Giants Hitless Was in Brooklyn When Lavender Held the WEHNERT BEATS I Jim Lavender Holds Movie of Two Men Matching to See Who Pays By BRIGGS SAVAGEEASILY I Giants Without a IN FAST BOUrl Newark Heavyweight S*± Cub Twirler Breaks Into ties Old Grudge and Hall of Fame, Using Mcüraw's Wins Jersey Title. .*» Weinert, of Newnrk, ««-'In Men as Foils, but They Rally ¦hi eaaaisioaablp of y^. lefe.l'e'j J T, Sava..", «« and Win Second Game. ,;^re C,\r>i'- laaj ¦*». JEROME BEATTY. «A Bv .is* T~rl rirv.}- 'ret year, both at the Pol Gi T *%4r Ifarq tar :. .'¦. The other was a rascally per- formance by .T .it in the t ill] terday P i Hi The Giants slu.wn: their appr »val of the act by rally- set 8 lhe:r fore | ;hica{ri * ta« I to 1. Ther^ was bottm ri-y bel OUS priri * .ai I last e!e>o;ree of I.ave'-iiii's. Eai h aeon u> 0. reached firsl tila**.:.'- o^^H men wer» capabh^H I.av. ft wi last i short.-t( p. Tl lana and Dal Ha « Bsrai If « on 0 0 0 had the be-ter of his wa«/ into the '. it of bo I 4 o i 0 2 Giant. J» IIP 4 ! II by » ..ride margin. In the «4»e-r"i .gs«J mortale. Savage had a slight shade. But hi afl Lavender should civ» «*rrat thai tV t rain of hooks, jabs, Jolts and eras*, ten «Savage itood and *ook his rr.eê« er from Not cine. Jim wag beaten, but in lo« g ha !r,«t few friend«. for the Giants. In the seventi. In the semi-final bstt'.e young DltH I.arr;. mie, of Jersey <~ity, bested .' » M, Trt«l« M2I27III Total« IP 0 0 27 I« In th» ninth the Wut Side featherweight. Ta» wa«. as hard a hit -1 for Schauer Innla«. fro. 0 0 0 0 0 o ft-: milliner was fa«» and furiou« «-oft ft o 0 0 fl 0 r. to finish, and while Mooney wa» ted r . divided -. irn« lavender. Herr,* he loet few frientla. H» «ry- «.- i|»r baa» PI »lan. Earn»') or . «rt and New York. 2 CI thing hi« stronger, hesvier Flrvt ba«» on «"«.'¦ «.»* «.or! I. Chicago. I. dealt out and was a''ay« M iti f;r''H- " LavnrJ'f. I. a tarte«! Trere -ver» «Ma .. when rally 41 when he mode Dmmrrie back u- tee, lad was s !;"!« tee Notr« SECOND GAMF but the Jersey just (HifAr.n «, gr,rd to he beaten. ball. amped. NEW YORK (N. L L.I. a ill - Ii i« i > ah r h no a » He .< M -av. rf.el a on eai 4 : 2 hi.« right 0 1 DROP ONE «he hoi Had he rt 1 4 0 2'Sel u ¡te. If 4 0 2 0 PHILLIES still clutch ne 2 (¦ : 0 /im man. 2h 4 0 1 failed ti-, make the cat' h -hr ball f 4 0 2 0 colfr. lb ' 0 0 r » n GAME TO CARDINALS have he fence, a hr«mo run. < ? J * iHiama, M 0 the Rube Needed Was rt All Three B*»m d, lb 4 2 Ifl 0 0 Knl«.lv. Results of Games in Leagues Aa la thi 4 » 10 Phelan. th 4 0 Lavender' H-r ton. « 4 0 0 0 I 0 Arch« « V»u»' n. p 210 i Get Even Break in Double BU baseball, ¦i 100 0 H Teams n of the lAita"!-. p 0 0 a New Sort of Uniform and Standing Battling and Lose Little Ground. .B-r«nahan 0 0 0 0U Heime Zimmerm 31.- Philade'pMe second h' 1" 7 H 27 12 I Total» 55 0 24 10 3 . Aug. a successful home gtsnd »y hit, a lor Vaughn In th» eighth Inning. . wound up lhar .[IjU'cl for Adam» In 1*4 »l*H Inning. Ex-Giant Saves . breaking even with V' day, Nr» York .'0 10 0 12 a .7 Southpaw and the home team winmr* I -ame In the n 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0.1 Sorrow Joy B r.AMFs« TO-DAY. Chicago of Double (. \MFS TO-PAY (¡AMI TO-DAT. b\ a soere of 3 to 2. and (he < ,. -i nal« Eddie Two rr»«e hl««.Schult». Oovl«. Fletcher. M.vrr«. Second Game New York fit nt Brooklm. lb out- Stolen b«e.Br»ln«rd. Philadelphia "t Vm \nrk. IVaahlogtOO. the second at 7 to 2. der and th« It.MtytTt. FIRST (¿AME. ( 'm Iriiuin at lio»ton. Boston m Philadelphia. Nrwurk at Buffalo. taking . Doubl» field'- fortun¬ '.'