

the WKH WATKINS REVIEW most spiritually ESTABLISHED 1893 by Watkins Books | £4.99 LQÁXHQWLDO living 100 SHRSOH We live in an age of lists - from groceries and obituaries to Facebook friends, resume facts, lists of city capitals and lottery numbers. Of course, lists that classify the past, are easier to compile than lists that attempt to predict the future. With the holy grail of sorting algorithms, the world is sure to be your oyster. Lists help us organize, explore and perceive our environments. But are so many lists really necessary? It is very much in vogue to publish lists of people: Time Magazine publishes an annual list of the 100 people who PRVWLQÀXHQFHWKHZRUOG)RUEHVSXEOLVKHVVHYHUDOOLVWVLQFOXGLQJD&HOHEULW\OLVWWKH:RUOG¶V0RVW 3RZHUIXO:RPHQDQGDOLVWRI%LOOLRQDLUHV$UW5HYLHZ¶V3RZHULVDQDQQXDOOLVWRIWKHZRUOGV most powerful collectors, artists, gallerists, etc... 7KHOLVWVRIOLVWVRISHRSOHMXVWNHHSJRLQJDQGJRLQJ+RZHYHUWKH:DWNLQV5HYLHZEHOLHYHVWKDWDQ important list has been long overdue, and we are delighted to share with you our list of the 100 Most 6SLULWXDOO\,QÀXHQWLDO/LYLQJ3HRSOH/LVWVRILQÀXHQWLDOSHRSOHFRQWULEXWHWRWKHGLVFRXUVHDQGLVVXHVWKDW HDFKSHUVRQUHSUHVHQWVDQGWKH:DWNLQV5HYLHZKRSHVWKDWRXUOLVWZLOOQXUWXUHWKHGHEDWHVVXUURXQGLQJ contemporary .

There are several factors that were taken into account when compiling the list. Listed below are the main three: 1) The person has to be alive SPIRITUAL 2) The person has to have made a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale POWER LIST 3) The person is frequently googled, appears in Nielsen Data, and highlighted 100 in throughout the blogosphere ,W¶VLQWHUHVWLQJWRWKLQNDERXWWKHDPRXQWRI 7KH:DWNLQV5HYLHZSODQVRQSXEOLVKLQJ WKHPRVWVSLULWXDOO\LQÁXHQWLDO WLPHV WKDW D SHUVRQ LV JRRJOHG LQ D VHQVH WKH  0RVW 6SLULWXDOO\ ,QÀXHQWLDO living people googled is a form of digital voting, and Living People list on an annual basis, and New Books & Recommendations illustrates just how often someone is being welcomes your feedback and suggestions Author Articles & Interviews sought out. at: [email protected] refresh2 Watkins the Review mind | heal the body | awaken Issuethe 26, spring spirit 2011 WWW.WATKINSBOOKS.COM 3 THE SPIRITUAL 100 THE SPIRITUAL 100



Born in Lünen, Germany, 16/02/1948 (Aquarius, Rat); Modern teacher and writer 2SUDKPLJKWEHWKHPRVWLQÁXHQWLDOSHUVRQLQWKHZRUOG6KHKDVGLVFRYHUHG DQGDGYRFDWHGIRUVRPDQ\VSLULWXDOO\LQÁXHQWLDOWKLQNHUV³IURP2EDPDWR 8.(FNKDUW7ROOH:HUDQNHGKHUDWRQO\WKSODFHEHFDXVHKHULQÁXHQFHLVQ W Dalai Lama IRFXVHGRQVSLULWXDOLW\EXWHLJKWKSODFHPD\DFWDVDPHWDSKRUVLQFHPHDQVLQÀQLW\ Born Lhamo Dondrub, Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai LQQXPHURXVPHWDSK\VLFDOSDUDGLJPV Lama. Tibetan Buddhists believe him to be a Born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, USA; of his predecessors and the Buddha of compassion. He is a 29/01/1954 (Aquarius, Snake); 2. Talk Show Host vocal activist for Tibetan independence and has made an incredible contribution to global spirituality.


