Makhzor for Online Services

Rosh Hashanah 5781 Saturday, September 19, 2020

Woodstock Jewish Congregation Woodstock, NY

Compiled and edited by Rabbi Jonathan Kligler Designed by Karen Levine TABLE OF CONTENTS

Birkhot Hashakhar/Morning Blessings...... 3 Ma Tovu...... 3 I Am Alive...... 4 i thank You God...... 5 Elohai Neshamah...... 6 Lev Tahor...... 7 P’sukei D’zimrah/Songs of Praise...... 8 Zeh Hayom...... 8 Kol Haneshamah...... 9 Hamelekh, Shokhein Ad, Yishtabakh...... 10 Khatzi ...... 11 The Sh’ma and Its Blessings ...... 13 Barkhu...... 13 Or Khadash...... 14 Ahavah Rabbah...... 15 Shma, V’ahavta...... 16 V’hayah Im Shamo’a...... 17 Mi-khamokha/I'll Walk With You...... 19 ...... 21 Avot...... 22 Gevurot ...... 23 Unetaneh Tokef...... 24 U’v’khen...... 29 Sim Shalom ...... 31 B’sefer Khayim ...... 32 Holy Ground...... 33 ...... 34 Torah Service...... 35 Ivdu...... 37 Torah Blessings...... 38 First Aliyah...... 39 Second Aliyah...... 40 Healing /Mishaberakh...... 41 Third Aliyah...... 42 Khatzi Kaddish...... 43 V'zot HaTorah...... 45 Sounding the Shofar ...... 46 ...... 49 Mourners' Kaddish...... 50 Ale Brider | Ale Shvester...... 52 Blessings...... 53

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 2 ּבִרְ כֹות הַּׁשַחַ ר Birkhot Hashakhar/Morning Blessings/Awakening s s s

המַ ּטֹבוּ | MAH TOVU מַ ה ּטֹבּו אֹהָ לֶיָך יַעֲ קֹב ּכְמִׁשְ נ ֹ יתֶ ָך י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל: Mah tovu ohalekha Ya’akov mishkenotekha Yisrael.

How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your sanctuaries, Israel!

— Numbers 24:5

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 3 ּבִרְ כֹות הַּׁשַחַ ר Birkhot Hashakhar/Morning Blessings/Awakening s s s


I am alive! And who is this aliveness I am? Is it not the Holy Blessed One!

— Rabbi David Zeller, based on the teaching of Rabbi Menakhem Nakhum of Chernobyl

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 4 ּבִרְ כֹות הַּׁשַחַ ר Birkhot Hashakhar/Morning Blessings/Awakening s s s

i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any–lifted from the no of all nothing–human merely being doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

— e.e. cummings

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 5 ּבִרְ כֹות הַּׁשַחַ ר Birkhot Hashakhar/Morning Blessings/Awakening s s s

יאֱֹלהַ נְׁשָמָ ה | ELOHAI NESHAMAH

אֱֹלהַ י נְׁשָמָה ׁשֶ ּנָתַּתָ ּבִי טְהֹורָ ה הִ יא: Elohai neshamah she’natata bi tehora hi.

My God, the soul you gave to me is pure You have created it You shaped it You breathed it into me You preserve it deep within me One day you will take it from me Restoring it to everlasting life But as long as spirit breathes in me I offer thanks before you Breath of Life my God God of my ancestors And Source of every life. Blessed are you, YHHHHVHHHH, Breath of Life Who renews us every day, every moment With every breath.

— Translation by JK

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 6 ּבִרְ כֹות הַּׁשַחַ ר Birkhot Hashakhar/Morning Blessings/Awakening s s s

לֵב טָ הֹור | LEV TAHOR

לֵב טָהֹורּבְרָ א-לִי אֱֹלהִים, ּבְרָ א-לִי לֵב טָ הֹור וְרּוחַ נָכֹוןחַּדֵ ׁשּבְקִרְ ּבִ י: Lev tahor b’ra li Elohim, b’ra li lev tahor V’ru’akh nakhon khadesh b’kirbi.

Create a pure heart in me, Great Spirit, create a pure heart in me And renew a true soul within me, and renew a true soul within.

— Psalm 51:12 music and English translation by Daphna Rosenberg and Yoel Sykes

FALL IN LOVE WITH THE WORLD (ALL OVER AGAIN) And the Creator surveyed all that had been created and behold, it was very good.

— Genesis 1:31

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 7 ּפְסּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ ה P’sukei D’zimrah/Songs of Praise s s s

זֶה־הַ ּיֹום | ZEH HAYOM זֶה־הַּיֹום עָׂשָ היהוה נָגִילָה הוְנִׂשְמְחָ בֹו: Zeh hayom asah Adonai nagilah v’nismekhah vo.

This is the day that God has made, let us be glad and rejoice this day!

— Psalm 118:24; Music by Rabbi Miriam Margles

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ּכֹ להַ ּנ ְ ׁשָ מָ ה | KOL HANESHAMAH

ּכֹלהַ ּנְׁשָמָהּתְהַ לֵל יָּה.הַ לְ לּו־יָּה! Kol haneshamah tehalel Yah. Halleluyah!

Let every living thing Yah’s praises sing. Praise Yah!


WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 9 ּפְסּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ ה P’sukei D’zimrah/Songs of Praise s s s

ּמֶהַ לֶ ְך | HAMELEKH ּמֶהַ לֶ ְך ּיֹוׁשֵ ב עַל ּכִסֵא רָ םוְנִּׂשָ א Hamelekh Yoshev al kisei ram v’nisa ׁשֹוכֵן עַד, מָ רֹום וְקָ דֹוש ְ ׁשמֹו: וְכָ תּוב, רַ נְנּו צַ ִ ּדיקִ ים ַ ּביהוה, לַיְׁשָרִ ים נָאוָה תְהִ ָ לּה. ּבְפִ י יְׁשָרִ ים ּתִתְ רֹומָ ם, ּובְדִבְרֵ י צַ ִ ּדיקִ ים ּתִתְ ּבָרַ ְך, ּובִלְ ׁשֹון חֲסִידִ ים ּתִתְקַ ָּדׁש, ּובְקֶ ֽרֶב קְ ד ִ ֹוׁשים ּתִתְהַ ָ לּל: ,Adonai׳nu tzadikim b׳khatuv, ran׳mo. V׳kadosh sh׳Shokhein ad, marom v divrei tzadikim׳y sharim titromam, uv׳ fi׳hilah. B׳la'y'sharim navah t .doshim tithalal׳kerev k׳titbarakh, uvilshon khasidim titkadash, uv

יִ ְׁש ַּת ַ ּבח ׁשִמְ ָך לָעַד מַ לְ ֵ ּכנּו, הָאֵל הַ ֶ ּמֽלְֶך הַ גָּדֹול וְהַקָּ דֹוׁש ּבַשָּׁמַ יִם ּובָאָ ֽרֶ ץ. ִי ּכלְָך נָאֶה, יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו וֵ אֹלהֵי אֲ בֹותֵ ֽ ינּו וְאִמֹותֵ יֽנּו, ִ ׁשיר ּוׁשְבָחָה, הַ לֵּל וְזִמְרָ ה, עֹז ּומֶמְ ָ ׁשלָה, נֶ ֽצַח, גְּדֻ ָ לּה ּוגְ בּורַָ ה, ּתְהִ לָּה וְתִ פְאֶ ֽרֶ ת, קְדֻשָּׁ ה ּומַ לְ כּות. ּבְרָ כֹות וְ הֹודָ אֹות מֵעַ ָ ּתה וְעַ ד עֹולָ ם. ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָהּת יהוה, אֵל מֶ ֽלְֶך גָּדֹול ַּב ִּת ְׁש ָ ּבחֹות, אֵל הַ הֹודָ אֹות, אֲ דֹון הַ ּנִפְלָ אֹות, הַ ּבֹוחֵ ר ְּבׁשִירֵ י זִמְרָ ה, מֶ ֽלְֶך, אֵ ל, חֵי הָ עֹולָמִ ים: hakadosh׳Yishtabakh shimkha la'ad malkeinu, ha'eil hamelekh hagadol v kha na'eh, Adonai eloheinu veilohei avoteinu׳bashamayim uva'aretz. Ki l dulah׳zimrah, oz umemshalah, netzakh, g׳vakhah, haleil v׳v'imoteinu, shir ush hoda-ot׳rakhot v׳dushah umalkhut. B׳tiferet, k׳hilah v׳vurah, t׳ug ,ad olam. Barukh atah Adonai, eil melekh gadol batishbakhot׳mei'atah v ,shirei zimrah׳eil hahoda'ot, adon hanifla'ot, habokheir b melekh, eil, khei ha'olamim.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 10 ּפְסּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ ה P’sukei D’zimrah/Songs of Praise s s s

