


By John Hardy and Hermann Gucinski

THE STRATOSPHERIC , at an alti- As a result of stratospheric ozone depletion, tude between 10 and 50 kin, shields the from UV-B radiation is likely to increase over the next few biologically damaging solar radiation in decades. In the sea, the amount of radiation reaching the 280-320nm wavelength range (UV-B). Chlof any given depth depends on the total amount reach- ofluorocarbons ICFCs), used in , foam ing the sea surface (largely a function of latitude, production, cans and , and halons season, time of day and cloudiness), the degree of The greatest used in fire extinguishers escape into the lower sea-surface roughness (which determines the amount atmosphere and migrate to the . There reflected back into space), and the scattering and depletions have been they destroy the ozone layer by photochemically absorption within the column. In clear ocean observed in the austral catalyzing the conversion of ozone (O 0 to water UV-B radiation is reduced to 1% of the surface (0~). level at a deplh of about 28m while in productive spring in , -Global decreases in stratospheric ozone have been coastal the 1% level may occur at only 1 or where depletions have observed in recent years I Watson, 1988). Decreases 2m (Baker and Smith, 1982). By contrast, visible in the northern hemisphere between 1969 and 1986 light will be attenuated to the same 1% level at a reached 50%. averaged 0 to 1.9% in summer and 2.3 to 6.2% in depth of 100m in clear oceans, and 15m in more winter. In the southern hemisphere depletions be- turbid coastal waters. tween 1978 and 1987 ranged from 2 to 10.6%, Increased UV-B radiation has been shown to have depending on latitude. The greatest depletions have a variety or" deleterious effects on both individual been observed in the austral spring in Antarctica, marine organisms and simulated (mesocosm) marine where depletions have reached 50~2/-. The Montreal ecosystems (Worrest, 1986). Models predict that Protocol took effect in 1988 and was intended to tropical organisms, currently receiving the largest reduce the production of CFCs 50% by 1999 doses of UV radiation, will receive a small percent- (Crawford, 1987), There is a growing consensus for age increase, while boreal organisms, currently re- further reductions, and recommendations of the re- ceiving much lower UV doses, will receive much cent Helsinki Declaration (UNEP, 1989) call for larger percentage increases. Whether or not tropical international cooperation for a total elimination of or boreal organisms will be able to adapt to the halon and CFC production as soon as possible, but no predicted increases remains uncertain. later than 2000. This report will focus on possible effects on Because of the long residence time of different marine organislns of a 16% reduction in strato- CFC compounds in the atlnosphere 18 to 380 years). spheric ozone fi'om pre-1970 levels and identify decreases in total stratospheric ozone are expected to major uncertainties. The 16% case is representative continue into the middle of the next century despite of mid-latitude changes which may occur by 2060. the treaties. Models indicate that an additional global Effects of UV-B Radiation on Marine Organisms average ozone depletion of 2 to 4~ (depending on UV-B is damaging to many biological processes different trace gas emission scenarios) will occur by (Jagger, 1985), and shorter wavelengths are gen- the year 2060 (Hoffman and Gibbs, 1988). Out erally more damaging than longer wavelengths. analysis suggests that, if the projected decline occurs Therefore, the biologically effective irradiance is with a pattern similar to that of the past, then total estimated by applying a biological action spectrum decline (1969-2060) at some southern latitudes may where effectiveness is measured as wavelength- reach more than 16% (averaged over seasons). At specific DNA damage or loss in productivity northern latitudes (53 to 64 °), winter depletion would (Caldwell et al., 1986). The UV- B downward spec- be at least 14% (U.S. EPA, 1988). tral in'adiance over all angles of the sun during a day is then integrated to obtain the daily biologically John Hardy, Huxley ColLegeof Environmental Studie,s,Western effective dose at depth (Smith and Baker, 1989). Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225, and Hermann Gucinski. NSI Technology Services Inc.. 200 SW 35th St. , Estimates of the dose of biologically damaging Corvallis, OR 97333. UV radiation received by marine organisms involve


