Reinventing Jesus Christ
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Reinventing Jesus Christ The New Gospel Warren Smith Conscience Press, Ravenna, Ohio Copyright © 2002 by Warren Smith. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Cover illustration and graphic design by Colin A. Leslie Published 2002 Printed in the United States of America. The author and publisher receive no profits from this book. Distributed solely by Discernment Ministries, P.O. Box 254, High Bridge, NJ 088290254. Individual copies $7.00 each plus $1.50 shipping and handling. Write for bulk discounts. Contents Preface ..................................................................................................... 5 Introduction ........................................................................................... 7 1. Helen Schucman and A Course in Miracles .............................. 9 2. Barbara Marx Hubbard and The Revelation ........................... 14 3. Neale Donald Walsch and Conversations with God ............. 20 4. Wayne Peterson and Maitreya................................................... 26 5. The Light that was Dark ............................................................. 33 6. The Global Renaissance Alliance .............................................. 40 7. The “New Gospel” Campaign for Peace .................................. 45 8. The Armageddon Alternative .................................................... 54 9. The “New Gospel” Doctrine of Separation .............................. 60 10. The Silent Church ........................................................................ 66 11. The Final Word............................................................................. 71 12. Epilogue ........................................................................................ 79 Endnotes ............................................................................................... 82 Bibliography ......................................................................................... 85 Preface Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write is in the process of taking the church to a unto you of the common salvation, it was “new dimension” and to a whole “new needful for me to write unto you, and level.” Many Christian leaders these days exhort you that ye should earnestly con- are so sure that what they are hearing and tend for the faith which was once experiencing is from God, they are rarely testing the spirits, or even considering the delivered unto the saints. possibility that they are being deceived. —Jude 3 The first century Bereans tested their leaders and tested their teachings as they In 1992 I wrote a book about my experiences “searched the scriptures daily” to see in the metaphysical “new age” movement. “whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). The book was entitled The Light That Was Apostles, prophets, pastors, and teachers Dark. I wrote the book because I wanted to were always subject to God’s holy Word. warn people about the incredibly deceptive “New revelation” never nullified nor super- teachings of the “new age.” From my own seded scripture. The Bereans were not im- experience I knew just how powerfully se- pressed by supernatural power and spiri- ductive the spirit world is and how appeal- tual experiences that had not been tested ing its false teachings can be. by the Word of God. They did not depend At the end of my book I warned that on signs and wonders and miracles. They Christian believers were becoming in- depended on the authority and reliability volved in some of these same teachings and and trustworthiness of Scripture: deceptions. Spiritual deception is not just something that happens to unbelievers. The All scripture is given by inspiration of apostle Paul went to great lengths to warn God, and is profitable for doctrine, for the Corinthians not to be deceived by a reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) “Jesus” that wasn’t Jesus Christ the Son of God, a spirit that wasn’t the Holy Spirit and Paul taught that if he or anyone else a gospel that was not the true biblical Gos- preached any other gospel — “new revela- pel (2 Corinthians 11:4). Throughout the tion” or otherwise — that person should be New Testament, believers are continually completely disregarded (Galatians 1:8). The warned not to be deceived by spiritual Bible warns over and over again that we teachings and experiences that are not from should not allow ourselves to be influenced God. Jesus Christ specifically warned his or intimidated by teachings that originate disciples that spiritual deception would be not from God but from the spirit world and a sign of the end (Matthew 24:3–4). from the hearts of men. “Now the Spirit Today it is very sad to see so many speaketh expressly, that in the latter times believers falling under the influence of the some shall depart from the faith, giving same spirit that influenced me when I was heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of in the “new age.” This spirit says that it is a devils” (1 Timothy 4:1). “Howbeit in vain time for “breakthroughs” and for the ful- do they worship me, teaching for doctrines fillment of our “destiny”; that there is some- the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7). thing “new” and exciting in the wind. This What had been called “new age” is teaching claims that we are in the midst of now being presented as “new gospel.” a great “transition” that will result in a These “new gospel” teachings are not new “paradigm shift,” and that through “new and have actually been around for centu- revelation” and “personal experience” God ries in one form or another. Whether it was Preface 5 ancient gnosticism, the occultic teachings of With “new revelation,” often accom- Helena Blavatsky (1831–1891) and Alice A. panied by direct personal spiritual experi- Bailey (1880–1949), or the present day “new ence, people are being taught that because gospel” channelings, the bottom line has they are a part of God they are actually “at- always been the same — everyone is a part one” with God and all creation. This “new of God. gospel” teaches when people have what is described as their “God potential” or Reinventing Jesus Christ “Christ within” supernaturally “activated,” they actually experience themselves as a According to the “new gospel,” Christ part of the “one body” of God which is all is not a person. It is an office. The “new mankind. As these same people unite and gospel” teaches that while Jesus of Nazareth join together in remembering and experi- occupied the office during His active min- encing their “oneness” with God and with istry, He no longer holds that same posi- each other, they feel they are doing the tion. Today the office of “Christ” is occu- “work” that is necessary to prepare the way pied by someone else. And this “someone for Christ’s return. else” is presently in the process of establish- ing contact with humanity. This “Christ” The need for discernment intimates that he is already in the world awaiting mankind’s call. Unfortunately, undiscerning Christian Concerned that humanity is in peril leaders have not adequately exposed these and facing possibly extinction, this “Christ” “new gospel” teachings and, as a result, the explains that his “new gospel” will unify spirit behind the “new gospel” has entered the world’s major religions and bring peace the Church. to the world. He has communicated these The Bible warns us not to be ignorant “new gospel” teachings to his designated of our adversary’s schemes and devices so teachers, who in turn are now conveying that we will not fall prey to his deceptive these same teachings to the rest of the traps (“Lest Satan should get an advantage world. of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” This “reinvented” Christ of the “new 2 Corinthians 2:11). Scripture also tells us gospel” teaches that all of humanity is the that while “it is a shame” we even have to body of Christ. He, as the “Christ,” is the talk about these things, it is important that head. This “Christ” states humanity’s di- we expose them and bring them to the light lemma is that we have forgotten who we (Ephesians 5:11–13). are. We are not “sinners” separate from Because of my own involvement with God. We are all part of the one body of “new age/new gospel” teachings, and in Christ and the one body of God. Salvation light of the many Scriptures warning us not does not come by grace from accepting Jesus to be deceived and urging us to expose de- Christ as the Son of God. Rather it is achieved ception, I will attempt to update believers — when we accept ourselves as Christ and on the accelerated spiritual deception that when we accept ourselves as God. has been taking place. Hopefully, by pro- The “new gospel” teaches that when viding a general survey of this “new gos- humanity collectively accepts and experi- pel” deception, believers will be more dis- ences itself as being a part of Christ and a cerning when — in the form of prophetic part of God, we not only save ourselves, we “new revelations” — these same teachings save our world. The “Christ” of the “new try to move into their lives and into their gospel” warns that the hour is late. Peace churches. must come. He will help. He has a plan. But everyone must play their part. 6 Reinventing Jesus Christ Introduction I marvel that ye are so soon removed from lions of well-intentioned people around the him that called you into the grace of Christ world. Through his extraordinary use of the unto another gospel: Which is not another; mass media, this “Christ” has presented his but there be some that trouble you, and “new gospel” through a small but power- would pervert the gospel of Christ. ful network of key people who enthusiasti- cally proclaim his teachings. Convinced —Galatians 1:6-7 their “Christ” is the true Christ, most of those in the network seem to be unaware There is an amazing thing happening in the of his real identity. While the network front land.