Thcmai. Oct. 12. -- For 'Frisco J Persia Maru. Oct. i: From Vancouver Niagara. Nor. 1. 'Edition For Vancouver Niagara, Oct II.

.. - .....'"PRIOR .FIVE-- -- CENTS Evening Bulletin, KsL HS2. No. GGo.1 14 rAUfcS ULLNULULU, XbKKllUISX Ul? HAWAII, VA.iVDmk 11, li'iu. a iau - Hawaiian Stat, Vol XXIV. No 7Mt uwiMi, fo)fnio)nif? wm A siyjuviJis s Boston's Third Triumph Is Won ARNOLD DilES i HUGHES VICTORY BAVARIAN TROOPS MAKE PASS ByMittingBrooklyn PikhersHard IS FORECAST BY AND CROSS BORDER; CREU OF

Two Brooklyn players in today's battle. Above Fred Merkle, ! I: KALAlllAVE. MAINLAND DRIFT ; who after being let go by New York has played a splendid first STILL MISSIS T ittSTONIAN - DODGERS' EARLY i base for . Below Nap 'Rocker, Brooklyn's veter- - ; an , called on in the closing .inoingr. .today. . : Swinging Toward Chairman of Road's Committee Sentiment Possible Traces Found of Men Who Left Steamer Off Nan- LOST WITH Republican Candidate, Frank IE3 Tells Supervisors impossiDie tucket After It Was Torpedoed By German Submarine Comments to Hasten Under Law C. Atherton Great Battle Raging for Possession of Lemberg With Only GARDNER'S HOLIER Getting --V CONTRACT TENTATIVE ADAMS0N EIGHT-HOU- R LAW Meager Details TILL AFTER HEARING IS PROVING BOOMERANG s U-:- Sox Infieldcr Brings in Three HKULIX. Cermany.Oct. 11. -- Following the y'u (oru-- by ' - .Mac-kenso- ii Tallies and Team is Never Conferences Have Been - Held Heard Huqhes Speak in Seattle tii'u. von Falkrnhayn jn Tnui!ylvania niul ilw. stnasli of ihj- voii Afterward Caught and Will Continue With Hope and Was Impressed With His triNiM in the lotnilja svtion. the Austro IJennan forwx takVn and invaded Earry Settlement Sincerity and Forcefulness wtvt of the Knmaniau Inmler Iav tin' initiative of iU-sj- inva- OLD GOES Hninania. An Overseas News Ap'tny h savs that the Siitiprvisor Arnold, of the Victory for Charles E. Hughes in The liavarian troons who raptured this IN WHEN OTHERS FAIL chairman sion has lieen well lamn hel. A 1LJ k committee on roads, at last night's November is foreseen by Frank C. Kotenthurtn pass from the Ktinianians after two davs of hot lighting kv board of supervisors, Atherton. who, with Mrs. Atherton meeting of the have pushed further south.grossed the liorrier and are euttin? their "Dutch" Leonard of.Hubville replied to an editorial In the morning and their children, returned on the today from an exterfued stay way inland. liOj Only f that dir. which asserted that Matsonia ' Gives Superba Sluggers d the board bad been postponing action on the Pacific coast. The pursuit of ihe..sti-on- Rumania u army, which was. heat en at Un- early fall with-i!- Five Hits; Marquard is on the Kalakaua avenue improvement Most of the summer and n'mtiune!. At this jmint the Teuton' troops are wtII i Mr.. Atherton spent In the Northwest, Kronstadt. steady, in Today's Game from one meeting to anotner. the eiirve of the Tiansy Ivan ian Alps which burrows into Uumauia He stated that the board had been particularly Seattle, where he heard proceeding with the matter, as fast as Mr. Hughes deliver an able, forceful in a long crescent. SCORE BY INNINGS and one which, he thinks, forces are operating, the Kuma 8 9 the law allowed.; The assessment. address In the Alt valley, where large 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 being advertised Arnold should impress the presidential candi-dat- p 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 hearing now ians have also leen defeateil. ttofUon ,..,..'..0 3 say, for Tuesday, upon thinking men. l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 went on to was set IJrooklyn ...... 2 02 17, one week from yester- The local impression that the SUMMARY.' October or day. VIth reference to the morning president Is ldsing support because - R. H. E. eight-hou- r for w -- supervisors of the Adamson bill t 10 1 demand that the House of Commons May Be Called Ronton ...... , Is oy Mr. contractor ; to proceed at railroad employes confirmed Urooklyn , 2 5 4 order the ...... once with the work, paving tne maaai Atherton, who $ays the bill is proving Hatteries: Boston Leonard 8 nd Rapid a boomerang for the administration. Che- side of, the avenue; while the to Debate Irish Conscripticz Carrigan. Brooklyn Marquard, Company is waiting for new . SnpaVine of nolitical conditions and ney, Meyer. Transit Rucker and rails to lay in the middle section, he prospects on the mainland, as viewed con- on the West Coast, he said this morni- Qt. 11. The House of fommons today is in " JWirelew) quoted the la to show mat tne LONDON, Kng., Uaaociated Prtii by Tin tract ran not be made until 30 days ng:-: ;...:.;:; thow of linage. Pre- BROOKLYN, N. Y Oct. 11. Boston nave session considering war problems, particularly after the assessment "shall have been . "It looks to me from what I vote motion for a new creditof 1300.- - hammered two Brooklyn out of a contract learned during my recent trip to the mier Asquith introduced for a flnally'roade," the matter ' - : -- ! box this . afternoon in the m with KM),ou(K I' of the M within that period being only tenta- states and concersatlon f. fourth game of the , and tive, so that the contractor can not manv oeoDle in all walks of life as i is expected that the question of government for Ireland will le a It Red Sox captured their third game . Hiiehpa w-a- calnmST the be forced to do anything ,untll that thniifrh in brought up for debatV There is a suggestion that conription will by' a. score of 6 to 2. Boston had the 1 strength dailv and had a spienaia time has elapsed. ' ; "breaks,' luck and punch at the fin- of of being our next president. be extended to Ireland , . Regarding the new phase the chance . " ;'".-- : ' L" Brooklyn pitchers were in be a close ..' '.'.: : ish, while matter Introduced by the letter of the I believe the election will . .;''.'r hot water at all times. contractor, Pacific Construction Com- one, but I' also believe that Hughes ', If you take a glance at the col- pany, and the reply of Manager Bal-lentyn- e. will win bv a fair majority. , tlaging West con Great Battle Now For score you will see that next . day having "PeoDle both East and umn in the box LARRY LARRUPED IT the letter go .Boston outhlt Brooklyn 2 to 1, and this been read at last previous meeting of cede that the Eastern states will . , cause the average fan to believe " the board Arnold said that the road decidedlv ReDubllcan. but that the will Boston'-.- . of Forts of been In almost dally close contest will be in Ohio, Indiana, Possession Lemt:: that Boston had by far the better committee had - pitching. ;Sox outhlt' Brooklyn. consultation ever since vith the attor. Illinois and a few of the more west- . The - '- "A- - - i - i ney'ff and" ag!irce,r:CT4rVttfV em: states, -' 1 rt'LriXl roNl'Knz.. Oct. ) l.Iatt-tieTfror- JTie'ifiia a tUtrUu. xno Jan vrin, 2b i .T.'. 1, 0 1 'Rapid Tran- "I learned that bettlne in New York , Brooklyn, but they Ciani: pw ra 10 so the contractor and the repulswL .' V ': ' 4 0 0 1 of Hushes, hian in flalieia have ; Walker, cf I & aolutlori Jjf the throa to one in favor attacks Im ' Company, find oi I aa. ever been played in world's sit to meager itt-p- of, the game Hoblitzel, lb 3 1 2 0 duflculty which should serve the pub- which will give some indication of the The greatest interest centers in a great name wnicn fetrks where the breaks 4 - vent against a team more than against Lewis, If 2 2 0 lic Interests in the best manner pos- war- - the wind is blowing. A promni- ts indicate is raging for the possession of !,emlerg. Tlie Knssians ' Gardner, 3b 4 1 1 ,2 meetings of ent New Yorker told me in San Fran- the Dodgers today.; i ; ; sible. There would be i..."uoaii;iv tlipir wnv in on this fortress and indications ur; 88 i "...... 4 0 0 & Fri- he left the East f,ril the Scott, the committee oh Thursday and cisco that just before surround and twmbarjl Kvery time a Boston' batter hhft Carrigan, c . 3 0 2 1 discus- he was at a cwnner party where Zi now that they are making a strong effort to -- day of this week, at which the ball to the outfield with the exception ' Ieonard, p .. 3 0 0 sion would be continued, with some men. were present . the city.-- . L 1 .; cf one occasion the ball hit safe. No on pol- or game hope of having some recommendations "Naturally the talk drifted to The Germans report that capture of the village lierQOlov, world series in the history of the 6 10 27 10 1 itics and one maii asked how . many contest where Totals ...... 34 to report at tne next meeting of the of IxMiiUTg. ' has ever, presented a Brooklyn - Wilson In 1912. Twenty of the southeast as board. '.';.'' voted for rne team secured the hreaks such AB R H POA E ave- the 21 raised their hands. Then he was hitting As to temporary repairs of the th Red Sox did today. . It Johnston, 4 1 0 1 nue, passable for traffic asked how many planned to vote for won, coupled with rf 10 to. make it in the pinches that Myers, cf ...... 4 1 0 0 until the permanent work was done, him this vear. and iust one raised his Cut -- of the game. 11 con Germans in West Front Salient C ihe breaks" Merkle,-l- b .: ... 3 0 1 10 Arnold stated that before the Adver- hand and lie was a Democratic . Brooklyn out- 10 In today's game the If 4 0 1 0 0 1 had reached of Us town sub- gressman. The belief Is expressed by out, while Wheat...... tiser all field had ono lone rut CuUhaw, 2b 4 0 1 0 scribers on 'iuesday morning a road many that the Adamson , elght-nou-r p.r.IM.IV The (Jermans in the salient reach- - - to 12 (leimanv. Oct. II. Brooklyn batters hit, eleven balls Mowrey, 3b 3" 0 0 1 3 0 gang .had began w ork In repairing the west have been captured by " town of A'ermandovillers. on the front, the outfield which were 0 2 3 0 tnorougniare. , (Continued .m naee two in" toward the guard Olson, ss 2.0 steadily cut their way on the Red Hose gentry, who the c '. . 3 0 0 11 0 1 ctit off by the French. Here the French out--j Meyers, ...... outer, garden. . Brooklyn pitchers Marquard, p 1 0 0 0 3 0 of German positions. ; . .. : was on ...... three sides the Uched ?'DutchM Leonard, who . , 1 0 0 0 0 0 today, on a Pfeffer URGES MARSHALL SUED the mound for . Boston Cheney, p 0 0 0 occasions. But they did 1 0 0 0 0 0 PIW! ruruber.of O'Mara ...... oil right place. Eleven Balkans not do It in the Rucker, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 British Make Progress in I Boston batters were sent to the bench Stengel 0 0 0 0 Q 0 only rla the route, while . 1 0 0 0 0 0 DELAY ON LOAN FOR DEBT HELD Getz ...... , a three Brooklyn batsmen fanned. SALONIKI, (Jrcei-e- Oct. 11. The Urilish have occupied rapa-lov- - When Boston needed a rim this aft- 2 5 27 12 4 east of the Struma river., ' -- Totals ...... 32 and Prosenik, two imiMrtaut twns ' rrnoon It was forthcoming, and Larry ... slash- ' Two miles south of Seres the Uritish mounteil tnKps are Gardner, w ho had hit a home V.f - ' ' J vW Batted for, Marquard in fourth. BE vainly attempting to spoiled hopes of, the III SI 13,000 ing their way against the llulgarians who are esterday. the . Batted for Cheney in seventh. ,5 ;ians of Flatbush when ho hi one of check them. ' ' , Ran for Meyers In ninth. uc- - Marquard's shoots over the center Batted for Rucker in ninth. On the Doiran front an enemy post near Krastalt has Un ..'field fence with two, men on bases. Score by Innings Says No Sound Reason in Plan Surety Company Claims Break- cessfullv raided. Home-ru- n. hitters hae been the down- Boston. 0301 1010 06 fall of Marquard in a world's eerles Brooklyn . .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 to Put Water Into Leaky water Builder Owes on 25 . came. J. Franklin Baker cf New York. Summary - nowv a Promissory Notes formerly of Philadelphia, has GAI'E PLAY BY PLAY Four runs and five hits off Mar- Reservoir Claim Day's Advances Good ival In , the Vermont French quard in tour innings. Two runs and al- two-hou- r Action collection of an .'tlcgger. ',' '. ; SHOWS 110 7 LEONARD three hits off Cheney in three innings. In a session of the loan for the - wondering govern leged $113,620.10 wa8 filed in of Brooklyn fans had been No runs and one hit off Rucker in two fund commission held In the debt of PAIlIS, France, )ct; 11. After severe lighting today south proved to - e Gov the circuit court today by the Ameri why "Dutch" Leonard, who innings. Home- run, Gardner. Three-bas- or's office today and attended by French made decided progress. t HELD ENEMY HELPLESS Company New York the Somme the 1 a star-las- year, was held back, Lew-I- s. fund members, can Surety of hit, Johnston. Twobase hits, ernor Pinkham, loan who yesterday and early today jwnet rated Home tnd when Johnston, the first man up, officials of the territorial hs'drograph-i- c against George E. Marshall, contractor The (Jermans Hoblitzel. Sacrifice hit, Carrigan. been tc-pul'- d. hit for a triple the stands : rocked and of the city water departments. in charge of the construction of the French trenches at (vrtain points in the N'osges front have Bases on balls, off Marquard 2, oft " ' Myers sin-ple- d Game, Plav by Play . Hilo breakwater. ' ' with the cheering.: Then Cheney 1. Struck out, by Leonard 3, the old question of Hillebrand; glen : .' ; o and scored Johnston, and the BROOKLYN, N. Y , Oct 11. Weath Nuuanu dam was again thrown This Is the third suit to be brought by Marquard 3, by Cheney 5, by and fans were on their toes.- - Merkle walk- er clear and cool. Game by plays:. into the spotlight against Marshall by the- - surety com- " ' Rucker 3. ed and therp was uneasiness on the First Innina Chief developments of the meeting pany, the first having been an action v Hoop Boston bench, but Carrigan was back Boston Marquard threw out from Govern to enjoin him from receiving payment Launch Coastal Attack ana w MARCONI MEN ARRIVE were a recommendation govern- Italians of the plata and made no sign, and er on a srounaer. janvnn aiKer or Pinkham to delay action "in spend on claims due him from the vhen Janvrln fumbled Cutshaw's fanned. Slarquard using good speed TO ARRANGE FOR NEW ment for the breakwater work, and ing money to conduct water into an e U-gu- n at- i . Italians-hav- general .r.rounder and Myers scored, Carrigan and curves. No runs. admittedly leaky resorvoir;' simi the second, filed on Tuesday, to at LONDON.-Kng.- Oct .11. The a Brooklyn tripled to cen- JAPAN RADIO SERVICE a posses ac- enly kept op a running fire of encour- Johnston lar recommendation from T. F. Sedg- tach property of value in his tack against AuslnVlIungarian positions in the coastal districts, Myers' - aging comment to Leonard. .He told ter and scored on 6napny by George K." Larri sion. single. Merkle walked. Wheat forced Arriving on the Matsonia today wick; a proposal cording to a Vienna despatch. the California boy how to pitch to son of hydrographer's office to Allege Cancellation of Power Myers went - to were two prominent Marconi offi- the Mowrey. Leonard did It, and1 after Merkle at second. wait for further time to measure The surety company is Marshall's inning southpaw hurler was third. Cutshaw now op. Wheat went cials. D. E. B. Pillsbury of New York that the Fran-Cisco- , a plea from Harry ftnndsman in the breakwater project. to second on wild iiltcn. Janvrln fum and W. A. Winterbottom of San Hillebrand runoff; 1 i never in trouble. Murray, city water manager, to begin It is alleged that Marshall entered Be Traces of Kingstonian Crew to bled Cutshaw's grounder and Myers representatives of the Marconi - May Robinson selected Marquard work as soon as possible,, and a plea Into a contract with the sureiy cora- i z In the scored, while Wheat made third and Wireless 'Telegraph Company, of come back for a victory, and make final for Nuuanu Reservoir No. 4 by Lester tany under which he was to aeposit Inning appeared very much as the batter flrsL Mowrey up. Wheat America, who are here to Hilo, Ltd., U f' 11. Spanish steamer Antonio Lopez first it arrangements for the inauguration of Petrie. loan fund commissioner. in the First Bank of 'VIUVPORT Oct. The Marqula would deliver. caught off third on an attempted -- If Richard Le with Japan, scheduled Governor Pinkham's letter came late all checks received by him from the w irelessed in tmlay that s! has found live abandoned ships' boats public service R Hooper to grcjind ut, and steal, Cutshaw reacntng sec ser-virp- He forced 1. 12 the meeting after he had listened to government In payment tor his 'which suggests may possibly be traces then fanned Janvrln and. Walker. The ond. Mowrey fanned. Two funs. for November as Mntractor. These checks, It in good conditioU, that thse They will meet here for conference arguments pro and . ecu, and ij call ! aban- ' a-bl- g Second Kingstonian. Ielievel to fans gave him hand as he came Innina of governor ex is claimed, were to be counterslgnt d of the crew of the IJritish steamer representative of the department ing for its reading the Xan-tucke- t. a vice-preside- BoRton Hoblitzel walked, lie wis nt of off r to the bench. of Imperial Japa- pressed himself as through with the by Richard Deming, doned after having lieen torp'loed by a (lerman submarine second inn- double!. Hoblitzel going to third and communications the company, being further Leonard steadied. In the nese government, who is expected on discussion. He declared that be had the surety it , to ing, but the two-ru-n lead looked big both scored on Gardner's homer that Marshall gave Deming his dropped Scott's the next steamer from the tment. elven his opinion for the final time. All! The naval authorities, iH'Meviii'' that further search is useless, for Brooklyn. centerfield. Wheat figures to show power of attorney which was placed over drive. The batter made second. Car- Messrs. Pillsbury and Winterbottom The letter cited that the destroyers wimh were combing the seas. Marquard could not get the ball en route and Inspected the average rainfall in Upper Luakaha on file with .the war department have called in nd rigan sacrificed. Scott going to third. 1sited Alaska that.-wit- for Hoblitzel in the second inning territory, 11 years, 153.17 inches a Plaintiff further contends "Duffy" Leonard fanned and Hooper went out the Marconi Stations in that, In the past Deming. Marshall SEVEN MONTHS' FIGHTING PENAL SERVITUDE th efirst sacker flumbled. then operated in competition year, produced an average annual out first consulting WHO t which are has COST TEUTONS 2,COO.OC0 MEN FOR COLONEL started the Boston fans to at first. Three runs. every 24 canceled the power of attorney. Iwis Brooklyn Gardner threw out Ol w 1th the governmentcable. They will runoff of 283.563 eallons GRAFTED ON FUNDS iheering when he hit a hard double remain in the islands about three hours, and concluded as follows: Cauiei of Action Separate son on a grounder. Meyers walked. 23 PARIS, France. An unofficial esti- to center and Hobby went to tnira. complaint filed' today Melen-tief- f, weeks. 'I see no sound reason for spending In the Austro-Germa- n MOSCOW". Russia. Colonel home-ru- n Leonard threw out, Marquard, Meyers mate published here of the Then Larry Gardner, the BothVbf the Marconi men are high money to conduct water Into an ad fmeeific instances are mentioned of military head- root-rr- s going to second. Scott threw out losses from February of this treasurer the ter came to bat and the Boston in wireless world Mr. Pillsbury mlttedly leaky reservoir. Mr. Sedg wherein it is alleged Marshall gave quarters, sentenced to one homer!" They al- Johnston. No runs.' the. surety com year to the end of the sunyner places has been yelled "Get a is general superintendent of the New will report on .thja feature. I promissory notes to the " Inning : wick 2.000,000. Of these and half years' penal servitude oa ways do this to a batter after he has Third Is you a few months pany, the total of tne notes amount- the number at expected. Boston Cutshaw; threw out Janvrin York office, and Mr. Winterbottom have urged to wait 7Q0.000 were estimated to have been charge of various big financial frauds. hit one homer and this was superintendent of the , San Francisco longer, to say January or February 1, ing to $113,620.10. Plaintiff claims fans-wer- tingled. eastern front: 500.000 e easy on Tircbklyn confident that the on an grounder. Walker Hll- - that, although duly demanded, no part suffered the Myers, Lewis, up. office. They were guests of the Ad and secure exact measured data of r 400.000 on the Italian a New ,York license number, did not Vermont boy could not repeat, but a Hoblitzel flied to mak- at .Verdun ' Club, at noon, Mr. Winterbottom on Page 2.) front and 4p,oon on the Somme front stop. . ing t Continued on 'page three) (Continued Continued on page two) : - ("Conjinred on page two)' a brief talk. ..,