20% decrease in primary productivity SE Pacific populations 24 1 24 Behrenfeld, 1989

10% decrease in primary productivity Pooled data on seven 58 1 58 Worrest et al.. 1981 species

Phytoplankton 27% decrease in Natural population primary productivity2 in field 25 1 28 Lorenzen, 1979

Alteration in community species composition Model of seven species 50 1 150 Worrest et al.. 1981

Acartia sp. 14 9 125 Dey et al.. 1988 Pseodocalanus spp. 16 6 95 Damkaer etaL, 1980,1981 Shrimp and Euphausiid larvae 22 4 85 Damkaer and Dey, 1983 Significant decrease Corycaeus anglicus 23 6 140 Zooplankton in survival Epilabidocera Iongipedata 27 5 135 Crab zoea 36 6 215 Euphauslld adults 36 6 215 Calanus pacificus 41 7 285

44% reduction in Copepod fecundity Acartia clausii 10 25 to 50 Karanas et. al, 1981

3 to 15% decrease Seagrass in primary production 3 Halodule wrighti~ ? 300 Trocine et al., 1981

Benthos 100% mortality Coral 19 ? Scelfo. 1984

47% decrease in Kelp growth Ecklonia radiata 13 85 1105 , 1987

20% decrease in growth Fish (larval length) Northern anchovy 51 12 616 Hunter etal., 1981

50% mortahty Northern anchovy 50 12 605 Hunter et al.. 1981

1Increase above ambient, DNA effective normalized to 280nm 2Based on measurement of increase when ambient UV-B is excluded -~Our estimate based on converbng PI to DNA action spectra

Tahle I • Effects o/" UI -B Radiation on Marine Or,~,,an/sms considerable uncertainty tSmith and Baker, 1989). a wide variety of organisms, exposure conditions and Uncertainties result from limitations in instrument locations all suggest that an increase in daily UV-B sensitivity, changes in sea state (suliitce reflectance) dose of 30 (SD+IS) JD~,x in--' can be expected to have and cloud conditions. A general paucity of data on a variety of negative impacts (Table 1). In this paper, the effects of UV radiation on organisms, including data have been weighted by a DNA action their vertical distribution and movements within the spectrum (Caldwell etal., 1986) and, where possible, water column, further complicates the picture they have been normalized to 280nm. (Voytek, 1989). Also, the use of different exposure Phytoplankton: The effects of stratospheric ozone methodologies, action spectra and end points (dam- depletion on primary productivity are discussed in age functions) for effects, makes comparing the some detail elsewhere in this issue (Smith and Baker, results of different stcldies difficult. 1989). Effects of UV-B radiation on phytoplankton Predicting biological effects over the wide range occur in response to radiation doses similar to those of seasons, latitudes, water types and ozone deple- which are effective for other marine organisms (i.e. tions is beyond the scope of this paper. However, for 24 to 50 JD~,am -~d ~) (Table 1 ). However, consider- clear water at mid-latitudes in summer, a 16~/c ozone able uncertainty remains in extrapolating from short- depletion would result in additional daily UV-B term measured effects on isolated populations to irradiances of about 45 JD', \ me at the surface (a 479~ large scale planktonic ecosystems. This is in part increase) and 31 J~,\ ~ in-' at a depth of I meter( U.S. exacerbated by our poor knowledge of long-term EPA, 1988h What would be the effect of such an responses of populations to UV-B increases (Jokiel increase on marine organisms? Currently avaihible and York, 1984). The possibility remains that nega- data suggest that a variety of marine organisms are tive effects of UV radiation could be enhanced in the impacted significantly by very similar doses of in- presence of other stressors or reduced through creased UV-B radiation and that a reasonable esti- pigmentation or other protective mechanisms (U.S. mate of effects, at least on individual organisms, can EPA, 1988). Little is known regarding the rate at be made. In fact, seventeen measurements spanning which phytoplankton could adapt (if at all) to in-

