value for recently he has been Acting Dean level higher than historic averages. money. during the brief interregnum. The downward pressure on food “Diwedd y gan yw’r geiniog”, He is a native of , prices and upward pressure on raw medd yr hen dywediad, ac ystyried having grown up in Fishguard and agricultural commodity prices could cyflwr ariannol presennol ein gwlad, Goodwick and his preparation for result in a vicious cost/price squeeze mae hynny’n gywirach nag erioed o’r ministry at Lampeter and then at for food chain businesses. There is a blaen. Felly, sicrhewch farchnad deg Mirfield prepared him well for the need for more effective collaboration i’n cynhyrchwyr drwy fynnu gwerth challenges of parochial ministry. He between food companies and their am eich arian, a hynny drwy brynu has spent the whole of his ministry raw material suppliers, building cynnyrch lleol bob tro. within the Archdeaconry of St Davids, having served in , Llanrhian & Llanhywel and then St Martin’s Haverfordwest before ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ taking up his appointment at the Cathedral. (2 Cor 9:7) Canon Lean’s firm partnership Stuart Bell explains how a fund-raising scheme for Nepal and friendship with the former Dean exceeded expectations enabled the liturgical and musical life of the Cathedral to be developed E had asked the congregation evangelist or two. In November Canon Jonathan Lean (left) with Canon Geoffrey Gwyther who enormously. The introduction of in St Michael’s Aberystwyth 2008 we travelled to Butwal for the made the announcement of the appointment of the new Dean in W numerous new services such as the for £11,000 to help pay for the dedication of two brand new church the Cathedral Candlemass Vespers and Procession building of two churches; one in buildings. Dr Jonathan Cox, an has focused the Cathedral on its role Butwal, Nepal, and the other some engineer who had been working in as the worshipping heart of the shire Blind Society and now serves work by focusing on worship and 25km to the west. The land had Butwal, and his wife, Dr Heather diocese. Canon Lean also sings in the as its Vice-President. encouraging people to visit and already been bought, but it would Cox, a medical doctor, were with us Cathedral Choir, the Cathedral Of his appointment as Dean, he worship at the shrine. I am also have taken decades for the local to share in this exciting moment. Singers and the Festival Chorus and said ‘I am deeply honoured to have looking forward to the completion of people to fund the building. On a previous visit we had been has been Chairman of the now highly been chosen by Bishop Wyn, and see the Cloisters Project.’ So, on Harvest Sunday 2007, shown the rice fields where the successful St Davids Cathedral the role as a challenging and exciting Canon Jonathan Lean is to be instead of using a collection plate we churches would one day stand. Now Festival for over 20 years, presiding one. I consider myself very fortunate Installed and Collated as Dean and passed a separate large cardboard we were standing in the new build- over numerous artistic directors and to have been involved in the life of Inducted as the Rector of the Rec- box along each row and then took ings on those fields. The vision had administrators. He was, for many the Cathedral for the past 8 years, and torial Benefice of Dewisland on the boxes to the front where they been fulfilled. The church amongst years, Chairman of the Pembroke- hope to continue my predecessor’s Saturday the 25 April at 2.30pm. were used to build a large cardboard these Tharu people, animists but church to represent what we were with some Hindu beliefs, is thriving trying to do. Inside the boxes, and and it was exciting to see the along with Gift Aid, the offering conversions which are taking place. amounted to £26,000. We went to visit a new church Saturday night and Sunday We now had enough money to which meets in a small rented room make one of the churches into a in the village. It can hold about 20 double storey facility and some people at the most, but the church morning additional funds to pay for an has a congregation of 50+ and it spills out onto the street with people Rachel Maynard celebrates the success of the ‘NightLight’ scheme in Aberystwyth looking in through open windows. That was where I met my first NEW voluntary scheme called ning for three months and has been converted witch doctor, a shaman ANightLight has recently been incredibly well received. The blue from the local Tharu community launched in Aberystwyth. Fifty jackets are already recognised who had been converted to Christ, volunteers from across the town’s weekly and volunteers have been burnt all his paraphernalia, and was churches are involved in going out formally thanked by the police and now being offered large financial on the streets from 11pm – 3am members of Aberystwyth council. incentives to turn from Christ back every Saturday to care for those who One of the major highlights for the to his previous life because the may have got themselves into project came a month or so ago community ‘needed’ him. difficulties while out drinking. when the team came across a drunk The additional funds which Every week a team of eight male who had collapsed in a side were donated by St Michael’s are volunteers work on a rotation street. The team quickly called an being channelled through the system, walking the streets, chatting ambulance and administered first Mission Council of Nepal and to people, giving out tea, helping aid. They later heard that if he had currently we are supporting an people to get home and even giving been left for 5 or 10 more minutes evangelist in the far east of the out flip-flops to girls who can no- he would have died. Even the streets country. longer walk in their high heels! of sleepy Aberystwyth have serious While out on the streets volun- problems! teers wear obvious blue reflective This is only one of many Final Copy date for jackets and hats with the NightLight highlights, and volunteers are logo. They also carry a police radio encouraged every week to see how the next issue of so that they are aware of incidents God is moving in Aberystwyth. Pobl Dewi going on around the town and are For more information email linked with CCTV. [email protected] is June 19th The scheme has now been run- Pobl Dewi, March 2009 3

HIS is the year of the Ox. That life and witness is the church’s Tis one fact which could escape involvement in social programmes no visitor to Hong Kong these last in partnership with the government few weeks. The celebrations were (ironically enough). The church runs lavish. This is the longest public Letter from Hong Kong a large number of schools and social holiday of the year. Gifts are ex- centres, and is now to be involved changed and the whole ambience by our Overseas Correspondent in a huge programme of food reflects a kind of mixture of distribution to the poor and unem- Christmas and New Year in the UK, ployed that will effectively aim to when a time of peace and goodwill provide enough food for such is looked forward to and, in a sense, families for six weeks. valued and celebrated. We are looking forward to St I have learned that I was in fact David’s Day. There is a Welsh ex- born in the year of the Ox. That is pat community and society here and supposed to make me dependable we have been invited to some of its and faithful. The picture it brings to events. (Though I have to say that my mind is of a lumbering harnessed travelling to some bar two miles beast doing endless repetitive work. away at half past one in the morning Quite a lot of archdeacons were born even to see Wales beat England is in that year I think. too big an ask.) In the event I shall Once the celebrations were over, be preaching at the cathedral, Dydd work began. I heard a man on the Gwyl Dewi being on a Sunday, and TV last week say that the Protestant taking part in a memorial service at work ethic is a pale reflection of the the Cenotaph for Welsh people of Confucion work ethic, and though I another age. The hundred pound a have no way of knowing if that is head dinner and ball makes even the true, the evidence of long hours and St Davids Cathedral Chapter dinner dedication to work is all around. My look cheap, and we shall give that a own work is connected to the miss. mission of the Theological College Hong Kong viewed from Victoria Peak The Rev Peter Ellis is chaplain in the province, and particularly its to the St Davids Society, a former outreach, and the work of the weekday programme. The archbishop Belonging to the Communion is which has hit Hong Kong hard. A Curate of Milford and native of cathedral. Hong Kong, like Wales, meets with all his clergy for eucharist very important for this province, and lot is at stake here, not just in terms Tenby. He is Mission to Seafarers is a small bi-lingual province that and breakfast each week, followed by they welcome any opportunity to of jobs and lifestyle, though that is Chaplain here, and he it is who has punches above its weight. It is Bible study and some other form of feel connected to its other parts. very important, but in terms of the given us a copy of the Tenby growing in numbers. The cathedral input, and that helps build communal (They have certainly been wel- whole basis of the meaning of life Observer showing pictures of the services are packed with a huge ministerial identity. coming and hospitable to us). The for many people which has been great snow. Obviously we have variety of nationalities – several Listening to sermons at the other striking thing about sermons undermined by what is here chosen a good time for a sabbatical, hundred at each of several services cathedral I am struck by the number here is that all seem to begin with a described as the financial tsunami. and that reminds me, work calls. on Sundays, and with a substantial of times I hear the word ‘Anglican.’ description of the financial crisis One notable feature of church This is after all the year of the Ox.