* »«'«. I; Chicago, l. Header for IN. ( Iriel.uwl at >t. I,oui.. >t. I,nui« At Pittsburgh The icores follow: v ... and Bralnard: Doyle Fletcher and Superbas PITTSBURGH (N. L.l. BROOKLYN L.). St. Loóle al Pittsburgh (t»ro). ah r h a » I hlmso nt Detroit. ate 1 Bralnard Lett on batea.New York 5; Chicago. ». ill r h M I I po r.AME ' .« 3 10 0 30 FIRST i Flnt ba»r on error« .New ork. 2. Chicago 2. Pirates. Carry. If 411' OOO'Mara. RFSMTS m OAMBB Y F.STF.KDAY. RKSTLT8 OF OAatn Y KNTF.RDAT. one Hlt4.Oft Against Johmtan. lb 4 12 0 Dai.bert. lb 1 0 Ml 0 0 RESUI r«. Off GAMES H>TF,KH\ï P-TI.A. «**T I- ST. LOCH iN u» Ba«»i on ball«.01 Benton. I. Vaughn. \, i Newark fi: Buffalo. 8. the run. 7 In 7 Irnlngt. «1 Adam-,. 4 In Inning. Slruck Collln». rf 40 2 0 0 0 Stengel, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 t hlrnirii. '; New lurk. 0. «i »hlngton, i. tori«, I. ar.rhr"i» a o»a started the r-;,mi> for Brnton. 7. The career of Hi'ie Marquard as n Hl-ichm'n.rf 3 3 0 0 Wheat, If 4 02 2 0 :«.; N«-w York Pittsburgh, fl: rhlragn, ?. : i con >b i Rube Schauer .ut. By Vaugrn, 3. by Adam«. I: by 0 Net«- York. 7: (hiingn I. Washington, S. lb... «i »cm». .ut Paned ball.Archer. Wagner, it 50 0 3 0 Cut.haw. 2b 42 2 3 In li.Mi. 0; ( lii H. Pittsburgh. I) íbltago. * .. a". IK.. ,) 1 the (. Wild ritrhr-.Vaughn (2i. er of the Brooklyn Superba cf 3 0 13 0 0 I'itf al.iirjrh. '.; UriKil, Ivn, 3. 4 |se I pire-».Klrm and Em»llc. Tim».1:40. Vlo«. 2h 3 0 0 2 10 My«n, Break in. 3; I. ( lereland, I; M. I.oui«. 0. Pa ikart cf I '. 7 10« H itlar ¦. i i « » ball thut he itl launched at Ebbeti Field yesterday, Balrd. 3b 4 0 4 0 Get/. 3b 4 0 2 110 Plttsbargh, t . c 400 S 10 RtiMnn. t| ( im'Innuii. 0 rf 4 0 2 1 0 ¡'..¦..her. tf.. «11 21 and the and dedicated to the that l.ibion c 40 ( Miller, . Rube wild proposition 0 Ctembi. » 300 0 20 BaiatoB, t; t in« i. 0. » lb 10 2 7 0 4. rf that a of wor d' Mamaua. »2002 n o rf other wai W nrl -.verc never a menace. Chief fair portion th« Kelly, p 00 0 0 00 0«uglaa, p 0 00 0 00 Pliil i.lrl|,l,l. 3; Ht. I oui». I. If ; r, 4 o IVI taon, gl* 1 . I the 100 0 00 4 0 Ib\-h 3 >1 II« « between who had been kid Ii will he played in Brooklyn., Cooper, p 00 0 0 0 ¡OI»on W I «mi«. 7; I'lillailelphla. 1 Ntehnff. 2b. 0 I2n «filler dropi and Meyers, the "Barney 0 0 0 0 \N I.KtlilK STIVniNO. FF.DFRAt. I.F.At.l'F. st\m>INO. Kllllfer C 3 '. 1 7 3 o Bei tal. a 7 I * th- . ind iint. made a a doable and ligned his contract between NATIONAL I.KA«.I K MA.MUMi, \MI;KI< end of single, fCoilello 0 0 0 \\. I.. P.C. R x»v p 4 1 I » 2 o -rn lor, e... I ill at bat. first and second cames of a double- U.I. ( \». I v.r. w. I.. p.< u. I. p.r. IV. I,. Pi o ' in four times P ... 2 a triple fi^ii Ne« York, .v, fi.' fi'J Ä2 .»70 K:in «III. 6S 5« ,.V¿8 Alexander-* 0 O o 0 0 0, I'oak p líe Merkle and header with the Pittsburgh P Totali 35 5 II 27 13 Total» 34 3 I 27 10 Phil«.. ..tí« il ,."i«4 M.loiii» .«9 lil ,4sil Hosten 79 M ,4te Pitt«brgh I'lrlner p. 