Modeling the Structure and Dynamics of the Consonant Inventories: A Complex Network Approach Animesh Mukherjee1, Monojit Choudhury2, Anupam Basu1, Niloy Ganguly1 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India – 721302 2Microsoft Research India, Bangalore, India – 560080 animeshm,anupam,niloy, {
[email protected]} Abstract ior through certain general principles such as max- imal perceptual contrast (Liljencrants and Lind- We study the self-organization of the con- blom, 1972), ease of articulation (Lindblom and sonant inventories through a complex net- Maddieson, 1988; de Boer, 2000), and ease of work approach. We observe that the dis- learnability (de Boer, 2000). In fact, there are a tribution of occurrence as well as co- lot of studies that attempt to explain the emergence occurrence of the consonants across lan- of the vowel inventories through the application of guages follow a power-law behavior. The one or more of the above principles (Liljencrants co-occurrence network of consonants ex- and Lindblom, 1972; de Boer, 2000). Some studies hibits a high clustering coefficient. We have also been carried out in the area of linguistics propose four novel synthesis models for that seek to reason the observed patterns in the con- these networks (each of which is a refine- sonant inventories (Trubetzkoy, 1939; Lindblom ment of the earlier) so as to successively and Maddieson, 1988; Boersma, 1998; Clements, match with higher accuracy (a) the above 2008). Nevertheless, most of these works are con- mentioned topological properties as well fined to certain individual principles rather than as (b) the linguistic property of feature formulating a general theory describing the emer- economy exhibited by the consonant inven- gence of these regular patterns across the conso- tories.