Local Monuments Restored Prosiect Dyslecsia Cymru EFYDLWYD Prosiect yna drafodaethau wedi bod yn Roger Haggar relates the history behind a restoration project in Llandre SDyslecsia Cymru (PDC) fel mynd ymlaen gyda Staff Coleg y elusen gofrestredig tua 6 mlynedd Drindod,Caerfyrddin, yn enwedig DILAPIDATED mausoleum, yn nol, gyda’r bwriad o allu rhoi gyda Gwilym Dyfri Jones Astanding in the churchyard of gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth i rieni, (Pennaeth y Gyfadran Addysg) i St Michael’s, Llandre, near Aber- unigolion dyslecsig o unrhyw oed, ddatblygu partneriaeth ystwyth has recently been renovated cyflogwyr, a pobl oedd yn credu y rhyngddom, lle byddai Swyddfa by Treftadaeth Llandre Heritage, a gallant fod yn ddyslecsig. gan PDC ar gampws y Coleg. local, community-based trust. Wrth i’r Prosiect ddatblygu, ac Ers dechrau Hydref, The mausoleum commemorates yn ymateb I ymholiadau o bob gwirioneddwyd y freuddwyd, ac the death of Elizabeth Annie Norris, rhan o Gymru, penderfynnodd y yn nawr, bydd PDC yn gallu a ballerina, who died of tuberculosis Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr, o dan cynnig gwybodaeth, cefnogaeth, in 1906, aged 34. Her mother who, gadeiryddiaeth Parchedig Tad Paul cynnal profion sgrinio , ddatblygu after the death of her first husband, Mackness.( Ficer Eglwysi Grwp adnoddau papur a chyfrifiadurol , had married respected local General Maenordeifi, a Deon Gwlad) bod cynnal ymchwil i ddyslecsia a’r Practitioner Dr John Harden Jones, rhaid sefydlu Canolfan weinyddol Gymraeg/dwy-ieithrwydd, o’r was so distraught that she was a chynghori ,gyda staff parhaol. Swyddfa newydd hon. reluctant to part with Elizabeth’s Felly, gyda Michael Davies Bydd y Ganolfan ar agor i body for burial. Indeed, Randall (sy’n Athro Anghenion addysg unrhyw un sydd angen gwybodaeth Enoch, Chairman of Treftadaeth Arbennig ym Mrynmawr, Blaenau am ddyslecsia—boed yn fyfyriwr, Llandre Heritage, tells how his own Gwent, ond sydd a’i gartref yn rhiant, neu athro. mother, who had called to pay her Llechryd,ger Aberteifi) ac hefyd Gobeithir hefyd, gydweithio respects and who was 14 at the time, yn Warden y Bobl yn Eglwys gyda rhai o fyfyrwyr y Coleg i recalled seeing the embalmed Santes Tydfil, Llechryd, fel Prif ddatblygu adnoddau ar gyfer ballerina lying in her coffin, dressed Weithredwr (swydd wirfoddol), ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg. in her ballet clothes. aethpwyd ati i wneud ceisiadau Mae Prosiect Dyslecsia Elizabeth was buried on 31 the Heritage Lottery Fund enabled a unique, steeply wooded graveyard, am grantiau tuag at gostiau Cymru yn ddiolchgar iawn i March 1906. Her stepfather arranged the local trust to employ a specialist has always been a drain on the refeniw. Brifathro’r Coleg, Dr Medwyn for a mausoleum to be built in builder, who, working with a con- church’s meagre resources, with Yn Ionawr 2008, derbyniwyd Hughes, am yr holl gefnogaeth a memory of Elizabeth, and two servation architect, painstakingly substantial repairs carried out to this cadarnhad o gais grant gafwyd ganddo. builders from Aberdeen stayed in the restored the building. Volunteers then section in 1794, further major works llwyddianus o’r Gronfa Loteri Sefydlwyd llinell gymorth ffon village to carry out the work. The completed crucial repairs to the completed between 1808 and 1861 Fawr, (£92,000) sydd yn rhad gan PDC yn ddiweddar, ac imposing building clearly reflected copper roof and drains, landscaped and piecemeal repairs undertaken galluogi’r Elusen i gyflogi dau o os ydych am gysylltu a ni, gallwch the family’s grief and social position. the site and constructed an access when required thereafter. John Staff dros dro, yn Aberteifi, ac wneud hyn drwy ffonio 0808 1800 Although Polly Oliver, a neigh- path. Evans, a skilled craftsman from Tal- hefyd Iifedru cynnal gweithdai a 110. bour, tended the mausoleum for The balance of the grant was y-bont, is currently using re-cycled chynadleddau ar hyd a lled Erthygl gan: Michael Davies. many years, rainwater caused decay used to repair the old churchyard stones to create a fascia for the wall, Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth o Ymddiriedolwr/ Prif Weithredwr— and frost damaged the walls, boundary wall, sections of which and the recent repairs have been dyslecsia, I rhieni, athrawon ayb. swydd wirfoddol. Llysteifi, windows and door. were threatening to collapse on to the designed to last well into the next Ond nid yw PDC yn sefyll yn Llechryd, Aberteifi SA43 2NX. In 2008 a grant of £49,900 from road. This historic wall, which retains century. yr unfan! Ers rhai misoedd mae 4 Pobl Dewi, March 2009 Darwin, Genesis and Creation

ARWIN has been much in the 22nd June, to be given by The Revd Dnews already this year. Much of Dr Ernest Lucas. After a PhD in the media presentation has unfor- Chemistry and post-doctoral tunately had the effect, deliberately research in biochemistry in Oxford, Dennis Wight, Diocesan or not, of driving a wedge between he went on to study theology there Warden of Ordinands and accepting evolution and believing and was ordained a Baptist Minister. acting Lay Development in a creator God. Comments of His PhD in Oriental Studies gives humanist scientists like Richard him particular insight into our Officer. Dawkins and the timing of the understanding of Genesis and at Dennis is also Rural Dean “Probably No God” poster campaign Bristol Baptist College, where he is of Roose and Parish Priest have helped polarize the debate Vice-Principal, his course on Science Another Flipping Success for Dale, St Brides and further. It is surely important that we and Christianity has received a Marloes. know the facts and articulate an Templeton Award. He writes and intelligent response which both lectures extensively on this issue, The 2009 Carmarthen Support Group’s Coffee and Pancake engages with scientific thought and making Monday 22nd June a won- morning held in aid of Plant Dewi proved a cracking success. remains faithful to the Lord and the derful opportunity for us: one not to Bishop Wyn showed a hidden skill for pancake tossing but could Scriptures. So Roose Deanery is be missed. not beat Doug Whitt of Llanllawddog who won the competition arranging a number of events for the For further details, contact Revd with 94 pancakes in 60 seconds. The morning included a mini second half of the year. The first is a Alan Chadwick on 01646 692251 or fashion show and a variety of successful stalls with a record- public lecture at 7 pm on Monday [email protected] breaking amount in excess of £3,000 being raised. Mamau Llanddarog Easter Reflection Canon Aled Williams of Lampeter, Rector of the yn cyrraedd y cant “ UM, do you believe that We live in a world in which we Benefice of Bro Teifi Sarn M Christianity is the only way need to share if we are going to Helen, Ceredigion, was to God?” survive – and that includes our ideas, recently appointed Canon n y flwyddyn 1908 fe I was cooking supper and the our traditions and also our beliefs. Treasurer of St Davids Ygychwynnwyd cangen Undeb question came from my 16 year old Sharing does not mean losing. By Cathedral. y Mamau yn eglwys Sant Twrog, daughter who was struggling with being open to other faith traditions, A member of the Llanddarog gan Mrs Catherine an ‘A’ Level Religious Studies my own Christian faith has been Cathedral Chapter since Lavallin Puxley o Llether Llestri. essay. We’ve always encouraged vastly enriched and not diminished. 1997, he previously occupied Ni wyddom llawer am and enjoyed open discussions Before moving to Pembrokeshire the stall of Caerfai. ddechreuadau’r gangen, ond fe about spirituality and ‘big issues’ almost five years ago we lived, glywais innau sawl hanesyn oddi with our children, so in a way this worked and played, in Leicester, Ganwyd Aled yn Sir wrth fy mam-gu a fu’n aelod was nothing new. As I stood at the Nottingham and Birmingham along- Forgannwg, a’i addysgu yn rhwng y dauddegau a’r saithdegau, cooker, tossing a stir-fry, I thought side people of different faith Aberystwyth a Chaerdydd. ac mae’n biti na feddyliais i am eu carefully. There was a time when I traditions. We all begin the spiritual Gwasanaethodd yn hysgrifennu i lawr. Mae ein would have said ‘yes’ – when I was path somewhere. But it seems to me Esgobaeth Tyddewi ers ei dathliadau canmlwyddiant newydd Parchedig Brian Witt, Caplan a newly converted Christian, full of the secret is to realise that we are all ordeinio ym 1971. ddod i ben ac ymfalchïwn yn eu Esgobaethol Undeb y Mamau. evangelical fervour. But what on a journey back to God and that llwyddiant. Cawsom w^ yl flodau Cawsom gyfle i gymdeithasu dros would I say now, 27 years on? I God, as the source of Love and arbennig iawn ym Mis Medi a’i baned, brechdan a chacen yn looked over at my daughter, seated Being, draws us to Himself in a thema oedd hanes y degawdau Neuadd y Pentref ar ddiwedd y at the kitchen table, chin in hand variety of ways. All genuine rhwng 1908 a 2008. Roedd yr gwasanaeth. and pen poised over a blank sheet spirituality reflects some aspect of the arddangosfa wych yn addysgiadol Penderfynwyd cynllunio cwpan of A4 paper. I knew my response Divine and I believe we can learn y tu hwnt a phan ymwelodd i gofio am ddathliadau’r counted – not just as a mother who much from our brothers and sisters disgyblion Ysgol Eglwysig canmlwyddiant, a gofynnwyd i is passionate about my children’s of other faiths and, dare I say it, none. Llanddarog â’r Eglwys, cawsant Grochendy Felingwm ei relationship to the Divine, but also Let us not be so defensive that we wers hanes o’r safon orau gan bod gynhyrchu, Ym mis Tachwedd to myself. How has my own miss the voice of love and truth when pob degawd wedi ei gynllunio’n cawsom ginio i ddathlu’r spiritual journey developed over it could be speaking to us from a effeithiol. Roedd yn wledd i’r canmlwyddiant yng ngwesty the years and how would I respond surprising place. llygaid ac yn falm i’r enaid. Pantyrathro, Llansteffan. Daeth ein to this vitally important question? Easter calls me to reflect on the Daeth torf luosog i ymweld â ni Llywydd Esgobaethol, Mrs Anne “Well”, I said, “you tell me your central aspects of the Christian faith yn ystod y pedwar diwrnod gyda Gill, i â ymuno ni a thraddododd thoughts and I’ll tell you mine”! A which ultimately seem to revolve phawb yn canmol yr holl waith a araith bwrpasol iawn er mwyn ein dialogue ensued and very inter- around the mystery and magnitude oedd wedi digwydd er mwyn llongyfarch ar ein carreg filltir esting it was too. of the cross and the wonder of the gwneud yr w^ yl yn bosibl. Fe fu hanesyddol. Torrwyd y gacen, a As we reflected and talked about resurrection. It’s about getting back Patrick Thomas, the new gwragedd yr eglwys yn brysur am wnaed gan Mrs Meryl Parry, gan the central issues of Jesus’ life, to the Christ message of Jesus the Canon Chancellor of St wythnosau yn cynllunio a pharatoi Mrs Anne Gill a chan ein ministry, death and resurrection, I Christ, the annointed One and to Davids Cathedral, has been ar gyfer yr w^ yl, a mawr yw ein hysgrifenyddes, Mrs Doreen began to realise again just what a vital what he taught, lived and accom- ^ Vicar of Christ Church dyled iddynt. Daethpwyd â’r wyl i Northwood. Bu’n noson gofiadwy and powerful symbol the cross is – plished for humanity in his very (Carmarthen St David) for the ben gydag oedfa ddathlu a iawn i bawb a fu yno. not just for Christians, but for all being. The cross, with its horizontal past eight years. ddiolchodd i Duw am holl waith y Er i gan mlynedd wibio heibio, humankind. What is it about Jesus and vertical planes, seems to me to He has written several gangen yn ystod y ganrif a aeth rydym yn ddiolchgar i Mrs Puxley Christ that enables me to know in my speak into the heart of reality and heibio. Bu’n fraint croesawu dwy am ei gweledigaeth ac am osod depths that Christ is my beginning offer the way, the truth and the life. books on a variety of o’n cyn-aelodau i’r oedfa honno, sylfaen gadarn i’r gangen fel bod and my end and everything in His total self-emptying (horizontal) religious and literary subjects. sef Mrs Jean Rees, gwraig y eraill wedi medru adeiladu arni. between? Somehow, the divine and letting go into the loving A collection of his articles diweddar Barchedig Harold Rees Pinacl y dathlu oedd derbyn naw mystery we call ‘God’, incarnated in presence he knew as his Father from Cambria magazine will (ficer y plwyf rhwng 1966 a 1983), aelod newydd yn 2008. Yn awr, time and space in an amazing man God (vertical) is a blueprint for us be published later this year. a Mrs Mari Thomas, a fu’n mae’n rhaid parhau i ddenu mamau called Jesus, and the symbol of the all. That’s not quite what I said to A former member of the Lywydd Esgobaethol tra’n byw yn ifanc er mwyn sicrhau bod y cross is an archetype for all humanity my daughter, but it was something Welsh Language Board, he is y plwyf ac a ddaeth i’r oedfa gyda’i gangen yn mynd o nerth i nerth yn to live by. Indeed it seems to me to along those lines! a regular religious gw^ r y Parchedig Hugh Thomas a y dyfodol. Mae’n dyfodol yn ein be written into the very core of our – Jayne MacGregor broadcaster in English and fu’n ficer y plwyf rhwng 1992 a dwylo ni – awn ymlaen, felly, i’r beings, if we can begin to rediscover Welsh. 2003. Y pregethwr gwadd oedd y ganrif nesaf yn hyderus! this liberating truth. Pobl Dewi, March 2009 5 Cursillo St Davids – Update The Interview

