E1366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 1997 White Sox in 1978, becoming only the second day of Ms. Gwendolyn Brooks, Poet Laureate 10,001st participant, Brian Blake from Con- African-American manager in Major League of Illinois. Poet Laureate of Illinois; a commu- necticut. (Applause in the entire House) history. nicator with the world, a song to be sung, a The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Mr. Doby was inducted into the Hall of lesson to be learned, a life to be lived. Program, which was inaugurated in 1983 by the U.S. Congress and the German Bundes- Fame of the Cleveland Indians and Chicago Gwendolyn Brooks, a master of using the tag, contributes with its special emphasis on White Sox in 1987. He also received recogni- written word, is the author of more than 20 young people to strengthening the close rela- tion from the State of New Jersey, as the books. The highly acclaimed ``A Street in tionship between our two countries in the fu- State legislature declared July 15, 1987, Bronzeville'' was the first, published in 1945. ture—our common future. ``Larry Doby Day,'' and Mr. Doby was pre- For three decades, her works were published We all know that both countries, the Unit- sented with the Governor's Award. In addition, by Harper & Row. However, for economic rea- ed States of America and the Federal Repub- Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth ap- sons, she switched to the black-owned Broad- lic of Germany, face major challenges. There pointed Mr. Doby to serve on a special com- side Press in 1969 and in 1974, to the Third are substantial budgetary problems in both mittee to help find ways to further integrate World Press. countries. However, I would like to take this special opportunity to appeal to our col- . Gwendolyn Brooks was named Poet Laure- leagues in the U.S. Congress and to the Mem- Despite his great accomplishment, Mr. Doby ate in 1968 and has continued to be relevant, bers of this House to definitely continue this has remained modest and endearing, a true fresh, and vibrant for all of these years. There- program on the present scale. (Lively ap- gentleman. Mr. Doby always give thanks to fore, our hats are off to a great American, a plause in the entire House) God for giving him the talent to help integrate profound and prolific writer, a great humani- I would also like to take this opportunity baseball and American society, to Mr. Veeck tarianÐMs. Gwendolyn Brooks, Poet Laureate to thank my colleagues in the Bundestag for giving him the opportunity to use that tal- of Illinois. very warmly for their willingness to sponsor German and American participants year ent, and to his wife. Helyn, for holding to- f gether their family while he was away. after year. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me, our col- PARTICIPANTS IN CONGRESS-BUN- I hope that the participants will have a DESTAG YOUTH EXCHANGE PRO- good time tomorrow. May you retain many leagues, Mr. Doby's family and friends, the pleasant memories of this exchange year in Township of Montclair and the city of Paterson GRAM EXCEED 10,000 Germany, which is soon coming to an end: in recognizing Lawrence Eugene Doby for his may it inspire you to make the good rela- outstanding and invaluable service to the com- HON. LEE H. HAMILTON tionship between our two countries your per- munity, to baseball, and to America. sonal concern. Welcome! (Applause in the en- OF INDIANA f tire House) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

TRIBUTE TO PAUL DEMOURA Tuesday, July 8, 1997 f Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY bring to the attention of our colleagues an ex- A PROMISE KEPT OF INDIANA cerpt from the May 15, 1997 record of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES German Bundestag. Vice-President Hans- HON. DOUG BEREUTER Tuesday, July 8, 1997 Ulrich Klose of the Bundestag interrupted pro- OF NEBRASKA ceedings on that day to acknowledge the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is my presence in the visitors' gallery of American pleasure to recognize Mr. Paul DeMoura of participants in the Congress-Bundestag Youth Tuesday, July 8, 1997 Swan Sea, MA, who is one of the top collec- Exchange Program, and noted that the num- Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, this Member tors of hats and caps in the United States. ber of participants in this youth exchange pro- highly commends to his colleagues this edi- Paul has collected hundreds of hats and gram has now exceeded 10,000. torial which appeared in the Norfolk Daily caps from all over the United States and the The Congress and the German Bundestag News on July 5, 1997. world. initiated this program in 1983 to strengthen Paul's father, Mr. Raymond DeMoura, ties between young people in our two coun- A PROMISE KEPT—HONG KONG REVERTS TO served in Company ``B'' of the 78th Medical CHINA; REASON FOR PRIDE IN WHAT HAS tries, and I believe it is playing an important BEEN ACHIEVED Battalion during World War II. The 78th Medi- role in building strong United States-Germany cal Battalion acquired the reputation for excel- Hong Kong residents have been promised a relations for the future. The text of the Bun- capitalist economy and a relatively free soci- lence in its assistance and treatment of the destag transcript follows: wounded during World War II. Members of the ety for at least 50 years. People now alive will be able to see whether the government 78th Battalion proudly recount that not one life GERMAN BUNDESTAG—13TH ELECTORAL of China, which continues to be governed by was lost while tending to the injured and evac- TERM—175TH SITTING BONN, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1997, EXCERPT FROM THE STENO- Communists, keeps its word as the British uating them from the front lines. GRAPHIC RECORD, FULL PLENARY SESSION did in turning back this rich, small and inde- The men of Company ``B'' are the primary (APPROX. 