KHATZI KADDISH יִתְ גַּ ַ ּדל וְיִתְקַ ַּדׁש ׁשְמֵ ּה רַ ָ ּבא. ּבְעָלְמָ א ִ ּדי בְרָ א כִרְ עּותֵ ּה, וְיַמְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כּותֵ ּה ּבְחַ ּיֵיכֹון ּובְ יֹומֵ יכֹון ּובְחַ ּיֵי דְ כָ ל ֵ ּבית יִׂשְרָאֵ ל. ּבַעֲגָלָ א ּובִ זְמַן קָרִ יב וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן: יְהֵ א ׁשְמֵ ּה רַ ָאּב מְבָרַ ְך לְעָלַ ם ּולְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַ ּיָא: יִתְ ּבָרַ ְך וְיִ ְׁש ַּתּבַח, וְיִתְ פָּאַ ר וְיִתְ רֹומַ ם וְיִתְ נַ ֵ ּׂשא וְיִתְהַ ָ ּדר וְיִתְעַ ֶ לּה וְיִתְהַ ָ לּל ׁשְמֵ ּה ּדְקֻדְ ָ ׁשא ּבְרִ יְך הּוא. לְעֵ ֽלָּא לְעֵ לָּא מִ ן ָ ּכל ּבִרְ כָתָ א וְ ׁשִירָתָ א, ֻּת ְׁשּבְחָתָ א וְנֶחֱמָתָ א, ּדַאֲמִירָ ן ּבְעָלְמָ א, וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן:

yamlikh׳ra khiruteih, v׳ma di v׳al׳meih raba. B׳yitkadash sh׳Yitgadal v ,khol beit yisraeil׳khayei d׳yomeikhon uv׳khayeikhon uv׳malkhuteih b .imru amein׳ba-agala uvizman kariv, v .maya׳mei al׳al׳alam ul׳varakh l׳meih raba m׳hei sh׳Y yitaleh׳yithadar v׳yitnasei v׳yitromam v׳yitpa-ar v׳yishtabakh v׳Yitbarakh v shirata׳eila min kol birkhata v׳eila l׳rikh hu. L׳kudsha b׳meih d׳yithalal sh׳v .imru amein׳ma, v׳al׳nekhemata, da'amiran b׳khata v׳tushb

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 11 ּפְסּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ ה P’sukei D’zimrah/Songs of Praise s s s

Let us make the great, ineffable Name of God holy So that it fills the world with holiness, The world that manifested from the divine imagination. Let that holiness fill our lives and days May it spread through all Israel and all the world Now, in our time And let us say: ! May the Great Name be blessed Now and forever and ever! May the Source of All be Blessed Praised Glorified Uplifted And raised high Graced Ascendant And praised in song The Holy One, Blessed Be! Higher and higher, Transcending even our ability to express Our wonder, amazement, and gratitude Beyond anything we can utter And yet we still praise And let us say: Amen!

— Translation by JK

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 12 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s

רְּבָ כ ּו | BARKHU ּבָרְ כּו אֶתיהוה הַּמְ בֹרָ ְך: Barkhu et Adonai ham’vorakh.

Bless THE INFINITE, the blessed One!

ּבָרּוְך יהוה הַּמְ בֹרָ ְך לְעֹולָם וָעֶ ד: Barukh Adonai ham’vorakh l’olam va’ed.

Blessed is THE INFINITE, the blessed One, now and forever!

ּבָרּוְך אַּתָה יהוה אֱֹלהֵינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָ ם יֹוצֵראֹור ּובֹורֵ א חֹׁשֶ ְך עֹׂשֶה ׁשָ לֹום ּובֹורֵא אֶ ת־הַ ּכֹל: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam yotzeir or u’vorei khoshekh oseh shalom u’vorei et hakol.

Blessed are you, INFINITE ONE our God, your presence fills the universe, fashioner of light, creator of darkness, maker of peace, creator of all.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 13 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s

אֹור חָדָ ׁש | OR KHADASH

אֹור חָדָ ׁש עַל צִּיֹון ּתָאִ יר וְנִזְּכֶה כֻ ָ לנּו ּב הִמְהֵרָ לְ אֹורֹו: Or khadash al tziyon ta’ir V’nizkeh khulanu, bimheirah l’oro.

Let a new light shine now upon Zion and upon us all, and may we all merit to be vessels of this light.

ּבָרּוְך אַּתָ היהוה יֹוצֵר הַּמְ אֹורֹות: Barukh atah Adonai yotzeir ha’m’orot.

Blessed are you, SOURCE OF LIGHT, creator of light without and within.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 14 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s

אַ הֲ בָ ה רַ ּבָ ה | AHAVAH RABBAH

אַהֲבָה רַ ּבָהאֲהַבְּתָנּו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ינּו: Ahavah Rabbah ahavtanu Adonai eloheinu With an abounding love Ahavah Rabbah ahavtanu Adonai eloheinu With an astounding love Oh, we shall lift each other up As you have lifted us, God Oh, we shall lift each other up

— Music and lyrics by Holly Taya Shere

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 15 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s

ׁשְמַ ע יִׂשְרָאֵ ל, יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ינּו, יהוה אֶחָ ֽ ד: ָ ּברּוְך ֵ ׁשם ְ ּכבֹוד מַ לְ כּותֹו לְ עֹולָם וָעֶ ד: וְאָהַבְ ָ ּת אֵתיהוה אֱֹלהֶ יָך, ּבְכָל-לְבָ ֽבְ ָך, ּובְכָ ל-נַפְ ְ ׁשָך, ּובְכָל-מְ ֽ אֹדֶ ָך. וְהָ יּו הַ ּדְבָרִ ים הָאֵ לֶּה, אֲ ׁשֶר אָ ֽ נֹכִי מְ צַ ּוְָך הַ ּיֹום, עַל-לְבָבֶ ָֽך: וְ ִׁשּנַנְ ָ ּתם לְבָ נֶיָך, וְדִ ּבַרְ ָ ּת ָ ּבם ְּבׁשִבְ ְ ּתָך ּבְבֵיתֶ ָך, ּובְלֶכְ ּתְָך בַ ּדֶרֶ ְך ּוֽבְ ָ ׁשכְ ְ ּב ָך, ּובְ קּו ֽ מֶ ָך. ּוקְ ׁשַרְ ָ ּתם לְ אֹות עַ ל-יָדֶ ָך, וְהָ יּו לְ טֹטָ פֹת ּבֵין עֵינֶ ֽיָך, ּוכְתַבְ ָ ּתם עַל מְ זֻזֹות ּבֵיתֶ ָך ּובִ ְ ׁש ֽ עָרֶ יָך: .ma Yisra'eil, Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ekhad׳Sh .olam va'ed׳vod malkhuto l׳Barukh sheim k khol׳kha, uv׳khol nafsh׳kha, uv׳vav׳khol l׳ahavta eit Adonai elohekha, b׳V kha hayom, al׳tzav׳varim ha'eileh, asher anokhi m׳hayu had׳odekha. V׳m ,veitekha׳kha b׳shivt׳dibarta bam, b׳vanekha, v׳shinantam l׳vavekha. V׳l ,ot al yadekha׳shartam l׳kumekha. Uk׳kha, uv׳shokhb׳kha vaderekh, uv׳lecht׳uv .zuzot beitekha uvisharekha׳totafot bein einekha. Ukh'tavtam al m׳hayu l׳v

Thus you shall show your love for Adonai your God: With every inclination of your knowing heart, With all the strength through which you live, With every benefit you have received. For these words in which I am giving you mitzvot this day Shall enter into your knowing heart, That you may help your children sink their teeth in them, And speak through them When sitting in your house, When walking on the road, At the time for lying down, At the time for rising up. And you shall bind them in a sign upon your arm. They shall become frontlets between your eyes. You shall inscribe them in mezuzot for your house, Upon your gates.

