National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Germany Jana Beinhorn, Simone Gasch, Birgit Glorius, Melanie Kintz and Hanne Schneider Chemnitz, March 2019 CEASEVAL RESEARCH ON THE COMMON EUROPEAN ASYLUM SYSTEM; Nr. 23 CEASEVAL Research on the Common European Asylum System publishes results of empirical research conducted for the H2020 Project “CEASEVAL” (Evaluation of the Commom European Asylum System). CEASEVAL received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770037. Herausgeberschaft: Prof. Birgit Glorius and Dr. Melanie Kintz Technische Universität Chemnitz Institut für Europäische Studien Humangeographie mit Schwerpunkt Europäische Migrationsforschung 09107 Chemnitz Alle Rechte vorbehalten, Chemnitz 2019 ISSN 2627-339X Jana Beinhorn, Simone Gasch, Birgit Glorius, Melanie Kintz, Hanne Schneider Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz/Germany
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[email protected] National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Germany Abstract: In this report we present an overview over the complex reception system in Germany. We find that due to Germany’s federal system, that there is not one reception system, but 16 different ones. Further, asylum procedure and reception governance are heavily interlinked and requires the cooperation and coordination of multiple actors, including non-state actors. Legislation passed in recent years, that allows for further differential treatment of asylum seekers by nationality will lead to further reception divergence, but one based on nationality.