'tit ha« bei 'Batted far Mamaua lo the «r.enih Inning. .,; Neu fil .1.1 H.i: .il SO IS M Ht. I nuls. .17 74 ..IHK Newark. .65 .M J 0 Buffalo 60 67 .473 can,' -im i.*h the eecond llronkltn..fin ,St1 Vork..lU .Holán . l s 1 » . The wild pitch er, ;.!l after two were out, scored in the .Battrd for Kelly In the ninth Inning. 6.1 5.1 ..V14 ,«,M fi.", 47: f Meats 7.1 4K «04 ( levrUnil..l6 74 .383 M. I.out« 66 .Ml ,541 Brook hn...37 67 .4«0 t to the for BoatSB IMtlslirgh 40 78 .3*» ?Rooh« . ion « inf. two runs in the game tallied forth day tBarted tor Oeuglai» in the ninth Inning. (hlmgn 59 60 19« ( Im iniuill.:, I li; .446 \Va«h'ton. «. .%7 ,5tl Phlla 36 SI .308 (hi« ago 66 «,9 .8'J8 Baltimore Xloareleo... i no .». r two He aucceeded beyond, Plttiburgh 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 3.5 was out at third rair. In the thii d Lurry Cheney. 0 0 0.3 errora Fisher and Zimmer his fondest hopes, and the Superbai Brooklyn 0 I 0 0 Tntall 31 3 11 77 II Total«. i Schauer. ut, by hita.Balrd. Hlnchman. Three-baa« 'H«. eA : .t'eut won icoi e of 3 to 2. Two-bat« .na;;e>1 fur I).*a'« In -li» *t»h'h innlii« »ho threw by a hit».Geti. Hlnchman. Stolen baiet.Cutihaw, In tha :n«'.f«' tat v of Mar- 2. fir. Ilufilr.« »'.ghth lnnln« and , Merkle' fa n to steal Ai d now that the triumph (,r!/. Earned run».Plttiburgh. 5: Broaklyn. WUam In the tilma k I ond, Sacrifie« Cellini. Daubert. Sacri¬ a on one has been chronicled it mu hit».lehniton, John Hummel Gets Series " with i ¿cored Yankees . I Doyle third, qur.rd fice fly.Vlo«. Lett «n bajea.Plttiburgh. I: Br»»k- Open alDala 0*01211 ur and drained hitter «-I hit the backstop, told how Brooklyn the lyn, 4. Bun »n ball».Oft Mamaua. 2. aft W I'«.!«.00000021 third. Schulte rolled In the third Brainerd stole n 'he first Coomb». 3. off I. Hi:».Oft Mamaua, 4 In a Vacation Two baa« hit I-udenj« Mataa b«*a Mt,l«r singled, Cooper. 2 In 2 «ft Co«»er. Day's Î S«v F her was slain trv- on r score of G c Pi- 6 Inning»; «ft KtM>. Inning», F.«rnet1 riin«v-«l: Lout* 1. Phll»J«lph1* to Brainerd and to third Ai battle by none In Inning; off Coomb«. 10 In I 1-3 Inning«. rifle» hit».P«4kert Whltied 111, Duubt» p a« tu the in Battles on row a «ut.By Two baa«« Si ¡nK to ac and scored or. hit'.by Mey¬ ick flatr peak oft DoLilai. In 2-3 Inning. Struck John lliimtnel, the reteran »tar of Losing Iilxri. H«Ji«-rnf. «M l^i !«rvi» I«er*t ; to I. Um¬ I by on urn Jack Mamaua. 7. by C«*mbi. 3: by Cooper. »'-;':«. I Um»« b*:'«-«nt on«' it wi er» In the seventh Meyers tripled the ninth Inning, and pounding - « the, pire»--Riglrr and Orth. Tim».2:05. the Brooklyn «niperha*. who hat» been "ff Kli.-y. Bia . :: a. be pu' and rame home on a wild pitch. Two Coombs with miirht and mam. laid Innlnf». ff Rliey. f In « 2-J Innlri»*». Bit «»» '¦ SEC0NÜ GAME. tilth the team »Inre». 190S, iras unrondl- Merkte was the only Giant wh arrived in the eighth inn- it'.oB for which was, on RESCUES üf t,r1n»r ilAJ'lenm. 8iru«-k <":¦ B» e waa ctory, in BROOKLYN (N. L.l. PITTSBURGH (N. L). tlonalli rrlrusrtl | rsirrdui. But those Senators Tighten Grip Daalr. 3: bj Rlier. fj: by A>i«nd«r. 1 CaiBtriS. mi bt" builded with Phil Inmolas ab r h ». a . ab r h pa . a hinu, finaUy m ho Kaaoo «nd llyroti Tin-.«*.2 03 r le .'