— Rabbi Richard N. Levy, On Wings of Awe pp.83-84

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 16 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s וְהָ יָה אִ ם־ׁשָ מֹעַ | V’HAYAH IM SHAMO’A


If you listen, truly listen, to the teachings of YHWH/Yahh, the One Breath of Life, That the world is One, all its parts intertwined, Then the rains will fall Time by time, Time by time; The rivers will run, the heavens will smile, the good earth will fruitfully feed you. But chop the world into parts and choose parts to worship, gods of race or of nation, gods of wealth and of power, gods of greed and addiction-- If you Do and you Make, and Produce without pausing; If you Do without Being Then the rain will not fall (or will turn to sharp acid) The rivers won't run (or flood homes and cities) The heavens themselves will take arms against you: the ozone will fail you, the oil that you burn will scorch your whole planet. And from the good earth that the Breath of Life gives you, you will vanish; yes, perish. So on edge with your Self Take care to weave fringes, threads of connection. So you end not with sharpness, a fence or a wall, But with sacred mixing of cloth and of air. A fringe that is part yours and part G!d's: That binds us together as one, and reminds to serve all that is holy. Therefore bind this teaching to your heart, teach it to your children, speak of it when you sit in your house and when you walk on the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Place this teaching as a sign on your arm and between your eyes. Inscribe it on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates, so that we might thrive on the good earth that has been granted to our ancestors and to us.

— Rabbi Arthur Waskow (adapted)

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 17 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s

יהוה אֱֹלהֵיכֶם אֱמֶ ת:

Adonai eloheikhem emet. Life Unfolding is our God, truly.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 18 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s MI KHAMOKHA — I’LL WALK WITH YOU

When you walk through the water, I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you) When you walk through the water, I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you) Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid (Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid) I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you) I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you) I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you) I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you)

ּכִי־תַעֲ בֹרּבַּמַ יִםאִּתְ ָך־אָ נִי (Ki ta’avor bamayim it’kha ani (it’kha ani

אַל־ּתִירָא, אַל־ּתִירָ א (Al tira, al tira (Al tira, al tira When your journey brings you to my shore, I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) When your journey brings you to my shore, I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid (Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid) I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) When you reach to the other side, I’ll sing with you (I’ll sing with you) When you reach to the other side, I’ll dance with you (I’ll dance with you) Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid (Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid) I’ll sing with you (I’ll sing with you) I’ll dance with you (I’ll dance with you) I’ll welcome you (I’ll welcome you) I’ll walk with you (I’ll walk with you)

— Hebrew from Isaiah 43:2, 1 and Exodus 15:11, English lyrics and music by Cantor Jessi Roemer מִ י־כָ מֹכָ ה ּבָאֵ לִים יהוה מִ י ָ ּכמֹכָ ה נֶאְ ָ ּדר ַּבקֹדֶ ׁש נֹורָאתְהִ ֹּלת עֹ ֵ ׂשה־פֶלֶ א: Mi khamokha ba’eilim Adonai, Mi kamokha ne’edar bakodesh Nora tehilot oseih feleh ׁשִירָה חֲדָ ָ ׁשה ִׁשּבְחּו גְאּולִים לְ ׁשִמְָך עַ ל ְ ׂשפַת הַ ּיָם: יַחַ ד ֻלָם ּכהֹודּו וְהִמְ לִיכּו וְאָמְ רּו: Shirah khadasha shibkhu ge’ulim l’shimkha al s’fat ha’yam Yakhad kulam hodu v’himlikhu v’amru

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 19 קְרִ יאַת ׁשְמַ עּובִרְכֹותֶיהָ The Sh’ma and Its Blessings s s s

יהוה יִמְ ֹלְך לְ עֹלָם וָעֶ ד: Adonai yimlokh l’olam va’ed

צּור יִׂשְרָאֵל קּומָהּבְעֶ תזְרַ יִׂשְרָאֵ ל: הּופְדֵ כִנְאֻמֶָך הטְהּודָ וְיִׂשְרָאֵ ל: ֹאֲלֵנּו גיהוה צְבָאֹותׁשְמֹו קְ דֹוׁש יִׂשְרָאֵ ל: ּבָרּוְך אַּתָ ה יהוה ג לָאַ יִׂשְרָאֵ ל: Tzur Yisrael, kumah b’ezrat Yisrael, uf’dei khinumekha Yehudah v’Yisrael Go’aleinu Adonai tzeva’ot sh’mo k’dosh Yisrael Barukh atah Adonai ga’al Yisrael.

What can compare to the Power in the Universe that desires life, that yearns and burns in the human heart, insisting that slaves become free, and that all life be liberated and nurtured to fulfill its divine potential? This is our God, our rock, our redeemer.

— Translation by JK

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אֲ דֹנָי ְ ׂשפָתַ י ִ ּתפְ ָ ּתח ּופִ י יַגִּ יד ּתְהִ לָּתֶ ָך: Adonai s’fatai tiftakh u’fi yagid tehilatekha.

We rise to speak, a web of bodies aligned like notes of music.

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אָ בֹות וְאִ מֹות | AVOT VE'IMOT ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָהּת יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו וֵ אֹלהֵי אֲ בֹותֵ ֽ ינּו וְאִמֹותֵ יֽנ ,ּו אֱֹלהֵ י אַבְרְָ הָם, יאֱֹלהֵ יִצְחָ ק, אֹלהֵ ייַעֲ קֹב, יאֱֹלהֵ שָֹֹרָה, אֱֹלהֵי רִ בְקָ ה, אֱֹלהֵי רָחֵ ל, וֵ אֹלהֵ י לֵאָה: הָאֵל הַ גָּדֹול הַ גִּ ּבֹור וְהַ ּנֹורָא, אֵל עֶלְ יֹון, גֹּומֵל חֲסָדִ ים טֹובִים, וְ קֹונֵה הַ ּכֹל, וְ זֹוכֵר חַסְדֵי אָ בֹות וְאִ מֹות, ּומֵבִיא גְּאֻ לָה לִבְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֵֶ ם לְמַעַ ן ְ ׁשמֹו ּבְאַהֲבָ ה: זָכְרֵ ֽ נּו לְחַ ּיִים, מֶ ֽלְֶך חָפֵ ץ ּבַחַ ּיִים, וְכָתְבֵ ֽנּו ּבְסֵ ֽפֶר הַחַ ּיִים, לְמַעַ נְָך אֱֹלהִים חַ ּיִים: מֶ ֽלֶ ְך עֹוזֵר ּומ ִֽ ֹוׁשיעַ ּומָ גֵ ן: ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָ ּתה יהוה, מָ גֵן אַבְרָ הָ ם וְעֶ זְרַ ת שָֹֹרָ ה:

Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, ve'imoteinu, elohei Avraham, elohei Yitzkhak, eilohei Ya'akov, elohei Sarah, elohei Rivka, ,hanora, eil elyon׳elohei Rakhel, veilohei Lei'ah. Ha'eil hagadol hagibor v ,zokheir khasdei avot ve'imot׳koneih hakol, v׳gomeil khasadim tovim, v .ahavah׳mo b׳ma'an sh׳neihem, l׳umeivi g'oola livnei v veinu׳khot׳khayim, melekh khafeitz bakhayim, v׳reinu l׳Zokh .ma'ankha elohim khayim׳seifer hakhayim, l׳b Melekh ozeir umoshi'a umagein. Barukh atah Adonai, magein Avraham v'ezrat Sarah.

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גְּ בּורֹות | GEVUROT אַ ָ ּתה גִּ ּבֹור לְ עֹולָם אֲ דֹנָי רַ ב לְ ה ִֽ ֹוׁשיעַ : מְכַלְ ּכֵל חַ ּיִים ּבְחֶ ֽסֶ ד, מְחַ ֵהּי ּכָל חַ י ּבְרַחֲמִים רַ ִ ּבים, סֹומֵ ְך נֹופְלִים, וְ רֹופֵ א חֹולִ ים, ּומַ ּתִיר אֲ סּורִ ים, ּומְקַ ּיֵם אֱ מּונָתֹו לִ י ֵ ׁשנֵי עָפָ ר, מִי כָמֽ ֹוָך ַ ּבֽעַל גְּ בּורֹות ּומִ י ּֽדֹומֶ ה ָ לְּך, מֶ ֽלְֶך מֵמִ ית ּומְחַ ּיֶה ּומַ צְמִֽיחַ יְׁשּועָ ה: מִי כָמֽ ֹוָך אַב הָרַחֲמִ ים, זֹוכֵ ר יְצּורָ יו לְחַ ּיִים ּבְרַחֲמִ ים: וְנֶאֱמָן אַ ָ ּתה לְהַחֲ יֹות ּכָל חַ י: ָ ּברּוְך אַ ּתָה יהוה, מְחַ ֵהּי ּכָל חַ י:

.hoshi'a׳olam adonay, rav l׳Atah gibor l ,rakhamim rabim׳khayeih kol khai b׳khesed, m׳khalkeil khayim b׳M kayeim emunato׳rofei kholim, umatir asurim, um׳lim, v׳someikh nof ,vurot umi domeh lakh׳lisheinei afar, mi khamocha ba-al g .shuah׳khayeh umatzmi-akh y׳melekh meimit um Mi khamokha av harakhamim, .rakhamim׳khayim b׳tzurav l׳zokheir y .hakhayot kol khai׳ne'eman atah l׳V .khayeih kol khai׳Barukh atah Adonai, m

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ּונְתַ ֶהּנ ּתֹקֶ ף | UNETANEH TOKEF

We have returned to this sacred day in all of its power, where each of us asks: “What is my fate in the book of life?” Yet we cannot just stand here alone absorbed in our fate only; We stand together concerned about the fate of many.

