May 2011 Edition

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May 2011 Edition TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration 2-8 Home Improvement PML Calendar 19 Directory 46-53 PML Clubs/Activities/ Churches and Recreation 9-18 Religious Services 45 The Grill 14-16 “Homes on the Hill” Community Corner 20-26 Real Estate 25-33 34-49 Classifieds 54-55 THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF PINE MOUntAIN LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS MAY 2011 50 CENTS Calling ALL Candidates! page 6 Flea Market May 14 page 23 CA Requested TAGE S AID P Permit 451Permit TOCKTON, U.S. PO S hange Service PRSRT STD C SAVE THE DATE! See our ad on page 32 19228 Pine Mountain Dr. Groveland, CA 95321 WWW.PINEMOUNTAINLAKE.CO M 2 ADMINISTRATION PML NEWS • MAY 2011 President’s Message BY LARRY HUNT • BOarD PRESIDEnt guns becomes controversial. Even We are still interested in hearing from so, we as a Board have tried hard to in- the membership, so continue to send clude the membership in our decision- in your emails and attend the meeting The Pine Mountain Lake News, making process and have performed if you would like to address the Board. established July 25, 1973, more than due diligence by investigat- is printed monthly for residents of ing all possible issues. The annual Board election is under- Pine Mountain Lake and vicinity by Pine Mountain Lake Association, way and the deadline for submitting Groveland, California 95321. We have a large group of members candidate nominating papers is May that have formed a shooting club and 20th. I understand that we now have SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Co-owner subscription: they requested an area to hold this at least two candidates for the one $3 per year activity. We have solicited member position. It is nice to see that we have Single copies: 50 cents each Happy Mother’s Day! The Mother’s input and talked about the subject in more members that wish to serve the Single mailed copies: $1.35 each Day Brunch at The Grill is a popular, at least eight board meetings. PML community in the governance of For non-members: $10 per year annual event here at PML and our staff our Association. SUBMISSION DEADLINE provides a wonderful spread. Grill The Board was scheduled to vote 10th of the month by 4:30 PM Manager, Jay and Chef Carrie and their on this at the April Board meeting, but Well the spring weather is here and Late submissions not accepted staff are ready to serve you. Be sure to it was decided that there were a few soon summer will be upon us. I hope Visit make a reservation as seating for this unanswered questions and concerns. that all of you take advantage of our pmlnews.html for ad rates and submission guidelines or e-mail: event fills up fast. These questions were aired at the April wonderful amenities and enjoy what [email protected]. meeting. I think we have reached the PML has to offer. Speaking of the Grill, I am pleased point now that a decision will need to For the mutual benefit of all property owners, the Pine Mountain Lake News reserves the to see that vision of the Board is being be made, so we plan to take action on Until next month, see you on the right to edit all copy submitted for publi- implemented and the upgrades to the this at the May 21st Board meeting. Golf Course or at the Grill! cation. The Pine Mountain Lake News is a facility, staff training and higher stan- private enterprise, not a public entity, and as such is entitled to reject advertisements or dards are showing positive results for articles in the best judgment of its editor or our members. The place is hopping, publisher, despite a probable monopoly in the and walk-ins are finding it hard to get area of its publication. Pine Mountain Lake DID YOU KNOW? Association is not responsible for, nor does a table on the weekends. Making a it guarantee the accuracy of, information con- reservation will help our staff serve Pine Mountain Lake has just installed the new Automated Licensing tained in any ad placed in the Pine Mountain you better, so please give them a call System supplied by the Department of Fish and Game. This means you can Lake News. ahead of time. I would like to thank now purchase your Deer, Bear, Pig, or Waterfowl tags as well as fishing SABRE DESIGN & PUBLISHING our management and staff for doing licenses and all supplemental stamps! Our new system allows us to print your Design/layout such a great job taking care of our license and tags right on the spot. No more applications or mailings needed. CHRISTINA WILKINSON members. Keep up the good work! Publishing Editor Need the perfect gift? JUDI WILKINSON In the past few months the Board Pick up a Gift Voucher. It works just like a gift card. The