24 READER | APRIL 14, 2006 | SECTION T WO Readings | Galleries

director Maria de los Angeles Torres; mod- Photography, Columbia College, 600 S. erated by journalist Carol Marin. Wed 4/19, Michigan, 312-266-2350. Critic’s Choice 1 PM, UIC Student Center East, room 302, 750 S. Halsted, 312-413-0151. Registration Harryette Mullen ( Sleeping With the required. Dictionary) reads poetry. Wed 4/19, 5:30 PM, Columbia College Collins Hall, room Lynette A. Jackson The UIC gender and 602, 624 S. Michigan, 312-344-8139. Joint women’s studies prof talks about Surfacing appearance with Jean Valentine; see sepa- Up: Psychiatry and Social Order in Colonial rate listing. Stephen Kinzer Zimbabwe, 1908-1968. Wed 4/19, 7:30 PM, Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark, 773- Heidi J. Nast The DePaul University inter- 769-9299. Joint appearance with Heidi J. national studies prof discusses Concubines n 1893, Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani announced Nast; see separate listing. and Power: Five Hundred Years in a that she’d allow all citizens the right to vote, not Northern Nigerian Palace. Wed 4/19, 7:30 I just large property owners—and the wealthy Stephen Kinzer Wed 4/19, 6 PM, PM, Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark, American sugar plantation owners began plotting c Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton, 773-769-9299. Joint appearance with her overthrow. With the help of American minister 312-255-3700. Lynette A. Jackson; see separate listing. John Stevens and a U.S. gunboat, they forced her to abdicate within days. As coups go, this one was Perri Klass and Sheila Solomon Klass Paul Nison ( Health According to the relatively bloodless. But it was typical in that it had present Every Mother Is a Daughter: The Scriptures) promotes The Raw Life: nothing to do with promoting freedom or democ- Neverending Quest for Success, Inner Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World. racy. As New York Times correspondent (and Peace, and a Really Clean Kitchen. Thu Tue 4/18, 7 PM, Transitions Bookplace, Chicago resident) Stephen Kinzer documents in 4/20, 7:30 PM, Women & Children First, 1000 W. North, 312-951-7323. Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change 5233 N. Clark, 773-769-9299. from Hawaii to Iraq (Times Books), American “Palabra Pura” A bilingual poetry reading interventions in Cuba, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Joseph Lelyveld The former New York series. This edition features Maria Honduras, Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile, Times executive editor discusses his mem- Melendez and Carlos Cumpian. Wed 4/19, Panama, Afghanistan, and Iraq have sometimes oir, Omaha Blues: A Memory Loop. Thu 9:15 PM, California Clipper, 1002 N. succeeded in the short term. But over time they’ve 4/20, 3:30 PM, Northwestern Univ. California, 877-394-5061. An open mike engendered dictatorship, instability, radical anti- McCormick Tribune Center, 1870 Campus precedes at 8:30 PM. Americanism, and (in the cases of Iran and Dr., Evanston, 847-491-5401. Lelyveld is Afghanistan) Islamic fundamentalism. Many were joined by former Times correspondent Powell’s North Reading Series The series undertaken by presidents who willfully ignored Stephen Kinzer (see c ) for a Chicago celebrates its one-year anniversary with expert warnings. But even the best-laid plans can’t Humanities Festival program. Thu 4/20, 6 featured readings by poets Peter O’Leary avoid the fundamental contradiction: we claim to PM, Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton, 312- ( Watchfulness) and John Tipton (Surfaces), be promoting democracy, but an elected leader 494-9509. Reservations required. as well as some guests from past events. who opposes short-term U.S. interests is toast. Ask Thu 4/20, 7 PM, Powell’s Bookstore, 2850 Ngo Dinh Diem, the first—and assassinated—pres- The Literary Gangs of Chicago Poets Cole N. Lincoln, 773-248-1444.

ident of Vietnam, or the current Iraqi prime minis- Y Swenson and Ed Roberson read for the ter. Kinzer lets the sordid facts speak for them- series, this installment curated by the “Preservation Snapshots” Architectural selves, but his conclusions are stark. The rich and Danny’s Reading Series. Poet Cassie historian Jean Guarino Clark discusses the powerful take what they want; the U.S. is no differ- Sparkman hosts. Tue 4/18, 6:30 PM, Garden Homes District. Thu 4/20, 12:15 PM, ent. a Wed 4/19, 6 PM, Newberry Library, 60 W. Museum of Contemporary Art, Puck’s at Chicago Cultural Center, Claudia Cassidy

Walton, 312-255-3700. —Harold Henderson DEBORAH DONNELLE the MCA, 220 E. Chicago, 312-397-4010. Theater, 78 E. Washington, 312-744-6630 or 312-922-1742. Local Author Night Poetry readings by “Bodies of Work: The Chicago Festival of “Conversations With Extraordinary Michigan, 312-409-7997. Wed 4/19, 5:30 Chris Glomski ( Transparencies Lifted From “Protecting Sources or Jail? A Disability Arts and Culture” See sidebar People” Jazz vocalist Joanie Pallatto and PM, Barnes & Noble, DePaul Center, 1 E. Noon), Chuck Stebelton (Circulation Journalist’s Ethical Dilemma” Talk by in Theater & Performance. pianist-composer Bradley Parker-Sparrow Jackson, 312-362-8795. Flowers), Mark Eleveld (The Spoken Word Northwestern University journalism prof perform and chat with Tribune writer Rick Revolution), Michael Kadela (1 Hundred Jack Doppelt. Sun 4/16, 10:30 AM, Ethical Dennis Brutus The South African poet and Kogan. Wed 4/19, 6 PM, Maxim’s, 24 E. Gallery 400 Voices Sculptor Jennifer Hiccups), and Danny’s Reading Series cura- Humanist Society, 7574 N. Lincoln, Skokie, activist discusses Poetry and Protest. Mon Goethe, 312-742-1748, $20. Reservations Pastor lectures. Tue 4/18, 5 PM, Gallery tor Joel Craig. Wed 4/19, 7 PM, Book Cellar, 847-677-3334. 4/17, 5:30 PM, Northwestern Univ. Crown requested. 400, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, 1240 W. 4736 N. Lincoln, 773-293-2665. Center, Hardin Hall, 633 Clark, Evanston, Harrison, 312-996-6114. “Race, Disease, and Crime Fighting” 847-491-7323. “Cultural Understanding in the Global Andrea Modica The photographer Lecture by sociologist Troy Duster Community” Luncheon address by Saudi Arthur Golden ( Memoirs of a Geisha) ( Treadwell, et al) discusses her current ( Whitewashing Race, et al). Mon 4/17, 4 PM, Suzanne Buffam reads from her poetry Arabia ambassador to the U.S. Prince Turki reads his recent fiction. Mon 4/17, 5:30 PM, show, “From Treadwell to Fountain,” up at Northwestern Univ. McCormick Tribune collection, Past Imperfect. Thu 4/20, 7 Al-Faisal. A Chicago Council on Foreign Northwestern Univ. Harris Hall, room 108, Catherine Edelman Gallery. Thu 4/20, 6:30 Center, 1870 Campus Dr., Evanston, 847- PM, Book Cellar, 4736 N. Lincoln, 773- Relations program. Thu 4/20, 12:30 PM, 1881 Sheridan, Evanston, 847-467-4099. PM, Museum of Contemporary 491-5401. 293-2665. Joint appearance with Arielle Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan, 312-821- Greenberg and Robyn Schiff; see sepa- 7527, $55. Reservations required via ccfr.org. Arielle Greenberg reads from her poetry rate listings. collection My Kafka Century. Thu 4/20, 7 “The Cutting Edge: Young Scholars PM, Book Cellar, 4736 N. Lincoln, 773-293- Caxton Club of Chicago Caxtonian Robert Share Their Work” University of Chicago 2665. Joint appearance with Suzanne Cotner speaks on “The Interpersonal scholar Rosamond S. King talks about Buffam and Robyn Schiff; see separate list- Intelligence of Abraham Lincoln” at a “Looking for Lesbians in the Caribbean” for ings. luncheon program. Fri 4/14, noon, Mid- this series. Tue 4/18, 7 PM, Gerber/Hart Day Club, Chase Tower, 56th floor, 21 S. Library, 1127 W. Granville, 773-381-8030. “Harold Washington: The Man and the Clark, 312-255-3710, $25. Reservations Moment” Lecture by historian Timuel D. required. Elizabeth Dewberry reads from her novel Black Jr. (Bridges of Memory). Sat 4/15, 2 His Lovely Wife. Thu 4/20, 7 PM, Book Stall PM, Harold Washington Library Center, Caxton Club of Chicago Oliphant Press at Chestnut Court, 811 Elm, Winnetka, 847- auditorium, 400 S. State, 312-747-4050. founder Ronald Gordon gives an illustrated 446-8880. talk on “Joseph Blumenthal and the Spiral Amy Hassinger reads from her new novel, Press” at a dinner program. Wed 4/19, 6 Grace DuMelle shares tips from Finding The Priest’s Madonna. Tue 4/18, 6 PM, PM, Mid-Day Club, Chase Tower, 56th floor, Your Chicago Ancestors: A Beginner’s DePaul Univ. Richardson Library, room 21 S. Clark, 312-255-3710, $45. Reservations Guide to Family History in the City and 300, 2350 N. Kenmore, 773-325-4087. required. Cook County. An Irving Park Historical Society program. Mon 4/17, 7:30 PM, Mount Steve Huntley The Sun-Times editorial Chicago Architecture Foundation Olive Church, 3850 N. Tripp, 773-777-2750. page editor discusses Knocking Down Lunchtime Lecture Architect George Halik Thu 4/20, 7 PM, Evergreen Park Public Barriers: My Fight for Black America, a discusses the Shubert Theater/Majestic Library, 9400 S. Troy, Evergreen Park, 708- memoir by the late Truman K. Gibson Jr., Hotel renovation. Wed 4/19, 12:15 PM, 422-8522. which Huntley coauthored. Thu 4/20, 6 PM, ArchiCenter, 224 S. Michigan, 312-922-3432, Pritzker Military Library, 610 N. Fairbanks, ext. 266. Karen Finley The performance artist 312-587-7917. A reception precedes. R reads from her new satire, George & Nancy Christie The “Change Buddy” pro- Martha. Tue 4/18, 7:30 PM, Barbara’s “Image and Text: Writing Off the Page” motes The Gifts of Change. Thu 4/20, 7 PM, Bookstore, 1218 S. Halsted, 312-413-2665. Novelist Steve Tomasula (The Book of Transitions Bookplace, 1000 W. North, 312- Wed 4/19, 7 PM, Univ. of Chicago Reynolds Portraiture) lectures for SAIC’s visiting 951-7323. Club, 5706 S. University, 773-782-4381. See artists program. Mon 4/17, 4:30 PM, School book review in Section 1. of the Art Institute, room 1307, 112 S. David Cole ( Enemy Aliens) discusses Michigan, 312-443-3711, $5, $3 students Terrorism and the Constitution: Sacrificing Maureen Tolman Flannery participates in and seniors. Civil Liberties in the Name of National a book-group discussion of her poetry col- Security. Mon 4/17, 4:30 PM, International lection Ancestors in the Landscape. Tue “Immigration Reform: A Nation at the House, Univ. of Chicago, 1414 E. 59th, 773- 4/18, 7:30 PM, Women & Children First, Crossroads” Town hall meeting with for- 834-4274. 5233 N. Clark, 773-769-9299. mer governor Jim Edgar, Maricela Garcia of Latinos United, and former Immigration “Collecting Art” Discussion with collec- Jonathan Safran Foer ( Everything Is and Naturalization Service district director tions consultant Russell Bowman. Sat 4/15, Illuminated) reads from his latest novel, Brian Perryman. A Chicago Council on 5-7 PM, Smart Museum of Art, Univ. of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Wed Foreign Relations program. Tue 4/18, 6 PM, Chicago, 5550 S. Greenwood, 773-702-2368, 4/19, 7 PM, Borders, 2817 N. Clark, 773- Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan, 312-726- $40 includes hors d’oeuvres and open bar. 935-3909. Wed 4/19, 9:30 PM (hosted by 3860. Registration required via ccfr.org. Registration required; a private reception the Book Cellar), Goose Island Brewery, SANDERS follows. 3535 N. Clark, 773-293-2665. “Inside Washington: Where Red States and Blue States Collide” Forum with Sun- College of Complexes Brad Lyttle holds Samuel G. Freedman The Columbia Times columnist Robert Novak, Chicago- forth on “War Tax Resistance.” Sat 4/15, 8 University journalism prof promotes Kent College of Law prof Lori B. Andrews, PM, Lincoln Restaurant, 4008 N. Lincoln, Letters to a Young Journalist. A Chicago UIC poli sci prof Lyn Ragsdale, Sun-Times THY GREENFIELD-

