L 226/16 NL Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie 30.7.2014

UITVOERINGSVERORDENING (EU) Nr. 826/2014 VAN DE RAAD van 30 juli 2014 tot uitvoering van Verordening (EU) nr. 269/2014 betreffende beperkende maatregelen met betrek­ king tot acties die de territoriale integriteit, soevereiniteit en onafhankelijkheid van Oekraïne ondermijnen of bedreigen

DE RAAD VAN DE EUROPESE UNIE, Gezien het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie, Gezien Verordening (EU) nr. 269/2014 van de Raad van 17 maart 2014 betreffende beperkende maatregelen met betrek­ king tot acties die de territoriale integriteit, soevereiniteit en onafhankelijkheid van Oekraïne ondermijnen of bedreigen (1), en met name artikel 14, lid 1, Overwegende hetgeen volgt: (1) Op 17 maart 2014 heeft de Raad Verordening (EU) nr. 269/2014 vastgesteld. (2) Gezien de ernst van de situatie in Oekraïne, is de Raad van oordeel dat bijkomende personen en entiteiten moeten worden toegevoegd aan de in bijlage I bij Verordening (EU) nr. 269/2014 opgenomen lijst van natuurlijke personen en rechtspersonen, entiteiten en lichamen die onderworpen zijn aan beperkende maatregelen. (3) Bijlage I bij Verordening (EU) nr. 269/2014 dient derhalve dienovereenkomstig te worden gewijzigd,


Artikel 1 De in de bijlage bij deze verordening genoemde personen en entiteiten worden toegevoegd aan de lijst in bijlage I bij Verordening (EU) nr. 269/2014.

Artikel 2 Deze verordening treedt in werking op de dag van de bekendmaking ervan in het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie.

Deze verordening is verbindend in al haar onderdelen en is rechtstreeks toepasselijk in elke lidstaat.

Gedaan te Brussel, 30 juli 2014.

Voor de Raad De voorzitter S. GOZI

(1) PB L 78 van 17.3.2014, blz. 6. 30.7.2014 NL Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie L 226/17




Datum van Naam Identificatie-gegevens Motivering plaatsing op de lijst

1. Alexey Alexeyevich Geboren: 31.5.1960; Als eerste onderstafchef van de presidentiële admini­ 30.7.2014 GROMOV in Zagorsk (Sergiev stratie is hij verantwoordelijk voor instructies aan Posad) de Russische media om zich gunstig op te stellen ten aanzien van de separatisten in Oekraïne en de annexatie van de Krim. Hij steunt derhalve de desta­ bilisering van Oost-Oekraïne en de annexatie van de Krim.

2. Oksana TCHIGRINA Woordvoerdster van de zogenaamde „regering” van 30.7.2014 Оксана Чигрина de zogenaamde „Volksrepubliek van Lugansk”, die verklaringen heeft afgelegd ter rechtvaardiging van o.m. het neerhalen van een militair vliegtuig van Oekraïne, gijzelnemingen en krijgsverrichtingen van de illegale gewapende groepen, waardoor de territo­ riale integriteit, de soevereiniteit en de eenheid van Oekraïne zijn ondemijnd.

3. Boris LITVINOV Lag vanaf 22 juli als voorzitter van de zogenaamde 30.7.2014 Борис Литвинов „Hoge Raad” van de zogenaamde „Volksrepubliek van ” aan de basis van beleid met betrek­ king tot en de organisatie van het illegaal refe­ rendum dat tot de uitroeping van de zogenaamde zelfverklaarde „Volksrepubliek van Donetsk” heeft geleid, hetgeen een inbreuk vormt op de territoriale integriteit, de soevereiniteit en de eenheid van Oekraïne.

4. Sergey ABISOV Geboren: 27.11. Aanvaardde zijn benoeming tot zogenaamde 30.7.2014 1967 „minister van Binnenlandse Zaken van de Krimrepu­ bliek” bij decreet van de president van Rusland (decreet Nr. 301) van 5 mei 2014, en heeft door zijn acties als zogenaamde „minister van Binnen­ landse Zaken” de territoriale integriteit, de soeverei­ niteit en de eenheid van Oekraïne ondermijnd

5 Arkady Romanovich Geboren: De heer Rotenberg is van oudsher een kennis van 30.7.2014 ROTENBERG 15.12.1951 in president Putin, en was eerder zijn judosparring­ Leningrad (Sint- partner. Petersburg) Hij heeft zijn fortuin gemaakt tijdens de regerings­ periode van president Putin. Hij is door Russische beleidsmakers bevoordeeld bij de toekenning van belangrijke aanbestedingen van de Russische staat of Russische overheidsbedrijven. Zijn bedrijven kregen met name meerdere lucratieve contracten toege­ wezen bij de voorbereiding van de Olympische Spelen in Sochi. Hij is een hoofdaandeelhouder van Giprotransmost, een bedrijf waaraan door een Russisch overheidsbe­ drijf een overheids-opdracht is gegund voor een haalbaarheidsstudie over de bouw van een brug tussen Rusland en de illegaal geannexeerde auto­ nome republiek Krim, waardoor hij de integratie van de illegaal geannexeerde autonome republiek Krim in de Russische Federatie verstevigt, hetgeen de territoriale integriteit van Oekraïne nog meer ondermijnt. L 226/18 NL Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie 30.7.2014

Datum van Naam Identificatie-gegevens Motivering plaatsing op de lijst

6. Konstantin Valere­ Geboren: 03.7.1974 De heer Malofeev heeft nauwe banden met 30.7.2014 vich MALOFEEV in Puschino Oekraïnse separatisten in Oost-Oekraïne en de Константин Krim. Hij is een voormalig werkgever van de heer Валерьевич Мало­ Borodai, de zogenaamde premier van de zoge­ феев naamde „Volksrepubliek van Donetsk” en had een ontmoeting met de heer Aksyonov, de zogenaamde premier van de zogenaamde „Krimrepubliek” in de periode van de annexatie van de Krim. De regering van Oekraïne heeft een strafrechtelijk onderzoek tegen hem geopend naar aanleiding van zijn vermeende materiële en financiële steun aan de separatisten. Daarnaast heeft hij een aantal openbare verkla­ ringen afgelegd waarin hij de annexatie van de Krim en de opneming van Oekraïne in Rusland steunde; hij verklaarde met name in juni 2014 dat „het niet mogelijk was om geheel Oekraïne in Rusland op te nemen, maar misschien wel het Oosten (van Oekraïne)”. De heer Malofeev steunt derhalve de destabilisering van Oost-Oekraïne.

7. Yuriy Valentinovich Geboren: 25.7.1951 De heer Kovalchuk is van oudsher een kennis van 30.7.2014 KOVALCHUK in Leningrad (Sint- president Putin. Hij is een medestichter van de zoge­ Юрий Валентинович Petersburg) naamde Ozero Dacha, een coöperatie die een groep Ковальчук invloedrijke personen rond president Putin verenigt. Hij trekt profijt uit zijn banden met Russische beleidsmakers. Hij is voorzitter en grootste aandeel­ houder van Bank Rossiya, waarvan in 2013 nagoeg 38 % in zijn bezit was, en die wordt beschouwd als de persoonlijke bank van hogere ambtenaren van de Russische Federatie. Sedert de illegale annexatie van de Krim heeft Bank Rossiya filialen geopend op de gehele Krim en in Sebastopol, waardoor zij de intre­ gatie daarvan in de Russische Federatie consolideert. Daarnaast heeft Bank Rossiya een belangrijk aandeel in de National Media Group, een groep die televisie­ zenders controleert waarop het destabiliseringsbe­ leid van de Russische regering actief wordt gesteund.

8. Nikolay Terentievich Geboren: 24.1.1950 De heer Terentievich is van oudsher een kennis van 30.7.2014 SHAMALOV president Putin. Hij is een medestichter van de zoge­ Николай naamde Ozero Dacha, een coöperatie die een groep Терентьевич invloedrijke personen rond president Putin verenigt. Шамалов Hij trekt profijt uit zijn banden met Russische beleidsmakers. Hij is voorzitter en de op een na grootste aandeelhouder van Bank Rossiya, waarvan in 2013 nagoeg 10 % in zijn bezit was, en die wordt beschouwd als de persoonlijke bank van hogere ambtenaren van de Russische Federatie. Sinds de illegale annexatie van de Krim heeft Bank Rossiya filialen geopend op de gehele Krim en in Sebastopol, waardoor zij de intregatie daarvan in de Russische Federatie consolideert. Daarnaast heeft Bank Rossiya een belangrijk aandeel in de National Media Group, een groep die televisie­ zenders controleert waarop het destabiliseringsbe­ leid van de Russische regering actief wordt gesteund. 30.7.2014 NL Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie L 226/19


Datum van Naam Identificatie-gegevens Motivering plaatsing op de lijst

1. AANDELEN- 41 ul.Vereiskaya, Almaz-Antei is een Russisch overheidsbedrijf. Het 30.7.2014 VENNOOTSCHAP Moscow 121471, produceert luchtafweersystemen waaronder grond- CONCERN Russia; luchtrakketten voor het Russiche leger. De Russiche ALMAZ-ANTEY (alias autoriteiten leveren zware wapens aan de separa­ ALMAZ-ANTEY CORP; Website: almaz-antey. ru; tisten in Oost-Oekraïne aan, en dragen daarmee bij alias ALMAZ-ANTEY tot de destabilisering van Oekraïne. De separatisten DEFENSE CORPORA­ E-mail adres antey@ gebruiken die wapens, onder meer om vlieg­ TION; alias ALMAZ- almaz-antey.ru tuigen neer te halen. Als overheidsbedrijf draagt ANTEY JSC;), Almaz-Antei derhalve bij tot de destabilisering van Oekraïne.

2. DOBROLET aka Airline code QD Dobrolet is een dochter van de Russische staats­ 30.7.2014 DOBROLYOT International luchtvaartmaatschappij. Sinds de illegale annexatie Добролет/Добролёт Highway, House 31, van de Krim heeft Dobrolet tot dusver uitsluitend building 1, 141411 vluchten tussen Moskou en Simferopol verzorgd. Moscow Daarmee faciliteert zij de integratie van de illegaal geannexeerde autonome republiek Krim in de 141411, Москва г, Russiche Federatie, en ondermijnt zij de soevereini­ Международное ш, teit en de territoriale integriteit van Oekraïne.. дом 31, строение 1 Website: www. dobrolet.com

3. RUSSIAN NATIONAL License of the Na de illegale annexatie van de Krim is de zoge­ 30.7.2014 COMMERCIAL BANK Central Bank of naamde „Krimrepubliek” de volledige eigenaar Russia No. 1354 geworden van de Russian National Commercial Russian Federation, Bank (RNCB). De bank is een dominante speler 127 030 Moscow, geworden op de markt, terwijl zij voor de annexatie Krasnoproletarskaya niet op de Krim aanwezig was. Door het kopen of street 9/5. overnemen van bijkantoren van banken die op de Krim actief waren maar zich nu terugtrekken, heeft de RNCB materieel en financieel de acties onder­ steunt van de Russische regering om de Krim in de Russische Federatie te integreren, en heeft zij derhalve de territoriale integriteit van Oekraïne ondermijnd. 25.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 221/1


(Non-legislative acts)


COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 810/2014 of 25 July 2014 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine (1), and in particu­ lar Article 14(1) thereof, Whereas: (1) On 17 March 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (2) In view of the gravity of the situation, the Council considers that additional natural and legal persons should be added to the list of persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (3) Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 should be amended accordingly,


Article 1 The persons and entities listed in the Annex to this Regulation shall be added to the list set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.

