EPM 15526 Mapoon Annual Report & Final Report For the period ended 6 November 2010

Holder: Matilda Zircon Ltd Submitted by: Matilda Zircon Ltd Author: Steve Milner, Simon Coxell Collator: Steve Quinn

Date: 4 January 2011


PO Box 8116, Subiaco East, WA 6008 Phone: (08) 6389 6400 Facsimile: (08) 6389 6410

Distribution: Department of Mines & Energy Matilda Zircon Ltd Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd

EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010


1. Summary 4

2. Introduction 4

3. Cultural Heritage 7

4. Historical exploration 8

5. Geology and Geomorphology 9

6. Exploration completed 2007 - 2010 12 6.1 Discussion 13 6.2 Shell auger drilling 13 6.3 Heavy mineral analyses 15 6.4 Modal analyses of HM 15

7. Gap analysis study 17

8. References 18

APPENDIX I – Historical sampling Pennefather 19 APPENDIX II – Shell auger drilling logs 21 APPENDIX III – HM results 27 APPENDIX IV – Modal analyses of HM samples 30 APPENDIX V – Gap analysis study 33


Figure 1 – EPM15526 location map 7 Figure 2 - Targets EPM15525 and 15526, Cape York 12 Figure 3 – Sample traverses EPM15525 and EPM15526 14 Figure 4 – South Mapoon (EPM 15526) Shell Auger 16


Cape York, Weipa, Pennefather River, Janie Creek, Mapoon, Cullen Point, Flinders Camp, shell auger drilling, heavy mineral analysis, modal analysis, zircon, rutile, ilmenite, heavy minerals, gap analysis study.

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010


1. Subject to 2, the tenure holder acknowledges that this report, including the material, information and data incorporated in it, has been made under the direction or control of the State of Queensland (the State) within the meaning of section 176 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwth). 2. To the extent that copyright in any material included in this Report is not owned by the State, the tenure holder warrants that it has full legal right and authority to grant, and does hereby grant, to the State, subject to any confidentiality obligation undertaken by the State, the right to do (including to authorise any other person to do) any act in the copyright, including to:  use  reproduce  publish  communicate in electronic form to the public, such material, including any data and information included in the material 3. Without limiting the scope of 1 and 2 above, the tenure holder warrants that all relevant authorisations and consents have been obtained for all acts referred to in 1 and 2 above, to ensure that the doing of any of the acts is not unauthorised within the meaning of section 29(6) of the Copyright Act (Cwth).

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010

1. Summary

This annual report covers the third year of activities completed on EPM15526 situated near Mapoon, and approximately 50km north of Weipa, Cape York.

Desktop studies were carried out on the results of previous years exploration programs to determine if the mineralisation would support further expenditure.

The final report is an analysis of the previous exploration activities on EPM 15526. Exploration carried out includes shell auger drilling, heavy mineral analyses, and modal analyses of heavy mineral samples, reconnaissance and review of previous work.

The shell auger drilling programme in 2007-2008 showed that the north-south trending sand ridge between Janie Creek and Pennefather River to be complex geologically comprising different coloured sandy units thought to dip westwards.

Low grade mineralisation was located in several holes. On the eastern end of the southern-most line very low grade mineralisation was located over 125m width, where the heavy mineral suite is iron oxide free, comprising about 25% rutile and 18% zircon. This mineralisation is too low grade to be considered of economic interest. At this stage it is of geological interest only.

2. Introduction

EPM15526 was granted to Matilda Minerals Ltd (―Matilda‖) on 7th November 2007.

In September 2008 Matilda Minerals was placed into receivership due to cash flow problems associated with their Tiwi Island Project.

In July 2009 Olympia Resources (now renamed Matilda Zircon Limited) purchased the assets of Matilda Minerals which included all of the granted and ungranted tenements of Matilda Minerals in the Cape York region of Queensland.

The EPM runs from the Pennefather River in the south to Cullen Point, 6km north of Mapoon. The EPM is effectively split into two sections by Janie Creek.

Access to the section north of Janie Creek is comparatively straight forward using bush tracks running westwards out of Mapoon townsite.

Access to the southern section is more difficult with only one track into the EPM. This starts approximately 13.5km south of Mapoon from the main tarmac road and runs almost due west onto the EPM. The track is the access to Flinders Camp [map ref 583486547], but is only passable from about the middle of the dry season due to a bad creek crossing approximately 5.6km west of the main road. The creek

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010 would require a large culvert to allow better access in the dry season. The access track runs across a prominent stretch of sand and then tracks running north for approximately 2km and south for approximately 6km give reasonable, but limited access. The country on the east side of the sand ridge is fairly open and access is possible with care, although there are no defined tracks.

