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Complete Arcane.Pdf ™ 6620_17925_Chpt1.indd20_17925_Chpt1.indd 1 99/15/04/15/04 99:20:12:20:12 AAMM Chapter 3: Arcane Feats . .71 Air Monolith . 156 Invocations and Spell-Like Abilities . .71 Earth Monolith . 157 Contents Feats and Weaponlike Spells . .72 Fire Monolith . 158 Introduction . .4 Feat Descriptions . .73 Water Monolith . 158 Pseudonatural Creature . 160 The Nature of Magic . .4 Chapter 4: Spells and Invocations . .85 Sample Pseudonatural Creature . 160 Arcanist, Mage, or Wizard? . .4 Weaponlike Spells . .85 Creating a Pseudonatural Creature . .161 What You Need to Play . .4 Critical Hits . .85 Spellstitched . .161 Sneak Attacks . .86 Chapter 1: Classes . .5 Sample Spellstitched Creature . .161 Spell Lists . .86 Warlock . .5 Creating a Spellstitched Creature . .162 Game Rule Information . .7 New Assassin Spells . .87 Warlock Invocations . .8 New Bard Spells . .87 Chapter 7: Arcane Campaigns . 163 New Cleric Spells . .87 Bards . .163 CONTENTS Eldritch Essence Invocations . .8 OF TABLE Blast Shape Invocations . .9 New Druid Spells . .87 Sorcerers . 164 Other Invocations . .9 New Ranger Spells . .88 Warlocks . 164 Warmage . .10 New Sorcerer/Wizard Spells . .88 Warmages . .165 Game Rule Information . .12 Warmage Spells . .90 Wizards . .165 Wu Jen . .14 Wu Jen Spells . .91 Specialist Wizards . 166 Game Rule Information . .15 Spells . .96 Abjurers . 166 Warlock Invocations . 130 Conjurers . 166 Chapter 2: Prestige Classes . .17 Name . 130 Diviners . 166 Picking a Prestige Class . .17 Grade . 130 Enchanters . .167 Warlocks and Prestige Classes . .18 Level Equivalent . 130 Evokers . .167 Acolyte of the Skin . .19 Blast Shape or Eldritch Essence . 130 Illusionists . .167 Sample Acolyte of the Skin . .20 Least Invocations . 131 Necromancers . 168 Alienist . .21 Lesser Invocations . 131 Transmuters . 168 Sample Alienist . .23 Greater Invocations . 131 Wu Jen . .169 Argent Savant . .24 Dark Invocations . 131 The DM and the Arcane Campaign . .169 Sample Argent Savant . .25 Invocation Descriptions . 132 Pacing the Arcane Game . .169 Blood Magus . .26 Designing Adventures Chapter 5: Magic Items . 137 Sample Blood Magus . .29 for Spellcasters . .169 Alternate Item Types . 137 Effi gy Master . .30 World Building with Magic . 172 Potions . 138 Sample Effi gy Master . .31 Arcane Events . .175 Scrolls . 138 Elemental Savant . .32 Spell Duels . .175 New Types of Items . 139 Sample Elemental Savant . .34 Tournaments Arcane . 178 Contingent Spells . 139 Enlightened Fist . .34 Arcane Organizations . 179 Spellbooks . 139 Sample Enlightened Fist . .36 The Arcane Order . 181 Using Spellbooks . 140 Fatespinner . .37 Seekers of the Song . 183 Spellbook Construction . 140 Sample Fatespinner . .38 The Wayfarers Union . 184 Protecting Spellbooks . 140 Geometer . .39 Arcane Lore . .185 Magic Items . .141 Sample Geometer . .40 Multiclass Specialists and New Special Material . .141 Green Star Adept . .41 Prohibited Schools . .185 New Armor Special Abilities . .142 Sample Green Star Adept . .43 Alternative Spellbooks . 186 New Specifi c Armor Descriptions . .142 Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil . 44 Patron Deities . 188 New Weapon Special Abilities . .143 Sample Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil . .47 Epic Arcane Characters . 188 New Ring Descriptions . 144 Mage of the Arcane Order . .48 Becoming an Epic Arcane Character . 188 New Rod Descriptions . .145 Sample Mage of the Arcane Order . .50 Epic Warlocks, Warmages, Metamagic Rods . 146 Master Transmogrifi st . .51 and Wu Jen . 189 New Staff Descriptions . 146 Sample Master Transmogrifi st . .53 Epic Prestige-Class Characters . 190 New Wondrous Item Descriptions . .147 Mindbender . .54 Epic Feats . 190 Sample Mindbender . .56 Chapter 6: Arcane Monsters . 151 Appendix . 192 Seeker of the Song . .56 Effi gy Creature . 151 Sample Seeker of the Song . .59 Sample Effi gy Creature . 152 Sublime Chord . .60 Creating an Effi gy . 152 Sample Sublime Chord . ..
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