their potential. He is referred to as a “preacher of self reliance” and Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA; 3.LVFXUUHQWO\IRFXVLQJRQLQWHUSUHWLQJWKH7DR7H&KLQJ+HOLYHVLQ 31/01/1949 (Aquarius, Ox); :LWKVFLHQFHZH Author and Integral Theorist “ , and has eight children. WRXFKWKH7UXHWKH,W

Born in Detroit, Michigan, USA; of Spirit. With morals 10/05/1940 (Taurus, Dragon); Author and lecturer ZHWRXFKWKH*RRGWKH :HRI6SLULW:KDW WKHQZRXOGDQLQWHJUDO Deepak began as an endocri- Thich Nhat Hanh DSSURDFKKDYHWRVD\ nologist, and then shifted his DERXWWKH%HDXWLIXOWKH Buddhist monk, teacher, 5.career towards alternative :HOO NQRZQ IRU 7KH 6HFUHW ERRN DQG '9' %\UQH author and peace activist. PHGLFLQH $V D ZULWHU RQ $\XUYHGD DGYRFDWHV WKH EHOLHI WKDW ZH FDQ DOO WUDQVFHQG RXU ,RI6SLULWLWVHOI":KDW 4.He founded the Order of In- mind-body medicine and spirituality, he has had 10. VXIIHULQJE\QRWIDOOLQJSUH\WRQHJDWLYHWKRXJKWV6KH LVWKH%HDXW\WKDWLVLQ WHUEHLQJ DQG WKH 8QL¿HG %XGGKLVW huge success with titles such as Ageless Body, Time- KDV EHHQ OLVWHG DPRQJ 7LPHV 0DJD]LQH V OLVW RI  SHRSOH ZKR WKHH\HRIWKH%HKROGHU" &KXUFKDORQJZLWKPRQDVWHULHVDQG less Mind and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. VKDSH WKH ZRUOG DQG KDV DOVR SURGXFHG WHOHYLVLRQ VKRZV /DVW spiritual centres in Vietnam, the &KRSUD V LPPHQVH FXOWXUDO LQÀXHQFH VSDQV EH\RQG \HDUVKHSXEOLVKHG7KH3RZHUDVDVHTXHOWR7KH6HFUHW :KHQZHDUHLQWKHH\H 86$DQG)UDQFHZKHUHKHQRZOLYHV WUDGLWLRQDO0%6IURPFKLOGUHQ VERRNVWRFRPLFV RI6SLULWWKH,RI6SLULW Born in Australia; ZKDWGRZHÀQDOO\VHH"" Born in Thua Thien, Vietnam; Born in New Delhi, ; 12/03/1951 (Pisces, Rabbit); 11/10/1926 (Libra, Tiger); 22/10/1946 (Libra, Dog); Writer and TV/Film producer .HQ:LOEHU Spiritual Leader Physician, writer and public speaker

4 Watkins Review Issue 26, spring 2011 WWW.WATKINSBOOKS.COM 5 THE SPIRITUAL 100 THE SPIRITUAL 100

-DPHV5HGÀHOG Doreen Virtue Brian Weiss

%HVW NQRZQ IRU WKH &HOHV- Prior to the success of his Doreen Virtue is a best sell- Myss is described as a medical intuitive While Weiss hails from tine , which he &RQYHUVDWLRQV :LWK *RGVH- ing author and clairvoy- and mystic. She is the author of several conventional medicine 11. VHOISXEOLVKHGLQ5HG- 12.ries, Walsch suffered several 13.ant focusing on the angelic 21.EHVWVHOOLQJERRNVVXFKDV$QDWRP\RI 22.DQG LV DQ $PHULFDQ SV\- ¿HOGSURGXFHGDQGFRZURWHWKHVFUHHQ- mishaps and was even homeless for a pe- realm. She is the author of Healing with WKH6SLULW  :K\3HRSOH'RQ W+HDODQG+RZ FKLDWULVW HGXFDWHG DW