Access to the coastal section is by boat from Janie Creek or the Pennefather River mouth.

In the area between Pennefather River and Janie Creek, the EPM comprises four distinctive NNE to SSW-trending geographical areas. From the west these are:

1. Coastal sand dunes – 400m to 600m wide, comprising loose, often shelly sand – Holocene-age 2. Swamp – back dune coastal swamps up to 1km wide 3. Sand ridge – Pleistocene-age: 600m to 1.5km wide, comprising white to orange sand and covered by a mix of open woodland and very thick turkey bush or ―meendy‖ 4. Open savannah leading east to Janie Creek and Turtle Creek, a tributary of the Pennefather River. This area is generally sandy and includes small areas of lateritic (bauxitic?) material.

Matilda has agreed with the Traditional Owners and DOGIT trustees not to explore in the areas north of Janie Creek and the coastal dunes and swamps between Janie Creek and Pennefather River, for cultural and environmental reasons.

Tenement Owner Date granted Blocks No.

EPM15526 Matilda Minerals Ltd 7th November 2007 47 ABN 31 103 651 538

Block Identification Map: MITC & TORR Block Number Sub-blocks MITC 46 k, o, p, t, u, x, y, z MITC 47 a, b, f, g, l MITC 118 c, d, e, g, h, j, m, n, o, q, r, s, v, w, x MITC 189 k, p, t, u MITC 190 a, b, f, g, l, m, q TORR 3431 n, o, p, r, s, t, v, w

EPM15526 occurs on the Pennefather River [sheet 7273] and Mapoon [sheet 7274] 1:100,000 topographic survey maps, part of 1:250,000 map SD54-3 Weipa Special and 1:250,000 map SC54-15 respectively.

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The Pleistocene-age sand ridge from Pennefather River to Janie Creek is 18km long and presents a heavy mineral target.

EPM15526 is prospective for zircon-rutile mineral sand deposits. These minerals were first identified in the area in the 1950s by Enterprise Exploration whilst conducting a search for mineral sand along the Cape York coastline. A small deposit was found at Urquhart Point, 4km south-west of Weipa.

The Program of Works for EPM15525 in years 1 to 3 comprises the following:

 Data compilation and review  Hand auger sampling  Geological mapping  Geophysical survey  Aircore drilling

Exploration activities carried out by Matilda during the reporting period include: review of historical exploration; cultural heritage; shell auger drilling; and mineralogy. The Program of Works has been complied with for Year 1.

An environmental gap analysis study was undertaken for Matilda’s mineral sand tenements in the Weipa area.

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Figure 1 – EPM15526 location map

3. Cultural Heritage

An archaeological and cultural heritage survey of part of EPM15526 was carried out in the central part of the sand ridge target area between Janie Creek and Pennefather River, sufficient to allow first pass augering to be completed.

The survey comprised walking selected traverses across the sand ridge primarily searching for ―marked‖ trees: none were located.

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4. Historical exploration

As far as Matilda can determine, there has been no systematic mineral sand exploration carried out in what is now EPM15526.

A.M. & S. Co., under Authority to Prospect No. 37M, in November 1956 carried out a scintillometer survey along the coast using a helicopter. This survey covered the dune sands along the coast from Skardon River, north of Port Musgrave to just south of . Some anomalies were indicated during the survey and a more detailed scintillometer was planned for 1957.

In 1957, the second scintillometer survey was carried out by P.G. Miller, locating a number of points at which higher than normal radioactivity occurred. Approximately 1,050 miles of traversing was completed at a height of from 40 feet to 100 feet above the ground.

In 1958 areas of interest were examined on the ground and some sampling was carried out. Results of this work are covered by a short report by W.N. Lindhe and a report by Titanium and Zirconium Industries dated 30/7/60 on the results of their inspection of the samples submitted.

A number of samples were collected from the Pennefather River: SS6EE – SS11EE. Samples SS7EE and SS10EE appear to fall into what is now EPM15526. It appears that this sampling failed to identify any significant mineralisation (see Appendix I).

The volume ―Beach Sand Heavy Mineral Deposits of Queensland‖ QDME Publication 302 (Connah, 1961), includes a table on page 28 as shown below:

The locations of the samples from Pennefather River and Port Musgrave are not known but are likely to be from within what is now EPM15526.