¦. and box, 0 Mara. ii.llO 2 7 0 Caray. If 4 0*3 10 buie tear» muí sine them for a safe on Doyle, Fletcher Mej the 2 00 » Ou First Thanks to THE NEWARK FEDS two Dauberl. lb 3 13 17 2 0 J«hnit»n. lb while lie will »ign a nr« rontrnet till« Division, SECOND GAMP ond. In i all el* by Brainerd. Marquard pitched only innings. Stengel, rf 4112 0 0 Colllni. cf 4 00 00 reached tv ird o The one CUD run in the game result I of «wallows do BOt make WI eat. II 3 00000 Hlnchman, rf 4 I 2 b 00 in, ir 11 o« nuil will llnl-l, thl» «teuton, ¦T LaOl'If- iX. I..) PIUI.A. (N. L.I. pair it 4 0 2 2 3 Fine of Gallia anol a an nom the leai an Cutihaw. 2b 40 0 6 0 H. Wagner, and perhaps »eieriil othrr«, with the Pitching Puts to arrhpoa»! a^rbpeaa Robert er, summer, they Mv.r«, cf .310 00 Vlo« :b 400120 Cowboy Stop nut>r. «. 5 0 1« 12 1|Sirte)c. »... »01 121 from n base on ball indication that summer ist (..1/ lb 1 0 0 Balrd. Hi Z 0 0 10 trino Beacbar. If S 1 '.' 4 I 0 Bancroft, as I I 1 ? « . 4 11 l.lbaon. o 3 12 3 2 0 and Boehling. of Buffalo Blues. Id Olli M c 2 0 0 M lo o 0 0 0 cf. 8 1 2 I . . was -. upon ivhicll So the stutT that Marquard Carty. .100 0 2 0 M.iri|ii.ird »Ignrd with the Rally I.ona. rf SI I Pa.«kert. but the came a o Cheney. I 0 0 4 Kantlehaer, p Bj Teiegriph to T\e Trltun«.) WlUon. cf. soi 1 OOi'TaiHth, rf «01 III nothing; »park Marou rd »000 0 Olf'Harmon 000 0 00 -»tuierlirta trsferdii) the rluh found It- By Telegraph to Th« Tribuí:« 1 lb.. Ml »0 1 l.u.lan... lb. « 0 0 1« . . the and In the tifth Robertson achieved the the breast of Wilberl Robinson and .iil.o-. 100 0 OOlGarber 100 0 0 0 .elf with 31. Tom Seaton came Hyatt, eijrhth in 100 0 0 0 tw-enti -two pla>er» on the Aug. 31. The Yankees Buffalo, Aug. Miller. 7b.. «21 If. «0 1 «.. out il iro errors on one cargo of th old pen IIJ. Wa»n«r Washington. to the rescue of the Newark who 3b Ill 110 NlehorT. 2b.. 7 0 1 play. rosier and )r»ter«ta> wa» the last da> opened a series with the Washington Feds, Metzel |2A He Murray'-: fly, putting Mur- .he The 3 »27 Totali 342724131 «tonzale.. c 41 I »1ft Buraa, e. .. I'M TΫ droppeJ players Total« 24 21 3 on »lu, h the wenli -mir-pint er rule club here two defeated the Buffalo Blues here this 01 » to-day by losing games. ... 4 0 1 0 10 n«maiaa. 2 I the ninth. first, then threw wild to toucht hit, an inlield affair 'Batted far Chaney In the leyenth Inning. afternoon a score of 6 to 6. Ame«, r p back of the eh laughed go to second. (iibson, which followed on' .dan f»r Glbon I« the ninth lanln«. »»a» effective. Some one hail to he suc- Carroll Brown and by ¡Ma>er »..., o 00 I« fans Murray by George IBattad far Kantlehner I» tha «lath Inning. rlfleed for the ami was lost For seven innings Ed. Reulbach held Kauma'nar a Ml r moment, Hummel pitched the first one, which . at him a* the heeli of a to Hiiird. Then, i Batted for lehniton In tha ninth Inning. Buffalo batters . ..- Ill gift was the rlrtlm. a« he »rill a 4 to 1 score. Fisher the to four scattered he up a bat ai In th« ninth i O'Mara, Wagner, Brooklyn, «n« the old Cub twirler retired in favor bust a few . for Johnston, fanned while the McCiriy. Double »lay .C»rr>. Balrd Glb»»n for the seasons of IBIS, '10 and '17, la- ington's winning . ..oieiiotr Left on ba«r>.Plttiburgh. 4. Brooklyn t. Carroll Brown in the fourth of Seaton. » 1ooo««l«^ he was men . Wagner. gave way ! with appli Flnt bate an error.Plttiburgh. Bain an baila.Oft rlu»l»e. that if there wa I. inning of the first game, and with char¬ NEWARK 'I' ii BUfTAIaO Of. I»). ««» HtJ Be»c'.i»r Bit«! 