Reasons, Rewards, Regrets: Privacy Considerations in Location Sharing as an Interactive Practice Sameer Patil, Greg Norcie, Apu Kapadia Adam J. Lee School of Informatics and Computing Department of Computer Science Indiana University University of Pittsburgh 901 E 10th St 210 S Bouquet St Bloomington, IN 47408 USA Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA {patil, gnorcie, kapadia}
[email protected] ABSTRACT systems focused on enabling collaborators to locate each Rapid growth in the usage of location-aware mobile phones other (e.g., [25, 36]). Such systems typically required orga- has enabled mainstream adoption of location-sharing ser- nizations to install their own location-mapping infrastruc- vices (LSS). Integration with social-networking services ture, either developed in-house by the organization or pur- (SNS) has further accelerated this trend. To uncover how chased from companies such as Ubisense, which offers a 3D localization infrastructure. To scale globally without such these developments have shaped the evolution of LSS usage, 1 we conducted an online study (N = 362) aimed at under- custom infrastructure, services such as Dodgeball allowed standing the preferences and practices of LSS users in the users to send their current locations as text messages to US. We found that the main motivations for location sharing the service, which then alerted friends if they opportunis- were to connect and coordinate with one's social and pro- tically happened to be near each other. Eventually WiFi fessional circles, to project an interesting image of oneself, and GPS-based localization built into smartphones led to and to receive rewards offered for `checking in.' Respon- the development of various stand-alone location-sharing ser- dents overwhelmingly preferred sharing location only upon vices (LSS) such as Foursquare (https://www.foursquare.