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4.1 Matilda Minerals Past Work 2008

In June of 2007 Matilda Minerals commenced a first pass reconnaissance of the identified strands located north of Mapoon (EPM 15525: Namaleeta Beach) and south of Mapoon (EPM 15526: Penny Father). A total of 8 traverses on nominal 2— 4 km spacings with holes 50 100 metres apart was completed, four south of Mapoon and four north of Mapoon with a total of 117 shell aircore holes completed for 309 metres. Hole depths ranged from 16metres. Visual estimates were made of every metre and approximately 50% of the samples were submitted to Western Geolab for TBE analysis.

A total of 131 samples were analysed with results ranging from 0.03% HM to 1.30% HM. The average of all the samples was 0.29% HM.

Modal analysis was completed on two samples (composites) which returned the following result.

Penny Bulk Number Nameeleta Father HS Ilmenite 0.9 0.0 Ilmenite Mag 1 10.5 10.5 Ilmenite Mag 2 4.8 16.0 Mag Leucoxene 4.1 4.8 Rutile 4.3 18.8 Non Mag Leucoxene 5.1 6.0 Zircon 5.8 18.5 Total VHM 35.5 74.6

The Namaleeta sample is from the modern shoreline while the Penny Father sample is from further inland. Clearly the zircon grades are not high and the HM% are also low.

5. Geology and Geomorphology

The area of the EPM is covered by two of the physiographic units recognised in the Weipa area: the Weipa Plateau and the Mapoon Plain. The third unit, the Merluna Plain, occurs further to the east.

The Weipa Plateau is a dissected plateau remnant of the Aurukun Surface of Doutch (1976), and rises from about 5m at the coast to about 50m along its eastern margin, with local variations being commonplace. The drainage pattern is dendritic, with sparsely distributed broad, shallow streams, and the major river

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010 valleys having been drowned at the coast, reflecting the Holocene rise in sea level. The plateau is underlain by Bulimba Formation and capped by resistant bauxite and aluminous laterite.

The Mapoon Plain is a narrow coastal plain comprising younger beach sand ridges (Qhm) backed by black soil plains and clay flats (Qac), with a few salt pan areas, which in turn are backed by an older set of sand ridges (Qpm).

The following stratigraphic table is taken from the Weipa 1:250,000 Geological Series Explanatory notes of 1977 issued by the BMR.

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6. Exploration completed 2007 - 2010

Target areas for mineral sand exploration are shown on Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Targets EPM15525 and 15526, Cape York

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6.1 Discussion

On-ground exploration activities within EPM during the 2008 reporting period comprised 50 shell auger drill holes; other activities include heavy mineral and modal analyses.

Low grade mineralisation (0.3% to 0.9% HM) was located in several holes. On the eastern end of the southern-most line very low grade mineralisation was located over 125m width, where the heavy mineral suite is iron oxide free, comprising about 25% rutile and 18% zircon. This mineralisation is too low grade to be considered of economic interest. At this stage it is of geological interest only.

6.2 Shell auger drilling

Fifty (50) shell auger holes were completed on four traverses across the Pleistocene sand ridge in the central part of the area between Janie Creek and Pennefather River (see figure 3).

The objective of this preliminary program was to determine the geological nature of the sand ridge, and determine what the likely heavy mineral suite is. Only four traverses were completed to see if it was worthwhile launching into a more comprehensive program involving an air core drilling rig.

Geologically the sand ridge was found to be a complex one, comprising many different sandy units possibly dipping to the west. Insufficient data were collected to define particular units with any accuracy.

All samples were panned on site and only selected samples (nominally >0.5%HM) were submitted for analysis.

Holes drilled were MSAC001 to MSAC050. The following samples were submitted:

Hole IDs Sample number MSAC001 – MSAC003 30021-30024 MSAC005 – MSAC018 30027-30069 MSAC043 – MSAC050 30191-30230

Note: samples from holes MSAC004, and MSAC019-MSAC042 not submitted due to panned samples estimated to be nominally <0.5%HM.

Drill logs are included as separate *.txt files on CD accompanying this report.

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Figure 3 – Sample traverses EPM15525 and EPM15526

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6.3 Heavy mineral analyses

Analytical work was carried out by Western Geolabs Pty Ltd of Perth, WA, using the following procedure (Mineral Sands Method: MS6):

 Split off approx 100-120g of dry drill sample (weight/record).  Attrition and deslime via 63um screen.  Dry and reweigh (+63um)  Screen off oversize at 1.00mm (weight + discard)  (Optional) Screen off trash product >500um (discard)  Static separation with TBE (2.96sg)  HM Sinks (wash + weigh)  Bagged for clients  Report contains: % O.S. (+1mm); % Slimes (-63um); % H.M. in sample

Heavy mineral results are appended (See Appendix III).