3 0 1 0 : 0 Bailar, Mill« IVhjI i And I.airy Une fettle. Onlj bv Kantlehner iCr.aneyi. ¦" r -a-.-1 a Bj .ry it. When th« Cl 3: Cheney. I. by Marquer«, I. L m lowed, and before Donovan could clear .-« lOO 3 ¿ 0 liait..M. rf.. Ml 300 -, Bancroft run was made off him. In the by rr Il«4ii on bala OU «rae» « Ut\ '. all tl ose who an« Time.I 50. pf 5 13 ! 0 0 «ha»' H. 4 1 1 11 1 i II. ched the crowd IN pire». Oiih Rlglrr. away the wreckage and get Brown out Si I« in« 7. 1« Kir»' h.. TWO GAMES Hindu; and b«»r. fourth frame S.-heer If.. 40 1 0 0 l.ou.len. :b. 3 00 3-0 I'hlladelphl* irned to th< SKEETERS SPLIT and himself in, four runs had been on error» *»« Ixnn». 1, I'hll»'l«;phl« -t on .r. cf .311 io'i luccesi lay mostly in his made the round trip Wagner*! Import«, Ill llllKnal*, It Ani»»J 7, h¡r Dfmarr», j I,, n«uraf»rt- Larender'i double to rieht. loit this drive scored. lira.Up», lb ..001000 Hoa.h. «a... 411 J 6 I 7 Hit« -<>.T I'»m«r«« 12 In « Ir, 4« . control of his curve. He made Stengel COBB BREAKS UP GAME Donovan was too much for Wash¬ Itarl.len e. 4 ': 3 7 III r. 4 00 4 10 I In I <»4» B«tara, excellent in the «¡un. The other r in was scored Blair, ,'« ,'h>. ctt Herrn. into«, whatever I, and the Me allowed one hit in »he Iteulbaoh.n -00 Oil An.1er»on. d -'00 030 3 In 2 ln.imf». 1 m;.-i Bran V the I it of, ington. only .«-ejaton. 0 00 0 00 HtMient p. 0 00 0 10 lime : 1? Gisnts wen hit! to Nehf Plnl Hit in an Age Stores Run DOUBLE-HEADER four he worked. p.., ftrtner.«.«tin it Allows Four hands while Ty-'i innings ... Ill 000 turf. knock out Only rty'a stealing White Soi. had his won when he (.Hofman Aa tl him out all rij-rit, that Heats Fisher game of the infield. Hits and Three. 31. Detroit def ated went into the ninth, but he weakened Total»... 17 6 147714 1 Total» I11I2T1II were sent back in regular ordei Hughes Detroit. Aug. the Senators tied it With .llatirc] frn- Anderaon In th» «l«hth Inning. in an erratic and up. 0 0 0 1 - not juggernauts. When Gibson puffed Chicago game to-day by WITH BUFFALO Newark 0 3 0 3 *.* the »core 2 to 1 in the last half of the ut th« Does Well. r ,-i Ii w was '.' to B. I'.ufTal.» 0 10 4 0 4 0 4 ..S who i» ret to (¡et a hit Compton into t! pi knocked sprawl- of »cored on d th<~ fell to the The run» were the result of ninth. Shanks tripled and Two I.«a» hlti r«mph»ll. f|). Fngl«, Dalton. Ground«, smiled grimly. ball ground. Tiger won hule Stilen aaea -Kouach. be to .on, Aug. SI. Good pitching en- with the Gandil's sacrifice fly. Washington T>ir»e li«a» hit McKe. "I nue*«." he said. "I'll able Afler the rames Robbie declaied him¬ hits bunched, fielding slips ly Foster walked and ri.-heer. I.aport«. K«m»l run» Hi Ta >. i. N»wark. after all." Boston Braves to take both self well with híl lates: White Sox. Dubuc's «rilastSS enabled in the eleventh. Sacrtlli-e hila I-íT't. 1.01'Ien play in thil league, pleaded acqUÍBÍ- came with the run on >.».»-. Ruffel" Newark. 10 the Cubs crum- day's double-header from to tie the »core in the seventh. around winning annul lyfi »a :i. In the second «jame rath the same Chicago Jersey City Says Milan and Shanks. Fir«- In»!.' oo error lliirTah.. 