A Sense of Knowing
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Catholic Women's Network 877 Spinosa Drive Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Sunnyvale C A 94087 PAID 408.245.8663 FAX408.738.2767 Permit No. 553 etworfc Sunnyvale CA for Women's Spirituality Issue No. 88 %sA non-profit educational publication since 1988 September/October/November 2004 Jeri Becker and intuition Wisdom Women to speak at CWN 15th anniversary A Celebration of Wisdom and Freedom will be the theme ofa day-long program, Saturday, August 28 in Cupertino, CA as CWN celebrates 15 years of educational minis try- Columnist Jeri Becker, newly-freed from prison after 23 years will be a featured speaker. Jeri, now living in Santa Rosa, CA has been an artist and columnist for CWN since 1995, a leader of 12- step groups and peer coun selor in prison. Penny Mann, an InterPlay Jeri Becker leader and ordained minister who uses storytelling, move ment, and song, will facilitate the celebrations of the day. Penny has been a featured ritual leader of several CWN June gatherings in the past. The morning pro gram will offer dra matizations of the Voices of five women from history. Speak a sense of ing wisdom of the past for the present will be: *Author Patricia Lynn Reilly as Eve, knowing the Big Momma * Spiritual Director Intuition—our mysterious "sense of knowing" gives us guidance and answers Suzanne Young as Mary, Woman of~ perplexing questions in our lives, if we know how to ask the questions. It might take the Many Faces form of a voice we hear as St. Joan of Arc did . .it might be a sense that we feel some * Marilyn Wilson, Penny Mann where in our bodies ... or it might be a vision that we see in our minds as did Teresa of BVM, women's office Avila. director, as Magdalene, the First Apostle Often known as the skill or gift to have answers to situations without any facts or * Julianne Simone, liturgist, as Teresa of Avila, the Simple data to back up those answers, intuition is believed to be centered in the Third Eye, that Life center of energy in the forehead. Wherever it is ... whatever it is .. .it is a delicious part * Eloise Rosenblatt, RSM,biblical scholar, as Elizabeth of our makeup. We invite you to contemplate and restore your own intuitive skills with our Cady Stanton, Feminist Bible Translator. stories in this issue. One more issue ... CWN to start monthly Breakfast Meetings Patricia Reilly Suzanne Young Marilyn Wilson Third Monday of each month Catholic Women's Network will be at Sunny View Retirement Community closing down this publicaiton with the 22445 Cupertino Rd., at Foothill, Cupertino next issue to be printed in late Novem ber for December 2004. Mon. Sent 20: 8:30-10:00 am Editor Arlene Goetze will be retiring Handwriting analyst Loretta DuBois will give clues to the person Julianne Simone Eloise Rosenblatt Lady Wisdom as editor of hte publication but will alities ofthe Famous or Infamous (Bush, Kerry, Hillary, Rice, continue to be a member ofthe Board Arnold) through their handwriting styles. The day will offer laughter and song, drumming and ofDirectors of Catholic Woman's Net Mon. Oct. 18:8:30 -10:00 am rhythms, and a special visit of Lady Wisdom, the real work. {Don't let someone else choose the music for your final farewell ... Woman on the Way. The board will continue to sponsor liturgist Mary Elaine McEnery will help you plan music, symbols, See page 16 for registration information. programs in the San Jose area and the rituals for your own upbeat and joyful funeral celebration Please register by Sept. 21. (We have to order your CWN office will continue to operate at lunch!) Space is limited and if full, registration will not be 877 Spinosa Dr., Sunnyvale. See page 16 for registration details. taken at the door. Late reservations can call 408.245.8663 to see if there is room. ffqgg 2 fretwork for Women's Spirituality, Septent6er/Ort°fer/Q(ovem6er 2004 Daydreaming is a time my intu inside ^tworlc ition gives me a running mental commentary of things to write, verses to express, and inventions to create. In the winter of 1990.. .oh, can it be that favorite class all through school.. .in every many years ago already.. .CWN sponsored class at every age. programs on the Myers-Briggs personality It is still my favorite pastime during most out there who also would like the idea. It is tions, and I write little verses or mantras to indicator as a key to self-knowledge. Sunday homilies or erudite lectures. It is the an exhilarating pastime! match the rhythms. Through a series of