6.4 Modal analyses of HM

Ten samples were composited to make sample FL1 which was sent to Diamantina Laboratories in Perth for a modal analysis.

The modal analysis shows that 74.6% is valuable heavy mineral (―VHM‖), comprising 31.3% ilmenite (including magnetic leucoxene), 24.8% rutile (including non-magnetic leucoxene), and 18.5% zircon; the remainder predominantly comprising tourmaline (13%), aluminium silicates (5.3%), quartz (4.7%), minor goethite (1.1%) and chromite (0.6%). Although quartz is not a heavy mineral it can become entrained with other ―heavies‖ in the heavy liquid medium.

This suite of heavy minerals is quite promising as it could easily be upgraded to a predominantly rutile - zircon concentrate using a magnetic separator, however with a grade of less than 0.6% it is far from economic. If it was 10x greater, it would be considered economic.

Sample ID Sample numbers Av HM% FL1 30030; 30053; 30217-30220; 30223-30226 0.58

Sample No. HM% Sample No. HM% 30030 0.69 30223 0.57 30053 0.92 30224 0.77 30217 0.32 30225 0.61 30218 0.53 30226 0.63 30219 0.37 Average 0.58 30220 0.37

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Modal results are appended (see Appendix IV).

Figure 4: South Mapoon (EPM 15526) Shell Auger

Matilda Zircon completed a helicopter supported field trip to EPM 15525 and EPM 15526 and reviewed the previous results during the 2009 reporting period. It is concluded that little potential remains for the identification of any high grade mineral sand deposits analogous to the Tiwi Islands (+1 mt @ > 3% HM).

It is believed that the geomorphological processes operating on the Tiwi Islands were also operating at Cape York however the composition of the source rocks was significantly different.

On the Tiwi Islands the relatively flat lying Van Dieman Sandstone observed in many locations on the north coast of Melville Island to be sub outcropping and rich in heavy minerals is the source rock of the rich zircon and rutile dominanted mineral sand deposits observed at Goose Creek, Andranangoo, Radford Point, Lethbridge and Robinson East.

The interpreted underlying rocks at Cape York around the Mapoon (Old Mapoon) region are predominantly recorded as the Bulimna Formation described as a White to pale grey or reddish brown, poorly indurated, clayey quartzose to feldspathic sandstone which may be poorly sorted granule to pebble conglomerate and sandy claystone; commonly ferruginised.

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Further to the north in the vicinity of the Jardine River the underlying rocks are mapped as the Helby Beds and described as Early Cretaceous late Jurrasic aged Quartzose sandstone, conglomerate, interbedded micaceous carbonaceous siltstone.

The northern tip of Cape York north of Bamaga is principally composed of Carboniferous aged Torres Strait Volcanics comrising welded tuff, rhyolite, dellenite to dacite, minor siltstone and sandstone.

These underlying rocks do not appear to contain anomalous levels of heavy minerals and therefore are not ideal precursors to the formation of economic heavy mineral sand deposits, despite a geomorphological history likely to be condusive to the concentration and subsequent deposition of such deposits.

In the 2010 reporting period, a desktop study was undertaken to assess the results of previous exploration and assess the econopmic viability of the mineralisation within EPM 15526. The mineralisation is too low grade to be considered of economic interest and the decision has been made to relinquish EPM 15526.

7. Gap analysis study

URS Pty Ltd was requested by Matilda Minerals Ltd to prepare a gap analysis study covering five of its mineral sands tenements near Weipa Qld.

The study was designed to:

 document the existing biodiversity dataset on the study areas, including regional and site-specific data, with particular reference to issues listed under the Commonwealth and Queensland legislation (Section 4);  identify areas where data are considered insufficient to advance the environmental approvals process and recommend the methodologies required to obtain new data (Section 5); and  identify key regulatory authorities and legislative regimes applicable to the proposed project in order to provide a preliminary overview of likely regulatory environmental assessment requirements. (Section 6).

A copy of the report is attached (Appendix V).

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8. References

Connah, T.H., 1961. Beach Sands Heavy Mineral Deposits of Queensland. QDME, Publication No. 302.