312-326-2120 or 312-842-5036, $3 plus a $5 Headline Club program. Wed 4/19, 12:30 Washington bureau chief Lynn Sweet, and TIMO food/drink purchase. PM, Roosevelt Univ. Gage Bldg., 18 S. UIC Latin-American and Latino studies Karen Finley CHICAGO READER | APRIL 14, 2006 | SECTION TWO 25

Listings are compiled by Joel Score and Tamara Faulkner commonly have work by numerous artists on their rosters from information available Monday. For additional listings available for viewing. Some museums offer discounted see www.chicagoreader.com. Hours and closing dates are admission for Chicago residents. Please send exhibit info prone to change; readers are urged to call ahead. Many muse- and images to Art Listings, Chicago Reader, 11 E. Illinois, ums have ongoing exhibits not detailed here, and galleries Chicago 60611, or [email protected].

Cal Ripken Jr. The former Baltimore Andrew Bae 300 W. Superior. Young June Orioles shortstop signs Parenting Young Lew, paintings, through Sat 4/22. Tue-Sat Athletes the Ripken Way: Ensuring the Best 10-6. 312-399-8646 Experience for Your Kids in Any Sport. Mon 4/17, 12:30-2 PM, Borders, 150 N. State, Beacon Street 410 S. Michigan #732. Tim 312-606-0750. Hurley, Agnes McGregor, Mark Zlotkowski, paintings, through Fri 5/5. Wed-Sat 11-4. Pietra Rivoli talks about The Travels of a Closed Thu 4/13-Fri 4/14. 312-212-1323 T-shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, Belloc Lowndes 215 W. Huron. David and Politics of World Trade . Wed 4/19, 5 Abed, Kathleen Dunn, Jeff Hester, Kate PM, Loyola Univ. Rubloff Auditorium, 25 E. Smith, paintings and works on paper, Pearson, 312-915-6113. through Wed 4/19 C . 312-266-2222