ּונְתַ ּנֶה ּתֹֽקֶף קְדֻשַּׁת הַ ּיֹום, ִ ּכי הּוא נֹורָ א וְאָ יֹום: ּובֹו תִ ָּנ ֵ ׂשא מַ לְ כּותֶ ָֽך, וְיִּכֹון ּבְחֶ ֽסֶ ד ּכִסְאֶ ָֽך, וְתֵ ֵ ׁשב עָלָ יו ּבֶאֱמֶת: אֱמֶ ת ּכִי אַ ָ ּתה הּוא דַ ּיָן ּומֹוכִֽיחַ , וְ יֹודֵ עַ וָעֵד, וְ כֹותֵ ב וְ חֹותֵ ם, וְ סֹופֵ ר ּומֹונֶה, וְתִ זְּכֹור ּכָל הַ ִּנ ְׁש ָ ּכחֹות: וְתִ פְ ּתַח אֶת סֵ ֽפֶר הַ זִּכְ רֹונֹות, ּומֵאֵ לָיו יִקָּרֵ א, וְ חֹותַ ם יַד ּכָל אָדָ ם ּבֹו:

ayom. Uvo tinasei׳dushat hayom, ki hu nora v׳taneh tokef k׳Un teisheiv alav be'emet. Emet ki atah׳khesed kisekha, v׳yikon b׳malchutekha, v ,sofeir umoneh׳khoteim, v׳khoteiv v׳yodei'a vaeid, v׳hu dayan umokhi'ach, v ,tiftakh et seifer hazikhronot׳tizkor kol hanishkakhot: v׳v .khotam yad kol adam bo׳umei'eilav yikarei, v

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s s s The Great Shofar blasts. We hear the alarm. Where is there justice? The terrible dread hangs in the air as we ask: How long will this pandemic endure? How many will suffer; how many will die? How do we endure isolation and separation from friends and loved ones? When will there be a vaccine?

s s s

What will we encounter in this year? Racial injustice in our country and in our community? Refugee children detained separated from their families? A church burned, a desecrated, a mosque bombed? The growth of income inequity? Voting suppressed and an election distressed? Famine worsening, our climate degrading? How much ache, fear and heartbreak are written in the book for this year? God, We are like sheep passing before the Shepherd Are You counting? Are You measuring the lifebreath in our lungs? What is the fate of the world in this book of life?

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ּובְ ׁשֹופָר גָּדֹול יִּתָקַ ע, וְ קֹול ּדְמָמָ ה ּדַקָּ ה יִשָּׁמַ ע: ּומַ לְאָ כִ ים יֵחָפֵ זּון, וְחִ יל ּורְ עָדָה יֹאחֵ זּון, וְיֹאמְ רּו הִ ּנֵה יֹום הַ ִ ּדין, לִפְ קֹוד עַל צְבָא מָ רֹום ַּבִ ּדין, ִ ּכי לֹא יִזְּכּו בְעֵ ינֶיָך ַּבִ ּדין: וְכָ ל ּבָאֵ י עֹולָם יַעַבְ רּון לְפָ נֶיָך ּכִבְ נֵי מָ רֹון: ּכְבַקָּרַ ת רֹועֶה עֶדְ רֹו, מַעֲבִ יר צֹאנֹו ַ ּתֽחַ ת ׁשִבְ טֹו, ֵ ּכן ּתַעֲבִ יר וְתִסְ פֹּור וְתִמְ נֶה, וְתִ פְ קֹוד נֶפֶ ׁש ּכָל חַ י, וְתַחְ ּתֹוְך קִצְבָה לְכָ ל ּבְרִ ּיָה, וְתִ כְ ּתֹוב אֶ ת גְּזַר ִ ּד ינָם:

mamah dakah yishama: umalakhim׳kol d׳shofar gadol yitaka, v׳Uv va׳yomru hineih yom hadin, lifkod al tz׳adah yokheizun, v׳khil ur׳yeikhafeizun, v fanekha׳khol ba'ei olam ya-avrun l׳einekha badin. V׳marom badin, ki lo yizku v vakarat roeh edro, ma'avir tzono takhat shivto, kein ta'avir׳kivnei maron. K ,riyah׳khol b׳v takhtokh kitzvah l׳ ,tifkod nefesh kol khai׳timneh, v׳tispor v׳v .zar dinam׳tikhtov et g׳v

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 26 עֲ מִ י דָ ה | Amidah s s s ּבְ רֹאׁש הַ ָנָה שיִּכָתֵ בּוןּובְיֹום צֹום ּכִ פּור יֵחָתֵ מּון: B’rosh Hashanah yikateivun u’v’yom tzom kippur yeikhateimun.

s s s

On Rosh Hashanah is written, and on Yom Kippur the course is set! Who will live and who will die? Whose death will be timely and whose death will be hastened by the lack of healthcare? Who will be killed unarmed in the streets and who will live safely in their homes? s s s

Who will die by gun violence and who by their own hand? Who will die by bigotry and who by peacemaking? Who will die from Covid and who from isolation? Whose deaths could be prevented and who will live to a ripe old age?

ּבְ רֹאׁש הַ ָנָה שיִּכָתֵ בּוןּובְיֹום צֹום ּכִ פּור יֵחָתֵ מּון: B’rosh Hashanah yikateivun u’v’yom tzom kippur yeikhateimun.

s s s

Who will dwell peacefully and who will be detained? Who will be separated and who will be reunited? Who will become incarcerated and who will be pardoned? Who will pass and who will be profiled? s s s

Who will speak out and who will remain silent? Who will suffer from injustice and who will benefit? Who will hate their neighbor and who will create community?

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 27 עֲ מִ י דָ ה | Amidah s s s ּבְ רֹאׁש הַ ָנָה שיִּכָתֵ בּוןּובְיֹום צֹום ּכִ פּור יֵחָתֵ מּון: B’rosh Hashanah yikateivun u’v’yom tzom kippur yeikhateimun.

s s s Let our values and our faith, let our love and our desire for justice be pathways to divert what is written, to change what is written and accept what is written with grace. Let Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedakah — Repair, Prayer and Giving Our Fair Share — hold our broken hearts together as we join together to work for a better year.

— Unetaneh Tokef interpretation by Rabbi Joshua Lesser

ּותְ ׁשּובָהּותְ הפִילָ ּוצְדָקָ ה מַעֲבִירִ ין אֶ ת־רֹועַ הַ גְזֵרָ ה: U’teshuvah u’tefillah u’tzedakah ma’avirin et ro’a ha’gezeirah.

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ְ ּובְ כֵ ן | U'V’KHEN אַ ּתָה קָ דֹוׁש וְ ׁשִמְָך קָ דֹוׁש ּוקְ ד ִ ֹוׁשים ּבְכָ ל יֹום יְהַ לְלֽ ּוָך, ֶ סּֽלָ ה: .lukha selah׳hal׳khol yom y׳doshim b׳shimkha kadosh, uk׳Atah kadosh v

ּוְבְכֵ ן ֵ ּתן פַּחְ ְָךּד יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו, עַ ל ּכָל מַעֲ ֶ ׂשֽיָך, וְאֵימָתְ ָך עַ ל ּכָל מַ ה ֶׁשּבָרָ ֽאתָ , וְיִירָ אּוָך ּכָל הַ ּמַעֲ ִ ׂשים וְיִ ְׁשּתַחֲ וּו לְפָנֶ ֽיָך ָ ּכל הַ ְ ּברּואִ ים, וְיֵעָ ׂשּו כֻ לָּם אֲ גֻּדָה אַחַ ת לַעֲ ׂשֹות רְ צֹונְָך ּבְלֵבָ ב ָ ׁשלֵ ם, ְ ּכמֹו ֶׁשּיָדַ ֽעְ נּו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו, ׁשֶהַשָּׁ ןלְטָ לְפָנֶ ֽיָך, עֹז ְ ּביָדְ ָך ּוגְ בּורָ ה ּבִימִ ינֶ ָֽך, וְ ׁשִמְ ָך נֹורָ א עַ ל ּכָל מַה שֶּׁ ּבָרָ ֽאתָ : eimat'kha al׳kha Adonai eloheinu, al kol ma'asekha, v׳khein tein pakhd׳v׳U fanekha kol׳yishtakhavu l׳yira-ukha kol hama'asim v׳kol mah shebarata, v ,leivav shaleim׳kha b׳tzon׳yei'asu khulam agudah akhat la'asot r׳ruim, v׳hab kha׳yad׳fanekha, oz b׳tan l׳mo sheyadanu Adonai eloheinu, shehashol׳k .shimkha nora al kol mah shebarata׳vurah biminekha, v׳ug