. JAMES H. LOVE PHONE 1C8I (Continued turn ia;e one) I GAME. PLAY BY PLAY, Batting Averages TOBESI I3,G0G MAINLAND DRIFT moment later the tat met ball, t SHOWS HOW LEONARD Gardner placed every ounce of his 17.". J HELD ENEMY HELPLESS rounds behind the suing and tho ball! Players in All p- of (Continued from Pas:. l.i iCont!rri-- -- J onv tailed over 4p the.-ernte- r- i from TOAST field fenr r. (Continued from oie) Brooklyn rooter- - roaTied ana fire j rae f an-- w : -- '.VI of the sums the vavious rm:e.j law is ..proving a boomeranc t n L'. b.'.u. t! at . Is ft r more, t !:.' U.k4 i: :t fc ma 1 1 .'Mr.vss i.i U ccn n sen t . of fa n a rro in Ho The - trying to steal secopd. World Series have' been pail. . Wtlcii nn re vytes. t!:an iu- i ill jiain wild. ha4-brough- vent Cinfutr No funs. The .list of alleged notes, th :r i y it. : D6CK me nope.s m J LOVE;S victory, and from i;r.o j!vnMyers Hied to ;Walker. (Batting averages for four games amounts and dates of execution, IS see "The way he Kn.nckled. under' to the CREAM BREAD It-- hat moment on played r ' the 'Sox Merkb Hied to Scott, Wheat flied to to date.) forth in the complaint a'.s follow 'ah:-- loaders f.T. fd that, bill V I y t 4 Pfcrfcct ball. They Ordvr a l.oaf M wnt after every;, Irnard u jw pitching great T b.yer. Team AH. It IL Ave. December 23. Iiil4. $."; D,r:n-be- r Tfrcuch ei'neress has dissusted larue thing, and, althouph lircKjltlyn 1 1 1TV; the bati ran. Xo n:n.s. Gainer, lb, Boston..... 0 1914, $20.;: February 1, i:i-'.- . nunfl't rs ri "peopTe; It is reported ' ter bit the ball sl out--j $.-,- i: Vob-ruar- bard Boston Fourth'. Inning shorten, cf., Boston... 4 ft 7'.u ?:nOl; February .". lai,,. y tltat many of the rv.ilroad employe -- fielder was always j. 2-- uryjer it before it rv,r.on -- Uu ls singled. Gardner Carnan, c. Boston ... 16., l&K.. J.'iihm); hVbniarv i :. re now raiicla. troubled ar.d realize it nit the v-- 1 turf; Ipiicrifid. Mo.vrey threw out Scott. Pfeffer, j), Brooklyn . . , '2 "it .V'O 1H". ?20"V; March 2. Jlum' was practically-- law r- , Ul. varngan fourtti.-bruit-- ,' ! s singled in the j ,hf.n scored i Oarrisan's hnrd Stengel. I,f., Brooklyn.. 7 2 P. 42!" March s. 191.-- $2V: April 2 lfu"' '.v highest paid-clas- of labor on tho PHONE 2295 Lc'wia- - REACHES for ru::. ; inn home the fourth rvsle. Ieoriatd. walwed, Hooper now ilooper. r.f.. i'.cslrn. . .is 4 . ?,?.?. iU'W; May 1. 1313. May !i' tail road, and if they concede that or.d Itobinscn the ball - - .'! jrked actor liJt l'0;i?rd run down, between .'.lerkle. M.- Brooklyn. . it i ::Z $3')it: June l. ifir.. $; ';i,:iie congress e.iii raise wages it can also player. . Larry Cheney went ou; the first r.nd second. ("combs, p. Brooklyn... ?, it 1 "".I Xi, m:. $i 5'diife waces. Co.. Ltd. ! incund, IUmprjr : ' KINDS OF ROCK AND SAND walked and finned . . 1 I June "1513, ; ALL FOR CONCRETE WORK. . lirco'Jyn Cutsnaw doubled. Mow- - Oison, s.s, Brooklyn .1 ?M 56. $6 AukuM :!. jlvery lawyer I talked with said ; . Janvrin and hut HoMItzel's '' : ( -- - Flf2WOOD AND COAL lewia. Hob- - Hoblitzel. lb. Boston.. 13 i uecemoer $2 : w:s.. convinced was unconstltu- r.;y - out to ':m "37.n it 93 double In this Inning gave the Boston "aI;d- oln 1 1 r, cm) -- 31 EtN STREET. P,. C fox 212 's ied to Scott. Pfeffer, J hnston. r.f.. Brooklyn. March. 1... 1313. '$12,833.34:' Apri' and would be so declared as ' rquad another run. came I . 1 1 1013. ' Gardner ni l,aUitl- No I.:.. Bostcn .". . . 2 4 2S6 S1S37.24: April 20, 1913. $l39---- sm n as it was attacked before the , - ior arnuard. nned, runs. ' In the sixth inning, and a two WnlL-r-r 11 1 the ft tlnetnn 2 272 June 29, 1913, $3Xm; Jnlv l, im.--' courts. , faced each other the licston rmn inning .'. 1 :s 2:11) - Daubert. lb, Brooklyn. $230; August 1. 1913. J4"'0- Sci-- ' "The stock phrase cf those w ho say crowd yelled once more for a home j Cheney now' : j. Boston pitching for Myers, e.f., Brooklyn!, is 2 4 222 tember 2. S13.2LS.C2; December 1 th y are going .to, vote for Wilson is: run. to duplicate 2- lint; . . wl V - Gardner tried j'.rcok!yn. vrin $13,410.83. '11.I 1 I .his. Ilooper walked. Jan Wheat, l.f! Brooklyn. .l." 2 200 1913. v. I Hi o ti'H.Ti IrtUt nft . ,. .1 Ull I ill- feat, btit Cheney ' - the sharp, curves of fanned. Hooper made second on; Smith, p. Broiklvn. .. . f if l 2W The prayer of the plaintiff eruntry is prosperors? When you - is th:.t him to bench. Carri- stand-fchal- l sent back the passed ball. Walker filed to Olson. Gardner, .11). Boston. . .j 2 1ST It be given judsnient against Mar j nuotion such people as to the Kan singled, fannedTbotfc I AfteryOurday'sWork-What- but Cheney Hooper scored on Iioblitzel's slashing! Janvrin. b Boston .. is '2 3 167. on all of the causes of action inP of the United States before the ? ' A r.iiSA I CSnck ' Scott and leonard. t n tfl t fTYtkf run beott. s.s., l?oston. 1 2 134 set forth in the complaint together nations? of the world and the reputa- - Brooklyn Loses Chance Brooklyn Johnston flied to Iewis, Meyers, c. Brooklyn ... 7 1 143 uu ana an or ' we nrv as a peopie ' 0. ' '"icirsi ratn tlie l" f.tann; mej .. urooklyi had an excellent chance jyerg tlied to Ilooper. Merkle and J .Mowrey, Mb, Brooklyn. .14 2 2 143 causes at the rate of 6 Ver cent a r.j'rus tiieir snouhlers and don t seem Improve Your Time in i to score In. the fourth, when Cutshaw wheat both slnRled but Cutshaw flied t Thomas, c. Boston 0 1 143 year and for attorneys' fees and costs to care as long a3 they are prosper- aoiiDiea na Mowrey walked, mea n No runs Cutshaw, 2b. Brooklyn. 1 2 12. of court- - complaint ous and war, though . li The is sown to are not at our Olson, In attempt pop-- Vice-Preside- an. to sacrifice, Miller, c. Brooklyn .... 8 0 1 125 by Deming of the friction with Mexico doesn't seem to The Employed Boys' ned .out to Hoblitzel; Meyers and l.,xtninn,n5 p, 0 surety company. School Boston Gardner and Scott fanned, Maro.uHrd. Brooklyn. :' 0 000 ocunt with them. Pfeffer went but. Again in the fifth Gctz. , Brooklyn!.... 1 0 0 ft00 Deming Gives Denial - singled. Leonard fanned. "A well infermed man recently stat- the Brooklyn .Carrisan 1 Classes in 5th, Cth, 7th Sth Grades baiters hammered io- Mays, p. Boston...... 0 0 000 Regarding the attachment suit fi!J ed before a of men lunch- and j Cheney pitching well. No runs, number at Hard. Johnston hit hard drive to Foster, p. Boston 1 0 ft 000 Tuesday. Deming says: My-- .. Brooklyn Mowrey filed to Lewis, eon . in a San Francisco club a few left Held, which Ix?wi8 captured.' , 1 0 to Ad- on play Henrlksen. Boston. 000 "Relative the; article in the days befcre I left that more American era hit a long fly which Hooper Scott ihrew out Olson a fast 1 took. Cady. c, Boston .0 0 000 vertiser this morning, I have nothing lives', had been lost in Mexico and lr?l'i:':i and singled, j from short. Meyers fK5pied out to ?, then Merke and Wheat Walsh, c.f.. Boston 0 0 000 to say except that the .claim made by w ! Hoblitzel. No runs. a lens: the border than ere lost in Cutshaw hit another line' drive to Ruth, p, 0 0 , 000 Marshall that, is" any Spanish-America- Boston. there equity in the , n war.' and before Lewis' and the 6ide was Seventh Inning 1 out.Urook J McNaliy, , Boston. 0 000 the job whatever and that I. have re- we get through the way we're going in- . Boston Hooper singled but was out - lyn nerer threatened after this . anore,- p, uoston.... o o 000 fused to sign checks are not facts. I ning, although out at second on Janvrin's bunt to pitcher, the monetary expense would be over it hit the ball of Leonard, p, Boston . . 0 0 000 have never refused to countersign any be- Classes Begin Tonight 6:45 the Infield on many occasions. Olson threw out Walker, Janvrin mak- a billion, for it wouldn't be long check presented to me when there fore pensions would Begin and con- Rucker Goes In ing second. Hoblitsel singled, Jan was any on deposit to See R. K. Thomas, Educational Secretary balance the tinue without end. . George "Nap" Rucker of Alpliaret-ta- , vrin scoring on Cheney's wild throw credit of Marshall In the bank." Georgia, was given his first chance to first to catch Hoblitzel. Lewis "While Hughes is not a man of a forced Hoblitzel. One run. winning personality or one that arous-e- s "rto appear in a world's series in the ENROLMENT IN CLASSES eighth Inninsr'g game, and the Brooklyn O'Alara batted for Che enthusiasm, he commands the re- veteran southnaw made nmd. As.he ney; fanned. Johnston filed to Lew OF BOYS CONTINUES spect of people everywhere, and they j ls- feel he is a strong and man came to the box the vast crowd in the - Myers flied to Hooper. Leonard sincere mercy. THROUGHOUT WEEK and that 'he; will make a splendid pres. siands, appreciating the efforts that j had the Brooklyn batters at his weniitefrv Nap-na- d years ; runs. ident. made for to bring a Although night open- No to Brooklyn, up Eighth inning last was the "I had the pleasure of hearing him Test winner stood and ing of the employed boys' school at gave him a welcome which lasted for Bbston Rucker now pitching for G. H. SCALDEN is visiting in Hono speak in Seattle to an audience of a long period. Brooklyn. Cutshaw threw out Gard lulu from Makaweli, Hawaii. the Y. M. C. A., this week will be held about COf'O people and he impressed open for further enrolments in the Too Hard for - ner. Olson threw out Scott. Carri me very favorably. While he is not Rucker had been- pitching for Brook- various classes of this school, which lyn for ten .years, and for-man- years gan fanned. First two outs 'were on WILLIAM L. ROSA, deputy federal an orator and lacks a sense of humor 30-da- y is especially planned for boys who are he ,was the star. lead- easy infield chances. No runs. court clerk, has begun a vaca and' ability to arouse great enthusi- Whenever the working at the various stores of- This Knife ing pitcher of America was mention- Brooklyn Scott threw out Merkle. tion. and asm, he is a strong, convincing speak- d fices in the city and who have been ed, high-flie- d to Walker. Cutshaw er 'and one that wins your respect one receive the question: Wheat comple- Tackle a rawhide washer with about Nap out on line drive to Hooper. No runs. THOMAS PRATT. JR., is visitin-- forced to leave school before and you feel you can trust him; that fHow Rucker?' and the tion of the grammar grades. "A spe- applause which greeted him as he Ninth Inning in the city. His homo Is in Paia, he does not say things for effect but is corkinrr cood KttH KU11SR '-- ' cial will be given to walked into the box was a big tribute Boston Leonard fanned. Hooper Maui. class also those because be means them. I believe Pocket knife or a leather one, or a on John- who have completed the eighth grade that he will be elected this coming ,to the veteran vho had given so many singled and went to second of study. years of Ms service to the club. ston's fumble but was caught stealing. E. C. S. CRABBE. deputy collector month and will make a strong, able rubber one. No odds about the mat- of the Internal revenue at Hilo, is vis The' opening night showed that a president.'.' la K3BII Janvrin fanned.. No runs. large boy's erial, the fine, highly tempered steel : of BrooklynMow-re- y iting in! Honolulu. number are interested Mr. Atherton says that businessmen ivuner ruaj'uuuHu uy blowing inu flied to Lewis in benefiting themselves along the blades goes through Qf-tb- over and fao-tQiS- on on over best pitching ij day. He . Meyers Olson the coast aro in an optimistic was' walked. forced lines oflfered.'at the; Y. M, C. A. class- ln ib& home-ru- n titter, and at second, Stengel ran for Meyers. HARRY R. MACFARLANE of mood and that the wave of prosperily again." It Jiold its edge aridit cuts Grnr, &. es.' These different grades will be In true when h fcrced Larry to ground to Gett tiatted . for Rucker. Gardner Macfarlane returned from the so obvious in the East is beginning to charge Page. -- G. Bart-le- tt Mowrty gave 6va-- - mainland on the Matsonia. of Ross Earle be Telt on the Western slope. In the the crowd film an threw put Getz. No runs'. L. Fagg. tlott. ?. Rucker fwas' pitching an uphill and :W. Instruction will Northwest the lumber market is pick be given English, -- 1 i , I I I . I game, but he retired Scott and fanned G. N. WILCOX of Kauai arrived in in oral and writ- ing up. in ban r rancisco mere is a r?s.' 1 J HANDSOME WATCH IS ten work, spelling. v - Carrlgan. .. In the last Inning he the Kinau Sunday and continued to arithmetic and good volume of business trnnsartioiis still " Classes meet on Tuesday Friday kept, up, his work, A San. Francisco in the Manoa. ' and Seattle, he comments, :s Going p. V and fanned both GIVEN A. K. AON BY evenings ,from 6:45 to 8:15. A com- good shipbuilding m m AJanvrin and Leonard. deal in the line. r . a W mm km r mm J A bination has been arranged so that & Drydock Three Share Honors ' JUDGHW.L. WHITNEY E. T." WESTLY, a chemist on the The Seattle Construction . each boy enroling in school , .. Big Island, arrived in the Mauna Kea the is able Company is securing , a number of DutchMLeonard. Carrigan to get Bill and Elgin watch to attend the chemists' convention. in one of the employed boys' large contracts. The port is also Larry Gardner shared the honors of A Kalei Aona's nickle clubs of the department. Enrolments has been discarded. large war orders for Russia the dav,' and all contributed to the MRS. L. U SEXTON, wife of Dr. can be made with the educational sec- by way of .Vladivostok. cutlery and toob have the quality that you victoryS It-- Aona admits he has no further use was Carrlgan's w ork bu Sexton of 'Hilo, arrived in the Mauna retary at the Y. M. C. A. any evening want that you'll lilx They've made and hind, thef- - for it. He says that after today it bat which steadied the Bos- Kea and Is-- staying the Young Ho this week. American and Norwegian coal would be exceedingly improper . for at kept their reputation for nearly half a ton southpaw, and it was Gardner : him to wear it. So he has taken it tel. mines in Spitzbergen have been pur century because they have the punch long hit which gave Boston the vic- MR. and MRS. E. F. NICHOLS. A; by syndicate. that placed away in chased a Norwegian first-clas- tory. played from its chain and it F. Dredge, GeorgeUuncan and W. H. a s workman expects. Remember, another a drawer in Juvenile court BISHOP LIBERT of the Catholic About 1,000,000,000 tons of coal are in .great game in the field, and the Bos- cathedral has to Honolulu Duker arrived in the Mauna Kea Sat-urad- y 1910 some. 200,000 ton's the dealer is authorized to hand you back And here's why: returned " volved. Since ton outfield captured everything from Hilo. ; in Judge Whitney return- from pastoral visits to Maui and have been shipped to Norway. the price of any knife or tool, that . When Circuit sight. ; . - ed from the coast today he presented - doesn't make good. There were no for Brooklyn Count Francois d'Arlot, French min- stars . Aona with a handsome gold Walthaln today, but had the Dodgers won out .H. McCUBBIN J. Meinecke, ister to the Dominican Republic re- "Tie Uteolltction f QUMUTT fimiii timepiece, beautifully engraved with and turned to France. long After M - Forptt,,. there would have been room for many. ' the court clerk's Initials. And it is Maui engineers, and H. S. Truscott of Tnit )C lUriWnl k, e. MO The infield of the Dodgers was like a in city attending net Aona's birthday, either. The Kauai are the the FOR SALE BY stone wall, and It was errors y the The watch, is a token of Aona's effi- engineers' convention. outfield which, caused the unsteadi- cient work first as deputy clerk. and ALL LEADH2G HARDWARE DEALERS ness. Rucker was perhaps the man later as clerk in Judge Whitney's MRS. JOHN ENA, widow of a for: 'v who earned of praise, al- Inter-Islan- d most' the ( mer president of the Com- court Aona has proved himself a Atall ; though. Myers and Johnston were giv- diligent worker, and especially during' pany and 'sister of Mayor Lane, ar dealers ; SIMMONS HARDWARE COMPANY 17 ' New PbiUdslphia. Hinntapolii. en the credit for starting the rally in Judge Whitney's absence. rived on the Matsonsia. St. Leuij, Yard, Tied, Siout City, Wickita. - different the first inning. ' He says he will wear the watch TOO. LATE TO CLASSIFY L;i.ic. wi ii ! Shore or Foster is expected to pitch only on Sundays and on visits to A. I LOUISSON, Republican oppon degrees for known for the Boston team tomorrow, while luaus. baseball games and the boys', ent of Delegate Kuhlo in the primary SITUATION WANTED every pur. s Brooklyn may send in any one of four industrial school. - election, w-a- to return to his home in pose Also two copying. pitchers. Sherrod Smith, who lost In Hamakua, Hawaii, in the Mauna Kea Young man desires opportunity to the game, has had a rest. MEN WEAR TWO DISCS today. learn wireless telegraphy in the Jack Coombs or Ed Pfeffer may start city during spare evening. Acidresa or. Nap Rucker may possibly "be given LONDON. Eng. In future each of- MRS. CHARLES S. CRANE will re- Box 446. Star-Bulleti- - 660?, ?A a chanco to win a world's scries con-te- st ficer and soldier will be supplied with turn to Honolulu next Saturday morai- '. two Identity discs, to be suspended ne;. She-na- been visiting her moth- 'LOST m from Though explana- er," Mr3. C. H. Jennings, the' neck. no at Hamakua, Lady's small gold watch, one diamond it GERMANS DESTROY TREES of the Hawaii. I tion order for the innovation is ; on case. Reward. 7180. At an eiven. Is thoueht idea to Phone it that the is' 6603 2t II dealer - lite 'lime i AKia. r ranee. Many of the fine , tse the second disc for the preserva- - WALTER DUISENBERG, who has jr7 old trees Belgium cf are .bein? rut tlon of the identity of a body after the been visiting mining districts of the Pas3 book No. 15919. Bank of Ha- The down - for use In the German trenches. first is removed for the purpose of mainland in connection with a geu- waii. Return to bank. 6603 3t Velvet The famous Bols de la Carabre near the casualty list The second disc will eial trip through the states, returned 5c pencil is o Brussels is raid to have lost 10.000 of be suspended by six inches of cord home on the Matsonia. Pass book 15647. Finder please re- supreme in its class its trees, and lesser parks and woods from the upper, the former being turn to Batik of Hawaii. 660,3 U " red Aatricu Lm4 Peil C, H.T. are yielding their proportion'. W. VAILLE, clerk of v and the latter green. FRANK chief time is unly oijiin wlicn ymr inj-cii- the Railway Mail Servide'.in the ter- OLD CLOTHES BOUGHT The ritory, is on the Big Island this week uni.--t lis 1'roJii our coritro! into tlu Iinnd-- s making an inspection of mail trans- Cash paid for'old clothes. 1204 Circle Lane, phone 21 SO. of :: portation routes arid equipment on 6603 lm others. Hawaii. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE First Judicial Circuit Territory of Vrmr lir.ty to llio-- o iI'j'Hl-n- t ii)"H yu I MIL-AN- D MRS. F. C. ATHERTON Hawaii At" Chambers In Probate. Midday land their children returned on the that you uanl jinuist Hiim:m;)MiMiit j Matsonia today after an extended, stay In the Matter "of Estate of An of your estate after your death by making your Se-- the on the coast, of time Hx-euto- mot the at ton George Gomes. Deceased. r who you auie, wnere mey spent tne summer Will now and appointing an months. The undersigned, having been duly- know will handle your aiTairs with elTieiency DAILY, 11:30 TO 2 Pish ffos appointed administratix cf the estate and ecohomy and will carry out your wishes PRINCESS KAWANANAKOA, who of Ahtone George Gomes, late of ab-olu- te returned to Honolulu this morning Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii; d, with impartiality. - In these delightful varn : after an extended visit on the main- hereby gives notice to ail Friday j land, is to be the guest of honor at a creditors of said deceased to present luncheons patrons find ' The Hawaiian Trust orn .any i tial i tied in poi suoper at the home of Mr." and claims, duly authenticated and tteir same, qualities of daintiness r atisfar-tor- dsK' Mrs. Walter Macfarlane this evenincr. the parti-jila- to rerxh'r tiioroiiirhly with proper vouchers, if any exist, 'very Our . fish you can trust abso- ser-- even if their claim is secured by mort- in preparation, taste and : serviee as vour Hxemtor and we will In' AMBROSE PATTERSON, the artist. gage oh real estate, to her at. the lutely for freshnes- s- vice that- - have distinguished mat- Is giving an exhibition of his paint- offices of Alexander Lindsay, Jr:, 501-50- 2 !ea.ced to haw you rail and talk over this ings and pastels at his new . studio, its opening. . PHONE Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, this shop, since with our I MfiiM-rs- All kinds for baking, broiling the old Allen premises oh Alakea within six months from ' the date of ter 3-4-4- -5 street, on Thursday. Friday and Satur- the first publication- - of this notice, or Chowder. day of this week from 4 to 10 p. m. said dabs being October, 11th, 1916, cr within six months, from the day. they MRS. EMMA J. MILLER, former fall due, or the same will, be; forever tin superintendent of the dead-lette- r bu barred.-- .,..V-- ;. v'" reau of the postoffice and now ranch- Honolulu, T. H. October 11th. 1918. ing near. San Jose. California, has ROSA GOMES, Hotel, near Fort Metropolitan Meat Market named her ' property the Kewalo Administratrix of ' the Estate of An- - HONOLULU, H. T. ' Ranch, Kewalo - after street where she tone George Gome$. Deceased. r CAPITAL &SlinPLUS(over)$ 400,00002 " ' lived while a resident in Honolulu. Alexander Lindsay Jr., - v - . Rawley Pure Ice Cream laecording to letters received by Attorney for Administratix.' sj J friends here. 6603 Oct 11, IS, 23, Nov. 1, 8 J 'O MISTERS FIND PIN (HAM URGES 3 1 ,4 1 6 PUPILS V V '" Saw - S HELP US TO INSURE DELlV- FLAY ON LOAN ARE II SCHOOL WAOESCALEIS ERIES , - You Something the People Need, ;WThe efforts of the Circulation When Hair Department are centered on in- FOND PROJECT IN HAWAII MIW PLAIN ICE CREAMS ABOVE ONE ASKED suring jirvmit anj regular deliv- Tell 'em About It. MOUSSE ;, eries to subscribers. FROZEN CUSTARDS if your paper Is not delivered promptly' and regularly you will (Continuea from pag one) FROZEN PU6DINGS Approximate Enrolment Figures is fundamental i Strike Ends When Men Learn y jureif am! u a favor, by That the ' - ca-lit.- .the yon expend 1211 i t y." -- for before Gain of Students SHERBETS Bonus System Raises Pay Phone 1911. ask lebrand flen flows Show .f Pai.l I'uhtii- : , - FRAPPE .'. make ' pu IIUC l!!'Jiie I . Over Last Year l";uft a r n frmp.'a-nt- j "Throughout the and ; ,.!!. . FROZEN PUNCHCS. Above Demands the. breadth m; u.a-n- r a; .' thousauds of jv'i lilr" (, line i nau uii' ill fcy" V unU tlic TM. - i A'jiroximatelv "1.1 10 students are ait FANCY- PRICKS ;:a-:it-- : I hi s ev v Mftcrnocn manes oc? imr- . on !..!.: rrui '.., ii.t ubiic sentuaert is mststnie all in the public school tf the i v c li v ui t fa-.'e- enrolled a FORMS . t i) i - l. c l INDIVIDUAL : Vr.vpany te.ini t.u n.f-- Tuesday c. ir.ti Voiisible. jvossible accitrate knowledge and ueii- ! to date, according to figures n terrUry .t "at t... vtri-I..- f 1 ne ur-lj'leii- maintains nite", w U thouhtout plans for all vIIt'arayV ami tiu'V t. ic'.W - spe- comi'ile'd at the department of public '.i'i.?W;'.-aU- ' d to v..rk thi until p.- ni. c ich day, a pai 1542 4070 reUim-- j'uwiic mimies. iiciiiariv iiiose instruction. Although the figures , v so tlu'V PHONES city service for any custom- utili- ' fiiiall p't tliat :i .rnlnr. vth the e.vcvption of vvir; cial public fund?, or private now at hand are only approximate the . 'fc a may have missed. pat-ronas- e what to if;i!-r- John Kanaka, Towing talk er the carrier ties by granu compelling public department expects to have the exact ' o not know ' HONOLULU virh the company nr;ur. .J. J. F1 before adoption or execution enrolment by the end of this week or U'liove am they I iv' of the rrojecto. the first of next weekk. 1 h- - ( hi. r l :r.t.r.A '. a'cmt L"v "In this spirit I have endeavored to The public schools of Oahu shew an Xotliinir. - v.)'-':- K2'-'l- s i: T es will be held in piui'i-- ffr.M'1 to be for a raisr- of -' A serve the territory ana tne ( ity ana Abided this DAIRYMEN'S attendance of 12.M4. to IN-opl- o ls-- r K. T:.M o'c'hMk this in of hail at , T Hofoiv t iris a !a. fl ::p!ai::"i to the:.. tlie county of Honolulu. figure is the enrolment in the high Paid Publicity put arts tin a ;!:2 umi r tli'i r:t's; tt-iii f six e eiiiu.--;. '"The future of Oahu. through raie 460 u (sv school and normal school, and U', 't an-- 1 t 'oii iiu imr in. It malilrs t!u IN'Oplc ASSOCIATION Wts4 a Ki'arvhU-h-has recently L en ; idly developing jdans and coming tre- respectively, brining the Oaliu total iin Ft company Schofiehl No. 41 '.. V. and A - t : ,iit into i':!-- l b mendous increase- of the forces of the to Ui.r.74. l!iW. M . v school oi instruction. 'UliiV the men wow-I- make in ill hold a United States army and navy on this .Maui's is 4 '57 G and that of beginning tonight; o'cUxkk. 'enrolment l'ro.i-rl- y Known w ould ! 24- c it's, a day. tif at island, indicates only tiie most intel- Kauai 407", including the high school. Paid Publicity hr!s you to s 'whil-o- lf's-.- their 'demands. ligent and soundest methods will serve .Hawaii..-ha- in l.u-in- os v roiit than Council, Y. West 274 students aixl rnlfrstoHl hy tho-- e wlioe or perso mil the other hand often die bonuses Tle niember.4 of .Damien the needs of this community. school and East Hawaii, including the I tonight in Cathode vol' Id far exceed thio figur;. M. . .vill meet the "Having laid this matter carefully Hiio Union schmds. iwth an enrolment uj.oit wish to f'Uio. The thu-- plan allows- cents a .Missi !i i'round, Fort, street. before you. my duty is performed, of 1143, has CulU. i. 1'owtT. r - Iu:.-- to drivers and lour citits to help "Respectfully and sincerely. The boys' and girls' industrial I'aiil Publieitv is . will men laM The Mothers Club of Kaimuki enrol- crs. l'.elser talkt-- with the Thursday at "LUCIUS E. PIXKHAM. schools on Oahu have a total uiamonus niplit. but they held out for hold its regular meeting "'Governor of Hawaii," ment of about 2ou, and the Pa Ola 1' o'clock. Kiliuo'kalani school. camp 25. Thei?e, Watches , ra'.?e. and IlMser told the Chairman Charles It. Forbes of he day has about with to hire mnv .men in tlie the 12 pupils in the school for defect jard foremen territorial loan fund commission called the meet- Jewelry II places of a:! thot-- ulia Aid not go to Tlie member.; of the governor ives brings to an approximate total ing to order, stating to the ' ji-r- - i judiciary . Today plan grand will meet in the of S31:ll." This is an anoroximate Sold cn 'Easy Pay-- in work this morning. his - and specifications are ljuildin 2 o'clock next Friday after- that the plans' was and the strike to at gain of 1211 over the enrolment when , ments accented ' oomnle.te but that betore bids are ytarteu. lllAJII. '.'-..- 2l t nd rilrnu-- t oei'ore it hud railed for it had been deemed best to scnooi closed last June. Opening pf the American Anticipating no trouble hut desir- juembers th Catholic Ladies' confer with him as head of terrL S Co-- . ous of having his tiien at hand should, The of Jewelry w:il meet in the Library tory that there might be a general there lie any.. Sheriff Rose sent feoine Aid .Society matter. 1148 Fort Street Hawaii 10 o'clock' tomorrow understanding on the PI mounted men in charge of Captain of at like to know if you wish would f'lli. & morning. "We Season liaker to the Honolulu Construction to express yourself before calling for Lamp Larns on South J'r::yinjr Company will bids," he said. street this morning. The policemen Hawaiian Lodge, F. & A. M.. meeting at 7 : 3 o'clock Pnrbes then' called unon Engineer Newest Lamps and Shades for KENNETH ALEXANDER loi.nd only a quiet scene of teamsters hold a sneciaL ilSSs HE be work in T. Taylor to outline his work ! voinss peicefully to their work as if this evening. There will James These Long Evenings the, first degree. and the results of his investigations. ; II i.r.thing had happened. give report, when is more pleas- night in the vic- As Taylor rose to his The time there The men met last British Sedgwick rose to express ure to be had from an Khctric Lamp of staWes, moved for a mini- The working party of the T. F. also inity the 2 o'clock citizen, he said. TELLS AUDIENCE than''from almost anything 'else, and mum wase of $2.25 a day, and then' Rv$ (Cross was U meet at himself as a to" express myself in regard nothing adds more to the charm of to Aula Park where the this afternoon in the guild hall, church "I want Portraits marched Kaimuki. dam," he broke in. "I n livinir or dininz room. ; tevedores., were celebrating their m of the Epiphany, to the Nuuanu I w'-a- t lamps we are showing 4682 want to say that I am opposed to the Aaiociat-- d by Fuderal Wlrelen) It is reallv surprising splendid Sittings by Appointments turn to work. Preni BeginninS as low 424 Berntania St. A meeting of the Mothers' Club of diverting of any water into No. 4 res- CIRKSBURG, W. Va., Oct. 11. this department at most inexpensive prices. Kaimuki will be held at 2 o'clock to- ervoir." Candidate Charles E. Hughes made a $5.00, our prices run up as high as one wants to go. NEWTOWN morrow afternoon in the assembly Taylor brought out the fact that his speech here today before, a large We are also equipped to make lamps and shade Trames of evt REMINDERS I DAILY glen in 175 made i hall of the Liliuokalani school. plans for Hillebrand take crowd. He declared that he has description. ; acres more of drainage area than feed "no agreements" with anybody in his shop. APPLES Expert manicurist. Union barber Pastor David Cary Peters of... the Maole stream. campaign for election. . Adv.:; ;: will speak at the Y. much 'I stand for American rights Every Every Day Christian church He an open ditch is 53-6- 3 .Delivery Wy $4.00. said that or "THE HOUSE OF 10rSEVARES" KIO ST., HONOLUI Round the Island in auto, M. C. A. next Tuesday evening on the better than a pipe in that it will per- throughout the world, without fear CHUN HOON Lewis Stables. Phone 2141. Adv. subject, "The Romance of the Books." mit enlargement for future needs. It favor," he declared. Queen " PrTonn 3992 Make some of today's want ads pipe, pointed KekauHke. Nr. of will also outlast a he serve YOU by answering a few "Matscnia Special" a. dainty com- out. them. ,''. bination of fresh pineapple, whipped average CITY AFFAIRS AND Bargains in rebuilt typewriters may Try it today at "I have figured an rainfall cream and Ice cream. 11 year," he Y. TAKAKUWA &C0. be found at Arleigh's Eook Store cn fountain of Benson, of 132 Inches or feet a I SUPERVISOR NOTES the sanitary soda amount on 300-acr- e " Fort street. stated, "and of this a . Limited Smith & Co. Z ' The new 2c Kodak is the latest de- area,' 50 per cent should flow into in mean "NAMCO". CRABS, packed in velopment of Kodak excellence. At the meeting at 4 o'clock the ditch. This would l,4u,uuu supervisors will be held Tuesday, Oc There will be a oii.. (inn nnn n. wood lined. Honolulu Fhoto Supply Co., Fort of Ha- ?; tober 17. - Sanitary Cans this afternoon in the Ubrary 1 Nuuanu SU Near King St. street. ' women who are making year. w.- waii of the t For Distilled Water, Hire's Root pians for sending Christmas presents "Tho nresent cost estimate is $33. The receipts to the city from the com- use Beer and all other Popular Drinks to the boys In the trenches. ; 500 as submied to the loan fund Hawaii Polo Association for the try.thf.JCen. Sod Water Works Co. mission: f figure the cost at'$23,998.-35- . of Kapiolani park are $1032.9?. J C I' X 1 1 : A Gardens Hotel Adv. CLAY MINING INDUSTRY The difference lies largely in the Cbrar Those requiring feather dusters of estimated cost of a dam of which there of a coral road - For the construction 'Nature' Own f AquarIum., Glast- any sort will find them priced at a According to the United States Geo-Denartme- is no need. All you need Is simply a in the Queen street extension project, j "; Co., on - Bottom BoaU third off at the Hawaiian News' of the In- structure to divert thelow, ahd there a resolution was passed oy me super- I 3f .... - auto tervlce leaves Adv. ; Dally patsenger Bishop street. terior. the war in Europe has caused is no site for a dam. visors appropriating $1000. jJfyASept Oct Nok Dec Y Hawaii Tours Company 9 a. m. Reser- Mark v.p your 1917 memorandums ra high grade tormeriy "Construction will be very simple Company, phone Perfection-- , a shortage in ciar vations Hawaii Tours 1917 Calendar Pads for imnnrtpd from Germany which has and work can be carried on night and ; $199 to 612. Handy Deslc Pads. A resolution appropriating :923: our phone. Blue Empire, Daily and seriously affected the manufacture of day." man the next three, months Ready Hawaiian News Co. .... hire a for at the crucibles and lead pencils In this coun The commission now has an unob- to keep the streets about the markets Adv. of $39,946.95. Taylor on King street clean was passed Tues- Hours when the Almost every one of your "don t ligated balance somebody's Effrirts 'have been successful, how pointed out that the value of watei; de- day night. MESSENGER ;v wants" is sure to. , be ' -- a supply cf rived from the project is worth at w in locating domestic I want." So phone your "don't wants ver, does not shine It J inaus-trie- s year for domestic and The board of supervisors Tuesday sun AND Star-Bulleti- n get of clays suitable ior use in tnese least $5000 a O to the and rid of res- CO in Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri Irrigation purposes. night passed the first reading a them. Inquiry from the appropriating $300 to repair of darkne: LAUNDRY g and Ohio: - . In response to an olution shows how the hours Taylor the Nuu- the roads in the Laiml park and Pul-w- a The chart HOWLAND HEIR, TORN Clay mining in 1913 was more pros chairman, stated that you 12-- 3 improvement winter months But anu, dam leakage is les3 than road ' district. increase during the BY GRIEF, KILLS SELF perous, especially during the lauer ..- ..; I in 1914, the per cent. your windows must part of the year, than 50 store must be light, t 2.3C2,-95-0 you think that your per Supervisor Afnold announc- IX)S Harry Hoyvland, quantity of clay marketed being "Don't Charles ANGELES cent run off allowance is a little ed that plans for the" improvement of sun shines or not Instea. Co. tons, . valued at $3,971,941, bright whether the Honolulu Iron Works 32 years old, a reporter, and a legatee short Hydrographer Larri-son- . streef of 153,094 tons in quantity shaky?'' asked Beretania street from Nuuanu bills, get tlie extra of the Ilowland estate,: which was an increase junction of King street would of paying bigger light lih Agents Hawaii for nnd $?1S 372 in value over 1914. to the in held ir. trust by Hetty Green to be dis- va T d3 not." be presented to the board in two . the most important using Fire clay. is your figure," .'' you need by tributed to the heirs after her death, clay, 1,570.4 SI tons pemg re- - "I don't criticize weKS. . ALLL3-C- H ALMERS CO. riety of suicide by swallowing . . . m,p i,.a o 0 4S9 on rison added, "but I'm doubtful of how committed t ne run He died ten minutes later on Urease 161,014 tons and $214,203 you could A resolution- appropriating $500 for poison. of nothing to 80 or table at. the police hospital. It is off has varied from repairing the roof and gutter of the the over 1914.. I rainfall fig- said Howland's act came as the cul- domestic 90 per cent. think the Central fire station on Beretania There were 2S.031 tons of ures are conservative, hut I think it is was approved by the board mination of grief for his wife, who purest form of clay, mar- street "in kaolin, the impossible get the run off without evening. said if Island Meats died about eighteen months ago $241,520, a to Tuesday Hatch that keted in 1913, valued at waiting we have measured for repaired is likely Vegetables Kansas City. 1914. until they were not it aud - small from m m : decrease the wet season-ttil- l January, at least. serious damage may result. Retail and Wholesale May.." destroyed the plant of the Hy- We began measuring in Marketing" Division Fire MONOPOLIES CAUSE TROUBLE uar- - com- Territorial Ixiril-lar- J. Pinknam agreed witn Arnold, chairman of the road " drocarbon Products Company at Governor to six times as much light as Nr. Queen Phone 1840 on suggestion to wait for a said the delay in the re- These lamps give from three Maunakea. . two miles from Keansburg, N. p.Kinr.iN Germany. The TPirHrhe rison the mittee, that using any more electricity. Anf timp Harrv Murray, sirpenntenaent pairs on Nuuanu street was caused old-sty- le carbon lamps without .1. The loss Is in excess rt,nricfhnn intimates that the new im. give a hght whx of the-cit- water department, object- by the absence of residents which only do they money, but they ahd perial finance minister. Von Roedern, not best qua.:, - prevented the collection of assess- brilliancy can be compared to the has been unable to reach an agreement ed. Jiwever- for color and . value would be not less ments. He thought, however, that : ' federal government respect- "The ower of daylight. with the $5'io a year," he said. "It ought there were other streets in Honolulu imperial monopolies than high-eta- y ing the proposed an uhlch neded repairs far more than the new 1,000 "TKt grave trouble may develop in to be started at once as investment. Let us show you how with and that January we can't be- Nuuanu street. ; you can get nearly 2,000 canfi. the' federal council on the subject. If we waR until EDISON MAZDA Lamp then for six months : The cigarette monopoly is especial- gin construction power for 10 cents a'n hour. than because of the wet season." HARPOON DATED 1861 , ly opposed by Saxony, as more IN SWORDFISH cigarette making industry F0UN3 half of, the According to a statement issued by ' '-t;-t and 'intro- r is centered in Dresden the ZIJEF-- Commission, LOS ANC Cal The body of Sold T.rfei.-sr of a monopoly would seriously the Interstate Commerce at likeable duction 11G.3S8 miles a large swordfish was washed up on San Francisco's hit Saxon revenues. Saxony is inde- 90 railroads, operating during July, shew a gross earning of the shore near the mouth of Topango HOTEL pendently planning a monopoly of a ' $177,523,651. canon. The fish had been dead but American or European electricity. Firmly imbedded in Right Senice Right shcrt time. S Rates T hop . A n n t , Electric Smelt- - Electric massaging, apparatus which lisI.. oauiv v. us pan ui x iioiiruuu.Wtfn v .... - Rich, Manager report of American French gold cdn to- the amount of Obadiah M The the. was badlv rusted, but when extracted; 2.80.O0O.. receiH d from Canada was a K s n , T nasi c " Vi Q f I CT11 rCk2 Hotel St. -C; , . Krlng 1 1 deposited at thi Asay Office to the or$11.145?93. to the scalp and face. ' 161 were discernible. I re Jit of J. V. JVrjran it ( o SANFRAIPISCO

i) - " i -- ' m -- 'I. I I '- ' " v "giii mi" - 1 I f"" j t - U - mmmm mmmm mmm .uiI M Residence Lots in this section .will be sold at auction, Saturday, October 28th, by the Jas. F. Morgan Co., Ltd. The Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., or the Jas. F. Morgan Co., Ltd., will be pleased to show you this property. 1.