Doutch, H.F., 1976. The Late Cainozoic Karumba Basin, and southern New Guinea. BMR J. Aust. Geol. Geophys., 1(2), 131-140.

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APPENDIX I – Historical sampling Pennefather River

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Plan of historical sampling in the Pennefather River

Diagram taken from Plan No X60/047 - Enterprise Exploration Co Pty Ltd

File CR515

No co-ordinates provided

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APPENDIX II – Shell auger drilling logs Note: complete collars, samples, metadata, and lithology data are included with data submitted to QDME as tab delimited files.

Collars data

Max Dataset Hole ID Easting Northing depth (m) FLINDERS MSAC001 584100 8654000 1 FLINDERS MSAC002 584000 8654000 1 FLINDERS MSAC003 584202 8654000 2 FLINDERS MSAC004 584282 8653990 1.5 FLINDERS MSAC005 586450 8659456 3.8 FLINDERS MSAC006 588410 8659226 1.4 FLINDERS MSAC007 588208 8659252 1.8 FLINDERS MSAC008 588000 8659272 1.8 FLINDERS MSAC009 587800 8659294 1.5 FLINDERS MSAC010 587585 8659324 1.7 FLINDERS MSAC011 587381 8659338 1.7 FLINDERS MSAC012 587177 8659366 1.6 FLINDERS MSAC013 586985 8659394 3 FLINDERS MSAC014 586884 8659408 6 FLINDERS MSAC015 586782 8659414 5.7 FLINDERS MSAC016 586653 8659430 3.8 FLINDERS MSAC017 586551 8659434 4 FLINDERS MSAC018 586358 8659466 1.5 FLINDERS MSAC019 585768 8658022 1 FLINDERS MSAC020 585860 8658012 3.3 FLINDERS MSAC021 585963 8658020 4.8 FLINDERS MSAC022 586070 8657998 6 FLINDERS MSAC023 586164 8658008 6 FLINDERS MSAC024 586270 8658000 6 FLINDERS MSAC025 586370 8658000 6 FLINDERS MSAC026 586470 8658005 4.4 FLINDERS MSAC027 586585 8658004 1.9 FLINDERS MSAC028 586685 8658002 1.7 FLINDERS MSAC029 584900 8656008 1.4 FLINDERS MSAC030 585003 8656002 3 FLINDERS MSAC031 585097 8656007 4.5 FLINDERS MSAC032 585205 8656006 6 FLINDERS MSAC033 585303 8655995 6 FLINDERS MSAC034 585403 8656010 6 FLINDERS MSAC035 585495 8656000 6 FLINDERS MSAC036 585610 8656003 6 FLINDERS MSAC037 585697 8655998 4.7

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FLINDERS MSAC038 585809 8655996 3 FLINDERS MSAC039 585910 8656004 2.5 FLINDERS MSAC040 586102 8656002 2.2 FLINDERS MSAC041 586302 8656000 2.3 FLINDERS MSAC042 586475 8656000 2.2 FLINDERS MSAC043 584210 8654000 2.5 FLINDERS MSAC044 584303 8654000 3.5 FLINDERS MSAC045 584398 8653990 6 FLINDERS MSAC046 584500 8654005 6 FLINDERS MSAC047 584620 8653975 6 FLINDERS MSAC048 584708 8653998 6 FLINDERS MSAC049 584833 8653996 6 FLINDERS MSAC050 584955 8654018 4.6

Samples data

Dataset Hole ID Sample From To FLINDERS MSAC001 30021 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC002 30022 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC003 30023 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC003 30024 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC004 30025 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC004 30026 1 1.5 FLINDERS MSAC005 30027 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC005 30028 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC005 30029 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC005 30030 3 3.8 FLINDERS MSAC006 30031 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC006 30032 1 1.4 FLINDERS MSAC007 30033 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC007 30034 1 1.8 FLINDERS MSAC008 30035 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC008 30036 1 1.8 FLINDERS MSAC009 30037 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC009 30038 1 1.5 FLINDERS MSAC010 30039 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC010 30040 1 1.7 FLINDERS MSAC011 30041 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC011 30042 1 1.7 FLINDERS MSAC012 30043 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC012 30044 1 1.6 FLINDERS MSAC013 30045 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC013 30046 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC013 30047 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC014 30048 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC014 30049 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC014 30050 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC014 30051 3 4