Article 2 This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 July 2014.

For the Council The President S. GOZI

(1) OJ L 78, 17.3.2014, p. 6. L 221/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.7.2014



I. Individuals

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

1. Mikhail Efimovich Born on 1.9.1950 in Permanent member of the Security Council 25.7.2014 FRADKOV Kurumoch, Kuibyshev of the Russian Federation; Director of the Михаил Ефимович region Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Фрадков Federation. As a member of the Security Council, which provides advice on and coor­ dinates national security affairs, he was involved in shaping the policy of the Russian Government threatening the territorial integ­ rity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

2. Nikolai Platonovich Born on 11.7.1951 in Permanent member and Secretary of the 25.7.2014 PATRUSHEV Leningrad (St Peters­ Security Council of the Russian Federation. Николай Платонович burg) As a member of the Security Council, which Патрушев provides advice on and coordinates national security affairs, he was involved in shaping the policy of the Russian Government threa­ tening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

3. Aleksandr Vasilievich Born on 15.11.1951 Permanent member of the Security Council 25.7.2014 BORTNIKOV in Perm of the Russian Federation; Director of the Александр Васильевич Federal Security Service (FSB). As a member Бортников of the Security Council, which provides advice on and coordinates national security affairs, he was involved in shaping the policy of the Russian Government threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and indepen­ dence of Ukraine.

4. Rashid Gumarovich Born on 8.10.1956 in Permanent member and Deputy Secretary of 25.7.2014 NURGALIEV Zhetikara, Kazakh the Security Council of the Russian Federa­ Рашид Гумарович Soviet Socialist tion. As a member of the Security Council, Нургалиев Republic which provides advice on and coordinates national security affairs, he was involved in shaping the policy of the Russian Govern­ ment threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

5. Boris Vyacheslavovich Born on 15.12.1950 Permanent member of the Security Council 25.7.2014 GRYZLOV in Vladivostok of the Russian Federation. As a member of Борис Вячеславович the Security Council, which provides advice Грызлов on and coordinates national security affairs, he was involved in shaping the policy of the Russian Government threatening the terri­ torial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

6. Sergei Orestovoch 1954 Commander of the Fifth Service of the FSB, 25.7.2014 BESEDA Federal Security Service of the Russian Сергей Орестович Federation. Беседа As a senior FSB officer, he heads a service responsible which oversees intelligence op­ erations and international activity. 25.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 221/3

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

7. Mikhail Vladimirovich Born on 10.7.1981 in Member of the State Duma. 25.7.2014 DEGTYAREV Kuibyshev (Samara) On 23.5.2014 he announced the inaugura­ Михаил Владимирович tion of the ‘de facto embassy’ of the unrecog­ Дегтярёв nized, so-called, ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ in Moscow, he contributes to undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

8. Ramzan Akhmado­ Born on 5.10.1976 in President of the Republic of Chechnya. 25.7.2014 vitch KADYROV Tsentaroy. Kadyrov made statements in support of the Рамзан Ахматович illegal annexation of Crimea and in support Кадыров of the armed insurgency in Ukraine. He stated inter alia on 14 June 2014 that he ‘will do anything to help revive Crimea’. In that context, he was awarded the medal for ‘the liberation of Crimea’ by the Acting Head of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for the support he provided to the unlawful annexation of Crimea. In addition, on 1 June 2014 he expressed his readiness to send 74 000 Chechen volonteers to Ukraine if requested to do so.

9. Alexander Nikolaye­ Born on 23.12.1960 Governor of the Krasnodar Krai. 25.7.2014 vich TKACHYOV in Vyselki. He was awarded the medal ‘for the liberation АЛЕКСАНДР of Crimea’ by the Acting head of the Auton­ НИКОЛАЕВИЧ Ткачёв omous Republic of Crimea for the support he provided to the unlawful annexation of Crimea. At that occasion, the Acting Head of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea said that Tkachyov was one of the first to express his support to the new ‘leadership’ of Crimea.

10. Born on 10.2.1983 in One of the self-described leaders of the so- 25.7.2014 Павел Юрьевич called ‘people' Republic of Donetsk’. He Губарев requested Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine, including through the deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces. He is asso­ ciated with Igor Strelkov/Girkin, who is responsible for actions which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Gubarev is responsible for recruiting people for armed forces of separatists. Responsible for taking over of the regional government building in Donetsk with pro- Russian forces and proclaimed himself the ‘people's governor’. Despite being arrested for threatening the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and subse­ quently released, he has continued to play a prominent role in separatist activities, thus undermining the territorial integrity, sover­ eignty and independence of Ukraine. L 221/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.7.2014

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

11. Ekaterina GUBAREVA Born on 5.7.1983 in In her capacity of so called ‘Minister of 25.7.2014 Екатерина Юрьевна Kakhovka Foreign Affairs’ she is responsible of Губарева defending the so called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’, thus undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. In addition, her bank account is used to finance illegal armed separatist groups. In taking on and acting in this capacity she has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

12. Fedor BEREZIN Born on 7.2.1960 in The so-called ‘deputy defence minister’ of the 25.7.2014 Фёдор Дмитриевич Donetsk so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. He is Березин associated with Igor Strelkov/Girkin, the so-called ‘defence minister’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’, who is respon­ sible for actions which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. In taking on and acting in this capacity Berezin has there­ fore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sover­ eignty and independence of Ukraine.

13. Valery Vladimirovich Born on 2.4.1956 in The self-described ‘president’ of the so-called 25.7.2014 KAUROV Odessa ‘Republic of ’ who has called on Валерий Владимирович Russia to deploy troops to Ukraine. In taking Кауров on and acting in this capacity he has there­ fore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sover­ eignty and independence of Ukraine.

14. Serhii Anatoliyovych Born on 23.6.1972 in Senior aid to Igor Strelkov/Girkin who is 25.7.2014 ZDRILIUK Vinnytsia region responsible for actions which undermine or Сергей Анатольевич threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty Здрылюкv and independence of Ukraine. In taking on and acting in this capacity, Zdriliuk has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

15. Born on 19.2. 1951 Former ‘Ministry of State Security’ in the 25.7.2014 Владимир Антюфеев in Novosibirsk separatist region of Transnistria. Since 9 July 2014, he has been the first vice-prime (aka Vladimir minister of Donetsk People's Republic, SHEVTSOV, Vladimir responsible for security and law enforcement. Iurievici ANTIUFEEV, In his capacity, he is responsible for the Vladimir Gheorghie­ separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so vici ALEXANDROV, called ‘government of the Donetsk People's Vadim Gheorghievici Republic’. SHEVTSOV) 25.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 221/5

II. Entities undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

1. So called ‘Lugansk Official website: The so called ‘Lugansk People's Republic’ was 25.7.2014 People's Republic’ http://lugansk-online. established on 27 April 2014. ‘Луганская народная info Responsible for organising the illegal refer­ республика’ Phone number endum on May 11 2014. Declaration of independence on May 12 2014. ‘Luganskaya narodnaya +38-099-160-74-14 respublika’ On 22 May 2014, the so called ‘People's Republics’ of Donetsk and Lugansk created the so called ‘Federal State of Novorossiya’. This is in breach of Ukrainian constitutional law, and, as a consequence, of international law, thus undermining the territorial integ­ rity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. It is also involved in the recruitment to the separatist ‘Army of Southeast’ and other illegal armed separatist groups, thus under­ mining the stability or security of Ukraine.

2. So called ‘Donetsk Official information, The so called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ 25.7.2014 People's Republic’ including the Consti­ was declared on 7 April 2014. ‘Донецкая народная tution of Donetsk Responsible for organizing the illegal refer­ республика’ People's Republic and endum on May 11 2014. Declaration of the composition of independence on May 12 2014. ‘Donétskaya naród­ the Supreme Council naya respúblika’ On 24 May 2014, the so called ‘People's http://dnr-news.com/ Republics’ of Donetsk and Lugansk signed an Social media: agreement on the creation of the so called https://twitter.com/ ‘Federal State of Novorossiya’. dnrpress This is in breach of Ukrainian constitutional http://vk.com/dnrnews law, and, as a consequence, of international law, thus undermining the territorial integ­ rity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. It is also involved in the recruitment to illegal armed separatist groups, thus threa­ tening the stability or security of Ukraine.

3. So called ‘Federal State Official press releases: On 24 May 2014, the so called ‘People's 25.7.2014 of Novorossiya’ http://novorossia.su/ Republics’ of Donetsk and Lugansk signed an ‘Федеративное госу­ official agreement on the creation of the unrecog­ дарство Новороссия’ nized so called ‘Federal State of Novorossiya’. ‘Federativnoye Gosu­ This is in breach of Ukrainian constitutional darstvo Novorossiya’ law, and, as a consequence, of international law, thus threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. L 221/6 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.7.2014

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

4. International Union of Official web site: The ‘Great Don army’ established the 25.7.2014 Public Associations http://vvd2003.narod. ‘Cossack National Guard’, responsible for ‘Great Don Army’ ru/ fighting against the Ukrainian government forces in Eastern Ukraine, thus undermining Международный Союз Phone number: Общественных Объе­ the territorial integrity, sovereignty and inde­ динений +7-8-908-178-65-57 pendence of Ukraine as well as threatening the stability or security of Ukraine. ‘Всевеликое Войско Social media: Донское’ Cossack National Associated with Mr, Nikolay KOZITSYN, who Guard is Commander of Cossack forces and respon­ sible for commanding separatists in Eastern http://vk.com/kazak_ Ukraine fighting against the Ukrainian nac_guard government forces. Address: 346465 Russia Rostov Region. October (C) District. St Zaplavskaya. Str Shosseynaya 1

5. ‘Sobol’ Official web site: Radical paramilitary organisation, responsible 25.7.2014 ‘СОБОЛЬ’ http://soboli.net for openly supporting using force to end Ukraine's control over Crimea, thus under­ Social media: mining the territorial integrity, sovereignty http://vk.com/ and independence of Ukraine sobolipress Responsible for training separatists to fight Phone number: against the Ukrainian government forces in (0652) 60-23-93. Eastern Ukraine, thus threatening the stabi­ lity or security of Ukraine. Email: SoboliPress@ gmail.com Address: Crimea, Simferopol, str. Kiev, 4 (area bus station ‘Central’).