; KDNKSDAV-.- ...... OCTOBEIt 1 1. VJH'i. :leKibroad. Jt, Khimtuu fair to assume Hint oth- - AS Til WARSHIP DOUBLE SOON vr jfiurihas of war. munitions and other 'war ma liU-ra- ukitiiucan victoky is maim:. j lerial will continue U'Hiii.ait equally l Male. ; " ;TIhv uill jiM'rv' tin same unexampled Abigail Kawananakoa to Con F. Q. Cannon. Acting Manager, hn to l.jmoIicaii victor v in .Maine reinllv revival 5. industrial and exirt activity that ha heretofore tinue Her Efforts Secure Back From Coast; Inspected 1'. hojes w if li tli:il tini luuoril slL':in. "Ah i niiiuaril v from this source. Wi- - are now Ship Named Hawaii Improved Generator , ' . "l''h i-- o :um,. goes the . I Republican ing not alone a demand from foreign eoun natfon." That the s s.'rtm Prim-es- Abigail K;iwaDanakia. Ha with ' the I a . . If I 4I . . a a 1 Kverywl'fre ou the I'seific Coast w:im, , war we nav Hun-Ored- ir.M koiiu, inai it iiv no means a Tailing tries lor iHm't ami supplies., out waii's original sponsor fur a Cniteil lhey are talking about Hawaii. s of the noniral majority in ihe nx k ImmiiuI state, .1 added to that an almost ciiuhI volume of domestic i.te warship hearing the territory of ojiI are planning -- lb visit, t nam', returned in 1 1 Malsouia troni the Inlands this winttr, ani hundreds A the deliliernte opinion men who Mudied purchasing 'jmwer whjh has closely . followid flu. of have a two years' Sojourn on jhe main- of others fxpwt to come hfre some TH) ' i 1 returns and are familiar with Main politic. ; free of the profits that haw n t hum! so gen land, spent it.iefly i.-- Washington. I. tiin. Hawaii is on everycue's tonRtj? wn n ti To ;f Hoijolulan who is a student of national joli Urallv following' the;, war's opportunities. I,ahor, (. hopeful for the idea's sue- - end every visitor from the is. and U jilied with question after Question re niW Wfio jm likwiH irwuiallv arn:aint'il with ihvt ho fullv ami rotit:ihlv fijijilovMl. is l'UVn L,jvrn Iire. garding the territory Mflioe situation. ih Star ltnllftiti im irnhhtl luxurn-- and iKNisitiPH at IjJitli inivs. SjMMilators The irinc-- v expects to stay in l!a This, in brief, is the way P. Q. Can w w - 1 i aii. about six weeks and ill be at non, actjns "manager of Honolulu tho followiiifj an- f : ti the 'figure atnl analvsis : ) who have niade Iare prolan evn more I r . . the home ill her sister. Mrs. (ieorKe (as Comuanv. desrrihes lh fee uut omjtaruinn of tfuhmuitot inl mti'. Maiut', 'hint i as a Hwinli!i elass, while nianufa t urers and t l ad-- J Het kley. en Ii irnond Hea l road, Wai- - toward Hawaii now existing on the eis are participating pnte lull v in this active nr kikl, and wi! visit at the homes of Psfitic Coast.- Cannon returned to , her other sihters, Mrs, Walter Macfar- - Honolulu .on the .Matsonia after at- - r . . Jepllhiratl Deuioeratie Kcpulilif an jeulation of funs. This. is an, ommiio feature thai lane and Mrs: H. nding of ' ti the annual convention the -- '; V - .' Star-IJulle- - . ; :; .".' it Is in by a (las v . Majority is usually piite as fiakward in ending as When interviewed I'aitic Coast Association at ; l morning the was ov ,,.. .. 117,7 1! ' develoiiinir. Henee it tnav Ik eoiiside-e- as likely tin rei.reiJifatle this Santa Barbara Jle absent about ki;il7 , princess expressed gratification of the a month. j 2 ...... 7lttii: i;7,7ih to M,i-iiji- a position in jnarket eousiderat ions for way the story or her battleship dan "While I was on the coast I heard 7,'.V5 (some time to eoiM. Thre should, for some time, was first ghen l' the"' Honolulu pul)- - niore. Hawaiian miisie than I have lic by ilie Star-f?ulJf'ti- n. and she seeni- - heard in Honolulu in the last two 10H; UV2. . .111,271 i iHivuiir as well as Ipuldiran gain over j te ainiile1 lumls for r securities eil well pleased with the rmmner In jears," Cannon says. "The. pe)ple I Jefnocra I ie ohh J !' 1 1' rr 1 !t 1 2 . . I'll commodities. Hank credit, too. promises to oeriipy whit h her hopes had been received seem to talk Hawaii, think Hawaii lit a similarly position. here by the generally and by ar.d sing Hawaii. Of course, all thiJ ainle civic convention und the board of music is not strictly Hawaiian, but it NVt the pain for Ufpiildirans ...... , .;in,::tK siiervisors in jiarf icular. i pertains to Hawaii. : 1 ( ; 1 ; As sts sfie '1 some, cpnven in-- Fi :n i :n i h m x n ay i . s vv i n t . Koori has met her friends here was talk at the it and relatives the princess say he will t ion of holding tluv next congress in TipjuiMiean pain Ifrlt; over HMIM . write a jiersonal note to Josephus I.fctn- - llcnolulu. and Cannon extended to tJie 1 )emocraiiV JM - gain IIlli; over. J is v . 1,(114 After awliilo soino of ...uur hard headed husiness- - lels. of the navy, and she delegates a hearty invitation to as- I hopes action will be Vear,f However, it less thrt favorable emble here next probably sv humor and more serious takf.n ,JKm the matter. i was decided to hold the l!U7 conven- - Uppublican wt-gaii- i . . h.Jiir...... merit in the prosisal to set the clock an Jioiir ahead "J will send Mr.Daniels a personal r ion at Se.nta Cruz, "but Cannon says hf gnbernatorial votew nince 1JM0 art as follows; known as the "Day light Saving l'lan.' elter, wiilch will probably not be that eventually the pas ' men may IJipullicaii I)enucralie uiade' public," the princess, jjiake Honolulu their congress heaJ- - s noted by the Chicago Tribune, ihere has come ' which will .contain sr-ni- suitable narters for a few days. a of interest in tin' "daylight saving move fouvenir of Hawaii and which will While in Los Angeles Cannon visit- - - -- 7r.r.!i 1 ui,7Jii by renew and keep fresh in the secreta- td a number of gas plants and also ment, and the request made many .months ago ' I - The ry's nn'nd . request which have st)ent in Fran- t;j),:Uo lhe considerable time San r,U77 the Chicago Association of .'Commerce that the na made for a warship proudly boasting cisco inspecting a new gas generat- - I say , 7.7i!M ot;.t75 tional organization take a referendum of commer the name ."Hawaii.' cannot ing apparatus, a denulicate of which what .action will be taken, but I be- - has been installed by the Honolulu (J4,t;72 7.;U2." t by cial ami civil bodies on he quest ion is renew ed ileve it will be favorable." i (las Company and which will be put 71,04:5 r.7,74s the Rochester chamlier of commerce. The latter iu operation within a very short time. ":'':':-.:;:l:- Is Improved de- r,s,s(;L - (iiMi;ji IsMly recently sent out forty eight letters to associa This an and more t;7,710 pendable one than the former process .8117 tions throughout tin4 country sounding them on day BOARD ORDERS and will enable the local company to lore Is ft jMipnlar jinprossion that the Ilepuhlican light saving. " double its capacity for making I he rfty in Maine is alKiuI ;0,IM0 r 4(1,0(1(1, lieeause much-use- d fuel.': Of forty-- t v.o replies revived eleven chaml)er.s ini npTTi nr the Uryan campaigns many IVmofratH refns- - niriiT the east and middle west-favore- setting the clocks vote Ah a mattrr of fact, the total voto in one hour ahead in the season. Lighteen Policy last election was the largest ever .east in Maine, others replied that they; were conducting investiga uing the high record vote east in 1SS0. tions of ;he scheme's practicability. Two opjiosed I votes KAILUA KUUBLt f in the last six guln'maforial campaigns the were, willing to abide Jiy the result it, and others HELD Y. 1 ;: follows, in in BE AT M. 'including the Kepublican vote of a national referendum.; The Merchants' Associa .ill the Progressive votes, namely, IK.lJo: Two lettere concerning the Kailua tion of New York aiid the commcrcial clubs of (i,h Cortland F. Bishop of lnox, Mass., James McNerney, a fireman of En-ha- s r Republican Democratic a parrot Washington and Providence have secondiil oth-- which has a vocabulary gine Co, No. 236 at Rockaway Beacb, ejnnati, Kaneohe Itanch Comiwny and the 75 oO,:jir, (J1.477 FRIDAY EVENING of words. . was by ,0.1 . the miuest from Rochester that a refeiviidum lc er from residents at Kailua beach, killed a train at Seaside. ' c(;,o7n . , were referred to the' city attorney's ' - ' UIKHI. I trrta t lha miuMnff7nt tha siinorvi ..-- .1. .' 4,072 This shows a dei i (led gain for the movement since ora last night with orders to have the - 71,043 ; ,t;7,748.:. J ui y me 01 i ue mm ih-.- cli-- 77,087 (2,o::J) nine pnqMwu mni immu The first letter said that their I at Big, Social Sing; Neil Im evidence of lent bridge ". the vote when taken will such would consider that the AOagV Republiciiri vote ... . . , V . J. . . 71,100 unanimitv that the plan will be put in iqeratiou. overtne roaa neing fepairea bjvtne Sattery to Preside you AverjBge Demoefutie vote ...... (W.l&I Are lobkingfor when finished and in answer the clerk ' Erin Oo Krauzh" will be the slo-- next 'as ordered to communicate with the ; gan at the Y. M. C. A. on Friday even . The recital at the Oiiera House Satttrdav crn go llepubl ica n majorify, include , " - - . t I " " ing, when Irish night will be staged. house Makiki? : ni " in - 1 .... war rep I ...... o,0 ft ;.;. lit lor Hie oi i.jnrojiean otpuans nad betn referred to the city attorney Em- ring 'regressive ... On that evening the songs of the When you choose a home in an es-tablisl- ied Democratic resents a cause which should enlist the sympathy and also to say that Jthe board pf su erald Isle will be sung; and Neil Slat-ter- y Uepublican ' 1 T 1 1 I.-- . neighborhood such as this, " ..II II vt..l ,....., Rl"ft IV Kft HUfr Ultlll will have charge of the program. ' ' ; 1 J) .t '"'! (jV.: ,11 , : ' 0 I , ( a mi up,MHi oi ,i c. .. .. SI I ,..e,.... other letter requested that the ...... n,P Ed Towse will loan a number . of you know exactly what you are get- - : . Mrs.. A. j prevent . iublican gdinver average vol e . . I'll.l 4 S, over, a musical event of unusual interest. hoard the .Jvaneohe ranch slides on Ireland, and these will be i. - rron Pwir.g up and planting alfalfa ting. No probability of undesired I ) 1 ft "violinist, who will rive the chief nuni- shown following the big social sing. ic gal n n verage vot e . ; ,riIo Infills I 1 1 niocra iiver .. In Mia fng ns flirf Hiu unlu songs i The that are so dear to every iieighborH buying - ncrs, is an oi gn-a- iiieru, uueui v m iii.u.?i .u i thoroughfare to the lot next door in Republican majority over arusi the beach. Irishman's heart will be renderedr in- -. tei hnical skill, and in .Mr. Frank Moss, and putting up a shack. averagemajority ...... - ...... S.ns'i ideals and cluding "Wearin of the Green," "My who may SPECIAL COMMITTEE Wild Irish Hose." "Come Back to 1 prohibit ion has had anything to the 'pianist, the audience will hear one $500 DOWN AND claim bat, Erin," "Where the River Shannon $50 PER MONTH 1m In placed among the foremost OF SUPERVISORS FOR !i, this question is shown to by without exaggeratlui Flows" and "Ireland Must Be Heaven will buy a modern home with 6 large American "'mast ere of pianoforte. Miss C'emeiice BOND CAMPAIGN my . tial retiinliH' which have Ieen received, which ISSUE 'Cause Mother Came From There." rooms, attractively built and finished tl.aV Republican gains were larger in per Clifford is a young llomdulu girl for whom this will George Andrus, at the head of the Y. the special com- - M. C. A. Glee Club, will Neil inside and out Close to Wi liter Ave. ' anti-prohibitio- be virtually a first public nee, but those who ' in thev.citlcs, which are apjara fmorui5rVl ors to promote the Slattery on the 'program Copies of car line. Laundry and servants' quar- in the country, which is prohibit ion. The mosl bond Issue propositions In the plebis- the songs will be printed for all mem- - work-don- cite to be held at the legislative elec- bers of the association. -- The social ters. Modern plumbing. Street e. : soprano. The the conibina 1. nt featnre,is,: however, the solidity of the priies are iopular and t n n In? a inna it otrrlnAr1 t m iM sing will begin 6 o'clock. '':-':'' - at' -- lican vote, and the election of Iiale, the spe--! tion of a worthy cause and a remarkably giMd prp- consisting of Hatch as chairman. In ' ject of attack, to the United KtatQs senate, grain ought to fill it. T v ' . accordance with the motion, Logan WANTS PEACE WITH CHINA. PHONE 3477 ana . norner. . It 'mson, the very strong Democratic candidate Besides attending to the matter of (8pciml Call to Hawaii ghinpo) ' TOKIO, Japan, 11. '"ction, by 10,(K)0 votes. ; The verdict of 10KJ" about which Mr. Wilson puduciiv, tne commiuee is mstmctea Oct. iTemier I tn arMtlM ij-I- iUa. illfforcnt .nartv Terauchi announced today that his fdniLCiMtt. said he did not particularly care is nevertheless a campaign managers for oprortunifies ;olicy towards China will be for peace, ml : n- - THH WAR IK 1017. rather, important matter to some LM.OOO finleral of- - to advocates of the issue for address-fii-e-bolder- s end that Japan will stand hand in - peace who would like mischief to get in band with China- ior the of the hate the hv w . ,' (TYomVlleftry, clews' Hanking Letter.) tha mfr fhat Orient. ousted from the. manger R. Farrington. president of Art RICHARD IL TRENT, PRES. I the .ibllUjf of the continuance of the war into Club, had volunteered as a speaker in A meeting of the members of the I. H. BEADLE. SEC T CHAS. O. HEISER, JZy TREAS. !' bve 98' jiri 'ira.inetliate. factor of the gen advocacy of the bonds. Honolulu Street Railway Employes' Evidently the lemocratic managers do not take will be held in :;;ct the; 'liter-wa- r conditions which many Benefit Association the Fairbanks seriously or they would revive California has 10,557 factories, em club house, Beretania street, at 7:30 1 Candidate ...I pofsntis are awaiting with apprehension. ploying more 200.00U persons. 1 than o'clock tomorrow evenine. cocktail story for ; his particular tenet t. t for tieuirly ri0O,OO0,0:)O pounds tf copper, that ... s recently leeh arrange! with American he rs, for elivery abroad during the first six . At least it can be said of AIh Lonisson that tbiv delegate when a ; of lOK.-doe- s not tend to encourage the view had the nerve to cuter; race di-si- A Bracelet Watch i early peace is leing exacted in oflicial cir-- whole host of others timidly back. Furnished Mouses rartment got a can to MoilitlL Is. not only beautiful but use ful 14 kt. and Gold Filled in TON: The crowd stood about 50 50 - VITAL STATISTICS 1626 Maklkl st 80.00 about 9:30 Saturday night when the U our large stock. 7TT i) riroms partly furnished; .".cottages, 7 room 3 la alL last ballots were being counted in pre- BORN 9 de- - Star-Bulleti- n cinct booth and when the fire VIEIRA JEWELRY CO., 113 Hotel St. A. LYLE: If the BAKER In Honolulu. Of t. '. 191 . to Ute'lUi the paper' I feel kind Mr, and Mrs. Franklin ,K. Bafcer of 9 P . some and lost until he comes. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 103.1 1'alama lane, a daughter, Hattle PROGRAM OUTLINED SANTOS-r-ln i. Oct, P, ll,'to Unfurnished nnDETUCK H. IAUKEA: This IS Mr. and Mr. An?v?Rt Karitos of R2" weather, reminds me of the Sooth utreet, Kewalo, n ; ijuen fn. 1675 Kalakaua ave. . . $80.00 I used to wear, overshoes In Ne- - The program for the celebration of DIAS In Honolfilu, Oct, 2, 1910, to Mr. Emperor Yoshihito's birthday ton Oc- and Mr. Victor Mas of 521 Cooke 1028 Piikol at...... 3 30.00 tober. 21 In the garden of the Japa- street, a ison Arthur, . ' (Detached cottage, 1 bedroom.) at-Th- fr 1 91 The 1, CHRISTY, deputy city nese consulate general on Nuuanu LUIZ In IIonolilij,Ott, C, to Mr. Cor. Mrs. 2 Kalmuki aad 7th ave .6 45.00 real estate business street was decided .Upon yesterday ahd Antonio latin of North -- 1 3 good to me that I am think rlternoon, when the committee of School slreet, near Ujiha street, 1704 King st...... '...... 2 30.00 ' starting In by buying a house twin nona-;harl- e3 ani f. which pr. I. Mori is chairman, met at on 1235 ave. 2 27.50 BLAIS1)KLI 1'jc: . : weea Homestead Matlock office of adopt- At the the the consulate. As ; rlutn, Oct 1, 1916. to , ed it is: : - :r. Yr.V .r 13th and Claudine...... t 2 18.M APT. JAMES GREGORY of the John L. BlalsdcII. a c rorner propertj", AlexaBder anil liingliani . Pally fireworks will be fired In the 1 : ..e ras through a school of - the run ln, which was th garden at 11 a. m., marking the open- " mah; last ing the celebratlcn. 1 1 hare ever seen. The "sea was tf YORONO-OTOrri- C Civrr in area; beautiful trees; a three bedroom easily 20 long. Japanese natictal air by the Hawaii f them, jmaliy feet ' band. Oct io, im, r r in Miss Yr' T :V. McVEY: Tills Opening cy Dr. I. Mori. tltKkLES aaaress Ulrich T ).00. mlgtity "small world, especially Reading the congratulatory .address Churr" one conies to Hawaii. You're rj Conrul-Genera- l Morci. : ftcL Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. ' sooner Reading to meet someone here, congrttalatory cablegram, htan . r, whom you iiave met cr known allien will be sent to the Japanese n ; Trust Co., Ltd. Sole Agents . knows aomeone yoii do. by 1 ir. 1. Mori. Gold c . Stangenwald Bldg. Fort and Merchant National air and bana I, sun by con-rr- f was' wltbw V CHIEF, CHARLES H. THlTIt ration. for..hip!ii HONOLULU STARBULLETIN; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 191G.

I Y ''Quality First 3$ -- George Angus, a posed by Edith Simonds, the t3lented 81TRPR1SE PARTY TO CAPT. AND Craves. Mrs. W. Clark. Mrs. Sely. Mr. and Mrs. after Miss four months' visit to both the East and writer, wh has recently: visited the MRS. METTERS Mrs. John Erdraan. Mrs Caum. j Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. West coasts, returned this morning. islands as the guest of Mrs. Francis A most complete and successful Re- i'eerl Sutherland. very im- - Williem Alansoh Bry- Judge and Mrs: William Whitney, Gay, and who made a marked prise party was given to Capt. and W. Beadle. Mis. who her" play. who have been enjoying a mainland pression upon all heard :j ,Mn. F. V. Metters at home of K. an, Mrs. Wyman of Fort Shafter, Mrs. the vacation, were home-comin- g passen- Miss Clemence Gifford will sing A. Jaeobson on the Walalae road last f trpenter. Mrs. A. A. Ebersole, Mrs. (PiUDDS (Hctic Wrkander, gers on this morning's steamer, these songs. Miss Gifford H a young evening. - v William Ouderkirk. Mrs. San-Icr- girl of IB who has a voice of IT. ?.!rs. J. Wltson and Miss Virginia ' Honolulu . Cspt. Metters, thW 'boatswain. PROGRAM FOR OF jinusiial quality and promip. though H. N some com- THE BENEFIT and for time the THE WAR BABIES entirely untrained. As yet she bas mander of the IT. 8. S.. Navajo. has very work, but Honolulu - BAZAAR Hawaiian Ojra House, Oct 14, 1S16. done little teen retrred, and with Mrs.- Metters A COMING pres- . B. Ingalls, . may watch her progress from the lave-short-J- y Golden Circle Sewing Cl.ib. Mrs. Arthur and the two children, will The state to future excel- for the coast. Leahl Chapter No. '2. will hold a ba- Violinist, assisted by Miss Clemence ent untrained y. Gifford, soprano, Mr. lence with interest. . Mr. and Mrs. Metters were, ostifn-Ibl- zaar on Saturday, October 21. the pro- and Frank In furnishing a room Moss, pianist. Invited by the Jacobsons to ceeds io be used MRS. A. G M. ROBERT- King's Daughter's home. The Max Bruch . . Concerto in G Minor JUDGE AND I .. v t r. il their home for a nice, quiet "last even at the SON'S DINNER rt rL J ing ax thing was usual number of fancy work booths Allegro moderato. Adagio. Finale. It were, but the ' Around. a table. which was most at- loaded., Mrs. Jacob no n had caused will be in evidence. Lovely needle- Mr. Frank Moss, pianist cush- Edith Simondi ...... Songs tractive with its central decoration of some 30 Intimate. friends of the. Met- work will be on sale as well as and Judge of use- Anthem of the Sea, A Gladsome . Tantalus violets lace fern. ier to gather at the corner, and at ions and a great number other Mrs. Alexander G. M. Robertson sur-prlse- rs Spirit, The Poet's Song. Soli- and the psychological moment the ful articles; a candy booth of delicious entertained a company of., dinner sing--In- g home-mad- e tude, Spring Flowers, The marched into the bouse coconut creams, walnut evening. -- many Thrush at Eve. ' guests on Friday The hour On the Beach at Walkikl." The and chocolate rudge, as well as after dinner was a musical one, both affair wrtvof the Hawaiian hookupu of the eandiesJiat are always a draw- Miss Gifford, In A Major Mrs. Robertson and Mr. Frank Moss .order, eaqfcuest bringing a gift, pure- ing card. A grabbag for the amuse- Caesar Franck Sonata pro- ', contributing much to the informal ly Hawaiian, for-th- e' Metters. ment of the youngsters will be an Allegretto ben moderato. Allegro. Allegretto poco raosso gram: Mrs. Robertson sang several well-know-n Yellow was the color in flowers and added attraction. Recitative. Mr: Moss Moss-DeBuss- very lovely selections and in other decorations that made a very The delicatessen table will attract Mrs. Ingalls and Mr. The verv latest the - was most generous with his playing. pretty showing. Tiere may be pur- ...... Arebesque No. 1 the housewife, for ' It was an evening of genuine enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. Metters acknowledged chased roast fowl and poultry as well Grunfeld Gavotte Roccoco Mrs. D ment to Judge and Robertson's that the surprise was complete ana as baked hams, veal loaves, mince, Liszt Etude in Flat guests, who were Mr. and Mrs. Charles - Mr. Moss expressed their appreciation of the apple and custard pies, cakes of every Chilling worth. Miss Abby Buchanan. occasion. kind, as well as cookies, crullers, Schubert-Kreisle- r Moment Musical Mr. Frank Moss. Mr. Walter Marshall "Phipps" of-CO- Couperln-Kreisle- r Hats Seven or eight table! 'were doughnuts, breid, rolls and salads. . ...La Precieuse of Hilo and Mr. Herman Lathrop soon In full swing that filled up a de- Surely ne need not worry about the PugnanfrKreisler Tucker. lightful evening to' a very late hour, Sunday evening supper with such an ...... Preludium and Allegro by express last week and when refreshments were served. . assortment of foods to select from. Mrs. Ingalls MISS EVELYN SCCTT'S PARTY reached us The winners at the card tables This bazaar will be held in Bishop Miss Evelyn Scott was hostess at were: First prizes, Mrs. M. T. Simon-to- n park.' DAUGHTERS OF HAWAII" SALE a very ' enjoyable party last Friday are now on display. The models are Mr. McMullen. Mr. William and; The lanai of the Royal Hawaiian torn-pan- y booby. evening when she entertained a Foster was handed the MATSONIA ARRIVALS Hotel will be a. busy place on of by" inviting go no duplicates. present were Mr. and Mrs. F. friends them to exclusive and there are Those' The Matsonla, arriving this mbrnlng, Saturday morning of this week, for and see the Bronze Revue W. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.'jacob-so- n, at the Metters; brought a crowd of "home people who here will be held a delicatessen sale Bijou. mo- Mr and Mrs. W; R. Foster. Mr. The show over, the guests have been away for various periods of to help the Daughters of Hawaii in the tored to Heinie's, where the rest of and Mrs; O. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. time. Princess Kawananaxoa. I wiho they are doing. The various Kith, w .a nble from this firm Fiebig. work the evening was spent in dancing. On September received Himonton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. has been in Washington and New, women who have charge of the many guests enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Flebig. Mr. and years, comes for The Miss Scott's Sole Agents Hats. York for the past two tables are among the finest cooks in hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. William appointing us fur 'Phipps'' Mrs. C. F. Merrill. Mr. an Mrs. A. M. a short visit with her sisters,' Mrs. Honolulu and the sale, safe to say, J k, Air. Mrs. Ormi8ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wblte-nac- Mrs. Ouderkirk, and Kelley Walter Macfarlane and Robert will last but a couple of hours. Things Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCorristonj Mr. and Mrs. RVF. Clayton, Mr. Shingle. of pleasures are be- A lot will be. purchased almost as soon as Mr.; Mrs. Van Anderson, Miss G. e, and and Mrs. B. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Bert ing planned In of Princess Ab-bi- o0 honor they are set out on the sales tables. Mason, Miss Pearl McCarthy, Mrs. Ughtfoot, Mrs. Wright, Miss Marion as she is affectionately known to The Daughters of Hawaii are making Wright, Mr. McMullen, Mr. Stanley of years Lovett, Miss Louise McCarthy, Mr. A. her friends of herring and potato salad Roth-wel- Wright a specialty Budge, Mr. McMillan, Mr. Guy l, The princess is one of the most as well as lau laus. Other articles : daughters, with Dr. A lford Wall and Mr. Steever. Auto Hats and Coats charming of Hawaii's for sale will be roast chickens, ducks, -. MISS CLARA PEARSON A HOSTESS her fascinating personality and viva- Made of New York eraze GREIG-FORRES- the latest turkeys, hams, meat loaves, as well T . Miss Clara Pearson was hostess at cious manner.. She is always a much-sought-aft- ; eb pies of every known pie filling, This ' morning at nine o'clock. 15 apartments at the Donna, honor lady, and is always jellies, mayonaise :'.;... Ing. A. Davenport, bread, rolls, James, Miss Margaret Forrest, youngest Mrs. J, Palmer of spoken of as a daughter of Hawaii and last but most important homo Iowa, wife of a famous chiropractic. who is irresistible. No doubt society daughter of Mrs. J. Forrest of "Pontine" made toothsome candies o all sorts, Aiea, and Mr. James I. Greig, mana Mrs. Palmer is a guest at thB Moana will deluge her with favors while she including coconut cream, Newest Fabric. Hotel. She will leave for Hilo and is here. ger of the Schofield branch of Bishop The Classiest and molasses, chocolate and walnut and & "Company's bank, were united in the volcano on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morton Riggs. who fudge, many apartments color, raisin peanut brittle and marriage at Andrew's cathedral. The were a riot of have been enjoying a brief visit to the kinds. St the hibiscus being used abundantly. mainland, come home very gladly, for other They left on tne Mai'na Kea for a Baskets of long fronded lacy ferns both say there is no place like Hono- short honeymoon trip' Co Hilo. After " - made the rooms delightful. Miss Vir- lulu. Mr. and Mrs. William William- THE INGALLS' RECITAL November 1 Mr. and iirs.- Greig will ginia played several selec- son others who are glad to get Mrs. A. B. Ingalls violin recital for be at home to their friends at Scho- Sanborn are " tions on the ukulele and also gave home. r.'.': the benefit of the war orphans will field. several beautifully rendered songs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C, Atherton are take place at the Opera House Satur- Miss Pearson also sang. The guests home from a stay of several months day evening of this week. The "tickets WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT arid Marsh Mes- Whitne enjoying Miss Pearson's hospitality in the Pacific Northwest, most of the will be on sale at the Territorial The following wedding announce- were Mrs. J. A. Palmer, the guest of time at Seattle. senger Service Thursday, Friday and ment cards' have been received by the honor; Mrs. William D. Westervelt, Dr. and Mrs. I. J. Shepherd return- Saturday at popular prices. - friends of the young couple: Mrs. James Wakefield, Madame Suth- ed this morning after three months The only vocal number on the pro- Mr. E. Colt Hobron erland, "" Mrs. A. Patterson, Mrs. visit East. ' gram will be a group of songs, com- - announces the marriage of his-- daughter ' . Martha'i- - ' r 1 :;v.:' . '; to Mr. Alapaki F. H. Smith girls, who is now a society matron of Monday, October the second, Hilo. was dared to leap across the nineteen hundred and sixteen. president's back. No sooner said than Honolulu, Hawaii. done, to the" absoVite horror of Mr. ' Merrill. She was duly punished but A DANCE AT THE FLEASANTON it was fun while It lasted. The management of the Pleasanton Hotel is giving a 'dance for its guests Mr. i"T Mrs. A. Familiant, who pur- and their friends on Thursday evening. chased the Dagget home at Kaimukf. It is to be an informal affair and de- have liad the place renovated and lightful as are all of the parties given have now moved in from the Sea- at this homelike hostelry. Mr. Rowan side I '"tel. whero they, were guests Jaunty, extends a cordial Invitation to the so- 'during the time of renovating. They ciety set and service folk to come and are charming Russian peopler who are enjoy the hotel's hospitality. glad to live in this land of peace and I'leamrt. ISLANDER ENGAGED TO MAIN-IJVN- D :;; When you order butter, xisk your BELLE Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Mather and loose Seat- Nor- for MAYROSE, made in a Mrs. Clara Eugenia Dunne of Mrs. Mather's mother, Mrs. J. II. dealer tle announces the engagement or her ton, .leave next Wednesday for their used daughter, Christine Isobel, to Mr. Aug- New York City home after a delight- creamery where the methods ust Maluhia Schmidt of Hilo. The ful two months spent at the Moana score one wedding is to be a November one Hotel. They have made a host of have been given d perfect of Sport Goats when Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will friends here who are regretful at their hundred points after rigid inspection make the trip to Hilo, where Mr. departure. , . Schmidt is in business at Waiakea. 4 by the California State Dairy Bureau Mr. A. S. Guild left on the "Manoa MOONLIGHT DANCE yesterday for Portland, Oregon, where at surprisingly The Country Club is the setting for he will wed Miss Winifred Wilson a moonlight dance tonight. A large on the 21st of October. After a short company of guests are expected and honeymoon the young people will re- ar- turn to Honolulu, where they will DEPZHDDL? special prices. several . dinner parties have been ranged. The moonlight dances of the make their home. . rtv X Country Club are always an antici- pated pleasure for it is about the cool- Society is keenly regretful over Mrs. est place in Hoaclulu to enjoy an even- Gerrlt W'ilder's illness, which has ing of dancing. called Mr. Wilder to the mainland. 4 ) Mrs. Wilder has not been entirely A BRIDE AND GROOM ARRIVE well for a year, but it is earnestly of indis-position-." Indeed, theyr'e attractively made the On the Makura arrived Mr. and Mrs. hoped that this is only a slight all-wo- David Seraple. They were married in handsomest ol materials Suiting Vancouver just before the ship left .;; .: port The bride came all the way Mrs. H. Gooding Field entertained Velouty Cheviot, Homespun, etc., and from Aberdeen, Scotland, to meet her at a three-tabl- e bridge on Tuesday 4 fiance, he going from Honolulu to afternoon at her Manoa home. Dainty meet his bride. They are guests at prizes were given to the ladies making some fine Silk Poplin, and the styles are the Colonial and plan to make their the highest scores. home here. very dashing. Not all sizes, hence the Mr. and Mrs. F. G. S. Snow of Ha-- V A CARD AFTERNOON wait arrived in tne .Mauna Kea lues-da-y Mrs. Ren ton Hind has Invited a com- and took the Manoa at noon for a reductions. pany of guests for Thursday of this three months' trip to the mainland. weekhonoring Mrs. Denbigh, Mrs. E. L. S. Gordon's sister, and. Mrs. TreiP Mrs. G. H. Vicars of Hilo is a Hono. field, Mrs. Donald Ross' sister. Both lulu visitor, having arrived on Tues- Woman's Coat of Fine Suiting; Velour, Straight Sacque Coat, suitable for ladies are on their first trip to Ha- day's steamer. She will leave for her waii. : Hilo home on Saturday's boar. in various small plaid patterns, with either young miss or woman. Plaid nov- - BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL GOODS contrasting selvages. Felted and with elty material' trimmed with bottle green A. STUDIO EXHIBIT Mrs. L. L. Sexton of Hilo was an long sleeves; Sizes 3(3 and 40, also Beginning Thursday, Mr. Ambrose arriving passenger on the Mauna Kea- - FONG INN & CO. ;it cuff and collar. Size O Vv tterson. the artist, is going to have yesterday. misses' size 18. f1 Cft some St. 1 :J8. Price . . V r fruit view exhibit of of the Nuuann St., near Pauahi $ 7 50 ...... " W, pictures he has finished since com- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilcox departed ing here. The exhibit continues Fri- for their Kauai home , on Tuesday Novelty Homespun mixture material day and Saturday, from 4 to 10 p. m. evening. Coat of Silk Poplin in a novelty stripe fr in a longer coat with raglan sleeves, Mrs. ".'G. Ogg on, the Kil-aue- a pattern of; rich subdued colorings and A LUNCH William left belted back, slash pockets, trimmed Mrs.Walter Macfarlane is entertain- for the Kona side of Hawaii, on beautiful design. Belted. Raglan ing a small company of guests t Tuesday. sleeves. Size 40. with silk braid. Size .8. luncheon today, honoring her sister, Abagail Kawananakoa. Mrs. Carrie RoMnson left for Kona l3tBi0i ntat Sift. . . . ' Prineess do Price . $25.00 Price ...... $15.00 on the Kilauea Tuesday morning. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Merritt. the ;.,;';:..',:: former a' former president of Oahu Mrs. J. B. Guard of iTilo came in on College, left on the Manoa.. They had the Mauna Kea for a short visit. STOCKS and BONDS a very delightful visit in Honolulu SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES among their friends of a quarter of a ; Of spring metal and wire is a new REAL ESTATE century ago. A good joke is recalled device to encircle a person's. foot and S' by one of the old students at the prevent the loss of an overshoe. Authorized to act as Execntor, Trustee, Administratpr . SA0H One-mornin- g president "Prep." the Business. Hotel near Fort was superintending the planting of a Ufcea Yea? Eyes Necfi Care or Guardian. Transacts a General Trust young tree, which, after 2." years is now a huge tree, when one of the Try Marine Eye Dentdy HOXOLUTTCr STAB -BuLLETTN, E I )XES DAY, . OCTOBER". II.; 191G. . V LOSS OF HEIYO Wilffi'CE Life, Fire, Marine, Til AT Automobile, Tourist, MARUISFEARED Mini: If You Wan! Banaacje cr Accident feaiKaiiHiiBMS HI Insurance. MATSONIA BRINGS nuu; niitE 5 U8IEB, OWNER STRENGTH MARKS M 7 7. ; .7'.;;'v7- CALL UPON