ּובְכֵ ן ֵ ּתן כָ בֹוד, יהוה לְעַ ֶֽ ּמָך, ּתְהִ ָהלּ לִירֵאֶ ֽיָך וְתִקְ וָ ה טֹובָ ה לְ דֹורְ ֶֽ ׁשיָך, ּופִתְ חֹון פֶּה לַמְ יַחֲ לִים לָ ְך, ׂש הִמְחָ לְאַרְ צֶ ָֽך וְ ָׂשׂשֹון ֽ לְעִירֶ ָך, ּוצְמִֽיחַת קֶרֶ ן לְדָ וִד עַבְ ֶ ּדָֽך, וַעֲרִֽ יכַ ת נֵר לְבֶ ן־יִ ַ ׁשי מְ ׁש ֽ ִיחֶ ָך, ּבִמְהֵרָ ה בְ יָמֵ ֽ ינּו: tikvah tovah׳hilah lirei'ekha v׳amekha, t׳khein tein khavod, Adonai l׳Uv sason׳l artzekha v׳ shekha, ufitkhon peh lamyakhalim lakh, simkhah׳dor׳l ven yishai׳David avdekha, va'arikhat neir l׳mikhat keren l׳irekha, utz׳l .yameinu׳shikhekha, bimheirah v׳m

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ּובְכֵן צַ ִ ּדיקִ ים יִרְ אּו וְיִׂשְמָ ֽ חּו, וִ יׁשָרִ ים יַעֲ לֹֽ זּו, וַחֲסִידִ ים ּבְרִ ּנ ָה יָגִֽילּו, וְ עֹולָ ֽתָ ה ּתִקְפָּ ץ־פִּֽיהָ , וְכָל הָרִ ְ ׁשעָ ה ֻּכ ָלּּה ּכְעָ ָ ׁשן ִ ּתכְלֶ ה, ּכִי תַעֲבִיר מֶמְ ֶ ׁשֽלֶת זָדֹון מִן הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ: rinah׳yismakhu, visharim ya-alozu, vakhasidim b׳khein tzadikim yiru v׳Uv ,ashan tikhleh׳khol harishah kulah k׳olatah tikpotz piha, v׳yagilu, v ki ta'avir memshelet zadon min ha'aretz.

וְתִמְֹלְך, אַ ּתָה יהוהְ לְבַ ֶ ּדָֽך, עַ ל ּכָל מַעֲ ֶֽ ׂשיָך, ּבְהַר צִ ּיֹון מִ ְׁש ַ ּכן ְ ּכבֹו ֽ דֶ ָך, ּובִ ירּוׁשָלַ ֽיִם עִיר קָדְ ֶֽ ׁשָך, ַּכ ָ ּכתּוב ּבְדִבְרֵ י קָדְ ֶ ָך:ׁש יִמְ ֹלְך יהוה לְ עֹולָם, אֱֹלהַ ֽיְִך צִ ּיֹון לְ דֹר וָ דֹר: הַ לְ לּויָּה: har tziyon mishkan׳vadekha, al kol ma'asekha, b׳timlokh, atah Adonai l׳V shekha: Yimlokh׳divrei kod׳shekha, kakatuv b׳vodekha, u'virushalayim ir kod׳k .luyah׳dor vador, hal׳olam, elohayikh tziyon l׳Adonai l

קָ דֹוׁש אַ ָ ּתה וְ נֹורָ א ׁשְמֶ ָֽך, וְאֵין אֱ לֽ ַֹוּה מִ ּבַלְעָדֶ יָך, ַּכ ָ ּכתּוב: וַ ּיִגְ ַּבּה יהוה צְבָ אֹות ַּב ִּמ ְ ׁשפָּ ט, וְהָאֵל הַקָּ דֹוׁש נִקְ ַּדׁש ּבִצְדָקָ ה. ָ ּברּוְך אַ ּתָה יהוה, הַ ֶ ּמֽלְֶך הַקָּ דֹוׁש:

ein eloha mibaladekha, kakatuv: Vayigbah׳mekha, v׳nora sh׳Kadosh atah v .ha-eil hakadosh nikdash bitzdakah׳va-ot bamishpat, v׳Adonai tz Barukh atah, Adonai, hamelekh hakadosh.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 30 עֲ מִ י דָ ה | Amidah s s s ׂשִים ׁשָ לֹום | SIM SHALOM ׂשִים ׁשָ לֹום הטֹובָ ּובְרָ כָ ה Sim shalom tovah u’vrakhah חֵן וָחֶסֶ דוְרַחֲמִים עָלֵינּו וְעַ ל ּכֹל־יִׂשְרָאֵלעַּמֶ ָך ּבָרְ כֵנּו אָבִינּו ּכֻ ָנּו ל ּכְאֶחָדּבְ אֹור ָ פנֶיָך Khen va’khesed v’rakhamim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael amekha Barkheinu avinu kulanu k’ekhad b’or panekha ׂשִים ׁשָ לֹום הטֹובָ ּובְרָ כָ ה Sim shalom tovah u’vrakhah ּכִי בְ אֹור ָ פנֶיָך נָתַּתָ ָנּול יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ינּו ּתֹורַת חַ ּיִים וְאַהֲבַת חֶסֶ ד ּוצְדָקָ הּובְרָ כָה וְרַחֲמִ יםוְחַ ּיִים וְׁשָ לֹום Ki v’or panekha natata lanu Adonai eloheinu Torat khayim v’ahavat khesed U’tzedakah u’vrakha v’rakhamim v’khayim v’shalom ׂשִים ׁשָ לֹום הטֹובָ ּובְרָ כָ ה Sim shalom tovah u’vrakhah וְטֹוב ּבְעֵ ינֶיָך לְבָרְֵך אֶתעַמְ ָך יִׂשְרָאֵ ל וְאֶת ּכָל הָעַּמִים ּבְ רֹב עֹזוְׁשָ לֹום V’tov b’einekha l’vareikh et am’kha, et am’kha Yisrael V’et kol ha’amim b’rov oz v’shalom ׂשִים ׁשָ לֹום הטֹובָ ּובְרָ כָ ה Sim shalom tovah u’vrakhah

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ּבְסֵפֶר חַ ּיִים ּברָ כָהוְׁשָ לֹום ּופַרְ הנָסָ טֹובָ ה נִז ָכֵר בוְנִּכָתֵ לְפָ נֶיָך אֲנַחְ נּווְכָ ל־עַּמְָךּבֵ ית יִׂשְרָאֵ ל לְחַ ּיִים טֹובִיםּולְׁשָ לֹום: B’seifer khayim b’rakhah v’shalom u’farnasah tovah Nizakheir v’nikateiv l’fanekha Anakhnu v’khol amkha beit Yisrael L’khayim tovim, u’l’shalom.

ּבָרּוְך אַּתָהיהוה עֹוׂשֵה הַ ָ שלֹום: Barukh atah Adonai oseih hashalom.

Grant peace, goodness and blessing in the world, grace, love, and compassion over us and over all your people Israel. Bless us, source of being, all of us, as one in your light, for by your light you give to us teachings of life, love of kindness, justice, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. So may it be a good thing in your eyes to bless your people Israel along with all peoples with abundant strength and peace.

