Weapons of Legacy, All Other Wizards of the Coast Product Names, and Their Respective Logos Are Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., in the U.S.A
CREDITS DESIGN SENIOR ART DIRECTOR, D&D BRUCE R. CORDELL, KOLJA RAVEN LIQUETTE, STACY LONGSTREET TRAVIS STOUT COVER ARTIST ADDITIONAL DESIGN HENRY HIGGINBOTHAM JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES INTERIOR ARTISTS DEVELOPMENT TEAM STEVEN BELLEDIN, DENNIS CRABAPPLE, ANDY COLLINS, BRUCE R. CORDELL, JEFF EASLEY, WAYNE ENGLAND, FRED STEPHEN SCHUBERT HOOPER, DOUG KOVACS, DAVID MARTIN, JIM NELSON, WILLIAM O’CONNOR, EDITORS MICHAEL PHILLIPPI, WAYNE REYNOLDS, JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, CHRIS SIMS DAN SCOTT, FRANZ VOHWINKEL MANAGING EDITOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS CHRIS THOMASSON DEE BARNETT, KARIN JAQUES EDITING MANAGER CARTOGRAPHER KIM MOHAN MIKE SCHLEY DESIGN MANAGER GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST CHRISTOPHER PERKINS ERIN DORRIES DEVELOPMENT MANAGER IMAGE TECHNICIAN JESSE DECKER JASON WILEY DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D PRODUCTION MANAGERS BILL SLAVICSEK JOSH FISCHER, RANDALL CREWS Special Thanks: Andre “Ziggy” Byrne, Barbara Liquette, Andy Poon, Richard Stephenson. Resources: Complete Adventurer by Jesse Decker; Complete Arcane by Richard Baker; Complete Warrior by Andy Collins, David Noonan, and Ed Stark; EBERRON Campaign Setting by Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt; Epic Level Handbook by Andy Collins and Bruce R. Cordell; Expanded Psionics Handbook by Bruce R. Cordell; Faiths and Pantheons by Eric L. Boyd and Erik Mona; FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting by Ed Greenwood, Sean K Reynolds, Skip Williams, and Rob Heinsoo; Player’s Guide to Faerûn by Richard Baker, Travis Stout, and James Wyatt; Races of Stone by David Noonan, Jesse Decker, and Michelle Lyons; Races of the Wild by Skip Williams; Unapproachable East by Richard Baker, Matt Forbeck, and Sean K Reynolds; Underdark by Bruce R. Cordell, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, and Jeff Quick. Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E.
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