Yale Roe presents his memoir, I Followed Beverly Arts Center 2407 W. 111th. “Sight My Heart to Jerusalem. Sat 4/15, 7 PM, Unseen,” interactive exhibit addressing Transitions Bookplace, 1000 W. North, 312- “the concept of disability”; “Art of Life” 951-7323. Mon 4/17, 7 PM, Book Stall at and “Urban Perspectives,” work by dis- Chestnut Court, 811 Elm, Winnetka, 847- abled artists, through Sun 4/30. (See 446-8880. “Bodies of Work” sidebar.) Mon-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-5, Sun noon-5. 773-445-3838 Jonathan Rosenbaum The Reader R film critic lectures on the work of Special Events Black Walnut 2135 W. Division. Nate French director Luc Moullet in conjunction Walker, Robert Wayner, Nikki Hollander, with a screening of Moullet’s The Monthly Receptions and open houses at Pete Teraberry, paintings, through Sat Smugglers. Mon 4/17, 6 PM, Gene Siskel galleries and studios around 18th and 4/29. Wed-Fri 12:30-7, Sat noon-7, Sun 1- Film Center, 164 N. State, 312-846-2800, Halsted (pick up a map at 1821 S. Halsted), 5:30. 773-772-8870 $9, $7 students. Fri 4/14, 6-10 PM, 312-738-8000, ext. 112. ... Handmade Market, Sat 4/15, noon-4:30 Bodybuilder & Sportsman 119 N. Peoria Paul Rusesabagina The hotel man- at the Empty Bottle, 1035 N. Western, 773- #2C. “Sugar Hill Suite,” drawings by Series II, No. 1, part of the photo series “Illuminated Wax,” by Robert Moysan, R ager who inspired the film Hotel 276-3600. Charles LaBelle of buildings in Harlem, whose show opens Friday at Moka Rwanda presents his autobiography, An with a related map and sculpture, through Ordinary Man. Mon 4/17, 6:30 PM, In Short “The Art of Games,” group show, Sat 4/22. Tue-Sat 11-6. 312-492-7261 fl. Melissa Herrington, Maria Sheehan, Contemporary Art Workshop 542 W. International House, Univ. of Chicago, 1414 Fri 4/14, 7-10 PM, at the Chicago Art paintings, Sat 4/15-Sat 5/27. E Opens Sat Grant. Vanessa Murray, You-Ni Chae, paint- E. 59th, 773-834-4274. Department, 1837 S. Halsted, then Thu Booster and Seven 1048 N. Marshfield 4/15, 2-6 PM. Tue-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5. 773- ings, through Tue 5/16. E Opens Fri 4/14, 4/20, 7-10 PM, at Saint Xavier Univ.’s #1F. Oli Watt, prints that “meticulously 248-3100 5:30-9 PM. Mon-Fri 12:30-5:30, Sat noon-5. Robyn Schiff reads from her poetry collec- Shannon Athletic Center, 3700 W. 103rd replicate a range of printed matter and lov- 773-472-4004 tion, Worth. Thu 4/20, 7 PM, Book Cellar, (where the show will add 30 student- ingly mock select objects,” through Sun Chicago Printmakers Collaborative 4736 N. Lincoln, 773-293-2665. Joint designed board games), and Fri-Sun 4/21- 4/23. Sun 1-4 PM. 312-375-0792 4642 N. Western. Hiroshi Ariyama, Michael Melanee Cooper 740 N. Franklin. appearance with Suzanne Buffam and 4/23, at the Version>06 arts fest, 312-226- Goro, Dennis O’Malley, Jerry Svoboda, Tremain Smith, Michael Kessler, paintings; Arielle Greenberg; see separate listings. 8601. . .. Art by Derek Erdman, Aline Russell Bowman 311 W. Superior #115. prints, through Sat 6/3. Sat noon-5. 773- work by Lynda Ray, through Sat 4/22. Tue- Cautis, Hannah Woodroofe, and Jim Philip Pearlstein, paintings, through Sat 293-2070 Wed & Fri 11-5, Thu noon-5, Sat noon-4. Wole Soyinka The Nobel Prize-win- Newberry, priced at $15 a piece to benefit 4/15 C . Fri-Sat 10-5:30. 312-751-9500 312-202-9305 R ning author and activist speaks on “a Russian man who needs a new liver,” Sat City Water Tower, 806 N. Michigan. “Navigating the Shoals of Oil and Power in 4/15, 8 PM-2 AM, at Newberry/Erdman Roy Boyd 739 N. Wells. Jay Kelly, drawings; “Nature Photographs,” images by Jin Lee, Wendy Cooper 119 N. Peoria #2D. Angelo Nigerian Politics” and signs his memoir, PhotoArt Mart, 2068 N. Leavitt #2, 773- Joel Perlman, sculpture, through Tue Chase Browder, and others, Thu 4/20-Sun Mosca, paintings, through Sat 4/22. Tue- You Must Set Forth at Dawn. A Chicago 278-2434. . .. “Live Action Drawing Party” 4/18 C . Tue-Sat 10-5:30. 312-642-1606 4/30. Mon-Sat 10-6:30, Sun 10-5. 312-742- Sat 11-6. 312-455-1195 Council on Foreign Relations program. Thu and auction to benefit the Chicago Art 0808 4/20, 6 PM, Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Project, Wed 4/19, 7:30-10 PM, at Hejfina, Lisa Boyle 1648 W. Kinzie. Tiffany Calvert, Corbett vs. Dempsey 1120 N. Ashland, 3rd Michigan, 312-726-3860, $30. Reservations 1529 N. Milwaukee, 773-772-0002. paintings, through Sat 4/15 C . Fri-Sat Cliff Dwellers 200 S. Michigan, 22nd fl. fl. Margot Bergman, paintings, through Sat requested. noon-6. 773-655-5475 Marya Veeck, paintings, through Sat 4/29. 5/6. Fri-Sat 11-4. 773-278-1664 Mon-Fri 2-5. 312-922-8080 James D. Tabor The religious studies BSD 1319 W. Lake, 3rd fl. Eric Wenzel, Stephen Daiter 311 W. Superior #404- scholar discusses The Jesus Dynasty: The Galleries paintings and works on paper, Sat 4/15-Sat Columbia College Center for Book and 408. Joseph Sterling, photos, through Sat Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, 5/6. E Opens Sat 4/15, 6-10 PM. Sat noon- Paper Arts 1104 S. Wabash, 2nd fl. Work 4/29. Wed-Sat 11-6. 312-787-3350 and the Birth of Christianity. Tue 4/18, 7 Jean Albano 215 W. Superior. Jim Waid, 6. 312-375-7757 by interdisciplinary-arts MFA candidates, PM, Borders, 830 N. Michigan, 312-573- paintings, through Sat 5/27. Mon 11-4, Tue- through Fri 4/21. Mon-Sat 10-4. 312-344- Damen Studio 4528 1 / 2 N. Damen. “The 0564. Fri 10-5, Sat 11-5. 312-440-0770 Bucket Rider 119 N. Peoria #3D. Work by 6684 Long Hike From Lake Forest,” photos, Chris Uphues, Mariano Chavez, and Josh maps, and other documentation by Regin “A Theater’s Creative Process” Eclipse All Rise 1542 N. Milwaukee. Frol Boundin, Mannis, through Sat 4/22. Tue-Sat noon-6. Columbia College C33 Gallery 33 E. Igloria of a 25-mile trek from Ragdale to Theatre Company ensemble member Nat prints and paintings; Brett Richards, sculp- 312-421-6993 Congress. “Shojo Manga! Girl Power!,” Albany Park, through Fri 4/28. Sun 1-5. 773- Swift, director of the company’s current 275-0235 production of The Sweetest Swing in Baseball, and cast members discuss the Caro d’Offay 2204 W. North. Annie Stone, journey from page to stage. Sat 4/15, 4 PM, photos; group print show, through Fri 5/5. Transitions Bookplace, 1000 W. North, 312- Tue-Thu & Sat 1-6. 773-235-7400 951-7323. See Theater & Performance for info about the play. Duchess 1043 W. Grand, 4th fl. Alexander Stewart, “cassette-tape wall drawings,” Twilight Tales Connie Lawrence reads through Mon 5/1. Mon noon-6. 312-343-2982 “Josephine and Richard,” his contribution to the anthology Amazons: Sexy Tales of Catherine Edelman 300 W. Superior. Ron Strong Women. Mon 4/17, 7:30 PM, Red van Dongen, photos of flowers, through Sat Lion Pub, 2446 N. Lincoln, 773-348-2695, 4/15 C . Tue-Sat 10-5:30. 312-266-2350 $4 suggested donation. Enemy 1550 N. Milwaukee, 3rd fl. Michael “The Uses and Misuses of Graeve, wall paintings and audio work, R Violence” Lecture by Slovene cultur- through Fri 4/21. E Sound performances by al theorist Slavoj Zizek. Wed 4/19, 4 PM, Graeve, Katherine Young and Adam Univ. of Chicago Social Sciences Bldg., Sonderberg, and Dan St. Clair, Fri 4/14, 9 room SS122, 1126 E. 59th, 773-834-0386. PM, $5. Thu-Fri 3-7. 312-375-7014

Jean Valentine ( Door in the Mountain) Expgallery 726 W. 18th. Yongkook Byun, reads poetry. Wed 4/19, 5:30 PM, Columbia paintings and drawings based on medita- College Collins Hall, room 602, 624 S. tion, through Sat 4/29. E Reception Fri Michigan, 312-344-8139. Joint appearance 4/14, 6-10 PM. Sat noon-4. 847-217-7520 with Harryette Mullen; see separate listing. Fine Arts Bldg. Gallery 410 S. Michigan Iris Waichler The clinical social worker #433. “Greek Influence,” icon paintings by presents Riding the Infertility Roller Kathleen Triantafillou and drawings of Coaster. Wed 4/19, 7 PM, Transitions architectural ornaments by Mary Graham; Bookplace, 1000 W. North, 312-951-7323. Roland Kulla, paintings, through Sat 4/29. Wed-Sat noon-6. 312-913-0537 C.K. Williams The National Book Award- winning poet ( The Singing) reads his work Finestra 410 S. Michigan #516. Kathryn for the “Poem Present” series. Thu 4/20, Trumbull Fimreite, collages, through Sun 5:30 PM, Univ. of Chicago Social Sciences 4/30. Fri-Sat 2-6. 847-977-0526 Bldg., room 122, 1126 E. 59th, 773-834- 8524. Flatfile 217 N. Carpenter. Michiko Itatani, Detail of Understanding Scarface, drawing by Deb Sokolow, at Polvo through Sat 4/22 paintings; Adi Holzer, etchings; Lucien Garry Wills The cultural historian (Why I Clergue, Jeff Dunas, Claude Andreini, nude Am a Catholic , et al) discusses his latest ture, through Sat 4/29. Tue-Fri 1-7, Sat 11-5. Dubhe Carreño 1841 S. Halsted. Dennis post-World War II Japanese “girl comics,” photos, through Sat 4/29. Tue-Sat 11-6. 312- works, The Rosary and What Jesus Meant. Closed Tue 4/18-Sat 4/22. 773-294-9255 Lee Mitchell, welded clay sculpture, with work by 23 artists, through Wed 4/26. 491-1190 Mon 4/17, 7 PM, DePaul Univ. Schmitt through Sat 5/6. E Mitchell speaks Fri 4/14, (Reviewed this week in Section 1.) Mon-Thu Academic Center, room 154, 2320 N. ARC 734 N. Milwaukee. “Sleeping on the 7 PM. Fri-Sat 11-5. 312-666-3150 9-7, Fri 9-5. 312-344-7663 40000 1001 N. Webster. David Coyle, Kenmore, 773-325-7423. Ceiling,” installation by pediatric patients paintings and a video, through Sat 5/6. and artists from the locally based Snow Aldo Castillo 233 W. Huron. Monica Columbia College Glass Curtain Gallery Wed-Sat 1-6. 773-342-4930 Nikki Woods reads from her debut novel, City Arts Foundation; poetry broadsides Sarmiento, paintings, through Sat 5/27. 1104 S. Wabash. “Lo Romantico: Chicago’s Easier Said Than Done. Thu 4/20, 6 PM, with illustrations by Tony Fitzpatrick and Tue-Sat 11-6. 312-337-2536 Latino/a Art,” group show, through Fri 4Art 1932 S. Halsted #100. Group show, ETA Gallery, 7558 S. South Chicago, 773- Amy Lowry Poole, through Sat 4/29. Wed- 5/5. Tue-Wed & Fri 10-5, Mon & Thu 10-7. through Sat 5/6. E Opens Fri 4/14, 6-10 PM. 752-3955. Sat noon-6, Sun noon-4. 312-733-2787 Chicago Art Source 1871 N. Clybourn, 2nd 312-344-6643 Tue-Sat 10-6. 312-850-1816 26 CHICAGO READER | APRIL 14, 2006 | SECTION T WO Galleries & Museums