In the book of life, blessing, and peace, and good sustenance, may we be remembered and inscribed, we and all people, for a good life and for peace. Blessed are You, Life Unfolding, who implants within us a vision of peace.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 32 עֲ מִ י דָ ה | Amidah s s s HOLY GROUND

Take off, take off your shoes This place you’re standing, it’s holy ground Take off, take off your shoes The spot you’re standing, its holy ground These words I heard in my burning bush This place you’re standing, it’s holy ground I heard my fiery voice speak to me This spot you’re standing, it’s holy ground That spot is holy holy ground That place you stand it’s holy ground This place you tread, it’s holy ground God made this place holy ground Take off your shoes and pray The ground you walk it’s holy ground Every spot on earth I traipse around Every spot I walk it’s holy ground Every spot it’s holy ground Every little inch it’s holy ground Every grain of dirt it’s holy ground Every spot I walk it’s holy ground

— Lyrics by Woodie Guthrie, music by Frank London

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אָבִינּו מַ לְּכֵ נוּ | AVINU MALKEINU

אָבִינּומַ לְּכֵנּו חָ ּנֵנּו וַעֲ נֵנּו ּכִי אֵיןּבָנּו מַעֲׂשִ ים עֲׂשֵ ה עִּמָנּו הצְדָקָ דוָחֶסֶ וְהֹוׁשִ יעֵ נּו: Avinu malkeinu khoneinu va’aneinu Ki ein banu ma’asim Aseih imanu tzedakah va’khesed v’hoshi’einu.

Avinu Malkeinu, be gracious and respond to us, for we have too few good deeds; act toward us with justice tempered by love, and bring us salvation.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 34 קְרִ יאַתהַּתֹורָ ה Torah Service s s s THE ARK IS OPENED: אֵ ין ּכָמֽ ֹוָך בָאֱֹלהִ ים, יהוה, וְאֵ ין ּכְמַעֲ ֶ ׂשֽיָך. מַ לְ כּותְָך מַ לְ כּות ָ ּכל עֹלָמִ ים, ּומֶמְ ַ ׁשלְ ְ ּתָך ּבְכָ ל ּדֹר וָ דֹר. יהוה מֶ ֽלְֶך, יהוה מָ לָ ְך, יהוה יִמְ ֹלְך לְ עֹלָם וָעֶ ד: יהוה עֹז לְעַ ּמֹו יִ ֵ ּתן יהוה יְבָרְֵך אֶת עַ ּמֹו בַשָּׁ לֹום: kha malkhut׳ma-asekha. Malkhut׳ein k׳Ein kamokha va-elohim, Adonai, v ,khol dor vador. Adonai melekh, Adonai malakh׳kha b׳kol olamim, umemshalt ,amo yitein׳olam va'ed. Adonai oz l׳Adonai yimlokh l .vareikh et amo vashalom׳Adonai y

אַב הָרַחֲמִים, הֵיטִֽ יבָה בִרְ צֽ ֹונְָך אֶת צִ ּיֹון, ּתִבְ נֶה חֹומֹות יְר ָ ּוׁשלָ ֽיִם: ִיּכ בְָך לְבַ ד ּבָטָ ֽחְ נ ,ּו מֶ ֽלְֶך אֵל רָ ם וְנִּׂשָא, אֲ דֹון עֹולָמִ ים: .rushalayim׳kha et tziyon, tivneh khomot y׳Av harakhamim, heitivah virtzon nisa, adon olamim׳nu, melekh eil ram v׳vad batakh׳kha l׳Ki v

וַיְהִ י ִ ּבנְסֽ ֹעַ הָאָ רֹן וַ ּיֹֽאמֶ ר מ ֶ ׁשה: קּומָ ה ׀ יהוה, וְיָפֻ ֽצּו אֹיְבֶ ֽיָך, וְיָנֻ ֽסּו מְ ַ ׂשנְאֶ ֽיָך מִפָּנֶ ֽיָך: ּכִי מִ צִּ ּיֹון ּתֵצֵ א תֹורָ ה , ּודְבַ ר יהוה מִ ירּושָלָ ֽיִם: ָ ּברּוְך ֶׁשּנָתַ ן ּתֹורָ ה לְעַ ּמֹו יִׂשְרָאֵ ל ּבִקְדֻשָּׁ תֹו: ,vecha׳yafutzu oy׳hi binsoa ha'aron vayomer mosheh, kumah, Adonai, v׳Vay var Adonai׳sanekha mipanekha. Ki mitziyon teitzei torah, ud׳yanusu m׳v .amo yisra'eil bikdushato׳mirushalayim. Barukh shenatan torah l

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 35 קְרִ יאַתהַּתֹורָ ה Torah Service s s s ׁשְמַ ע יִׂשְרָאֵ ל, יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו, יהוה אֶחָ ד: .ma yisra-eil, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai ekhad׳Sh אֶחָד אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו, גָּדֹול אֲ דֹונֵ ֽנּו, קָ דֹוׁש וְ נֹורָ א ְ ׁשמֹו: .mo׳norah sh׳Ekhad eloheinu, gadol adoneinu, kadosh v גַ ְ ּדלּו לַיהוה אִ ִ ּתי, ּונְרֹומְמָ ה ְ ׁשמֹו יַחְ ָ ּדו: .mo yakhdav׳mah sh׳rom׳Adonai iti, un׳lu l׳Gad

לְָך יהוה הַ גְּדֻ לָּה וְהַ גְּ בּורָ ה וְהַ ִ ּתפְאֶ ֽרֶ ת וְהַ ֵ ּנֽצַח וְהַ הֹוד, ִ ּכי כֹל ּבַשָּׁמַ ֽיִם ּובָאָ ֽרֶ ץ: לְָך יהוהָ הַ ּמַמְ לָכָה וְהַ ּמִתְ נַ ֵ ּׂשא לְ כֹל לְ רֹאׁש: רֹומְ מּו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו וְהִ ְׁשּתַחֲ וּו לַהֲ דֹום רַ גְלָיו קָ דֹוׁש הּוא: רֹומְ מּו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו, וְהִ ְׁשּתַחֲ וּו לְהַר קָדְ ׁשֹו, ּכִי קָ דֹוׁש יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו: hahod, ki khol׳haneitzakh v׳hatiferet v׳vurah v׳hag׳dulah v׳kha Adonai hag׳L .rosh׳khol l׳hamitnasei l׳kha Adonai hamamlakhah, v׳bashamayim uva'aretz, l .hishtakhavu lahadom raglav, kadosh hu׳mu Adonai eloheinu, v׳Rom .sho, ki kadosh Adonai eloheinu׳har kad׳hishtakhavu l׳mu Adonai eloheinu, v׳Rom

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 36 קְרִ יאַתהַּתֹורָ ה Torah Service s s s

עִבְדּו | IVDU עִבְדּו אֶ ת-יהוה ְּבׂשִמְחָ ה ּבֹאּו לְפָ נָיו ּבִרְ נָנָה: Ivdu et Adonai besimcha bo'u lefanav birnana.

Serve God with joy!”


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BEFORE THE READING: ּבָרְ כּו אֶת יהוה הַ ְ ּמבֹורָ ְך: .khu et Adonai ham'vorakh׳Bar ָ ּברּוְך יהוה הַ ְ ּמבֹורָ ְך לְ עֹולָם וָעֶ ד: .olam va'ed׳Barukh Adonai ham'vorakh l ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָהּת יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו מֶ ֽלְֶך הָ עֹולָ ם, אֶ ֶ ׁשר ָ ּבֽחַ ר ָ ּבֽנּו מִ ּכָל הָעַמִ ים וְנָ ֽתַ ן לָ נּו אֶ ת ּתֹורָ תֹו: ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָ ּתה יהוה, נֹותֵן הַ ּתֹורָ ה: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher bakhar banu mikol ha'amim .natan lanu et torato׳v Barukh atah Adonai, notein hatorah.

AFTER THE READING: ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָהּת יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽ ינּו מֶ ֽלְֶך הָ עֹולָ ם, אֲ ֶ ׁשר נָ ֽתַן לָ ֽנּו ּתֹורַת אֱמֶ ת, וְחַ ּיֵי עֹולָם נָטַ ע ְ ּבתֹוכֵ ֽנּו: ָ ּברּוְך אַ ָ ּתה יהוה, נֹותֵן הַ ּתֹורָ ה: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher natan lanu torat emet, .tokheinu׳khayei olam nata b׳v Barukh atah Adonai, notein hatorah.

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1. And the Eternal now remembered Sarah and the Eternal did for Sarah as promised. 2. For Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the exact time of which God had told him. 3. And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac. 4. And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him. 5. And Abraham was a hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born to him. 6. And Sarah said, God has made me laugh, so that all who hear will laugh with me. 7. And she said, Who would have said to Abraham, that Sarah should suckle children? For I have born him a son in his old age. 8. And the child grew, and was weaned; and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned.