LEAVES ENOUGH FOR ANOTHER : Failure to receive i:u-n:.:.- at. 7:: Strength-'.r.:le- ..the icnal s;k r.tar-r- t CXSTLE & GOOKE, LTD. i'lroai the Htiyo-MaT- iVr more ti.r.a trxlay; The vol;;:n ef I.cmtis , as nut so 'large, V.;u-rday- b-:- t General Insurance Agents j M. Mori, as three wks.'iias hn ad vances of some imp l. C. S. .Gardner,: Mrs. (k rln. r. rtance Were Matsorr"Ste?rr,or is Delayed' By FOR TWO owner, and of hrs.t th rnu in Osaka - core! hi instances,- Fort and Merchant Streets Mrri. A. hartley. Al!-- ('.riffiu., sevtral epAX iallv anxiety o-.- - Jh.e fafe .;f in- Pioneer Mill. Pacific Miil came m - Tail-Sha- ft Mr. ''CharJes ?. !IaTni.n!. !. Inspection at Jlaith. ; - top tlie se stean-.Ti;!;- h.- is a special attention an j sales ot .'" r!iiM vvitl Mr, Hanmiond. Mrs. . Jai'atit boat shares;-.- i :,' - says The Advd-t'se- r were . i tmit-- i. . S. F.; Many Passengers - Jiammcri'l Miss Jlameniura. C. I A 4" tons, .'apaa Hetwei;: Tomorrow Wiii Be Heavy .Day C. boards the sales Were o: u:, H..n)"r. A I' Hall. ;is K, M. U- - of September shares Mit.-;- :i and at 22'". " . by the session -- I. Mr- - K: on Niagara, Having been c!scrtred the ri. es re- ' Had four days , 1 head winda .not eit, F. H. Herbert.- irs.',T. Waterfront: Bussan Kaisha corded on' sales wm Pacific M'ill-"- delayed big'liner further.; Mit-so- n HilJr, ,V ,H7'ilindl. Georae lioooor. rentiy. the ileivu the the. Persia.' Thomas Due Mar-.i- ) Waialua tfa, Ewa Z7.C V M. L. Hopp. r. Mrs. M. I) Ho'v-jjrd- . .Varu Ca1rn Cean !eit .Miike. I'U'aod n;ih Bill? steamer Matsonia would have ar Mis U--4- Doctor's l well-know- n 2'3, McHryde Hovv About That Gerjrg H'jnt. ' a coal ;.oii port 1'ioneer ..ill pi; rived' last night instead or this morn- !ark iuf'kstii. How "divi JH two berths auonj; 421 in- to Kyusha. bound .for Aitget i'"'1 - Pagans l and Piriea vvw A. Mrs. w when ing. When the big- - liner decked at R. Hudscn, Hudson and s aP. (OTTiing torr.or-r.- Yon '.simply had to have the doctor at that time jou er? t'iree hi? steimu-r- 11. with a fi'll co:n;l rne-i- t of en; 13 7:13 morning.. Capt. fant. Mrs. Hutrhinscn, Miss Katherho Wii-liar- I'ler at this is ih probie'rn v!.i:h ("apt. r in the unlisted not. prcpari': J .to pay his bill "t' course, the doctor came, and h' hin-m- i, No newa has' been received fn;n securities there wrs said he ccnild hay.; HutrliinHon. .iss Aim'e Hntf tlu-- . i - t, Charles Itcrson l. Fcsit-r- harl"jr!i' is deel.m- from the; ;:;i-- : i pay hlni. in little dribMs. be. F'.y-lan- last M( . :i Ver for jo'i to ina Made jKirt by last nlsht, despite S. Htltchinsun. Mrs. 1. sine then. of bet wait tiff 1.' !::: out today. tain King 7,7. s fttrdying - shar.-- A accuun: at the time wculd p;l abA hav , and trig MiKs Gertrii'le John. Mini Mr. Mcri aril th" ilits.ii Hassan ;- lb n't Liir. lue unfavorable .weather linlir) n re--le- to!ay from at cents, j Mineral I e I). Mis 'siiKis naif-h- a i:ii:M applied to-th- Products re h!ipMia'.t.fMt h king cargo, Ltit as oViock is the tin. Myrtle Jchnon, Ka?ialevai. ; C'ina'Jiun-.Viistral-i.sia- n yesterday jr'avi'd J uu' 'life. f"r credit. thr-e- r KaVa-upnko- tiii' boats, the -y ! (overed trtmnd lest yesterdav Aft-- tif boarding mail here. Harriet Prinreys Havid - navy office in Tokiu t t- to fin ii Jirnit for tteamers Ktl, liner Niagara, tlu- 'P. K. K. :.ales of 12:: shares at ?1.2o " B. L; A. of missing there ne reuueeu me untr ai James Keifter, .. V, S. out the. whertabnuts the :!2.".o r Persia Marti and the were sold shares nt $1 221-- -. from, roon yesterday to Kerr, Mrs. Kerr, S. A. Keyston, Miss - )cat. They also asked Japanese F: an hour o-- Thomas, ststr- that nil. tie Kngels t'opper was of Hawaii, Limited to, ar- C. H. K. tnui'jort Marn, v hi; h left im hanged, bM Bank 4 oVlocW Uiis Hiorninj? in order Grace Knisht; Kroll. J. v ' or-- Pier. 7. steamship Kinkszau 1 three ant either Pier a hares selling at ?:;.:!. Tipperar.- was today. M K. Lang, I). avuii-abl- e. Miike Singapore August :tl with -- Cor. and Merchant rive off H)it at daylight r. A. James Levt nsoir. both of which only one is for e.Mits. Fort - Livi'ig-Fton.- .' cargo coal, to try to find Tail Shaft. Inspected S. L. IJvingstbn. Miss KJith ('apt. Foster is doinp long o? also tbe would ha vv arrived, l.'oT'l, .Miss Margaret on the way to her destination. . The Matsonia f'liarles to-la- ;:t vhere' beat t'ivision figuring .to - morning if she had Lynch., H. R. Marfarlane, Masters The Heiyo .Maru by Honolulu Stock en time yesterday p. it them all. Exchange " ou time.. She Stanley, .Viar&ton, T. Nakamura of Osaka. The left San Francisco and Warren The Persia Mafu seTit a wireless Opt. 1 -t Just 4 crew atM.ut 4b The ship is 0 Golden Gate Kdward Mathews. Miss Julia Mattls, numbers Wednesday, Meurned jia- the in to Castle &. Cooke saying ?ho Will Oct. 11. she had. to go Into J. W. Mavnard. Mrs. Mavnard. It ?, insured in the Holtio. Marine insuranc hours late because l. "off port from the Orient at . be r drydock for removal and insioctioii-o- f Mead. R. C; Mederart, William ('oinp-an'y'-fo- T.'.O.O-- 0 yen. MKUCANTILi:-.'- .' Bid Ask. l. o' tomorrow afternoon and wants At & ittfipettion being r (ieorge H. J:. Alevamh r Baldw in. . . A!exantier t or tall KhafL Mrs. Moller. I)., pasftMi-per- s .... of ti. , Pier-- 7. She has K.2 steetage ('.. years by govern-- M Mobney, M iss 1 )clly Brewer & Co. . . . .' lnfc quired every thtxv Mixney, rs. amount of SI-GA- Matsonia ;as tor Honolulu. The 'uient regulations, 1 no Mooney, Miss Blanche Neide, Miss cargo aboard for this port is not given 1 c leaning and paint- Neide, C. , .1. Kwa Plantation ('o . . given a thorough Martha Neumann. Alxiiit the same time this irornm Mono! uli! drydock, and Haiku Sugar Co ing of her hull wtiiie in Nell, W. H. Nelson. R. C. O'Connor. shipping department or Theo. IL will be ted M. L. the Hawaiian Agr. . 4't aiowin Ijcr hull and holler? Insis Dr. Sarah Kllen Palmer, Miss Canadian-Australasia- n ('.;. ... Limited - , Davies & Co.". . .tnttnM'tnrM When she M Palat-sek- Hawaiian C & S. Co. . 31 Peterson, Mr. A. Paine, II, agents received a radio from Capt. from Balboa, the Britis'i ...... Limited. again. T Hawaiian Sugar . i.,.- - unn KYanelaco ni I). K. B. Pillsbtiry, Mrs7 Mary Niagara 'saying' steamer Euryphis arrived today for Co. ... .7.. 43 & J. T. Bolls of the he . issues K. N. K. Letten liner s tail M. Riggs, Mrs. Ihter-lsland- . Honokaa Su jrar Co. . . . . IS tuck two days. The Prlne, Voung Rey, J. Svd-ne- y, 12i work tvpeeted to anive off port Trom bunkers from the 1 found iu evcellent Riggs, F. R. Richie, Stanley Robinson. lonomu Sugar Co...... fchaft was at C o'clock tomorrow evening Sugar Factors of Credit and Travelers' L since the . Mrs. Hutchison S. Plant. Co. , tion. It has been in George W. Sthlenderberg. 7. Next mail from Australia, New Zea and also desires Pier . Miss Canadian-A- Kahuku Sugar Co. . '21 through- v steamer waB built la Jyiz, since .imkn Charles Simpson, Mrs. Smith, land and Suva will arrive in the "0, Commission Merchants Checks available to agents cnn.errea once with . . , . . . 2:10 pretty close Dr. 17 Shepherd. The at i Kekaha Sugar Co. 213 time she, has traveled Carolvn Shepherd, J. ustralasian liner Niagara. up mllcH Logan Shepherd, Dr. F. E. Trotter, chief quarantine Koloa Sugar ; Co. . . . . 213 and Insurance Agents out the world. 175,000 or 2'J0,ou0 Mrs: Shepherd, Miss off port at C o'clock tomorrow even- . H. K. Spicer, P. K. fficer, who told them that if the McBryde "Sugar Co., Ltd. 11 'A 1 1 'i . Thousands of Tops Left J. M. Siddall, ing. . 1 Although she brought 7G0L tons of Spalding. Mrs. Albert Spencer. Her- Niagara arrived before sundown or at Oahu Sugar Co...... Hilo. would boarded and Co., . and for C. Stevens, Harris sunset, she be. . Olaa Sugar n ir."i Agents for cargo for Honolulu 71 bert Steiri, Ernest The-(I- S. army transport Thomas, Ltd..... CABLE TRANSFERS was enough Swezey and could come in. but .that if she did not Onomea Sugar Co. : . . Cant. Peterson said there B Stewart. Mrs. Otto H. which will arrive off port from San ... Hawaiian Commercial & Supar on cars and Mrs. Swift. tppear until after rundown she could , Paauhau Sugar Co. freight waiting shipment two children, P. A. Swift, Francisco at C o'clock tomorrow even-lug- ..... Company. AT LOWEST RATES to B. Temple, net enter until Friday m mlng. The Pacific- - Sutfar MiU.7. . , ...... 20 in warehouses at San Fran?lsco Mrs. Bertha 8. Taylor, E. has 12 sacks of mail for Hono- . - tne liner B. agents have v.ired Capt. Rolls to Co. . . . 243 Sugar Company. fill anKher- Matsonia after, Judge W. IL Thomas, H. Underhilr. lulu. Paia Plantation .... Haiku All she. could load Mrs. FJ. If. speed up and arrive before the 'sun Pepeekeo Sugar Co. aboard - Jr., Mrs. C O. Walker, Paia Plantation. before She left Thurs- George v White, ill sets tomorrow. They expect to have Pioneer Mill Co. 7. . . . ; ... 42U steamlng.tifpe. Webster. Mrs. 7 steamer Columbia left 42i Maul Agricultural Company. U il' Niagara leave for Victoria and The Grace San Carlos Mill. Co., Ltd. 1! 20 Whitney. Mrs. Whitney, William the Tuesday afternoon for Seattle, taking Miss Mien Vancouver late tomorrow night, She Waialua Agr. Co. . 33 . .. . Hawaiian Sugar' Company. liamson, Mrs. Williamson, 70,000 cases of cannf! pines. She ar ...... H. R. Wolcott, has only 35 tons to discharge here, Wailuku Sugar Co...... BREWER CO. Williamson. H. Withers. rived here last Friday from Toccpilla Kahuku Plantation Company. C. 6 Mrs. J. F, Yoes, Mrs. J. Sutherland, so she can make it by that hour M.I SCKLL A N EOL'B .get. with nitrate. McBryde Sugar Company. : M A Winterbloom, Mrs. Wadsworlh, easily provided she can a berth. llndau Developt. Co., Ltd. (LIMITED) . w Thursday Bight, just a eek he Miss Wad3Worth, Mrs. F. A. Riese, The Persia Maru will have beaten her 1st Issue assessable, ; Kahului Railroad Company. , dock. H. will ; left the coast White, Mrs. M. Morrison, Miss to Pier 7, however, so another dock Next mail for San Francisco p,i Kauai Railway Company. for the big Mrs F. K. s iauonta brought a fine, Miss A. S. Marsh, Mrs. will have" to be given here. leave Friday on the. T. K. steamer 2nd Issue assessable, SUGAR FACTORS K.O'Connor. S. Kauai Fruit & Land Co., Ltd. paSUer 214 cabin and 40 steer- M. Miss JI. G. To the quarterma?ter's office this Persia Maru, due off port at o'clock 43't Pd. . list, Stone. Mrs. H. Swanson. COMMISSION MERCHANTS - I1; Yokohama. e mail Smith, Miss- L. morning came a wireless from the tomorrow afternoon trom Haiku F & P. Co.. Honolua Ranch. age, 65 S bags of JV S. Wilson, Mrs. T. Ptd.v AND INSURANCE express matter. Stew-ir- l Miss IL .Smith, Mr. Smith, S. army transport Thomas, saying she She will bring mail from the Orient Haiku F & P. Co.. Com. SHIPPPING of Smith, - said the scxia. G. Scovel, Mrs. G. S. will be off port .from San Francisco and Manila. Hawaii Con. Ily. A. . AGENTS "Cy" Wilmarth masquer. Miss Stone, S. lr, on board Included a Scovel, Mrs. G. Lloyd, It. A. Mcllague. at 6 o'clock tomorrow evening and Hawaii Con. By. 6c;c., B. . numerous 6. passen-- . Japanese steamer Eifuku Maru. S5 tall. 'Picnic on .deck, R. McHague, Mrs .11. McDonald, Miss will dock at . Pier She has The Hawaii Con. Ry. Com. . . . 1,00 H. 67"tons- - of cargo for Hono- from Arthur, Tex., for bunkers, HONOLULU, T. H. dances and otber diversions. R. Parr, Miss M. Zumwalt, Miss gcrs and Port. Hawaiian Electric Co.... FORT ST, Spalding, the ship's surgeon, helped Maddock, Mrs. E. Marston, Miss E. lulu, wants 670 tons of coal and will arrived thi3 morning. She was not re- Hawaiian Pineapple Co. '50 "50 i Saturd- Inter-Islan- d wanting PETERS e F.; Mar steam Manila about neon ported to the, as Hon. B. & M. COj, 19 20 EC. arrange-th- tunts. Marston, Mrs. D. Puller, Mrs. for Ltd., ay.-; 7,:;;:7:-'- so call was a surprise. Officers Prom6ted One Notch ten.. Master Marten. '1 "77 rliunkers. her Hon. Gas Co., Ltd . . .. . 126 .... List of Officers and Directors: the Matsonia has a She docked at Pier 6. Hon. R. T. & L7 Co...... 130 210 C 7... McCandless Bldg. President 'ievicond officer. Chief Officer J. Inter-Island-. S. N. Co. . ... E. F. BISHOP...... Sait -- Three days late, the China Mail 20' T. H. ON W Jorr reported. He Is louis PURCHASE MANY NEW Mutual Telephone Co... Honolulu, G. H. ROBE RTS NORWEGIANS Vice-Preside- San nt iron, succeeding "Nick" FoEartr.;now steamer China steamed from Oahu R. Vi L. Co...... ' and Manager The Honolulu and the Orient 1 , .chief officer of the Hilonlan: Francisco for Pahang Rubber Co. 2"z R. IVERS.U...... - Tuesday She will - at 1:40 afternoon. Dindings Vice-Preside- Matsonla's other .J Selma Planta- nt and Secretary each by .ogart arrive Tuesday morning, to steam the, Ltd,, 171.2 m''z tion, Pd. Vice-Preside- one notch 7..:.... nt oftt-ce- r STEAMERS RECENTLY for Yokohama, Naga- Bonds, A. GARTLEY... Iromotion. r is third JAPANESE came afternoon Selraa - Dindings Planta- E. A. R. Treasurer instead of fourth, while saki, Shanghai and Hongkong. tion, Ltd. tr.6' ROSS...... Pago-Pag- o Pd.... ' ' GEO. R. CARTER.. ...Director new fourtn officer. . A radio received from Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. 3 4 is the shipping department of Securities, C. H. COOKE...... Director Ready In April . today by the BONDS Maui r000 tons d.d. The & Co., agents, says J. R. GALT...... Director J For measuring about C. Brewer Oceanic Hamakua Ditch Co. Cs. . Fancy Prices Being Paid Yone Maru (d.d. 10,000 tons) of the Oceanic steamer Ventura,, duo Loans Negotiated, R. A. COOKE.. ..Director , on th Matsonia and there the Hawaii Con. Ry. .7 ...... turned Steamship Company, Sydney and D. G. MAY ...... Auditor were several tourist s well. Cargo Boats, Says Japan South Manchuria Tuesday morning from Hawaiian Irr. Co. 6s. , they did not is also reported to be under negotia- Pago-Pago- , has room from Honolulu cers or the Matsonia" said ; Story f Haw Ter. 4 refund. PJ05 Trust Estates Advertiser . foreigners over 1700 tons think the new Matson liner 'Maui will tion for sale with at for San Francisco for about Haw. Ter, 4 Pub. Imps. maiden voyage before next .1,000,000 yen. Besides, a few more of cargo. She will take out 12,000 Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp., make her Since June and" July last there has new negotiation 7300 of Managed by steamers are under bags of sugar, cases canned 1012-11- April, although it was announced commun- series 3 ..... she been a mania in the shipping for sale. pines, 4000 bunches of bananas and Capt. William Matson in June that at Haw. Ter. 4149r-'-...... - Bishop & Co. ' Feb- ity to sell old Japanese steamers steaming for would bo rt'ady hy the end of A certain marine expert is quoted miscellaneous freight; Haw. Ter. 4r ' ' ' a high price, hut the negotiations had 11 o'clock Tuesday BANKERS ruary or early in March. with the following remarks: San Francisco at Haw. Ter. 2 ...... ;7. been at a standstill on account of the night. BANK OF Leavirtg for HHo Tomorrow'-The- ' "The recent requirements for new Hcnokaa Sugar Co. Grr . . THE SUMITOMO Pay 4 yearly on;Savlnga De Hilc buyers expecting a fall In the market will steaci for . .- HAWAII Matsonia the restoration of peace, says Japanese steamers are attributable to BY AUTHORITY Hon. Gas Co., Ltd., 3s 104 posits, Compounded Twice afternoon,' Cas- after 100-W- . & Queen Sts'., Honolulu. at 5 o'clock tomorrow of Sept. 14! the fact that the Norwegian and Ital- Hon. R. T. (c L. Co. Cor. Fort Annually depart menl the Japan Advertiser 0.'. KM) O. Box 832. Phone 30.S0 tle & Cooke's shipping however, inqui- ian governments are encouraging the NOTICE Kaiui Ry. Co. s...... P. 24-ho- ar- Since last month, The delay In 3 ... pi 7 K. Sumitorno. said at noon. ries have been coming in for the pur- import of. new Japanese steamers, a V Manoa imp, Dist. ', y Proprietor, Baron upset her schedule . 100 rival will not new steamers. It is now re- phenomenon singular to the Japanese The Board of License Commission- McBryde Sugar Co., 3r. Aranager, M. Kawakatsu. will, work her at tcp speed chase of 103 I M YOKOHAMA SPECIfc Stevedores (owners, community, which was hith- ers for the City and County of Hono- Mutual Telephone 3s. ... . Conducts today and ported that the Tohtai Maru shipping ' BANK, LIMITED. night tonight as well as Assenr-bl- y Oahu R, & L. Co., 3',r " all Tohwa Kohshi), Esaki Maru (owners, erto only importing foreign steamers. lulu will hold a meeting at the ... a general business. :.'7 7.: Yea. down to the minute of her departure Oahu S. Co. (redeem-- carga Nihcn Kisen), and Klsensan Maru It Is unknown how Tong their require- Hall, Mclniyre Building, on Zrf 8.000.000 to get the Honolirtu ".' Capital subscribed. '...4 tomorrow sold to Norwegians each at ments will con'tinue, but the fact that Wednesdav. November 8th. 1916. at able at H:J at maturity) no '7- ; were Capital paid up...... 30,000,000 out." securing .large 2:43 p. m., to consider the application Olaa Sugar Co. ,': ...... 102 LTD. ..7: and l,!oo,ooo yen. They are Japanese owners are ;s J. F. MORGAN CO., Heserve fund , ...... 20.400,000 4- - 4 of Kdward Mcl)cnald Bolton secon- Pacific G & Fert. Co. 101'. I steamers . of lsherwocjd system, each prr.fits therefrom is certain". for a BROKERS S AWOKI. Local Manager. - I IM8SEXCEKS. AKHITEI) d-class Mill Co is ..... 100 STOCK ;, saloon license to seli intoxi- I'f cirit? Sugar 4-- is the fund allotted for the adjust- cating liquors at John De Freist Home- San Carlos Mill. (o. P,; l'tl Information furnished and Loan "morn- - "'-..'- M Untcr.n Gti ATatfnnfa.- . '.' " ment of cancellation account of steam- stead, Puuloa, I Madn 777 I . H. Watertown. under the 13n, l'.u Ins, from San Francisco: Mr. K, WILL PAY ers cost, which were outstanding on provisions of Chapter 112, Revised Between Boards: Sales: Building 11. Allln, Mrs. R.. Ander- L It Pacific Mill. 20; 123. 7.". Waia- Merchant Street Star Allen. Mrs. T. recount of'; the depression eof freight Laws of Hawaii, '1913. Suar 1 1572 InsuranceCO., LTD. Anderson, Georvo 3 Oahti Sugar :'.2'L'; Phone B. F. DILLINGHAM son, Master Kenneth markt t some yoars agt),-- and, since the All protests - objections against lua. 33: C, U. Arlelgh. F, or 73 Kwa, Angus, Mrs. Angus. A. year before last, this new item was the issuance of a License under said McBryde. llvi; 33i. PHONE 4915 C, Mrs. Atherton. nxirsa and 30 Athertcm. PER CENTj- created. In the last term Gito.otH) yen Application should be filed wit h the Session Sales:;: 3o, Olaa. 10?;: FOR RENT Life, Accident, Compensation " Fire, two children with Atherton family, 15 wa: used for the same ptiriose, while Secretary or Board not 10 Pioneer. Kwa, ; 11 Klectriclty, gas. screens in H hos- - v(ilh Mr:. the later than 41:30 SURETY BONDS . ;re. K. Barnes, ehlld during this ten.i the remaining ?.'.',-(;0- 0 the tkne for the said hearing. Pahang Rubber Co ; IS; 23 Hawaiian house; fine location; ?J0. B. Bean. Misa Lulu Borger. 3 S3G. .Parncai U yen will be canceled. . The gap CA11LOS A. LONG. Pineapple Co., 30V.: Pioneer, 42'. house; fine legation; f M!kn KohnetL A. ut.o Rprr in tiie finance of the. above company Secretary, Board of License Conim.fs- - house; $30. 7 - Boltcn, Mr. .'HoswHJ; ENDS Lnrae J; Bolfin?. T. M. good by menus, sugar quotation: 95 degrees lS-roo- house. L- will be made the above rioners. Latest Lease; to n lodging For Sale Lanaki!; o- - Bowman, Mrs. Bowman. . J.. - 7- fC30 Small House at Bil 1 . e.eo per which is a matter of congratulation for 02 Oct. 11. IS. 23, Nor. 8 test, cts,, or $121.00 ton. 1 Mrs. C, M. Boyd. Miss TI. Brain c the. company. J. H. SCHNACK. Tract, above Insane Asylum. W C, -- V. M Iss 3633 bath, etc. 40xS3. i Breault. Brown. Special means can- NOTICE TO MOTORCYCLISTS f.42 Kaahumanu St. Teleohohe cancellation -- n the .u-- r! A. Bnins. Mrs. Brans. John The Toro Kiscn Kaisha held the ;i;00 Bedr.ItHouse nr. Kahill-k-I i of beyond the oa September cellation steamers' tost l ckley, F. Q. Cannoh. M is3 Ruby reettine cf its directors A sixH-.ia- mteting of the Honolulu School. Illec. Litht, Porcelalu j limit stipulated in the company's asso- SugarV6.05cts -- 'arfson; Mrs. A, H Chandlert A. E. at 2 p. m. at its Tokio br&iich office Motorcycle. Club will be heiu tonishp The National City Company Bathtub, etc. Lot 30x100. about the business i ciation. In fact, cancellation makes auu v i ... .. building to confer in new- - clubrooms on King Bargains .iidliUitri uui of this the basis of business stronger. Hence their Co. New York San Francisco . Miss results during the first half Henry Trust jaret Chambers, C. F. demons. - Beretania. Waterhouse ordi- such steps as above.- Profit durir.;; ttet, near STRAUCH a 1 year. It has been derided that BONDS E. R. j;i-i- v. h ...... 0o0 Yours truiv, Ltd. INVESTMENT P. ivuvi 12 . cent, this term increased to 2,730, ye:. 74 King 1 May CupUH, Louis Curtis, Mrs. T. G. nary dividends shall be per S. K. KLKMMF, Waity Bldg. S. St. 3 mak- v hereas it was" no more than" l,t''j,0o'l BRUCE with the special at cent, Sec.-Treas- ., H. A. 'rullfn Jinrl infant. C A. De Crew. Mr? ier yen H. M. C. Bond says in the last term. ' Members Honolulu Stock and IS 19 V. ing total of 13 per cent, the :':V " ' Hawaii Bldg. .Tel. De Crew, M. A. Dornham. Mrs. O, the ". t;'.ii3 :. 200 Bank of Japan Advertiser. it Exchange 7 Downing. Walter Duisenberg. T. If. Streets Rebuilt Typewriters Mrs7 Eell-J- . by deducting from A factory has been built' at .Luhec, VVHOM IT MAY CONCERN Fort and Merchant Dunlap. Charles P. Eells, Profit is obtained TO 12C3 7 Remington. $35.00. S. Miss JueI1 gross profit expenses as various Me., for the purpose of extracting oil telephone :.'o. C M. die, Mrs.' Fna, such No. !0. Remington, $65.00. C. Eubanks, Francis Evar.s. taxes, working expenses, cancellation from' herring waste-an- d making dried This is to certify thrt I have Estes, J. signed a de- . guaranteed for one Mrs. T. U. Farnsworth. Miss Sophie l and of steamers', cost for 450,000 yen, fish scrap from the residue. 11th day of October, severed my con- Cubu'fa presidcfit has rr.'r'ood-- Farnsworth, Miss Etila Farnsworth. T. repairing fund for 100,000 yen and nection with the firm known as tiie cree appointing a commission to study .sr... nationalizing rail- AP. LEIGH'S. Hotel Street R. Farnsworth. Ripley. Farnsworth, M. adjustment fund for r.70,0)l Mrs. .Mary A. Laudon has been Model Clothiers, 1139 Fort Street, and the question of the 79 Merchant St Woodstock.-Sycamor-e , Farnsworth, W. P. Fessenden. . Mrs. yen. made president of the hereby notify my friends and custom- roads there. Fessenden, Mrs. M. A. Frasher. Glen .. What is called steamer adjustment. strc?t raihvay in Illinois. ers that I will soon open a crotfeing store, selling Michrel Sterns Suits, A large shipment of Ha- "the best made in America." Watch waiian Dolls, Silk and Cot- tre develop a "clothing business .H CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD ton Embroidered Parasol Jnr Importers of lumber and bulMinx on display. Also fancy Honolulu. tet givt Inspection Very respectfully, materials. Prices low, and Manila Hats. We Invite Your - : ' -; - your order prompt- attention whetner r 7't 7 ; ;? : ; ED. B. WEBSTER. HAWAII eV SOUTH SEAS Room 103. Blaisdell Hotel." large or pmsll. 7 We have built hun- per- CURIO CO. newly-arrive- 7 , . - of houses In this city with of a d and uiost attractive' line of Bronze 603 3t , dreds 1 fect satisfaction. It youwant to bcild Young Building I K' Flower Vases, Fibres', Animals and Incense Burners. Granclsted Eyelids consult us. ' im. mi irftarr.el by wpo- - iLPa.T &tZ- - urc to Son. Dust 4nd Vizi '.1 I The Palace of Sweets mm. oiilct f relieved by Hnrla Money ta Loan t e 2fnwi j. No Smartlag; Cor. King and Maunakea Sts. mm , itisi uuiu n. Fish Market. JAPANESE, .j BAZAAR lvc Near. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Or ti SOc Bottle, Hnrtes Ey ' Your Droggttt'i pr HAWAII, LIMITED Fort Street 7 h 7 Opposite Catholic Chnrch !vehiTubes 2 5". Ff 3!t ef acfy Free ask Brick Ice Cream, 40c. a qt. awrisu or IVUt IrJ Cea? Ca. . CiJciao 816 Fcrst Street. Teleohone 3"523. c r 6 nOKOLULIT STAR BULLETINr WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1016.

1 1 I I - 1 1 11 11 f ; 1 HiTi sfn M 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ii 11 ! 1 liu n n i tin ;i in iin 1 !i hi i ! i i i ! i !i n i j j i n h i in ii nil h ii ihiiiiu c: 1 A f? ilV P I itn 0 AT 0f III - HAWAII THEATL rr--,. itti If IUH Ul IM1UHI ULUILU ri .T. M ULLLtii.i i J COMMENCING

1 y ... . . t T V MATINEE AT?. .2:15 O'CLC EVENING AT..... 7:40 O'CLC

, William Fox Present: J I ,SSroaocK SUCCESS1 FRANKFURTERS i is big HP' The Fourth Estc: A sensational and. gripping: n - airr-lan- Hansen- ironzeKcvae Letters Received From M d Commissioner Finds paper feature film drama. Also That Little "Hot Cog" Has , Company Compliment Those Who 3rd Chapter of the Supreme S: Were Beli.m' fovenlent Colored Casino : HE STRANGE CASE OF XL'

PRESENTS I sans-- - so oi iMnmittf d dyos f r ' PAGE,' and a Universal 7e. Kfirl; :t m :n:? g i'i i ti:e I'aii- a a,, ca.-iu.--'s i'.v no P'ss than fuar large Pacifl i:iu : The siiicess of I'au-:ni- " (current events). - XixtitJ-- of nuluiu has Jvd Tinted THE. FOURTH ESTATE I'acifu i at Dicuo t-- osi- Iti WIWtlAM FOX COOUCTlOH. th' . t ( 'C or.ur.issi n A . W. 1 1 an -- . . 20, ; i s Food 30 CEI tio.n. Thi-r- uas it! ntly siory PRICES ...... 10, t 01;' t warninv; to Pan-Pacifi- v n sen.! a letter of rrio'iuh in it all tor tlse c Big as as a letter Club, the Pro-Motio- C n:ni!ttee an l offenders.' eircrlar V of sa isaj: in the iU vi'ii U-ju- etpjcat'ion. for all i:icr.ufactiirer.s the Double if .territory. The sausage business is'-- : i:i " l' t'he 'u:i triezo and Los An.le? - how-eve- r. ti- , - S HonoLihi alone, papers it i? 'spoken of :ts the (cafiatd EN - Bill i Iver-pii- f.1- by com- , succe-5stu- ! c.: the reeeitions shtn dur- irspet lions food m m sh-w- m ing tl" e'i osition, and the sohool hil- - misslccer havp- - the j.resence I'M A MAN SCHOOLDAYS by Pan-- ertnitted coal u;r dyes for the ; lUdlti d ren'.s vvor k sen t dow n t he i of " Pa'eftie Chi' '.and the Proinotion Com-- . j'Uf, ose f giving the sansuct? a smoky GR pain Introln:in,i a ."Mclantri' of niitte?.. s v.'!i as the model scliool coliT, the dye bfing such that oiten it .J mmm ! houses, have ali taken the crold medal. will 'permeate the meat around which At 2: 15 o'clock At7:40ocl: linftrelsy, (Viiiicdy, Mirth Appreciative the cuing Is stretched. Exhibitors Are ' aiul liarnioiiy. 'flip biest, I Tlje lifferent exhiuitors from Alas-j.k-a Mr. Hansen said today that there IN F1VL MINUTES and the Philippines have written are eiht colors permitted, providing PALLAS PICTURES PRESENTS grandest and inot rolinetl j their appreciati'iii of the efforts of the th color be examined and certified colored slio'w ever in I Iono-lul- u. j Pan-I'arifi- c Clay o'f Honolulu to make by. a commissioner, but that even in I the dav in San Die?o a b success. the use of these the manufacturer or ; "''''. "Pape's Diapepsin" M akes DUSTiN FARNUM o The officials of the exr osition in San dealer must so declare by label or; Noto to Our Patroiis Dieso r.lso lent their cooperation tag. Other dyes are harnuul. ana fur- Sick, Sour, Gassy Stem- - THE IDOL AND KING OF, THE SCREEN lit Mrs. Frances A. Wentworth, in thermore are strictly against the law. Fee! Fine Clianie of )roram will be charge of the Pan-Pacifi- c building, has "One of our. particular causes of achs written to the club here as follows: in local cases." said the com- made every Monday and alarm all stcrM-acl- i' "Tire day is over,, and according to today. is the fact that the Time it! In live DAVID GARRICl missioner 'distress go. Nt indigestion, stage life. Ki Thursday nii;l its. all re;)orts and the ' kindly words of small frankfurter or hot-do- g sausage is 'will A gripping drama, vsoven London Winifritd success, heartburn, sourness cr brJching of sas. ton and Herbert Standing also In the'eatt. A masterly comfcina those who attended, it was a colored with harmful dyes. f- - Prices 10, 20, ::0 Cents.' acid, cr eructations of tin lii;ested m! of humor, tragedy and romance. and the world Hi lar$e as wellas San meat is the only part of the or "If the no dizziness, .bloating, foul breath Reserved Seats, 50, 75 Cents. Diego :n particular knows that sausage eaten,, the use, of the dye 12th Chapter of- - 4lUp-to-the-Minute- M 1513. headache. H Good Seats did discover the Pacific in' would not be quite so serious," he Pape's 'Diapepsin.. is nottJ for its 1 Phone Early for Flov.-er-s Scene "THE IRON CLAW" PATHE WEEKLY Brighten says, "but in the frankfurter.' where speed regulating upset stomaehs. ' "I filled the building with palms, in PHONE 3037 the casing is mostly always eaten, with It. i s surost. quickest sad most Best Pictures, Best Music, Best People Always at t and had an eight-foo- t the II ferns flowers: the sausage it is a different question." indigestion remedy in the Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii greeting, 'Aloha, hung at each door, certain LIBERTY , says that often harml- everything The commissioner whole world, and besides it is built a platform, borrowed the dye is put on thick enough to en- ess.-' - 10, 20, 30 Cents. Boxes 50 C: from the village and things Prices Hawaiian able it to be washed off in hot water. Millions of - men and v:omon,r.ow Phil-iptirie- s. M. that would pass as such from the without fear Phone 5060 After 6:30 P. a thing cat their favorite foods ETER.; and made the building they know Pape's Dianepsin will save COMING SOON Hall Calne's great masterpiece, "THE beauty; had a dandy-punch- , passed CITY," in eight of CLUB them from any- - stomach misery. reel. on by all the official board as the MOTHERS' Please, for your sak get a large grounds-ser- ved FREE on the . best ever served fifty-cen- t case of Tape v Diapepsin 4i 11 from our little coconut hut to from any. drug store and put your the masses, and from the Hawaiian stomach right. Don't. keep on bein:- -' society guests. . half-poun-d booth to miserable life is to) short you arv A box of "In "honor of the event the Hawai- not here long, so. n:al:e, your ftiv ian village was closed, and the boys 1 5 agreeable. Eat what yo i like and di . the Famous furnished music. Lei Mokahana gave gest It: enjoy it. without dread of re- Pocket a real hula dance, not once, by by re- PLANS bellion in the stomach. quest three times, and little Winnie 7 Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your Shaw danced a miniature hula several home any way.-.'- Should one of the fam- times. These with vocal music filled ily eat something winch Won't, agre Kodakery CaridY the three hours and at 6 o'clock: there The Mothers' Club of Kaimuki at with them, or in cas t?r an at tick o: orange cro-v- d biossom :was still a in the building. its first meeting for the year, Septem- indigestion, dyspopsla gastritis or The KODAK wa3 the pio: Enjoyed daytime or Ball Much ber, 191G, to June, 1917, elected the stomach derangement at in pocket picture machines, ; "The plaza v. as prettily decorated during the night, it is handy to give Ii following: "'aturdaV. October 1 Uli, is field ever since. ball enjoyed by all. I was : M rs. K. fiuickest. surest' .Wle? knowu has led the CANDY UAY. 'ov, of and the Mrs. J. T. Suva, president the satis- vice-presiden- t: p worn to a frazzle, but have the Mrs: It. T. Adv. ', tmrse, know of Ilaisin Day and H. Boyen, - faction of hearing on every side that secretary; Mrs. G. H. Piltz, m Well, "this day been Waity, - Day. has of season. a population o 820,778,- pa by Candy it was the nicest event the treasurer. Detroit has rrt a it the Manufacturers wish you would send a note of report according to the city directory liMi lit" The Nevf thrci! shout the United States as a day "I Following is the treasurer's thanks to Mr. Morley, superintendent past year: wiiifli the - ". j in to set forth the Supreiiu: for ... i. - av- - : ' ' of grounds, for hts kindness in send- oh $15.75: 2c Kodak 'rood Value' of Candy. ' : Receipts Cash hand. "'. free of .' r . ing me the palms and flowers dues. $11.50; dances, $231.65; total, . . Here in Honolulu we will observe charge, also to Mr. Pendleton for the $25S.90. is the latest development, r by every purchaser loan of the musicians, and Mr. Otto tree, 4 tire day Kivinc to Disburcements Christmas in an artistic picturo of proods to the amount of r0c or mere, Jeancon of the publicity department tuning piano, $5.00 r Victrola 2; course, $20.80; Inches. ne-Ha- pound box of the Celebrated for his help in decorating. Of and records, $73.55 ; children party, Program Beginning at 1:30 p.'my until u- - 1 everyone .' ". Orange niossotn Candy, Free, Man have thanked them all. as $16.35; literary digest, $3.10; dances, 4 p. m. ' . . - vahi. Only one box to a customer. was more than kind, but a little note $118.70; graduation class dance, $10.55; Evnin3 (two shows), 6:30 and 8:3g We have the EASTMAN FIL Si office FOR TODAY : "The retail value of this candy is c of appreciation from the home incidentals, $3.90. SPECIAL PROGRAM mi. Mmw. to fit, all styles of Kodak: rnd as we have only 300 boxes, como will help, as I may need them again. Balance on hand. $6.95. AND EVENING Out-of-tow- n Cameras. e&rly. buyers, pleats. "I have a beautiful Canadian flag "Sold to Satan" (three-psr-t drama), i cnd in your orders by Friday. given me by Col. Hutchinson and Dr. Don Eusebio' A. Morales, Lubin. have the promise of a Mexican . flag Panama Minister to the United States, Fable of the Home Gone Wrong" G constitu-cionalist- a Honolulu Photo Supply from Mr. Lelcvier, consul left- - Washington for Panama to be- (comedy), Essanay. 4 r de Mexico, Douglas, Ariz. come a member of the Panama By Might of His Right" (comedy), Everything Photographic Fort "Am sending , you i.hotos; the day Vitagraph. - Cp; was so dark they had to be taken by Honolulu Drag flashlight, so the faces' are not good, Sft V 'i A but they give you ah idea of the. dec- .KftxKKXKHKA lAA A tAiL AA1 AaAaAA "The Store With the Yellow Front" orations.

