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Amldon, Judge of the seld court, ana the seal thereof, at Fargo, in said district, on the Sth day of July, A, D 1917. i. A. MONTGOMERY. Clerk. News From World of Sport By B. R Steele, Deputy (Julv «. 1917.) The Fargo Forum Want Ad Page g«i State of North Dakota. County of - 4' Cass. ss. In District Court, Third Ju POSITION WANTED—MALE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. LOST—FOUND. diclal District. Want Ad Rates WINDSOR CLASSIC SETS * ST PII*HM*CIST—He*t of HOI skhiii D K'I HMTI HI: r ssle SJO»T—Tortoire Shell passes. H«*ur* 4 Fenwick H. Watkins. PlslntlfT. vs ItxKaW HEARi.W "PAT references. Address 176, Forum. cheap. 718 7th Ave. 8. to Anderson Optical Co. Thomas D. Miller, l^elitshin Miller Aad Rales <»o*emi»a I^etichia Miller, I^etiahea Miller, Th« Alt*rt^i*i I »Aer tke MR. TIIHKKIIKRMAS -Will you want FOR KALE—Household goods. 112S I.OST— A heavy gold signet ring. Ini­ •M SEW RECORD IN ENTRIES D. Miller. Samuel J Cooper. Benpie ( Unllnttoas. tials -H E. S " Finder please return Cooper. William H. Fuller. Henry 8 a firm cla^s engineer this year? If 3rd Ave, No, I'hone 979-W. ,.END OF SERVICE WONDER VERDICT Bark, D. E. Fuller, W. H Fuller, Jo- RATES. so. write Ralph Miller, Logansport, for reward to Forum office. *ei>hlne Fuller, Derius E. Fuller, E. S Oae Coat a Word oaofc I»- Ind , Route 8. V ANTED TO UUY—Twin baby csr i Seventy-five Nominations Msdo in <"ase, 3. E. Hall, C. H. Peake, Edgfr Sertlea. riage. Call S626-W, or 921 9th I.OST- A gray and white cameo pin- 11.AO per tlae per SMMitfc. At MEAT CllTTBR and all around Sr. S < Md-fi.shlor.ed mounting. Finder Frontier Handicap, Which Will S. Case, Joseph E. Hall, Charles H butcher, who Is capable to take full Pay Winner More Than $10,000. Peake, Terry Adams. Annie Dwisrht Mlilnna Charge 2ftr. pi'ase phone 2148. Reward. UN BALL WORLD Ji TWIN CITIES Tyler. Emma C. Tyler, Sarah Duryet. No clairvoyant, fortune teller, mat­ charge of shop wants steady position DOST BUY a phonograph until you Addresx Box 4$, Cavalier. N. Dak. LOST—casing and rim, Wednesday^ (By Associated Press.) Fannie R. Stone, Gertrude S. PecV rimonial or doubtful advertising ac­ see the Fargo Music Co.. 616 1st fharlrs L. Stone, Mar;. F. Bliss, A. 1- cepted. We reserve the right to re­ Ave. N. June 20. between \V_ahpeton Windsor, Ont., July 6.—With a ject any copy submitted. KXPKHT LISOTTPE MACHINIST — Abercrombie. Address Box T92. F*r- purse which probably will giv# the Smith, \nnie L. Smith, W. P. Porter Newspaper owners having any go, N. D. Giants' Leader Wili Not be Nearly 20 Years in Fast field, l assie V. Lough, Thomas Lough No display lines, cuts or black bor FOR SALE—Household goods for 4- winner more than $10,000, the Wind­ Mason Lough Aljce Lough, O. B ders will be under classifications typesetting machines that need over room cottage. Call evenings or Sun­ sor Jockey club's Frontier handicap and all ads must conform to the typo­ hauling or installing, write S. £•. Mi day* 20 7th Ave. No. LOST—Seven yearling colts, $ bays, 2 in Game Next Year, Company, and is Still t Forgj, M. F. Bliss and all persons Donald, care Forum. <»- at nine furlongs, to be run here July unknown claiming any estate or in graphical restrictions. dark brown, l roan grey. 1 r Advertisements must be ordered for SISGER Sewing Machine, good as Reward for Information. Notify H. Belief 14, will see in action some of the '.a Comer - j* terest in, or lien or encumbranie with MJn greatest three-year-olds up In the upon, the property described in the a definite number of Insertions. No FIRST CLASS ENGINEER new Price $16. Call evenings or J. Divine, Mapleton, N. D complaint herein. Defendants. "till forbid" copv will be Inserted nesota license, years of experience Sundays. 20 7th Ave. No. thoroughbred racing world. A new The work of Roy Patterson, for­ TELEPHONE YOUR WANT ADS— in threshing, can handle either end LOST—2000 mileage book, Northern record in nominations for the classic The State of North Dakota is the mer American league twirling king, above named Defendants: Want ads will be accepted over the of machine, gas or steam, wants po HOI SE FULL of furniture at sacrifice Pacific. Book has been "oulletlned by UNDER BAH was set when the foremost horsemen with Fargo-Moorhead in' 1915, since Vou are hereby summoned to an telephone from bona fide telephone sltlon. C. A. Townsend, I.ake Cit>. Munt leave town. Phone 11S8-W or railway as camelled. Liberal r<-» a a m of the country named a total of 75 Joining the Minneapolis club of the swer the complaint in the above en subscribers, but are payable the same Minn. cafl Flat * Bri"i»rtir«v fo^^M^nMuri^ ' o Mo . it- tu OF NEWSPAPERS horses. The nomination list includes American association some two titled action, whirh has been filed in day when our collector calls. This is ati a number of foreign-bred horses, weeks ago is furnishing twin city the office of -the Clerk of the District accommodation service and we expect I»RA

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