questions, a person can time when my intuition gives me a running And, oh my, have I moved in alternative I adore writing little verses! When we determine if she is an introvert or extrovert, mental commentary of things to write, verses directions from where my spiritual practices drum a shamanic rhythm to connect with the senser or intuitive, thinker or feeler, judger to express, and inventions to create. (Last and beliefs were 15 years ago when I fol guardian ofthe east, the little hummingbird orperceiver. month I fashioned a foam hollowed-out pil lowed a rather blind instinct to start publish who brings the gifts of joy and light, we Personality traits are not good or bad, right low for babies who now develop flat heads ing this little paper. There was no rational drum, "Hum/ming/bird bringsjoy!" or wrong but a key to understanding one from sleeping on their backs so much.) plan that brewed in my conscious . just The various rhythms found on IChing self. Dr. Charles Keating writes about the spiri some pesky little intuitive plan seething in cards, the six-thousand-year-old system of On three different occasions I answered tuality and prayer life of various personali my unconscious. advice from China, are wonderful to drum. the Myers-Briggs questions. In two of ties in his book, Who We Are Is How We Keating also writes that Intuitives benefit The Power card lends itself to drumming, these categories, my scores were as clear as Pray. His views, much like the spiritual more from a spirituality that looks to pos "Love isthe great p' wer; may it fill my soul," black and white. With my strong need to styles of various personality numbers on sibilities. Often, they live by a reflective and the Harmony card suggests, "The world meet deadlines and be on time, I was defi the Enneagram, another enlightenment sys insight into the meanings found in daily sings out this song; we can live in tune." nitely a judger. Oh, why must I pick up tem, have given me reassurance about my activity. Weeding is my penance! We also use the eight basic triads ofthe things on the floor all the time and be on time, own prayer life. Perhaps a decade ago, I decided to weed IChing to drum the chakras, the energy usually early, and always meet deadlines!! Keating writes that intuitives often need the long, foot-wide stretch of rocks under centers of our body. We drum on our bodies And my answers also affirmed I was a to share their reflections and spiritual in my clothesline on one side ofmy house. It with our finger tips or soft mallets... reflect strong intuitive. I knew I wasn't a senser, sights with others, thereby discovering new was a proj ect that I pursued each week for six ing on each chakra's rhythm. the opposite of intuitive... .1 am barely able insights and directions. weeks, on my hands and knees. For the intuitive chakra or third Eye in the to remember the color of all my children's Well, halleluiah! Now I know what has I slowly dug jip the dirt and weeds which middle ofthe forehead, we drum, "I know.. .1 eyes and never the picture scenes or rug propelled me for the past 15 years to put my had filled in the rock bed. I set aside all the am... wise!" color in friends' homes. If I were to be robbed spiritual views in this little publication. Even small pebbles and rocks while I placed a Some of our meditative drumming centers in daylight by someone without a mask, I when I thought I was getting weary of writ sheet of black plastic in the 50-foot-long on water sounds, rain sticks, and ocean would not be able to identify such a person ing each issue, I was always renewed after stretch. drums. As we close our eyes and float in the out ofa police lineup. pushing myself to pick up books on the Then I replaced all the hosed-down rocks, waters of reflection, we also awake from our Since I was not a senser.. .then it must be upcoming theme to read and excerpt. assuring myself that weeds could no longer journey feeling the surge ofthe water inside correct that I am intuitive. I readily agree that I thought if I found an idea that grabbed grow where there was no dirt. The nearness our bodies, moving with the vibration of our I live in die future... daydreaming was my my attention, then surely there were others and clean look ofthe six-week long project drumming. There is always a tingling in my filled my soul with exuberance. toes! Thereafter, I was very careful never to We close our drum (traders' <Pftoto Reflection sweep the sidewalk in that direction so as ming sessions with the not to fill my little rock bed with any dirt.