6. So called ‘Lugansk Social media: Self-defence militia of Lugansk, responsible 25.7.2014 Guard’ https://vk.com/luguard for training separatists to fight against the ‘Луганская гвардия’ Ukrainian government forces in Eastern http://vk.com/ Ukraine, thus threatening the stability or club68692201 security of Ukraine. Associated with Mr, German PROPOKIV, active leader who is responsible for taking part in the seizure of the building of the Lugansk regional office of the Ukrainian Security Service and recorded a video address to President Putin and Russia from the occupied building. 25.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 221/7

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

7. So called ‘Army of the Recruitment: Illegal armed separatist group which is 25.7.2014 Southeast’ http://lugansk-online. considered to be one of the most important ‘Армии Юго-Востока’ info/statements in Eastern Ukraine. Social media: Responsible for occupying the building of the Security Service in the Lugansk region. http://vk.com/ Retired officer. lugansksbu Associated with Mr. Valeriy BOLOTOV, listed as one of the leaders of the group. Associated with Mr. Vasyl NIKITIN, respon­ sible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activ­ ities of the so called ‘government of the People' s Republic of

8. So called ‘Donbass Social media: Illegal armed separatist group responsible for 25.7.2014 People's Militia’ http://vk.com/ fighting against the Ukrainian government ‘Нарóдное ополчéние polkdonbassa forces in the Eastern Ukraine, thus threa­ tening the stability or security of Ukraine. Донбáсса’ +38-099-445-63-78; Inter alia, the militant group seized control +38-063-688-60-01; of several government buildings in Eastern +38-067-145-14-99; Ukraine in early April 2014, thus under­ +38-094-912-96-60; mining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. +38-062-213-26-60 Its former leader Mr. Pavel Email: voenkom.dnr@ mail.ru Gubarev, is responsible for the taking over of the regional government building in Donetsk mobilisation@ with pro-Russian forces and proclaiming novorossia.co himself the ‘people's governor’. Telephone volunteers in Russia: +7 (926) 428-99-51 +7 (967) 171-27-09 or email novoross24@ mail.ru Address: Donetsk. Prospect Zasyadko.13

9. ‘Vostok battalion’ Social media: Illegal armed separatist group which is 25.7.2014 ‘батальоны Восток’ http://vk.com/ considered to be one of the most important patriotic_forces_of_ in Eastern Ukraine. donbas Responsible fighting against the Ukrainian government forces in Eastern Ukraine, thus threatening the stability or security of Ukraine. Attempted to seize the Donetsk Airport L 221/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.7.2014

III. Entities whose ownership has been transferred contrary to Ukrainian law

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

1. State ferry enterprise 16 Tselibernaya Street, The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 ‘Kerch ferry’ 98307 Kerch contrary to the Ukrainian law. The ‘Parlia­ Государственная (Автономная Респу­ ment of Crimea’ adopted a resolution судоходная компания блика Крым, г. Керчь, No. 1757-6/14 on 17.3.2014 ‘On nationali­ ‘Керченская паромная ул. Целимберная, 16) zation of some companies belonging to the переправа’ Ukrainian ministries of infrastructure or agri­ code: 14333981 culture’ and the ‘Presidium of the Parliament Gosudarstvenoye of Crimea’ adopted a decision No. 1802-6/ predpriyatiye 14 on 24.3.2014 ‘On state-owned Ferry Kerchenskaya parom­ Enterprise Kerch Ferry’ declaring the appro­ naya pereprava priation of assets belonging to the state ferry enterprise ‘Kerch Ferry’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.

2. State enterprise 3 Place Nakhimova, The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 ‘Sevastopol commer­ 99011 Sevastopol contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 17.3.2014 cial seaport’ (99011, г. Севасто­ the ‘Parliament of Crimea’ adopted a reso­ поль, пл. Нахимова, 3) lution No. 1757-6/14 ‘On nationalization of Государственное some companies belonging to the Ukrainian предприятие ‘Севасто­ code: 01125548 ministries of infrastructure or agriculture’ польский морской declaring the appropriation of assets торговый порт’ belonging to the state enterprise ‘Sevastopol Gosudarstvenoye commercial seaport’ on behalf of the predpriyatiye ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus Sevastopolski morskoy effectively confiscated by the Crimean torgovy port ‘authorities’. In terms of volume of trade, it is the biggest commercial seaport in Crimea.

3. State enterprise ‘Kerch 28 Kirova Str., 98312, The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 commercial sea port’ Kerch, Autonomous contrary to the Ukrainian law. The ‘Parlia­ Государственное Republic of Crimea, ment of Crimea’ adopted a resolution предприятие (98312, Автономная No.1757-6/14 on 17.3.2014 ‘On nationali­ ‘Керченский морской Республика Крым, г. zation of some companies belonging to the торговый порт’ Керчь, ул. Кирова, 28) Ukrainian ministries of infrastructure or agri­ culture’ and a resolution No. 1865-6/14 on Gosudarstvenoye Code: 01125554 26.3.2014 ‘On State-Owned Enterprise predpriyatiye "Crimean Sea Ports’ (‘О Государственном Kerchenski morskoy предприятии "Крымские морские порты’) torgovy port declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the state enterprise ‘Kerch Commercial Sea Port’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’. In terms of volume of trade, it is the second biggest commercial seaport in Crimea. 25.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 221/9

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

4. State enterprise 5, Aeroflotskaya The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 Universal -Avia street, 95024 Simfer­ contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 24.3.2014 Государственном opol the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ предприятии (Аэрофлотская улица, adopted a decision ‘On State-owned Enter­ ‘Универсал-Авиа’ 5, Симферополь г.) prise "Gosudarstvenoye predpriyatiye Universal-Avia’ (‘О Государственном пред­ Gosudarstvenoye приятии “Универсал-Авиа”)’ No. 1794-6/14 predpriyatiye declaring the appropriation of assets ‘Universal-Avia’ belonging to the state enterprise ‘Universal- Avia’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.

5. Resort ‘Nizhnyaya Resort ‘Nizhnyaya The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 Oreanda’ Oreanda’, 08655, contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 21 March Санаторий ‘Нижняя Yalta, Oreanda the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ Ореанда’ (08655, г.Ялта, пгт. adopted a decision ‘On the questions of crea­ Ореанда, Санаторий tion of the Association of sanatoria and ‘Нижняя Ореанда’) resorts’ No. 1767-6/14 declaring the appro­ priation of assets belonging to the resort ‘Nizhnyaya Oreanda’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.

6. Crimean enterprise 40 Zeleznodorozh­ The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 ‘Azov distillery plant’ naya str., 96178 town contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April Крымское республи­ of Azov, Jankoysky the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ канское предприятие district adopted a decision No 1991-6/14 ‘On the ‘Азовский ликерово­ Джанкойский район, amendments to the Resolution of the State дочный Завод’ пгт Азовское, ул. Council of the Republic of Crimea’ of 26 Железнодорожная, 40) March 26 2014 No. 1836-6/14 ‘On nationa­ Azovsky likerovo­ lization of the property of enterprises, insti­ dochny zavod code: 01271681 tutions and organizations of agro-industrial complex, located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea’ declaring the appropria­ tion of assets belonging to the ‘Azovsky like­ rovodochny zavod’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.

7. State concern 6, str. Mira, Massandra The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 ‘National Association 98600 city of Yalta contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April of producers (98600, г. Ялта, пгт the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ “Massandra”’ Массандра, ул. Мира, adopted a decision No 1991-6/14 ‘On the Национальное произ­ д. 6) amendments to the Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea’ of водственно-аграрное code: 00411890 объединение 26 March No. 1836-6/14 ‘On nationaliza­ ‘Массандра’ tion of the property of enterprises, institu­ tions and organizations of agro-industrial Nacionalnoye proiz­ complex, located in the territory of the vodstvenno agrarnoye Republic of Crimea’ declaring the appropria­ obyedinenye tion of assets belonging to the state concern Massandra ‘National Association of producers “Massandra”’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’. L 221/10 EN Official Journal of the European Union 25.7.2014

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

8. ‘State enterprise 9 Chapayeva str., The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 Magarach of the 98433 Vilino, Bakh­ contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April national institute of chisarayski district, the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ wine’ (98433, Автономная adopted a decision No 1991-6/14 ‘On the Государственное Республика Крым, amendments to the Resolution of the State предприятие Агро­ Бахчисарайский район, Council of the Republic of Crimea’ of 26 фирма ‘Магарач’ с. Вилино, ул. Чапаева, March 26 2014 No. 1836-6/14 ‘On nationa­ Национального инсти­ д. 9) lization of the property of enterprises, insti­ tutions and organizations of agro-industrial тута винограда и вина Code: 31332064 ‘Магарач’ complex, located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea’ declaring the appropria­ Gosudarstvenoye tion of assets belonging to the state enter­ predpriyatiye ‘Agro­ prise ‘Gosudarstvenoye predpriyatiye “Agro­ firma Magarach’ nacio­ firma Magarach” nacionalnogo instituta vino­ nalnogo instituta vino­ grada i vina “Magarach”’ on behalf of the grada i vina ‘Magarach’ ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.

9. State enterprise 1 Shalyapina str., The ownership of the entity was transferred 25.7.2014 ‘Factory of sparkling 98032 Sudak, Novy contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April wine Novy Svet’ Svet the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ Государственное (98032, г. Судак, пгт adopted a decision No. 1991-6/14 ‘On the предприятиеЗавод Новый Свет, ул. amendments to the Resolution of the State шампанских вин Шаляпина, д. 1) Council of the Republic of Crimea’ of 26 ‘Новый свет’ March 26 2014 No. 1836-6/14 ‘On nationa­ Code: 00412665 lization of the property of enterprises, insti­ Gosudarstvenoye tutions and organizations of agro-industrial predpriyatiye ‘Zavod complex, located in the territory of the shampanskykh vin “Republic of Crimea” declaring the appro­ Novy Svet’ priation of assets belonging to the state enterprise “Zavod shampanskykh vin Novy Svet”’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’. 12.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 205/7


COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 753/2014 of 11 July 2014 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine (1), and in particu­ lar Article 14(1) thereof, Whereas: (1) On17 March 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (2) In view of the gravity of the situation in Ukraine, the Council considers that additional persons should be added to the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (3) Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1 The persons listed in the Annex to this Regulation shall be added to the list set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.

Article 2 This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 11 July 2014.

For the Council The President S. GOZI

(1) OJ L 78, 17.3.2014, p. 6. L 205/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union 12.7.2014



Identifying Name Reasons Date of listing information

1. Aleksandr Yurevich DOB: So called ‘Prime Minister of People's Republic of 12.7.2014 BORODAI (Александр 25.7.1972 in Donetsk’. Юрьевич Бородай) Moscow Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the Donetsk People' s Republic’ (e.g. on 8 July stated ‘our military is conducting a special operation against the Ukrainian “fascists”’), Signatory of the Memorandum of Under­ standing on ‘Novorossiya union’

2. Alexander KHODA­ So called ‘Minister of Security of People's Republic of 12.7.2014 KOVSKY (Александр Donetsk’. Сергеевич Responsible for the separatist security activities of the Ходаковский) so called ‘government of the Donetsk People' s Republic’

3. Alexandr Aleksan­ So called ‘de facto Deputy Prime Minister for Social 12.7.2014 drovich KALYUSSKY, Affairs of DPR’. (Александр Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities Александрович of the so called ‘government of the Donetsk People' s Калюсский) Republic’

4. Alexander So called ‘Information and Mass Communications 12.7.2014 KHRYAKOV Minister of DPR’. Responsible for the pro-separatist propaganda activ­ ities of the so called ‘government of the Donetsk People' s Republic’

5. Marat BASHIROV So called ‘Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers 12.7.2014 of the People' s Republic of Luhansk, confirmed on 8 Jul’. Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the People' s Republic of Luhansk’

6. Vasyl NIKITIN So called ‘Vice Prime Minister of the Council of 12.7.2014 Ministers of the People' s Republic of Luhansk’, (used to be the so called ‘Prime Minister of the People' s Republic of Luhansk’, and former spokesman of the ‘Army of the Southeast’). Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the People' s Republic of Luhansk’ Responsible for the statement of the Army of the Southeast that the Ukrainian presidential elections in the ‘People's Republic of Luhansk’ cannot take place due to the ‘new’ status of the region. 12.7.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 205/9