Function + Art 1046 W. Fulton. Jill Henry, paintings, through Sat 5/6. Tue-Sat 10-6. 312-243-2780 Now Showing Gallery 500 Wells 500 N. Wells. C.C. Wells, paintings, through Sat 4/29. E Opens Fri 4/14, 7-11:30 PM. Tue-Sat noon-7. 312-222- 1880 Gallery 400 Univ. of Illinois, 1240 W. Keepin’ It Random Harrison. “The Alchemy of Comedy . .. Stupid,” multichannel video by Edgar Arceneaux, through Sat 5/6. Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat noon-5. 312-996-6114 In 2004, after moving across the street from the Funky Buddha Lounge, Jonathan Gitelson found Gallery Guichard 3521 S. King. Kevin Cole, I that his car was being festooned daily with night- paintings; Cedric Smith, found photos col- club flyers. He collected more than 1,000 of them, laged onto stamps and currency, Sat 4/15- spent three months sewing them into a car cover, and Sat 6/3. E Opens Sat 4/15, 5-10 PM. Tue-Sat took pictures of his covered car in front of the 11-6, Sun noon-4. 773-373-8000 nightspots advertised. Eight of these large photos are now on view at Peter Miller, along with the car cover, Gallery 37 Centerspace 66 E. Randolph. in a show that not only has a unique history but that “Wounded in America,” photos by Robert “talks back” to our culture. Though urban clutter can Drea, text by Stephanie Arena, through Fri encourage passivity, Gitelson takes an active 5/5. Also on view: art from Little City approach. “Cover my car with flyers?” he seems to say. Foundation’s “Peer.me.sis Project,” Thu “I’ll show you how to really cover a car.” His goal is to 4/20-Wed 5/31 (see “Bodies of Work” side- reveal that “there are interesting things everywhere,” bar). Mon-Sat 9-5. 312-744-8925 he says. “Perhaps the next time a viewer sees a club flyer, they’ll actually notice it.” Gallery 203 1579 N. Milwaukee. Zsofia Gitelson’s previous projects, documented in Otvos, paintings, through Sun 4/30. Sat- artist’s books, combine active engagement with Sun 1-5. 773-252-1952 humor. For I Wave in Front of Every Apartment That I’ve Ever Lived in Except for Gardenfresh 840 W. Washington. Thom Jonathan One, he photographed himself Lessner, paintings, through Sat 5/13. Sat Gitelson in seven different locations noon-5. 773-732-8968 WHERE Peter from Vermont to Chicago. He Miller, 118 N. didn’t so much want to refer- Gregory Gaymont 3948 N. Southport. Peoria ence himself, he says, as provide Juan Morante, paintings, through Mon 7/31. WHEN Through material others might identify Mon-Fri 10-1:30, Sat 2-5. 773-935-2971 4/22 with—and his folksy, unassum- INFO 312-951-1700 ing approach does invite think- Gescheidle 118 N. Peoria, 4th fl. “Sex. ing about the places you’ve Drugs. Rock n Roll,” group show; Marci Rae lived. After this project Gitelson was wondering what McDade, embroidered portraits of “boys to do next—so he started going up to strangers with a she has loved from afar,” through Sat camera and tape recorder, saying “I’m trying to figure 4/15 C . Tue-Sat 11-6. 312-226-3500 out what I’m doing. What are you doing?” One guy who sat down next to him while he was resting told Giola 118 N. Peoria, 4th fl. Judith Mullen, him the story of an evening so interesting that paintings and sculpture; Peer-Oliver Nau, Gitelson made him the subject of his next book, The assemblages and sculpture, through Sat Ballad of Carl Wilson. Each page includes a different 4/22. Tue-Sat 10-5:30. 312-850-4487 photo of Wilson, a quote from him describing some- thing he’d experienced (seeing a couple “doing it” in a Gillock 3717 N. Ravenswood #219E. Marion park, he told himself, “Shit, I’ll catch a seat”), and a Kryczka, paintings, through Sat 5/20. Thu- map showing where the incident occurred. (These Sat noon-5. 312-545-3999 projects are anthologized in a book in the gallery.) Gitelson thinks that his readiness to engage with Kavi Gupta 835 W. Chicago. Johanna strangers comes partly from his parents, social work- Billings, films; Sarah Nesbit, paintings, ers in a New York City suburb. “I come from a long through Sat 4/22. Tue-Fri 10-6, Sat 11-5. line of social interactors,” he says. “One of the things 312-432-0708 I’ve learned from my father is that when someone asks you for change, even if you’re not going to give it Habatat 222 W. Superior. J.P. Long, glass to them, you show the respect of stopping and look- and steel sculpture, through Sat 4/22. Tue- ing in their eyes and saying, ‘Sorry, I can’t.’ ” In middle Sat 11-5. 312-440-0288 school he and two friends began hanging out in din- ers, where they would drink coffee and smoke. “There Carl Hammer 740 N. Wells. Grace Graupe- was this whole group of regulars who were really Pillard, paintings, through Sat 4/22. Tue- strange. Two construction workers in their 60s were Sat 11-5. 312-266-8512 identical twins who would dress the same and order the same.” At Marlboro College in Vermont, reading Havana 1139 W. Webster. Isolina Limonta, Camus inspired him to take art classes. He became a prints, through Sun 5/7. Wed-Fri 1-7, Sat street photographer, observing what he calls “the way noon-6, Sun noon-5. 773-549-2492 we’re all connected in our lostness.” After graduating TRAIT) in 1997 he lived in Guatemala for a year, where he High Risk 1113 W. Belmont. Group show, taught photography to kids living in garbage dumps, TIZ (POR through Sat 5/27. Wed-Fri 4-8, Sat 1-8, Sun but by 2000 he no longer understood why he was . OR 1-6. 773-296-6974. taking street photos. “When in crisis,” he says, “go to OS J CARL graduate school.” He moved to Chicago to enroll Jonathan Gitelson; his photo of his car in front of Excalibur Rhona Hoffman 118 N. Peoria. Work by at Columbia College and found the city amazing: gallery artists, through Sat 4/22. Tue-Fri “It felt like the Wild West, no hills, railroad tracks 10-5:30, Sat 11-5:30. 312-455-1990 stretching out forever.” lects found notes and photos. “I was looking for that such as the possibility that the cans are being held in Since he wasn’t sure what he was trying to get at in same sense of randomness, that chance encounter,” he one place and rearranged in patterns that send signals Hull House Center for the Arts 1136 W. his photos, Gitelson decided he was going to make pic- says; it’s a quest he believes connects people. Lately when seen from the air. For research, he says, “I’m Wilson. “Expressions of Ability,” work by tures “that didn’t mean anything” and began shooting Gitelson has observed that garbage cans keep getting thinking about surveillance videos from our window, disabled artists, through Sun 4/30. (See at randomly selected street corners. Shortly afterward stolen from his building. For his next project, he’s embedded transmitters, and taking notes on each per- “Bodies of Work” sidebar.) Mon-Fri 10-6, he came across a copy of the zine Found, which col- coming up with conspiracy theories to explain why, son who opens the cans.” —Fred Camper Wed 11-7, Sat noon-5. 773-907-9403