1 n««e» an a« Cincinnati, by »core, 2 was came back with two run» of? singles by v » rtejll ».-h lilt« '.ft A The first cime especially hard Detroit one of his in the for the to lose. They pot Faber in the eighth inning and scored He Will Protest Game Doc Cook hurt legs II In » tnr.lng«; off Ileillenl. In Irrlr.g. of? Iteul in the box in the Superbni fir»t game, and Birdie Cree went into ael s In : Innli »« III' bf It) her 1' 4 ; f*i r Al Mamaus n d chaaed him off it» eighth victory out of nine games il»r«on. iS.-he.rl. Stru.'l. "Ut II ¦we! In the second contest. '¦ only four hits and moi with Chicago on the home field this His Team Lost. rifhtfield Ra-ulbarh, ", In seatiKi. :' I mi-irea Wi Id a the and Mel'ormark Tim. pass. .lark (oomb- wan speeding alone season. FIRST GAME. i Hughe» gave mou«]'. any f«*«duig of appre¬ Cobb, who had gone to the pinte Iluffalo «nrl Jersey City split a WASHINGTON cA. L.I. NEW Y0SK (A. L.l. hree hit* an! oi Hot .Inck weakeniil in the time» without making a double-header yesterday, the visitor« Iab r h p» a e ab r h p« a . hension. twenty-fear of 4 «4.»Mer. If 4 0 0 4 0 4 Cook rf 4 12 10 0 Bravea' new , and ninth and finally tut, came through in the eighth with taking the first game by a »core I »»1er. 2b 111 1 IIP! »aue.ii ii 4 0 0 10 eighth innings, sec¬ Milan, ef 111 2 00 Bauman. lb 400020 of .: in the aecond deemed it expedient to remove a .-ingle that won the game. to 1 and th« Skeeteis winning; th« Standing Clubs ond a score of 8 to ¡1. Shanki. 3k 4 0 3 0 PI»», lb 4 0 1*10 ng three hits and making him m favor of Phil Douglaa, Two The score follow»: by (.andll. lb 2 10 4 0 0 Shaltan. cf 4 0 0 0 0 both of Boston's runs. 'A. I. CHICAGO \ f. The scores follow: *««r«. rf 1112 0 0 High. If 3 0 0 2 0 0 in the International m«*i were on bases when the erstwhile DEI ROIT ' The scores follow: arrhpoae* Henry, o 3 0 2 10 0 B««n». 2b 4 4 2 3 0 Hed took of the «liamond. ar>rhpoae| MUST f.AMK MrBrld». »a 2 00 5 0 N m«k«r. c 3 00 120 the^x.cntre Vltt. lb .41: 1 I i),Murrhv. rf. 4 1 1 : 0 0 i. rillST CAMl a« for '. Calila. » 101 t II Br»w». * I I I 4 I 0 wit-> ro-ii.w. They s«*ored, and another well, lliiah .».... 4 1 0 : « 0 J olllna. lb I 1 2 10 0 0 Rrp"KAl.r> it i.i. IJBB8K1 cm 'I i. BOUTON I- t\ ft Don»»»» » 10 0 0 0 0 Toronto at (M 'IvIvSAT! l.i the Pirates showed little inclination to f.... b o l 1 u i: aillfi* it, l 1 i -.'jo1 «brhpoae abrap-iae 'Craa 10 0 0 0 0 Harrlalnir*. at' r h f a r ar. r h *v< a . >n. 4 J 2 ill TOO »« 701 110" at ler.c, o n let in their mad fusillade-. rawfort), rf 4 11 2 00 Ja<-k« rf. IIS ;1I* ^r>l«-> .c-f I'urteil. City. 0 :i i;r.h, :*..... a o n n ) ,i op Kelly, 500 4 ft 1 l-'elj-h. If.... 100 400 Jainl»un. If 30 1 00» tlj»». 2h... »0 0." Montreal al Klrhmond. 0 0 0 ; 0 » ll..n.ciS va 4 0 0 1 . from the Atlanta \«»<-h. If... Total» 27 4 127 110 T«tali 321324100 the southpaw o a».. 50 1 . > I HI I 0 i> Kn,-he»ter at .' ,'.am«. If. 4 f. n :>. ft 0 young Hurna I* 4 1 1 11 leaver, 01:! Miartt lb 4 I ] Barrj Ib., Proilrlenre. 4 0 1 1 4 1 M0 . fer cf o :. n n Crackers, of the Southern Association, I : Î 441 loi IM. Sh., 1 JO Chsnn.'li.rf 4 : 10» l-enimiir. rf 1 Batlad for Brearn In the fifth Inning. Rl>l Ils <|| BAMBSj MxllKDIV 0 CO Orlfl lh. rf I* Mnmmix snd gets credit for 4 i 1 : n .-¦ hall '. 4 0 1 »oí; Ill* r,.. 