Studija Utjecaja Na Okoliš Autoputa Na Koridoru VC

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Studija Utjecaja Na Okoliš Autoputa Na Koridoru VC BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA MINISTARSTVO KOMUNIKACIJA I TRANSPORTA PROJEKAT “AUTOPUT NA KORIDORU Vc” Lot 3: Sarajevo jug (Tarčin) – Mostar sjever Idejno rješenje, Idejni projekat i druge studije i istraživanja Avgust, 2006 Studija uticaja na okolinu C. LOTTI & ASSOCIATI Studi e Pianificazione SOCIETA’ DI INGEGNERIA S.p.A. - ROMA del Territorio srl TZI-INZENJERING ENERGOINVEST Sa podkonsultantima: J.V. C. LOTTI & ASSOCIATI – SPT ____________________________________________________________________________ Bosna i Hercegovina Ministarstvo komunikacija i transporta Projekat “ Autoput na Koridoru Vc” LOT 3 – Dionica Sarajevo jug (Tarčin) - Mostar sjever STUDIJA UTICAJA NA OKOLINU (SUO) PROJECT No.: 176.A.001 0 02/2006 ISSUE FOR COMMENTS GOIC COLTELLACCI BARONCINI 1 08/2006 ISPRAVLJENO PO PRIMJEDBAMA REVIDENATA GOIC COLTELLACCI BARONCINI 2 3 4 revision date description prepared checked approved J.V. C. LOTTI & ASSOCIATI - SPT 1 SADRŽAJ 1.0 NETEHNIČKI REZIME ...............................................................................................5 1.1 Svrha i cilj projekta .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Ciljevi Studije uticaja na okolinu.................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Društveno-ekonomski značaj Projekta.......................................................................................... 6 1.4 Opis okoline koja bi mogla doći pod uticaj Projekta.................................................................... 8 1.4.1 Stanovništvo u zoni uticaja ......................................................................................................... 8 1.4.2 Klimatske i meteorološke karakteristike ..................................................................................... 9 1.4.3 Geologija i hidrogeologija .........................................................................................................10 1.4.4 Flora..........................................................................................................................................11 1.4.5 Fauna........................................................................................................................................12 1.4.6 Zaštićeni dijelovi prirode ...........................................................................................................12 1.4.7 Buka..........................................................................................................................................13 1.4.8 Pejzaž .......................................................................................................................................13 1.4.9 Divljač i lovstvo .........................................................................................................................13 1.4.10 Kulturno-historijsko nasljeđe.....................................................................................................14 1.5 Osnovni potencijalni uticaji na okolinu .......................................................................................14 1.5.1 Društveni uticaji (stanovništvo i naselja)...................................................................................14 1.5.2 Uticaj na kvalitet zraka..............................................................................................................15 1.5.3 Uticaj na geološku sredinu........................................................................................................16 1.5.4 Uticaj na vode ...........................................................................................................................16 1.5.5 Uticaj na floru............................................................................................................................16 1.5.6 Uticaj na faunu..........................................................................................................................17 1.5.7 Uticaj na zaštićene dijelove prirode ..........................................................................................17 1.5.8 Uticaj buke ................................................................................................................................17 1.5.9 Uticaj na pejzaž.........................................................................................................................18 1.5.10 Uticaj na divljač i lovstvo...........................................................................................................18 1.5.11 Uticaj na kulturno-historijsko nasljeđe ......................................................................................19 1.6 Osnovne predložene mjere ublažavanja .....................................................................................20 1.6.1 Stanovništvo .............................................................................................................................20 1.6.2 Kvalitet zraka ............................................................................................................................22 1.6.3 Geologija...................................................................................................................................23 1.6.4 Vode..........................................................................................................................................23 1.6.5 Flora..........................................................................................................................................24 1.6.6 Fauna........................................................................................................................................24 1.6.7 Zaštićeni dijelovi prirode ...........................................................................................................24 1.6.8 Buka..........................................................................................................................................24 1.6.9 Pejzaž .......................................................................................................................................25 1.6.10 Divljač i lovstvo .........................................................................................................................26 1.6.11 Kulturno-istorijsko nasljeđe.......................................................................................................26 1.7 Sistem monitoringa........................................................................................................................28 2.0 UVOD .......................................................................................................................29 2.1 Osnove za izradu Studije uticaja na okolinu...............................................................................29 2.2 Zakonska regulativa ......................................................................................................................30 2.2.1 Direktive EU u oblasti zaštite okoline........................................................................................30 2.2.2 Međunarodne konvencije i protokoli .........................................................................................31 2.2.3 Okolinsko zakonodavstvo u Bosni i Hercegovini......................................................................32 2.2.4 Standardi procjene....................................................................................................................35 2.3 Metodologija izrade Studije uticaja na okolinu...........................................................................39 3.0 OPIS PREDLOŽENOG PROJEKTA........................................................................42 3.1 Generalni opis projekta .................................................................................................................42 3.2 Svrha i cilj projekta ........................................................................................................................42 3.3 Pozadina projekta ..........................................................................................................................42 3.4 Podaci i prostorno planska dokumentacija razmatranog područja .........................................43 3.5 Društveno-ekonomski značaj projekta ........................................................................................43 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ministarstvo komunikacija i transporta Bosne i Hercegovine 08/2006 Projekat autoputa na koridoru Vc, Lot 3 Sarajevo jug – Mostar sjever Rev. 1 Idejno rješenje, Idejni projekat i ostale studije Studija uticaja na okolinu J.V. C. LOTTI & ASSOCIATI - SPT 2 3.6 Ispitivane alternative i karakteristike autoputa...........................................................................45 3.7 Tehnički opis projekta prema Idejnom projektu .........................................................................50 3.8 Sistem odvodnje i tretman voda...................................................................................................59 3.9 Otpadni materijali i emisije ...........................................................................................................60 3.9.1. Opis radova...............................................................................................................................60 3.9.2 Upravljanje materijalima ...........................................................................................................62
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