Identifying Name Reasons Date of listing information

7. Aleksey KARYAKIN 1979 So called ‘Supreme Council Chair of the People' s 12.7.2014 (Алексей Карякин) Republic of Luhansk’. Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the ‘Supreme Council’, responsible for asking the Russian Federation to recognize the independence of ‘People' s Republic of Luhansk’ Signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding on the ‘Novorossiya union’

8. Yurij IVAKIN (Юрий So called ‘Minister of Internal Affairs of the People' s 12.7.2014 Ивакин) Republic of Luhansk’. Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the People' s Republic of Luhansk’

9. So called ‘Defence Minister of the People' s Republic 12.7.2014 of Luhansk’. Responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the People' s Republic of Luhansk’

10. Nikolay KOZITSYN June 20, 1956 Commander of Cossack forces. 12.7.2014 in Donetsk Responsible for commanding separatists in Eastern region Ukraine fighting against the Ukrainian government forces

11. Oleksiy MOZGOVY One of the leaders of armed groups in Eastern 12.7.2014 (Олексій Мозговий) Ukraine. Responsible for training separatists to fight against the Ukrainian government forces 6.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 66/1

II (Non-legislative acts)


COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 208/2014 of 5 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, (4) Decision 2014/119/CFSP provides for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons identified as responsible for the misappropriation of Ukrainian State funds and persons responsible for Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European human rights violations in Ukraine, and natural or legal Union, and in particular Article 215 thereof, persons, entities or bodies associated with them, with a view to consolidating and supporting the rule of law and respect for human rights in Ukraine. Those persons, entities and bodies are listed in the Annex to that Having regard to Council Decision 2014/119/CFSP of 5 March Decision. 2014 concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Ukraine ( 1 ), (5) These measures fall within the scope of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and, therefore, notably with a view to ensuring their uniform application Having regard to the joint proposal of the High Representative by economic operators in all Member States, regulatory of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and of the action at the level of the Union is necessary in order to European Commission, implement them.

Whereas: (6) This Regulation respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles recognised in particular by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and notably the right to an effective remedy and to a fair (1) On 20 February 2014, the Council condemned in the trial and the right to the protection of personal data. This strongest terms all use of violence in Ukraine. It called Regulation should be applied in accordance with those for an immediate end to the violence, and full respect for rights and principles. human rights and fundamental freedoms in Ukraine. It called upon the Ukrainian Government to exercise maximum restraint and opposition leaders to distance themselves from those who resort to radical action, (7) The power to amend the list in Annex I to this Regu­ including violence. lation should be exercised by the Council, in view of the serious political situation in Ukraine, and to ensure consistency with the process for amending and reviewing the Annex to Decision 2014/119/CFSP. (2) On 3 March 2014, the Council agreed to focus restrictive measures on the freezing and recovery of assets of persons identified as responsible for the misappropriation of Ukrainian State funds and persons responsible for (8) The procedure for amending the list in Annex I to this human rights violations in Ukraine. Regulation should include providing designated natural or legal persons, entities or bodies with the grounds for listing, so as to give them an opportunity to submit observations. Where observations are submitted, (3) On 5 March 2014, the Council adopted Decision or substantial new evidence is presented, the Council 2014/119/CFSP. should review its decision in light of those observations and inform the person, entity or body concerned accord­ ( 1 ) See page 26 of this Official Journal. ingly. L 66/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 6.3.2014

(9) For the implementation of this Regulation, and in order (c) ‘competent authorities’ means the competent authorities of to create maximum legal certainty within the Union, the the Member States as identified on the websites listed in names and other relevant data concerning natural and Annex II; legal persons, entities and bodies whose funds and economic resources must be frozen in accordance with this Regulation, must be made public. Any processing of (d) ‘economic resources’ means assets of every kind, whether personal data should comply with Regulation (EC) No tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Coun­ not funds, but may be used to obtain funds, goods or cil ( 1 ) and Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament services; and of the Council ( 2 ).

(e) ‘freezing of economic resources’ means preventing the use (10) In order to ensure that the measures provided for in this of economic resources to obtain funds, goods or services in Regulation are effective, it should enter into force any way, including, but not limited to, by selling, hiring or immediately, mortgaging them;

HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: (f) ‘freezing of funds’ means preventing any move, transfer, alteration, use of, access to, or dealing with funds in any Article 1 way that would result in any change in their volume, amount, location, ownership, possession, character, desti­ For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions nation or other change that would enable the funds to be apply: used, including portfolio management;

(a) ‘claim’ means any claim, whether asserted by legal proceedings or not, made before or after 6 March 2014, (g) ‘funds’ means financial assets and benefits of every kind, under or in connection with a contract or transaction, and including, but not limited to: includes in particular: (i) cash, cheques, claims on money, drafts, money orders (i) a claim for performance of any obligation arising under and other payment instruments; or in connection with a contract or transaction;

(ii) deposits with financial institutions or other entities, (ii) a claim for extension or payment of a bond, financial balances on accounts, debts and debt obligations; guarantee or indemnity of whatever form;

(iii) a claim for compensation in respect of a contract or (iii) publicly- and privately-traded securities and debt transaction; instruments, including stocks and shares, certificates representing securities, bonds, notes, warrants, debentures and derivatives contracts; (iv) a counterclaim;

(iv) interest, dividends or other income on or value (v) a claim for the recognition or enforcement, including accruing from or generated by assets; by the procedure of exequatur, of a judgment, an arbitration award or an equivalent decision, wherever made or given; (v) credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds or other financial commitments; (b) ‘contract or transaction’ means any transaction of whatever form and whatever the applicable law, whether comprising one or more contracts or similar obligations made between (vi) letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of sale; and the same or different parties; for this purpose ‘contract’ includes a bond, guarantee or indemnity, particularly a (vii) documents showing evidence of an interest in funds or financial guarantee or financial indemnity, and credit, financial resources; whether legally independent or not, as well as any related provision arising under, or in connection with, the trans­ action; (h) ‘territory of the Union’ means the territories of the Member States to which the Treaty is applicable, under the 1 ( ) Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the conditions laid down in the Treaty, including their airspace. Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community insti­ tutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1). Article 2 ( 2 ) Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to 1. All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such held or controlled by any natural or legal person, entity or body data (OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31). as listed in Annex I shall be frozen. 6.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 66/3

2. No funds or economic resources shall be made available, 2. The Member State concerned shall inform the other directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit of natural or legal Member States and the Commission of any authorisation persons, entities or bodies listed in Annex I. granted under paragraph 1.

Article 5 Article 3 1. By way of derogation from Article 2, the competent auth­ 1. Annex I shall include persons who, in accordance with orities of the Member States may authorise the release of certain Article 1 of Decision 2014/119/CFSP, have been identified by frozen funds or economic resources, if the following conditions the Council as being responsible for the misappropriation of are met: Ukrainian State funds, and persons responsible for human rights violations in Ukraine, and natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them. (a) the funds or economic resources are subject to an arbitral decision rendered prior to the date on which the natural or legal person, entity or body referred to in Article 2 was 2. Annex I shall include the grounds for the listing of natural included in Annex I, or of a judicial or administrative or legal persons, entities and bodies concerned. decision rendered in the Union, or a judicial decision enforceable in the Member State concerned, prior to or after that date; 3. Annex I shall include, where available, information necessary to identify the natural or legal persons, entities and (b) the funds or economic resources will be used exclusively to bodies concerned. With regard to natural persons, such satisfy claims secured by such a decision or recognised as information may include names including aliases, date and valid in such a decision, within the limits set by applicable place of birth, nationality, passport and ID card numbers, laws and regulations governing the rights of persons having gender, address, if known, and function or profession. With such claims; regard to legal persons, entities and bodies, such information may include names, place and date of registration, registration number and place of business. (c) the decision is not for the benefit of a natural or legal person, entity or body listed in Annex I; and

Article 4 (d) recognition of the decision is not contrary to public policy 1. By way of derogation from Article 2, the competent auth­ in the Member State concerned. orities of the Member States may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources, or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, under such conditions as 2. The Member State concerned shall inform the other they deem appropriate, after having determined that the funds Member States and the Commission of any authorisation or economic resources concerned are: granted under paragraph 1.

(a) necessary to satisfy the basic needs of the natural or legal Article 6 persons, entities or bodies listed in Annex I, and dependent 1. By way of derogation from Article 2 and provided that a family members of such natural persons, including payment by a natural or legal person, entity or body listed in payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and Annex I is due under a contract or agreement that was medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public concluded by, or under an obligation that arose for the utility charges; natural or legal person, entity or body concerned, before the date on which that natural or legal person, entity or body was included in Annex I, the competent authorities of the Member (b) intended exclusively for payment of reasonable professional States may authorise, under such conditions as they deem fees or reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with appropriate, the release of certain frozen funds or economic the provision of legal services; resources, provided that the competent authority concerned has determined that:

(c) intended exclusively for payment of fees or service charges (a) the funds or economic resources shall be used for a for routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds or payment by a natural or legal person, entity or body economic resources; or listed in Annex I; and

(d) necessary for extraordinary expenses, provided that the (b) the payment is not in breach of Article 2(2). relevant competent authority has notified the grounds on which it considers that a specific authorisation should be granted to the competent authorities of the other Member 2. The Member State concerned shall inform the other States and to the Commission at least two weeks prior to Member States and the Commission of any authorisation authorisation. granted under paragraph 1. L 66/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 6.3.2014

Article 7 Article 10 1. Article 2(2) shall not prevent the crediting of the frozen 1. The freezing of funds and economic resources or the accounts by financial or credit institutions that receive funds refusal to make funds or economic resources available, carried transferred by third parties onto the account of a listed out in good faith on the basis that such action is in accordance natural or legal person, entity or body, provided that any with this Regulation, shall not give rise to liability of any kind additions to such accounts will also be frozen. The financial on the part of the natural or legal person or entity or body or credit institution shall inform the relevant competent implementing it, or its directors or employees, unless it is authority about any such transaction without delay. proved that the funds and economic resources were frozen or withheld as a result of negligence. 2. Article 2(2) shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of: 2. Actions by natural or legal persons, entities or bodies shall not give rise to any liability of any kind on their part if they did (a) interest or other earnings on those accounts; not know, and had no reasonable cause to suspect, that their actions would infringe the prohibitions set out in this Regu­ (b) payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations lation. that were concluded or arose before the date on which the natural or legal person, entity or body referred to in Article 2 has been included in Annex I; or Article 11 1. No claims in connection with any contract or transaction (c) payments due under judicial, administrative or arbitral the performance of which has been affected, directly or indi­ decisions rendered in a Member State or enforceable in rectly, in whole or in part, by the measures imposed under this the Member State concerned, Regulation, including claims for indemnity or any other claim of this type, such as a claim for compensation or a claim under a guarantee, notably a claim for extension or payment of a provided that any such interest, other earnings and payments bond, guarantee or indemnity, particularly a financial are frozen in accordance with Article 2(1). guarantee or financial indemnity, of whatever form, shall be satisfied, if they are made by: Article 8

1. Without prejudice to the applicable rules concerning (a) designated natural or legal persons, entities or bodies listed reporting, confidentiality and professional secrecy, natural and in Annex I; legal persons, entities and bodies shall:

