Shame Spiral (or a probably-bad-stupid-nobody-will-ever-want-to-watch-it play about The Bachelor) by Ali Viterbi Contact: Leah Hamos The Gersh Agency 41 Madison Ave, 33rd Floor New York, NY 10010
[email protected] CHARACTERS THE PLAYWRIGHT: Ali THE CRYING VIRGIN: Lauren S, Lauren of S THE BIGSHOT HOTSHOT: Chris Harrison, Producer, @Bigshot, Frat Bro, Enthusiastic Bro, Man in Toga, Doctor THE KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR: Producer 2, @Knight, Romantic Bro, Woke Bro, Boyfriend, Bee Keeper, Father THE ASSHOLE: Youtube Jerk, Producer 3, Chad, Chadworth, @Asshole, Jerk Bro, Scared Bro, Roman Soldier, Southern Man THE SLUT: Lauren B, @Slut, Lady-in-Waiting THE WIFEY: Lauren P, @Wifey, Midwife, Sister, E-News THE DESPERATE MILF: Lauren D, @MILF, Cave Woman, Town Busy Body TIME AND PLACE The Present. America. On the Internet. In Reality. On TV. Somewhere in between. A NOTE ON LANGUAGE & STAGING On The Bachelor, the lead and his chosen winner get engaged in under ten weeks. Things happen FAST. This play should feel faster. Every transition should be lightening-quick. The internet is theatricalized onstage, and the audience should feel like they're falling faster and faster down an internet rabbit hole (or a shame spiral). When Lauren S announces her virginity on national television, the other characters get a taste of blood. Over the course of the play, they become more and more blood-hungry - until they ultimately devour her. The world should be Shiny and Perfect, until it isn't - until it's full of blood, and weird-smelling butts, and pubic hair.