OCE,\NO(IRAPI I',',NOVL:Mt3 ER • I cl8~ | 9 creases in UV-B radiation that may occur over the LIV-B radiation near the surface could negatively next decade, or the degree to which phytoplankton impact the reproductive potential of some of our species composition may change as a result. most valuable marine , including tuna, Zooplankton: In response to a 16% ozone reduc- pollock, cod, halibut and flounder. tion, marine zooplankton (depending on their sea- An increase in UV-B dose of about 50 JDNA nl--' sonal occurrence and depth distribution) could be d -~ is sufficient to greatly reduce the growth and sur- significantly impacted by UV-B radiation. The pre- vival of larval anchovy (Table 1). In Oregon, an- dicted increase in daily UV-B irradiance within the chovy larvae occur coincident with high radiation upper I to 2m (30 to 45 J~,x,x m -') would exceed the levels between June and August, with a peak in July daily dose found to cause a significant reduction in (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). Since virtually all surv ival of most zooplankton species examined (Table anchovy larvae in tile northern California, Oregon 1). and Washington shelf area occur within the upper Marine zooplankton exhibit a threshold UV-B 0.5m, a 16% ozone reduction from pre-1970 levels dose rate. Below this threshold little or no damage could be expected to lead to large increases in larval occurs and photorepair mechanisms, activated by mortality (Chapman and Hardy. 1988). In the Ant- longer wavelength UV-A and visible light, minimize , the eggs and larvae of fish and krill are found effects (Dey etal.. 1988). near tile surface during the ozone hole season (Voytek, Larval shrimp (Pamlahts plao'ceros) exhibit a 1989). mortality threshold of 22 Jm, x m-2 day ~ (DNA Evidence indicates that increased UV-B irradi- weighted 3 hr day ~ exposure) (Damkaer and Dey, ance could also result in losses through indi- 1983). In mid-latitudes this threshold is close to the rect effects on the planktonic web. Several currently modeled dose near tile surface of the sea ill authors have suggested that fishery yield increases in I ncreased UV-B spring, but is exceeded during the longer days of a power law fashion with increases in primary pro- duction (Ryther, 1969: Oglesby 1977: Nixon, 1988). radiation has a very S U lllnle r. Adult euphausids (Thysanocssa raschii) have a Thus, assuming that fishery yields increase accord- real potential for threshold sensitivity to UV-B of 36 JDX.\m -" day *for ing to productivity raised to tile 1.55 power (Nixon, a similar 3-hr day ~ exposure (Damkaer and Dey, 1988), a 5% decrease in primary production (esti- significant impacts on 1983). These thresholds are higher than those pro- mated for a 16~ ozone depletion by Smith and marine ecosystems. duced by existing and anticipated ozone levels for Baker, 1980, and Worrest, 1983) will yield reduc- spring spawners, but well below the 150 JD~,,\ m-' tions in fish yield of approximately 6 to 99~. A 9% re- day ~possible at similar latitudes in July, even with- duction in fish yield, if it occurred on a global basis, out ozone depletion. would represent a loss of about 11 million tons offish Benthos: Shallow water benthic communities will per year. be affected by predicted increases in UV-B radiation. Risks and Uncertainties Rooted aquatic vegetation, such as sea grasses, are While current data suggest that predicted increases known to have widely differing UV-B sensitivity in UV-B radiation could have important negative (Trocine el aL, 1981 ). The growth of kelp (Eckhmia effects in the marine environment, at least within the radiata) decreased 63c/, , in response to an 80% in- upper I to 2 m, uncertainties regarding the magnitude crease in daily UV- B radiation (Wood, 1987 ). Tropi- of these effects remain large. Indirect effects may cal coral reefs, which depend on the viability of the occur in the form of altered patterns of predation, associated photosynthetic zooxanthellae (Jokiel, competition, diversity and trophic dynamics as spe- 1980), would be threatened by increased UV-B ra- cies resistant to UV-B radiation replace sensitive diation. Although several corals withstand UV-B species. The combined effects of direct Imortality radiation by producing UV screening compounds and fecundity) and indirect (food web) losses cannot (mycosporine-like amino acids) ( Dunlap el al.. 1986), as yet be predicted, nor have assessments been made many corals and associated fauna could be at risk of adaptive strategies or genetic selections that could from future increases in UV-B radiation. The in- minimize population or ecosystem effects. creased UV-B received by the Hawaiian coral In our opinion, elements of needed research in- (Montipr)ra vermtcosa) when transplanted fl'om 10 m clude: to 0.2 m depth resulted in 100c/c mortality, although • Defining accurate and appropriate biological action tho,,,e transplanted to 3m depth produced a UV screen- spectra f\w marinc spccics: ing compound and survived (Scelfo, 1984). • Determining dose-response relationships for a Fish: Anthropogenic stresses, including increased greater variety of phytoplankton, zooplankton, ich- UV-B radiation, are most likely to affect in thyoplankton and shallow water benthos, including two ways--through sublethal or lethal effects on fish coral reef and sea grass communities: eggs and larvae, and through effects on the food • Compiling detailed temporal and spatial distribu- chain upon which the larvae depend (Strickland el tion data for early stages to determine exposure: al., 1985 ~. The bulk of the world's marine harvest of • Gathering data on the mechanisms and ranges of fish, shellfish and crustaceans depends on species possible adaptation or genetic selection to increased that have eggs and larvae that occur at or near the sea UV-B radiation: surface (Hardy, 1982). Increasing intensities of • Initktting field studies that lead to a better under-