401 IS! 00040110 1.4 c. replaced n o : 1 l 0 0 0 t Utiln, Wa»Mn«tan Buffalo, 4: .ler»e» ( Itv. I. t r> 11 ft « , the p J 1 I : Raaaall. p... a'.trom.Sb III It« cf.. 3 i Neo York 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0.1 .1'r.e. 0 0 0 \\m.' .-r. 'J n ft victory. i.-.tte i i i o i i »a I 0 0 730 If 4 (It». S| MlllTMto. 1 0 :< 4 lame« t> 111031 p... Kaoline, Mannin«. Tw» bava St«le» baa«* a in (. ,i Thrills sufficient for a whole world's p. ft00 O00 Onslo« c 7 01 i : 0 Schwert. « hit».Acutí. C««k. ?*.»- If.trrioLiarif. 7. l.'r.iiito. S. Mr, I.andll. Earn»« run». New Y«rk. I: Waahln». .'.'.'¦ o : i i -.' o serie« «ore jammed Into 'he a'fternoon. o .10 1110. Brui It d lltarrUlitir* 1;», 0. » " 0 II c. \rtr p 0 » ft 1 ft ' ' 4 0 0 t»n. 4. S». elfte« hit.McBrlde. Deubl» «lay.PI»» R»«-lie»ler. 4. I'm» l.lriue. .;. Bill Hinchtran made the most remark¬ Total«. 34 ï tin Uli Teta!«. .V»««;Hr tea 'unaaihtaai. Left an bite». Nate Yark, 4; Waih- K nlu 10 0 0 «ii « . 0 . I 4 4 . i I'riif illetli e. Kit« .1. a ever Ingten. 4. Baiet «n ball».0ft Brtwn. 3. «ft O«»«- |j healer, able of foul 0 1 0 0 1 . 3 0 1 » « capture by Myers 1,1. ..r, Tot»,» «aa. I: «ft Laura }. Hita.0« Br»»»». 3 In 4 Inn¬ Monlr.ul, I: KIi-IiiiioikI. seen or the field. 11 y sliced 0n< T» «va** t.!'» n . faaan* Jam-» (ten inning«; i i v .l>»!'f«l for Brui!. in lb«, laeUVl ing» oft D«nev«n. In 4 Innlngi. Struck out.By rlarkne««). Tot» ha-«» l'Ut I. l'oHInt Fa-nul rjn» Bra»n 2 Gallia. 7. .Ba'- , , the riirh« field stands, apparently safe, «I«cr1flr« hit» Vltt. o by 0«n»«a», k. by Umpire». >T\M)IN(. Of TK.VVf*. l'e'r..!' 4 l'a»"» ¦affala » « . 0 0 » 4 I 4 Hlldebran« »n« 0 loutMln. Time -I 45. ¦: | but Hinrhman tore across the green- !«¦'. " »a~« , .OOl'-uOOOl «. I- P.« \\. I.. PI. tree still bears * rira' l'aae , The bargain ftftftlft*lft»; iward at top speed and léanme away a«ci. j«e hi'» Bur«. I^t,lm Tl-.rr» ban hita SCCONO GAME. Protide ,» 40 .H.VÍ Ko. h ter. Yl HI II« > M "ft liuh'»- 2. cIT 'ftftOOOftftfio hl aj" ! Ha«ev ball» *<«nfl . «1 Huffalo «9 41 or, over the irrn scooped the ball rff Ka'-r I II!'- «iff liurtti.-. I ka . .\M«rilo lu.lge hlu Juli- Beet», WASHINGTON A. L... NEW YORK (A. L.l. Toronto. J| k| 4M T»»im - c i». railing, lame«. 1. ,¦ -«. - rll ft. .4 fruit. htl OrltTttl ii,.,,, . .>- 1 In « . b r h p« a » Montreal \9 A.".' Hi« hind. fto «« 4SI . one S l«mr» abr»p«a* In with hand. . Flrat b»««- on «',- 'iff n «a. eft rircet«. Moeller. If 30 2 0 0 0 CrM. If II 1 I 00 Har«h'ir,.A4 :.!» .47» 1er'» « II» «I ;| .»«. - a .' j. II' . in suits for fore¬ pa.»' " Ir-- J H Ht h» Ill I4»'h», by Fetter. 2b 410 3 5 0 P gau|h. ta 34 I I 40 Saving» n«r.«¡« . i| '.'- '¦ -S «.i ¡,at. »i,l ! . . latini K'ailnf Jiilgr. Milan, cf 34 2 0 0 0 Baumaa. 3*4 0 1 2 2 0 off - a»»« B'ifTal.. al'i» > Lmi CHAPPLE BEATS OWN TIME ,. v V Ih 5 2 t lb * i' Katar ana«. Pl»p ,4011300 handed men. '¦ a Jerajr ill» « Hil-1 ut-h Brin-« fern . tumi h»i- Gantfll. lb 1 0 l| 0 0 Shalt««, tf 3 0 0 2 0 0 .. : I fr, 1. 41.1411 Mari« an CMII Trae.Î I» I 1 »ll'l Arptta rf 111)00 High. It 40 I : 10 III'a. . « I (lips liflh of Second from His Track Ktanaf» Irrir»« $15, $20 and $25 are the Q a>-' Bro»n Wllllami. til I 2 0 Bo»n». 