(a) supply immediately any information which would facilitate (b) any natural or legal person, entity or body acting through compliance with this Regulation, such as information on or on behalf of one of the persons, entities or bodies accounts and amounts frozen in accordance with Article 2, referred to in point (a). to the competent authority of the Member State where they are resident or located, and shall transmit such information, directly or through the Member State, to the Commission; 2. In any proceedings for the enforcement of a claim, the and onus of proving that satisfying the claim is not prohibited by paragraph 1 shall be on the natural or legal person, entity or (b) cooperate with the competent authority in any verification body seeking the enforcement of that claim. of such information. 3. This Article is without prejudice to the right of the natural 2. Any additional information received directly by the or legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in paragraph 1 Commission shall be made available to the Member States. to judicial review of the legality of the non-performance of contractual obligations in accordance with this Regulation. 3. Any information provided or received in accordance with this Article shall be used only for the purposes for which it was provided or received. Article 12 1. The Commission and Member States shall inform each 4. Paragraph 3 shall not prevent Member States from sharing other of the measures taken under this Regulation and share that information, in accordance with their national law, with the any other relevant information at their disposal in connection relevant authorities of Ukraine and other Member States where with this Regulation in particular information: necessary for the purpose of assisting the recovery of misappro­ priated funds. (a) in respect of funds frozen under Article 2 and authori­ sations granted under Articles 4, 5 and 6; Article 9 It shall be prohibited to participate, knowingly and inten­ tionally, in activities the object or effect of which is to (b) in respect of violation and enforcement problems and circumvent the measures referred to in Article 2. judgments handed down by national courts. 6.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 66/5

2. The Member States shall immediately inform each other Article 16 and the Commission of any other relevant information at their disposal which might affect the effective implementation of this 1. Member States shall designate the competent authorities Regulation. referred to in this Regulation and identify them on the websites listed in Annex II. Member States shall notify the Commission Article 13 of any changes in the addresses of their websites listed in Annex II. The Commission shall be empowered to amend Annex II on the basis of information supplied by Member States. 2. Member States shall notify the Commission of their competent authorities, including the contact details of those Article 14 competent authorities, without delay after the entry into force of this Regulation, and shall notify it of any subsequent 1. Where the Council decides to subject a natural or legal amendment. person, entity or body to the measures referred to in Article 2, it shall amend Annex I accordingly. 3. Where this Regulation sets out a requirement to notify, inform or otherwise communicate with the Commission, the 2. The Council shall communicate its decision, including the address and other contact details to be used for such communi­ grounds for listing, to the natural or legal person, entity or body cation shall be those indicated in Annex II. referred to in paragraph 1, either directly, if the address is known, or through the publication of a notice, providing Article 17 such natural or legal person, entity or body with an opportunity to present observations. This Regulation shall apply:

3. Where observations are submitted, or where substantial (a) within the territory of the Union, including its airspace; new evidence is presented, the Council shall review its decision and inform the natural or legal person, entity or (b) on board any aircraft or any vessel under the jurisdiction of body accordingly. a Member State;

4. The list in Annex I shall be reviewed at regular intervals (c) to any person inside or outside the territory of the Union and at least every 12 months. who is a national of a Member State;

Article 15 (d) to any legal person, entity or body, inside or outside the territory of the Union, which is incorporated or constituted 1. Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties under the law of a Member State; applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are (e) to any legal person, entity or body in respect of any implemented. The penalties provided for must be effective, business done in whole or in part within the Union. proportionate and dissuasive. Article 18 2. Member States shall notify the rules referred to in paragraph 1 to the Commission without delay after 6 March This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its 2014 and shall notify it of any subsequent amendment. publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 5 March 2014.

For the Council The President D. KOURKOULAS L 66/6 EN Official Journal of the European Union 6.3.2014


List of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 2

Name Identifying information Statement of reasons Date of listing

1. Viktor Fedorovych born on 9 July 1950, former Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 Yanukovych President of Ukraine proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

2. Vitalii Yuriyovych born on 20 January 1963, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 Zakharchenko former Minister of Internal proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ Affairs tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

3. Viktor Pavlovych born on 6 February 1954, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 Pshonka former Prosecutor General of proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ Ukraine tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

4. Oleksandr Hryhorovych born on 22 December 1964, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 Yakymenko former Head of Security proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ Service of Ukraine tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

5. Andriy Volodymyrovych born on 27 October 1973, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 Portnov former Adviser to the proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ President of Ukraine tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

6. Olena Leonidivna Lukash born on 12 November 1976, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 former Minister of Justice proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

7. Andrii Petrovych Kliuiev born on 12 August 1964, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 former Head of Adminis­ proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ tration of President of Ukraine tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine. 6.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 66/7

Name Identifying information Statement of reasons Date of listing

8. Viktor Ivanovych born on 16 October 1959, Person subject to criminal 6.3.2014 Ratushniak former Deputy Minister of proceedings in Ukraine to inves­ Internal Affairs tigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

9. Oleksandr Viktorovych born on 1 July 1973, son of Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Yanukovych former President, businessman Ukraine for involvement in crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

10. Viktor Viktorovych born on 16 July 1981, son of Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Yanukovych former President, Member of Ukraine for involvement in the Verkhovna Rada of crimes in connection with the Ukraine embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

11. Artem Viktorovych born on 19 March 1976, son Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Pshonka of former Prosecutor General, Ukraine for involvement in Deputy Head of the faction of crimes in connection with the Party of Regions in the embezzlement of Ukrainian State Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

12. Serhii Petrovych Kliuiev born on 12 August 1969, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 businessman, brother of Mr. Ukraine for involvement in Andrii K1iuiev crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

13. Mykola Yanovych Azarov born on 17 December 1947, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Prime Minister of Ukraine Ukraine for involvement in until January 2014 crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

14. Oleksii Mykolayovych son of former Prime Minister Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Azarov Azarov Ukraine for involvement in crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

15. Serhiy Vitaliyovych born on 21 September 1985, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Kurchenko businessman Ukraine for involvement in crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine. L 66/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union 6.3.2014

Name Identifying information Statement of reasons Date of listing

16. Dmytro Volodymyrovych born on 28 November 1963, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Tabachnyk former Minister of Education Ukraine for involvement in and Science crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

17. Raisa Vasylivna born on 6 January 1953, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Bohatyriova former Minister of Health Ukraine for involvement in crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

18. Ihor Oleksandrovych born on 28 December 1959, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Kalinin former Adviser to the Ukraine for involvement in President of Ukraine crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine. 6.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 66/9


Websites for information on the competent authorities and address for notification to the European Commission

BELGIUM http://www.diplomatie.be/eusanctions

BULGARIA http://www.mfa.bg/en/pages/135/index.html

CZECH REPUBLIC http://www.mfcr.cz/mezinarodnisankce

DENMARK http://um.dk/da/politik-og-diplomati/retsorden/sanktioner/

GERMANY http://www.bmwi.de/DE/Themen/Aussenwirtschaft/aussenwirtschaftsrecht,did=404888.html

ESTONIA http://www.vm.ee/est/kat_622/

IRELAND http://www.dfa.ie/home/index.aspx?id=28519

GREECE http://www.mfa.gr/en/foreign-policy/global-issues/international-sanctions.html

SPAIN http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/PoliticaExteriorCooperacion/GlobalizacionOportunidadesRiesgos/Documents/ ORGANISMOS%20COMPETENTES%20SANCIONES%20INTERNACIONALES.pdf

FRANCE http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/autorites-sanctions/

CROATIA http://www.mvep.hr/sankcije

ITALY http://www.esteri.it/MAE/IT/Politica_Europea/Deroghe.htm

CYPRUS http://www.mfa.gov.cy/sanctions

LATVIA http://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/security/4539

LITHUANIA http://www.urm.lt/sanctions

LUXEMBOURG http://www.mae.lu/sanctions

HUNGARY http://www.kulugyminiszterium.hu/kum/hu/bal/Kulpolitikank/nemzetkozi_szankciok/ L 66/10 EN Official Journal of the European Union 6.3.2014

MALTA http://www.doi.gov.mt/EN/bodies/boards/sanctions_monitoring.asp

NETHERLANDS www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/internationale-vrede-en-veiligheid/sancties

AUSTRIA http://www.bmeia.gv.at/view.php3?f_id=12750&LNG=en&version=

POLAND http://www.msz.gov.pl

PORTUGAL http://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/os-ministerios/ministerio-dos-negocios-estrangeiros/quero-saber-mais/sobre-o-ministerio/ medidas-restritivas/medidas-restritivas.aspx

ROMANIA http://www.mae.ro/node/1548

SLOVENIA http://www.mzz.gov.si/si/zunanja_politika_in_mednarodno_pravo/zunanja_politika/mednarodna_varnost/omejevalni_ ukrepi/

SLOVAKIA http://www.mzv.sk/sk/europske_zalezitosti/europske_politiky-sankcie_eu

FINLAND http://formin.finland.fi/kvyhteistyo/pakotteet

SWEDEN http://www.ud.se/sanktioner

UNITED KINGDOM https://www.gov.uk/sanctions-embargoes-and-restrictions

Address for notifications to the European Commission: European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) EEAS 02/309 B-1049 Brussels Belgium E-mail: [email protected] L 78/6 EN Official Journal of the European Union 17.3.2014


COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, lateral mechanisms, and that in the absence of results within a limited timeframe the Union will decide on additional measures, such as travel bans, asset freezes Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European and the cancellation of the EU-Russia summit. Union, and in particular Article 215 thereof,

(4) On 17 March 2014, the Council adopted Decision Having regard to Council Decision 2014/145/CFSP of 17 March 2014/145/CFSP providing for travel restrictions and for 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty persons responsible for actions which undermine or and independence of Ukraine ( 1), threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and inde­ pendence of Ukraine, including actions on the future status of any part of the territory which are contrary Having regard to the joint proposal of the High Representative to the Ukrainian Constitution, and natural or legal of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and of the persons, entities or bodies associated with them. Those European Commission, natural or legal persons, entities and bodies are listed in the Annex to that Decision.

Whereas: (5) Some of those measures fall within the scope of the Treaty and, therefore, in particular with a view to (1) On 6 March 2014, the Heads of State or Government of ensuring their uniform application in all Member the Union's Member States strongly condemned the States, regulatory action at the level of the Union is unprovoked violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and terri­ necessary in order to implement them. torial integrity by the Russian Federation and called on the Russian Federation to immediately withdraw its armed forces to the areas of their permanent stationing, (6) This Regulation respects the fundamental rights and in accordance with the relevant agreements. They called observes the principles recognised in particular by the on the Russian Federation to enable immediate access for Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union international monitors. The Heads of State or and in particular the right to an effective remedy and to a Government considered that the decision by the fair trial and the right to the protection of personal data. Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of This Regulation should be applied in accordance with Crimea to hold a referendum on the future status of those rights and principles. the territory is contrary to the Ukrainian Constitution and therefore illegal.