20 O('[= \ N()GRAPII'~ .\()VEMBER- I ~)~9 standing and application of findings: Karanas, J.J., R.C. Wol-resl and H.Van Dyke. 19k 1: Impact of UV- • Using field research and studies on individual B radiation on lhe fecundily of lhc copepod Acartia Hau,vit. Marlin' lhoht~y. (~5, 125-133. organisms to predici ecosystem-level effects on Lorcnzen, ('.J.. 1979: Llltra\iolei radiation and ph~top[ankton enhanced UV-B radialion. pholos,x nlhesi'< Limnol. ( h c,mo,W ., 2 4~ ~) j. I 117-1120. In conclusion, increased UV-B radiation has a Maugh. T.H., 11, 198(}: O/one deplelion wouM have dire effecls. very real potential for significant impacts on marine Sciem'c. 207, 394-395. ecosyslems. It would take decades to complete all the Nixon, S.W.. 19gg: Phy<,ical encrg 5 inputs and the comparative ecology of lake Lind I]l~ll*illCCcosystelllS, Litll#to]. ()( 'C{IIIO~I',, research necessary for a definitive assessment of the 33(4, pt 2L I(105-1025. overall long-lerm effects of stratospheric ozone Oglesby, R.T.. 1977: Relationships of fish yield Io lake depletion. However, a research program focusing on phyiolqankton Manchng crop. produclion and the m~tior uncertainties could, we believe, provide an morphoedaphic faclors. ,/. Fish. Rc.~. Board Can.. 34. assessment adequate for informed decision-making 2271-2279. Richardson. S.L. and W,G. Pearc), 1977: Coastal and ocean ic fish within five years. larvae in an area of upv+elling off Yaquina Bay. Oregon. Fi,sh. lhdi,. 75, 125-146. References Rylhcr. J.H., 1969: Pholos)nthesis alld fish production ii1 the sea. Baker. K.S. and R.C. Smith, 1982: Bio-oplical classification and Sc/cm'c.. IfV~. 72-76. model of nalural waters. Limmd Occam*yr.. 27f3). 500- Scell\~, G.M., 1984: The cflL~cts of solar ultraviolet radiation upon 509. a Ha,aaiian reef coral. AbMract. Annual Meeting of the Behrenl;21d, M., 1999: Prhnary productivity in tile socilheaM American Society of Zoologb, ts. Denver, Colorado. Pacific: el'lL~clof enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation. M.S. December 27-30. Amer Zo

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