YK Orders of Service Edit[2]A

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YK Orders of Service Edit[2]A Kol Nidrei Evening Service September 18, 2018 – 8:00 PM Day of God Kol Nidrei Melody Kol Nidre Max Bruch Traditional, arr. Henry Russotto, Kol Nidre ad. Stanley M. Hoffman S’lach Na Abraham Wolf Binder Vayomer Adonoy Abraham Wolf Binder Shehecheyanu High Holy Days Traditional, arr. Pedro d’Aquino Bar’chu High Holy Days Traditional, arr. Louis Lewandowski Sh’ma Louis Lewandowski/ Salomon Sulzer Mi Chomocho Finkelstein Ki Vayom Hazeh Isadore Freed Adonai S’Fatai Isadore Freed Avot/Gvurot Bruce Reuben Zochreinu Gershon Ephros Tavo L’fanecha Max Janowski V’al Kulam Trad. arr. A.W. Binder Ya’aleh Max Janowski Prepare to Meet Thy God Isadore Freed Like as a Father Herbert Fromm Ki Anu Amecha Herbert Fromm Pitchu Li Robbie Solomon Avinu Malkeinu Max Janowski/Folk Adagio in A minor J.S. Bach Alleluia Randall Thompson Meditation/Esa Einai Marshall Portnoy Adoration/Va’anachnu William Sharlin Bayom Hahu SF Traditional Melody, arr. Samuel Adler Oseh Shalom Spanish Portuguese Kol Haneshama (Psalm 150:6) Bonia Shur Benediction Danny Maseng Yom Kippur Morning Service September 19, 2018 – 9:45 AM Shachar Avakeshcha Isadore Freed Ma Tovu Danny Maseng Elohai N’shama Debbie Friedman Psalm 150/Halleluyah Leonard Cohen Yih’yu Leratson Ernest Bloch Let Thy Mercy, The Herbert Fromm Lord Shall Reign, My Mouth Shall Utter Bar’chu Eliyahu Shleiffer/ Pedro d’Aquino Sh’ma/V’ahavta Salomon Sulzer/Gershon Ephros/ Lori Corrsin Mi Chamocha M. Finkelstein Adonai S’fatai Traditional, arr. M. Finkelstein Zochreinu Gershon Ephros K’dusha Michael Skloff Kadosh Ata Edward J. Stark Turn Us Again/I, the Lord Kurt Schindler Un’tane Tokef/Kvakarat A. Katchko/Y. Rosenblatt Brosh Hashanah I. Alter U’tshuvah I. Alter Tavo L’fanecha Max Janowski V’al Kulam Traditional Ki Onu Amecho Herbert Fromm Melech Al Kol Ha’arets Traditional Priestly Benediction Helfman May the Word Kaiser Lift Up Your Heads Saminsky Adonai, Adonai S. Naumbourg Avinu Malkeinu Traditional, arr. Elliot Z. Levine Baruch Shenatan Louis Lewandowski Sh’ma Sulzer L’cha Adonoy Lewandowski Gad’lu/Hodo Al Eretz Lewandowski Etz Chayim/Hashiveynu M. Portnoy Al Kol Eileah Naomi Shemer, arr. Joshua Jacobson Yom Kippur Afternoon Service September 19, 2018 – 3:30 PM Pitchu Li Robbie Solomon Ein Kamocha Salomon Sulzer arr. Lazare Saminsky Baruch Shenatan Emanuel Kirschner Sh’ma Traditional, arr. A. W. Binder/ Salomon Sulzer L'cha Adonoy Emanuel Kirschner For He Satisfieth Isadore Freed Kaddish Maurice Ravel Gad’lu/Hodo Al Eretz Emanuel Kirschner Eitz Chayim Robbie Solomon Gluck Melodie Renaud Capucon Oseh Shalom Nurit Hirsch, arr. Elaine Broad Ginsberg Psalm 23 Gerald Cohen Enosh Louis Lewandowski O, What Is Man? Traditional We Remember Them AK Elaine Broad Ginsberg Theme to Schindler’s List John Williams Why Art Thou Cast Down? Isadore Freed Shiviti Max Spicker El Maleh Rachamim Barash Oseh Shalom Ben Steinberg Pitchu Li Robbie Solomon Bless the Lord K. Scott Warren Adonai S’fatai Tiferet Siegel Avot v’lmahot for N’ilah A.W. Binder, arr. E. Contzius Samuel Goldfarb/Max Helfman Zochreinu Duet arr. Lori Corrsin Kedushah B. Shur Eil Nora Alilah Traditional P’tach Lanu Herbert Fromm Psalm 98 Yehezkel Braun Va’anachnu Herbert Fromm Sh’ma Traditional Baruch Sheim Traditional Adonai Hu HaElohim Traditional Amens Traditional Benediction Helfman .
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