by Judy Webb, General Secretary After interviewing the Bishop in the last edition, we thought one of the laity ought to go under the spotlight. Simon REPARATIONS are now Thane, Director of Tricordant and member of St Teilo’s PCC Punderway for the next 3-day was interviewed by Don MacGregor residential weekend of the local Cursillo group, which is to take Simon, you won’t be known to place from 28th May to 1st June. many readers of Pobl Dewi, so The event, which is to be held at who are you and what do you do? Ffald-y-Brenin in the Gwaun Valley I live in Trap near Llandeilo, just will be an opportunity for up to eight near to Carreg Cennen castle, and pilgrims to join the group for one of have been living there for about 12 their weekends, which are a truly years with my wife and 2 teenage life-changing experience for pil- daughters. We go to St. Teilo’s grims and team alike; full of joy, parish church in the centre of laughter, love, learning, surprises – Llandeilo, where I am also a mem- and a few tears. ber of the PCC. Cursillo is a movement of the Church providing a method by What do you see as the difficulties which Christians are empowered to with local churches in this day and that we are called to be Christian all grow through prayer, study and age? the time, serving God and serving action, and enabled to share God’s I think a challenge is to equip the each other. Work isn’t a separate, love with everyone. Cursillo origin- church to serve people in the modern secular thing. We are not only church ated in Spain; the word itself means world; things are changing all around when we are together in that building “short course”. It is now a world us so quickly. I’m particularly on a Sunday. wide movement involving many interested in the church being more thousands of Anglicans, and there supportive of people in their Monday You have recently been asked to go to Friday world, in their jobs and onto the diocesan lay ministry are around 35 dioceses in the UK Fawr, who has just retired after eight people listed below. You would be home life, rather than just being there development group. What is your with Cursillo groups running week- years as our Treasurer. He was very welcome to attend a local for people on a Sunday. interest in this and what do they do? ends and local fellowship support presented with a Celtic Cross, a CD gathering (Ultreya) before you meetings. player and CD’s. We also presented commit yourself to the weekend – You have a full working life – how The group is looking to coordinate The local group’s January his wife Wendy with flowers as a the next will take place on 31st does that relate to your faith? and encourage formal lay ministry gathering (or Ultreya as it is known small token of our gratitude for her March from 10.30 am to 3.00 p.m. My background was originally in roles, like worship leader, eucharistic in Cursillo circles) took place in involvement. We would very much approximately at Bettws Ifan, near manufacturing as a factory manager, assistant, parish assistant and parish Kidwelly church hall on 21st January, like to take this opportunity to Cardigan. but for the last 12 years I’ve been a eucharistic assistant. It also looks at and was preceded by a Eucharist in welcome Bishop Wyn as he takes other roles like lesson readers, music Contacts: Spiritual Director: management consultant. It’s enabled St Mary’s church, celebrated by our on his role in our diocese, and to leaders, seeing how they work, what Rev. Hugh James me to integrate my faith with my Spiritual Director, Rev. Hugh James, assure him of our love and support. training needs there are, and what Tel. 01554 890295 work. I am now one of the directors the Vicar of Kidwelly. If you would like to know more of Tricordant, an organisational support there is. It is hoped to Together with our usual format about Cursillo, or if you are inter- Lay Director: Rodney J. Webb develop a community of lay people Tel. 01559 370143 development consultancy with a for an Ultreya, (worship, witness, ested in joining the residential Christian foundation. Our job is to in ministry, aware of what each other Weekend Booking Secretary: talk, small group discussions and a weekend in May, you can find that help large organisations structure is doing, to share best practice and Mrs Wendy Kidd. shared lunch and fellowship) we information about the local group in work so it is more meaningful and to think about what other roles are Tel. 01559 362294 took the opportunity to express our the Diocesan Yearbook or on the fulfilling for people. We work with the right for the church. My interest is love and heartfelt thanks to Haydn Diocesan Website; alternatively General Secretary: Judy Webb NHS, government departments and also to ensure that our church Davies, a resident of Llanbadarn please feel free to contact one of the Tel. 01239 698405 complex organisations. Dysfunctional recognises that lay ministry roles are work in a call centre or frustration in not confined to church-based roles. a hospital due to de-motivating We need to equip the laity to see their regular work as an opportunity for have the port, employing 160 people. structures and unhelpful targets is the ministry and co-working with God. There is a promise (or is it a threat) sort of thing we tackle to help people’s of a new Tesco store. A new marina work to be more fulfilling and healthy. In your management consultancy Urban Renewal with more berths for ferries or cruise Some people enjoy work, some role, what principles would you try to put into practice by Jeremy Martineau ships is on the cards. people try to avoid work, some The church congregation re- people retire as early as they can. encouraging people to take up cently carried out its own survey of As a Christian what is your more lay ministry in the church? members’ involvement in com- viewpoint, why is work important? We need to be learning, planning and munity life, and was surprised to I think God made us to work in His thinking of new ways of being learn that 25 members are office image. God Himself is working all church, and put them into practice, holders in 31 local organisations. The the time. If we think of the Holy then step back to learn and see what church wants to build on this strength Trinity, God the Father is creating works. Then go back round that loop and encourage and support the and designing, the Son is saving, again, and try something else. It’s not valuable contribution, which was not healing and transforming, and the a static thing –there’s not a list of previously recognised, that its Holy Spirit is inspiring, coaching correct roles in lay ministry; it’s what members make to the well-being of and teaching. These are all things works for that church community. In the wider community. Prayer, sup- people can do on a human level business language, it’s the old “plan, port and public recognition are a every day in their work. We are built do, evaluate” cycle. S the tide going out or coming in better economic future for the town beginning. Such recognition and to work – God has made us to co- We are being church all week Iat Fishguard? Literally at the end and its hinterland had led to a range support for local business life is a work with Him as His body to through a huge variety of vocations of the line, but in the midst of of bodies conducting surveys and key factor in rejuvenating local improve this world and to bring in in the community, but we rarely beautiful countryside and the Pem- holding meetings with little or no economies. His kingdom. However work can celebrate that or help people find brokeshire National Park, Fishguard strategic plan or agreed aim. The The Christian faith’s key words only be healthy for us if it is what God has for them in their life. has been designated as a core Chamber of Trade, the Town Coun- of reconciliation, resurrection and meaningful, constructive and not There is a process to help people who development focus by the County cil and the three county councillors, redemption can all be worked out dehumanising. may be called to the priesthood but Council in their long term planning. together with school and Civic in the economic and political life of not for someone who’s thinking “I At the centre of this intriguing little Society, are now all pulling in the the town. All imply a new start, a How would you see the shouldn’t be in this office, I should place is St Mary’s parish church, same direction. re-doing in life that has become relationship between coming to be setting up a restaurant, because only 150 years old. The church As with much of the rural part of worn and tired. If our faith is serious church on a Sunday and working that will enable me to minister to the council has approved one of its the diocese, tourism plays a greater then it applies to every aspect of during the week? people who come through the door members representing their interests part in the local economy than people’s lives – economic, political, From Monday to Friday the church of that restaurant”. God has a on the rejuvenated Chamber of agriculture. Open churches can make leisure as well as domestic. It is too isn’t together in the building, but it vocation for us all and the church Trade. Recognition of the a significant contribution to visitor good to be contained to the inner life is out there busy at work, whether needs to recognise that and help importance of trying to secure a enjoyment of an area. Fishguard does of the church. paid or unpaid. We have to recognise people discover it. 6 Pobl Dewi, March 2009 What’s your response to the Diocesan schools Financial Crisis? celebrate success at

