La Damifere Y Rastora Anytliing for a Miiiion
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Jacques M6th6's La damifere y rastora The film opens on the solitary figure of a young giri, bouncing a rubber ball in an alley. The ball bounces into a small yard. She stands at the gate, patiently waiting as an older man emerges with the ball in hand. She takes the ball back without answering any of his questions, and skips down the alley. Throughout this scene, the camera lingers on the child's face and movements. Her expression is ambiguous at best, and her gestures suggest a deliberation not associated with children. On the surface nothing is ieapecially disturbing about this scene. But the atmosphere and the pacing are too benign. There is more here than meets the eye. Director Jacques Methe plays with tension continually. Joseph and Ger- maine Lavoie, a retired couple, seem to hive lived out their Uves relatively hap pily. Joseph complains about his toast and Germaine chides him as one would a child Both have ironed out any prot>- lems they might have had long ago - 'until the little girl appears in Joseph's life ' The child seems to weave a fine web • Weaving a sand-castle web (Paul IHebert and veronique Oemassey) 'around the older man. Suddenly, Joseph 'tells Germaine he has an appointment: films, the idea of the child as 'angel of that we instantly recognize - the older But on seeing the film the first thought he is absent more and more often. But it .^eath' has also been successfully used. lady next door. Especially worth men was that perhaps he hasn't really gone 'is only when Germaine is told by a Toby Dammit and Don't Look Now tioning is veronique Demassy whose off on such an adventure after all. What 'neighbour that Joseph refuses to leave depicted 'child like' figures as signals of portrayal of the nameless girl is at times has he given us? A movie that is well 'the sand box he is playing in, that she imminent death. It is the fragility of man more than frightening - she really is a made, but which reads like a catalogue realizes what has happened. Joseph has versus the indomitable course of events diabolical being. of every tried and true cliche in the become terrifyingly senile. Caught in a that is so well played out in La derniere La derniere y restera is a haunting comedy handbook. I gather that was his struggle to fight for her husband against y restera. work that meshes superior perfoi^ intention, because we've seen everything |a force she does not understand, Gei^ Paul Hebert as Joseph Lavoie is superb. mances with clean, precise technique in it before - many times: a winning maine tries desperately to maintain His evolution from perfect normality and a lean script that uses less to show ticket slipping out of the winnei^s hands some order But the little girl is relent into senility is extremely convincing. us much more. and blowing away with the wind : the less, and continues, teasing Joseph. Monique Aubrys Germaine is a woman Pia Maria • mad chase past the traffic cop, through 'Finally, he sits, exhausted, in his kitchen the nudist camp with hands bashfully in attentled by Germaine. Yet the game is place, sneaking from tree to skinny tree LA DERNIERE Y RESTERA d. Jacques with the appropriate background music 'still not over, and when the child throws Methe p. Pierre Roi exec. p. Pierre Roy. Jearv the ball through the window, Joseph Claude Tremblay p. man. Angele Bourgaull d.o.p. in an attempt to retrieve the errant dies. Michel Caron p. see. Jocelyne Pt-enoveau asat A Nick Holeris/Jim Theodorlis's fortune which has landed on a muscle- Germaine is left alone - and then the Michel Gauthler ed. Francois Labonte aaat ed. man's sleeping girlfriend : and finally, Louise Blais sd. ed. Roger Boire art d. LouiseJobin so close to satisfaction on the railway doorbell rings and the same girl appears props Charles Bernier make-up Brigitte Mc Anytliing for in the doorway. This time she is almost Caughry sd. rec Serge Beauchemin boom Esther tracks, only to have a shoelace gel snag angelic, her hair glowing in the sunlight. Auger mlK. Andre-Gilles Gagne cont Johanne ged as he reaches for it with you-know- Germaine asks her in. Pregent asst cam. Daniel Vincelette elec Daniel a miiiion whal chugging around the bend... Chretien grip Marc DeEmsted. Jean Prenoveau The ending? You've seen that too. Writer Francine Huel has constructed apprentices Paul Laftamme Lp. Paul Heben. an Intricate work wher« the idea of in Monique Aubry, V6ronique DeMassy, Julien Poulin. Anything for a Million is a 14-minute Nevertheless, Holeris