: children's work and Fort SU rear Ki 13 f Phone 23o; "I entered the school houses tor awards and got the gold medal.''

Busy look up your record TAKEN IN MARKET men haven't time to TWff AWARDED GRAND PRIZE they judge by your appearance by the AT BOTH Relative to the quick and ready ab- CALIFORNIA sorption' of the-stoc- k of the new can- -- etc , PYDn;mnNS nery merger, in which one Hawaii impression you m S concern is interested, the San Francis- co Chronicle of September 26 says: " "There has never been a stock is- c mm say, so well taken in clean-- sue, it :s safe to. If y6u;re this market a the cumulative pre- ferred of the California Packing Cor- o poration. Yesterday morning the stamp you with their app issue was announced as sold, while ntarly every member of the exchange had unfilled orders. In the afternoon good opinion and 250 saares Eold at 101, and the stock When so much depends upon their closed 101 bid. a price at which it is fail believed several thousand shares when so little effort ensures it can you afford to to would bo absorbed. "In this connection it is well to that Gilifoniia Fruit Canners get it? : sold at 12." on a dividend of 7.20. per tent, while Alaska Packers formerly nd business-lik- e sld above par on a C rer cent divi- If you wish to appear up-to-the-seco- so dend. Alt the assets of one corpora- Co., tion and more than two-third- s the as- questiomyour ability-vi- sit us today. Goiisales&: ltd. say nothing of the strangers will never sets of the other, to that assets of three other corporations, are ill Distributors now security for this issue. Califor- nia Fruit Canners at par and 70 per We will help you capitalize your appearance. at par it"? Phone 2263 ; ; 74 Queen St. cent of Alaska Packers .stock asgieiate nearly as much as Califor- Cotporatioa preferred at nia !Jackin. 99 par, v. ithor.t '.oiisiueinig what the mar!?et prlf e of the three bthrr stocl; The House of Courtesy - ueen.. , IS: io.-- miiiht have ' Two inventors have to l attnted a .&iii;s ct with a si?,ht jaaaneseDiiKOOCiS aid ir aim in u it. MclNERNY AND ORIENTAL NOVELTIES Fort and Merchant Street

s Vf iL

NiriLimi, ncRf Hotel o m .::r HONOLULU ST,U-i5ULiiITlX- f- WEUNIDAYOCTOlJHiriiriaicr


OF USEFULNESS ting the steam valves by hand, as' at Kwa. --v. "All of the recorders that have.Leen HO RAND reported to us have been . Bristol l 12-inc- 1 Morning is Devoted to Hearing inch and instruments, and they and Debating Reports; Ban- sem ; to be a 52tistactory type to in- vest in.-, giving pracically no trouble. LD quet Will End Convention MO DIFFER "In conclusion, if more of these en- gineers who are fortunate enough to At the final session of the eusar 1'ave recording instruments would mill engineers' convention, held this showing " keep records of all data the OVER morning thre iniortant subjects benefits derived from the ue of the FRETEAM were liscussed by the members. same, and showing how they pay for The yaper on '"Sugar Room Machin- themselves in the end, as they un- : al '." by if. Keelins Scholefield, doubtedly do if used properly, and Judge Hatch announced at . the su- oiened by sayinjr that: inrfce the record public, it would go pervisors' meeting Tuesday night that In following the tenets of Fcientl- - fartowards helping the less fortunate the fire department has two old hors- fic Management' or 'Efficiency Engin- onc.4 to obtain them. also. es for which it t3s no more use, and eering,' as applied to any manufactur- "Respectfully submitted. then the trouble started. . ing business, an accurate knowledge "CHARLES E. WIION." llollinge.r said that- - fie had been j - of the expense attached to each .opera- Mere Data Sought , ITonilsed the horses for park purjioses, " lion in I he process becomes requisite. "Heat Conservation. by R. Uentin Arnold immediately declared that he ma "In an effort to evolve new mat- H'nd. a report containing SO pages, needed them for road work and. long Am: ter for consideration, we have there- - called forth much praise from every- arguments from each side followed, '5 fore adopted neglected body as it covered the entire field in although nothing definite resulted as neep your the' somewhat ' $ (A a sugar mill its charts and tables the vote on the matter . will riot be mm m io standpoint of costs. table was and given showing comparative costs.) were so clearly and concisely drawn taken until next meeting.' up that no long search is necessary to It is Arnold's plan to use the hors- "The 'attainment of any degree of es to city county lighting bills precision was so manifestly impos- find the fiesired information. drive about the and Kopke proposed all mending small boles, in the' road be- sible, in view of the paucity of segre- - Chairman that 1 the engineers send In all the data fore they develop into larger ones and ! ated records relative to the subject, If j also, he added, to stop . only they can obtain, which will be added kicks about to the that the committee was. encour- to the report. ' ' the condition of the streets. n down aged to proceed by of consideration In going over the report Hind said: 'Hollinger said that they were old newly . .the fact that broken ground is fascinating prob- horses and should be placed in a good r '7 necessarily rough." "One .of the most 1 lems which daily, confront the sugar home and the best place was Kapio-la- ni minimum The reort then took up the Hersey mill engineer, and in fact any engineer park, but Arnold took exception 1 driver, concerning which it said: "Con using steam for power and heat is to this, declaring that they would sidering , the matter apart from its the efficient conservation of that heat have just as good a home with the To have tile best obtainable financial aspect, we have noted a and power so that none be lost need- road denartmer.t. r lilit growing tendency to eliminate the lessly. To the layman 'conservation I Jersey dryer. We also learned of some of heat means ' simply guarding! See that every socket in your house instances where automatic scales against loss through radiation by ef-- 1 Vtiy Tolerate Catarrh? have been discarded, the installation fec.tive insulation of all carriers of i 7 or factory or store or office, has a at Waianae being a case in point. The steam and all surfaces having a tem- You have noticed, no doubt, that any reasons for such action doubt perature much In excess of that of cold aggravates nasal catarrh, and the Because they are the only tires carrying four founded on experience." the latmolphere. ... To - Uie engineer. now of mucous amazes you that such. heavy , twisted steel In regard to the Hersey dryer, Dr. however, this phrase has a deeper obieetionable matter cnuM finrl InHcr. cables in the base next to '4 15 Xorris said that he believed that the meaning, for mere insulation of the your head To ignore this the rim, . sources of heat radiation, while in it-- ' A 7 Westinghouse usefulness of the dryer was now past. catarrh when the cold subsides is This exclusive feature makes it irr.posciblc one was necessary oth- self of value, does not entirely solve At time it but wrong because it slowly er machinery has come in 'and with the problem of guarding against pre- continues to for the tire to slip over the rim. the refiners objecting seriously to ventable heat Josses, for the reason injure the delicate linings of the nasal grade of sugar sent Ha that after pipes, etc., are well insul- passages and clog them up. the from the many MAZDA waiian islands other methods of dry ated there still remain sources To correct catarrh, cleanse the nos- of loss or improper of "Federal ing must be developed. utilization heat. DOUBLE-CABLE-BAS- E which in the aggregate may outweigh' trils frequently with a solution of warm TIRES, Objection to Hawaii Sugar Lah'ip in it. the benefits derived from the effect- - L water and salt, insert vaseline on re therefore are the tires The main objection of the refiners ive application of pipe coverings:" I tmng, and take a spoonful of Scott s safest cer built. to Hawaiian sugar is the large amount The report then showed the sources Emulsion after meals for one month. Don't take chances buy Federal z. Winter is coining of dry which to molasses sticks the of heat loss which are: Chimney, Scott's acts through the blood to feed crystals and 's extremely difficult to ash pit, radiation, condenser tail pipe, - tissues, and contains soothing And long evenings. remove.- vaporization of exposed. hot liquids, the McCubbin asked if, by taking the press cake, sugar and waste molasses. glycerine to check the inflammation " arid, Prepare now. . moisture out of the air before using Of the eighth way, according to the heal the sensitive membranes. Kershner Vulcanizing Co., Ltd. it; to dry the sugar instead of simply report, only press cake and sugar are Scott's is pleasant to take. Scott & Bowne. Bloomficld, N. J. 15-- 30 heating the air, the molasses , would unpreventable. : THS HONOLULU RUBBER Ask us to end our lighting expert not' dry so hard on' the 'crystals? Or, Will: Banquet Tonight WORKS In words, using at. a tell-yo- other a dry air This evening the engineers wijl to u the right lamp for every lower temperature instead of hot air gather at the Commercial Club for a ii75 Alakea Street Phono 2434 for purposes. banquet socket; . drying which will be followed by a In answer the general opinion was number of vaudeville "stunts." Dur- 'Nothing Counts Like Service' y. H that the heat bad very little . effect ing the evening the ballots for the towards makin? the molasses, - but it election of officers for the coming was pointed out by Chairman Kopke year will be counted and the result that the sugar meiw must pay more at- announced. It was planned .to hold The Hawaiian tention to this matter of dried mo- the banquet in coniunction with the lasses pn the sugar as he believed chemists and; althouh the plan fell that in the. future contracts' will also through, all chemists that: can come Electric Co., , Ltd. take into consideration the cleanliness are invited, as are also members of of the crystals.. - the Hawaiian Engineers' Association. ..- - . King. Street It . was then pointed . out that the reason for the baked molasses, was simply that the moisture had been MATSONIA NIGHT Last Week of Our removed. .. . Martin had a method by which the refiners might remove the molasses, A saying that the refiners only need to let the sugar stand in the syrup mix- AT HEINIE'S S ture sufficiently long to loosen the mo- Aiiraal CEEAEMCE ME lasses before applying to tne centri- fugals. A cordial invitation Is extended to t Tests and Records Needed all tourists, passengers and officers cf Don-- Miss This Opportunity, but ,The next paper was, "Testing and S." 3&d Week-En- the S. Matsonia, which arrived Come in see the we 1 the d at Recording Instruments," and in tak- early this morning, to attend a dinner- and wonderful values are offering on our ing: up this subject, Kopke declared -dance to be given at Heinie's Tav- : entire stock of Oriental Goods and Novelties. that recording instruments were not ern, "on the Beach at Wakiki." t!i is used sufficiently by the engineers and evening, that daily plotting charts should be For a thoroughly enojayable even- used by .them all. - "I have found that ing, a delicious dinner and cabaret the big Interests are always ready to entertainment, followed by dancing to THE OHEKRY instal anything new when they can the tunes of "Sonny" Cunha's lively 0 HIET ELEVATION COOL INVIGORATING be clearly shown that it, is to their Hawaifan and ragtime' music you must 1137 Fort Street advantage," he said, "and I advise come to Heinle's and there have the 'Leave Honolulu Saturday, 3 P. M. ' yqu all to prepare figures showing tne best time you ever had in Hawaii.--Ad- v. necessity of such Instruments." . ma- . R. R. Hind said that when old Return Tuesday, 7 A. II chinery is sold the money could be placed in a fund to buy recording in struments. This scheme was heartily received by the engineers, and Kopke ."V All Expenses taid" that the instruments were so ne- cessary that If he was running the scheme he would be eure to have plen; ty of old machinery on hand. The reports says: arrived---no-w "It seems to be the opinion of all Just these engineers who have any opinion to express on the subject, that record :r-ls!a-nd Steam Navigation Co., Lid. ing Instruments are an extremely good World famous jDOIHHtSOHlS ' thing to have, and all would like. to in- Caley S zz3 4941 7 Queen Street stall them if they could get them, but o feuch, unfortunately, is not always the case. "The utility of recording instruments He3 not alone in the fact that they keep a record of operating conditions Unsurpassed at the different stations of the factory, Endless variety but In the moral effect on the man or Sea Wonderland mtn whece work they record; the fact for under f. r. that an absolute. check is being kept the marine garden at Haleiwa. Clearly and comfort- - on their work every minute, of the quality u cay tends to make them toe the mark. it r w color and styles seen from tha twin-engin- e, glass bottom boat "Santa In this connection, it is generally com ceded point to place a I. : alina, ' at Haleiwa Hotel. ' Everyone enthusiastic that the best recording instrument is where the ... r . . - . .. - r J ) sees it. Also bathing, boating, golf and tennis. man or men hose work it records OAHU'S FAVORITE RESORT can see it. "The most generally used instru- ments are the live steam and exhaust ILMestlmportation England HALEIWA HOTEL steam recorders; several mills have from these if they have nothing else. Next WQ in number come vacuum recorders T5i advise an early selection as our and temperature recorders on pans N : numbers be duplicated. and evaporators.. At the Hilo Sugar : cannot Cu.b mill, they claim to have reduced the time lost between the dropping HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. of a strike and the starting of anoth- er in the pans' by as much as seventy-liv- e per "cent, to fact-tha- t they n due the ; I mm. 1 mm, mm 1 mm. Stocks and Bonds I'm f i Ijl'Vfmi m n w uh. mm mm m.19mm put vacuum and temperature - record- : Real Estate Insurance ers on them, - j 1-2-- . Safe Deposit Vaults "Quite a number of mills hve tem- 7-1 1 ... - perature recorders on the juice heat-tr- s v 4. Turn the little disc to Authorized by law. to act as Trustees, Execu- in connection ., with temperature controllers, eliminating one man on tors, Administrators and Guardians each shift, ho previously controlled 3E the temperature by opening and shut? r That caune i Mtroiig'wliich haa not "a multi- tude, but one atrqng man behind it, Jan SPORTS, CLASSIFIED AND SHIPPE;; Humw11 Iwen. . SECTION

HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, 'AVKhXKSIlAY, OITOHKF! 11. 1!W xrrvr: nun n i nnnn mi i I. Mil II I lllilllf till I Sugar Mill Engineers' Association Gatheredlin Fourth Annual UTTER FAILUOE fiiurcrm "inifFn" Convention to Solve Many Vital Problems UlVbV HU IUIIUI of Hawaii's Big Industry OFDEIOCRATSIJ SEC. ; WILSON SAYS suowiiji Piiic: De Head of Labor Department Despite Assurances of Platfcrr. nies Democratic Party if' Living Costs Continue to Left Loophole r . r i says penaltTclause . EVEN UNCLESAM IS IS WELL FORTIFIED FEELING HIGHER COST . . (V DeclaVEs Repubficans in rianKing .Minority MemDcr c. in Recent Attack on Military Affair Committer Legislation Tells Cost of Rations . C. S. ALBERT ..'.v.- BY (Sperial Star Bulletin CorrMoondtBct) (Ppcrialftur BulUtia CorrpondDC) UA v l n n , WASHINGTON. D. O, Oct. l.-T- he jhiv:t ii ductlon in the high cost of llviar, a deDartment of labor has been inter promised by Re iu th iVwocratic platr. r. esting itself in the claim made -- myth Is a Jok of 1912. is a declared He; r publican leaders that there sent&tlve Kaun er in child labor bill that practl Juliiu of Califom! the. ft ranking minority member of the hou cally nullifies it Secretary Wilson mi military affairs says the Republicans are in error in committee, in a atat will ment given out here. their contentions. His statement 1SH2 1- .- I l ...nit mh V I M "In the Democratic party pre ur liiirrcBLius' iu If. wucio vunu Ised people legislation iian,been considered the of the United,. Stat . labor has :? , to reduce the hih cost of living," iu-- the territorial legislature, and also Washington statements J Mr. Kahn. "They fulminated a.cai;. because in Ill the protective and blamed t: administration tariff were made that the latter for contributing to the Increa . hill -- mleht &nect Hawaiian canneries. r ff - , m:-m- of prices lor fool products of all kin J i It is as folows: This is the plank of that platform: "The much talked about Joker in the Plank Blames Is supposed to be con Protection child labor law. "'The high cost of living la a s r; tained in that portion of section one -- bus problem In every American i- -- hr. of the act which reads as follows: - The Republican platr-- Ttiiit nn nwutnar mnmtf rtnr. u f f party. 'In its r. attempts to escape fiom responal) i' r r,r dealer shall shin or deliver ty I i ' - - for present conditions by deTiyl. "-- n that thoy are due to protective any com- a tr.r ' eign commerce article or iff. We take issue with them en t' modity product of any mine or w v K - the W& y$- subject, and charge that , exce.; i quarry, situated In the United prices result In a large measure fr Hiaies. in wnicn wunin imriy the MU tariff laws onacted and n::: days prior to the time of the re- ta.'ned by the Republican party moval of such product therefrom some men ; Here are of the who are njaking and have made Hawaii's staple industry great In output and in internal efficiency the sugar mill engin eers. in annual conven trusts ami commercial cons-- children imder the age of sixteen Star-Bulleti- n tion. staff photo, taken on steps of Library of Hawaii, held.;; Vcr ;,ojrin cies . - where convention was rostered and encouraged by vmm hiv been emnloved or oer- laws, and we astert that no suts'. muted to wore, or any arucie or tial relier can Le ror any secured the j commodity the product of mill. pie without import r. or TERAUCHI VILL RATE" duties on the . cannery, workshop, factory, ALDUS INSURANCE HALE NOSES OUT cessaries or life are materially r manufacturing estaousnmem, su-- S. duced and - thesi criminal consplracl uated in the United . States,- In broken up. days prior to 'which within thirty PROTEGE TO BE "Ukj many another prank. spp-t- - VELD It the removal of such product FRIENDLY ON HAMMERING RICHARD BY hav been inserted in plat:, r " 3 IN the . ; therefrom children under the age in the or to. - nature" 'molasses cat. of rourteen years- wave Deen em-"ploy- ed IlATIIRYf J ELSTON nies.' or permitted to work, or Remedy is Ineffective children between the ages of four-- . TIES WITH U. S, AD STRAIN BIG ISLAND "Instead of reducing the price i - mm mw FRAY am m and tlrtoonmfmmm venra hiVAw oSSs vuinJ J ' living under this Democratic adr .J lM employed permitted to m been or Announcement Made in San i8tration the cost of rood producti ). .. : work more than eight hours iu constantly Increased, Uncle . r mnw mnrt 4hYm jftlli d ara .in 1 ; FranciscQ PrimaLDoiinailfJ jr Ody,AmcricaiiJShJlD&.anLCar-goe- s Interesting :! himselt reels. .the pbach. He Is t any Veek;:ot Vflerrthe hour of ' and-speak- Election, Returns s Assaii'edjBr Sing treats a purchaser" oCicftrnmodit!. j . v, Foreign" Policy HawmranTusTrj: Protected By Ameri-T- " . EC yvntuuv. Ortrtr ; . veil UUUtft 3 jnown in uetajierj the United States. He buy .v . nilrkV ant A. ; - votcs can ci ror Harmony ; - Candidate ' er than anybody - " Miss Kathryn can Underwriters c Big else because he t '. ') Elston of Honolulu is From' Island - , meridian. .:'.,- '.!' V .. ' . ". In such large quantities. In 1913 ' : fXaaaloUtad by to be tutored In vocal music by Mme. "No one familiar with Industrial Preii FmlrmJ Wirl) the-tim- e, Te-rauch- l, "mezzo-con-tralto- (Associated Prean b Fadaral 8rMM-l- I the Democrats took pc. would a moment imag TOKIO, Japan, Oct 11. Count BALTIMOEi, Md.,' Oct 11 Charles Mariska Aldrich, the " Wirla) Star Pnllctin CorraDondne) practises for siori or the country : any person or corporation newly created premier of Ja- Evans Hughes Republican candidate who appeared here recently In ; WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct 11. HILO, Oct. 9. Saturday last was and promUri lne that lo- two According to' given primary election day reduce the cost of living be. was j ... b. auarry. .mill, work pan, night issued through the for the presidency, as;aln concerts and who was the guest information but in the county of inc mine, last assailed the Ing 23 cents a day per ev : estab-llsbraem- V Associated home and foreign policy Mr, of Mrs. Francis Gay. here yesterday there will be no in Hawaii and although the total vote ration for shop, factory or manufacturing cal representative of The of Wilson enlisted man in regularly store their Press,, a statement or his foreign po- in his address here last night. On the steamer which took Mme. crease in me insurance rates on ves cast was not very large there was the United St. would Of some army. That was the cost of Tor people the . Aldrich to the coast went Miss Elston, sels because the recent raids of, considerable Interest shown as the ar: product for thirty, days in order that licy, especially the of The iall was filled with a cheering ration so crowdjwhen Mr. Hughes and on their arrival in San Francisco German submarines. This announce-- to how Abe Ixuisson would poll at that time. Tnq ration it they might" employ, child labor, and United States. appeared and has not been changed e; fre-quen- ment was made or ?ainst Kuhio. There was also much for about canning la suspicions of the aims the GjO. P. standard was tr announcement was made of the prima because the ract the seasonal industry of He ridiculed bearer or years. The same articles Illustration of cf the Japanese government, and de- interrupted in his speech by donna's determination to train a that only American ships and Ameri ihterest taken in the running J..P. of food t: set forth ai the best daughter, can cargoes are by Hale for the house as against If. S. were given the soldiers In 1900 r alleged defect In the law," said Mr. clared that his policy is not to be eith- the clBera at some point he made. of Hawaii in vocal culture. Insured American the mili- The San Francisco Call printed the insurance companies. Foreign bot- Rlckard. According to the returns supplied to them today. Acting Qu all a er aggressive revolutionary or TheUdrainistration's pro-mbti-rf Wilson ."It is asserted that lolicy for following: toms no compan- made over the telephone. nosed termaster General It. G. Sharpe, w! do to store his pro- taristic, but purely constructive and growth are risk to insurance Hale canner haa to is the of American for- "Accompanied by Miss Kathryn Els ies operating under American jurisdict- rtit n. wlnnpr liv ihroa vnim f testified before the committee on r: 30 days which he usually does progressive. eign frade was the target most of duct for at- of ton, a protege, whom she will teach ion', "'w.'s;.-',- . ficial returns are not all in yet and tary: affairs last March, said that r he can ship lt where In speaking of his government's the pndidates shafts. He anyway, and then declared music In East, Mme. Mariska A1J-ric- there is a possibility of a change be the year 1917 the cost 6 each rat: titude toward the Chinese ouest ions protection promised the he will ;. that the in the the prima donna, arrived here to- ing made." TheVesults of the election would be 3U cents. r&' cost has i asser- the new premier said that It is the aim DenKratic platform of-191- 2 been , "The people who maker that had day Honolulu, she ; had turned cut to he as follows. creased steadily since 1913; ."Eve.-- hope of Japan to see that the from where " be- and delicately. and deplorably "" ; tion Tail to realUe the difference bene- refused to gone to study Hawaiian nittsic. Delegate year saw an increase until now the r Oriental republic obtains the full thejk when the crisis came, cannery and ft warehouse. The Kuhio, tion amounts to 30 per &:. . tween a of fruits or modern civilization "Mme. Aldrich ;s enthused over the Fast .Hawaii. 814; "West Ha- cents ' may situated under the fits the 15 up ' waii. 810. rr. warehouse be learning. He added that he had took the ttiuch discussed Ad tuneful songs of the islanders and Total 1624. There are approximately 250,000 same root as the cannery or under a rnd ambn eight-hou- r day bill and bitterly will sing a number of them In New i.cuisson j;ast Hawaii, 29.1; West m tne regular ai'my and the Nation: not discussed the questions relating FRENCH TAKE STRONG POSITION; separate roof; it may be only a foot colleagues.! atfeked Mr. Wilson's stand for the York this season. She will feature Hawaii, 71. Total 364. Guard at the present time. An Increa is Im- to China with his MANY PRISONERS CAPTURED - away or It may be miles that - misures, when it was. pending, de two airs which have been written for Aiciantiiess yst Hawaii, ; of seven cents per ration means t!.: He said: ? PARIS, v to law. clring that it was a palpable surren- - her by Liliuokalani, Hawaii's France, Oct. li. The est Hawaii, 177. Total 408.' the taxpayers or Uncle1 Sam t material the "Any idea that I shall wave the former French .have ' or 64 to force in the hands of the unions, queen. struck hard south of the Senators pay $17,500 a day more than tic Determining Point. sword while I am prime minister Somme river yesterday and : of children al a mere political move to stave off "'There is no music in the world the net Brown East Hawaii, 762'; West Ha would have had to pay In 1913 to' fa : "It Is the employment Japan is based upon a wholly raise cap--. necessity of making which is more harmonious, results of their attacks were the waji. 205. Total 967. . Uncle Sam's within thirty days prior to the removal or my career and Is a t a decision. touching and .. A 1 t a soldiers. At that rate tt comprehension. uire oi one vinage, me uiKing oi im- ' Hind East - cannery that ich might have cost him the votes tuneful than ifte Hawaiian music,' said Hawaii, 60ff; West Ha- Increased . cost to feed the arrr.; of the product from, the misconception or Japan. Tell Amer portant German positions in the determines the application of the law. my earnest and constant the union men of the country. Mme. Aldrich today. 'The American neighborhood amounts each month to $523,000, cr icans .that people should to know of Chaulnes and the cap- Kamauoha Fast Hawaii. 524; $6,300,000 per year It should-- , be observed that it is not will be to promote the inena fr. Hughes also took up the nues learn this music of 1200 West more than wh - ture German prisoners. Hawaii. 679. 1 - child labor that Be- n of extravagance. better.' Total 20.1. . the Republicans were In tontroL TL only the product of 1 ties between the two nations. Democratic bovent was taken by storm Iewis-Ea- st "Miss Elston is the granddaughter after Hawaii. 531; taxpayers are upon ; is barred from interstate shipment, but cause I have been a successrul soldier "We. have had dinned into our ears a fierce artillery bombardmenf West Ha called to meet th: cannery in of the late Judge Wrilliam Hart of that waii. .311. Total heavy increase. But It Is not only tv. the entire product or the rhail nnt nrevpnt me from being a e cry that the Republican party was lasted for hours. Representatives ' been employed Honolulu and a niece of Mrs. Francis rood for the anry that has Increai-- : : which, child labor has prudent minister. I come into omce as he party of extravagance, but . this The outskirts of the still more im- .1.11 a. w.- . Gay, whose a,e' '8-- ; e 30 prior to husband is a millionaire ,u,,slnct-U- " : in cbst. The cost of clothing, shoe at any-tim- within days a statesman seeking the lasting never, be said' by a portant village or Ablaincourt fell ; Kaleiho. inan Democratic sugar planter of the islands,, owning ' 12b; Kelekolio. 936; equipment the removal from the cannery of the of Japan, and not as a mintarytjaker into the hands of .Irifan- - Kepoo, 302; and generally has gone t:. a, terests asain.l' the French Ial. shipment, u ioi-low- , half of the island, of Kauai. Her .Oman, yu; Silva, S3 1; In proportion. product offered for man seeking miiuary giury w. , t try, ana most, or tne. Herman posi- :.u Rickard, .wInted CU-clos- person who ollt t nf th. father was the late Charles Elston oi 82. "The of government e therefore, that any country. r tions in the woods north and north- records the : . . annrooriations niadf hv th last enn. Berkeley. Hecfind I -- r.o- employs child labor arter tin act goes questions v east of Chaulnes, Iistri(t Ii ilvti.iti the fact that under the, Under- 'I have not discussed the "Mme. Aldrich was entertained by railroad Junction Kaaua. fix.V Kamqku.- Into effect will have to dispose of the . from which the Germans have' been' 179;; Kaaeanio-- wood tariff bill, which is probably It concerning 1nra-jaP"- 'Jed anything the Rej ublicans had ever the Gays while in the islands. She ku, i ,11 Kupiko. product of his plant within the state with mv Speaking genejM. . . feeding the whole of the Roye salient, 482; Kawaha. 820; lowest tariff this country has ever fcaJ, produced for 30 days predicts a great future for the girl." Kawewehl, 67.1; Mahelon.i, 122. prices have advanced steadily aad in which it U Wiy, 8 is . iu u also passed into French control. tti Japan amoiuon Is yet. arter he discontinues, the employment China benefit from me iruus oru Gen. von Mackensen is still repell- end not of children. No portion of the product world's civilization and progress. NEW JERSEY STRIKERS ing attacks by the Russian and Ru- MIKADO THANKS OKUMA The Democratic party proclaim e ! employing In 1912 of his plant while he is "So lone as the vital interests TWO STREETS IN AND POLICE CLASH; manian forces in the Dobrud ja dis that the protective tariff waa children or for 30. days thereafter can Janan are not lnlrlnged. I will tal trict, and reports yesterday declared FOB SERVICES TO NATION responsible for the high cost of living. offered for interstate shipment no aggressive step against any RIOTERS SHOT DOWN that the famous German general ha 1 It was a beautiful theory with wbie.i ever he i (Special w ithout violation of the law. To make tion, especially the United Statl made slight gains in this front. Cl.t to N'inun Jiji) they fooled many of the voters of th!; doubly sure that gaps and jokers Naturally we doubt the future, a (Anoriated Prvas br Federal WireletO Germans Take 1700 Prisoners iUK"'. Japan. Oct. 11. Special country. The people are wiser today. HONOLULUTO - could not find their lodging place in cur policies have resulted in allian BE BAYONNE, N. J., Oct. 11. Four po- The capture of Kronstadt from the honors were shown yesterday by the Under Democratic free trade wirea 2, mikado ror-me- the law Congress enacted Section ith Russia and Great .Britain; t licemcnt'and eight strikers were shot Rumanians is officially announced in S. Okuma. the r have risen to the highest uoint in during Berlin, premier, who history. providing: : his does not imply that we shall here yesterday strike riots. together with the announce was received in au- merican of ment dience hy the emperor. "Will again-b- e " attorney-genera- l, the the fostering or Triendss Four the strikers are seriously in that the Germans there took 1700 Throughout the voters fooled by "That the - this commerce and the with other nations especially Air- DENED SOON jured. The iolice wounded escaped prisoners and large quantities of rait audience Marquis Okuma was ac- Democratic sophistry in November?' secretary of : f. with slight wounds. Order has been rations or war. corded the especial eourtPsi r...,: secretary of labor shall constitute Ica. ed for My policy not to be revolufi- - "restored and the iolice are in control the genro. the elder statesmei-o- f a board to malte and publish from is the empire, ASSOCIATED PRESS to time uniform rules and ary. nor is it to be aggressive, fa of the situation. AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Oct. II. and the etiquette of the time The rirst step in plans or George au- meeting was-such- MAKES FINE RECORD regulations for carrying out the certainly not militaristic. I wished the From advices received here from as heretofore has Collins, city engineer, to widen cer- Sixty miles of thread woven from thentic sources German enly .been employed for provisions of this act.' tope It will be purely constructs submariucs genro. audiences with pen- 9e-- tain streets in Honolulu .was taken the fiber of a species of Italian nettle have been operating la the English the (Associated Ptm hr Fadaral Wir1M) so-call- a completed his "The Joker Is really Count Terauchl Tuesday night he NEW YORK, Oct. 11. who do not ment by laughing at those who wd when introduced, weighs only two and a half pounds.' Channel from September 3i to Octo- The mikado thanked the venerable The feat of alty clause to punish those through Charles Arnold, of 5. During Ihe Associated Press in sending over suspicions of the Japanese ple chairman The Chamber of Deputies of France ber that brier period the statesman for the services he uer- - immediately comply with the child hold road a sea wasps has more than 14,000 miles of telegraph gon the committee, resolution for unanimously war have destroyed seven iormed for the c labor provisions by excluding the pro- and the aims of the Japanese voted credits for the nation, praising espe-- " the widening of Nuuanu street at the remainder of the vear amounting to nemy merchantman and three ves- - cially the work of his and wireless communications, the ment . ' administration ducts of their plants from interstate Bere-tani- a I -- i. corner of Kukui lane, between f 1.767,000,0. 0. sels of neutral nations On October 4 J"t concluded. news of the attack by the German . 30 days they cease shipment for after Kukui along prop- I ssubmarine upon neu- l, and street, the three English trawlers were sunk off the British and to employ children, ana tne attorney-genera- RESIDENTS OF KUNAWA erty of Yee Yap. The resolution the east coast of England. tral vessels off Nahtucket Shoals the secretary of commerce Cnly two Philippine dye plants are SUBSCRIBE $2 EACH T stated that the purchase, of the land commercially Lightship Sunday, waa outdone yes- and the secretary of labor .are author by the city would be 87.5 cents per important. These are terday, when - The store that can always WANTS TO HAVE SHOW indigo and sappan the news association Ized to provide the rules for carrying HAVE LANE MACADAMED square foot, the amount of land af- or sibucao. Others connected up with eighteen circuits are locally, r act Into effect . fected being 6(31 square The city present economy IN TENT AT KAIMUKI used but scarcely ent-- flashed news over" 26,000 the feet. chances me and the miles A petition signed by 50 reside of will also have to fill. 165 square feet in:o external commerce of the and into 4t0 newspaper offices at the hasiob-scribe- d archipela.eo. : Th American Surety Company of Kunawai. each of whom with earth after the building has been to the. householder can al- The people same time. expensovas cf Kaimuki are to have ; New York has Hied in circuit court a ?2 towards the removed. a moving picture show board, supeiors ways make its advertising if the of second suit against George E. Mar received by the board of A deed to the property of Lucy K. supervisors grants .the petition "from WHAT PEOPLE NEED shall, in charge of the construction of requesting that Kunawai lanom Peabody was also presented to the in. the Star-Bulleti- n im- Will C. King to erect a tent 30x70 in ma- is to quite taking medicine."--- C. li.', the Hilo breakwater, this action being Liliha street to Lanikila road board and was ordered filed. Tne which Jie plans to run the show. He S. Carr, M. Columbus Medical Journal. ! $3000 twins land, amounting to 1990 square mediately resultful. ! nd to secure the nayment of two cadamized as the road since feet. said that the projecting machine was May. we suggest: take Chiropractic (spinal) adjustings, and get " impasae. . is . on Vineyard street, near Nuuanu notes alleged to be owing the com of last winter has been J to be placed outside the The $874,74. tnt. well. nanv by the contractor. An attach The distance to be repaired street, and was purchased for j matter was referred iointty to po- - acquired THE AD MAN. the mpnt has been Issued by Circuit 1800 reet and theater This land was to widen Vine--' F. C. MIGHTON, Chiropractor W. C. WEIRICK, Chiropractor. " yard - was referred to the road comnte. street at this point. J attorney. : Judge Ashford. city . 304 Boston Bldg. : 424 Beretanla St. nONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1916.