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FLINDERS MSAC014 30052 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC014 30053 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC015 30054 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC015 30055 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC015 30056 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC015 30057 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC015 30058 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC015 30059 5 5.7 FLINDERS MSAC016 30060 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC016 30061 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC016 30062 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC016 30063 3 3.8 FLINDERS MSAC017 30064 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC017 30065 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC017 30066 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC017 30067 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC018 30068 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC018 30069 1 1.5 FLINDERS MSAC019 30070 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC020 30071 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC020 30072 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC020 30073 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC020 30074 3 3.3 FLINDERS MSAC021 30075 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC021 30076 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC021 30077 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC021 30078 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC021 30079 4 4.8 FLINDERS MSAC022 30080 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC022 30081 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC022 30082 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC022 30083 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC022 30084 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC022 30085 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC023 30086 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC023 30087 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC023 30088 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC023 30089 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC023 30090 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC023 30091 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC024 30092 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC024 30093 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC024 30094 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC024 30095 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC024 30096 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC024 30097 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC025 30098 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC025 30099 1 2

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FLINDERS MSAC025 30100 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC025 30101 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC025 30102 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC025 30103 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC026 30104 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC026 30105 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC026 30106 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC026 30107 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC026 30108 4 4.4 FLINDERS MSAC027 30109 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC027 30110 1 1.9 FLINDERS MSAC028 30111 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC028 30112 1 1.7 FLINDERS MSAC029 30113 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC029 30114 1 1.4 FLINDERS MSAC030 30115 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC030 30116 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC030 30117 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC031 30118 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC031 30119 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC031 30120 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC031 30121 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC031 30122 4 4.5 FLINDERS MSAC032 30123 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC032 30124 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC032 30125 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC032 30126 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC032 30127 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC032 30128 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC033 30129 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC033 30130 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC033 30131 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC033 30132 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC033 30133 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC033 30134 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC034 30135 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC034 30136 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC034 30137 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC034 30138 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC034 30139 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC034 30140 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC035 30141 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC035 30142 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC035 30143 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC035 30144 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC035 30145 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC035 30146 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC036 30147 0 1

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FLINDERS MSAC036 30148 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC036 30149 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC036 30150 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC036 30151 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC036 30152 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC037 30153 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC037 30154 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC037 30155 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC037 30156 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC037 30157 4 4.7 FLINDERS MSAC038 30158 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC038 30159 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC038 30160 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC039 30161 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC039 30162 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC039 30163 2 2.5 FLINDERS MSAC040 30164 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC040 30165 1 2.2 FLINDERS MSAC041 30166 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC041 30167 1 2.3 FLINDERS MSAC042 30168 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC042 30169 1 2.2 FLINDERS MSAC043 30191 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC043 30192 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC043 30193 2 2.5 FLINDERS MSAC044 30194 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC044 30195 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC044 30196 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC044 30197 3 3.5 FLINDERS MSAC045 30198 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC045 30199 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC045 30200 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC045 30201 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC045 30202 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC045 30203 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC046 30204 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC046 30205 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC046 30206 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC046 30207 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC046 30208 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC046 30209 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC047 30210 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC047 30211 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC047 30212 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC047 30213 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC047 30214 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC047 30215 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC048 30216 0 1

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FLINDERS MSAC048 30217 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC048 30218 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC048 30219 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC048 30220 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC048 30221 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC049 30222 0 1 FLINDERS MSAC049 30223 1 2 FLINDERS MSAC049 30224 2 3 FLINDERS MSAC049 30225 3 4 FLINDERS MSAC049 30226 4 5 FLINDERS MSAC049 30227 5 6 FLINDERS MSAC050 30228 0 2 FLINDERS MSAC050 30229 2 4 FLINDERS MSAC050 30230 4 4.6

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010

APPENDIX III – HM results Note: these data are included in the tab delimited data files submitted to QDME.