knows how to nocence and knowledge meet and are Diane Miliours, Fanny Cyr. Franpois Methe. Gull- comedy directed by Nick Holeris of put these scenes together. Wayne Veli's played out against each other. The cycle laume Poulin, Fran^ise Maheux, Etienne AUard, Toronto. This interesting piece of work relentlessly high energy level, like that Annlck McKlntire. MAlina McKintire. MaximeGron- deals with a winning lottery ticket and of a little kid who is about to wet his of life is neatly defined in the film. din. Beniamin Vadenais. Catherine Chouinard p.c. Joseph follows the young girl, seen as Momentum Film Video Inc. for Radio-Quebeclissil the fate of the lucky/ unlucky klutz, played pants, gets on your nerves. But with the willful seductress, to his death. In other running time 26 min. with manic enthusiasm by Wayne Veti, help of Holeris's framing he gels the job who possesses it But although it is an done ; his gestures and movements pay interesting piece of work, it is not really .Vloyer iinistiessi, John \ Roberts lassl ' seam apt hommage to Dagwood comic strips HEARTACHES d. Don She^ih p. David J a very interesting movie. and are quite funny ftneraoa Jerry Aaibourn exec p. Joseph Beau- stress Mison Till Mr. Carradlnes wig by I layton biea Nicole Boisven exec. In charge of p. Pieter shields asst ed. Roberta Kipp Isl), Les Holdway Explain. The story of a lottery ticket has uni Krtionenburg co-p. Bruce Mallen sc Terence I2ndl superv. sd. ed. Marcel Pothier sd. ed. Paul For this reviewer the most fascinating versal appeal. Especially in Ontario. HefFeman iLo-p. Vic Sarin, esc ed. Gerry Hambling Dion, Serge \ iau lassl i dialog, ed. ( laudeLanglois. thing about Anything for a Million is Gilles StOnge lassl i Rohin Leigh i pusi s\ no Polev Could that be why the Ontario Arts •ce; PMarBoila, gbfe co-ed. Barbara Broun-McKay, that it got made. For many filmmakers, Council gave some of its preciously i^e. tnua. Michael Manin asaoc p. Andre artist Andv Malcolm dialog, coach Loris Biagini ' DIanul p. man. Don Buchshaum unit man. Ted asst loc. man. Izidore K Musallam art depl. fledgling and veteran alike, the thing purposeful money in aid of the film ' Its I House Isl Ld. Mai Hradden dialog, consult. trainee Latzeiar -Xvramov John V.IH.IIM that determines what they may or may difficult to explain some things. Perhaps 1 I^WO Feury creative consult. Dorothea .Moore p. pas Randv Jones, Richard Spiegelman, DaMtl not attempt to do is the market And the they were investing in Holeris's future . account. Irene Phelps cost. des. Julie (,anion ( hudninsk\ craft service Wendy Shaker Dehhic Zielinski p.a. Donna Noonan Ron Hewill office market for 14-minute comedies is not if he can continue lo produce movies as cont. Diane Parsons loc. man. Marc set exactly huge these days There are many dec. Patricia Gruhen p. eo-ord. Debbie Zwicker asat Michael Par.- 2nd unit : d. James Xrnpii competeni but cis unoriginal as Ibis one, I make-up Kathleen Milsud hair Barbara AlH.\ander cam. Bobs, u Rm \ trapse. Jack Cosgnne asst. who think that anyone who tries to raise maybe he" 11 soon be doing a in thing for a lead easting Michael McLean &, .\ssocs Toronto cam. Roben Lihbv.\ikPetrik. Paul Mitchnick cont money for a film which has no market is million in the film businc^.s easting W'alker-Bowen Inc unit pub. Glenda Roy James Voung gaffer Keith Sherer grip Kuper Smith gen. op. Mien Rollins mus. p. co a freak. And it definitely feels strange to And if that comes lo pass again we II '•tills Roben McKwan (ocus puller Robin Miller sign cheques from your own account for clapper'loader Marvin Midwicki tranap. co ord. Alain Lerouv l.p. Margin Kidder, Xninc Polls have to say, more power to him ord. Donate Baldassana loc. ad. Don Cohen boom Roben I arradinc, VVinsli.ii R.k.-ii (;eoiw Tiiulia such a project So it was inspiring to tos GuvSanvido, \rnic M htmaiiMichael Zclnikcr op Calioi V'adnay key grips Jim Craig. Mark learn that there is someone out there John Brooke • ManchesI grip John Trainor gaffer Roger Bale j,.|ferson Mappin Maunw HUKerald Ml.en H.-r nardo, Ren.i Tenen Mhertodc Rosa (iino Mar,,«,., who has botfi enough failh in themselves beat boy V\ ilham Brown 3rd eler. Thomas Fen- and love for the genre to go ahead nesMi gen. op. M.tander Dawes 2nd a.d. Robbie Susan ( i.nwav M.lchcll, Patrick llrvm.-r KIMOT ANYTHING FOR A MILLION p^dj Dilchburn aaat. p. account Doreen KroslDavis \alarelli Roben \asil loh> t iglin Don Buchs- anyuay and put a film like \nything for d.ik p. Nick Holens J1 m Theodnrlis L p. Wayne Veil Terri Mueller Armilagc aaat. art d.