(7) The power to amend the list in Annex I to this Regu­ (2) The Heads of State or Government decided to take lation should be exercised by the Council, in view of the actions, including those envisaged by the Council on serious political situation in Ukraine, and to ensure 3 March 2014, notably to suspend bilateral talks with consistency with the process for amending and the Russian Federation on visa matters as well as talks reviewing the Annex to Decision 2014/145/CFSP. with the Russian Federation on a comprehensive new Agreement which would replace the existing Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. (8) The procedure for amending the list in Annex I to this Regulation should include providing designated natural or legal persons, entities or bodies with the grounds (3) The Heads of State or Government underlined that the for listing, so as to give them an opportunity to solution to the crisis should be found through negoti­ submit observations. Where observations are submitted, ations between the Governments of Ukraine and of the or substantial new evidence is presented, the Council Russian Federation, including through potential multi­ should review its decision in light of those observations and inform the person, entity or body concerned accord­ ( 1 ) See page 16 of the Official Journal. ingly. 17.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 78/7

(9) For the implementation of this Regulation, and in order (d) 'economic resources' means assets of every kind, whether to create maximum legal certainty within the Union, the tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are names and other relevant data concerning natural and not funds but may be used to obtain funds, goods or legal persons, entities and bodies whose funds and services; economic resources should be frozen in accordance with this Regulation, are to be made public. Any processing of personal data should comply with Regu­ (e) 'freezing of economic resources' means preventing the use lation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of economic resources to obtain funds, goods or services in 1 of the Council ( ) and Directive 95/46/EC of the any way, including, but not limited to, by selling, hiring or 2 European Parliament and of the Council ( ). mortgaging them;

(10) In order to ensure that the measures provided for in this Regulation are effective, it should enter into force (f) 'freezing of funds' means preventing any move, transfer, immediately, alteration, use of, access to, or dealing with funds in any way that would result in any change in their volume, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: amount, location, ownership, possession, character, desti­ nation or any other change that would enable the funds Article 1 to be used, including portfolio management; For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply: (g) 'funds' means financial assets and benefits of every kind, including, but not limited to: (a) 'claim' means any claim, whether asserted by legal proceedings or not, made before or after 17 March 2014, under or in connection with a contract or transaction, and includes in particular: (i) cash, cheques, claims on money, drafts, money orders and other payment instruments; (i) a claim for performance of any obligation arising under or in connection with a contract or transaction; (ii) deposits with financial institutions or other entities, (ii) a claim for extension or payment of a bond, financial balances on accounts, debts and debt obligations; guarantee or indemnity of whatever form;

(iii) a claim for compensation in respect of a contract or (iii) publicly- and privately-traded securities and debt transaction; instruments, including stocks and shares, certificates representing securities, bonds, notes, warrants, debentures and derivatives contracts; (iv) a counterclaim;

(v) a claim for the recognition or enforcement, including (iv) interest, dividends or other income on or value by the procedure of exequatur, of a judgment, an accruing from or generated by assets; arbitration award or an equivalent decision, wherever made or given;

(b) 'contract or transaction' means any transaction of whatever (v) credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds form, whatever the applicable law, and whether comprising or other financial commitments; one or more contracts or similar obligations made between the same or different parties; for this purpose 'contract' includes a bond, guarantee or indemnity, particularly a (vi) letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of sale; and financial guarantee or financial indemnity, and credit, whether legally independent or not, as well as any related provision arising under, or in connection with, the trans­ (vii) documents showing evidence of an interest in funds or action; financial resources;

(c) 'competent authorities' means the competent authorities of the Member States as identified on the websites listed in (h) 'territory of the Union' means the territories of the Member Annex II; States to which the Treaty is applicable, under the conditions laid down in the Treaty, including their airspace. ( 1 ) Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community insti­ tutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 8, Article 2 12.1.2001, p. 1). 1. All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, ( 2 ) Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to held or controlled by any natural persons or natural or legal the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such persons, entities or bodies associated with them as listed in data (OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31). Annex I shall be frozen. L 78/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union 17.3.2014

2. No funds or economic resources shall be made available, 2. The Member State concerned shall inform the other directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit of natural persons or Member States and the Commission of any authorisation natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them granted under paragraph 1. listed in Annex I.

Article 5 Article 3 1. By way of derogation from Article 2, the competent auth­ 1. Annex I shall include natural persons who, in accordance orities of the Member States may authorise the release of certain with Article 2 of Decision 2014/145/CFSP, have been identified frozen funds or economic resources, if the following conditions by the Council as being responsible for actions which are met: undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them. (a) the funds or economic resources are subject to an arbitral decision rendered prior to the date on which the natural or legal person, entity or body referred to in Article 2 was included in Annex I, or of a judicial or administrative 2. Annex I shall include the grounds for the listing of natural decision rendered in the Union, or a judicial decision or legal persons, entities or bodies concerned. enforceable in the Member State concerned, prior to or after that date;

3. Annex I shall include, where available, information necessary to identify the natural or legal persons, entities or (b) the funds or economic resources will be used exclusively to bodies concerned. With regard to natural persons, such satisfy claims secured by such a decision or recognised as information may include names including aliases, date and valid in such a decision, within the limits set by applicable place of birth, nationality, passport and ID card numbers, laws and regulations governing the rights of persons having gender, address, if known, and function or profession. With such claims; regard to legal persons, entities and bodies, such information may include names, place and date of registration, registration number and place of business. (c) the decision is not for the benefit of a natural or legal person, entity or body listed in Annex I; and

Article 4 (d) recognition of the decision is not contrary to public policy 1. By way of derogation from Article 2, the competent auth­ in the Member State concerned. orities of the Member States may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources, or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, under such conditions as 2. The Member State concerned shall inform the other they deem appropriate, after having determined that the funds Member States and the Commission of any authorisation or economic resources concerned are: granted under paragraph 1.

Article 6 (a) necessary to satisfy the basic needs of natural or legal persons, entities or bodies listed in Annex I, and 1. By way of derogation from Article 2 and provided that a dependent family members of such natural persons, payment by a natural or legal person, entity or body listed in including payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, Annex I is due under a contract or agreement that was medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance concluded by, or under an obligation that arose for the premiums, and public utility charges; natural or legal person, entity or body concerned, before the date on which that natural or legal person, entity or body was included in Annex I, the competent authorities of the Member (b) intended exclusively for payment of reasonable professional States may authorise, under such conditions as they deem fees or reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with appropriate, the release of certain frozen funds or economic the provision of legal services; resources, provided that the competent authority concerned has determined that:

(c) intended exclusively for payment of fees or service charges (a) the funds or economic resources shall be used for a for routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds or payment by a natural or legal person, entity or body economic resources; or listed in Annex I; and

(d) necessary for extraordinary expenses, provided that the (b) the payment is not in breach of Article 2(2). relevant competent authority has notified the grounds on which it considers that a specific authorisation should be granted to the competent authorities of the other Member 2. The Member State concerned shall inform the other States and to the Commission at least two weeks prior to Member States and the Commission of any authorisation authorisation. granted under paragraph 1. 17.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 78/9

Article 7 on the part of the natural or legal person or entity or body implementing it, or its directors or employees, unless it is 1. Article 2(2) shall not prevent the crediting of the frozen proved that the funds and economic resources were frozen or accounts by financial or credit institutions that receive funds withheld as a result of negligence. transferred by third parties onto the account of a listed natural or legal person, entity or body, provided that any additions to such accounts will also be frozen. The financial 2. Actions by natural or legal persons, entities or bodies shall or credit institution shall inform the relevant competent not give rise to any liability of any kind on their part if they did authority about any such transaction without delay. not know, and had no reasonable cause to suspect, that their actions would infringe the measures set out in this Regulation. 2. Article 2(2) shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of: Article 11 1. No claims in connection with any contract or transaction (a) interest or other earnings on those accounts; the performance of which has been affected, directly or indi­ rectly, in whole or in part, by the measures imposed under this (b) payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations Regulation, including claims for indemnity or any other claim that were concluded or arose before the date on which of this type, such as a claim for compensation or a claim under the natural or legal person, entity or body referred to in a guarantee, particularly a claim for extension or payment of a Article 2 has been included in Annex I; or bond, guarantee or indemnity, particularly a financial guarantee or financial indemnity, of whatever form, shall be satisfied, if they are made by: (c) payments due under judicial, administrative or arbitral decisions rendered in a Member State or enforceable in the Member State concerned; (a) designated natural or legal persons, entities or bodies listed in Annex I; provided that any such interest, other earnings and payments are frozen in accordance with Article 2(1). (b) any natural or legal person, entity or body acting through or on behalf of one of the persons, entities or bodies Article 8 referred to in point (a). 1. Without prejudice to the applicable rules concerning reporting, confidentiality and professional secrecy, natural and 2. In any proceedings for the enforcement of a claim, the legal persons, entities and bodies shall: onus of proving that satisfying the claim is not prohibited by paragraph 1 shall be on the natural or legal person, entity or body seeking the enforcement of that claim. (a) supply immediately any information which would facilitate compliance with this Regulation, such as information on accounts and amounts frozen in accordance with Article 2, 3. This Article is without prejudice to the right of natural or to the competent authority of the Member State where they legal persons, entities or bodies referred to in paragraph 1 to are resident or located, and shall transmit such information, judicial review of the legality of the non-performance of directly or through the Member State, to the Commission; contractual obligations in accordance with this Regulation. and Article 12 (b) cooperate with the competent authority in any verification of such information. 1. The Commission and the Member States shall inform each other of the measures taken under this Regulation and share any other relevant information at their disposal in connection 2. Any additional information received directly by the with this Regulation, in particular information: Commission shall be made available to the Member States.

3. Any information provided or received in accordance with (a) in respect of funds frozen under Article 2 and authori­ this Article shall be used only for the purposes for which it was sations granted under Articles 4, 5 and 6; provided or received. (b) in respect of violation and enforcement problems and Article 9 judgments handed down by national courts. It shall be prohibited to participate, knowingly and inten­ tionally, in activities the object or effect of which is to 2. The Member States shall immediately inform each other circumvent the measures referred to in Article 2. and the Commission of any other relevant information at their disposal which might affect the effective implementation of this Regulation. Article 10

1. The freezing of funds and economic resources or the Article 13 refusal to make funds or economic resources available, carried out in good faith on the basis that such action is in accordance The Commission shall be empowered to amend Annex II on with this Regulation, shall not give rise to liability of any kind the basis of information supplied by Member States. L 78/10 EN Official Journal of the European Union 17.3.2014

Article 14 listed in Annex II. Member States shall notify the Commission of any changes in the addresses of their websites listed in Annex 1. Where the Council decides to subject a natural or legal II. person, entity or body to the measures referred to in Article 2, it shall amend Annex I accordingly. 2. Member States shall notify the Commission of their competent authorities, including the contact details of those 2. The Council shall communicate its decision, including the competent authorities, without delay after the entry into force grounds for listing, to the natural or legal person, entity or body of this Regulation, and shall notify it of any subsequent referred to in paragraph 1, either directly, if the address is amendment. known, or through the publication of a notice, providing such natural or legal person, entity or body with an opportunity 3. Where this Regulation sets out a requirement to notify, to present observations. inform or otherwise communicate with the Commission, the address and other contact details to be used for such communi­ 3. Where observations are submitted, or where substantial cation shall be those indicated in Annex II. new evidence is presented, the Council shall review its decision and inform the natural or legal person, entity or Article 17 body accordingly. This Regulation shall apply: 4. The list in Annex I shall be reviewed at regular intervals and at least every 12 months. (a) within the territory of the Union, including its airspace;

Article 15 (b) on board any aircraft or any vessel under the jurisdiction of a Member State; 1. Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Regulation (c) to any person inside or outside the territory of the Union and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are who is a national of a Member State; implemented. The penalties provided for must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. (d) to any legal person, entity or body, inside or outside the territory of the Union, which is incorporated or constituted 2. Member States shall notify the rules referred to in under the law of a Member State; paragraph 1 to the Commission without delay after the entry into force of this Regulation and shall notify it of any (e) to any legal person, entity or body in respect of any subsequent amendment. business done in whole or in part within the Union.