2b 41 I I II N Kriord st Brighton Beach. MrB'ld« n 4 0 I 2 7 0 N «taker. «41 I 110 nn''ii.i; BUTTAVO fl U>. Beehtla«. »2040 4 F lih»r. $ 30 I I 40 attractive prices. v U) ICINCINNAT] IN. I. New England League Results. «TSMBY Har»»r. Several thousand persons saw Arthur ¦ atrhpoa«! » rhpoa» arrtipoa« , hpoae 10 .Kap» 10 0 0 00' Tatali 17 2 lOMI IS 0 '¦It'. a tilth »f a second from > i. o PurtsU. .». 3 4io illlhoolar, ef 4 1 i l#l AT 4 0 clip RACING Chappie . l.r«l«'OCl i 411 1 lu. larnlson. If 40 1 100 men Pve-» . a? Heaeh Uue» lb Tálala 37 3 10 33 20 0 and boys sck record the Brighton »"«»ne», ft ir. 3. : »( o \i . o ; « o Everything « in one ' motordrome la«t night the mile UmalL 4. Maaibaalai : Iienimitt rf 3 o 1 1 0 1 ;. .nano'll. rf 4 0 1 III wear. trial H« eovered the distance in calh»:- ' 0 Ju Ig- lb « I 1 11 : 0 PARK 1 0 0 0 BELMONT effort f «0 1 i'arl»trom. lb 2 1 1Î0 410000001* 1.3 previoni State Results. 4 11 3 0 0 .. 3 11 13 0 Waihlngt««. Goods. I I I 0 one League Manninr. If Keating, New Y»rk 00I0II0000 *.2 Sporting having, Only Bln«h«r: -a Behaert e 4 0 1 4 1 l ...-: aMl .. i. . ¦- . 4 l »H «n bat»». New Yark. II. Welkin«!««. I. TO-DAY d this time at BEGINS man I the Vtrt.out. ;> 411 07 1 lUJer p.... 111 Oft -IV M'lllll NtATVaaaM, IM I I KIM. THK Eddie Hash», l il. a I r««r«. ua* n Flrit baia an ball.- Beehllag. 4. aft Fliher. I. Hit, Oft I I« I Inning» oft Harp-, . Rogoi Per Company Tt") 4 àAai t 2 Tot»!. .irai« 20 Baahllrg Broadhollotv i, an accident the day following . 4 Troy, I j In I laalagi. Struck »ut.By F liner 4. by B««h- $2,500 Municipal Hand cap. $l,u00 Steepitchaia Broadway - .« «Ilk»« Rare». I Jf-44-, CKJ 1 I I » . S I llng. 2: by H«r»»r. 3. Thr«e-6ti« hit.Shank». AMi OTHKK i.en!« RACCa KINnT atACfS «.TfSOP. M. Broadway eord ru!«', m ;;? i -I, FUI'K A ft o .) 1 . » » i \M »«¦« Barre 1 «Wanton. I ».ouoooio.i T.» baa» hita.High. Ae«ita. Mil»». Sterlfl«« klta SI'K. Ik! RACK TltAIN'8 TO.HAT W KDNESP T 13th St. The at 24th St. In match event Flihee 2 ¦. Ar««l«. of " B»«««. a* at a-: »0IIIIS* ..0 Tw« I.«»» bit I)»mmltt T ¦. I .. III, Packlapaugh laiaea l'ennailiaiil» Siailnei. j.inl St. and 7th Are an.I a!»o r'lati A»«., »ronkl/n. aajt Sacrlftc« ft».Gaadll. Oaubla »lay- i.andll (unat- .. A»«, J aalaulaa lata* Pour - miles. I »at Bill Drown, of i.lf ««rlarrom Ha, £ ¦» M 12 45 1 0«. 1 I JO. III. 1 14 1 1' at Ktoi.i VatrniJ T»"> I aae M' Il ilitedi. Wild 12 31. IS, American Association Results. au- K»ailrl »!íi»r» First baa« ¦ « a »itch.Baehilag. U«J»lr»a.0l»u»h- teal V«» York « rolnut.-* later. Ala« b> Ttol.c» Fifth Ave. > . Newark, in straight heats. The time II» aat Hltaekraad. Tie»«. 33. Broadway Corncr.s" Ma«e* :« I 0 «rfT Balrr. 4 off \ »r«v*ui I Slrw-l. "'H I.ruerai Adnilaalun. SI. i.ran.l »land and I'ad.larU »4 ladle», 11.54). 1::".' 4 nluinrai«. Mjr -a- at Warren at 41st St. was 1:25 and kar.iaa «l'y 5. Ht Tau.:. 4 ill Inn Varbmit. I lnubl« pi»».«'h»r,n«ll act Ooalua Inlleld FRKK on «aiur.Ui» and I at»» Ha» S Iru».I. I^fl «in h«a«a -Buffalo, J*r»»> i|r>. 4 Will BASEBALL. Waahlnat«« Park. 3:30 P. M. T« day. not ».limited to of Hi« I.round» - -.. > mil t| llui « Lo4jl»»11!«. », i'l»»el»ncl. ill I. Children any patrt T» J 0. i'l<»alani ft Btu-b -B«a»r Tub*.I «i I aixl Tip n. Balllmor» Fol» Blea«J>«ra lie . -r. « Lmrir*»--v|u4.e) «ou DU« Tim« BASFBAll e«l» Cr*»u»«i. <«y. JO P. M.I U-ui»»ill» npUM.Uro»o Toya GIV.NTS N l'IULAJ'l.U,UIA--«~n, allu«i»jUt, 4. Uü«»u»a* t A4n.