670 MEMBERS PRESENT) pendent enclave after their 99-year lease ex- source of Paul's hat and cap collection. A very Vice-President Hans-Ulrich Klose: I now pired June 30. religious individual, Paul says a prayer for close the debate. A contract was honored; no gunfire ex- each of the men who presents him with a new Before we proceed to the vote may I ask changed. hat or cap. for your attention for a moment. Three That has not been the way of international Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my other distin- young Americans are sitting in the distin- relations; rather, it is an exception. guished colleagues to join me in paying tribute guished visitors’ gallery. They belong to the In farewell remarks, the last British gov- to Mr. Paul DeMoura for his status as one of group of 400 American students and young ernor of the territory, Chris Patten, said of Hong Kong: ‘‘It is a great Chinese success the top hat and cap collectors in the United professionals who have spent a year in Ger- many as participants in the Congress-Bun- story written—to be fair—within a system of States. I wish Paul and his parents, Raymond destag Youth Exchange Program. (Applause values and British institutions which have and Evelyn DeMoura, all the best the future in the entire House) encouraged, not threatened, that success.’’ can bring. Why am I mentioning this today by way of It is an example of what can be achieved f exception? I am mentioning it, my dear Col- when industrious people are free to profit leagues, because with this group the number from their hard work and enterprise, and TRIBUTE TO GWENDOLYN BROOKS of participants has reached and exceeded able to live their lives without an oppressive 10,000. (Sustained applause in the entire government. House) Britishers should be proud of what they ac- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS I should like to welcome, on behalf of all complished as they relinquish control of this OF ILLINOIS this year’s participants in the Congress-Bun- remnant of a once huge empire. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES destag Youth Exchange Program, the 9,999th The future benefits to mankind might turn Tuesday, July 8, 1997 participant, Kristina Bass from California, out to be as significant as those which fol- (Applause in the entire House) the 10,000th lowed the grim days when they stood vir- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I take participant, Nicole Myers from Pennsylva- tually alone against ’s aggres- this opportunity to acknowledge the 80th birth- nia, (Applause in the entire House) and the sion. July 8, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1367 DISAPPROVAL OF MOST-FAVORED- lieve in freedom and democracy for people all Council for the Jewish Disabled, but she also NATION TREATMENT FOR CHINA over the world. serves as vice-president for education of Con- f gregation Adas Israel, chair of the Jewish SPEECH OF Family Services Advisory Council, director of HON. LOUIS STOKES TRIBUTE TO MARK S. LEVENSON the Hand-In-Hand charitable organization, and OF OHIO as trustee of the Federation. Mark and Eta are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. the proud parents of Eric, Hadassa, and Jes- OF NEW JERSEY sica. Tuesday, June 24, 1997 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me, our col- Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, July 8, 1997 leagues, Mark's family and friends, and the express my strong support for House Joint congregation of Adas Israel in recognizing Resolution 79, a bill to disapprove most-fa- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Mark S. Levenson's outstanding and invalu- vored-nation [MFN] trade status for China. call to your attention Mark S. Levenson of Clif- able service to the community. House Joint Resolution 79 is targeted to send ton, NJ. f a strong message to the Chinese Government Mark was born and raised in Boston, MA that continues suppression of human rights, and graduated from Maimonides Day School. A TRIBUTE TO DONALD ‘‘CY’’ flaunting of international agreements on nu- He is a cum laude graduate of Brandeis Uni- WALSH ON 50 YEARS OF SERVICE clear nonproliferation, and engaging in unfair versity where he majored in economics and TO VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTING trade practices cannot be tolerated, ignored, political science and was a recipient of the IN RIVERHEAD or rewarded. William Mazur Scholarship. During and after Denying most-favored-nation status for college, Mark worked in Washington, DC, HON. MICHAEL P. FORBES China is a reasonable response to the con- completing a tenure with Congressman Robert OF NEW YORK tinuing controversy over trade and human F. Drinan; the late Speaker of the House, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thomas P. ``Tip'' O'Neill, Jr.; Senator EDWARD rights policy with regard to China. It is abso- Tuesday, July 8, 1997 lutely imperative that the House of Represent- M. KENNEDY's Energy subcommittee of the atives and the United States Government not Joint Economic Committee; and the Urban In- Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to reward the Chinese regime which brutally stitute think tank. pay tribute to one of the heroes of our Long massacred pro-democracy demonstrators in Mark received his J.D. from New York Uni- Island community. Donald ``Cy'' Walsh has Tiananmen Square. Granting most-favored-na- versity School of Law in 1982 where he served the Riverhead Fire Department with 50 tion status for all Chinese products rewards served as research editor on the ``Annual Sur- years of devotion and selflessness on behalf the Chinese regime for its intransigence on vey of American Law.'' He has been a practic- of his neighbors. This small-town hero and human rights, and its refusal to engage in fair ing attorney in New York for the last 15 years, World War II veteran has volunteered his time, trade. specializing in domestic and international