Article 16 Article 18 1. Member States shall designate the competent authorities This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its referred to in this Regulation and identify them on the websites publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 17 March 2014.

For the Council The President C. ASHTON 17.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 78/11


List of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 2

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

1. Sergey Valeryevich d.o.b. 26.11.1972 Aksyonov was elected “Prime Minister of Crimea” in 17.3.2014 Aksyonov the Crimean Verkhovna Rada on 27 February 2014 in the presence of pro-Russian gunmen. His “election” was decreed unconstitutional by on 1 March. He actively lobbied for the “referendum” of 16 March 2014.

2. Vladimir d.o.b. 19.03.1967 As speaker of the Supreme Council of the 17.3.2014 Andreevich Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Konstantinov Konstantinov played a relevant role in the decisions taken by the Verkhovna Rada concerning the “referendum” against territorial integrity of Ukraine and called on voters to cast votes in favour of Crimean Inde­ pendence.

3. Rustam Ilmirovich d.o.b. 15.08.1976 As Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of 17.3.2014 Temirgaliev Crimea, Temirgaliev played a relevant role in the decisions taken by the Verkhovna Rada concerning the “referendum” against territorial integrity of Ukraine. He lobbied actively for integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

4. Deniz d.o.b. 15.07.1974 Berezovskiy was appointed commander of the 17.3.2014 Valentinovich Ukrainian Navy on 1 March 2014 and swore an Berezovskiy oath to the Crimean armed force, thereby breaking his oath. The Prosecutor-General’s Office of Ukraine launched an investigation against him for high treason.

5. Aleksei d.o.b. 13.06.1961 Chaliy became “Mayor of Sevastopol” by popular 17.3.2014 Mikhailovich acclamation on 23 February 2014 and accepted Chaliy this “vote”. He actively campaigned for Sevastopol to become a separate entity of the Russian Federation following a referendum on 16 March 2014.

6. Pyotr Zima was appointed as the new head of the 17.3.2014 Anatoliyovych Crimean Security Service (SBU) on 3 March 2014 Zima by “Prime Minister” Aksyonov and accepted this appointment. He has given relevant information including a database to the Russian Intelligence Service (SBU). This included information on Euro- Maidan activists and human rights defenders of Crimea. He played a relevant role in preventing Ukraine’s authorities from controlling the territory of Crimea.

On 11 March 2014 the formation of an inde­ pendent Security Service of Crimea has been proclaimed by former SBU officers of Crimea.

7. Yuriy Zherebtsov Counsellor of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of 17.3.2014 Crimea, one of the leading organizers of the 16 March 2014 “referendum” against Ukraine’s terri­ torial integrity. L 78/12 EN Official Journal of the European Union 17.3.2014

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

8. Sergey Pavlovych d.o.b. 28.03.1953 Vice Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada; Tsekov 17.3.2014 Tsekov initiated together with the unlawful dismissal of the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC). He drew into this endeavour Vladimir Konstantinov, threatening him with his dismissal. He publicly recognized that the MPs from Crimea were the initiators of inviting Russian soldiers to take over Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. He was one of the first Crimean Leaders to ask in public for annexation of Crimea to Russia.

9. Ozerov, Viktor d.o.b. 5.1.1958 in Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee of 17.3.2014 Alekseevich Abakan, Khakassia the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

On 1 March 2014 Ozerov, on behalf of the Security and Defense Committee of the Federation Council, publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

10. Dzhabarov, d.o.b. 29.9.1952 First Deputy-Chairman of the International Affairs 17.3.2014 Vladimir Committee of the Federation Council of the Michailovich Russian Federation.

On 1 March 2014 Dzhabarov, on behalf of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

11. Klishas, Andrei d.o.b. 9.11.1972 in Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Law 17.3.2014 Aleksandrovich Sverdlovsk of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

On 1 March 2014 Klishas publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine. In public statements Klishas sought to justify a Russian military intervention in Ukraine by claiming that “the Ukrainian President supports the appeal of the Crimean authorities to the President of the Russian Federation on landing an all-encompassing assistance in defense of the citizens of Crimea”.

12. Ryzhkov, Nikolai d.o.b. 28.9.1929 in Member of the Committee for federal issues, 17.3.2014 Ivanovich Duleevka, Donetsk regional politics and the North of the Federation region, Ukrainian Council of the Russian Federation. SSR On 1 March 2014 Ryzhkov publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

13. Bushmin, Evgeni d.o.b. 4.10.1958 in Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the 17.3.2014 Viktorovich Lopatino, Russian Federation. Sergachiisky region, RSFSR On 1 March 2014 Bushmin publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

14. Totoonov, d.o.b. 3.3.1957 in Member of the Committee on culture, science, and 17.3.2014 Aleksandr Ordzhonikidze, information of the Federation Council of the Borisovich North Ossetia Russian Federation.

On 1 March 2014 Totoonov publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine. 17.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 78/13

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

15. Panteleev, Oleg d.o.b. 21.7.1952 in First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Parlia­ 17.3.2014 Evgenevich Zhitnikovskoe, mentary Issues. Kurgan region On 1 March 2014 Panteleev publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

16. Mironov, Sergei d.o.b. 14.2.1953 in Member of the Council of the State Duma; Leader of 17.3.2014 Mikhailovich Pushkin, Leningrad Fair Russia faction in the Duma of the Russian region Federation.

Initiator of the bill allowing Russian Federation to admit in its composition, under the pretext of protection of Russian citizens, territories of a foreign country without a consent of that country or of an international treaty.

17. Zheleznyak, Sergei d.o.b. 30.7.1970 in Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian 17.3.2014 Vladimirovich St Petersburg Federation. (former Leningrad) Actively supporting use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. He led personally the demonstration in support of the use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.

18. Slutski, Leonid d.o.b. 4.01.1968 in Chairman of the Commonwealth of Independent 17.3.2014 Eduardovich Моscow States (CIS) Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (member of the LDPR).

Actively supporting use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and annexation of Crimea.

19. Vitko, Aleksandr d.o.b. 13.9.1961 in Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice-Admiral. 17.3.2014 Viktorovich Vitebsk (Belarusian SSR) Responsible for commanding Russian forces that have occupied Ukrainian sovereign territory.

20. Sidorov, Anatoliy Commander, Russia's Western Military District, units 17.3.2014 Alekseevich of which are deployed in Crimea.

Commander of Russia's Western Military District, units of which are deployed in Crimea. He is responsible for part of the Russian military presence in Crimea which is undermining the sover­ eignty of the Ukraine and assisted the Crimean auth­ orities in preventing public demonstrations against moves towards a referendum and incorporation into Russia.

21. Galkin, Aleksandr Russia's Southern Military District, forces of which 17.3.2014 are in Crimea; the Black Sea Fleet comes under Galkin's command; much of the force movement into Crimea has come through the Southern Military District.

Commander of Russia's Southern Military District ("SMD"). SMD forces are deployed in Crimea. He is responsible for part of the Russian military presence in Crimea which is undermining the sover­ eignty of the Ukraine and assisted the Crimean auth­ orities in preventing public demonstrations against moves towards a referendum and incorporation into Russia. Additionally the Black Sea Fleet falls within the District's control. L 78/14 EN Official Journal of the European Union 17.3.2014


Websites for information on the competent authorities and address for notification to the European Commission

BELGIUM http://www.diplomatie.be/eusanctions

BULGARIA http://www.mfa.bg/en/pages/135/index.html

CZECH REPUBLIC http://www.mfcr.cz/mezinarodnisankce

DENMARK http://um.dk/da/politik-og-diplomati/retsorden/sanktioner/

GERMANY http://www.bmwi.de/DE/Themen/Aussenwirtschaft/aussenwirtschaftsrecht,did=404888.html

ESTONIA http://www.vm.ee/est/kat_622/

IRELAND http://www.dfa.ie/home/index.aspx?id=28519

GREECE http://www.mfa.gr/en/foreign-policy/global-issues/international-sanctions.html

SPAIN http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/PoliticaExteriorCooperacion/GlobalizacionOportunidadesRiesgos/Documents/ ORGANISMOS%20COMPETENTES%20SANCIONES%20INTERNACIONALES.pdf

FRANCE http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/autorites-sanctions/

CROATIA http://www.mvep.hr/sankcije

ITALY http://www.esteri.it/MAE/IT/Politica_Europea/Deroghe.htm

CYPRUS http://www.mfa.gov.cy/sanctions

LATVIA http://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/security/4539

LITHUANIA http://www.urm.lt/sanctions

LUXEMBOURG http://www.mae.lu/sanctions

HUNGARY http://www.kulugyminiszterium.hu/kum/hu/bal/Kulpolitikank/nemzetkozi_szankciok/

MALTA http://www.doi.gov.mt/EN/bodies/boards/sanctions_monitoring.asp 17.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 78/15

NETHERLANDS www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/internationale-vrede-en-veiligheid/sancties

AUSTRIA http://www.bmeia.gv.at/view.php3?f_id=12750&LNG=en&version=

POLAND http://www.msz.gov.pl

PORTUGAL http://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/os-ministerios/ministerio-dos-negocios-estrangeiros/quero-saber-mais/sobre-o-ministerio/ medidas-restritivas/medidas-restritivas.aspx

ROMANIA http://www.mae.ro/node/1548

SLOVENIA http://www.mzz.gov.si/si/zunanja_politika_in_mednarodno_pravo/zunanja_politika/mednarodna_varnost/omejevalni_ ukrepi/

SLOVAKIA http://www.mzv.sk/sk/europske_zalezitosti/europske_politiky-sankcie_eu

FINLAND http://formin.finland.fi/kvyhteistyo/pakotteet

SWEDEN http://www.ud.se/sanktioner

UNITED KINGDOM https://www.gov.uk/sanctions-embargoes-and-restrictions

Address for notifications to the European Commission: European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) EEAS 02/309 B-1049 Brussels Belgium E-mail: [email protected] 21.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 86/27

II (Non-legislative acts)


COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 284/2014 of 21 March 2014 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annex I to Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. Union, (3) Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 should Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of therefore be amended accordingly, 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: sovereignty and independence of Ukraine ( 1 ), and in particular Article 14(1) thereof, Article 1

Whereas: The persons listed in the Annex to this Regulation shall be added to the list set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (1) On17 March 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. Article 2 (2) In view of the gravity of the situation, the Council This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its considers that additional persons should be added to publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 21 March 2014.

For the Council The President D. KOURKOULAS

( 1 ) OJ L 78, 17.3.2014, p. 6. L 86/28 EN Official Journal of the European Union 21.3.2014


List of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 1

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

1. Rogozin, Dmitry d.o.b. 21.12.1963; in Moscow Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian 21.3.2014 Olegovich Federation. Publicly called for the annexation of Crimea.

2. Glazyev, Sergey d.o.b. 1.1.1961, Zaporozhye, Adviser to the President of the Russian 21.3.2014 (Ukrainian SSR) Federation. Publicly called for the annexation of Crimea.