Chicago, USA; New York, USA; Richard Bach 02/12/1952 (Sagittarius, Dragon); 1944; Psychiatrist and Author Teacher, Author Bach is the author of Jon- Alejandro Jodorowsky athan Livingston Seagull 15.and Illusions, which have -RGRURZVN\ V FRQWULEX- Mantak Chia John Gray Gregg Braden been continual best sellers in mind- tions transcend any par- 0DQWDN &KLD LV D 7DRLVW John Gray books focus on body-spirit since the 1970s. He is an ticular medium and range Braden began his career 14. master who refers to him- romantic relationships avid aviator and his philosophy focuses IURP SKLORVRSK\ DQG ¿OP WR FRPLF working with comput- self as a teacher, "who and his best known book, on the notion that our physical limits books. Jodorowsky is best known for 23. 24. ers for companies such helps his students empower themselves 0HQ$UHIURP0DUV:RPHQ$UHIURP 25. and mortality are merely illusions. He KLV ¿OPV ZKLFK EOHQG P\VWLFLVP DQG DV &LVFR KRZHYHU IRU WKH ODVW WZR through cultivation of their chi ." Venus, is being turned into a feature is in his third marriage and has six chil- VXUUHDOLPDJHV (O7RSR6DQWD6DQJUH decades he has attempted to bridge His teachings reinterpret Taoist sexu- ¿OP 2YHU ¿IW\ PLOOLRQ FRSLHV RI KLV GUHQIURPKLV¿UVWZLIH etc...) He developed his own spiritual spirituality and science. His books ality in a modern context. books have sold globally. Oak Park, Illinois, USA; system of “psychoshamanism” and has include The Isaiah Effect, The God 23/06/1936 (Cancer, Rat); EHHQZULWLQJSUROL¿FDOO\RQWKHRFFXOW Bangkok, Thailand; Houston, Texas, USA; &RGH7KH'LYLQH0DWUL[7KH6SRQWD- Portrait of Samraj, by Adi Da Samraj, by Portrait of Writer He is an expert on Tarot and has re- 04/04/1944 28/12/1951 neous Healing of and his most searched and reconstructed the origi- (Aries, Monkey); (Capricorn, Rabbit); recent book, Fractal Time: The Secret Healer, writer and teacher Author Alex Grey nal form of the Tarot de Marseille. RIDQGDQHZ:RUOG$JH