'. t ALL-SERVI- WILL CE BDL BE OUSTED FROM c::i;:ese MEET OlafAlways Butts in YKnow 4 A FREAK PLAY V SCIGHBB VILl - ' .: 4-- IN BROOKLYN ' i ii'-TiiFfl-nri TEAM AT ATHLETIC Oil SUNDAY Ebbets' field is the home of aa nvm nnMt!i7itTin:K 1 WSISV .. .. IIBWtf "I freak plays and hits. In the ninth i. i IVv . Vllllli VIIWilllltMIIIWIIW. Ml ti. 4-- 4 ' inning of the first game between 4 - t the Robins and the Cubs. 31 ike 4-4--' Fast Teams Will Fight It Out for Second Place in Series Mowrey, the veteran third base-- 4 Amateur Athletic Union Will Bar Girl Swimmers at Meeting fa Working Against man, was credited with an assist November Women's National Swimming Association Will Brushers MayHave Southpaw Twirler 4-- on Rollie Zelder's strikeout. : 4 Chinese' Squad Teams' Will Get in Shape for Series With 4 The usual play happened this 4 Be Formed With Branches Throughout the Country Local 4 way: on play- - Coast League Teams Braves-Hawai- is Expected Opener The last strike the 4 Feminine Stars Will Be Interested in the New Movement 4 er was wild and hit the chest-pro- - 4 '.,:;r:v::i.m.-v.-- 4 tector of Mai Eason, the umpire. 4 ' All-Servic- girl among team witr meet the Chi- lasc. with Lynch at second, Lynch is - Amateur: swimmers of the will Increase Interest the girl 1 4 The ball bounded down the third- United State will be ousted from the swimmers themselves when they run nese at Athletic Park on Sunday a hard hitter and a good fielder. base line, where it was snapped aiternoon in game of Hughes, the star of the cruiser St. Amateur Athletic Union of the United their own show and have nothing to the second the 4 np by Mowrey. While Zelder was 4 . -- double-heade- r. Both teams have.IoKt Lonis team, will play short, with Mc-Garr- y States at the annual meeting in New do with mere man'' in the govern-- ' a possibility. York during November, but will come went of events for women. The s'lg- - out to the 2:th Infantry and the two Morris or Pelli 4-- 4 strike, Mowrey whipped the ball V. . cor-Tjer- . f back stronger than ever Ptttnn tif tho fnrmillnn t an ttn quads mill fight It out Tor second will be stationed at the difficult - ' with their tt ' to Daubert an -- for out. I lace, manager Brush-ha- a strengthened own organization, their own govern- mlng association, was made to Rubin 4 This probably is the first time 4 their-ow- n All-Servi- ing body, rules and their by Mrs. Hugh Mcintosh, president of hi team 4nd the are Fast Gardner on a 4 hoked upon as winners on, Sunday, Brush will have'' three fast 'fielding 4 record that third baseman own petticoat government. the Australian Ladies' Amateur Swim an on 4 Star-Bulleti- - fly catchers in Jungles. 4 received assist a strikeout. This information reached the n ming Association.- and has been en For six Innings the. Brushers held the Kails and 4 Early the season Cutshaw 4 the 25th Infantry to a close game and Estelle are known as sensational field- in from William Unmack of San thuslaMticslIy indorsed by every A. A. ers, while 4 beat the Phillies out of a game 4 Francisco, who" has been in confer- U.'man who has the Interests of thia look like a strong team, hrush has Johnson is fast, can cover I climbed spots la plenty of ground 4 with a homerun that up 4 ence with F. W. Rubien, secretary t-- f girls' swimming at heart. ttrcngthened the weak the and is a heady play- 4 rightfield lineup and should have a formidable er. Altogether the Brushers look good the wall, while later a 4 the" A. A. IJ. Rubien told Unniack The formation of girls' club and was In One of aggregation to take the- - field against enough to win from Kim Luke's aggre- 4 made the 4 that a large number of the prominent governing bodies throughout th. ' '. Incrt-as- e the Chinese.' ..'v '., gation. 4 leftfleld box seats. . 4 members of the board of governors of country will Interest In the - the A. A. U. at the national cham- yirls swimming,' it will Increase the. Southpaw May. Work The Chinese will make every effort T 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,4 4- to land this game, as a defeat will t t pionships at Newark favored the ellml competition. It will increase the Kn Bae. 'Lang Akana and Ah Lw, place, cation of women from registration and rivalry, and all this will tend to bet leading of the Chi- them baefc in third position In the three hitters the minds of fans, urged the establishment of an organi- ter the standard of swimming among left-hande- the and when the nese, are d batsmen and NATIONAL GUARD sation of their own. tho "female of the species." With Holler-tac- k, time comes they are expected to be Brush . jvill most likely' send Rubien stated in proper organization proper con- against ready for the Brush boys. The Chi- further and a southpaw, to work , with Unmack of sport by nese have a number of stars, but their :.4n?.v.-- that there trol the levelheaded. Hollerbaek looked good the F ' -- -- be- w It u. Ill them. team is not as well rounded as the ser- '''.vy" M'U. v is every possibility of the change thlnVtn? vmiTi unmn nnt ha last time out and he has a number of ' ing carried out, and Xhat while no na- long before the girls ot this country carves which ought to vice contingent. Brush has g6t his fast breaking '" men to battling for every play and this tional A. A. U. girls' swimming cham- will attain such a high standard in ttop the Chinese. it am has done a heap for sport here. pionships will be held, the titles will the sport that the world's records now The All-Servic- e - should win. But be raced for under the government of held by Fanny Durack will slowly, but breakrf Outfield Trio then there are always the little With Lang Akana, En Sue and Kai the Women's Swimming Association! surely, be transferred to this, country.-- In the game that are made and the Interest to Swlmmera Like Antipodeans good Leong in the outfield the Chinese Local. a number of i J :y,;- : - ::. -:.- ': Chinese will have shape up well as. Brush- v. :;rv' '.,. '.v. The formation of a women's organi- The new organization will be pat- - to should as the I v ft 1 - players.' Until the Brushers came i change local situa- were ers, In the infield the Brushers will zation might the the front the Chinese considered ex- present body. strength and have a sllgnt advantage, with the tion somewhat. At the time governing This organization is r.ext to the Wreckers In strength. Dawson Will toacfi Candrdates; Ruth Stacker, one of the fastest girl conceded to the roost perfect gov- big effort to stop the ception of hitting mm be they will make a is a heady catcher and has had more swimmers In Hawaii and bolder of the erning body of any women's sport In All-Star- s. Meeting to Be Held Wednes- march of the experience than Leong. HoonKi 5.0-ya- rd record, is teaching and does the world, and the organization runs Dawson. Bthjnd Bat pitched a nice game against the 23tl day Night at Armory not come under the head of an ama- as smoothly as a piece of machinery. Brush will have Araana, who held Infantry and may break in with an- teur. Whether or not the new organi-iatio- n The laws of amateurism are the fun- the Wreckers to two runs; Simmons, other good game unless Luck Yea All football players, and those who will recognize the record holder damental basis of the whole thing, and who defeated, the Honolulus, and Hol- Roes on the mound. v would like to play football, who be- as an amateur is a question. there are many features In the. rules lerbaek to do mound duty, with Daw- The Hawaiis and .Braves were un- long to the National Guard of Hawaii At the present time Miss iilriam cf competition which could well be son behind the plate. Dawson is a able to play their game last Sunday are requested to meet at the Armory Stacker is the only representative in followed by the girls In tn is country peppery player ' and played a great owing to wet grounds, but these two tonight to make plans for a schedule the local A. A. U. and she make take which tend somewhat to modesty. For 25th Infantry, '. de--f are expected to fight it 'out In of games with the other teams of the up instance, the Australian rules prohibit vame. against the teams "' the work with the new organisa- ' - his illness. He will be In shape the opening game cn Sunday, which island.;-- ' : ;'' tion. The local body was the to n girl going to the mark for a race un- :!te first o lnro ohn a wnA rtn an1i r af l unday and the Chinese will have a will be staged at 1:30. Both team.? Last year the National Guard put start the campaign for the admittance iras duc iiOMShaa a iuuc via ciu-- sui m fcttnnt.m1 ii:;ricult time purloining sacks.,, He have fast organizations, and Inasmuch out a fast team and it is expected that of women into the A. A. U., and John ant with her. The robe Is not allowel i headv tilaver and Is resnonaible as S. .P. Correa has won out in the Presenting , the original "buttinsky" of baseball. Olaf has a goodly number of candidates will Soper, chairman of the registration to be taken off until the start of the ' race, stands be- r tr.uch of the success of .the" primary election' he will have,moi'e the habit of coming up in a pinch, and doing something. He isn't a great turn out for the first call on Wednes- body of the local branch, was the first when the attendant n. ' rviv-eteai- ,C ':' time to attend to the affairs of the day night. Frank MidkifT is athletic to receive an entry from a girl. hind the swimmer, holding the robe, ' never had an opportu- ' A J 11 & ' '' hitter in the regular season, and the little fellow has t XL ' J I . .Jaclrrca.-wJll- ' game. ;":V wi be .stationed" at first ';' nity to be a regular, but stUl he makes good when called 'upon. One of his officer of the regiment, and inasmuch He made a hard fight for the admis- anu me racer praciicanjr uivra uui as he is coach of the Punahou team sion of the young women into the A. tlie robe. - hltsrbroke up a gam "'jn a past series and yesterday he' scored a run for 4 . 4. 4 4. 4 t- , -- p. '- m STACKER 4 4 .44 - ; ..,- jwilcjr - !' tl ? " - tne tooitun team,tn;a'p'n- r s ti HlMiy s - the."leam.--'Game- will probably be succeeded in convincing the board that "Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia In- WAGNER STILL HITS. 4 Ru- played on Saturday and Sunday. ' the sex should be apply troduced a HAS SWIMMING CLASS , - - ' - " Berlin Tageblatt, calculates the fair entitled to resolution in the senate to ; .. m . .4 manian losses in connection with the fcr admittance into the A. A. U. create a joint congressional commis- . At CASTLE TANK TODAV Ey Vt. R. Hoefer. BACKFIEtD FOR The American commissioners deny-tha- t Tush for Mere ManI sion of four senators repre- capture by the r Bulgarians and Ger- and five any agreement has been reached Such a move as thi3 would be the sentatives to visit China and investi- MiSs TvUtb .Stacker will hold a class Back in the timo ages, mans of the Danube fortress of. tur-tuk- ai as regards the patrolling of the Mexi- greatest boon the women swimmers gate American commercial opportuni- ' In swimmlnk at the Castle tank at 3 Days when I sported short pants, 8,000. : can border. of the country have ever had. u ties. - ' at not less than '' o'clock this venlng. During the class Dad used to lamp the sport f COLLEGE TEAM there will bis a number of exhibitions pages; ' iv t!:ewi '"aera."" Miss Stacker was Reading of Candy La Chance. f fjr.r : riy infractor at the.Y. W. C A., Keeler and Kittredge and Kel-- 4 ir. fct.prcpcnt holds the island reo f ley, ''.' cr s for tfce,print swjms.' Miss Gerd 4 Tlitchie, McGann and McGill. IS PICKED th,-wh- Ml Ji; made a great showing in 4 And nightly, he read, as they put' i! e t swimming meet, is one of her 4 me to bed, ' ..' - ; rv-riis- . x,:- soaking the pill. " "Wagner is JVIanoa Institution's Gridiron Iiri going to try tHem TOMY!'? rZERNG MAKES GOOD . Now, it seems, centuries later, Squad is Being Whipped -- Dad is a grandfather, gray. . i c. ; . Into Shape CATCH OFF M0L0KIN1 Says the Oldtlmers were greater;; Yet he still follows the fray. . f Str-fiH".e- ti Correspondence) l C. Deering, who becom-- . and Speak- - (Spcil Case is Reads about Johnson COLLEGE - Ur HAWAII. UCU - cne'of the noted anglers of Ha-- , er, f The final week of preparation for fcteq wail, returned from Iolokini Tuesday Bancroft. O'Nell, Maranville; season tne yii'll know good a fishing trip. He as the opening of the football at never iow sensible cigarette tfter'a four days And reads, with a grin, College of Hawaii has. witn hew trip and gets in, - started took his boat on the first 'Extra'V enthusiasm and confidence on the part it proved to be one of the oest boats "Wagner is soaking the pill." ; During the past is aintil you trys one. i;i - of aU concerned. Hawaii. . ; week some, important additions of the headquarters Wai-luk- u : 4; He made his at 4 4,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 team and coaching staff have come in and fished off Molqklni, the.fa-xcTit- e ne.rsons Melim. well known end fishing ground of Jump. private bank of Campbell, Du the of James The on last year's high school team, .and largest & Co., to in Chi- " He secured flye fish in alL the bia he tenth fail Scotty" Schumann and "Skinner Maybe youVe intended for weeks to try Fatimas w eighing 48 pounds. Deering is cago month, closed doors. about within a its Davis respectively, the latter pair l ccomlng a rea.1 angler, and is num- having acquired knowledge and ex bered among the men who are boost- A speedway for automobile and mo- see how sna . perience of the game from; their acad to comfortable sensible thev reallv game fishing on 'main-- torcycle racing to be constructed " ing Hawaii ''the is: - ; ' ; " emy days. Idnd. . :' at Pittsburg at a cost of $1,000,000. ' scrimmage ; AH Belgian bank notes itiust now Tuesdav afternoon a are. All right then whr put it - One ten of coniferous Wood waste be stamped with a special seal by the with Mills school toot Place on the J. - v 5T1 produce from 15 to. 23 gallons of German authorities In return for a P. Cooie field, and the most import 1?0 proof alcohol. small fee. ant positions on the team for the Sat- urday game have been practically de cided on. The probable ends are Smoke as many as want to and Fatimas will Bromley and Alelim; quarterback, Bal- - wi lentyne; lefthalf. CapL Hicks; rignt-hal- f, tip-t- o Brash; fullback. Mariuchi. leave feeling you must Tho line nositions have not been tou g Wrestlinglatches definitely decided on because of the mm keen competition in that quarter; but try tiicm prove this. witii Tuesday's and today's scrim mage, the latter being with the high Friday, Oct. 13th Saturday, Oct 14th school, those positions will be made ' ': , Catch-as-Catch-C- :' : JiuJitsu Style. an Style known. ,;'".. ; -.'-.' 8:30P.M. ' 1 1 "f t - '"-- ;" 4- - try Fatima TODAY!" 4--. HOW 'BOUT IT, "CAP?" " ; Breathes there a fan with soul lfe2-l- Jiii-Jits- so dead ': b. a Champion of the World Who never to an ump hath said, 4-- In boisterous anguish, from "the : f stand: WD LLD Cu3 "Aw,- - have a heart, you petty A - S 4- thief; past belief. of 25th Infantry 170-l- b. Champion of Islands Ycur awful stuff is 4-- Ban Johnson ought to have you " ' PETE BARON NIGEL JACKSON -- canned. ' Say, Goofus had that bag by nine-- Referee r Announcer Teen feet, you Jimmy Valentine. Why dontcha hand them guys Three extremely snappy preliminaries have been ar-- J the game? ' ' Go back to jail from where you : ranged to open exhibition at "' , came. You second-stor- y crook, you're blind; cigarette Skating Rink Fort Street A blacksmith oughta fix your ADMISSION 50c ' RESERVED SEATS $1.00 mind." - , 4-- if such there be, go mark him. f4 $2.00 - A ; RINGSIDE " well. '.'. . '.,' 4-- He may be normal; who can telL .4 ::':'- waccoGr. Tickets on sale at Gunst Cigar Store, Makino Drug Store But if he is. he must be some 4 20 for, 15c. and Hawaii Drug Store i ' Poor lad who's blind and deaf 4 ( 4- and dumb. - - 4 : . I LADIES WELCOME 4 . . 4 1 4 4 4 4,4 4-- 4 4 44 4 4 444 4 4 J STAlt-BULLETI- 191G. elhvi::i HONOLULU X, AVKDXKSDAY, OCTOBER 11,


COMPANIES SUBJECT OF COMMENT "-:- ( mml " 1 i4 r by It) n Pioneer's dividend raying ability. Interesting Figures on Three of of production one WM Not only is its cost sugar . Islands' Corporations Are of the lowest, but it markets its at a saving of $- - per ton or so over Given Publicity the plantations located, on Oahu. The 1917 crop of Pioneer will be about tons, according to agents. In flie San Francisco Chronicle, C2.t0 today, Hawaiian Commercial copies of which .were received "The Hawaiian Commercial and Su- Charles Hemingion writes of the suc- gar Company "has rlosed its season Properties of Sensapersa enjoyed "Mill The Oriental cessful year by 'Pioneer with 3? ,.": tons of sugar, or an aver- Company, Hawaiian Commercial Sug- age yield 8.10 tons per acre from Company. of Renew the Nerve Forces of the System ar Company and Onomea Sugar f341 "acres harvested. Indications at He says: present point to a crop of about 00.-- X Mill Company, finished its Ho not continue to Buffer when you can get Just the help you need "Pioneer tons in 1917. which, will be har- ner- grinding season on September '" with 323 acres. today now If In your nuerasthenlc condition you have Insomnia, sugar, vested from feeling despondency or fear, weak memory, an output of 22,733 tons of "The company has marketed to vous indigestion, a of tons. of hot and cold flashes, exhausted vi- against an estimate of 31.500 date f.6 2."S tons, receiving an average brain fag, palpitation the heart, "Owing exceptionally cost tality or any other form of mental or nervous exhaustion. to its low return of. $12 per ton net to "the plan- of production, only 137 per ton f. o, U. tation. With only about 2rt0 tons factory in 1913 (this year's cost not stilt to be disused of it is not diffi- yet available). Pioneer has been one cult to estimate the financial standing v of the most generous dividend payers at the end of the year. In the islands. For instance, this year, "In addition to the regular disburse- in addition to a stock dividend of ment of 23 cents per share per month, $ 1 ,000,000, the company has distrib- extra dividends., amounting to $3.30 - (Formerly called Persian Nerve Essence.) uted in cash dividends and has de- per share, have been distributed to clared for the balance of the year the date, with a possibility of another $1 . will rejuvenate you and you will become a new man with all the following: . extra around the latter part of the stamina and vigor you formerly had. Every nerve, every tissue vU 20 per cent on former capi- - year. energy, . . . . . SOO.OOO receive Its due share of life's sustaining and health, force and . tal of $4,000,000 ... "If. the $1 extra is forthcomine the vigor follow with all the certainty of cause and effect Sept. 1, 5' per cent on new plantation will distribute $3,000,000 in capital of J3,000,00 , ... f ' 200,000 year, or 30 per cent on One box of Sensapersa Is often sufficient but In obstinate cases, dividends this Is guaranteed to give absolute satisfac- Oct. 1 to Dec. 1, 2 per cent tb oanitil of $10,000,000. and should the full treatment of six boxes y . a month 300,000 a cash balance of apnrox-iraatel- A 4 tion or money will be refunded. Sold by Chambers Dmg Co., Hollls-te- r still retain Yf1 Drug Henson, & Co., and your $1,300,000 as a credit with its imig Co., Honolulu Co., Smith : ". $1,330,000 agents. in addition to the $3.000,"000 ml postpaid for 11.00 per box or six boxes for $3.00. DrugglsVor.sent per new capital. company will dis- Sensapersa today. Or 27 cent on in dividends, the Try 'it is understood that an additional burse about $400,000 as a bonus to pinchw hitter - BROWN EXPORT COMPANY, 3 per spent $300.-00- 0 two out the 9th! Tho THE ' L extra dividend, probably of cent, employes, and has about in .... v sugar improvements, of St. ' New York City, N. Y. will be declared when all the Js In capital all beauty over "short" In comes thp 74 Cwrtlandt 30 per for care of by this year's lines a sold, making a total of cent which is taken ccr-tain-ly the year on $5,000,000 capital. earnings. ; ivbniiig run. The "fans" go wild --it "The cash balance at. the end of the Onomea Sugar Company Chesterfidda year, not allowing for any additional The financial standing of the Ono- satisfies! That's what extra dividends and assuming that mea Sugar Company on September 8 do when you smoke they satisfy the unsold sugar will command .5 follows": cents in the open market, should be Suears abroad, 4938 tons at about $700,000. There is a balance $90 ...... 1444.420.00 SW,iheyreMILD! ; of 8630 tons of sugar still to be Book ac. balance credit 543,944.40 children should marketed. The average price received It thi3 combination of "satisfy" with i b . - VOUR1L for the crop Bold to date is $101.33 Estimated balance credit, $988.364.46 that ncv) per ton net to the plantation. "Out of a total crop of 18,731 tons, mildness that is giving smokers be photographed while "It would take a very low range of the company ha3 shipped to date 18,- - enjoyment! sugar prices to seriously arrect 140H tons." cigarette at ease in the home. They But only Chesterfields can give it to them, HIGHER PRICES FOR SUGAR ARE for the good reason that no cigarette makes will look more natural. can copy the Chesterfield blend! FORESEEN BY CZARNIKOV - RIONDA Try Chesterfields today!--

