download mod assistant ModAssistant. Tweak your experience with the infamous Beat Saber game with the help of this user-friendly PC mod manager that uses mods from BeatMods. What's new in ModAssistant 1.1.23: Change Log: Updated OneClick Installer to work with the new BeatSaver instance (thanks @legoandmars) Added error handling for pats and hugs. Beat Saber is a virtual-reality available on . The main goal of the game is for users to slash the beats of intensely pumping music as it flyes towards them in a Sci-Fi futuristic world. As its name clearly states, ModAssistant is a super easy-to-use mod manager designed to help users apply mods to Beat Saber. The app uses the databases provided by the BeatMods portal. For such a lightweight application, ModAssistant features a series of pretty nice features. These include installed mod automatic detection, a mod uninstall wizard, support for OneClick Install, a complex theming engine, localization support, and something called dependency resolution. To use the app, users have to make sure that Beat Saber is installed on their computers, and that the game has run at least once before attempting to mod it. Please note that this also applies when the game in question is reinstalled. Users should keep in mind that all mods are moved into an Old X.X.X Plugins folder on the first launch to avoid any version-related mismatches. The next step is to check off the mods that need to be installed via the Install (or Update) button located on the interface. The same goes for removing the mods, a process that can be accomplished via a single click on the Uninstall button. More information about the app is available on the official GitHub repository, and a detailed guide about all the aspects regarding modding is available here. 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The following guide is for the PC VR version of Beat Saber only. Modifying the game doesn’t seem to be possible on PSVR and the Quest has a very different process that changes regularly, depending on which tools are currently available. This guide is up to date as of February 2021 for version 1.13.2 of Beat Saber. We’ll try to keep this guide up to date as much as possible, but sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all the patches and changes to the modding tools. If you’re using a newer version of Beat Saber and this article hasn’t been updated, it’s likely that the process remains exactly the same. If not, let us know in the comments and keep an eye out for an update. Tools and Sites. There are a bunch of different tools and sites you can use for Beat Saber modification. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll be using Mod Assistant for installation and first-time setup and the site Beast Saber to find and download custom maps. Although we won’t cover it here, if you want to read up on an alternative for managing your custom maps, check out BeatDrop 2. While we prefer using Mod Assistant to keep things simple, it is possible to manually download and install custom maps yourself, without any external tools. To see how, scroll to the bottom of this guide. Setting Up. Before getting started, we suggest making an account on Beast Saber and downloading the latest release of Mod Assistant from GitHub. You might also need to know the install location of Beat Saber on your system . If you simply installed the game through Oculus or Steam on your standard C:// drive in the default location, then you shouldn’t need to worry. However, if you have your games installed in a custom location or you have multiple drives with different programs installed across them, you might want to locate your Beat Saber install folder location now (you should be able to use the Oculus app or Steam to find the location). In this instance, the folder you want to select is the one called ‘hyperbolic-magnetism- beat-saber’. Also, make sure you’ve run/played Beat Saber at least once on your system before proceeding or installing any mods. First Time Install. If you’ve never installed custom maps on your copy of Beat Saber, you’ll need to install some plugins and mods that enable third-party map support in-game. When Beat Saber updates, your custom maps may or may not be intact/enabled. For example, previous updates (such as going from 1.6 to 1.7 of Beat Saber) did not disable or remove any custom maps. However, patches and updates do have the potential to break mod support, so you’ll have to check on a case-by-case basis with each new update. In this event, a new version of ModAssistant will be released to work with the new patch. As of the most recent 1.13 patch of Beat Saber, ModAssistant is up-to-date and should work with Beat Saber. For future updates, there’s a chance you may have to repeat these steps again, perhaps with some changes to accommodate for a new patch. To set up a first-time install or update your modded Beat Saber after a new patch: 1. Open up ModAssistant.exe and agree to the terms of use. You don’t need to install Mod Assistant — you can place it anywhere and open it from wherever, whenever you want to use it. If Mod Assistant can’t find you Beat Saber install folder, it will ask you to locate it. Point it toward the folder you located earlier, if so. 2. Open up the Mods tab. When you open the mods tab, all of the prerequisite mods for custom maps should be automatically ticked. There are a whole bunch of others you can install, but for the