Malcolm Dye explains the services Credit Action Cymru has to offer, both for those struggling with their finances and for those who are recent Inspections interested in helping others HE Model Church in Wales VA schools are highly effective in AST year saw major upheavals opportunity here for us to sort out TSchool in Carmarthen and St encouraging and developing pupils Lin the financial markets that our finances and balance our family Aidan’s Church in Wales VA School as whole persons. Members of the have left each of us wondering how budgets, to reflect on and readjust in Wiston, Haverfordwest have school communities value each other we will be affected in 2009. The our own priorities in line with received glowing results in their and care for each other and there is a problems may be global, but as Christian values. This may lead to recent Religious Education Section strong sense of inclusiveness evident Christians we need to think about greater fruitfulness and peace of 50 Inspections. The Model was at both schools. Pupils’ curiosity is the underlying causes and how we mind in future. inspected by Canon Alan Meats and enlivened by the opportunities should respond personally and as The key to healthy finances is to Rev Peter Jones inspected St provided by the schools. Church. make our spending match our Aidan’s. Collective Worship and Reli- Many of us are now struggling now pay later’ attitude which has income. To help people with this, Both school’s were awarded gious Education are central to and with our finances and as a result been enabled and encouraged by the Credit Action Cymru, which was set Grade 1’s for the three Key Ques- permeate all school experiences. The some people are anxious and un- easy availability of credit. Getting up by a group of Christians in tions of the Inspection which RE teaching in both schools is very certain. Yet the principles of good into debt is often seen as normal! In Aberystwyth, makes financial guid- included the impact and effective- strong and emanates from the money management have been 2009 there are going to be people ance freely and widely available in ness of Collective Worship, Religious expertise of the sterling classroom known for generations and used to who will lose their livelihoods, the community. We ensure anyone Education teaching and their teachers. be passed on from parents to chil- homes and savings; some through in our project areas can pick up a distinctiveness as Church Schools. Behaviour and attitudes in both dren. Up until the 1970’s if you no fault of their own. free booklet called ‘Thinking about The schools were also inspected as schools were deemed to be exem- wanted something you saved up There’s not much you or I can money’ (there are also booklets to how well they serve the school plary and the children’s mature until you could pay for it. But society do as individuals to turn around aimed at single parents and those in community. Many outstanding and confident attitudes towards has changed, and there is now a ‘buy national economies, yet there’s an debt) which gives guidance on features were noted in all areas. visitors were exceptional features. managing money. At our drop-in Leadership and management of The inspectors were particularly centre there is a team of trained both schools was judged to be of an impressed by the attitudes demon- volunteers offering a free listening outstandingly high standard under strated by the pupils which show ear to your money worries. They can the direction of Rev M Thorley, that both schools have a strong guide you through the process of Headteacher of The Model Church Christian ethos. putting together a realistic budget in Wales VA School and Mrs D The Governing Bodies of both and help you avoid getting into debt. Rainer, Headteacher of St Aidan’s schools are highly supportive and We also visit people in their homes Church in Wales VA School. carry out their duties and responsi- by appointment. Both schools have a distinctive bilities to the highest order. If you would like more informa- Christian Ethos in the Anglican Both schools are proud to be tion about the services we offer, or tradition. Christ and His Gospel are members of the family of Church are interested in helping others and at the heart of the life of both schools Schools within the Diocese of St reaching out to your community, and their plans for development. The David’s. call us on 0800 242 5844, email [email protected] or visit www.creditaction.org.uk/cymru.

Biwrocratiaeth a ffermwyr – Beth allwn ni fel eglwys ei wneud?

Tackling red tape and improving communications with the farming industry was the focus of training recently delivered to over 500 frontline staff from the Welsh Assembly Government’s Rural Affairs Department. Working with Farm Crisis network we were able to engage in these days and further develop the partnerships between WAG/FCN/NFU/FUW and, most importantly, the farming community.

NOD oedd cyflwyno Materion Gweledig, a sut y o gyfathrebu gwell. Mae gan Yamcanion allweddol cynllun gallai’r adran gysylltu â ffermwyr bawb ran i’w chware i leihau Help us keep in touch gweithredu’r adolygiad ar nad ydynt yn defnyddio’r we, nac straen y biwrocratiaeth. by Tessa Briggs fiwrocratiaeth, sy’n canolbwyntio yn darllen “Gwlad”, nac yn Y Barchedig Eileen Davies ar waith staff rheng flaen Adran mynychu cyfarfodydd rheolaidd y Ymgynghorydd Materion OBL DEWI has an ever- By providing these details you Materion Gwledig Llywodraeth Gwasanaeth Cysylltwr Ffermydd. Gwledig P increasing number of contri- do not commit to anything other than Cynulliad Cymru, wrth fynd i’r Dyna lle, fel eglwys, y gallwn butors. This is good news as it your willingness to receive afael a biwrocratiaeth, cyfathrebu’n fod yn allwedd i gyrraedd y broadens the appeal of the paper occasional mailings which include, well gyda ffermwyr a helpu i leihau ffermwyr hynny sy’n anodd i’w Saints and Stones and encourages us all to read about for example, invitations to contri- straen cefn gwlad. Mae llawer o cyrraedd. Mae strwythur yr 4th Annual Competition the efforts and achievements of bute to Pobl Dewi and information fiwrocratiaeth yn hanfodol er mwyn Eglwys yng Nghymru yn sicrhau The 2009 theme, individuals and parishes around the from the Communications Team and ateb gofynion archwilio’r Comisiwn bod gofal bugeiliol yn cael ei for all ages, is diocese. its sub-committees. Ewropeaidd sydd yng nghlwm wrth gynnig ym mhob plwyf. Mae ‘Pilgrims and Pilgrimage’ We are always pleased to receive Several articles in recent issues y £300 miliwn o bynnoedd sy’n cael offeiriaid yn adnabod eu praidd, ac offers of articles and, in an effort to of the paper have arisen out of these eu talu i ffermwyr Cymru bob felly drwy weithio gyda’n gilydd Entries may be in one of encourage contributions from as mailings and, as we strive to bring blwyddyn trwy Gynllun y Taliad mewn partneriaeth, medrwn leihau many mediums many people as possible, I would items of interest to our readership, I Sengl a thaliadau eraill fel Tir ofn yr amaethwyr sy’n wynebu her Entry deadline 5th June like to invite anyone who may be would encourage you all to be part Mynydd a Tir Gofal. holl ofynion y Cynulliad, fod yn Full details from interested in being a link between of our efforts to improve communi- Roedd y cyrsiau hyfforddi yn ddolen gyswllt rhwng y ffermwyr 01348 873316 the Communications Team and cations around the diocese by ystyried sut y gellid gwella dulliau a swyddogion Materion Gwledig y e-mail [email protected] their parish, to provide me with their getting in touch. My e-mail address cyfathrebu cyfredol yr Adran Llywodraeth, a sicrhau ffynhonnell e-mail address. is [email protected] Pobl Dewi, March 2009 7 Gaza Mobile Dental Clinic safe HE day (12 January) Nations) building hit by phosphorous nutritional biscuits for the mal- TArchbishop Barry launched an shells. But assurance was given that nutrition programme.’ appeal for money to help the Near the dental clinic was safe, and would After visiting the ruins, Mr East Council of Churches (NECC) resume work as soon as possible. Dabbagh said a clinic operating out give frontline medical service in The two remaining NECC Family of borrowed premises would be up Gaza through its three Family Health Clinics at Daraj in Gaza City and running within days. ‘The Health Clinics, Archdeacon Philip and at Rafah in the south soon community is very anxious that we Morris, co-ordinator of the Church reopened, and reported a large continue, so we will be replacing in Wales Jubilee Fund, received news number of patients coming with what we can and starting from that one of the clinics had been injuries, many to see a doctor for the scratch,’ he said. destroyed by Israeli missile fire. first time since they received them. Parishes and individuals The Shija’ia Family Health ‘There was a heap of rubble and throughout Wales have responded Centre provided essential free some papers from files blowing generously to Archbishop Barry’s primary health care to 70,000 people about in the wind. That was all, appeal. Money will be transferred in one of the poorest areas of Gaza nothing survived.’ directly to the NECC’s Health Clinic City, including mother and child Constantine Dabbagh, execu- account as soon as it is possible to clinics, ante and post-natal care, tive director for the Near East do so, though in the meantime family planning and a pharmacy. It Council of Churches, had prepared Christian Aid has been able to get was at this clinic that the mobile himself for the worst when he visited medical supplies into Gaza. The dental clinic, completely funded by the ruins of the Shija’ia Family Church in Wales Jubilee Fund will the Church in Wales, was garaged Health Centre. Nonetheless, the scale be working with Christian Aid, ACT and based, and it was feared that it of devastation shocked him. ‘We (Action for Churches Together) and might also have been destroyed. thought there might have been the EU Humanitarian Aid to rebuild Philip was in constant touch with something we could keep as a the Shija’ia Clinic. the NECC and Christian Aid for memento of 40 years work serving Parishes are invited to take part news and developments, and offered the community,’ said Mr Dabbagh. in “Wales biggest coffee morning” financial support through the Church ‘But everything had been obliter- on the first weekend on May to raise in Wales Jubilee Fund to help in the rated.’ The attack destroyed money for the Dental and Family rebuilding and restocking of the thousands of dollars worth of Health Clinic. Make it a three-day Family Health Centre. equipment and medicine. event – choose Friday 1st for your Thankfully, there were no injuries ‘So much has to be replaced. We office/work/school coffee morning, in the attack, for which no reason was had a laboratory fully equipped for Saturday 2nd May for a parish coffee given. Philip discovered that as it was blood tests and ultrasound, and we morning in your church hall, and a weekend, the dental clinic had been had only just put in computers with Sunday 3rd May for a special church moved to the NECC’s com-pound in a management information system. collection. the centre of Gaza City for There was a six-week stock of Contact details: The Venerable maintenance. However, this com- medicine and water purification Philip Morris, 01656 8801088. pound is next to the UNRWA (United equipment, as well as milk and [email protected]