Grey specializes in spiritual and psychedelic art, which is often Tocopilla, Chile; DVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH1HZ$JH0RYHPHQW+HLVDPHPEHURIWKH 07/02/1929; Filmmaker, Author 16.Integral Institute and works in media including performance Stephen R Covey art, process art, installation art, sculpture, visionary art, and painting. “2XUGHHSHVWIHDU His paintings are described as a blend of post-modern art, the sacred and &RYHU\ ZURWH WKH EHVW selling The Seven Habits LVQRWWKDWZHDUH visionary art. Columbus, Ohio, USA; LQDGHTXDWH2XU :LOOLDPVRQLVD VSLULWXDO 29/11/1953 (Sagittarius, Snake); 26.of Highly Effective Peo- DFWLYLVW DQGIRXQGHGWKH Artist ple. His teachings mix spirituality with GHHSHVWIHDULVWKDWZH 27.3HDFH $OOLDQFH DQG 3UR- business, and he promotes a “charac- DUHSRZHUIXOEH\RQG MHFW $QJHO )RRG ZKLFK VHUYHV KRPH- ter ethic” which aligns values with uni- ERXQG SHRSOH ZLWK $,'6 LQ WKH /$ Byron Katie Masaru Emoto Nelson Mandela versal principles. He has nine children PHDVXUH,WLVRXUOLJKW region. Her best selling book is The and 52 grandchildren. Katie refers to her Emoto is an advocate for al- QRWRXUGDUNQHVVWKDW $JH RI 0LUDFOHV (PEUDFLQJ WKH 1HZ Midlife. method of self-inquiry as ternative medicine and the Mandela was an anti-apart- 24/10/1932 (Scorpio, Monkey); PRVWIULJKWHQVXV" 08/07/1952 (Cancer, Dragon); Author, professional speaker and 7KH:RUN DQGSURPRWHV idea that words and spirit- heid activist and served 27 Author and activist 17. 18. management expert 0DULDQQH:LOOLDPVRQ the idea that we can liberate ourselves ual energies impact 19.\HDUV LQ SULVRQ $IWHU KLV from suffering by not believing/ water memory. His release from prison in 1990, he led his listening to negative thoughts. Katie best selling books party towards a multi-racial democracy DQGVHUYHGDV3UHVLGHQWRI6RXWK$IULFD exemplifies her methods as she has such as Messages Desmond Tutu overcome paranoia, suicidal thoughts IURP:DWHUDUH¿OOHG IURP  WR  KH DGYRFDWHV FRP- passion and reconciliation and won the Mata Amritanandamayi Philip Berg and severe depression. In addition with photographs of 7KH 0RVW 5HY 'U 'HV- Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He is active to her best selling books, she teaches water crystals next mond Mpilo Tutu, was 0ŅWŅ $PULWDQDQGDPD\ŝ While LQ ¿JKWLQJ $,'6 DQG UDFLVP DQG KLV her methods at free public events, WROHWWHUVDQG ZRUGVRILQWHQW DQGLOOXV- WKH ¿UVW EODFN 6RXWK $I- 'HYŝ LV DOVR NQRZ DV has tradition- autobiograpy, Long Walk to Freedom is 28. in prisons, hospitals, churches, trate the effect of thought and words on ULFDQ $QJOLFDQ $UFKELVKRS RI &DSH $PPDDQGDV³WKH+XJ- ally been taught still an inspirational best seller. 29. 30. corporations, shelters for survivors the environment. 7RZQ 6RXWK $IULFD +H KDV UHFHLYHG JLQJ 6DLQW 4XRWH ³7KH ¿JKW LQ LQ- exclusively to select Jewish of domestic violence, universities and Yokohama, Japan; South Africa; the Nobel Peace Prize and campaigned dividual minds is responsible for the scholars, Berg has aimed at sharing and schools, at weekend intensives, and at 22/07/1943 (Cancer, Goat); 18/07/1918 (Cancer, Horse); WR¿JKW$,'6WXEHUFXORVLVKRPRSKR- wars. So if you can touch people, you teaching Kabbalah to everyone. His Kab- Writer and researcher Political Activist her nine-day "School for The Work." bia, transphobia, poverty and racism. can touch the world." EDODK&HQWUHLVEDVHGLQ/RV$QJHOHVDQG KDV ¿IW\ EUDQFKHV LQFOXGLQJ /RQGRQ USA; Bernie Siegel 1HZ

