Giants Hitless Was in Brooklyn When Lavender Held the Rube Marquard WEHNERT BEATS I Jim Lavender Holds Movie of Two Men Matching to See Who Pays By BRIGGS SAVAGEEASILY I Giants Without a Hit IN FAST BOUrl Newark Heavyweight S*± Cub Twirler Breaks Into Baseball ties Old Grudge and Hall of Fame, Using Mcüraw's Wins Jersey Title. .*» Weinert, of Newnrk, ««-'In Men as Foils, but They Rally ¦hi eaaaisioaablp of y^. lefe.l'e'j J T, Sava..", «« and Win Second Game. ,;^re C,\r>i'- laaj ¦*». JEROME BEATTY. «A Bv .is* T~rl rirv.}- 'ret year, both at the Pol Gi T *%4r Ifarq tar :. .'¦. The other was a rascally per- formance by .T .it in the t ill] terday P i Hi The Giants slu.wn: their appr »val of the act by rally- set 8 ir.tr lhe:r fore | ;hica{ri * ta« I to 1. Ther^ was bottm ri-y bel OUS priri * .ai I last e!e>o;ree of I.ave'-iiii's. Eai h aeon u> 0. reached firsl tila**.:.'- o^^H men wer» capabh^H I.av. ft wi last i short.-t( p. Tl lana and Dal Ha « <ia» ¡ «¦rrnr |.y .'^ea. way, v.,, ar-.d not even thos» mas'er' -».», .*'ei- rert, scored the only knoekdo-a*a^^M -il round. He .. -*.*.*. flf H fighter do.n with a short left '-, I ehin, and then fell over hm B<«4» leaped to their feet and plunged h«fc hee- Into the fleht. They were. ':¦ . - .-til had won e »rnI snd FIRSJ CAME. Savage badly. had been CHirar.n IN. NEW YORK (M. L.). It was a one-sided battle W -er. ab r h po « » lb ' r, p« I ( rine of the r ia«Bi that lie had ar.> Bsrai If « on 0 0 0 had the be-ter of his wa«/ into the '. it of bo I 4 o i 0 2 Giant. J» IIP 4 ! II by » ..ride margin. In the «4»e-r"i .gs«J mortale. Savage had a slight shade. But hi afl Lavender should civ» «*rrat thai tV t rain of hooks, jabs, Jolts and eras*, ten «Savage itood and *ook his rr.eê« er from Not cine. Jim wag beaten, but in lo« g ha !r,«t few friend«. for the Giants. In the seventi. In the semi-final bstt'.e young DltH I.arr;. mie, of Jersey <~ity, bested .' » M -.tr, Trt«l« M2I27III Total« IP 0 0 27 I« In th» ninth the Wut Side featherweight. Ta» wa«. as hard a hit -1 for Schauer Innla«. fro. 0 0 0 0 0 o ft-: milliner was fa«» and furiou« «-oft ft o 0 0 fl 0 r. to finish, and while Mooney wa» ted r . divided -. irn« lavender. Herr,* run he loet few frientla. H» «ry- «.- i|»r baa» PI »lan. Earn»') or . «rt and New York. 2 CI thing hi« stronger, hesvier Flrvt ba«» on «"«.'¦ «.»* «.or! I. Chicago. I. dealt out and was a''ay« M iti f;r''H- " LavnrJ'f. I. a tarte«! Trere -ver» «Ma .. when rally 41 when he mode Dmmrrie back u- tee, lad was s !;"!« tee Notr« SECOND GAMF but the Jersey just (HifAr.n «, gr,rd to he beaten. ball. amped. NEW YORK (N. L L.I. a ill - Ii i« i > ah r h no a » He .< M -av. rf.el a on eai 4 : 2 hi.« right 0 1 DROP ONE «he hoi Had he rt 1 4 0 2'Sel u ¡te. If 4 0 2 0 PHILLIES still clutch ne 2 (¦ : 0 /im man. 2h 4 0 1 failed ti-, make the cat' h -hr ball f 4 0 2 0 colfr. lb ' 0 0 r » n GAME TO CARDINALS have he fence, a hr«mo run. < ? J * iHiama, M 0 the Rube Needed Was rt All Three B*»m d, lb 4 2 Ifl 0 0 Knl«.lv. Results of Games in Leagues Aa la thi 4 » 10 Phelan. th 4 0 Lavender' H-r ton. « 4 0 0 0 I 0 Arch« « V»u»' n. p 210 i Get Even Break in Double BU baseball, ¦i 100 0 H Teams n of the lAita"!-. p 0 0 a New Sort of Uniform and Standing Battling and Lose Little Ground. .B-r«nahan 0 0 0 0U Heime Zimmerm 31.- Philade'pMe second h' 1" 7 H 27 12 I Total» 55 0 24 10 3 Philadelphia. Aug. a successful home gtsnd »y hit, a lor Vaughn In th» eighth Inning. AMERICAN LEAGUE FEDERAL LEAGUE. wound up lhar .