bydd eraill y y dyfodol yn cael Galar a gobeithion cyfle i edmygu camp a chrefftwaith y cerflunydd o Gaerdydd. Rai blynyddoedd yn ol In this article the Vicar of Llanboidy, the Reverend Jeffrey Gainer, cytunodd y Cyngor Plywyf tells us a little about the background of Goscombe John’s statue Eglwysig y byddai’n cefnogi pob of Grief in St Brynach’s churchyard and also recounts the efforts ymdrech ymarferol i wireddu y to restore the statue and place it within the parish church so that gobaith hwn ar yr amod y cesglid future generations may continue to admire the work. Currently yr arian angenrheidiol o wahanol over £20,000 is needed to implement the scheme ffynnonhellau priodol. I’r perwyl hwnnw agorodd y Cyngor gyfrif N nhawelwch cefn gwlad Sir enw Masgwynne wrth ymyl y arbennig a elwir “Grief YGaerfyrddin saif cerflun a pentref. (Erbyn heddiw mae’r ty Restoration Project” dan ofal Mrs ystyrir bellach yn gampwaith hwnnw wedi dadfeilio bron yn Maureen Higginson, Clarebrook, William Goscombe John, tywysog llwyr). Adeiladodd y bonheddwr San Cler. Erbyn hyn mae swm o ymhlith cerflunwyr rhan gyntaf yr hwn ysgol i blant y cylch yn ry w bedair mil ar hugain o ugeinfed ganrif yng Nghymru. ogystal a thai i’w weithwyr. bunnoedd wedi’i neilltuo ar gyfer Mae’r cofadail yn sefyll ym Talodd am waith atgyweirio y gwaith hwn. Er enghraifft mae mynwent Eglwys Sant Brynach yn Eglwys Sant Brynach tra’n CADW wedi addo rhoi hyd at Llanboidy. Bydd rhai pentrefwyr cydnabod bod trwch y boblogaeth bymtheg mil ac mae disgynyddion yn adrodd o hyd am yr achlysuron yn Llanboidy a thrwy Gymru teulu Maesgwynne wedi hynny pryd cawsant gip ar y gyfan yn ymneilltuwyr. Yn wir ymrwymo i gyfrannu saith mil o cerflun yng nghwmni Mr credai fod datgysylltiad yr Eglwys bunnoedd. Yn sicr nid tasg hawdd Goodwin, prifathro yr ysgol leol a yn anochel. Pan fu farw yn yw codi’r arian anghenrheidiol yn dyn a ymhyfrydai mewn hanes Mehefin 1891 ar ol oes o enwedig yn y sefyllfa economaidd lleol a gorchestion celfydydd. wasanaeth cyhoeddus sydd ohoni. Amcangyfrifir y byd Mynnodd i’w ddisgyblion gael penderfynodd ei berthnasau y yr holl brosiect yn costio £45,000 cyfle i ryfeddu at waith caboledig dymunent godi cofadail teilwng er a gobeithir y ceir afael ar yr arian Goscombe John. cof amdano. Roedd teulu angenrheidiol trwy bwyso ar Ond pam gosodwyd Galar yno Maesgwynne yn lied gyfeillgar a wahanol gyrff cyhoeddus a yn y lie cyntaf? dyn cefnog arall, sef yr ardalydd mudiadau diwylliadol yn ogyst. Er mwyn ateb y cwestiwn hwn Bute a ddigwyddodd fod yn Yn wiral ar unigolion sydd yn rhaid gwerthfawrogi dylanwad gyflogwr tad Goscombe John. dan oruchwyliaeth Rodin. gweithredu yn fuan i’w adfer. ymwybodol o werth y darn teulu y sgweiar lleol ar y gyuned Felly trwy’r fath rwydwaith o Canlyniad y fath nawdd a Barn Ann Wright, swyddog yr arbennig hwn o dreftadaeth yn y cyfnod hwwnw. Roedd berthnasedd a chyfeillgarwch chydweithrediad yw’r cerflun amgueddfa leol yng Cymru. Yn y pen draw y gobaith Walter Rice Howell Powell neu penderfynwyd comisymu y dyn cywrain sydd yn sefyll hyd heddiw Nghyfaeryddin, yw y dylid mynd yw y bydd y fenyw farmer hon yn ‘Powell bach’ fel y’i gelwid yn ifanc i greu cerflun teilwng a ym mynwent Eglwys Llanboidy. ati ar frys i drwsio Galar ac denu llawer un i Lanboidy heb aelod seneddol ac yn hael ei fyddai’n sefyll maes o law Gwaetha’r modd mae’r awgrymodd hithau y gellid symud iddi orfod wynebu yr holl law a’r gymwynas i’r pentref. Roedd yn uwchben bedd ‘Powell bach’. Ar y cerflun wedi erydu yn ddifrifol y cerflun o’i safle gwreiddiol a’i gwynt sydd wedo achosi cymaint berchen ar stad o dros dair mil o pryd roedd Goscombe John yn dros y degawdau diwethaf. O’i ailosod tu fewn i eglwys Sant o drafferth iddi yn y blynyddoedd erwau ac yn byw mewn plasty o’r bwrw ei brentisiaeth ym Mharis herwydd mae gwir angen Brynach gerllaw. Trwy wneud hyn diwethaf hyn! 8 Pobl Dewi, March 2009 Website Wonders at Advertisement www.stdavidsdiocese.org.uk THE ST DAVIDS DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE by Don MacGregor DIOCESAN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER F you have access to the internet, In this treasure trove there is Iour diocesan website is worth a advice for every situation a church Salary £10,000 look. Apart from all sorts of infor- can face, and many offer free Applications are invited for this key part-time position. Working closely with the Bishop, mation about the diocese itself, it resources for use. For example, the Diocesan Secretary and senior people within the Diocese of St Davids you will act as the also has a page with links to many Arthur Rank Centre has all sorts of Public Relations Officer in relation to the press and the media. You will already be working in other helpful Christian websites, free worship resources available for the field of press and media relations and have the necessary skills that go along with under the Resources/Sharing head- different times and seasons in the working in this fast moving world. You will also have first class communication skills both ing. You can find all manner of farming year, plus the environment written and oral through the medium of Welsh and English and a good understanding of the websites, categorised under these and creation. headings: If you are involved in church issues and current concerns facing the Diocese of St Davids and the Church in Wales in Liturgical/ Prayer/Spirituality finance, the Association of Church general. Mission/Theology/Evangelism Accountants and Treasurers give You will be expected to present and interpret the affairs of the Diocese of St Davids to the Trusts Financial/Stewardship/ some excellent advice. If you are media in such a way that they can be understood by those who have little knowledge of the Fundraising stuck for an idea for a school Diocese and its structures. You will also be responsible for advising the Bishop and the St Building assembly, assemblies.org.uk can Davids Diocesan Board of Finance on its communication strategy, policies and procedures Ministry and Church resources provide you with a host of relevant, including the development of supporting media and resources as well as organising training Rural Ministry lively ideas. and development of media skills. Anglican UK/Worldwide: It is very helpful to have a large Youth and Children number of Christian websites listed If you are seeking a unique opportunity in the field of media and press relations and an Publishers/Bookshops in one place, and although there opportunity that will present you with a new challenge each day then please contact us. World Mission Agencies were some obvious ones missing For further information please contact Mrs Val Hockey at The Diocesan Office,Abergwili, Tourism (like Tearfund), it is an excellent Carmarthen SA31 2JG or telephone 01267 236145. Community/Wider Charity place to start if you are looking for Closing date for receipt of applications is Easter Monday. Resources Lottery, etc some help and ideas. Family History

Raising the Roof at St Jerome’s in Llangwm

OW do you solve a problem; But among St. Jerome’s many church has now hosted two seasons Hnot of Maria, but of bringing a assets, is a wonderfully intimate and of concerts with performances church building with archaic central warm acoustic. This is something ranging from choirs and brass bands heating and electrics into the 21st that our Norman forebears unknow- to a medieval orchestra, spiritual century? Every time St Jerome’s ingly gave us when they built the jazz, opera and even the Didgeridoo. Church in Llangwm fires up its church and in spite of its rather The concerts take place at about six ancient boiler, electric meters the limited seating capacity, St Jerome’s week intervals and juxtapose high length and breadth of the nation start has become a perfect venue for a quality local performers with per- to twitch with an uncanny anxiety as wide range of musical concerts. Not formances provided through the it starts to swallow up 36 kilowatts only do the concerts bring top Night Out scheme of the Arts of electricity every single hour. That quality musical performances to the Council of Wales. is the same as switching on 18 people of Llangwm, they have also For the 2008 Christmas concert, electric kettles all at the same time. placed St. Jerome’s firmly at the St Jerome’s welcomed brothers The boiler, which looks as though it heart of village life once again. All Mark and Wynn Evans, Principal was installed at the birth of electri- this and the church has started to Baritone and Tenor respectively of city, burns so much power that a raise the money needed to upgrade the Welsh National Opera. It’s not three-phase supply is needed to feed the wiring and heating. often that people from a rural Welsh it. Something had to be done, not just The first concert took place village are able to enjoy such high the church will be able to provide central heating boiler from the dawn to modernise the heating, but also to during the 2007 Llangwm Festival quality performances for just £7.50. its much needed upgraded facilities. of time? It looks as though St improve the electrics and to install a with a concert of music from the The concerts will continue, and it So is there any museum out Jerome’s might have one to spare PA system for the hard of hearing. reign of good Queen Bess, and the looks as though slowly and surely, there, which might like to acquire a quite soon. – Pamela Hunt

at the Milford Haven International New Port Chaplain for Milford Haven Seafarers’ centre and, when possible, seafarers are brought to the centre by TEVE TRAYNAR is the newly Following changes in the way mini-bus and can enjoy a relaxed Sappointed Port Chaplain with the Mission wanted to work in the atmosphere and are able to make the Mission to Seafarers in Milford UAE, Steve was offered the post of cheap phone calls home, use the Haven. Port Chaplain at Milford Haven Internet and have a quiet drink with He is a lay minister who has where he has been since the summer friends.” worked in a variety of jobs, mainly last year. Steve also explains how the in the IT business, in Essex and Describing his work, Steve says, Mission offer help to seafarers London. Having followed the “The work of a Mission Chaplain is through troubled times as well. “If Reader training course in the very varied, no two days are the there is a problem back home on the Diocese of Chelmsford, during same, but it can be summed up by other side of the world and they which time he did a placement with saying we cater for the spiritual and can’t get home or if there are legal the Mission to Seafarers at the Port practical welfare of seafarers on the problems with their employers they of Felixstowe in Suffolk, he later ships that come into our ports. often need help and advice and took up the post of second chaplain Primarily my work involves visiting through our international network to Dubai and the Northern United the ships at the various oil jetties in and contacts we can often help Arab Emirates, a post he held for Milford Haven. The crews like to resolve the situation.” 18 months from December 2006. have someone different to talk to. “Mine is a very interesting and There his work included working on The ship they are on is not only their worthwhile job with immense job board the world’s first and only place of work it’s their home too. satisfaction” Steve says “and if anyone floating seafarers’ centre in the big Sometimes they like to pray, but wants me to come and talk more about offshore anchorage off Fujairah on unfortunately that doesn’t happen my work and that of the Mission the east coast. often. I also have an office and chapel worldwide I’d be happy to do so.” Pobl Dewi, March 2009 9 TTTourism training Easter Breakfast Events to raise funds