recipient can redeem their gift at any licensing agent. Advertising Manager has been considering re-opening the shooting range located in Unit 16 up Pine Mountain Lake News Stop by the Main Gate to purchase your 2011 Hunting P.O. Box 605 behind the Campgrounds. As we all and Fishing Licenses Today! Just bring in your Drivers License Groveland, CA 95321 know, anything that has to do with and let the NEW AUTOMATED license system do the rest! Tel: 209/962-0342 Fax: 800/680-6217 E-mail: [email protected] On the Cover BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lawrence R. Hunt (President) Electric Golf Carts at Bruce Lay (Vice President) Pine Mountain Lake Ian Morcott (Secretary) Golf Course Mike Gustafson (Treasurer) Brian Sweeney (Director) The Electric Golf Cart Building was GENERAL MANAGER Joseph M. Powell, CCAM completed at the end of April. CORRESPONDENCE TO DIRECTORS Pine Mountain Lake Association 19228 Pine Mountain Drive Groveland, CA 95321 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM Tel: 209/962-8600 PML NEWS • MAY 2011 ADMINISTRATION 3 General Manager’s Message Submission BY JOE POWEll, CCAM, GENEral ManagER Guidelines Major Projects Completed the optional dredging requests made Community Garden Idea I am pleased to announce the by some of our lakeside members as I met with a property owner re- completion of two major Association part of an on-going maintenance plan. cently to discuss his proposal to create The PML News is the projects. The Electric Golf Cart Build- a community garden within PML. We Official Newspaper of Pine Mountain Lake ing and Lake Dredging Projects were Positive First Quarter Results are always looking for fun activities for Property Owners completed at the end of April. As with At the April Board meeting, our our members, especially those that are any large project, some minor finish Controller, Ken Spencer presented family-oriented. The PML News is dedicated to reporting work and adjustments will need to be the Associations financial results for PML has a lot of unused greenbelt PML Association business and PML As- sociation news to Pine Mountain Lake made, but our staff is already on top the first quarter of 2011. While we are and common area that might serve Property Owners. of this. Both projects presented many concerned with the member assess- as a good location for a community The PML News receives more than 100 challenges, both financial and logisti- ment delinquency rate, we are work- garden. Obviously things like secu- Tuolumne County/Groveland commu- cal. Fortunately, we planned ahead ing with professionals and taking the rity, availability of water, operational nity related submissions each month. and everything worked out. appropriate action to handle the situa- procedures etc. would need to be All such community related articles tion. It appears that the rate is starting addressed, but I like the idea and and notices will appear in the PML News on a space available basis and Lake Maintenance to flatten out and we are watching think it would be a fun activity for the at the discretion of the PML News As I mentioned in my previous arti- these numbers closely. membership. The management of the Publishing Editor. cle, a sediment mitigation plan will be Even with the state and county-wide garden would be on a volunteer basis prepared as part of the requirements economic problems, we continue to to help keep costs down, and we envi- DEADLINES Advertisements must be received IN FULL set in place by the State and Fed- operate better than budget and PML is sion working with the PML Garden (text, MLS info, images, logos, etc.) by the 10th eral agencies. We will work with our strong financially. My management team Club, once we get going. We are look- of the month for the following month’s edition. consultants to develop a program and and I are committed to keeping costs ing over possible locations now, so Only advertisements received in full will be then meet with the appropriate agen- under control and managing Association stay tuned. guaranteed to be published in that month’s cies to determine how we can best funds effectively. Our mantra around edition. NO EXCEPTIONS. implement the program as cost-effec- here is “get the best bang for the buck”, PML Bylaws and CC&R Amendment MEDIA ACCEPTED CD-R or email tively as possible. We will also pursue and it seems to be working. Our Bylaws and CC&R’s need SOFTWARE to be updated to bring them up to InDesign, Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, speed with current law. The Board Illustrator or PDF. NOTICE • NOTICE • NOTICE has directed me to proceed and TEXT/GRAPHICS we are working with Association Handwritten text is not accepted.
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