Hyde Park Arts Center 5307 S.Hyde Park. Work from the collective Cream Co., McGannon, paintings, through Tue 4/18 C . R.H. Love 645 N. Michigan #200. Raphael Marx Saunders 230 W. Superior. Richard Peter Miller 118 N. Peoria. “The Car Project,” through Fri 4/28. Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat noon-5. Tue-Sat 11-6. 312-664-3406 Soyer, drawings, through Sat 4/22. Mon-Fri Ritter, glass vessels, through Thu 4/27. photos by Jonathan Gitelson (see Now 773-324-5520 9-5, Sat 10-5:30. 312-640-1300 Mon-Fri 10-5:30, Sat 11-5. 312-573-1400 Showing); Stas Orlovski, paintings, through Kasia Kay 1044 W. Fulton. Kim Curtis, Sat 4/22. Tue-Sat 10-5:30. 312-951-1700 Inspire 435 E. Illinois. Work by Eric David paintings, through Sat 4/22. Wed-Fri 11-6, Loyola Univ. Crown Center Gallery 1001 Thomas Masters 245 W. North. “The Hamilton and Penelope Osio-Brown, Sat 11-5. 312-492-8828 W. Loyola, 2nd fl. Yvette Kaiser Smith, cro- Intimate Room,” paintings by Monika MN 3524 S. Halsted. Judy Natal, photos through Sun 5/12. Wed-Sat 11-6, Sun noon- cheted-fiberglass wall sculpture, through Rossa, through Thu 4/27. Wed-Fri noon-6, and maps documenting a six-month trip 5. 312-595-9475 Gosia Koscielak 1646 N. Bosworth. “In Fri 4/28. Mon-Fri 10-3. 773-508-3811 Sat 11-6, Sun noon-5. 312-440-2322 with her dog, through Sun 4/30. Sat-Sun Transit,” work by 20 artists, through Thu noon-5. 773-847-0573 Intuit 756 N. Milwaukee. “Vernacular pho- 5/4. E Two-mile industrial-corridor walk Lydon 309 W. Superior. Stephen Dinsmore, Thomas McCormick 835 W. Washington. tographs” collected by John and Teenuh starting from the gallery, Sat 4/15, 1 PM; paintings, through Fri 4/28. Mon 9-noon, David Sivka, works on paper, sculpture; Moka 1825 S. Halsted. Robert Moysan, Foster, through Sat 4/29. Tue-Sat 11-5, Thu part of a project by Melinda Fries (video of Tue-Sun 9-5. 312-943-1133 Herman Cherry, works on paper, through photos, through Wed 4/26. E Opens Fri till 7. 312-243-9088 previous jaunts will be shown). Mon-Fri 11- Sat 4/22. Tue-Sat 10-5:30. 312-226-6800 4/14, 6-10 PM. Tue-Sat 11-6. 312-421-8990 6, Sat 11-4. 847-858-1540 Maison Rouge 619 N. State. Alexandru Irish American Heritage Center 4626 N. Simionov, drawings and sculpture, through Metzli 556 W. 18th. Eric Edward Esper, NAB 1117 W. Lake. Grids of self-portraits by Knox. “Window to Belfast,” photos by David Leonardis 1346 N. Paulina. Show Sun 4/30. Tue-Fri 11-5:30, Sat 10-6, Sun landscapes, through Thu 4/27. Daily 5-9. Kelly Moran and “hyperactive ink-jet com- Maggie Miller, through Sun 4/30. . .. Lynn marking the gallery’s 14th anniversary, noon-5. 312-981-2791 312-738-0860 positions” by M.M. Robinson, through Sat Gordon-McShane, photos of murals on through Tue 5/9. E Opens Fri 4/14, 6 PM- 4/22. Sat noon-5. 312-738-1620 houses in Ulster, Sat 4/15-Sun 5/14. Sat-Sun midnight. Tue-Sat noon-5. 773-278-3058 Las Manos 5220 N. Clark. Art by Amos Monique Meloche 118 N. Peoria. Scott 1-5. 773-282-7035, ext. 10 Kennedy, Bernard Williams, and others Stack, monochrome paintings “made line- Ann Nathan 212 W. Superior. Gordon Lobby 731 N. Sangamon. Kathleen Vojta, commemorating Rosa Parks and examining by-line as if seeing the world through night Chandler, steel kimonos and other sculp- Gwenda Jay/Addington 704 N. Wells. paintings and installation, through Sat the theme of remembrance, through Mon vision goggles,” through Sat 4/22. Tue-Sat ture; group show, through Sat 4/15 C . Tue- Robert Erikson, works on paper; Jill 4/22. Sat noon-5. 312-432-4327 4/24. Sat-Sun noon-5. 773-728-8910 11-6. 312-455-0299 Fri 10-5:30, Sat 11-5. 312-664-6622 CHICAGO READER | APRIL 14, 2006 | SECTION TWO 27

Navta Schulz 1039 W. Lake. Work by benefit auction, Sun 4/16-Sat 5/13. The Michael Hopkins, Keer Tanchak, Lisa hammer comes down Sat 5/13. Mon-Thu Kowalski, and Jonathan Stein, through Sat 10-10, Fri-Sat 10-4, Sun 1-4. 847-475-5300 4/22. Tue-Sat noon-6. 312-451-5506 Gallery Mornea 602 Davis, Evanston. Northern Illinois Univ. Art Gallery 215 W. Kathy Halper, paintings; work by four Superior, 3rd fl. “Strange Fictions,” work painters, through Fri 5/19. Tue-Wed noon-6, using “the visual language of science fic- Thu-Fri 11-9, Sat-Sun 1-5. 847-864-1906 tion,” through Sat 4/29. Wed-Sat 11-5. 312- 642-6010 Gillock 1402 1 / 2 Greenleaf, Evanston. Norbert Marszalek, paintings, through Sat Ogilvie/Pertl 435 E. Illinois #151. Robert 4/29. E Reception Sat 4/15, 6-9 PM. Thu- Winslow, paintings, through Sun 4/16 C . Sat noon-5. 847-864-3799 Wed-Sat 11-6, Sun noon-5. 312-321-0750 Hinsdale Public Library 20 E. Maple, Aron Packer 118 N. Peoria. “Concept Hinsdale. Collaborative work by disabled Driven,” work by Steven Carrelli, Michael and nondisabled artists, Thu 4/20-Thu Dinges, Ruth Cook, and Fred Ellenberger; 4/27. E Opens Thu 4/20, 7-9 PM. (See “Zombie Eyes,” paintings by David Gracie, “Bodies of Work” sidebar.) Mon-Thu 9-9, Fri through Sat 5/20. E Opens Fri 4/14, 6-9 9-6, Sat 9-5, Sun 12:30-5. 630-986-1976 PM. Tue-Sat 11-5:30. 312-226-8984 Northwestern Univ. Dittmar Gallery Parts Unknown 645 W. 18th. Neil 1999 Campus, Evanston. David Holmes, Broderick, paintings and sculpture, sculpture, through Sun 5/7. Daily 10-10. through Sat 5/6. E Opens Fri 4/14, 6-10 PM. 847-491-2348 Sat noon-5. 312-492-9058 Northwestern Univ. Library 1970 Maya Polsky 215 W. Superior. Vladimir Campus, Evanston. Work by members of Grigorovich, paintings, through Sun 4/30. Chicago Hand Bookbinders, through Thu Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat 10:30-5. 312-440-0055 5/25. Mon-Fri 8:30-5, Sat 8:30-noon. 847- 491-7658 Polvo 1458 W. 18th. “Understanding Scarface,” drawing by Deb Sokolow; Marian Noyes Cultural Art Center 927 Noyes, Amies, artist’s books; Remy Jungerman, Evanston. Prints from Anchor Graphics’ DVD projection, through Sat 4/22. Sat artist-in-residence program, through Tue noon-5. 773-344-1940 5/9. Daily 10-6. 847-491-0266