[IjU'cl for Adam» In 1*4 »l*H Inning. Ex-Giant Saves NATIONAL LEAGUE. breaking even with V' day, Nr» York .'0 10 0 12 a .7 Southpaw and the home team winmr* I -ame In the n 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0.1 Sorrow Joy B r.AMFs« TO-DAY. Chicago of Double (. \MFS TO-PAY (¡AMI TO-DAT. b\ a soere of 3 to 2. and (he < ,. -i nal« Eddie Two rr»«e hl««.Schult». Oovl«. Fletcher. M.vrr«. Second Game New York fit Baltimore nt Brooklm. lb out- Stolen b«e.Br»ln«rd. Philadelphia "t Vm \nrk. IVaahlogtOO. the second at 7 to 2. der and th« It.MtytTt. FIRST (¿AME. ( 'm Iriiuin at lio»ton. Boston m Philadelphia. Nrwurk at Buffalo. taking . Doubl» field'- fortun¬ '.'* »«'«. I; Chicago, l. Header for IN. ( Iriel.uwl at >t. I,oui.. >t. I,nui« At Pittsburgh The icores follow: v ... and Bralnard: Doyle Fletcher and Superbas PITTSBURGH (N. L.l. BROOKLYN L.). St. Loóle al Pittsburgh (t»ro). ah r h a » I hlmso nt Detroit. ate 1 Bralnard Lett on batea.New York 5; Chicago. ». ill r h M I I po r.AME ' .« 3 10 0 30 FIRST i Flnt ba»r on error« .New ork. 2. Chicago 2. Pirates. Carry. If 411' OOO'Mara. RFSMTS m OAMBB Y F.STF.KDAY. RKSTLT8 OF OAatn Y KNTF.RDAT. one Hlt4.Oft Against Johmtan. lb 4 12 0 Dai.bert. lb 1 0 Ml 0 0 RESUI r«. Off GAMES H>TF,KH\ï P-TI.A. «**T I- ST. LOCH iN u» Ba«»i on ball«.01 Benton. I. Vaughn. \, i Newark fi: Buffalo. 8. the run. 7 In 7 Irnlngt. «1 Adam-,. 4 In Inning. Slruck Collln». rf 40 2 0 0 0 Stengel, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 t hlrnirii. '; New lurk. 0. «i »hlngton, i. tori«, I. ar.rhr"i» a o»a started the r-;,mi> for Brnton. 7. The career of Hi'ie Marquard as n Hl-ichm'n.rf 3 3 0 0 Wheat, If 4 02 2 0 :«.; N«-w York Pittsburgh, fl: rhlragn, ?. : i con >b i Rube Schauer .ut. By Vaugrn, 3. by Adam«. I: by 0 Net«- York. 7: (hiingn I. Washington, S. lb... «i »cm». .ut Paned ball.Archer. Wagner, it 50 0 3 0 Cut.haw. 2b 42 2 3 In li.Mi. 0; ( lii H. Pittsburgh. I) íbltago. * .. a". IK.. ,) 1 the (. Wild ritrhr-.Vaughn (2i. er of the Brooklyn Superba cf 3 0 13 0 0 I'itf al.iirjrh. '.; UriKil, Ivn, 3. 4 |se I pire-».Klrm and Em»llc. Tim».1:40. Vlo«. 2h 3 0 0 2 10 My«n, Break in. 3; I. ( lereland, I; M. I.oui«. 0. Pa ikart cf I '. 7 10« H itlar ¦. i i « » ball thut he itl launched at Ebbeti Field yesterday, Balrd. 3b 4 0 4 0 Get/. 3b 4 0 2 110 Plttsbargh, t . c 400 S 10 RtiMnn. t| ( im'Innuii. 0 rf 4 0 2 1 0 ¡'..¦..her. tf.. «11 21 and the and dedicated to the that l.ibion c 40 ( Miller, . Rube wild proposition 0 Ctembi. » 300 0 20 BaiatoB, t; t in« imi.it i. 0. » lb 10 2 7 0 4. rf that a of wor d' Mamaua. »2002 n o rf other wai W nrl -.verc never a menace. Chief fair portion th« Kelly, p 00 0 0 00 0«uglaa, p 0 00 0 00 Pliil i.lrl|,l,l. 3; Ht. I oui». I. If ; r, 4 o IVI taon, gl* 1 . I the 100 0 00 4 0 Ib\-h 3 >1 II« « between who had been kid Ii will he played in Brooklyn., Cooper, p 00 0 0 0 ¡OI»on W I «mi«. 7; I'lillailelphla. 1 Ntehnff. 2b. 0 I2n «filler dropi and Meyers, the "Barney 0 0 0 0 \N I.KtlilK STIVniNO. FF.DFRAt. I.F.At.l'F. st\m>INO. Kllllfer C 3 '. 1 7 3 o Bei tal. a 7 I * th- . ind iint. made a a doable and ligned his contract between NATIONAL I.KA«.I K MA.MUMi, \MI;KI< end of single, fCoilello 0 0 0 \\. I.. P.C. R x»v p 4 1 I » 2 o -rn lor, e... I ill at bat. first and second cames of a double- U.I. ( \». I v.r. w. I.. p.< u. I. p.r. IV. I,. Pi o ' in four times P ... 2 a triple fi^ii Ne« York, .v, fi.' fi'J Ä2 .»70 K:in «III. 6S 5« ,.V¿8 Alexander-* 0 O o 0 0 0, I'oak p líe Merkle and header with the Pittsburgh P Totali 35 5 II 27 13 Total» 34 3 I 27 10 Phil«.. ..tí« il ,."i«4 M.loiii» .«9 lil ,4sil Hosten 79 M ,4te Pitt«brgh I'lrlner p. 'tit ha« bei 'Batted far Mamaua lo the «r.enih Inning.
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