OES your church welcome After lunch, which will be provided, for Mercy Ships Dvisitors and tourists? If not, do working sessions using the new you wish you could open your doors toolkit developed by the diocesan AN you organize an Easter for them? tourism group will fill the afternoon, Cbreakfast around Easter time to If you are among those who want finishing at 4 pm. bring hope to the horizon and healing to share the faith by welcoming No! It’s not free, but it is well for those in greatest need? Join with strangers to come in to explore your worth it. Each participant will pay £4 friends, neighbours and colleagues church then you could be helped by in advance to book their place and to and enjoy breakfast and fellowship coming on one of the training days register their attendance. The first five together for a great cause! being held this spring: Thursday who pay will get the benefit of a new Mercy Ships operates the March 26th at the Coach House, St free toolkit. We have a maximum world’s largest charity hospital Dogmael’s; Monday April 27th at number of 25 spaces per event and ship, delivering free health care Holy Trinity, Aberaeron and Tuesday are hoping that 2-4 people will join and development services. May 12th at St Cathen’s Llangathen us from participating churches. The Africa Mercy was converted Each day will follow the same This work, to be successful, from a Danish rail ferry, at a pattern, beginning at 11 am with an needs a small group of local people, Newcastle shipyard, to provide a introduction by local people, sharing encouraged by their priest, to lead fully equipped modern hospital with their story of how they are trying to the initiative. It is surprising how 6 operating theatres, intensive care improve their ministry to visitors and much can be done without spending unit, X-ray laboratory, CT scanner, the quality of the experience visitors huge sums of money. recovery ward and cabin space for have on visiting their church. There To book your place send your volunteer teams to provide urgent will be opportunity to explore the cheque made out to St David’s medical services in the world’s church as visitors do, and to com- Diocese to Jeremy Martineau, 11 poorest countries. sanitation and health facilities. month’s physiotherapy; £29 can ment and discuss progress and New Hill Villas, Goodwick SA64 Dedicated volunteer medical Mercy Ships makes a lifelong help straighten cross eyes; £72 can possibilities. The Churches Tourism 0DT. Please make sure you tell me teams, following Jesus’ example in difference to individuals and com- help wipe away a cleft lip and palate; Network for Wales and the Diocesan which date and place you intend to healing, provide vital surgeries for munities, not only restoring them £100 can provide a cataract opera- Tourism Group will share their aims. come to. blindness, cleft lip and palate, physically, but enabling them to tion; £297 can build a well. benign tumour, orthopaedics, child- rejoin at school or at work, showing To find out more about volun- birth injury and dental treatments. their healing and new hope, found teering, raising funds and for an Construction teams partner with through Mercy Ships. Every dona- Easter Breakfast Pack visit YYYou ararou e welcome . . . local people on community develop- tion counts: £6 can help deliver a www.mercyships.org.uk/easter- ment projects, including water, dental check-up; £15 can provide a breakfast, or phone 01438 727800. . . . is the name of a toolkit that has taken apart and photocopied for been developed by the Diocesan group use, so that a church can Tourism Group to offer practical concentrate on those aspects that are has designed a visitors book which, Diocese to find out more about those help to churches wanting to provide relevant to them. It also enables Who are they? through the column headings on who visit its churches. a ministry of welcome. It focuses on ideas, comments and notes to be FTEN a church has a book for each page, will give a valuable The Visitors Book costs £6 + how a church can prepare for added to the back of the sheet if Ovisitors to sign, but it would be insight into those who are often our p&p. It is spiral bound and has space visitors and welcome them, as well necessary. helpful if we knew a little bit more unseen guests. for 250 visitor entries. They will be as considering the experience of the Many of the ideas are simple and about those who come into our It is hoped that this will not only available at the forthcoming Tour- visitor themselves. inexpensive, but the toolkit en- churches during the course of each help a parish in catering for the ism Days, or by contacting Revd Many parishes have already courages a consideration of the costs week! needs and expectations of those it Sarah Geach on 01834 812078 or developed a ministry of welcome, involved in raising or maintaining The Diocesan Tourism Group welcomes, but will enable the [email protected] whilst others want to offer this this ministry of welcome. It is hoped ministry, but are uncertain where to that the format used will provide a begin. This toolkit helps to identify Parochial Church Council or Parish to locate many of the problem areas those aspects that may already be Tourism Group with an easily or potential problem areas that had undertaken and those that could be assessable checklist to aid their Faith in Maintenance been talked about during the course initiated or developed further. It uses discussions and promote initiatives of the day. Anyone who has responsi- by Sara Crofts, Project Director a number of worksheets, each that are realistic, appropriate, bility for a church building should grab the opportunity to attend one of concentrating on a particular part of achievable and sustainable for their “Take proper care of your monuments and you will not need these courses. Never will the blindly the welcome that could be offered. situation. to restore them. A few sheets of lead put in time upon the By “star grading” the stages of Copies of this toolkit are avail- obvious be put in front of you so roof, a few dead leaves and sticks swept in time out of a helpfully! development that could be con- able in either Welsh or English and water course, will save both roof and wall from ruin. Watch sidered, it enables a church to decide cost £2.50 + pp. Having run 45 successful Faith an old building with an anxious care; guard it as best you where they are at present and what Contact Revd Sarah Geach on in Maintenance courses so far, the may, and at any cost, from every influence of dilapidation.” level they hope to achieve in the 01834 812078 or same maintenance problems have future. The toolkit is designed to be [email protected] John Ruskin (speaking of Rouen Cathedral in 1859) been noted repeatedly. Common concerns include damaged rainwater OST of us know that carrying synagogues, mosques and temples to goods; blocked drains; broken Mout maintenance tasks on a look after their buildings more windows; slipped slates and tiles; RSCM Notes routine basis helps to protect the effectively. and the ubiquitous clumps of weeds fabric of our historic buildings and The courses include lectures on sprouting from behind parapets. Special Service assures their survival for future the typology and materials of places Nevertheless, with the help of our ORMER Secretary of the West generations to enjoy. In October of worship in the local area; main- team of expert speakers we are able FWales Area Committee of the 2006, the Society for the Protection tenance; managing relationships with to demonstrate how these problems Royal School of Church Music of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) began building professionals; and health can be easily remedied. Richard Stephens has been awarded its innovative five-year project to and safety. In the afternoon partici- We also realise that volunteers a Certificate of Special Service by provide free maintenance training pants have the opportunity to put need ongoing support if we are to RSCM Headquarters. The award is courses for churchwardens and their what they have learned into practice ensure that our places of worship are in recognition of his 13 years’ equivalents in other faiths throughout as we use our host building as a case looked after properly. For this reason, exceptional work, encompassing the England and Wales. The training study. This has proved enormously we provide all our course participants posts of Education and Training courses focus on the routine work popular as all our volunteers gain with a copy of The Good Main- Officer, Treasurer, and finally Richard Stephens needed to keep the fabric of historic confidence in their ability to spot tenance Guide as well as a handy Secretary. He was also the prime buildings in good condition and potential problems and put forward maintenance calendar. mover behind the Music Develop- meeting some wonderful people encourage people to clean their suggestions as to how they should be Information about the Faith in ment Team, which offers help and locally, regionally and nationally, all gutters, check their drains and repair addressed. Maintenance project can be found at advice to parishes wishing to brought together by their common slipped slates and tiles. Our aim is to Geoffrey Arrand, Archdeacon of www.spabfim.org.uk. You can also improve their musical standards. love of church music.” promote sensitive and timely main- Suffolk, said: “It was good to sit and contact us on 0207 456 0913, or “I enjoyed every moment of my Richard is still firmly involved tenance and encourage the many listen to expert advice and guidance, [email protected] or write to us time,” says a delighted Richard. “It with church music as Organist of St thousands of volunteers who but it was even better to go outside at Faith in Maintenance, SPAB, 37 afforded me the opportunity of Mary’s Church, Pembroke. care for historic churches, chapels, and examine a church building so as Spital Square, London E1 6DY. 10 Pobl Dewi, March 2009 Cor Tempus Cor Cymru? Diamond Couple Seimon Morris, known to many in the diocese as the conductor of last year’s Catalyst Choir, here reflects on the day recently when he and his own choir Tempus made it to the semi-final of S4C’s Welsh Choir of the Year Competition, ‘Cor Cymru’, held at Aberystwyth Arts Centre. You will have to tune in to S4C on Saturday 28th March at 8.00pm to see how they got on!