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9. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had born to Abraham, mocking. 10. And she said to Abraham, Cast out this slave and her son; for the son of this slave shall not be heir with my son, with Isaac. 11. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham’s sight because of his son. And God said to Abraham, Let it not be grievous in your sight because of the lad, and because of your slave; in all that Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac shall your seed be called. 13. And also of the son of the slave will I make a nation, because he is your seed. 14. And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away; and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. 15. And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs. 16. And she went, and sat down opposite him a good way off, as it were a bowshot; for she said, Let me not see the death of the child. And she sat opposite him, and lifted up her voice, and wept.

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ׁשֶמִי ּבֵ רָ ְך | HEALING PRAYER


Mi she’beirakh avoteinu M'kor ha’brakhah l'imoteinu May the source of strength Who blessed the ones before us Help us find the courage To make our lives a blessing And let us say Amen.

Mi she’beirakh imoteinu M'kor ha’brakhah l'avoteinu Bless those in need of healing With r'fuah sh'leimah The renewal of body The renewal of spirit And let us say Amen.

— Debbie Friedman

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17. And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven, and said to her, What ails you, Hagar? fear not; for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. 18. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in your hand; for I will make him a great nation. 19. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad to drink. 20. And God was with the lad; and he grew, and lived in the wilderness, and became an archer. 21. And he lived in the wilderness of Paran; and his mother took for him a wife from the land of Egypt.

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KHATZI KADDISH יִתְ גַּ ַ ּדל וְיִתְקַ ַּדׁש ׁשְמֵ ּה רַ ָ ּבא. ּבְעָלְמָ א ִ ּדי בְרָ א כִרְ עּותֵ ּה, וְיַמְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כּותֵ ּה ּבְחַ ּיֵיכֹון ּובְ יֹומֵ יכֹון ּובְחַ ּיֵי דְ כָ ל ֵ ּבית יִׂשְרָאֵ ל. ּבַעֲגָלָ א ּובִ זְמַן קָרִ יב וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן: יְהֵ א ׁשְמֵ ּה רַ ָאּב מְבָרַ ְך לְעָלַ ם ּולְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַ ּיָא: יִתְ ּבָרַ ְך וְיִ ְׁש ַּתּבַח, וְיִתְ פָּאַ ר וְיִתְ רֹומַ ם וְיִתְ נַ ֵ ּׂשא וְיִתְהַ ָ ּדר וְיִתְעַ ֶ לּה וְיִתְהַ ָ לּל ׁשְמֵ ּה ּדְקֻדְ ָ ׁשא ּבְרִ יְך הּוא. לְעֵ ֽלָּא לְעֵ לָּא מִ ן ָ ּכל ּבִרְ כָתָ א וְ ׁשִירָתָ א, ֻּת ְׁשּבְחָתָ א וְנֶחֱמָתָ א, ּדַאֲמִירָ ן ּבְעָלְמָ א, וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן:

yamlikh׳ra khiruteih, v׳ma di v׳al׳meih raba. B׳yitkadash sh׳Yitgadal v ,khol beit yisra-eil׳khayei d׳yomeikhon uv׳khayeikhon uv׳malkhuteih b .imru amein׳ba'agala uvizman kariv, v .maya׳mei al׳al׳alam ul׳varakh l׳meih raba m׳hei sh׳Y yitaleh׳yithadar v׳yitnasei v׳yitromam v׳yitpa-ar v׳yishtabakh v׳Yitbarakh v eila min kol birkhata׳eila l׳rikh hu. L׳kudsha b׳meih d׳yithalal sh׳v .imru amein׳ma, v׳al׳nekhemata, da-amiran b׳khata v׳shirata tushb׳v

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Let us make the great, ineffable Name of God holy So that it fills the world with holiness, The world that manifested from the divine imagination. Let that holiness fill our lives and days May it spread through all Israel and all the world Now, in our time And let us say: Amen! May the Great Name be blessed Now and forever and ever! May the Source of All be Blessed Praised Glorified Uplifted And raised high Graced Ascendant And praised in song The Holy One, Blessed Be! Higher and higher, Transcending even our ability to express Our wonder, amazement, and gratitude Beyond anything we can utter And yet we still praise And let us say: Amen!

— Translation by JK

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THE TORAH IS LIFTED: וְזֹאת הַ ּתֹורָה אֲ ֶ ׁשר ָ ׂשם מ ֶ ׁשה לִפְ נֵי ְ ּבנֵי יִׂשְרָאֵ ל עַל פִּ י יהוה ְ ּביַד מ ֶ ׁשה: ,nei yisra'eil׳zot hatorah asher sam Mosheh lifnei B׳V .yad Mosheh׳al pi Adonai b

This is the Torah that Moses taught the Children of Israel, the Divine inspiration transmitted through Moses’ hands.

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SOUNDING THE SHOFAR ּבָרּוְך אַ ָה ּתיהוה אֱֹלהֵינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָ ם אֲ ׁשֶר קִ ְּד ָ ׁשנּו ּבְמִ צְֹותָ יו וְצִ ָנּו ּולִׁשְ מֹעַ קֹול ׁשֹופָ ר: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu lishmo’a kol shofar.

Blessed are you, Eternal One our God, your presence fills the Universe, you have made us holy with your mitzvot and commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar.

ּבָרּוְך אַ ָה ּתיהוה אֱֹלהֵינּו מֶ לְֶך הָ עֹולָ ם ׁשֶהֶחֱ יָנּו וְקִ ּיְמָ נּו וְהִ ִ גיעָנּו לַ זְמַן הַ ֶ זה: Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha’olam she’hekhiyanu vekiyemanu vehigi’anu laz’man hazeh.

Blessed are you, Source of Life our God, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and allowed us to reach this moment.

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אֲרֶ ֶ ׁשת ְ ׂשפָתֵ ינּו | ARESHET SEFATEINU אֲרֶ ֶ ׁשת ְ ׂשפָתֵ ינּו ביֶעֱרַ לְפָ נֶיָך אֵל רָ ם וְנִ ָ ּׂשא מֵבִין ּומַאֲ זִין מַ ּבִיט ּומַקְ ִ ׁשיב לְ קֹול ּתְקִ יעָתֵ נּו ּותְקַ ֵ ּבל ְרַחֲמִ ּב יםּובְרָ צֹון סֵדֶרמַ לְכֻּיֹותֵ ינּו: ...זִכְרֹונֹותֵ ינּו: ...ׁשֹופְרֹותֵ ינּו: Areshet s'fateinu ye'erav l'fanekha eil ram v'nisa mevin umazin mabeet u'maksheev l'kol tekiateinu utekabel b'rakhamim uvratzon seder malkhuyoteinu. ... Zikhronoteinu. ... Shofroteinu.

May our sincere entreaties rise up before You, most high and exalted God. You who understands and hears, who perceives and attends to the cry of the shofar, please receive with compassion our sounding of the shofar.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 47 THE TORAH IS RETURNED TO THE ARK: יְהַ לְ לּו אֶ ת ֵ ׁשם יהוה, ּכִי נִ ְ ׂשגָּ ב ְ ׁשמֹו לְבַ ּדֹו: .vado׳mo l׳lu et sheim Adonai, ki nisgav sh׳hal׳Y

הֹודֹו עַל אֶ ֽרֶ ץ וְ ׁשָמָ ֽיִם. וַ ָ ּיֽרֶם קֶ ֽרֶ ן לְעַ ּמֹו, ּתְהִ לָּה לְכָל חֲסִידָ יו, לִבְ נֵי יִׂשְרָאֵל עַם קְ רֹובֹו, הַ לְ לּויָּה: ,khol khasidav׳hilah l׳amo, t׳shamayim. Vayarem keren l׳Hodo al eretz v .luyah׳rovo, hal׳livnei yisraeil am k

עֵץ חַ ּיִים הִ יא לַ ּמַחֲ זִיקִ ים ָּבּה, וְ תֹמְכֶ ֽיהָ מְאֻשָּׁ ר.ּדְרָ כֶ ֽיהָ דַרְ כֵ י נֹֽעַם, וְכָל נְתִ יבֹותֶ ֽיהָ ָ ׁשלֹום. הֲ ִ ׁשיבֵ ֽנּו יהוה, אֵלֶ ֽיָך וְנָ ֽׁשּובָה, חַ ֵּדׁש יָמֵ ֽ ינּו ּכְקֶ ֽדֶ ם: rakheha darkhei׳ushar. D׳kheha m׳tom׳Eitz khayim hi lamakhazikim bah, v tivoteha shalom. Hashiveinu Adonai eilekha׳khol n׳noam, v .kedem׳nashuvah, khadeish yameinu k׳v

Our Torah is a tree of life for those that hold onto it, how fortunate are its supporters! Her ways are pleasing, and all her pathways lead to peace. Bring us back home, Source of Life, and we will return, and may our days be renewed and feel new once again.