Portals 742 N. Wells. Anna Tomczak, color Riverside Arts Center 32 E. Quincy, photos of flora and fauna, through Fri 5/26. Riverside. Work by Stephen Mueller and Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat 11-5. 312-642-1066 Mary Strasevic, through Sat 5/6. Tue-Sat 11- Fish Dinner, painting by Monika Rossa, at Thomas Masters through Thu 4/27 5. 708-442-6400 Printworks 311 W. Superior #105. Theodore Halkin, drawings, through Sat Rowland Contemporary 1118 W. Fulton. South Shore Cultural Center 7059 S. Zg 300 W. Superior. Paul Chidester, Amy Tucker 1939 Central, Evanston. Ramon 4/15 C . Tue-Sat 11-5. 312-664-9407 Joan Linder, drawings; Stephen Nyktas, South Shore. Work from Little City Schmierbach, Suzy Poling, David Graham, Hernandez, works on paper, through Sat photos, through Sat 4/15 C . Sat 11-5. 312- Foundation’s “Peer.me.sis Project,” Thu work “focusing on the recuperative power 4/29. Tue 1-5, Wed-Sat 11-5. 847-570-9825 Prism 1048 W. Fulton. Afro Celotto, glass 421-6275 4/20-Wed 5/31. (See “Bodies of Work” side- of nature,” through Sat 4/15 C . Tue-Sat 10- sculpture, through Sat 5/13. Tue-Sat 10-6. bar.) Daily 9-6. 847-221-7766 5:30. 312-654-9900 Ware inthe World 609 Dempster, 312-243-4885 Judy A. Saslow 300 W. Superior. Matt Evanston. Paula Heimrate, Veronika Lamb, works on paper, through Sat 4/15 C . Steelelife 4655 S. King, 2nd fl. Amanda Zolla/Lieberman 325 W. Huron. “Why Lee Nikitina, paintings, Thu 4/20-Sat 5/6. Prospectus 1210 W. 18th. Work by Ed Tue-Sat 10-6. 312-943-0530 Williams, paintings, through Mon 4/24. Shot C: Buzz, She Left ’Em Vernon!,” pun- E Opens Thu 4/20, 6-9 PM. Tue-Sat 10-5. Paschke, Roger Brown, Harold Allen, and E Williams discusses her work Sat 4/15, laden art by William Wiley, Xiaoze Xie, Buzz 847-424-9609 others, through Fri 4/28. Wed-Sun noon-5, Schneider 230 W. Superior. Thomas noon; a reception follows. Tue-Sat 11-5:30, Fri till 6. 312-733-6132 Kellner, Orit Siman-Tov, photos, through Fri Sun noon-5. 773-538-4773 5/19. Tue-Fri 10:30-5, Sat 11-5. 312-988-4033 Thomas Robertello 939 W. Randolph. Sulzen Fine Art 2720 W. Saint Georges. Julie Work by 14 artists, through Sat 6/10. School of the Art Institute Betty Rymer Sulzen, paintings; Dan Zamudio, photos, E Opens Fri 4/14, 6-9 PM. Fri 10-6, Sat 11-6. Gallery 280 S. Columbus. Work related to through Sat 4/29. Sat 11-2. 312-409-4618 312-421-1587 the Cinderella story, through Fri 4/14 C . Tue-Sat 10-5. 312-443-3703 Translucent Chocolates 718 S. Halsted. Byron Roche 750 N. Franklin. Fred Annes, Art by Funsho Akerele-Ale, Ned Broderick, E. Richard Fowler, Steve Zieverink, abstract Carrie Secrist 835 W. Washington. Joy Janine Hart, Martina Lalic, and Alana paintings, through Fri 4/21. Tue-Sat 11-6. Episalla, photos and video, through Sat Waters, through Sat 5/6. E Opens Fri 4/14, 312-654-0144 4/15 C . Tue-Fri 10:30-5:30, Sat 11-5. 312- 6-9 PM. Tue 4-7, Sat 11-4. 312-433-1800 491-0917 Roscoe’s Tavern 3356 N. Halsted. Kass Univ. of Chicago Midway Studios 6016 S. Copeland, collages, through Mon 5/1. Skestos Gabriele 212 N. Peoria. Work by Ingleside. Grant Schexnider, paintings, Mon Daily 3 PM-2 AM, Sat till 3 AM. 773-281- Maximo Gonzalez, through Sat 4/15 C . Tue- 4/17-Fri 4/21. E Reception Thu 4/20, 5:30- 3355 Fri 11-6, Sat noon-5. 312-243-1112 7:30 PM. Mon-Fri 9-5. 773-753-4821

Univ. of Illinois Ward Gallery Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted. “Otherworldly Chicago,” paintings by Kathleen Eaton, Alessandra Kelley, and James Mesple, through Sat 5/6. E Reception Fri 4/14, 3-7 PM. Mon-Thu noon-9, Fri noon-5. 312-413- 5070

Vespine 1907 S. Halsted. Nicole Garneau, documentation of a 2005 project concern- ing Chicago’s 1995 heat wave, through Sat 4/29. E Reception Fri 4/14, 7-10 PM. Fri 4- 9, Sat 10-4. 312-962-5850

Vonzweck 1626 N. Humboldt. Work by Brian Taylor, through Sat 4/29. Thu 4/20 & Sat 4/29, 6-9. 773-208-7222

Walsh 118 N. Peoria. Jongbum Choi, multi- channel video projections; Rodney Swanstrom, installation, through Sat 4/15 C . Tue-Sat 10:30-5:30. 312-829-3312

Linda Warren 1052 W. Fulton. Jean-Pierre Roy, paintings, through Fri 4/21. Tue-Sat 11- 5. 312-432-9500

Harold Washington College President’s Portrait of Citizen Jean-Baptiste Belley, Ex-representative of the Colonies, 1797 Gallery 30 E. Lake, 11th fl. Rob Bain, paint- painting by Anne-Louis Girodet, at the Art Institute through Sun 4/30 ings, Mon 4/17-Fri 6/2. E Reception Thu 4/20, 4:30-6:30 PM. Mon-Fri 10-5. 312-553- Spector, and Vernon Fisher, through Fri 5/26. 5738 Tue-Fri 10-5:30, Sat 11-5:30. 312-944-1990 Museums

Woman Made 685 N. Milwaukee. “Size Suburban Adler Planetarium 1300 S. Lake Shore Dr. Matters,” group show; Bobbi Meier, paint- Daily 9:30-4:30. $7; $6 seniors; $4 kids 4-17 ings and drawings; group glasswork show, Art House 43 Harrison, Oak Park. Art by (+ $5 per sky show). 312-922-7827 through Thu 5/11. Wed-Fri noon-7, Sat-Sun Cook County Jail inmates and others, noon-4. 312-738-0400 through Thu 5/18. Fri 5-9, Thu & Sat-Sun Art Institute of Chicago Michigan & noon-5. 708-386-5251 Adams. “Double White Venus,” paintings by Donald Young 933 W. Washington. Gary Cecilia Edefalk, through Sun 4/23. . .. Hill, video installations, through Fri 4/14 C . Evanston Art Center 2603 Sheridan, Elizabeth Catlett, prints, through Sun 4/23. Herman and Ilia Rose, pencil study by Raphael Soyer, at R.H. Love through Sat 4/22 Tue-Fri 10-5:30, Sat 11-5:30. 312-455-0100 Evanston. Work donated for EAC’s annual ... “Honoring Heroes in History,” kids’- 28 CHICAGO READER | APRIL 14, 2006 | SECTION T WO Galleries | Theater

