FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 21st, 2020 John B. Bloom, Chairman Constitution Party of Virginia, (CPV)
[email protected], (757)806-8694 SUBJECT: CONSTITUTION PARTY OF VIRGINIA CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCES WRITE-IN CAMPAIGN FOR FORMER US SENATOR FROM VIRGINIA AND CURRENT CNU PRESIDENT PAUL TRIBLE In 2016 Chairman of the Constitution Party of Virginia, John Bloom, then a Republican met former US Senator Paul Trible at his residence on the Christopher Newport University President’s residence to sign a Republican Presidential Nominating Petition for Senator Ted Cruz. Chairman Bloom asked him if he would consider running for public office again, and Mr. Trible was dedicated to building the Christopher Newport University as its President. When Mr. Trible was a US Senator he was a loyal Constitutional Republican and an ally of President Ronald Wilson Reagan, who Mr. Bloom voted for twice. On Friday, October 16th, 2020 not only did Chairman Bloom, write in the name of Sheila “SAMM” Tittle for President of the United States and David Sandidge for Vice President of the United States, but also wrote the name of Paul Trible, President of Christopher Newport University and former United States Senator and he asks ALL Voters to write in Paul Trible for US Senate to send a message to the Republican Party that Reagan Conservatives and a message to the Democrats that Reagan Democrats, primarily Pro-Life John F. Kennedy Democrats, are alive and well in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Ronald Reagan brought this country together when he was alive and he can do it in death as well. Chairman Bloom heard that the Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, wrote-in Ronald Reagan for President and stated that was largely symbolic, however if Paul Trimble were to win the US Senate Seat in a write-in campaign, it will send shock waves that will rock the foundations of the Democrat and Republican parties.