— Translation by JK

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 48 ALEINU עָלֵ ֽינּו לְ ַׁש ֵ ּבֽחַ לַאֲ דֹון הַ ּכֹל, לָתֵ ת גְּדֻ לָּה לְ יֹוצֵ ר ּבְרֵ א ִ ׁש ית, ֶ ׁשנָתַ ן לָ נּו ּתֹורַת אֱמֶ ת וְחַ יֵיעֹולָם נָטַע ּבְתֹוכֵ נּו: וַאֲ נַ ֽחְ נּו ּכֹורְ עִ ים ּומִ ְׁשּתַחֲ וִ ים ּומֹודִ ים, לִפְ נֵי מֶ ֽלֶ ְך, מַ לְכֵי הַ ְ ּמלָכִים, הַקָּ דֹוׁש ָ ּברּוְך הּוא: ,reishit׳yotzeir b׳dulah l׳shabei-akh la'adon hakol, lateit g׳Aleinu l shenatan lanu torat emet vekhei olam nata betokheinu. im umishtakhavim umodim, lifnei melekh׳Va'anakhnu kor .lakhim, hakadosh barukh hu׳malkhei ham

1 2 It is up to us Therefore we bend the knee to hallow Creation, to respond to Life And shake off the stiffness with the fullness of our lives. that keeps us It is up to us From the subtle To meet the World, Graces of Life To embrace the Whole And the supple Even as we wrestle With its parts. Gestures of Love. It is up to us With reverence To repair the World And thanksgiving And to bind our lives to Truth. We accept our destiny And set for ourselves The task of redemption. — Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro

וְנֶאֱמַ ר, וְהָ יָה יהוה לְמֶ ֽלְֶך עַ ל ּכָל הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ, ַּבּיֹום הַ הּוא יִהְ יֶה יהוה אֶחָ ד, ּושְ מֹו אֶחָ ד: ,melekh al kol ha'aretz׳hayah Adonai l׳ne-emar, v׳V .mo ekhad׳bayom hahu yihyeh Adonai ekhad, ush

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 49 MOURNER’S KADDISH יִתְ גַּ ַ ּדל וְיִתְקַ ַּדׁש ׁשְמֵ ּה רַ ָ ּבא. ּבְעָלְמָ א ִ ּדי בְרָ א כִרְ עּותֵ ּה, וְיַמְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כּותֵ ּה ּבְחַ ּיֵיכֹון ּובְ יֹומֵ יכֹון ּובְחַ ּיֵי דְ כָ ל ֵ ּבית יִׂשְרָאֵ ל. ּבַעֲגָלָ א ּובִ זְמַן קָרִ יב וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן: יְהֵ א ׁשְמֵ ּה רַ ָאּב מְבָרַ ְך לְעָלַ ם ּולְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַ ּיָא: יִתְ ּבָרַ ְך וְיִ ְׁש ַּתּבַח, וְיִתְ פָּאַ ר וְיִתְ רֹומַ ם וְיִתְ נַ ֵ ּׂשא וְיִתְהַ ָ ּדר וְיִתְעַ ֶ לּה וְיִתְהַ ָ לּל ׁשְמֵ ּה ּדְקֻדְ ָ ׁשא ּבְרִ יְך הּוא לְעֵ ֽ ָ לּא ּולְעֵ לָּא מִ ָ ּכל ּבִרְ כָתָ א וְ ׁשִירָתָ א, ֻּת ְׁשּבְחָתָ א וְנֶחֱמָתָ א, ּדַאֲמִירָ ן ּבְעָלְמָ א, וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן: יְהֵ א ְ ׁשלָמָא רַ ּבָא מִ ן ׁשְמַ ּיָא וְחַ ּיִים עָלֵ ֽינּו וְעַ ל ָ ּכל יִׂשְרָ אֵ ל, וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן: עֹׂשֶהׁשָ לֹוםּבִמְרֹומָ יו, הּוא יַעֲׂשֶהׁשָ לֹום עָלֵ ינּו וְעַל לּכָ יִׂשְרָאֵ ל, וְעַ ל ָ לּכ יֹוׁשְבֵי תֵבֵ ל, וְאִמְ רּו אָמֵ ן:

yamlikh׳ra khiruteih, v׳ma di v׳al׳meih raba. B׳yitkadash sh׳Yitgadal v ,khol beit yisra-eil׳khayei d׳yomeikhon uv׳khayeikhon uv׳malkhuteih b .imru amein׳ba-agala uvizman kariv, v .maya׳mei al׳al׳alam ul׳varakh l׳meih raba m׳hei sh׳Y yithadar׳yitnasei v׳yitromam v׳yitpa-ar v׳yishtabakh v׳Yitbarakh v eila mi kol׳eila l׳rikh hu. L׳kudsha b׳meih d׳yithalal sh׳yitaleh v׳v ,nekhemata׳khata v׳shirata tushb׳birkhata v .imru amein׳ma, v׳al׳da-amiran b khayim aleinu׳maya, v׳lama raba min sh׳hei sh׳Y .imru amein׳al kol yisra-eil, v׳v Oseh ha-shalom bimromav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu .imru amein׳al kol yoshvei teiveil, v׳al kol yisra-eil, v׳v

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 50 Let us make the great, ineffable Name of God holy So that it fills the world with holiness, The world that manifested from the divine imagination. Let that holiness fill our lives and days May it spread through all Israel and all the world Now, in our time And let us say: Amen! May the Great Name be blessed Now and forever and ever! May the Source of All be Blessed Praised Glorified Uplifted And raised high Graced Ascendant And praised in song The Holy One, Blessed Be! Higher and higher, Transcending even our ability to express Our wonder, amazement, and gratitude Beyond anything we can utter And yet we still praise And let us say: Amen! May great peace and wellbeing descend upon us from that transcendent source, life for us and for all Israel And let us say: Amen! O Source of Peace, your Name beyond all naming, establish peace and harmony among us, among all Israel, and among all who dwell on earth And let us say: Amen!

— Translation by JK

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 51 ALE BRIDER | ALE SHVESTER

Un mir zainen ale brider, oy, oy ale brider Un mir zingen freilikh lider, oy, oy, oy! Un mir haltn zich in eynem, oy, oy zikh in eynem Azelkhes iz nito bay keynem, oy, oy, oy! Un mir zaynen ale shvester, oy oy, ale shvester Vi Sore, Riveke, Rut un Ester, oy, oy, oy! Un mir zaynen ale freylekh, oy, oy ale freylekh Vi Yoynoson un Dovid HeMelekh, oy, oy, oy! Un mir haltn ale eynik, oy, oy, ale eynik Tsi mir zaynen fil tsu veynik, oy, oy, oy! Un mir zaynen freylech munter, oy, oy freylech munter Zingen lider, tantsn unter, oy, oy, oy! Un mir libn zich doch ale, oy, oy, zich doch ale Vi a chosn mit a kale, oy, oy, oy! Vi der chumesh mit di rashe, oy, oy, mit de rashe Vi der kugel mit di kasha, oy, oy, oy!

For we surely all are brothers and sing joyous songs together We stand united, together always, no one else could be as loyal. For we surely are all sisters, like Sarah, Rebecca, Ruth and Esther And we surely all rejoice together, like Jonathan and King David. We all share a common vision, whether we are few or many We are joyous, we are lively, we shall sing and dance forever. In love united side by side, like a bridegroom and a bride like the chumesh with the rashe, like the kugel with the kashe.

— Morris Winchevsky (adapted)

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 52 BLESSINGS ּבָרּוְך אַ ָהיהוה ּתאֱֹלהֵינּו מֶ לְֶךהָ עֹולָםּבֹורֵ א פְרִ י הַ גָפֶ ן: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei p’ri hagafen.

Blessed are you, Source of Life our God, who creates the fruit of the vine.

ּבָרּוְך אַ ָהיהוה ּתאֱֹלהֵינּו מֶ לְֶךהָ עֹולָם הַ ּמֹוצִיא לֶחֶם מִן הָאָרֶ ץ: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam hamotzi lekhem min ha’aretz.

Blessed are you, Source of Life our God, who brings forth bread from the earth.

ּבָרּוְך אַ ָהיהוה ּתאֱֹלהֵינּו מֶ לְֶךהָ עֹולָםּבֹורֵ א פְרִ י הָעֵ ץ: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam borei p’ri ha’eitz.

Blessed are you, Source of Life our God, who creates the fruit of the tree.

WJC Makhzor | Rosh Hashanah | 5781/2020 page 53