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BUSINESS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2016 Al-Qurain Automotive Trading Co unveils futuristic XC90 Gala National Day and Liberation Day event KUWAIT: The official agent of Volvo Cars in customers of bringing the latest and best hp electric motor joins the party in plug-in Kuwait, Al-Qurain Automotive Trading solutions suitable to the regional needs. hybrid models. There’s room for seven in the Company, held a special gala event in cele- The XC90, Hanan added, is a fulfilment of handsomely appointed interior, with deeply bration of the National and Liberation Days that promise, “which has a variety of fea- comfortable seats as well as Sensus, Volvo’s at its showroom in Shuwaikh on Sunday, tures designed to give customers a new and new infotainment system, which combine February 21, 2016. a more enhanced driving experience.” state-of-the art information and entertain- The event, aimed at providing the cus- Manager of Volvo Automobiles, Kuwait, ment. A built-in hotspot ensures that XC90 tomers a memorable occasion, saw the Thamer Ahmed Al-Ayoub, delivered the is always connected. unveiling of the latest rollout from the sta- welcome speech, followed by an enlighten- The guests were entertained with fun bles of the Swedish car manufacturer - the ing talk by the company CEO, Ahmed Abdul activities, giveaways, surprise gifts and a live brand new XC90. The main highlight of the Aziz Al Ali Al-Motawaa, about the brand and music band. However, the overall theme event was a scintillating performance com- its vision for 2020. His emphasis on acci- remained loyal to the patriotic occasion.
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