Index Figures in Bold Refer to the Biographies and / Or Illustrations A
Index Figures in bold refer to the biographies Kenneth Arrow 406 Beau 87 and / or illustrations H.C. Artmann 418, 481,481 Gottfried Bechtold 190, 221,356, 362, Boris Arvatov 61 362, 418, 498, 499, W.R. Ashby 328 499 a Michael Atiyah 255 Johannes R. Becker 58 Karl Abraham 522, 523, 528, 530- Carl Aub6ck 68 Konrad Becker 294, 364, 364 532 Augustine 209 Otto Beckmann 294, 357, 357, 546, Raimund Abraham 546, 574, 575, 574, Amadeo Avogadro 162 580 575 R. Axelrod 408 Richard Beer-Hoffmann 448 Antal Abt 241 Alfred Julius Ayer 456 Adolf Behne 67 Friedrich Achleitner 418, 481,481,483, Peter Behrens 66 484, 485, 488, 570 b L~szl6 Beke 504 J~nos Acz~l 251 Johannes Baader 59 Man6 Beke 245 Andor Adam 61 Baader-Meinhof group 577 GySrgy von B~k~sy 32, 122, 418, 431, Alfred Adler 66, 518, 521,521, Mihaly Babits 513 433, 433, 434 529, 533 G~bor Bachman 546, 559, 559, 560, John Bell 189, 212-217, 218 Bruno Adler 71 561 Therese Benedek 522 Raissa Adler 521 Ernst Bachrich 67 Tibor Benedek 522 Theodor W. Adorno 26, 142, 402, 447, Ron Baecker 343 Otto Benesch 473 478 Roger Bacon 185 Walter Benjamin 70, 476 Marc Adrian 106, 106, 142, 146, Alexander Bain 352 Gottfried Benn 589 148, 148, 355 BEla Bal&sz 66, 84, 338-341, 418, Max Bense 108 Robert Adrian X 363,363 444-447,446, 44 7, Jeremy Bentham 405 Endre Ady 442, 444 449-454, 513, 529 Vittorio Benussi 23-26, 24, 25, 29 August Aichhorn 521,524, 527, 528 Nandor Balasz 238 Sophie Benz 525 Howard Aiken 323 Alice B~lint 514, 515, 517-519, Bal&zs BeSthy 418, 504, 505, 504, Alciphon 166 521,521,522 505 Josef Albers 123 Mihaly Balint 513-516, 518, 522, (:tienne BEothy 55, 57, 69, 368, 384, David Albert 188 522 385, 384-386 Leon Battista Alberti 166, 354 Hugo Ball 525 Anna B~othy-Steiner 55, 384 Bernhard Alexander 521 Giacomo Balla 19,41 Gyula Benczur 71 Franz Gabriel Alexander 521,522 Richard Baltzer 242 Max Benirschke 38 J.W.
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