a Tue-Sun 10-4. $6; $3 students, seniors. ers, bridges, and other designs by the Tuesdays free. 312-642-6502 Renaissance Florentine, through Mon 9/4. a Mon-Sat 9:30-4, Sun 11-4. $11, $9.50 sen- Loyola Univ. Museum of Art 820 N. iors, $7 kids 3-11. (“Game On” costs an Michigan. “Land and Sea,” photos by DoDo extra $5; U-505 submarine tours, $5.) 773- Jin Ming, through Sun 5/28. . .. Hunter 684-1414 O’Reilly, photos of drawings made with bio- luminescent bacteria, through Sun 6/4. . .. National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum “The Gods as We Shape Them,” objects 1801 S. Indiana. “Purple Hearts,” photos by from cultures throughout the world, Nina Berman of soldiers wounded in Iraq, through Sun 9/10. a Tue 10-8, Wed-Sun 10- through Sat 4/29. . .. “Things We Carried,” 5. $6 suggested admission, $5 seniors, stu- combat artifacts, through Mon 5/29. . .. dents and kids under 12 free. Tuesdays Exhibit on “the history of disability in free. 312-915-7600 Chicago,” through Mon 7/31 (see “Bodies of Work” sidebar). a Tue-Fri 11-6, Sat 10-5. Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum 1852 $10; $7 students, seniors. 312-326-0270 W. 19th. “The African Presence in Mexico,” colonial to contemporary art; “Who Are We Newberry Library 60 W. Walton. Objects Now?,” art illustrating African- from the library’s collection “that exempli- American/Mexican ties; “Common Goals, fy intellectual property issues” from the Common Struggles, Common Ground,” on Renaissance on, through Sat 4/22. black-Mexican relations in Chicago, a Galleries open Mon & Fri-Sat 8:15-5:30, through Sun 9/3. a Tue-Sun 10-5. F 312- Tue-Thu 8:15-7:30. F 312-255-3691 738-1503 Notebaert Nature Museum 2430 N. Mitchell Museum of the American Cannon. “Climate Chaos,” hands-on exhibit, Indian Kendall College, 2600 Central Park, through Sun 4/23. a Mon-Fri 9-4:30, Sat- Evanston. Rugs, dolls, baskets, beadwork, Sun 10-5. $7; $5 students, seniors; $4 kids and other objects from the collection of 3-12. Thursdays free. 773-755-5100 museum founder John Mitchell (1906-’85), through Sun 7/30. a Tue-Sat 10-5, Thu till Oriental Institute Museum Univ. of 8; Sun noon-4. $5 suggested admission; Chicago, 1155 E. 58th. “Lost Nubia,” photos $2.50 kids, students, seniors; $10 max per shot in Egypt and Sudan in 1905-1907, family. 847-475-1030 through Sun 5/7. . .. Artifacts from the ancient Near East. a Tue-Sat 10-6, Wed till Museum of Contemporary Art 220 E. 8:30; Sun noon-6. F 773-702-9514 Chicago. “Figures in the Field: Figurative Sculpture and Abstract Painting From Peace Museum 100 N. Central Park. Thu- Chicago Collections,” through Sun 4/23. . .. Fri 1-6, Sat-Sun noon-4. $5. 773-638-6450 “Not I,” work by Bruce Nauman and Tania Bruguera, through Sun 4/23. . .. Work by Shedd Aquarium 1200 S. Lake Shore Dr. Jason Lazarus from his series “Self- Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat-Sun 9-6. Aquarium $8, $6 Portraits as an Artist,” through Sun 4/30 seniors and kids 3-11; with oceanarium (see “Bodies of Work” sidebar). ... “Him,” $23/$16. 312-939-2438 work by Maurizio Cattelan, through Sun 4/30. . .. “Stars, Deaths, and Disasters, Smart Museum of Art Univ. of Chicago, 1962-1964,” paintings by Andy Warhol, 5550 S. Greenwood. “Whose Land? through Sun 6/18. E Exhibit tour, Tue 4/18, European and American Landscapes, noon. Curator Lynne Warren discusses 1600-1900,” through Sun 4/23. . .. Warhol’s Troy Diptych, Tue 4/18, 6:30 PM, “One/Many,” photos from 1860s and ’70s $12. . .. Jim Isermann, plastic-tile mural, surveys of the American west by William through Sun 7/30. . .. Alexander Calder, Bell and Timothy O’Sullivan, through Sun sculpture, through Sun 8/27. a Tue 10-8, 5/7. E Film scholar Tom Gunning intro- Wed-Sun 10-5. $10 suggested admission; duces a screening of 1896-1903 Biograph $6 students, seniors; kids 12 and under shorts, Thu 4/20, 8 PM. . .. “Graphike: free. Tuesdays free. 312-280-2660; box Writing/Drawing in the Ancient World,” office 312-397-4010 ancient art incorporating “painted, incised, or sculpted word[s],” through Sun Museum of Contemporary Photography 6/11. a Tue-Fri 10-4, Thu till 8; Sat-Sun 11- Columbia College, 600 S. Michigan. 5. F 773-702-0200 “Anticipation,” video- and film-based work by Janet Cardiff, Suzanne Kutters, Andrea Spertus Museum Spertus Institute of Bowers, Karin Müller, and three collabora- Jewish Studies, 618 S. Michigan. “Anne tive duos, through Sat 5/20. a Mon-Fri 10- Frank: A History for Today,” through Sun 5, Thu till 8; Sat noon-5. F 312-663-5554, 5/28. . .. “The Other Promised Land: 312-344-7104 Vacationing, Identity, and the Jewish American Dream,” through Sun 6/4. a Fri Museum of Science and Industry 57th & 10-3, Sun-Wed 10-5, Thu 10-7. $5; $3 chil- Poster commemorating Rosa Parks by Amos Kennedy Jr., in “In Memoriam,” at Las Manos through Mon 4/24 Lake Shore Dr. “The Abstract Mind Mural,” dren, students, seniors; $10 max per fami- created by artists working with “individuals ly. Fridays free; Thursdays 5-8 free. 312- living with mental illness,” Thu 4/20-Sun 322-1747 book illustrations, through Sun 4/23. . .. by L. Skip Wiese, through Sun 5/7. . .. Field Museum 1400 S. Lake Shore Dr. 4/30 (see “Bodies of Work” sidebar). ... “Girodet: Romantic Rebel,” paintings and “Thinking Out Loud,” work by artists with “Dinosaur Dynasty,” fossils and casts of “Game On 2.0,” hands-on video game Swedish American Museum 5211 N. Clark. drawings by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy- disabilities from local programs, through fossils unearthed in China, through Sun exhibit, through Sun 4/30 (see below for Anita Grede, woven tapestries, through Sun Trioson (1767-1824), through Sun 4/30. . .. Sun 5/14 (see “Bodies of Work” sidebar). 4/23 (see below for admission surcharge). admission surcharge). . .. “Leonardo da 6/4. a Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat-Sun 11-4. $4; $3 “The Concerned Photographer,” images ... “Re:Pair and Imperfection,” jewelry by ... “Transforming Tradition,” coiled Vinci: Man, Inventor, Genius,” wooden kids, students, seniors; $10 max per family. “motivated by the need to expose . .. the Kiff Slemmons incorporating “imperfect, ceramic vessels from Mexico’s pre- models and computer simulations of glid- 773-728-8111 abuses and atrocities of the twentieth cen- broken, or no longer usable” fragments Columbian Casas Grandes culture and con- tury,” through Sun 6/11. E Curator Richard collected from other metalsmiths and jew- temporary pots from the town of Mata Townsend discusses “Casas Grandes and elers, through Sun 5/28. . .. “Humans Ortiz, through Sun 5/28. . .. “The the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest,” Being: Disability in Contemporary Art,” Auschwitz Album,” photos taken by SS a show opening next week, Thu 4/20, 6 PM. group show, through Sun 6/4 (see “Bodies officers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, through a Mon-Fri 10:30-4:30, Thu till 8; Sat-Sun of Work” sidebar). E Local collectors who Sun 6/4. . .. Ongoing: “Sue,” reconstructed 10-5. $12 suggested admission; $7 stu- collect work by local artists talk shopping T. rex skeleton; “Underground Adventure” dents, seniors, kids six and up. Tuesdays Thu 4/20, 6 PM. a Mon-Thu 8-7, Fri 8-6, Sat (see below for admission surcharge); free. 312-443-3600 9-6, Sun 10-6. F 312-346-3278 “Evolving Planet,” on the development of life on earth. a Daily 9-5. $12; $7 students, Block Museum of Art Northwestern Univ., Chinese-American Museum 238 W. 23rd. seniors, kids 4-11; teachers & toddlers 40 Arts Circle Dr., Evanston. Work by MFA Fri 9:30-1:30, Sat-Sun 10-5. $2, $1 students free. (“Dinosaur Dynasty” or “Under- candidates Roxane Hopper, Olivia and seniors. 312-949-1000 ground Adventure”: add $7, $4 kids.) 312- Schreiner, and Craig Yu, Thu 4/20-Sun 5/14. 922-9410 E Opens Thu 4/20, 5-7 PM. . .. Jim Dine, DePaul Univ. Museum 2350 N. Kenmore. drawings, through Sun 6/18. E Exhibit “Broadway and Beyond,” costumes, design Hellenic Museum 801 W. Adams, 4th fl. tours, 2 PM Saturdays and Sundays, sketches, and photos documenting the Work by five artists and their collabora- through Sun 6/18. a Tue 10-5, Wed-Fri 10- career of Theoni V. Aldredge, through Wed tors, part of “Penelopeia,” a project “doc- 8, Sat-Sun noon-5. F 847-491-4000 5/17. . .. “Needle Art: A Postmodern Sewing ument[ing] women’s life journeys from Circle,” group show, through Thu 5/25. antiquity to the present,” through Fri Chicago Architecture Foundation a Mon-Thu 11-5, Fri 11-7, Sat-Sun noon-5. 6/16. a Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat 11-4. $5. 312- ArchiCenter 224 S. Michigan. Photos of F 773-325-7506 655-1234 buildings by Holabird & Root, through Sun 4/30. . .. “Open: New Designs for Public DuSable Museum of African American Illinois State Museum 100 W. Randolph Space,” through Sun 5/7. a Daily 9:30-6. History 740 E. 56th Pl. Tue-Sat 10-5, Sun #2-100. Thirteen Amish quilts dating from F 312-922-3432 noon-5. $3; $2 students, seniors; $1 kids 6- the 1880s through 1950s, each paired with 13. Sundays free. 773-947-0600 an “English” (i.e., non-Amish) quilt “of the Chicago Children’s Museum Navy Pier, same era and style”; Misch Kohn, prints 700 E. Grand. Daily 10-5, Thu & Sat till 8. Elmhurst Art Museum 150 Cottage Hill, 1945-’65, through Fri 8/18. a Mon-Fri 9-5. $8; $7 seniors; kids under one free. Thu 5-8 Elmhurst. Annual Transparent Watercolor F 312-814-5322 free. 312-527-1000 Society of America exhibit, through Sun 7/2. a Tue, Thu & Sat 10-4, Wed 1-8, Fri & International Museum of Surgical Chicago Cultural Center 78 E. Washing- Sun 1-4. $4; $3 seniors; $2 students. 630- Science 1524 N. Lake Shore Dr. Ruth ton. “B.C. Bucktown Chicago,” monotypes 834-0202 Chambers, installations, through Fri 4/21. Haven, collage by Kathryn Trumbull Fimreite, at Finestra through Sun 4/30 CHICAGO READER | APRIL 14, 2006 | SECTION TWO 29