real energy, and leadership to the Riverhead, and Mr. Speaker, despite the arguments of estate transactions and corporate advisory community service has been the recurring those who support unfettered trade with matters. Mark has worked on major projects in theme of his life. He will be honored for that China, the fact remains that trade and human the United Kingdom, India, the Czech Repub- lifetime of service by the Riverhead Volunteer rights are inextricably linked. A nation that lic, Canada, Australia, Latin America, and Firemen's Association on July 8, 1997. suppresses its citizens' human rights also sup- throughout the United States. He is currently a Cy Walsh joined the Riverhead Fire Depart- presses their wages. This, in turn, leads to an partner with the firm of Kronish, Lieb, Weiner ment in 1947, where he started as a volunteer unnatural advantage in trade, which adversely and Hellman, L.L.P. in New York City and is member of Fire Police Patrol #1. His hard impacts American businesses and workers, a member of the board of directors of the New work, dedication, and perseverance in re- and causes the loss of American jobs. York Chapter of the National Association of sponse to midnight calls and harrowing blazes In fact, the United States receives more Corporate Real Estate Executives and the were rewarded in 1953, when he was elected than 30 percent of China's exports, accounting American Bar Association's Real Estate, Pro- as the captain of his patrol. By 1955, ``Cy'' for a significant portion of the Chinese GDP. bate and Trust Law Section's Environmental Walsh was quickly moving up the ladder of the While on the other hand, less than 2 percent Aspects of Corporation Subcommittee. Riverhead Fire Department having been elect- of American exports go to China. China's ex- Mark is the honorary president of Congrega- ed by his peers as third, second, and first as- tensive use of prison and child labor over the tion Adas Israel Synagogue having served as sistant chief. In 1962, Cy's many years of past decade has resulted in a staggering president for the previous 3 years. He is re- committed volunteerism culminated with his 1,000 percent increase in the China-United cording secretary of the Jewish Federation of election to chief of the Riverhead Fire Depart- States trade deficit. This imbalance is pro- Greater Clifton-Passaic and is a member of ment. jected to top $40 billion this year. the executive committee; he chairs the Fed- An outstanding fire chief, Cy's work on be- The United States trade deficit with China is eration's young leadership development pro- half of Riverhead and the firefighters of Suffolk second only to our trade deficit with Japan. gram and serves on the YM±YWHA Program County was far from complete. He served as Yet, despite the freedom we grant to Chinese Services Committee. Mark also is a member sergeant-at-arms of the Riverhead Fireman's imports to the United States, China does not of the executive committee of the New York Association for 5 years and has been chaplain grant most-favored-nation status to United Regional Board of the Anti-Defamation since 1970. He also served on the Southamp- States goods, and continues to bar certain League. He was a recipient of the 1994 Young ton-East Hampton-Shelter Island Chief Coun- United States goods from the Chinese market. Leadership Award of the Federation and has cil, including a year as president in 1970, and For those who advocate free trade, it seems received several other awards for his chari- as president of the Suffolk County Volunteer rather illogical and inconsistent to grant free table and volunteer work. Firemen's Association. Cy reached out from access to our market to a country which de- Mark has always been involved in giving Long Island's east end and lent his vision and nies free access to their market for our goods. back to the community. Prior to moving to the enthusiasm to the people of New York State, Most-favored-nation status is perhaps the Passaic-Clifton area, Mark served as treasurer serving with the New York State Firemen's As- most effective tool for influencing the Chinese and then vice-president of the Young Israel of sociation, and as the chairman of the Fire Po- Government to improve their record on human the West Side, New York, as co-chair of the lice Committee. His many positions of leader- rights. If the United States continues to grant UJA-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of ship in the firefighting community are a sign of most-favored-nation status to Chinese goods, New York, Young Lawyer's Division, and as the high esteem that Cy's peers hold him in. without requiring improvements in human founding chair of the UJA Lawyer's Division At the age of 85, Cy is still serving the town rights, there is no incentive for the Chinese re- Specialty Task Force Subcommittee on Cor- of Riverhead, as chaplain of the North Fork gime to alter their policies. porations. He was also a member of the UJA Volunteer Firemen's Association and as one of Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge all of my col- Lawyer's Division Steering Committee. the chaplains of the Riverhead Volunteer Fire- leagues to insist that the United States stand Mark is a pro arbitrator in the New men's Association. As his 50-year volunteer up for the principles of human rights, and for York City Civil Court System and serves on career shows, Cy Walsh epitomizes the ideals the freedom of the Chinese people. Vote for the U.S. District Court, Southern District of of service and leadership that America was House Joint Resolution 79 and send a clear, New York, Mediation Panel. He is married to built on. He has touched many lives in the unmistakable message to the dictators in Eta Krasna Levenson. Professionally, Eta is past 50 yearsÐin meeting rooms and Beijing, and your consistuents, that you be- assistant director of Yachad/The National firehouses and in the shops and restaurants of