6 Watkins Review Issue 26, spring 2011 WWW.WATKINSBOOKS.COM 7 THE SPIRITUAL 100 THE SPIRITUAL 100

Ervin Laszlo Drunvalo Melchizedek Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi Narayan Goenka Bruce Lipton László is the editor of Drunvalo is the author of = HY EHQ 6KLPRQ +D- Goenka is a leading teach- Lipton is a developmen- World Futures: The Jour- four books including The OHYL :DUUHQ .HQWRQ  LV D HU RI 9LSDVVDQŅ PHGLWD- tal biologist, best known 31.nal of General Evolution, 36.$QFLHQW 6HFUHWV RI WKH 43.founding member of the 47.WLRQKHKDVWUDLQHGPRUH 51.for promoting the idea and has published 75 books. He Flower of Life, Volumes I and II, Liv- .DEEDODK 6RFLHW\ DQG D SUROL¿F ZULWHU WKDQDVVLVWDQWWHDFKHUV0RUHWKDQ WKDWJHQHVDQG'1$FDQEHPDQLSXODW- that 2012 will either be the collapse of ing in the Heart and his newest one, on the Toledano tradition of Kabbalah, 100,000 people attend his Vipassana HGE\DSHUVRQ VEHOLHIV+LVERRN7KH human civilization or the beginning Serpent of Light. He also lectures on which developed in 10th through 12th courses each year. Biology of Belief is a bestseller. of a new, quantum consciousness. VDFUHGJHRPHWU\KXPDQHQHUJ\¿HOGV FHQWXU\6SDLQDQG)UDQFH+LVLQÀXHQFH He is also a trained classical pianist. spirituality, and . LVZLGHVSUHDGDQG6LQHDG2 &RQQRUDQG 3ULQFH&KDUOHVDUHDPRQJKLVDGYRFDWHV Spiritual Teacher Philosopher and 1941; Author and spiritual teacher Pema Chödrön Integral Theorist Author &KRGURQ EHFDPH D EXG- GKLVW QXQ LQ  LQ WKH Jon Kabat-Zinn Andrew Harvey 39.tradition of Tibetan Bud- GKLVP6KHLVDSUROL¿FDXWKRUZKRFRQ- Kabat-Zinn has authored Author and ducts workshops, seminars, and medi- QXPHURXV VFLHQWL¿F SD- Religious Scholar WDWLRQUHWUHDWVLQ(XURSH$XVWUDOLDDQG 48.pers on mindfulness as a WKURXJKRXW 1RUWK $PHULFD 3HPD KDV tool for overcoming illness, anxiety and Peter Kingsley Harvey promotes two children and three grandchildren. pain. His best selling books are Full 6DFUHG $FWLYLVP &DWDVWURSKH/LYLQJ8VLQJWKH:LVGRP Author and Kingsley is internation- RI

8 Watkins Review Issue 26, spring 2011 WWW.WATKINSBOOKS.COM 9 THE SPIRITUAL 100 THE SPIRITUAL 100

Joscelyn Godwin Jeff Foster Seyyed Hossein Nasr $ FRPSRVHU WUDQVODWRU 30/07/1980; (QOLJKWHQPHQW Nasr is Professor of Author and Teacher “ and author known for LVQRWDEHOLHIQRWD Islamic studies at George 56.his work on ancient mu- 76.Washington University, sic and , Godwin produced VWDWHQRWDIHHOLQJ and a prominent Islamic philosopher. WKH ¿UVW FRPSOHWH (QJOLVK ODQJXDJH QRWDQH[SHULHQFH He is the author of many books WUDQVODWLRQ RI RQH RI WKH ¿UVW LOOXV- Foster is a young, gifted, including The Heart of and The trated printed texts, the Hypneroto- spiritual teacher who LWLVWKHVLPSOH Garden of Truth. machia Poliphili. 68. articulates the timeless UHFRJQLWLRQRIZKDW message of nonduality in a simple, Islamic Writer Musicologist human and down-to-earth way. His \RXDOUHDG\DUH" and Academic and Writer ERRNV LQFOXGH /LIH :LWKRXW D &HQWUH -HII)RVWHU and The Wonder of Being.