Performing arts listings are compiled from Barnidge (MSB), Lawrence Bommer (LB), Jenn Goddu information available Monday. Schedules given are for (JG), Nick Green (NG), Justin Hayford (JHa), Jack this week only; see www.chicagoreader.com for Helbig (JHe), Ryan Hubbard (RH), Kelly Kleiman (KK), complete information. Commentary by Albert Williams Brian Nemtusak (BN), Kerry Reid (KR), Zac Thompson (AW), Laura Molzahn (LM), Tony Adler (TA), Mary Shen (ZT), Jennifer Vanasco (JV), and Kim Wilson (KW).

Angels in America a Through c 5/7: schedule follows. Millennium Approaches plays through 5/6: Sat 2:30 PM, Thu 4/13 and 4/27, 7:30 PM, Fri 4/21 The short list and 5/5, 7:30 PM. Perestroika plays The Short List through 5/7: Sat 7:30 PM, Sun 2:30 PM, Thu 4/20 and 5/4, 7:30 PM, Fri 4/14 and 4/28, 7:30 PM. Bailiwick Repertory, Bailiwick Arts Center, 1229 W. Belmont, 773-883-1090, $11-$25, $40 for both parts.

Antigone The Dream Theatre R Company presents Jeremy Menekseoglu’s revisionist take on Sophocles’ tragedy, about a princess who gives her brother a proper burial in defi- ance of the law. In this version, Antigone martyrs herself to an ostensibly noble, actually pointless cause. Methodically negating everything the original stands for—especially faith in gods, heroism, and AN AFFAIR OF HONOR | It’s narratives themselves—Menekseoglu’s N always a pleasure to watch uncompromisingly nihilistic version is Dawn “Sam” Alden and Amy seductively bleak. (ZT) a Through 4/22: Harmon engage in stage combat, Thu-Sat 7:30 PM, Berger Park Cultural which is what they—long skirts Center, 6205 N. Sheridan, 773-474-9070, tucked up out of the way—do in $10-$15. Tony Wolf’s Satisfaction. Director David Woolley successfully inte- As You Like It Shakespeare’s pastoral grates the swordplay into this comedy, in a community production. one-act about a group of women a Through 5/6: Fri-Sat 7:30 PM, Mon 4/17, in post-Civil War New Orleans as 7:30 PM, Chase Park auditorium, 4701 N. they ostensibly enjoy a picnic fol- Ashland, 312-742-4701, $8-$10, Mon 4/17 lowing a funeral. The second one- free. act on the bill, Mrs. Dire’s House AN MARCUS

of Crumpets and Solutions by Autobahn Filmmaker-playwright Neil JO Byron Hatfield, is funnier and LaBute penned this cycle of short vignettes Rent more charming. It focuses on a set in an automobile. LaBute’s strength is group of Victorian ladies who reg- the formal rigor of his fixation on what’s ularly plot revenge on abusive worst in mankind. But while he has a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, Neo-Futurarium. Two for men, and a tight ensemble, point—people are on balance nasty—he can Angels in America , Bailiwick Repertory. Antigone, Berger Park the Show , Theatre Building Chicago. Wait Wait . . . Don’t Tell directed by Alison Dornheggen, be a bit of a broken record. That said, there Cultural Center. Beckett 100, Irish American Heritage Center. Me!, Chase auditorium, Chase Plaza. Wicked, Ford Center for makes them both feminist and isn’t a bad performer in the cast. (BN) Blue Man Group, . The Chosen, Writers’ the Performing Arts, Oriental Theatre. fun. —Jennifer Vanasco a Through 5/14: a Through 4/23: Fri-Sat 8 PM, Sun 7 PM, Theatre, Books on Vernon. The Cocktail Party, Athenaeum Thu-Sat 7:30 PM, Sun 7 PM, Viaduct Profiles Theatre, 4147 N. Broadway, 773- Theatre. Contents May Be Extremely Hot, Swim Cafe. Dealer’s OPENINGS Theater, 3111 N. Western, 773-275-0440, 549-1815, $13-$22. Choice , . Electra , Heartland Studio Bodies of Work: The Chicago Festival of Disability Arts and $15-$18. Theater. A Flea in Her Ear, Chicago Shakespeare Theater. Floss!, Culture , multiple venues (see sidebar). Dustbowl Gothic, The Awesome 80s Prom This interactive Cornservatory. God’s Work, Eugene Field Park. Golden Corral, Building Stage. The Golden Truffle, Redmoon Central. The American Girls Revue Gretchen Cryer musical re-creates the experience of a Live Bait Theater. Homecomings, . The King’s Hamlet, Holy Covenant United Methodist Church. The Little and Nancy Ford’s musical features charac- Reagan-era high school prom. The partly Proposal, or The Marriage of Princess Guido, Cornservatory. The Mermaid, Saint Patrick Performing Arts Centre. Still Life With ters from various historical periods as improvised show, performed in a video Last Five Years, Royal George Theatre Center. Late Nite Iris, Northwestern University Settlement House. Trust depicted in the American Girls Collection dance club, allows the audience to vote Catechism, Royal George Theatre Center. Love Song, Funnin’ 2: You Gotta Be Kidding, Live Bait Theater. books. Cryer’s book and lyrics deliver a for the prom king and queen. The show’s Steppenwolf Theatre Company. Put the Nuns in Charge, Royal host of positive messages to girls about character types from teen angst movies— George Theatre Center. The Secret Garden, Theatre Building FINAL DAYS patience, resilience, and responsibility. But jock, cheerleader, geek, exchange stu- Chicago. She Stoops to Conquer, . Stick Fly, Barbie Live! in Fairytopia, . The Devil’s halfway through, this 75-minute sales pitch dent, etc—are never fleshed out. And Duncan YMCA Chernin Center for the Arts. The Sun Always Disciple, Center for the Arts. Feathers in the Wind, gets a bit tiresome. The anthemlike songs though familiar stories of high school con- Shines for the Cool, Aguijon Theater Company. The Sweetest Red Hen Productions. Homecomings, Goodman Theatre. Rent, may feel overly earnest to adults, though flict are flimsily reenacted, most of the Swing in Baseball, Victory Gardens Theater. Tape, Oracle . Stick Fly, Duncan YMCA Chernin perhaps they’re just the thing for a young show loses the battle with the venue’s Productions. That’s Weird, Grandma, Neo-Futurarium. Too Center for the Arts. Voyeurs de Venus, . girl to belt into her hairbrush at home. (JG) blaring music and bar chatter. But if danc- a Open run: Thu-Fri 5:30 PM, Sat 12:30, 2, ing to Rick Springfield and Huey Lewis 4, and 5:30 PM, Sun 12:30, 2, and 4 PM. while drinking appeals to you, the show’s BACK OF THE THROAT | A curtail the civil rights of terror- the causes of the government’s Special Easter schedule through 4/16: Thu failings won’t matter. (JG) a Open run: Fri N mild-mannered Arab- ism suspects. El Guindi’s sympa- xenophobia. But his central 5:30 and 7 PM, Fri 2, 4, and 5:30 PM, Sat 8:30 PM, Sat 7:30 PM, RadioStar, 901 W. American man enters a waking thies clearly lie with the guiltless point—that pretty much anyone 12:30, 2, 4, and 5:30 PM, no show Sun, Weed, 312-664-7766, $39-$69 (includes nightmare in Yussef El Guindi’s who’ve suffered interrogation in can be made to appear guilty if American Girl Place, 111 E. Chicago, 877- postshow “video dance club”; various disturbing political drama about the name of a war on terror; statements are taken out of con- 247-5223, $28. packages available). the U.S. government’s push to admirably, he also tries to show text—might have been more dra-