The Metric System of Weights and Measures. National Council of Teachers of Mathemil".Tics, Yearbook 2C 1948]
DOCUMENT FEMME r , ED 096181 Si 018 481 AUTHOR . Johnson, J. T., Comp.; And Others TITLE 64%. The Metric System of Weights and Measures. National Council of Teachers of Mathemil".tics, Yearbook 2C 1948]. INSTITUTION National Council of Teachers.of Mathematics, Inc., Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 48 NOTE' 317p. AVAILABLE FROM 'National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc., 1906 Association Drive, Reston, Virgivia 22091 FDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC Not Available from EDRS. PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Adoption (Id'eas); *Curriculum; Educational Objectives; *Mathematics Education; *Measurement;, *Metric System; Public Opinion; Public.,Support; Reference Books; *Yearbooks ABSTRACT This yearbook is an effort to reevaluate the metric system and to present testimonies from people in various occupations with respect to metric usage (as of 1948) .The first of four major Sections explains the metric system and its development. Next are 29 articles discussing the usage of the system in the general areas of education, science, engineering, mamfacturing and merchandising, medicine and pharmacy,, armed forces, and athletics. In +he public interest section, accounts of magazines, reports, newspapers, radio, and clubs advocating theadoption of the system are given. The fourth section centers onmethods of making the adop+ion both in education and in general. (LS) 0 S .The Metric System ofvveionts and Measures THE NANIONAI, COUNCIL OF TEAGIIERS OF MATHEMATICS: TINVENTIET,11 YEARBOOK CoNIPILED BY THE CO\I\IITTEE ON THE Jr METRIC SYSTEM,J. T. JOHNSON, Chairman %. BY MICRO u S DEPARTMEN OF HEALTH FIC IN I. "I E0,JCAT,ONS. NELFORE NATIONAL INST,TuTE OF ees EDUCATION' . flnI .." I .
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