ANALYSIS REPORT SHEET SAMPLE SAMPLE 1.00 +63um H.M. O.S. SLIMES H.M. NUMBER WEIGHT gms gms WT % % % 30021 108.45 0.96 105.34 0.15 0.89 1.98 0.14 30022 88.66 1.75 84.71 0.09 1.97 2.48 0.10 30023 97.42 0.86 95.11 0.10 0.88 1.49 0.10 30024 99.84 0.72 97.93 0.14 0.72 1.19 0.14 30027 108.33 1.56 105.19 0.25 1.44 1.46 0.23 30028 90.69 0.97 88.37 0.26 1.07 1.49 0.29 30029 97.42 1.45 94.78 0.43 1.49 1.22 0.44 30030 104.15 0.99 102.26 0.72 0.95 0.86 0.69 30031 95.01 0.69 90.22 0.18 0.73 4.32 0.19 30032 98.00 0.92 93.35 0.17 0.94 3.81 0.17 30033 99.65 0.47 95.72 0.24 0.47 3.47 0.24 30034 108.87 0.78 100.24 0.23 0.72 7.21 0.21 30035 96.33 1.75 90.63 0.14 1.82 4.10 0.15 30036 99.93 1.99 93.31 0.15 1.99 4.63 0.15 30037 82.76 1.60 73.41 0.11 1.93 9.36 0.13 30038 96.19 1.62 84.83 0.09 1.68 10.13 0.09 30039 102.18 1.84 94.24 0.19 1.80 5.97 0.19 30040 96.20 1.82 85.83 0.18 1.89 8.89 0.19 30041 102.90 1.01 98.15 0.20 0.98 3.63 0.19 30042 99.71 1.02 95.18 0.20 1.02 3.52 0.20 30043 93.66 0.73 89.60 0.16 0.78 3.56 0.17 30044 90.60 0.80 87.28 0.17 0.88 2.78 0.19 30045 100.09 0.35 97.62 0.13 0.35 2.12 0.13 30046 102.42 0.30 99.68 0.16 0.29 2.38 0.16 30047 96.70 0.32 95.28 0.18 0.33 1.14 0.19 30048 102.98 0.35 101.02 0.21 0.34 1.56 0.20 30049 94.27 0.16 93.09 0.30 0.17 1.08 0.32 30050 99.70 0.20 98.51 0.30 0.20 0.99 0.30 30051 103.00 0.13 101.70 0.21 0.13 1.14 0.20 30052 94.28 0.13 93.59 0.29 0.14 0.59 0.31 30053 99.55 0.65 98.46 0.92 0.65 0.44 0.92 30054 99.97 0.26 98.15 0.17 0.26 1.56 0.17 30055 98.31 0.20 96.24 0.18 0.20 1.90 0.18 30056 99.14 0.15 98.33 0.17 0.15 0.67 0.17

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30057 91.58 0.05 90.99 0.22 0.05 0.59 0.24 30058 103.82 0.06 103.20 0.35 0.06 0.54 0.34 30059 105.80 0.49 104.29 0.33 0.46 0.96 0.31 30060 98.36 0.13 96.67 0.16 0.13 1.59 0.16 30061 92.40 0.12 90.36 0.18 0.13 2.08 0.19 30062 106.94 0.08 102.96 0.22 0.07 3.65 0.21 30063 87.98 0.09 86.73 0.25 0.10 1.32 0.28 30064 94.00 0.37 92.41 0.16 0.39 1.30 0.17 30065 102.05 0.29 99.20 0.24 0.28 2.51 0.24 30066 104.18 1.10 102.14 0.38 1.06 0.90 0.36 30067 102.44 0.53 101.01 0.28 0.52 0.88 0.27 30068 97.54 1.10 94.91 0.12 1.13 1.57 0.12 30069 103.56 1.56 100.00 0.16 1.51 1.93 0.15 30191 102.35 0.54 100.80 0.10 0.53 0.99 0.10 30192 98.32 0.52 94.79 0.12 0.53 3.06 0.12 30193 105.88 0.49 103.13 0.21 0.46 2.13 0.20 30194 104.35 0.41 102.50 0.15 0.39 1.38 0.14 30195 105.19 0.39 101.76 0.18 0.37 2.89 0.17 30196 96.03 0.21 93.99 0.20 0.22 1.91 0.21 30197 102.65 0.07 101.23 0.21 0.07 1.32 0.20 30198 95.68 0.13 94.37 0.20 0.14 1.23 0.21 30199 104.56 0.08 102.97 0.28 0.08 1.44 0.27 30200 106.53 0.06 105.10 0.36 0.06 1.29 0.34 30201 100.08 0.09 98.93 0.32 0.09 1.06 0.32 30202 100.58 0.06 99.84 0.31 0.06 0.68 0.31 30203 91.16 0.10 90.49 0.39 0.11 0.63 0.43 30204 107.11 0.21 105.30 0.19 0.20 1.49 0.18 30205 103.46 0.14 101.54 0.27 0.14 1.72 0.26 30206 103.08 0.08 101.85 0.27 0.08 1.12 0.26 30207 101.83 0.03 101.18 0.36 0.03 0.61 0.35 30208 101.35 0.04 100.68 0.34 0.04 0.62 0.34 30209 98.99 0.05 98.42 0.39 0.05 0.53 0.39 30210 105.91 0.66 103.11 0.14 0.62 2.02 0.13 30211 103.12 0.31 101.43 0.17 0.30 1.34 0.16 30212 104.42 0.26 101.33 0.24 0.25 2.71 0.23 30213 102.76 0.16 99.78 0.30 0.16 2.74 0.29 30214 108.10 0.31 107.04 0.38 0.29 0.69 0.35 30215 102.48 2.10 97.38 0.09 2.05 2.93 0.09 30216 98.28 0.36 94.76 0.18 0.37 3.22 0.18 30217 106.36 0.19 104.96 0.34 0.18 1.14 0.32 30218 93.79 0.10 92.39 0.50 0.11 1.39 0.53 30219 102.60 0.06 101.52 0.38 0.06 0.99 0.37 30220 102.20 0.27 101.31 0.38 0.26 0.61 0.37