10:30 a dyma ni’n gyrru i mewn i effaith diddorol. Wedyn roedd rhaid Tempus yn amrywio o 11 i dros 55 Ganolfan y Celfyddydau yn trio edrych yn ymosodol, troi i’r oed. Mae nhw’n cael gwisgo Aberystwyth mewn bws sy’n llawn camera, a dweud, “Seimon Morris, unrhywbeth maen nhw moyn. Yr o bobl a dillad. Tu fas mae rhyw Cor Tempus!” unig rheol yw bod popeth maen ddyn gyda chamera teledu ar ei 10:45 Twymo lan ein lleisiau yn nhw’n gwisgo’n goch neu du. Mae ysgwydd yn ffilmio ni. Shwd yn y y theatr a chael practis olaf cyn un aelod yn gwisgo ambell i bluen byd ydyn ni wedi llwyddo i symud i mewn i’r prif neuadd lle hyd yn oed!! Dwi’n cofio cerdded i gyrraedd rownd cyn derfynol y sioe dyn ni’n cael ymarfer gyda’r lawr y grisiau’n ymwybodol o’r teledu Cor Cymru? camerau teledu am 11:30. ffaith bod llygaid llawer o bobl yn Bob dwy flynedd, heb fawr o Mae grwp Tempus yn swnio’n troi i edrych arnon ni. obaith, mae grwp lleisiol Tempus wahanol i gorau eraill achos ein bod 14:00 Dechrau ffilmio a ni yw’r yn ymgasglu mewn ysgol yr un mor gysurus yn canu pop a ail gor i gystadlu. uwchradd lleol ar gyfer rhagbrawf gospel ac ydyn ni’n canu Enillon ni? Daethom yn ail? Ah y rhaglen teledu Cor Cymru. Rhan cerddoriaeth Baroque a Renaissance. wel, does dim hawl da fi ddweud! o’r cytundeb yw bod pob cor yn Ond yn fwy amlwg na hynny yw’r Ond buodd hi’n ddiwrnod rydym derbyn cd o’i berfformiad ac mae ffaith ein bod ni’n edrych yn hollol yn mynd i’w gofio am flynyddau safon hwnna’n uchel iawn. Beth wahanol. Mae oedran aelodau gyda phleser pur. ydy’r corau i fod i ganu? Wel mae rhaid canu o leiaf un darn digyfeiliant, o leiaf un yn Gymraeg a dim mwy nag un yn Saesneg. Mae’n anodd iawn i esbonio faint o sioc oedd hi pan clywon ni ein bod wedi derbyn lle yn y rownd cyn derfynol. Cyn hir roedd rhaid i’r arweinydd (fi!) yrru i stiwdio, lle mae Doctor Who yn cael ei ffilmio, i gael cyfweliad. A paid meddwl taw dim ond cyfweliad ych chi’n On 29 December 1948, Stewart and Joy Neal (pictured holding cael mewn rhaglenni fel hyn. O na! a congratulatory card from the Queen) were married at St Ar ol siarad ac ateb cwestiynau, Michael’s Church, Eglwysfach. Last December, exactly 60 years roedd rhaid i mi esgus mod i’n later, more than seventy of their family and close friends gathered arwain cor tra bod effaith at Voelas, Glandyfi, to celebrate the couple’s Diamond Wedding golau“strobe” tu ol i mi yn creu Anniversary

Pilgrim Adventure Ymddeoliad y Parchedig Ganon John H. Gravel, BA Journey Leaders Brian G. Hopkins and Assistant Journey ETH ymddeoliad Canon The Reverend Cannon John H. Gravel, BA retired on the 31st of bore Sul, 25ain Ionawr Leaders DGravell o’r offeiriadaeth yn yr January 2009. Cannon Gravel studied Geography at Aberystwyth cyflwynwyd tystebion ac Eglwys yng Nghymru ar 31ain University before preparing for ministry at Lampeter. He was anrhegion i’r Canon a’i wraig, Island hopping, hill Ionawr 2009. Ei blwyf olaf oedd ordained in 1968. The Members of his Parish at Llandybïe wish Morfudd, gan wardeiniaid eglwys walking, worshipping in Llandybïe gyda Llandyfân a St Canon Gravel and his wife, Morfudd, a long and blessed Santes Dybïe, Côr yr Eglwys, yr out of the way places . . . Marc Cwmcoch, lle y bu yn ficer Ysgol Sul ac Undeb y Mamau. retirement at their new home in Ammanford If the idea of planning and am dros dair mlynedd ar ddeg, Hefyd cawsant rhoddion gan gydag adeg o chwe mlynedd yn phan yn unarddeg oed symudodd dilyn cwrs tystysgrif addysg bu’n eglwysi Llandyfân a St Marc, leading Christian journeys gwasanaethu hefyd yn ddeon bro y teulu i Gilgerran. Mynychodd astudio diwinyddiaeth yng Clwb Radio Llandybïe ac through ‘off the beaten Dyffryn Aman. Ysgol Ramadeg Aberteifi, Ngholeg Llambed. Cafodd ei anrhegion, cardiau a dymuniadau track’ Britain and Ireland Ganed yn Llanymddyfri yn graddiodd yn naearyddiaeth ym ordeinio i’r offeiriadaeth ar ddydd da oddi wrth nifer fawr o appeals to you, you may 1945, lle’r oedd ei dad yn gurad, a Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth ac ar ôl San Pedr, 1968. Treulioedd ei gyfeillion yn y gymuned leol. like to consider joining the guradiaeth yn Aberystwyth ac fe’i Fe welwn eisiau’r Canon yn Pilgrim Adventure team. wnaed yn Rheithor plwyf Llandybïe, gyda’i ddysgeidiaeth a Team members are Llangeithio yn 1972. Yn 1981, phregethau ysbrydol o’r volunteers from all walks of death yn ficer Llannon a’r Tymbl, Ysgrythyrau a’i gyfeillgarwch ef a life and Christian traditions, a symud i Landybïe yn 1995. Bu’n Morfudd. Cawsom ein hatgoffa yn but all share the aims of the ganon yn Eglwys Gadeiriol ei lythyr olaf i’r plwyfolion, ein organisation and have Tyddewi ers 1992 ac mae’n un o’r bod fel pobl meidrol wedi cael ein discovered a closeness to rhai sy’n gyfrifol am ddewis galw i weinidogaethu ymhlith pobl God and Creation through darpar offeiriaid yn yr Eglwys yng meidrol, ac fe allwn mewn cariad travel to remote places and Nghymru. ac ymynedd adeiladu ein gilydd i a wish to share this with ^ Yn wr mawr ei barch gan gyflawni pwrpas Duw yn ein others. bawb sy’n ei adnabod, mae’r bywydau, er gogoniant Ei Enw Canon yn arweinydd arbennig i mawr. For further information ddod a phobl i adnabod Duw ac i Arglwydd Iesu, Tel: 01834 844212 dderbyn iachawdwriaeth drwy ‘Dod imi galon well bob dydd, Write: Pilgrim Adventure, Iesu Grist. Mae’n debyg y bydd A’th ras yn fodd i fyw; South Winds, Culver Park, yn cael ei gadw’n brysur ym A boed i eraill trwof fi Tenby SA70 7ED. mhulpudau gwag eglwysi a Adnabod cariad Duw.’ chapeli yn y cylch a bydd hyn wrth Dymunwn pob bendith ac [email protected] ei fodd er mwyn parhau i hapusrwydd iddynt yn eu cartref www.pilgrim-adventure.org.uk ledaenu’r Newyddion Da. newydd yn Rhydaman. Pilgrim Adventure Est.1987 Yn ystod gwasanaeth teuluol Pobl Dewi, March 2009 11