Analysis of In view of the fact that the balance Experts in Weekly of unsold stocks in Cuba is now est!- - Market Point to Cuban mated in tne neignnornooa oi oniy 1 First class work; 200,000 tons, and held in strong hands, :rrsh Attitude- are that higher prices the indications J Z .1 ( should be established upon the re- 5 ' Czarnlkow-Riond- a Company, prices reasonable ( From newal of an active demand. : . 112 Wall Street) com- It Is worthy of note that the " . After the J NEW YORK. Scpt $?. United - ' few transactions In sugars for imme- bined stocks in Cuba and Cuba and for de- States, Including the quantity in tran- diate clearance from States, are almost livery from -- store here, recorded, at sit to the United 100,000 tons .below the aggregate of last week's . close, at basis 5c c. f. open- sugars in similar positions a year ago. (6.02c) basis 96 deg., our market very Monday, with-- refiners These figures decidedly forecast ed quiet on next showing no Inclination to go on buy- limited supplies' in sight until '1 ing at the higher level. Prices" then crop Cubas become available, so that W. ".125c per lb. to 4.875c c. f. In the event of a demand arising fcom JAMES MORSE receded foreign, countries for even moderate (5.8!c) for Cubas, h only a DUnJ quantities raws or granulated Th ChttrfiM 4911 O. Box 3CG was obtainable on of either k- - anoat TnrkUk Phone P. limited quantity dur- lnt fama tobH sugars for export from this. side -3- AM5O0N for nchaMi CAVALt' ! 26th Porto Ricos, either anoai Inst ing of the year, a very SMYRNA for wrwlw! XANTh or for prompt shipment, as well as remainder vth t York, been strong situation is bound to develop, firrtfrt'o, .oibid bt from store in New have p even though the 50,000 tons of new-cro- j delivered, and sold this week at 5.77c sugars, recently report- 11,000 tons of Philippines, late Louisiana about purchased by our principal re- er pur- ed as October-Novemb- delivery, were 10c should be forwarded to the At- 20 for at 4.15c, basis 88 finer, chased by refiners connection it deg. lantic ports. In this may be pointed out that there have At the close there, are light offerings Inquiries from Argentina Centrifu-- . been steady of October shipment Cuba for both raws and refined, and as that gala at 4.875c c. f. (5.89c), and while campaign gave a pro- and sent him to Kahului. but Edward-so- n Union Pacific Co., Ltd. present procur- country's last Transfer this price Is not ; at duction of only 152.300 tons sugar, said this morning that it did no York, Is intimated to able for New it which was 183,500 tons short of its good ,. and he would have no more that same probably would be paid for predecessor, and 66,750 tons below the da with the derelict.; 174 King Street, next to Young Bldg. shipment to out ports. average of her last five crops addi- Emanuelson said he was "only fool- Cuban sellers consistently continue tional business for export to that quar- ing" in the saloon, took his sentence belling their product, only in active consummated to pris- iff PACKING AND SHIPPING OF FURNITURE, pressing ter will doubtless be quietly and shuffled back the STORING, market and refrain from it before long. ' oners' dock, still an enigma to the periods when refiners with- during the Trading In sugar futures on the New court. And the court and audience ETC., FREIGHT HAULERS AND GENERAL EXPRESS draw after providing for their. Imme- and . sugar exchange, this laughed when he shook his fist diate requirements, as has been the York coffee and week aggregates 40,150 tons. Prices made a face at Edwardson, his former BUSINESS U. S. MAIL CARRIERS case recently. With the pursuance of Benefactor. and prospects have fluctuated within narrow limits, . policy by sellers, ., i such a weekly meltings at the United and today's closing bids of October that 4.93c,; November 4.75c," December A 1874-18- States Atlantic ports will proceed at GERMANS CONFESS . The Oahu Railway & Land Company hereby 75 60,000 tons 4.56c, January 4.19c, February 4.00c, Phones: their present rate of about 4.06c, SHORTAGE OF GUNS to come, is reason- March 3.99c. April 4.02c. May offers a reward of $500 for information leading to for some time it 4.10c, July 4.13c and August to expect it will not be long June able that 4.16c show a decllne'on the Week of LONDON. Eng. An official state- the arrest conviction of the person or persona ere further purchases of raws in fair and lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIilllllllllllUllIlIIIllIIIIllIllllIIIIH only .01c In January, and advances of ment Issued says: . volume will require to be made. And wrecking locomotive at from .01c to .07c in the other months. "A captured document signed by. who were instrumental in a The receipts for the week at the General Von Falkenhayn while chit or near the freight yards of the Railway Company three Atlantic ports were 21,452 tons, of the German general staff; dated compared with 49.551 tons last year August 24, states: on the morning of Wednesday, October 4f 1916. ; and 36,709 tons in 1914. " 'The wastage of guns in' the last few months has been considerably i in COMPANY. excess .of production. The same is OAHU RAILWAY & LAND . true of the ammunition in our re- SEEKS TO TRADE serves, of which there has been a se- rious diminution. It is the duty of all ranks not only in the artillery to endeavor to remedy- - this serious state Hi OLD DEMI JOHN FOR of things. All ranks must make a most serious endeavor to assist in the preservation of material as indicated Rplberoid OO above, for otherwise making good the BOHLE OF WINE losses and placing formations in the field will be rendered impossible." ODelo IKlooIaDia Uaawl Roofing The for For trying to trade anolTdemljohn for a Iwttle of wine. Emanuelsdn was arraigned : in police court on Tues- AUDIT COMPANY haawi no ka Hui Oahu Railway & Land Com- day, queried and questioned at length E any other composition Rowing on the by an undecided prosecution and a pany he makana o $500 no ke alakai ana aku a hiki It outlasts to jail puzzled judge and finally sent hoohana less. for 15 days. OF HAWAII i ka hopu ia ana o ka poe a mau poe nana i market and is easy to apply and costs much Kmannplson was on the tabu list appearance in the no ka hoopoino ana i ke Kaaahi ma ka wahi kokoke' at the time of his .624 BETHEL STREET Sunrise saloon and Henry Espinda, be- hoahu o ka Hui Oahu Railway & Land lie twenty-liv- e years alul the time, ordered him i kahi ukana Kuberoid Hoofing lias been out inarket for over hind the bar at 2035 from the place. But Kmanuelson would P. O. Box 44S. Telephone Company ma ke kkahiaka o ka Poakolu, Okatoba it stands the test.. have liquor and . finally left under ' ' : some force. , 4.1916. '.: . r; How many times Emanuelson has Suggestions given for simplify- been in court was hazarded this morn- ing or systematizing office OAHU RAILWAY & LAND COMPANY. ing by oldtimers, but the most reck- work. All business confidential. less could not make a logical guess. He is the original "come back" kid & done with or for Coo and just what can be of Audits Lewers Limited all cjasses Conducts him is a source of conjecture each snd Investigations and furnishes Lumber and Building Materials 169 177 So. King Street time to the court. Reports on all kinds of finan- The last time Emanuelson was in cial work. jail Jack Edwanlson. secretary of the STAR-BULLETI- N CENTS Union, for him 75 PEIIK. o Sailors' Intervened TWKl.VE IIOXOI.ULU STAIJ BULLETIN, WKDXKSIUV, OCTOP.Ki: 11. .r: HOTEL Desks SAYS HOT WATER INTHERBAUmOFTHE FEMININE Calendar EACH DAY KEEPS wmm SAN FRANCISCO OMry StrwC, JiMt .If Unto Mr. Pads tvnm Plai $150 i it BfMMMttOe iMckSOc Dmmm ITOO THE DOCTOR AWAY Utt Fmkmi Mm1 to tt UCM States for 1.9,1-- 7 New ateei and concrete struc- ture. 3 SO rooms. 25f connect- ing bathrooms. Homelike com- -, Drink Glass of Hot Water Be- WmaUm Complete, stocks the fort rather than unnecessarily for expensive luxury. in center of fore Breakfast to Wash following styles: theatre, cafe ana retail districts. Out the Poisons On car lines transferring all The Curse Fat Perfection oter eity. fan municipal car-lin- e Of . Life in uot merely to live, but to Uce direct Vrw do--r Now Good Health Through: liotor Bus live well, eat well,'digest well, work I K5ow or a max who weighs two p;.-Jb- l. t yur tialr.tinff anj air in Empire meets trains steamers. much you can. . Gel a tnnlc. oa well sleep welt, look well. What. hundred . and up. who became kkkJ - Htrl Stowart r w-cnu- a H. rwocntuendM ta cure dandruff; pajr about Lydia Vegetable Daily .; '; valiaa Island ltaliuArt-a- . Cabl Sioricus condition to attain, ana yet alarmed at pirth, and a do!lx a bottle for it U best will cost of EPinkhamV 44reu "Trawe- f- a B 0. how very easy it is if one will only joined a Y. M. C A. to reduce. He i J. H. Leva. llutio?n!u Cd. ' Handy firprvMsUtir. . tidopt the morning inside-bat- h. went through exercises and baths Compound. Say it is Household Folks wl'o are .accustomed to feel with the methodical precision of a du!l and heavy when they .arise, split, machine and the stolidity of a mule. Necessity. Doctor Called it a Hawaiian News Co., headache. ' stuffy from a fold, In a year he had taken' off only PLEASANTON HOTEL tins pounds, ex- y foul tongue, 'nasty breath, acid stom- fifteen and he declared Q Limited ' LUXURIOUS AND instead, feel as fresh as a ercise was "all brnk." Miracle. al h.cun. Whereas, all the poor man needed COMFORTABLE daisy by oeninpr of the ' the sluices was to waken up v V Bishop Street STRICTLY FIRSTCLASS syr.teni each morning and flushing and exercise his All women ought to know the wonderful effects of poison-ou- s mind and awaken his spirits! Loss ' 100 ROOMS 60 BATH out .the whole of the internal ; ;' stagnant of dignity and loss of flesh frequent- Vv," Vegetable Compound even on matter. ly go together. 'He exercised, but taking Lydia E. Pinkham's -- ailing, or 'Everyone, whether sick without any vim. and he wont right - those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: well; should, each morning, before - on eating- and living as he always : treakfast. drink a glass of real hot had no wonder his daily reduction . i'J;f; tt singlo water with a teaspoonful of lime- HarrLsbitrr, PCnn. When I was I HEINIE'S TAVERN tasks did so little good. a jrrpat 1pa1 from female weakness because O Most Popular Beach Resort In the stone phosphate in it to wash from It is logical that, if you burn up - my all day. I took Oriental City tire ftoraach,' liver, kidneys and more flesh than you acquire, you work compelled mc to stand the prevous day's indigestible Lydia E. Ilnkhaiu s Vegetable Compound ioriaa& that are Right boe!s lose weight Therefore, you must was . American and European Plan waste, sour bile and poisonous eat less, and you work and was made stronger by its use. After I -- nuct moe. On the Beach at Waiklki" toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening, ltecently I gave a redaction diet, fol- Air married I took the Compound again for a femaJa Silk Goods and purifying the entire alimentary low this but it's single cn $v": trouble and after three months I passed what the canal before putting more food reduce the absorbed, incrcarot nuracla Into fats - doctor called a growth. lie 6aid it was a of hot the And exercise! III V the f stomach. The action adds. that it came away as one generally goes under AT - water and limestone phosphate, on The fat- "woman lies .down for . the knife to have them removed. I never want to an empty stomach is wonderfully in- moment as soon as she e-.- t". And be in the house. e your Compound o without "The ROMAGOf vigorating. It cleans out all-th- sour thereby she lajs on cr.o'.:h i!;r:h-t- Fenn. Odo Shoten offset an hbur?s work Liter. Knobl, 1W2 Fulton St, llarrisburjr, fermentations, gases, waste and ruHy., - Hotel, near Nuuanu A Luxurious Home Hotel acidity gives one a splendid ap- she takes an afternoon nap only-thin- and. . . .' - v.: ?;! . ::'. ; J) 1429 Makiki St Phone 3675 petite for breakfast. While you are nervous or anemic women Hardly Able to Move enjoying your breakfast the water thould do that. Albert Lea, Minn. For about a year I had sharp Tjoins across and '.phosphate is quietly extracting I know of three excellent ways to my back and hips and was hardly able to move around the house. a large volume of water reduce flesh one is to s-i- another 3Iy head no appetite. After from the Is to walk; would ache and I was dizzy and had blcod and getting ready for a and the third to gar- taking Lydia Liver.FiUs, BAILEY ALIIOLANI den. The variety of motions needed Tinkham's Vegetable Compound and I Suburban Hotel. 332i) Waialae Road. thorough flushing of all the inside am feeling stronger years. boy eight months to run vesre-tab- le than for I have a little organs. a successful flower and ' y mm m Co. Kalmukl. Honolulu. On the garden will pull flesh from ,iu old and am'doing my work all alone. I would not be without jour Furniture Car Une. The millions of. people who are waist back acd hips. remedies in the house as there aro none like them.w Mrs. F. E. 1141-114-1 Clean, wholesome bothered w Ith Lort Bldfr. Fort St. surroundings: . constipation, bilious The remedy fleshiness sim- Yost, 611 Lea, , .':N spells, for is Tou not aUouy Water St, Albert Minn. cool and comfortable rooms: home stomach trouble, rheumatism; ple burn up by exercise more fatty need Ic fat unless you atmosphere. others who yourself to grow so Rates reasonable. Ptioce have sallow skins, blood particles than you oat in your food Doctors Up. 7161. WILL, C. KING Mirr disorders and sickly complexions are and you .must lose weight It Three Gave Her jj!lJ."ULlUl!!Jjj takes that tnucb. It takp Ion? tim t GOODS urged to get a quarter pound of lime- quick reduction-wil- l rnr Rttsbnrg, Penn. "Your medicine helped CANTON DRY time, but a leave dandru.T. but perfect cleanUness will do has stone phosphate from the drug store the skin flabby over a shrunken u evtntually. - me wonderfully. When I was a girl 18 years old I COMPANY which will cost , very little, but Is body; a gradual reduction is better. .;'; :''';.'.;,. ";' was always. sicKiy ana delicate and suffered from Collegian Clothes to pro- sufficient make anjone a irtint to v.iu for tw anrrfw f irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said for nounced crank on the subject of (ucstjons and Answers a 'OUflaof u if rcrrii letter, nnti tn vriti I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E. . Hottl SW near Bethel St internal sanitation. Adv. j:it n note vf apprerinixm for omr vith Particular People TTrf r.otI't'jt'jexf Jo Qrrrrom? a out bC'fiimi more of vor help. CJOf Pinkhanrs Vegetable Compound and with the third . ' t&re inches from pottr Chr.t$ so Tfcf-- scrip my '' ikc.' are fU cf bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular li At hair it rru oil thtrr cowMtOM Hxe, od thev arc f o'viyt THE CLARION is, dandruff, li,. It usr.i to fe Hutfv. but aitcisia i.Hiiij'i6,r xtmt or rntt.uv.vt and I' got strong and shortly after I was married. ! FLARING ' i aoir ottv gi'.f wrflt after it is vc9.r4. yrriwiUion. Milltarn T. 1. THE SKIRT I Xr: Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am JUST ARRIVED , Mvr.UhO v.n. you ,T ... Krpi "Hiank very murt able to work every Mrs. Clijiintina. Rep7? Wasb e hard dav.n onr a wrt wltb a pur l ttr. 1 UVe to recei u h a ti-s- tsant: you o-- Splendid assortment of new Seed If are one of the fortunates who lor't 3. aal drr ia tb pea air - If t! Lrow I tavo been helpful. Duirbino,34 Gardner bt,TroyIIill,Pittsburg,Penn.L SPECIAL SALE can make your own clothes you will ATI arm PT-- MRS. ETHEL M. TAYLOR appreciate many Copyright br Cecrga Matt&ev A4am ' wnmn lmritiri ti vrlf tn thin TtnVh Grass Linen and Pongee Waist the devices now on cine Co Lynn, lass for special advice, It will be conildentiaL' Florist Patterns the market for obtaining the very ac- cessary flare to the skirt There are YEEjCHAN & CO. many Boft as well as crisp fabrics in FASHION FACTS CROSS FEVERISH Corner . King and Bethel Streets vogue, such as voiles, marquisettes FOR ALL PURPOSES P "and Georgette crepes. which demand Much attention should be given, to Paper Bags. Cups,,. Plates. A rather skilful treatment to make them the. proper habiliment 'of the feet stand out sufficiently.' Boots coming to be "considered an . . Napkin end Towels, etc are CHILD ce all-seas- IS BILIOUS Cords of all widths are a favorite re-rour- style as succinctly as fure. AM-HA- W. PAPER CO., Ltd. P of the dressmaker. They can Fabric made boots and. slippers are Phone 1410 . E be more or less twisted, according to decidedly modish. Suede, buckskin J. Ashman Beavtn, Mgr. whether you wish a stiff or more flex- and velvet are le mode, and colored R " ible cording. They also come wired leathers acceptable fashions. OR CONSTIPATED for the skirt, which is to billow in At present : gray, beige, brown, hopped skirt style. For the soft skirt bronze and black, in the order of their D. J. CASHMAN of chiffon or crepe a" series of .rows naming, are of modish importance. -- - five . Look, Mother! If Tongue is AND AWNINGS Beaver of four or tiny cords is much Colonial slippers with huckles- are TENT8 Board more successful than the heavy cord- of A Canopies for Rent again to the fore. But all these Coated Give "California Luau Tents e ing. V to-b- must-.b- e Up-to-the-mi- for Better Walls ':';: slippers strictly smart nute service to the Llainland Thirty Veers Experience Haircloth braids can be bought in all equipped with I rench heels. Buckles Syrup of Figs" - and Ceilings Fort St, near Allen upstairs- r widths and all staple colorings for must be large and plain, in silver, gold Every realizes, giving Sierra, Sonoma at LEWERS & COOKE the bouffant skirt This new braid dif- or enamel for leather and "morning mother after andsteamers fers from the. old fashioned haircloth wear, and be small and sparkly for her children "California Syrup of Is lacier and much more flexible. satin and evening wear and medium Figs, that this is their ideal laxative, and Ventura at sea. PLUMBING and It can be used with transparent fab sized and of cut steel in most attrac- because they love its pleasant taste SHEET METAL WORK thoroughly cleanses the tender M'INERNY PARK rics' to show very little along skirt tive designs for afternoon wear, and it The Federal Company has been awarded U. S. Gov- GENERAL MERCHANDISE edges or ruffles. whether the slippers be suede, "buck- little stomach, liver and bowels with- SANG YUEN KEE" Elegant Lots Wires in all weights, gold, silver, skin or kid. Brocade cothurnes in ele- out griping. ernment contract to eqnip all battleships and three of the - ' . 16iS. KinsSU CHAS. DESKY, Agent white and black, are preferred by oth gant fabrics and of w.hite and silver, When cross, irritable, feverish or world (including Pearl Har- 4 4727 sour, look at largest radio stations in the Doors Cast el Bishop. Phone Merchant, near er sewers to be slipped through cas white and gold, black and silver, dark breath is bad. stomach Fort ings or even . threaded through net or blue or dark brown and silver are of- the tongue, mcther! If ccated, give a bor) with Poulson apparatus. lace. Wider wired braids may be sewn fered at from $10 to $15 a pair. teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit Butter to the 'back of some thin fabrics. Hosiery is to be of a sort which w ill laxative." and 'in a few hours all the THERE'S A REASON Lchna N foul, constipated waste, sour . Que can use boning advantageously harmonize with one's frock in color bile and bouf-- J undigested food passes out of the bow- : Parker Ranch Beef H.1HYAKE for the heavier skirt to make it and design, and be of an absolute veri- 828FortStreet Telephone 4085 Quality fan t, as well as the old fashioned ty of tone with the color of one's boots. els, and you have a well, playful child Delicatessen cf Oriental Art Goods jeeds. though the latter are reserved Truly, she who hesitates these days again. When its little system is full e, : cold, sore, stomach-ach- Mttrpotltan Meat Market lor truly hooped effects. , in a millinery shop is lost in a maze of throat has Phone SS4S Foundations often flare the skirt sixes, shapes and diarrhoea, indigestion, colic-rememb- er Fort, above Beretania of new hats of all " Corded and ruffled petticoats play an styles. ' a good "inside cleansing" should al- ways be given. important part In the wardrobe. Ruf And while one is exclaiming over the first treatment fling by the yard, three or four ; ruf- flare of Millions ot mothers keep "California IIANAN'S BEST SHOES the width of brim and the Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a v fles overlapping in one width, may these new hat shapes, with thoughts of INDIVIDUAL STYLES on around the teaspoonful today saves a sick child be used the bottoms or the merry widow" shapes of yester- your T.TTTJiTNERY hips of slip skirts made with the dress comparisons, tomorrow. Ask druggist for a IN year inviting flattering 50-ce- nt SHOE STORE yokes flare bottle of "California Syrup of mr.ERNY. skirt. Foundation which one will be offered by the enterprising Figs, Fort, above King St. Direct from New York at the hip line may be bought at the shapes as were which has directions for babies, milliner as tiny, flat ages grown-up- s The Service BostoaBld. hotion counter, as well as the hooped ago. children of all and MISS POWER le mode sixty years and which printed on the bottle. Beware of coun- net band hung on tapes from the waist must be tied on with ribbons in bridle tine.-..;- terfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. style in order to keep these hats .on Get the. genuine, made by 'California Punched crinoline, small hip pads - " one's head. Fig Syrup Company." Adv. FURNISH YOUR HOME RIGHT and even bustles, are being used by Small hats of taffetas in divers' col- outweighs the cost By fitting it throughout with our some extremists to extend he hips. ors, but dark, are trimmed with gay o SMART dependable electric fixtures colored ribbons, of strident tone and FROCKS OF NET. daring selection. ELECTRIC SHOP COCKROACHES IN Extremely pretty net; frocks, em- Phone 4344 1135 Fort St. CARE OF FURNITURE broidered . and lace trimmed, are THE IOTCrl N among the nef modeis. as they always w are. for the net is a useful and t? YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN The owners of painted and of axtd frock How to Exterminate These Pests That furniture, which is" so fashionable jut bi.le "filler for any wardrobe and can NEWSPAPERS DEVELOPING .,:.'.' to be worn tl;e year round for some ' '. Spoil the Food. tow, are beginning to realize that Anywhere at Any Time, Call en ot PRINTING ENLARGING retain the beauty and freshness of its purposes. "A high necked model with Write deep cap of the net covering the Best In the City ' NothiBg 1 more repolVive to the finish requires special care. f Tlin IUKE ADVERTISING AGENCt, neat housewife than,to see cockroach- The first "shall not" prohibits the bodice from a shallow shirred and : t Trnsioae Street Sab Franclacn Honolulu Picture Framing eV use of kerosene oiL Some housewives corded yoke to' the top of a wide gir- " es crawling around the kitchen, pantry ..Supply Co. : - or closet, spoilinz food and injnring makes a point to have their furniture dle of gorgeous brocade ribbon is new. ef- rubbed once a week with a rag damp- but though the hi-- h necked boiice TACIFIC ENGINEERING clothing. The easiest and most Star-Bulleti- n . rendered the fective way to completely exterminate ened in . kerosene. Though kerosene and blouse are still insistent and will The srvirfs !v WANT COMPANY, ULUTED them is with Stearns Electric Paste, cuts the dirt, it also is true that in probably be very modish throughout J ' AD in mot instances far outweigh the cost. CcnsuWna, Designlna and CcV MEAT MARKET A GROCERY the deadly foe'of rats, mice, cockroach- the case of painted furniture of the the autumn, high necked arrange- type usually if not always ments never succeed to any great ex- .."Structina Engineers . es, water hugs and all veriain. crttage it . . Concrete Srtce-ture- s. Get a two-ounc- e box or Sieatxs Elec- causes the enamaled surface to show tent American women, though still Crimea. Bundinss. PHONE those Hy a careful system of dairuation, the small Steel Structures. Sanitary Sys- 345! tric Paste from your druggist for 25 c. myraid ef tfny lines. In time reedy to adopt freakish fashions, do use as directed, l;ne deepen and widen to consider- insist upon comfort more than they tems, Reports and Estimates oa.i Proj- eV cents and it at nisht want ad is made as easily found as the Targe ad. C. Q. YEE HOP CO. sweep up a able cracks in the paint, down to the did in years. a?d a mode thor-cuhl-y ects. Thone 1042L and in the rnornia pacfcl earlier of dead cockroaches.; Directions ta wood itself. un,comfortable is not likely to Vet the ctt Is kejd low on the WANT A I). 15 Ian in very paciaze. dr. All that i3 ry t s keep si: : : k9 any wide appeaL : : CHOP SUI raises ' ' furr.'fTr? f-- " "'' is a C King - Star-Bull- et tJ North Street TO MAKE BUTTONHOLES wi ' " .1 c:tic- t CLACK ' From tiie divovei y of the in WANT (Cetween Maunakea and Smith) DO IT ELECTRICALLY LESS NOTICEABLE CHOP A I ) the discovery of real etTieieney q Call and see our brand new To cut - buttonholes through two r dates tilling cf- - the new evening; bodices SUI HOUSE Everything Neat three thicknesses of material witl 'want-.'- - ' Co, r. 5 ly '. . .and Clean Hawaiian Electric separating the fabrics mark r!" modest as to hacks :'; Tables may be reserved by phone, slae of buttonhole with ba5t: " :2rvedly frank revelations - No. 1713 cr chalk and with a flze r zzo are - the exception. 1 A a rareful ;lniyer',? in the home or the busines.--, to match cite ar. i there, one sees a thread the. I con-- x r.tcd back, often In Star-Bulleti- to-you- Fashion Center for Men stitch close to this nark. C the n WANT Al should tonhole between the 1: very modestly cut front aial ins. This will not czZy I ous thicknesses tc?:: 4D11. Th- - Man, - Call Ad tom a stay over., wtiv i U Hn, Wt- ud lo ' hU: uuy W wrorkevl. . . ttoWa biuild )Nt dABijxebc 1 l Hotel. Ea of Fort pressed. " - - o IIOXOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1916. MUTT and JEFF One Does .Get Lonesome For Company On One's Birthday, Yes, Indeed! By Bud Fisk Copyright. 191. by II. C. I . Trade Mar U. R. Pat. Off,

-- i - m. ! - . 1 T - . r jw y- gr I ' xi T i - x-.- - -- - excuse v,fc . . I s i T n. ji-j- i 1 i t i i I . r r : 1- - 1T I i .r v I . i r ... r i j t Ulw I IP I if u icv r l: - v w N : NfVr': cAM'T y see ) 5 ;a- - To M ToOY I'M RAfelftfe ??Tv . ' i fv r a mi i vn v v v . a f i . a m n a. k a w i i IT AiN'T nnt FA'jLT ri YOU u BASNi

To t?m; To


; handbag, containing n REAL ESTATE FURNISHED HOUSES. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FURNITURE 7 SODA WATER leather DAILY AND SEMI WEKKJLf FORALE between SasUe I tt.l and F. 2nd-hau- d bought, Bold and pU two-bedroo- and furniture comes from Hon. Soda New, modern, ni bungalow Desirable houses in various parts of Geo. M. Yamada; concrete, wood The best the road. Reward. Finder Terma of Subscription: and two lots, each 50x137 feet; the city, furnished and unfurnished, stone construction. Estimates fur- repaired. Morishita; Tel. 3115. Water Wks. That's the kind you turn to Star-Lulleti- n office, f Star-Bulleti- 6557 6m Dally n 75 ceflia per month, one block from car line, Kaimuki; at $15, $18, $20, $25, $30. $33, $40 and nished.' Road building, grading, etc. want Telephone 3022. 6442 lyr per year, 5 ceota per copy. cool breezes all the time and ao ted up to $125 a month. See list in our Room 208 McCandless Bldg. .Phone FOUND f King & SUr-UuIleU- 6468-t- Fujikawa, sts., tel. n, cor. South 8eml-Wetkl- y 12 per price $3200. office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd., Fort 2157.' SAMPLE ROOMS dirt; terms or cash; 1623; ruga, mirrors, etc., reasonable. year. Box 432. care Star-Bulleti- street between King and Merchant Coat-of-arm- s brooch. Owner ( Address K, contractor; 6316-t-f you good quarters to display Nomura, builder and If want Star-Bulleti- n C Advertlalnfl Rates: 658'J tf - office. AQDOunce-met- a Hale Aloha Bathhouse and furnished excavating, grading, paving, team- your, samples In Hllo, use Osorio'a CTaaelTled and Buplueba 2nd-han- u ' cottages electric lights at ing, concrete, rock, sand. New and furniture bought v ; 1 cent per word per each Inser- No. 1833 Anapuni, near Hastings st; with crushed store. 5940 tf LEGAL NOTlCfe. 2690-74- 8. sold. Phone 2998. 1281 Fort 75 fL by 125 seven-roo- Waialua Beach, by the week or 125 N. Beretanla, phones and st tion, up to one week. lot ft; " m Apply M. E. phone 6568 ly 6453-6- Estimate all words per line. cottage, garage, etc.; only $3750; month. Siha, UMBRELLA MAKERS IN TIlTT CIRCUIT COURT. 1171, 893. e one week .SO cents easy terms: See Pratt, 923 Fort st or White Bereta-- - Circuit. Territory Per line, ...... CITY CONSTR UCTION CO., general SalkL Bamboo furniture; 56$ S. Mlzuta Umbrellas made and re- of . 40 6561 tf ri078-t- At line, two weeks . . . . : . . cents Two-roo- m f Chambers. Per furnished cottage, Jlotol, contractors. 1320 Fort nr. Kukul. nia at paired. 1284 Fort nr. Kukui. phone Per line, one month cents ' Apply Wm. 4490. 6452-6- ...... 70 $2400 Six-roo- house; 2 bedrooms, near Punchbowl, $14. Phone 5058. 5553 tf E. Per line, six months.. 60 cents ea, mo. I Peterson, Real Estate Man, 15 FRUITS AND PRODUCE. In the Matter of? the npon application. mosquito-proof- ; glass porch; base- Nathaniel H. Emtrson of II Other rates practically new. Ave. Magoon Bldg. 6597 6t Sanko Co., Nuuanu and Vineyard, Tel. VACUUM CLEANING ment; Puunul g, liquors cer- paper-hangin- Nosan Shokal, watermelons, Aala lane T. II., Deceased. No Advertisements of or . 3151; contracts, building, Tel. 2056. . . 6540-t-f . . 6099-t- f tain proprietary medicines will be Furnished cottages. 871 Young st.r cement work, cleans lots. Rugs, mats, mattresses, upholstered ' Notice of Petition for Altcv. eepted. AUTOMOBILES near Kapiolani; no children. 6327 tf. HAT CLEANER. V furniture, etc.. cleaned by vacuum Jn replying to adrertlsements ad-dfc- 6579 tf process. Phone 4136, or call 1166 Accounts, Determining Tru; your replies exactly as stated la A 1912 Cadillac, In good condition; Building. . cement work, painting, Leading hat cleaners; grand reduc- Union st. 65 63 2m Distributing the Eitit: the advertisement. new tires; electric lights and start- UNFURNISHED HOUSES. plumbing, etc. Aloha Bldg. Co-- 1464 Rico The Petition and Accounts tion on Panama and Porto I! you a telephone subscriber, er, Box King st, phone 1576. M. K. Goto, . WATCHMAKERS Trust Company, Limited, a If are bargain for cash. Address Cottage 1819 College Apply hats, 1152 Fort st; Blaisdell Bldg Star-Bulleti- at st manager. 6056 " under t your we will n 6R98 Ct tf 6506-6- m . ccrporation. Executor advertisements; , .; ." . phtaie 440, office. American Savings & Trust Co. v farg It: First Diamonds, watches. Jewelry bought, and cf the Estate of Nath Ford runabout, 1913, In good condi- of Hawaii, Ltd., cor. Fort and King. M. Fujita,. contractor and builder, cleaned, Hotel&Rlver sold and exch. J. Carlo, Fort Emerson, Deceased, wherein i , Watanabe, hats st 6599 6t paper hanger. 6002. m J. tion; $200. Apply phone 4055. painter, Phone 6446-3- tf asks to be allowed $147 ' 6589 '!' 6200 lyr. charged with $174.53, and a WANTED tf Bungalows ning up 7509. for rent HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. WOOD AND COAL the same be' examined and r 6561 tf : 1913 Studebaker, model "23," in good H. Monzen, builder and contractor. and that a final order be ma Roofs to Repair We guarantee to 662 3227. ' condition; $150. See Pacific Auto S. Beretanla et. Phone Jas. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald bldg., Co., remaining pr: stop all leaks. See Lou Rogers or FURNISHED ROOMS. Tanaba Pauahl, nr. River st, tel. tribution of the & Machine Shop. King st 6589 tf 602 6m consulting civil & hydraulic engineer 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole- the persons thereto entitled : Fred Haviland. We iead: othera 6375-t-f t: Kaui-keola- House-N- eat and sure 218 nl The Washington Rooming sale and retail. 6297 tf charging petitioner follow. Eureka Paint Co., MOTORCYCLES, ETC. CONTRACTORS GENERAL responsibility here Dldg., phone 2096. and convenient rooms at rea--: JUNK. all further sonable price. King, and Alakea sts., .. NOTICE . ing this day been flledL; Bare&ln Sliehtly used ExceTsior Yamamoto, 82 s. Kukui Friday, t Peerjess Preserving Paint Cp.. also - irs. WawP. Hat, Mgr.J, phone 3557. U. sthone Junk bought and sold. Phonp 4366. It is Ordered, that Bideca lavlfe , ' .: ; 4430; general contractor; building. A D. 191 Pitch and Gravel Roof specialists, " 6570 tf 6407-6- m BONUS TO BE PAID TO PLANTA. day '' 1157-Unio- n St : 6354 tf before the Jud; still at the old stand 63 Queen at.. j : TION EMPLOYES o'clock a.'m; ' v. : 6R0O st - . , Nicely furnished, mosquito-proo- f out-- . of said Cov: phone 4981. - . . " tf JADE JEWELRY. ing at chambers ; be- K. Nekomoto & Co., tel. 4438; general I King. side rooms, by week or month, The increased and amended Bonus courtroom In the Judiciary left-hande- Komeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl ft 'contractor, painting and Scjt d golf new or tween two car lines. Apply 103S building, Cong Co., 24 Hotel Smith City County of clubs; 07-t- On st, bet Schedule, as by in Honolulu. and f 6593 12t papering. 3303 paid recommended the secondhand. Address A. R., care Alapai st ly and Nuuanu; special attention Trustees of the Hawaiian Sugar Plant- lulu, be and the same here' Star-Bulleti- f 6571tI to stylish European jewelry, rings, r pointed the time and place AUTO ACCESSORIES Furnished rooms for rent at 14S3 A. Fuji!, general contractor and build- ers' Association in April last, and as brooches, scarf pins,' necklaces, generally adopted by the sugar planta- Ing said Petition and Accc 1S15-191-6 on . the car line. Inquire er," 1021. 6390 6m v Ustd light automobile lor ! Llliha st, Aala lane. Phone bracelets, etc. Finest quality and persons Interested i All makes of auto and bicycle tire3 - throughout this Territory, doea that all S. Kubey, V. O. Box 588. on premises. 6592 tf workmanship. 6332-ly- r tions cash. tubes; aiito .accessories; also best of specifically provide when and there appear and show ... 6596 lm " and K. Segawa, contractor; 604 Beretanla. not the why sa -- vulcanizing, retreading, rebeadlng, "and housekeep-lni- , of due employes any they have,' the Furnished rooms light ; 6076 tf .' MERCHANT TAILOR balance the b6nus to may etc Taisho Vulcanizing Co.; Ltd., rooms; In. 1998. upon October 31, the end of the bonus not be granted, and ir 2 bedrira furnished house at once. close Phone as to are cntltl 6600 at 180 Merchant, Ewa Alakea st. 6488 Sang, tailor, 1131 Union. year, shall be paid. ience tho Phone 330.' - tf CAFES AND RESTAURANTS H. Y. property. phone 3197. 6582 dm 6454-6- m Heretofore it has been the practice said upon : Dated the 3rd day of Octo' SITUATION WANTED r Light housekeeping and single rooms. all to 'pay the bonus tlue October FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. Ganzel Place, 212 Vineyard, cr. Fort The Manhattan Cafe; meals at MASSAGE. 31st upon the November or the Decem- By the Court. ser- , J. A. DOMINI Wanted A ppsition on plantation by 6434-t- f hours; known for quality and ber pay day Immediately followlar. married man with many years' ex- AT HALEIWA ixt 75x230; opp. vice; you should eat there. K. Hashimoto massage and electro-neerin- g. This year, owing to the increased perience in these islands and best Haleiwa P O., next to Haleiwa bridal Furnished rooms. Corner Merchant 63M tf Nuuanu st, opp. Williams bonus rate and its application to day Thompson. Milverton & jCaVr. Box 442. cottage. M. E. Silva,1 Tel. 1179. or 6602 3t undertaking office, phone 1785. For Petitioner. recommendations. Address and Richards; upstairs. " men and contractors' alike, It is esti- 6400-3- m 11. VI. Z StaMJulletin. 6601 Oct. 9, 11, 13 White 898. 6589 lm Boston Cafe, coolest place In "town. mated that approximately Four Mil- 6597 Oct. 4. ROOMS WITH BOARD After the show drop in. Open day lion Dollar $4,000,000) will be due Chinese boy wishes position as chauf- Second-han- d cameras: and lrnsea MONEY LOANED. NOTICE TO CANDIDATE Koda-grap- and night Bijou theater, Hotel and payable upon the bonus alone to family, bought sold or exchanged. h - ROSELAWN HOTEL ' st T feur in private or oKice 5539 tf plantation employes upon October NOMINATION TO THE Star-Bulleti- n. ; dining watches work. Box 431, Shop, Hotel and Union ats. Rooms with Bleeping porches; Money loahei on diamonds, amount, TORIAL PRIMARY EL . 51st In addition to this the .'' ; 6307-t-f room open to public; excellent legal rates. Federal 65S6 lm the Columbia Lunch Rooms; quick service and Jewelry at monthly pay have to be TION HELD OCTO cuisine, home cooking; dinners 50c; Office, 95 N. King regular rolls ' 1916 ; Loan st ' - - 7, A. D. and. cleanliness our motto; open day 6265-t- ' provided for. ; Young Chinese boy wishes position in MISCELLANEOUS Sundays and holidays, dinner 75t ; f . ami opp. UetbeL definitely de- drug store; laboratory experience single meals by the week; night Hotel st, It has therefore been - of candli . The attention Star-Bulleti- ft(.02 . 6518 tf cided by the Trustees of the Hawaiian . Box" 445, 5t A quantity of good clean rice straw, Bpecial rates by the month. Apply PRINTING Nomination to the Territorial pi-- r association, in order baled, $7 per ton; loose, $1 ton. 1366 S. Kfna st. tel. 2699. C581 tf Sugar Planters held October 7, WANTED Ad- New Orleans Cafe. Substantial meals, which the burden upon the local Election t ' HELP prices f. o. b. .Waimea, Kauai. We do not boast of low prices to relieve drawn to Sections 57, 58 an i Box L, Waimea, Kauai. FOR RENT OR LEASE. moderate. Alakea st, cor. Merchant with poor quality; banks, that all plantations located : dress usually coincide Revised Laws of . Hawaii, BOYS Make money , artt r - school 6595 12t - 5589 tr we "know how" to put life, upon the islands of Oahu and Hawaii but bal-pne- which to the filing or wln- - a $35 Indian Bicycie; Warehouse, Clock Tower Building; practicable, ay the e relate . hours; hustle and go into printed matter. will. Where of Expenses by.r . also prizes; coatest to 2S2?, possession June 1. Apply Honolulu due upon October Statement other oien Urchids at Jefrs. Phone , CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS and that is what talks loudest and of the bonus candidate with, the City a:. 6436-fi- m i "Ltd., phone Star-Bulleti- n November, all. Write or call Fisher, r.cwscart. Planing Mill, Fort st, longest Honolulu 31st during the month of twenty (20) Fort King sts:. 6584 lm 1510. O. BOX f.76 6472-t- f located upon Clerk within d: and P. Coconut plants for sale, Samoan va- Printing Department 125 Merchant while those plantations ing said election : pay bonus ; Kauai will the AUCTION BULLETIN riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Lihu?, street ': ; Maui and D. KALAUOKAI. . Young man to work in office. Applv 1916. ' during December, I Star-Bulleti- BUSINESS GUIDE Kauai. 6277 tf Clerk, aty and County of My letter to'lkix'443. Business and visiting cards, engraved BURKAIT OF LABOR STATISTICS, . stating experience, etc. 6601 3t On Friday we sell the. contents of a 6601 Oct 9, 10, 11 was always T. Kunikiyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1625. or printed in attractive Russia HAWAIIAN SUGAR PLANTERS nice little home, which AUTO PAINTING. patent detachable as- - ;, 6298 : leather case3, ASSOCIATION. Wanted Alady to assist dentist. Ap- well kept and as clean a iiu tf 5540-t- ' rarda" Star-Buliett- n office. f - 6600 7t ply Room 5, McCorriston bldg. therefore the Furniture is as good as City Painting Shop, King st, nr. South, V; . new and well your inspection expert auto and" carriage painter; Harada, fresh cut flowers; tel. 3029. HIDDEN 6602 6t worth r PAPERHANGING. NOTICE PU and buying. Goods on view on all work guaranteed. 6213-t- f 6121 tf Ol PAINT AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICES Thursday.. ' NOTICE S. Shlrakl,. 1202 Nuuanu; Tel. 4137. TO HILO RAILROAD SECURITY ' We call especial attention to the Klmura, flowers, Fort st Phone 5147. paperhanglng. All 34 st., near r V;, Painting and HOLDERS Y. NakaniBbI, Beretana in Violet 6084-t- ' Nuuanu. Phone 4511, 6:30 a. ra. to set of Haviland Chinaware The business of Nelll's Work VShop work guaranteed. Bida submitted pattern, very, delicate and pretty; - - k5328-t- f Pro- 6 p.'m. Residence phone, 096. will be continued 2nd still offered Wakita. plants and ferns of all kinds. free. The Hllo Railroad Bondholders also a few odd pieces in fine in a bar- - through the Ha- 5246 tf . for sale as a live concern at Aloha, lane, off King st. 6106 tf tective Committee, lorted Chinaware. gain: 6599 Cr PICTURE FRAMING waiian Trust Co.. Ltd., their agents, Aloha Employment Office, Tel. 48S9; Telephone 1612 when .you have j Toyoshiba, King st, opp. V'ida Villa from and after October 1, 1916, are BLACKSMITHS Miyashlta, River st, near KokuL ' wflj . Alupal sU'opp. Bapid Transit office. Furniture to dispose of. First get 6411 2m i ' prepared to deliver (to those ... i 6442 3m Rail- All Kinds of help furnished. our valuation we shall do business, . hold receipts and claims for Hilo : ma- . 61C1 tf outright or sell for Sidewalk grating, iron doors, Nobori, maidenhair. Akima given ' by the' under- either to buy black-smithin- g. lane. road securities Head-quarte- rs chinery repairing general I SOFT DRINKt and non-cumulati- your account We are the 6411 3m , signed! 6 stock and .Pacific Employment Bureau. Phone used Furniture, and Nelll's" Work Shop, 16 common stock of the Hawaii Consoli- for -- your business ' 4136 or call 1166 Union everyone Merchant st. V; 6424 6m Our sodas will make ' st seeking Furniture'that has CRACKER MANUFACTURERS ; tele- dated Railway. Limited. 6106 tf grow. Hon; Soda Water Wks COMMON STOCK- been used come first to Honolrla BOATMAKER 6442 HILO RAILROAD S. Bailey. phone 3022. lyr COMMITTEE, p kinds, male and Auction Rooms to see J. Nichl Shodo, banana crackers. King st. HOLDERS' Japanese hoi of all GEORG RODIEK, Chairman Xemale: G. Hlracka, 1210 Emma sr.. Bcatmaker, E. Harada. Phone 5l;2. TEA HOUSES PERSONALS 6599 2m HILO RAILROAD PREFERRED phone 1420. 605 tf BUSINESS UNSE- CABINET MAKER. best Japanese dinners. T. W. STOCKHOLDERS AND . DYEING Ikesu. CREDITORS' COMM1T- - MISCELLANEOUS. MUSIC CLEANING AND Od?.. prop. Tel. 3212. 6183 tf CURED Kariai. cabinet maker. Fort& Vineyard. ' TEE ' by Miss Ballantine.-Teache- r of Piano and j Royal Clothes Cleaning Shop; Tel. 3149 V. DILLINGHAM, Chairman. Dealers to Increase their business SHIRTMAKERS W. ' eelling roda from the Hon. Soda Voice Latest methods studied u:i- - 6213 tf fir,94 13t Wk phone 2022. der Calhoun, Fehling, Anthes of CARPENTERS YAMATOYA Shirts and pajamas Water NOTICE :. 6442 ly Harada. clothes cleaning. Tel. 3029. made to order. 1305 Fort st, opp. - Fur-nitti- r. Studio, Y, W. Ci A., Alakea ar.'d 6121 : Shop, 465 N. King. 6- tf Ito Carjenter phone 2331. 6442 -a - Kukui st. Hotel sts. : "i cabins to order. Tel. 2970. Notice is hereby given to consignees Honolulu On the A. B. C Renovatory; clothes cleaned, H. Akagi, 12 IS Nuuanu st; shlrtmker. of cargo arriving at VIOLIN LESSONS ' which ar- HOTELS . dyed and repaired. Phone 4148. S. S. "Inabo Mam," vessel . 6307 tf 7, fire ... 6104 tf CLOTHING rived at this port October that a Prof. Carl Baker, teacher of violin auxl on board on the morning cf THE PIERPOINT. - Con-- G. Yamatoya, shirts, 1146 Nuuanu occurred cornet; graduate New England j convenient-op- st . ' cleaning, nr. Gas Co. Pay for your clothing as en 3, which damaged certain "On the Beach at Walkiki."; eorvntfirv Ttnstnn fnrmrlv Cnstlf1 Steam Alakea st, 0451 3m October rooms; 6234 tf a charge account with The cargo, for which reason it is necessary Furnished bungalows and square upera vo... leacmng Aruan, average excellent meals: splendid bathing Modpl Clothiers. Fort st. 6064 ! tc require than general bonds De Beriot and Kreitzer schools. &. of freigut lOGO-fo- ot Taiota.clotbes'cleaued, School Liliha be signed before delivery and boating: promenade . - 6SKS Phone 2180. b, ; pier; beauUful marine aud moun- . 6447 3m ENGRAVING orders. COME ALONG FCv CASTLE & COOKE. LIMITED. ; To whom la she tica"i': tain view; terms reasonable. Mrs. DENTISTS Adelina Patti - " S02-t- ! f. ;h brought Yinui-dei- i. CaliiBg mono- ; Agents, Osaka Shosen Kaisha. . - REBUS. John CkMv. tel. 2X79 f The catch of into and business cards, CIGARS j DR. C. P. DOWSON Office hours: 9; the ruarket at the entrance of the grams, wedding invitations and an- 6601 Oct. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 Used byVthe'ftre ladi; Dr. Rudolph H, Ez-deif- , surgeon in to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m.; evenings, ' North Sea cana?. realized in June, this nouncements, stationery etc; cor- YESTERDAYS A2. FIT2PATRICK BROS. STAR-BULLETI- r, Star-Bulleti- n GIVES YOU ; Printing ?ppcr right corncr.dQtcn. charge of the United States Marine o 9 p. m.; Sjiiday?, 9 to.12 a. m. jf.-.- the equivalent of $1.150,M'ii, rect styles. " f TODAY Hospital at New Orleans, La., is dearff No. 5 McCorriston Bldg. 656S tf. aaainst $273.)0.. in June 1915. Department, i Merchant St. TODAY'S NEWS ; Shovel ; !URTEEN nUU-ETI- nOIJOLL'LU STAIl X, AVEDXKSDAY, OCTOBER 11, lOlfi.