purposes of this tutorial, just click the “Install or Update” button in the bottom right for now. You only need to install the basic, pre-selected mods to play and install custom maps. NOTE: On the left hand side, you’ll see a drop down menu indicating your Beat Saber version. Sometimes, after an update, the latest release of Mod Assistant might not technically support the latest version of Beat Saber. In this case, Mod Assistant should warn you that your Beat Saber version is newer than what the program supports. It should also ask if you want to proceed anyway. In the past, we’ve successfully been able to proceed anyway and just continue the process with the most recent supported version of Beat Saber selected in Mod Assistant, even if it doesn’t completely match the version we have installed. While we didn’t run into any problems, this might vary on a patch-by-patch basis or might change in the future. 3. Wait for mods to finish installing. Once mods are finished installing, you’re ready to install some custom maps. Install Custom Maps. If you didn’t change any of the preset mod installs, then Mod Assistant should have installed a tool that will allow you to search for and install custom maps in-game. You can find this on the left hand side of the Beat Saber main menu next to release notes. There will be a tab reading “Mods”. Clicking on that tab will offer the option “More Songs”. If you would rather install maps from your desktop and then hop into VR later to play them, go back to Mod Assistant and go the options tab. Under “Enable One Click Installs,” tick Beast Saber (You should only need to do this once, just to turn the feature on). Then, while browsing maps on Beast Saber, you can simply click the cloud-install button (pictured below) to install a map (you may need to be logged into Beast Saber, you can register a free account). The cloud download button, third from the right, will install the maps from Beast Saber via Mod Assistant. When you go to one-click install a map from Beast Saber, your browser might ask if you want to allow the site to open Mod Assistant — click yes. This will bring up a Mod Assistant window showing the install progress — it will say ‘Done’ when the install is complete. After downloading and installing maps, either in-game or on your desktop, they should appear in-game under a custom songs tab. Go get slicing! Installing Without Mods. Mod Assistant is an easy one-click solution when used with Beast Saber. However, if you’d rather avoid modding tools all together, you can manually install custom songs yourself without modifying Beat Saber at all. Simply download your custom song from Beast Saber (or elsewhere), which should come as a ZIP file. Unzip it and copy the resulting folder. Navigate to your Beat Saber install location, and then go to Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels. Paste the unzipped custom song folder into your Custom Levels folder and you’re good to go. That should be everything you need to start installing custom maps on Beat Saber for PC VR. If you have any questions or problems, comment below and we’ll try our best to help you out. This article was initially published in 2018 with a different, now outdated, process. This guide has been updated several times, most recently on the 15th of December 2020, to reflect current methods and remove outdated ones. If you’d like to see an archive of past methods and the previous article content, check out this archive post here. Harry Baker. Harry is a gaming and tech journalist based in Melbourne, Australia. While he started his journalism career in the competitive Overwatch and esports scenes, he couldn't resist getting into the ever-evolving industry of virtual reality. Harry started with UploadVR as the Community Moderator before joining the full-time staff as a News Writer. ModAssistant. A PC mod installer for Beat Saber. It uses mods from BeatMods. Mod Assistant boasts a rich feature set, some of which include: Dependency resolution Installed mod detection Mod uninstallation OneClick™ Install support Complex theming engine Localization support * Headpats and Hugs. Change Log: Maybe hopefully possibly fixed being flagged by Windows Defender Added scrollbars when needed and set a minimum window size (thanks @megalon) Fixed installed library detection (thanks @Meivyn) Added an integrity check before file extraction (thanks @Meivyn) Other Useful Business Software. The Professional Service cloud-based practice management software proven to increase productivity, security, and profitability of your firm. How To Download And Install New Custom Songs & Mods On Beat Saber. If you haven’t installed the mod yet to play custom songs and are just getting started with Beat Saber, I’m excited for you. You’re about to experience a whole WORLD of new content and the ability to experience “inside” your favorite music like only VR allows! It’s really a magical experience. To get started, you’ll just need to download. Mod Assistant. Installing Mods With Mod Assistant. First, click here and click on the ModAssistant.exe file to download It will download a small ModAssistant.exe file that you can place anywhere on your computer for future use and doesn’t require installing. When you first launch Mod Assistant , it will also try to automatically locate where you installed your game . If it can’t find it, you will have to manually locate the folder (the Steam or Oculus apps