reader a wealth of information on stations” in our own homes. how, where and what is required in The ideas offer a “way in” to St Davids Cathedral setting up quiet corners. Whilst this some profound ideas and themes, book would be very useful for using a Multisensory approach. Sunday school and religious There is something here for those Festival,Festival,Festival, education teachers, its scope is much exploring faith for the first time and wider. These corners can be known for those of us, who despite being as prayer corners or even “stilling Christians for a long time, could stations”; a place to be still and listen benefit from seeing something in a to God, a “spiritual pit-stop”, if you fresh and different way. like, a place to refresh the soul in the The book is probably best used hectic daily routine. in a pick and mix mode, where the The book explores the concept reader can dip into the seasons and in a similar way to the object boxes themes as appropriate. Two ex- used in Godly play, where the use of amples are pebbles and a pebble artefacts helps to reinforce the pond and the lost sheep and the shep- scriptural message being delivered herd. and concentrates the mind of the The clear layout is enhanced by participants on the subject. good colour illustrations, which help Creative Ideas for Quiet It will be an invaluable tool for to support the ideas. Corners Godly play-session teachers as it will This book of prayers, readings ISBN: 9781 84101 546 0 enable them to expand upon their and ideas would make a wonderful Quiet Corners, just as the title weekly stories and help with the gift for new parents, as well as suggests is a book about creating development of the children’s prayer. confirmation candidates. It would quiet corners. It contains 14 visual But these ideas would be just as appeal to people of all ages and, with prayer ideas for use with children. useful for adults too. Every church a little thought, ideas can be adapted But the book does more than suggest could benefit from a small quiet area for use with any age group T DAVIDS Cathedral Festival song live on BBC Radio 3 in the appropriate prayers, offering the and we could even think about “still – Heather Witt Scelebrates its thirty-first year in middle of the week. 2009 with a stunning array of This year there will be a late concerts. With appearances from evening lecture recital, ‘The musical some of the finest artists in the UK, road to Santiago’, with Mary the festival has built up a reputation Remnant, who will recreate the as one of the greatest classical music atmosphere of the pilgrimage route festivals in Wales. in mediaeval times with an array of ARCH – Arts in Churches This year artistic director contemporary instruments and by The Reverend Anthony Bailey Alexander Mason has put together following the success of last year’s another thrilling programme with ‘Film at the Festival’, Alexander N the year 2000, a conversation people to the idea of ARCH, churches gan, where Priest in Charge, Father lots of new, exciting elements and a Mason will enthral us all with an Ibetween the eminent sculptor, benefited financially from our Cunane, had commissioned stained programme which will appeal to all. organ improvisation to the silent Denis Curry and myself resulted in programme to the tune of £2,000. glass windows for the church The Festival opens on the after- movie, ‘The Hunchback of Notre the beginning of a movement in the Some of the parishes who hosted illustrating the sacraments, and noon of 22 May, with an educational Dame’. Crymych area which sought to events have since gone on to others to enhance the Shrine of Our workshop; drawing together five Thursday evening sees the world celebrate and investigate the rela- sponsor their own programmes of Lady. He, together with the artist, local primary schools who will come famous cellist, Natalie Clein perform tionship between the arts and the the arts. Amber Hiscott, gave a com-mentary together to form the festival’s first works for solo cello by J. S. Bach spiritual, in the context of places of Our final year of operation on the work. Afterwards, in the Hall, Children’s Festival Chorus. The and Kodaly. There will also be a worship. (2008) was spectacular in two ways. Dr Anne Price-Owen from Swansea Festival will be officially launched chamber music concert featuring As an initial experiment, Llan- We decided to concentrate, during University intro-duced a film on the same evening with a concert Andrew Skidmore and friends who glydwen Church hosted a fortnight the first half of the year, on pro- illustrating the work of David Jones, given by one of the hottest young will perform trios by Haydn, of the arts which was very highly ducing an exhibition of our work for “Soldier, Artist, Poet”, which was vocal groups on the scene, Voces8. Mendelssohn and Brahms. commended by the Church Times. Catalyst. Our displays of art and the result of a pilgrimage which the On the first Saturday, the Festival The Festival would not be There was an exhibition of paintings sculpture, some from local churches, David Jones society had made to the Chorus and Orchestra will enthral complete without mentioning the and sculptures by well known local as well as a display explaining the battlefields of the Somme. us with a performance of Handel’s hugely popular Young Musicians artists. A series of musical recitals purpose of ARCH, were highly This evening was a fitting end to epic depiction of the exile of the Platform featuring concerts by concluded with a specially written commended by many who attended the work of ARCH which, because Israelites, ‘Israel in Egypt’. Young Musician of Dyfed, flautist, Mass composed for the occasion by the event. The highlight of the year, of age and other commitments of its This year sees the première of Rachel Griffiths and organist Jonathan Copus, and performed by however, was the ‘stained glass’ members, had to close. We hope two new festival commissions, one Nicholas Prozzillo, who will present his small choir. An evening of workshop at which not only children however that it will have inspired by the world renowned concert a programme to illustrate the music ‘Poetry Please’ in Welsh and English created windows from tissue paper, many to look more deeply into the organist David Briggs, ‘Briggs: St the young J. S. Bach may have heard was well received, while children’s but a large window was created as relationship of the arts with the Davids Service’, commissioned by on his journey from Arnstadt to workshops brought many children an ongoing group project. spiritual. We thank the Archbishop The Friends of St Davids Cathedral, Lübeck in the winter of 1705-6. In to the church who had never before We ended the year with a double of Canterbury for his support, and and a première of Mark Blatchly’s addition, this year there will be two entered a place of worship. event at the Roman Catholic Church also our own Bishop who was our ‘St Davids Mass’ for treble voices. coffee concerts which will take Sadly, for a variety of reasons of Our Lady of the Taper at Cardi- President. David Briggs will also be giving the place in the Refectory, which will including some local objections, the Welsh première of his transcription feature the Choral Scholars of St experiment had to be abandoned. of Mahler’s 6th Symphony. Davids Cathedral and the St Davids However, on retiring as Priest in The distinguished vocal en- Cathedral Boys Choir. Charge of Llanglydwen in 2005, we semble, The Tallis Scholars, will The Festival concludes with the gathered together a small com- make their long-awaited debut at the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, mittee and reformed ARCH (Art in Festival with a mouth-watering featuring cellist Natalie Clein once Churches). Over the next three selection of Renaissance polyphony. again for a programme of Russian years, many events took place in a The festival also welcomes the favourites, under the baton of variety of churches and chapels, hugely entertain-ing ensemble, The Alexander Shelley; a fitting climax including concerts of music from Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain to this year’s week of concerts. different ages given by various vocal who are fast becoming on of the Please apply for tickets to: and instrumental groups; a presen- most talked-about groups on the Lionel Griffiths, on 01348 831033. tation of ‘Poetry Please’ by national festival circuit. For further general information, poetry prize winner, Julia Copus; The St Davids Cathedral Choir please contact the Administrator on painting workshops in Gumfreston will once again play a prominent role 01437 720057, Church; and two successful photo- in the festival and will perform a [email protected] graphic competitions. The organisa- programme celebrating the anni- or via www.stdavidscathedral.org.uk tion also published newsletters with versaries of Handel and Haydn, The St Davids Cathedral many informative articles written by accompanied by The Corelli Festival is supported by the well qualified practitioners in the Orchestra, and the soprano soloist National Lottery through the arts. Natalie Clifton-Griffith. There will Arts Council of Wales. As well as introducing many Stained Glass Workshop organised by ARCH also be a broadcast of choral even- 12 Pobl Dewi, March 2009 Reviews

advantage of the sun and the good Katharine & Peter, Milford Haven. stitution would enliven any PCC weather. We have time to read and (A strange name for a cat, but meeting! And we do learn some- to think and to question. We have thereby hangs a tail, or rather a tale.) thing about Canon Patrick himself. time to make and sustain new I enjoyed this book. It’s not in O to see ourselves as our cats see friendships. We can learn how to be any way a heavyweight theological us! human as God intended us to be tome, but it contains a lot of theology There might be some who think and are not cogs in the economic and doctrine, presented in a style this a trivial way to deal with our machine. Above all as Christians we which is anything but dusty. It takes Faith. But Look-Who-It-Isn’t reminds have time to pray and give thanks. the calendar and, feast by feast, it me that he has been told that we We have long had the movement helps us to discover the meaning for follow someone who was the greatest for equal opportunities which seeks life which lies behind all our cere- story teller of all – Jesus of Nazareth. to give women their rightful place in monies and celebrations. And it’s And if a story or a parable can help society. In this book the author not done in a heavy-handed way, but us to the truth, then we owe a lot to attacks ageism which relegates the through the eyes of a cat! And so the story teller. If you are looking elderly to be of little worth. On the the book is funny and great fun to for a book to learn more about our contrary, she says the elderly created read. We assume that Canon Patrick faith but don’t want anything too the society we now live in and know means this for children, but there is heavy, why not try Cosmo, brush up more about it than any other group. much for adults to learn as well. If on your CATechism, and learn much We have reservoirs of wisdom which Cosmo the Christchurch you avoid the parish Bible Group without even realising it? often challenge the naive thoughts Cat: 24 stories by Canon and daydream during the sermon, John Davies (and Look-Who-It- The Gift of Years and policies of most of our young Patrick Thomas you’ll be surprised by what you will Isn’t!) by Joan Chittister politicians. I APPROACHED this review with find here. We learn about faith and (DLT, 2008) The book provides us with an some trepidation. After all, I’m a hope and love, but perhaps in a more Mission Prayer Hymn Books ISBN: 0-232-52750-4 understanding of the nature of age man and not a cat. OK, Thomas approachable way than in St Paul. St Mary, Begelly, has a set of and the incredible opportunities that Aquinas, or even John Holdsworth There are some sad moments for MANY of us who attend Church 60 Mission Praise hymn books are open to us. The author also deals on the Old Testament, this isn’t. Cosmo as in everybody’s life, but these days are elderly and this book, (1997 ed.) that are looking for with negatives of old age and how Even so, I decided a consultant was Canon Patrick brings the light of the says the author, is for those on the a new home. best to deal with them. I would necessary, so I enlisted the help of Gospel to these sad corners. brink of old age. Her contention is Contact 01834 812078 or recommend the book for study by the Look-Who-It-Isn’t, a neighbouring Cosmo is a bit parochial (it helps that, when our worldly struggles of 01834 813981 Mothers Union and Men’s Societies. feline whose person is Sara, our if you know Carmarthen), but his bringing up a family and earning a for further information – Canon Bob Morgan assistant Church Organist at SS. comments on the C in W Con- living are over, our later years leave us these days with 20 years of living to enjoy. We are blessed with great experience and wisdom which can contribute massively to national and Notices received social life. Working mothers today need us; the grandchildren need us for we have much to pass on to them; Aberystwyth Days of Refreshment Gardener Wanted the frail and infirm need us; the Choral Society for the Soul . . . Part time self-employed gardener wanted for Llys Church depends on the elderly who will be singing are Christ’s leaven in society. Much in St Davids Cathedral Esgob, Abergwili, approximately 4 hours per week of the social work in the community Handel’s Zadok The Priest, Cloisters during the gardening season to tend borders and and the outreach to the poor and Vaughan Williams’ shrubs. suffering in a continent like Africa are Toward The Unknown Region Saturday 16th May Please apply to: sustained by the organisation, com- and ‘The power of story’ led by Bishop of St Davids, passion and financial sacrifice of the Rutter’s Magnificat Gina Silverman and Revd Llys Esgob, Abergwili, Carmarthen SA31 2JG Rhiannon Johnson elderly. When we retire we are, by in no means, on our way out. We have Garddwr eisiau, rhan amser, hunangyflogedig yn Llys Aberystwyth Arts Centre Wednesday 8th July Esgob, Abergwili, tua 4 awr yr wythnos dros y tymor so much more to offer. ‘Healing’ led by Revd John Another important fact to realise on 9 May garddio i ofalu am y borderi a’r llwyni. Bennett and Gina Silverman about the third age is that we are not Ymgeisiwch i: Tickets available directly caught up in the hurly burly of life. Wednesday 23rd Esgob Tyddewi, from the Choral Society, We don’t have to go here or there and September Llys Esgob, Abergwili, Caerfyrddin SA31 2JG do this and that. We are not caught Tel: 01974 272476, or from ‘The spirituality of Ann up in the doing of life to survive. On the Box Office, Griffiths’ led by Canon the contrary we have time to savour Tel: 01970 623232. Patrick Thomas and Helen the goodness of life. We can take Aspden The Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC) in Wales annual conference will take place on Saturday 28 Saturday 21st November March 2009 at Bethel Baptist Church, Pontyclun. The ‘Listening’ led by Revd leader will Teresa Onions, who is part of the Cumbria- Got some news? Dennis Wight and Helen based ReNew consortium of counsellors. Aspden Need publicity? To book a place call 0845 1235267 or e-mail * The days start at 10.00am [email protected]. Want to join the Parish Website Scheme? and finish at 4.00pm For more general information about the ACC please visit www.acc-uk.org Our Diocesan * We invite a donation of £5 for each day which includes drinks * Lunch may be taken in THREE CHOIRS IN THE CATHEDRAL WEBSITE the Refectory or bring a 13 April 2009, Easter Monday, at 7.15 pm packed lunch St Davids Cathedral, Pembrokeshire www.stdavidsdiocese.org.uk To book a place, contact Revd John Bennett, The Three Choirs Easter Monday Concert: can work for you 01348 831354 or email John S. Davies Singers, [email protected] Côr Caerfyrddin and Côr Dewi Sant, Email info to [email protected] ‘If your body is running too with the Westward Orchestra. Stabat Mater – Dvorak, Make the news – make the connection fast, stop and let your soul catch up’ Passion Music from Handel’s Messiah