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30221 105.76 1.01 104.06 0.21 0.95 0.65 0.20 30222 100.62 0.51 98.27 0.32 0.51 1.83 0.32 30223 96.76 0.17 94.26 0.55 0.18 2.41 0.57 30224 97.26 0.21 95.68 0.75 0.22 1.41 0.77 30225 97.62 0.38 96.29 0.60 0.39 0.97 0.61 30226 94.53 1.34 92.67 0.60 1.42 0.55 0.63 30227 94.27 9.18 84.12 0.22 9.74 1.03 0.23 30228 96.26 0.82 93.80 0.15 0.85 1.70 0.16 30229 98.45 1.49 95.06 0.21 1.51 1.93 0.21 30230 95.19 10.79 83.12 0.11 11.34 1.34 0.12

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010

APPENDIX IV – Modal analyses of HM samples

TO: MATILDA MINERALS FROM: DIAMANTINA LABORATORIES JOB:MMD3183 Bulk Number FL1 Initial Weight (g) 5.32 >0.4mm HS 0 1st Mag 10.7 2ND Mag 38.5 Non Mag 46.2 Non Mags Qtz 4.5 Total Weight % 99.9


Zircon Product 39.7 Zircon 39.7 Rutile Product 48.3 Rutile 38.1 Anatase 5.7 Leucoxene 4.5 Pseudo Rutile Altered Ilmenite Others 12 Monazite Pyroxene Tourmaline 0.2 Topaz Kyanite 0.2 Andalusite 11 Sillimanite 0.2 Spinel Epidote Garnet Goethite Quartz 0.4 Others


Total 100

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Ilmenite Product 98.3 Ilmenite Alt.Ilmenite 3.4 Pseudo Rutile 94.9 Leucoxene Anatase Rutile Others 1.7 Chromite 0.4 Goethite 0.3 Hematite Ilmenite/Hematite Zircon Other 1


Total 100


Ilmenite Product 41.6 Ilmenite Altered Ilmenite 0.8 Pseudo Rutile 40.8 Leucoxene 12.4 Leucoxene 12.4 Rutile Product 6.5 Anatase 3.4 Rutile 3.1 Zircon Product 0.4 Zircon 0.4 Others 39.1 Chromite 1.4 Goethite 2.9 Monazite Tourmaline 33.7 Topaz Staurolite 0.4 Kyanite Andalusite

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010

Sillimanite Hematite Garnet Pyrite+Qtz 0.4 Epidote Quartz Others 0.3


Total 100

Bulk Number FL1

HS Ilmenite 0.0 Ilmenite Mag 1 10.5 Ilmenite Mag 2 16.0 Mag Leucoxene 4.8 Rutile 18.8 Non Mag Leucoxene 6.0

Zircon 18.5

Total VHM 74.6

Non Mag Oth 10.1

Topaz (3.5) 0.0 Kyanite (3.4) 0.1 Andalusite (3.2) 5.1 Sillimanite (3.2) 0.1 Quartz (2.65) 4.7 NM Gangue (3.5) 0.1

Mag Oth 15.3

Monazite (5.0) 0.0 Chromite (5.0) 0.6 Hematite (5.0) 0.0 Goethite (4.0) 1.1 Staurolite (3.8) 0.2 Tourmaline (3.2) 13.0 Aggregates (3.3) 0.0 Mag Gangue (3.5) 0.4

>0.4mm Aggregates 0.0

Grand Total 100.0

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EPM15526, Mapoon, Cape York, Queensland – Annual and Final Report November 2010

APPENDIX V – Gap analysis study

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