can remind you where you installed it if you do run into this). You’ll be prompted to agree to the terms of use . Please read through these carefully as they’re important, mainly for the health of our wonderful community and relationship with Beat Games. Once you agree, you’ll be able to click on the “ Mods ” button. All of the “essential mods” will be pre-selected and you can just click on the “ Install or Update ” button. IMPORTANT : You will need to have run Beat Saber at least once after installing it before installing mods. That’s it! You can now launch your game and enjoy all the wonderful mods that the community has built!You can always open the app again later to install more mods. I HIGHLY recommend NOT just installing every mod at first, you’ll be overwhelmed by all the new options and you may run into issues. Instead, take the time to learn about what each mod does. Click on the “ Mod Info ” button after selecting a mod to read more about it. Getting More Songs. When you launch the game, you’ll now see a “ Get More Songs ” button in the main menu. This allows you to search for any custom songs, download them, delete them, preview them, etc. If you prefer to install songs outside of VR on your desktop, use SyncSaber or simply download any song through BEASTSABER with the “One click download” button. SyncSaber is the newest and easiest way to get songs outside of your game. You now have the option to sync your Bsaber account with the game so that any map that you “Bookmark” from the website will automatically show up in the game. You can also “follow” mappers that you know are good and their songs will magically appear in your game every time they release one. This is very convenient, because you can add maps for your phone, tablet, work computer, etc. and all the songs will be ready for you to play when you want to play! Go here to get started! If you have any issues , join the Beat Saber Mod Discord Group or comment below! elliotttate. Hey guys! I'm Brian and I'm a Beat Saber addict (chorus of support group in a monotone voice - "Hi. Brian. "). I LOVE music. I remember the first time that I really listened to music - it was an Enya tape that I stole from my dad on an old taped up Sony player. That first experience was magical. It transported me to another world and I remember spending hours just listening. As life got busy, I had forgotten how much I enjoy just listening to music. Beat Saber really kinda awoke that with in me again. It's an incredible power that music has to stir things in the soul. It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d certainly donate to this excellent blog! I guess for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to new updates and will share this website with my Facebook group. Talk soon!

Thanks so much for wanting to help!! We added a Patreon page here: ❤. Hi, I’m having an issue with beatdrop 2. I’ve got it installed and have all my mods and songs on there I want, but when i run beatsaber none of it is there. I cant find my beat saber file. I ran into the same problem. Pretty sure BeatDrop isn’t supported anymore. It only goes up to game version 1.8 (latest as of typing this is 1.10) Try using Mod Assistant instead. That worked for me. your gross squidward!!1. Dobry den,da se nejak jednoduse tento mod nahrat do PS4 kde jiz hru mam..Dekuji. I often use apps on my Android phone for entertainment, which is pretty great given that they’re convenient and compact. No need for a PC, or a digital camera. I can still play games or take pictures normally. download wont work on my device, it says “ModAssistant.exe was blocked because it could harm your device.” download wont work on my device, it says “ModAssistant.exe was blocked because it could harm your device.” so the devs of the mod assistant has to fix that. download wont work on my device, it says “ModAssistant.exe was blocked because it could harm your device.” so the devs of the mod assistant has to fix that. Thank you very much, music is the wonderful sound I know. how good it is if you can provide quality files. Interesting find beat saber. I’ve never heard of it before, but now I’m thrilled. A huge amount of music….Cool… Shared your page with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Now I will be your ardent fan. Keep it up guys. Perhaps someone will need or need apps players. Personally, I use VLC player. It is multimedia and is suitable for both watching videos and listening to songs. Hello, how do I transfer all this beat saber stuff to my ps4 from my PC please? You can’t, unfortunately. Custom songs and mods aren’t supported at all on PSVR. You’ll need a PC for this specific tutorial. Custom songs and mods are available on the Quest too. Aradığım şey buydu. Tepki olarak o kadar iyi değil. Size cep telefonları için en güzel ve çekici zil seslerini tanıtacağım. Heyyaa! Anyone having trouble not finding the mods menu in Beat saber after the update? Since the 90 and 360 degree modes i am dying to see what the community has created but I simply cannot find it within this new interface Ya this doesn’t work for me. I see a “Mod Settings” icon on the bottom left, but no way to see “Mods” or “Get More Songs” Really disappointing. I was hoping to play some familiar songs, but looks like this program is not working. Thanks for your great sharing, it has been very helpful to music lovers like me. I often watch music channels on the Brasil TV New 2020 app.