BY AUTHORITY beginning, and containing an area ure to pay the whole or any Instal- Stewart of 17.0 square feet " ment will be enforced as provided in NOTICE 1 .asomc Tempi Signal V. Ettimatea of Cctt Section 1793-- 8 13. Revised Las. ISIS, Warninc as amended by Acts H and 17. Ses Oceanic Sfieamolhip Co. PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER siwu La9, 1S1S; ' 1916 t DAYS TO 3 AN FRANCISCO f C. An Ifsue 'of Str"-- t lmprwvero-n- t improvecTient, iriddicg and incidentals, v, ill be authorised for PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF S 4 n FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SYDNEY: is V'. . . 4 t. l amount, and for a ericj, not Kreat r S MIT 1 1 ST R EET, BET W BEN (2) The maximum estimate than that, of deferred instalments of Veekly Ventura ...... J. . Oct. 17 Sierra 23 Calendar EERETANiA STREET AND to assessments; ...... Oct for new curbing be Sonoma ...... Nov. 7 QUEEN STREET IN HONOLULU, oorne a 7. proportion of cost to be ...... MONDAY en frontage basis The , . . . . Ventura Nov. 13 TERRITORY OP HAWAII. by borne by the City and County of Hono- 6ltrra ...... Nov. 28 ' separate assessment, is Ventura .Dec. 19 TUESDAY . TO THE OWNERS, LESSEES, AND 3) The maximum estimate lulu is Forty-si- x Thousand. One Hun- Maxonlc Board of . Reli'. OCCUPANTS OF LANDS ABUT- of the general improve- dred Korty-eigh- t and 2'Mt Dollars Regular, fi ji. in. ; PRICE $3.50 TING ON SAID STREET PRO- ment to be assessed on a $4C,14i 20); C. BREWER & CO., LTD. - - - General Agents The von Hamm-Youn- g Co., Ltd. POSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR frontage basis, excluding .X. The total cost to private property WEDNESDAY-- - ' THE IMPROVEMENT OF SAID the C'st of tciiiring lie is Fifty Thoti?and, One Hunlred Forty Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. Sjm - ne Su Hmi ; ' STREET, AND TO ALL PERSON'S laud, Is- ...... and Ijllars ($,l4t.Su) rial. First Deer. .7:30 p. m: INTERESTED GENERALLY. i4 The maximum rat to v. And notkeis further given that, J Automobile r a p-- front fMi for Public Hearing will be held before j THURSDAY tsoaru or Honolulu-Chapte- r NOTICE-.I- HERKB.Y GIVEN the ueueral Improvement, tiie supervisors at their .'No. 1, Ft. A.' that ! - Assembly Hall respecting the proposed M. 3 p. Work In accord auce Mih Resolution No. excluding.- the cost of ac- Stated. ra. Machine 53. ! on 17, : and Resolution No. i07, Uoaril of quiring new land, is'. . . . V44 several assessment October Matson Navigation Company Honolulu Commandfry Na. the 1 FRANK C00MB3 .l 516. at 7:30 o clock p. m.. or as soon 1. ! Supervisors of the City and County of 15) 6 of the cost of Special, RM Crosn thereafter as those Interested may be ree. 7:30. p. ra. Bishop and Queen. Tel. 2182 Honolulu propose to Improve Smith acquiring new land to be Street, la the. District of Honolulu assessed on a frontage heard, at which time and place the Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu FRIDAY aforesaid, upon basis, is ' basis.' I Honolulu Lodge No. 409. Spe- I. of Improvement (t.) The maximum addition- of Equalization to receive , complaints Character and respecting FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SAN FRANCISCO cial.' .Third Degree. .7:30 p. ra. Materials al rate to be assessed per for objections the method of : apportionment, or respecting the ' front foot for the cost of S. S. Matsonla...... Oct. 10 S. Oct. SATURDAY Autos for Hire (1) Grading. DroDOsed several assessments; and S. Manoa... acquiring new land, is. . . (2) Setting. lava rock Re-- Lurline .Lei Aloha Chapter No. 4. O KINO & NUUANU AUTO STAND curbin?. (7) The. maximum rate, new that the Preliminary Assessment ...... Oct. 1? S. S. Mationia...... Oct i;. . p. m. (3) Constructing concrete gutters port. Including Map, S. Stated. 7:20 said Corrected S: S. . . 4 .: curbing' asttessment per Withelmina Oct. S. S. Lurline...... 24 4-2-4- -2 3V wide. Preliminary Assessment Roll and De .....Oct. front fooL Is -- . . .'. . . . . rt.4; (4) Paving the entire Improve- tail-o- Description may be seen S. S. Manoa .Oct. II S. S. Wilrtelmina.V,.. 1 CCHOFIELD LODOE Phone All of which appears in more detail f aul ..Nov. WEDNESDAY ment with a. 2" "Ditumhic surfacing examined at the Office of the ('Uy and - in the Engineer's rejidrt hereinafter p. on a concrete base Z" in thickness, ex- County Engineer in the Mclntyre , School instruction. 7:20 m. referred to and Incorporated by ref- : .ci'iiu uitti. purnun iing ofiween Uuilding. at any time during business CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu CATURDAY HONOLULU PHOTO I erence. King and Queen streets, which 'shall : hours, prior to and including the date Second Degree. 7 :30 VI. Further Details Work in SUPPLY CO. be paved with 2" of "Bitullthfc" on a of hearing. p. m. . , crushed rock base. The nap and general plans, and oth- 4. 1916. by Engineer Honolulu. Hawaii. October HEADQUARTERS II. Frontage to Be er data so prepared the D. KALAFOKALANI. KODAK Assessed 3rd, 1059 The frontage to be abut- in .his report dated October and City and County of Honolulu: Fort Street assessed adopted by Board, with respect Clerk. ting on Smith begins the 6597-0- (1. 4, 5. 6. 7. 9. 10, 11, .12, 13, Street at the (incor-porte- makai or southwesterly property line to the propose J improvement d 14, 16, 17 by may KISEN ICAISHA of Beretanja Street and ends at the herein reference) be TGYO by any in- Id Fellows Hall mauka or northeasterly property line seen and examined person BY AUTHORITY j W. W. AHANA CO. terested at the Office of the City and of Queen Street and includes both Steamers of the above company will call at and leave Honolulu on Tailor sides of said streeL County Engineer and of the City and RESOLUTION NO. 590 County Clerk; at any time during busi- or about the dates mentioned below: King III. Assessments Proposed St., between Fort ness hours,: prior to and including He it Resolved by the Hoard of Su iQ1 ; and Bethel (1) The cost of the entire improve- October 2. l!i 16. Resolutions N09. pervisors of the City and County oi FOR THE ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: ment, excluding the cost of acquiring 573 Cu7 (Incorporated by WEEKLY CALENDAR and herein Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii that 8. S. Persia Maru...... Nov. 4 8. 8. Tsnyo Maru.,,...OcL 24 new land, and excluding the cost of reference) are on file In the Office of the sum of One' Thousand Three Hun new gen- curbing, shall be paid by a the City and County Clerk. dred and Thirty-fiv- e Dollars (S1335.00) MONDAY S..S. Tenyo Maru .Nov. 17 8. S. Nippon Maru. Harmony Lodge No. 3. 7:30 eral: assessment at' the maximum VII. Hearing be and the same is hereby appro ....Nov. I rate of 18.44 per front foqt against all A Public Hearing respecting the priated out of all moneys in the Gen p. m. Regular business meet S. S. : land abutting upon said proposed im- be held by City Nippon Maru.. ...Dec. 2 S. S. Shlnyo 21 leg. :,-- ; ', JORDAN'S proposed improvement will eral Fund of the Treasury of the Maru...... Nov. WOMEN'S APPAREL provements, both sides included. The the Board of Supervisors at their As- and County of Honolulu, for an ac TUESDAY total frontage subject to such assess- sembly J fall on October 26, 1916, at count known as- - Purchase of Auto )8 2853.0 CASTLE & C00KE, LIMITED, Lodge No. 1. 7:30 ment feet, the hour of 7:30 o clock p. m.; or as Number Plates. Agents, Honolulu Excelsior 1029 Fort St. (2) p. m. Regular order of bHsI- - The cost of acquiring new land soon thereafter as those interested Presented by shall be paid by a general LOGAN, tefcs. ...'-- assessment may be heard, at which time and place DANIEL at the maximum rate of $4.8500 per a full opportunity will be given to al Supervisor. front foot against ; all lands abutting persons to present sugges Honolulu, September 13, 1916. CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- VCDNESDAY- -i Interested, N ROYAL MAIL LINE Have You Had Your Feet upon said proposed improvements. tions or objections to the proposed saving excepting only of October, Subject to change without notice THURSDAY 'Tootographed" Yet? and the frontage improvement or any part or detai Approved this 2nd day of the -- Dowsett Company, I). For Victoria and I Tacific Bebekah Lodge No. 1. Limited thereof. A. 1916. Vancouver: For Suva, Auckland and Sydney BOOT The total frontage subject to such as Territory of JOHN C. LANE, 7:20 p. ra.; regular business; REGAL SHOP Dated, Honolulu. Ha Niagara 13 I Niagara t - 2740.0 - ...... Oct ...... Nov. .evening- sessmsnt Is feet, v waii, October 4, 1916. Mayor, City and County of Honolulu, Makura 8:13, second of the Fort and Bethel Streets (3) cost new .....Nov. 10 I Makura ...... Nov. 29 whist tournament." Prizes and, The of curbing shal D. KALAUQKALANI, T. H. be paid by assessment at tho max! Clerk, City and County of Honolulu 6602 Oct. 10. 11, 12 THE0. H. DA VIES & CO., LTD., GENERAL AGENTS refreshments.. mum - -- - : rate of (0.45. per front foot 6397 . 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, TO, 11, 12 - . . : October 592 .'- against the abutting lands in front of 13. 16. RESOLUTION NO. " 'DAY Manufacturers Shoe Co. LJd. 14. ' which the same laid. , ' '.' , " IV. New Land to Be.Acauired for BY AUTHORtTY He it Resolved by the Board of Su TURDAY Dealers in Shoes of Quality pervisors of the City and County of " n Street Extension Territory of Hawaii, that Floating Palace of Pacific The following NOTICE Honolulu, the 1051 Fort St. Phone 1782 described 'land is re the sum of Four Hundred and Seventy- - quired for street --widening and exten '.CLULU LODGE NO, 1, PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 17, five Dollars ($475.00) be and the same "S.S. Great slon on said . Smith Street, between 1 .: out of all Northern" I ORDER OF . PHOENIX. 1916 in hereby appropriated King Street and Queeu Street: - moneys 1n the General Fund of tho ruUst and Most Lnxnrloas 1 r Parcel (a) Owned by. the Dowsett I Sttamsaip their hone,-corne- of The AS SESSM ENTS FRONTAGE M Treasury of the City and County of in Pacific Wtr , rtz' it Waterhouse Co., Ltd. Company, Limited, and described as -- vry PROVEMENT : NUMBER FOUR Honolulu, for an account to be Known LrtTtRoa. Arrive S. T. and .Tort street, .... :. " ; Nov. SAILmS y follows: ' KALAKAUA "AVENUE (INCLUD- Cages, Kapiolanl 14 10 A. it. - 22 tTcsing at 7:S0 o'clock. Underwood Typewriters. as Construction Par. Dee. 4 : Being a portion of deed of Kame- - ING" by - S.VII.H 10 A. M. Vre. It LII3 IIUSTACE, JR--, Leader. ALL PROPERTY ABUTTING Presented s 28 10 . hameba III to John Meek, Liber 3 IHt. HAIIJ M. Der. 30 HURRAY, Secretary. - ON KALAKAUA AVENUE FROM BEN HOLLINGER. Jan. 15 .. HAILS' 10 A M. YOUNG page 192; V l BUILDING being a portion of the land ENA ROAD TO PARK ROAD AT . Supervisor. Feb. 3 SAILH 10 A. M. 4.,. 7 ULU LODGE 111, P. B.O. E. of Walkahalulu. U C. A. 4452 to II THE ENTRANCE TO KAPIOLAN1 Honolulu, September 13, 1916. IVh. 1$ HAILS 10 A. M. Mar. 1 Kalama, on the southwest : of Mr. 18 SAIUS 10 A. M. Mr. 20 side PARK AT WAIKIKI),. IN HONO - neeta la their hall Apr. 3 SAILS 10 A.- M; . Apr. 7 King Street, Honolulu. Kona, Oahu of October, y . SL, LULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII r Approved this 2nd day ca King near Territory For Bates, BsrTatloni and Literature Apply to Fort, every Friday HONOLULU MUSIC CO. of Hawaii. A. D. 1916, nlng. Ylsltlng Beginning at the north corner of To the owners, lessees and occu- . JOHN C. LANE, Only Four Nights FRED L. WALDRON, Ltd., t Everything Musical piece on ' an) cor- this the southwest side of pants; of lands abutting on Frontage Mayor, City, and County of Honolulu, Agents brothers ' King Street, At a point on the south - Qneea dially loTlted to at- Fort, next to the Clarion Improvement Number: Four Kalakaua T. H. . 'at Sea Fort and Sts Konolala face of brick bulldin?, 0.45 feet west Avenue, and to all persons interested v 6602 Oct. 10, 11. 12 tend. Phone 1467. from "present corner of building. B. BUCKLEY. E. R. said generally:. (Examine ''the Preliminary .n the true azimuth and distance from a UPM ARP KILLED AS H, DUNSHEE. Sec Assessment Report .for this Frontage TAn F R Q H Government Survey Street Monument Improvement for yourself and for your AUTO HITS POLE IN NEW YORK El T I S and t near north corner of - MUVLMtN :tutu Branch of the the Maunakea property,- and report any errors In Of E Souvenir Employing King being; 344 23' 30" Y. T 8 L GERMAN AMERICAN Novelties the and streets frontagecurblng or total assessment NEW YORK, N. In an automo MAIL STEAMERS AlsoTICK Ha-na- k, reservations ALLIANCE . HAWAIIAN COAT-OF-ARM- S 214.5 feet, and running by true azl to the City and County Engineer prior bile accident in the Bronx Alois I loeou t VAJTAI 1 any point on the cf the U. S. A. " Fine Assortment muths: . , to or at the public hearing.) 30 years old, buyer for a cloak mainland. 7 1, 332 s K. P. on Satur-- 06'tC.03 feet along the Notice Is hereby given in ac and suit house In San Francisco, ana WELLS-FAR-G- in of Hall CULM that TISSIL3 TO ABMT1 See O ' " H. AN, LTD., Forst SL 6f King policeman, p. ra. southwest side street to an cordance with Resolution No. 606, and Edward F. Rohan. 33. a oV CO., 72 a. :0 - A 8. Conntngham, Mgr. which r 23, November 23, Decern- iron bolt which marks the new south with the Preliminary Report of the were killed. The machine in Thursday, Oct 12 King St., Tel. 1515 corner of King and Smith Streets; City and County Engineer, dated Oc they and four companions were rid Yokoliama Persia aiaru, T. K. K. PAUL R. ISENBERQ, Pres.. said bolt being by true azimuth tober 3, 1916, including the Corrected Ing struck a telegraph pole, skidded Str. .m '.. Secy. 342 02' 30T distant 264.C5 feet from Map, Preliminary and and crashed into a tree. I lanak's San Franclsaj C. UOLTE, Gruenhagen's Blue Ribbon Assessment Roll Thomas, U. S. A. T. a Government Survey Street Monu Detail of Description for Frontage Im skull was' fractured.; The other four SydneyNiagara, C.-- str. H. HACKFELD & CO. HERMANNS SOEHNE ment near the north corner of King provement Number Four Kalakaua men, including Morris Reich of San Friday, Oct. 13 not-injure- Limited . and Maunakea Streets; thence Avenue, the Board of Supervisors pro- Francisco were (No 'ships arrive.) ; Chocolates - - m m Vtriararalungen Montags: HAWAIIAN z. W 14'- feet along rem pose to assess the property abutting Saturday, OcL 14. Commission Herchantj DRUG CO. - nant Dowsett Company, Limited; on Frontage Improvement, as TRILLION AND HALF EGGS I.-- : 10, Nov. Dec. Bote) and Bethel Street! said Hilo Mauna Kea, L str." HONOLULU 1793-181- 3, 9; 3, 137 41' 17.C5 along corru provided by R. L. ARE HELD IN COLD STORAGE I.-- feet I. . l Febr. Marz. Sections Kauai Likelike, gated 1915, by Acts str. . l t rsammlungea Decbr. 18 and iron fence.. of Hawaii. as amended 4. 134! 32' 16.50 feet along same; 164 and 197, Session Laws of Hawaii, WASHINGTON D. C Two hundred ; TXSSZLS TO DZPAKT i: ! ! 5. 56 22' 1 5 20 feet along Bime; 1915, as follows: and twentyne firms are holding near IL KLEMME, PrasldenL M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO. OAHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE C. UQLTE, SekreUr. 6. 147 01' 10.60 feet along safnei 1. The description of said Frontage ly five million cases of eggs about Thursday, OcL 12 7. 237 20 55.50 along fence; Improvement and the frontage subject one hundred and forty-thre- e million COFFEE ROASTERS feet Vancouver Niagara, C.-- str. OUTWARD . LODGE No. 2, K. OF P. 8. 54' 20.10 are same as here- dozens in storage, according to .2 237: feet along fence; to assessment the cold Kauai Maui. I.-- I. str.' For Walanae, Walalua, Kanuku and Pythian HalL corner Fort Oealera In Old Kona Coffee 9. 237 35' 17.30 by Resolution No. the to department of :i feet along fence; tofore established latest reiwt the ; 13 Way "9:15 a. m 3:20 p.m. every Friday may Friday, Oct. Stations :.cla streets, Merchant SL Honolulu 0. 23S 2222.00 feet along fence; 574. of said Board, and as set forth agriculture. Great as the figures San Francisco Persia Marn, T. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way said-Correcte- ; Visiting d Map. Pre- S r.t 7:30 o'clock. Jl; 237 05' 20.80 feet along fence in detail in seem, the officials report shows them K. str. f " Stations f7:30 a. m, a. m c - - : and 10 rdially Invited. to the initial point and containing liminary Assessment Roll Detail per cent, less than a month ago. I.-- Maui Manna Loa, I. str. 11:30 a, m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. m., . c. . Description herein specifically 're- r.iiANco. a an area of. 5,832 square feet of Saturday, OcL 14. 5:15 p. m.. J9:30 p. m., fll:15 p. m. . . 'GUS, S. to and incorporated: P.CK. R.aad Parcel (b) Owned by the Estate of ferred Manila Thomas. U. S. A. T. For Wahiawa aiid LeUehu 1 1:02 WAY Magoon, STEIN J. A. et aU and described as 2.. The total cost of the improve IPOSTOFFICE TIME Hilo-Mau- na Kea, I.I. str. a. m 2:40 p. 5:00 p. m., 11:30. HALL follows: ments upon said portion of Kalakaua p; m. of TABLE FOR MONTH Beginning at the north corner of Avenue, .based upon the bid the ! MAILS For Lellehua n-- Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. this piece on the southwest side of Spalding Construction Company, here- o accepted, will be Following Is the postoffice time I 148-1S- O King streeL at a point on the south tofore conditionally chines and Records Hotel 8L Phone 2313 " Mails are due from the following INWARD 0.45 , table for October. It is subject face of brick building. feet west $96,290.00; poinds as follows: - ; Honolulu Kahuko, to if arrangements Arrive from rom present corner of said building, 3. rate, for general Improve change sudden a-5:- The San Francisco Thomas, 6 p. mH Walalua and Walanafr s:36 a. 30 ;:strom MUSIC CO. the true azimuth and distance from a ments, including grading, paving, mov are made for unexpected mail service: Thursday. p. m. Monument ing engineering UNITED 8TATES MAIL STEAMERS Government Survey Street and resetting of curbs, VancouverNiagara, Nov. 1. ; Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Reliable Night Letter Service near the north corner of Maunakea end incidentals, to be assessed against 8teamrs to arrive from To Other Islands of Yokoliania Persia Maru, Thursday p. Peart City f7:45 a. m., 8:'J a, Territory 344 23' 30" property owned abutting October , and King Streets, being all privately, m.- :. 11:02 a, m.,-l:3- p.-nL- 4:24 p. 12 Persia Maru . . , , . . Yokohama r .irate Detectives Who 214.5 feeL and running by true azi on said Frontage Improvement, will be Manila Persia Maru, Thursday p. m. 5:30 p. m., 7:28 p. m. muths: ; $4.3073T66 per front foot; 12 Niagara ...... Sydney Sydney Call MUTUAL 12 . Niagara, Thursday p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa sad CLtiin Results, 57 05' 20.8 feet along fence: 4. In addition to the above rate. U.S.A.T. Thomas. .San Francisco a. m., p. 17 China .San Francisco Mails will depart for the following LeIIehua 9:15 .1:S2 or. 2. 56 22' 22.0 feet alone fence;, the property i,n front of which new points as follows; 3:59 p. m., 7:13 p. nj. .vera Merchant Patrol. WIRELESS 57 curbing is necessary and provided by 17 Lurline .. . .-- San Francisco 35' 17.3 feet along fence; Saa Francisco Persia Maru. Friday The Halelwa Limlttd. a two-hou-r - 17 Ventura . . Sydney ' 1515 1079 Alakea 57 5426.1- feet along fence: said improvements, will be assessed m. first-clas- s .2 21 Anyo Maru a. train (only tickets honored), 5. 57 2055.5 feet along fence; $0.38234604 per front foot; the exact leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:40 6. 147 01 7.3 new and detailed amounts of new curbing 23 Sierra ..... San Francisco ' "'t'" feet to north atl",:. cjube a p. ci. a. ro. for Haleiwa Hotel; returning frontage 24 Wllhelmina San Franeikea- i. . : .at For Good Ice west line of Smith Street Extension. required for each individual c. . ...v arrives In Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. LORD-YOTO- G assessments, are Maru Hongkong 240 14 111.9 feet along new ana the therefor' .... Yokohama China, 17. Limited stops only City.' shown on said Corrected Map, Pre-- 31 Manoa San Francisco Oct The at Pearl Co., northwest line of Smith Ex- Manila U. S . A. Saturday Ewa Mill and Walanae. L'zInccring Ltd. Street imlnary Assessment Roll and Detail T. Thomas. tension to the initial point and con- : noon. :' Daily. tExcept Sunday, TSundsy Hr;!neeft and Contractors Ring 1128 Incorporated; Steamers to depart tor-Oct- ober taining an area of 538.5 square of Description herein only. Block. Honolulu, T. H. OAHU ICE CO. feet Assessments shall be due and v 5487 Parcel (c) Owned by the Estate The public library of Cincinnati G. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, Telephones 2610 and payable within thirty d 3 after the 12 Niagara ...... Vancouver ' - of John R. Gllliland, described as " ' makes and Superintendent ; . Q. A. and date of the last putlic 1 of the 13 Persia Maru...... San Francisco lends lantern slides. P. follows: : " - 17 Assessment O: r T there- China ....Hongkong MOON. -- TIDES, SUN AND Pyrene Fire Extinguishers Beginning at an iron bolt on . the to, to be here 1; :vlied 14 U. S. A. T. Thomas...... Manila property CILVA'S TOGGERY northwesterly 'line of Smith that, assessme ; la r :. the 17 Ventura ...... San Francisco ;' ;..:";..',-- Moon r.!2.::-;- ;..:..:''- . . StreeL said iron bolt, being connected t 13 i Limited election of the r ef ...... San Francisco lligh High . Low Low Rises :1- - Gaso-Ton- a Monument at the north 1G . THE STORE FOR GOOD ic with Street assessed In 23 C.'irra .. Sydney Date Tide Ht. of Tide Tide Tide Sun Sun' and corner of King and Maunakea Streets ments cf pr'-c- ': -- v. I; 21 Lur:: -- : . San Francisco Large Small Large Small CLOTHES ' Tide Rises Sets Sets by the following traverse: - est ca ' ' ct ( 2r Te.--: 3 r . Francisco Z'.kt? Bulldlnj. 'Klnfi Street Acetylene Light A Agency Co Ltd. rr: .....Can ' (a) 342 02 30 264.65 feet to an anr::n, t'.. ' . A.M. . FT. P.M. P.M. A.M. Sets c- - iron bolt at the south corner of be C . Oct. 9 2:29 1.4 2:19 S:35 8:25 5:53 5:37 4:21 Mayrose Butter Smith and King Streets; after ' 10'...... :.. 3:05 1.7 2:59 9:01 9:20 5:5G 5:36 5:20 Pasteurized, (b) 71 48' 30" 249.15 feet; and ' c3 :: . Francisco 6 p. 11 ...... 3:4S l..s . 3:32 rSS 10:14 5:56 5:36 Rises Made of Pure ronnlng thence by true azimuths, " 12 ...... 4:2t 1.9 4:08 9:50 11:07 5:56 5:35 ... 6:40 ' ' ... 1 - -- Cream and Al- .. as follows: . per:: 1 c , t. ... ways of Depend" 1. 54 13 18.16 feet; thence sivt'.j I : " 13 ...1 1.9 4:42 10:17 12:02 5:57 5:34 7:29 OOYWEFURNITURE 5:'l FOR able Quality. 2. 144 38' 1.92 feet to the new line the " 14 .- - 5:47 1.9 5:20 10:43 1:03 5:57 5:33 8:14 Young Building HENRY MAY & of Smith Street; thence mei.:.--. r.:. n Francisco. "15 ..... ;:31 l.iv5:58 11:1 2:13 5:58 5:32 9:05 () CO., LTD. 3. 240 1418.24 feet to the point of otherv, 1 t Atlantic ec; Jet in, at 8:2') p. m. J 1