James Lovelock Mother Meera Damanhur, Hall of Earth Patrick Holford Daniel Pinchbeck 5HJDUGHGE\KHUIROORZHUV Lovelock is an independ- Holford is a pioneer in In 2007 Pinchbeck Oberto Airaudi 'Falcon' as an avatar, Mother ent scientist, environmen- new approaches to health ODXQFKHG 5HDOLW\ 6DQG- Meera gives Darshan, or talist and futurologist best and nutrition, specialising wich, an Internet-based 77. 57. $LUDXGLLVRQHRIWKHIRXQGHUVRIWKH,WDOLDQVSLULWXDODQGDUWLVWLF 69. 73. silent spiritual blessing, to people who known for proposing the Gaia hypoth- community of Damanhur. He is also the guide and inspiration behind LQ WKH ¿HOG RI PHQWDO KHDOWK :LGHO\ magazine offering "a new for esis through come from all over the world to be in the renowned Temples of Humankind, a collection of subterranean UHJDUGHGDV%ULWDLQ¶VEHVWVHOOLQJDXWKRU a planetary culture." His books include books like Gaia: 65. her presence. temples decorated in motifs stressing peaceful human collaboration. and leading spokesman on nutrition Breaking Open the Head and 2012: $ 1HZ /RRN DW and mental health issues, he is also the 7KH5HWXUQRI4XHW]DOFRDWOSee his ar- Life on Earth. Spiritual Leader Philosopher, Writer founder and director of the Institute for ticle on page 37. and Painter Optimum Nutrition in London. Hertfordshire, UK; 15/06/1966; 26/07/1919; Author and Editor Scientist and Writer David Deida Andrew Cohen Barefoot Doctor Kyozan Joshu Sasaki $FNQRZOHGJHG DV RQH RI &RKHQ KDV GHYHORSHG D Taking the essence the most insightful and Satish Kumar 6DVDNL LV D 5LQ]DL =HQ unique path of spiritual of Taoist philosophy, provocative spiritual Jonathan Goldman teacher who has lived in 64. transformation called meditation practices, Former Jain monk who is teachers of our time, Deida continues 70. 78. 61. the United States since Evolutionary Enlightenment. Through Goldman is an authority and martial arts and repackaging FXUUHQWO\HGLWRURI5HVXU- to revolutionize the way that men and 1962. He is the founder and head ab- working in conjunction with others, he on sound healing and them for a Western audience, gence magazine and the women grow spiritually and sexually. 58. ERWRIWKH0RXQW%DOG\=HQ&HQWHULQ hopes to bring about a new stage of hu- 74.D SLRQHHU LQ WKH ¿HOG RI Barefoot Doctor has had huge success founder and Director of Programmes &DOLIRUQLDDQGRIWKH5LQ]DL-LRUGHURI Cleveland, Ohio, USA; PDQ FRQVFLRXVQHVV DQG FXOWXUH &RKHQ harmonics. He has produced over 30 ZLWK ERRNV OLNH %DUHIRRW 'RFWRU V RI WKH 6FKXPDFKHU &ROOHJH LQWHUQD- DI¿OLDWHG=HQFHQWHUV 18/03/1958; is also the founder of EnlightenNext albums of his own music and written Handbook for the Urban Warrior. See tional centre for ecological studies. Author and Teacher and the award-winning magazine of the many books, including Healing his article on page 46. Teacher Sounds: The Power of Harmonics. Ecologist and same name. 13/09/1954; Author Writer 07/12/1949; Spiritual Teacher Writer, Musician and Author and Teacher Richard Bandler Best known for his work Shakti Gawain Bandler is the co-inventor Zukav is a best-selling au- on and con- Vladimir Megre sciousness, Wilde has of Neuro-Linguistic $ SLRQHHU LQ WKH ¿HOG RI thor and a former Green 66. 3URJUDPPLQJ 1/3  +H %HUHWRI¿FHU+LVERRN7KH written over twenty books, including Based on his meetings 79. personal growth, Gawain 62. has also developed other alternative Life Was Never Meant To Be a Strug- is the author of the classic 6HDWRIWKH6RXOEHFDPHWKH1HZ

10 Watkins Review Issue 26, spring 2011 WWW.WATKINSBOOKS.COM 11 THE SPIRITUAL 100 THE SPIRITUAL 100

Adyashanti Sri Bhagavan Stanislav Grof Candace Pert Robert Thurman Buddhist Writer and Academic The Oneness University or Grof is one of the found- Pert discovered the opiate $XWKRU HGLWRU DQG WUDQVODWRU RI 7LEHWDQ the Oneness Movement is ers of transpersonal psy- receptor, the cellular bind- Buddhist texts and co-founder and president “7KHUH V 84.a spiritual school in south- 89.chology. His research 93.ing site for endorphins in 96.RI7LEHW+RXVH1HZ

12 Watkins Review Issue 26, spring 2011 WWW.WATKINSBOOKS.COM 13