3. Matviyenko, Valentina d.o.b. 7.4.1949, Shepetovka, Speaker of the Federation Council. On 21.3.2014 Ivanova Khmelnitskyi oblast (Ukrainian 1 March 2014, publicly supported in SSR) the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

4. Naryshkin, Sergei d.o.b. 27.10.1954, Speaker of the State Duma. Publicly 21.3.2014 Evgenevich St Petersburg (former supported the deployment of Russian Leningrad) forces in Ukraine. Publicly supported the Russia-Crimea reunification treaty and the related federal constitutional law.

5. Kiselyov, Dmitry d.o.b. 26.4.1954 Appointed by Presidential Decree on 21.3.2014 Konstantinovich 9 December 2013 Head of the Russian Federal State news agency "Rossiya Segodnya". Central figure of the government propaganda supporting the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.

6. Nosatov, Alexander d.o.b. 27.3.1963 Sevastopol, Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea 21.3.2014 Mihailovich (Ukrainian SSR) Fleet, Rear-Admiral Responsible for commanding Russian forces that have occupied Ukrainian sovereign territory.

7. Kulikov, Valery d.o.b. 1.9.1956, Zaporozhye, Deputy-Commander of the Black Sea 21.3.2014 Vladimirovich (Ukrainian SSR) Fleet, Rear Admiral Responsible for commanding Russian forces that have occupied Ukrainian sovereign territory.

8. Surkov, Vladislav d.o.b. 21.9.1964, Solntsevo, Aide to the President of the Russian 21.3.2014 Yurievich Lipetsk Federation. He was an organiser of the process in Crimea by which local Crimean communities were mobilised to stage actions undermining the Ukrainian authorities in Crimea.

9. Mikhail Malyshev Chair of the Crimea Electoral Responsible for administering the 21.3.2014 Commission Crimean referendum. Responsible under the Russian system for signing referendum results.

10. Valery Medvedev Chair of Sevastopol Electoral Responsible for administering the 21.3.2014 Commission Crimean referendum. Responsible under the Russian system for signing referendum results. 21.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 86/29

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

11. Lt. Gen. Igor Commander of the Russian The de-facto Commander of Russian 21.3.2014 Turchenyuk forces in Crimea troops deployed on the ground in Crimea (whom Russia continues to refer to officially as "local self-defence militias").

12. Elena Borisovna Deputy in the State Duma Originator and co-sponsor of recent 21.3.2014 Mizulina legislative proposals in Russia that would have allowed regions of other countries to join Russia without their central authorities' prior agreement. 15.4.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 111/33

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 381/2014 of 14 April 2014 implementing Regulation (EU) No 208/2014 concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 208/2014 of 5 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Ukraine (1), and in particular Article 14(1) thereof, Whereas: (1) On 5 March 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 208/2014. (2) Additional persons should be included in the list of persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 208/2014. (3) In addition, the identifying information for three persons listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 208/2014 should be amended. (4) Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 208/2014 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1 The persons listed in Annex I to this Regulation shall be added to the list set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 208/2014.

Article 2 Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 208/2014 is hereby amended as set out in Annex II to this Regulation.

Article 3 This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Luxembourg, 14 April 2014.

For the Council The President C. ASHTON

(1) OJ L 66, 6.3.2014, p. 1. L 111/34 EN Official Journal of the European Union 15.4.2014


Persons referred to in Article 1

Name Identifying information Statement of reasons Date of listing

19. Serhiy Arbuzov Born on 24 March 1976, Person subject to investigation in 15.4.2014 former Prime Minister of Ukraine for involvement in crimes in Ukraine. connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

20. Yuriy Ivanyush­ Born on 21 February 1959, Person subject to investigation in 15.4.2014 chenko Party of Regions MP. Ukraine for involvement in crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

21. Oleksandr Klymenko Born on 16 November Person subject to investigation in 15.4.2014 1980, former Minister of Ukraine for involvement in crimes in Revenues and Charges. connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

22. Edward Stavytskyi Born on 4 October 1972, Person subject to investigation in 15.4.2014 former Minister of Fuel and Ukraine for involvement in crimes in Energy of Ukraine. connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine. 15.4.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 111/35


The entries for the following persons listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 208/2014 are replaced by the entries below:

Name Identifying information Statement of reasons Date of listing

9. Oleksandr Viktorovych Born on 10 July 1973, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Yanukovych son of former President, Ukraine for involvement in crimes in businessman. connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

12. Serhii Petrovych Kliuiev Born on 19 August 1969, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 brother of Mr Andrii Ukraine for involvement in crimes in Kliuiev, businessman. connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.

14. Oleksii Mykolayovych Born on 13 July 1971, Person subject to investigation in 6.3.2014 Azarov son of former Prime Ukraine for involvement in crimes in Minister Azarov. connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine. L 126/48 EN Official Journal of the European Union 29.4.2014

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 433/2014 of 28 April 2014 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine (1), and in particu­ lar Article 14(1) thereof, Whereas: (1) On17 March 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (2) In view of the gravity of the situation, the Council considers that additional persons should be added to the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (3) Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1 The persons listed in the Annex to this Regulation shall be added to the list set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.

Article 2 This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 28 April 2014.

For the Council The President D. KOURKOULAS

(1) OJ L 78, 17.3.2014, p. 6. 29.4.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 126/49


List of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 1

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

1. Dmitry Born 7.11.1958 in Kiro­ Deputy Prime Minister. Responsible for 29.4.2014 Nikolayevich vohrad, Ukrainian SSR overseeing the integration of the KOZAK annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

2. Oleg Yevgenyvich Born 15.9.1949 in Plenipotentiary Representative of the 29.4.2014 BELAVENTSEV Moscow President of the Russian Federation into the so called ‘Crimean Federal District’, Non-permanent member of the Russian Security Council. Responsible for the implementation of the constitutional prerogatives of the Russian Head of State on the territory of the annexed Autono­ mous Republic of Crimea.

3. Oleg Born 27.10.1965 in Minister for Crimean Affairs. Responsible 29.4.2014 Genrikhovich Leningrad for the integration of the annexed SAVELYEV Autonomous Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

4. Sergei Ivanovich Born 22.8.1960 in Acting governor of the Ukrainian 29.4.2014 MENYAILO Alagir, North-Ossetian annexed city of Sevastopol. Autonomous SSR, RSFSR

5. Olga Fedorovna Born 7.5.1962 in Member of the Russian Federation 29.4.2014 KOVATIDI Simferopol, Ukrainian Council from the annexed Autonomous SSR Republic of Crimea.

6. Ludmila Ivanovna Born 24.9.1949 in Deputy Chairman of State Duma, United 29.4.2014 SHVETSOVA Alma-Ata, USSR Russia — Responsible for initiating legis­ lation to integrate the annexed Autono­ mous Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

7. Sergei Ivanovich Born 21.12.1961 in Deputy Chairman of State Duma, United 29.4.2014 NEVEROV Tashtagol, USSR Russia. Responsible for initiating legisla­ tion to integrate the annexed Autono­ mous Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

8. Igor Dmitrievich Born 28.3.1957 Director of GRU (Main Intelligence 29.4.2014 SERGUN Directorate), Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General. Respon­ sible for the activity of GRU officers in Eastern Ukraine. L 126/50 EN Official Journal of the European Union 29.4.2014

Name Identifying information Reasons Date of listing

9. Valery Vasilevich Born 8.9.1955 in Kazan Chief of the General Staff of the Armed 29.4.2014 GERASIMOV Forces of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army. Responsible for the massive deployment of Russian troops along the border with Ukraine and lack of de-escalation of the situation.

10. German Active leader of the ‘Lugansk Guard’. 29.4.2014 PROKOPIV Took part in the seizure of the building of the Lugansk regional office of the Security Service, recorded a video address to President Putin and Russia from the occupied building. Close links with the ‘Army of the South-East’.

11. Valeriy BOLOTOV One of the leaders of the separatist 29.4.2014 group ‘Army of the South-East’ which occupied the building of the Security Service in the Lugansk region. Retired officer. Before seizing the building he and other accomplices possessed arms apparently supplied illegally from Russia and from local criminal groups.

12. Andriy PURGIN Head of the ‘Donetsk Republic’, active 29.4.2014 participant and organiser of separatist actions, co-ordinator of actions of the ‘Russian tourists’ in Donetsk. Co-founder of a ‘Civic Initiative of Donbass for the Eurasian Union’.

13. Denys PUSHYLIN Born in One of the leaders of the Donetsk 29.4.2014 People's Republic. Participated in the seizure and occupation of the regional administration. Active spokesperson for the separatists.

14. Tsyplakov Sergey One of the leaders of ideologically 29.4.2014 GENNADEVICH radical organization People's Militia of Donbas. He took active part in the seizure of a number of state buildings in Donetsk region.

15. Igor STRELKOV Identified as staff of Main Intelligence 29.4.2014 (Ihor Strielkov) Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU). He was involved in incidents in . He is an assistant on security issues to Sergey Aksionov, self- proclaimed prime-minister of Crimea. 12.5.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 137/3

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 477/2014 of 12 May 2014 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine (1), and in particu­ lar Article 14(1) thereof, Whereas: (1) On 17 March 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (2) In view of the gravity of the situation, the Council considers that additional persons and entities should be added to the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. (3) Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1 The persons and entities listed in the Annex to this Regulation shall be added to the list set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.

Article 2 This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 12 May 2014.

For the Council The President C. ASHTON

(1) OJ L 78, 17.3.2014, p. 6. L 137/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 12.5.2014


List of persons and entities referred to in Article 1

Identifying Name Reasons Date of listing information

1 Vyacheslav Born 4 February First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Admin­ 12.5.2014 Viktorovich 1964 in Alekseevka, istration of Russia. Responsible for overseeing the VOLODIN Saratov region. political integration of the annexed Ukrainian region of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

2. Vladimir Born 15.02.1954 in Commander of the Russian Airborne Troops, 12.5.2014 SHAMANOV Barnaul. Colonel-General. In his senior position holds respon­ sibility for the deployment of Russian airborne forces in Crimea.

3. Vladimir Born 19.05.1960 in Chair of the Duma Constitutional Law Committee. 12.5.2014 Nikolaevich Ignatovo, Vologodsk Responsible for facilitating the adoption of legisla­ PLIGIN Oblast, USSR. tion on the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation.

4. Petr Grigorievich Acting Head of the Federal Migration Service office 12.5.2014 JAROSH for Crimea. Responsible for the systematic and expe­ dited issuance of Russian passports for the residents of Crimea.

5. Oleg Grigorievich Born 19.12.1962 in Acting Head of the Federal Migration Service office 12.5.2014 KOZYURA Zaporozhye for Sevastopol. Responsible for the systematic and expedited issuance of Russian passports for the resi­ dents of Crimea.

6. Viacheslav Self-declared mayor of Slaviansk. Ponomarev called 12.5.2014 PONOMARIOV on to send in Russian troops to protect the city and later asked him to supply weapons. Ponomarev's men are involved in kidnap­ pings (they captured Ukrainian reporter Irma Krat and Simon Ostrovsky, a reporter for Vice News, both were later released, they detained military observers under OSCE Vienna Document).

7. Igor Mykolaiovych Born in 1965 One of the leaders of self-proclaimed militia of 12.5.2014 BEZLER . He took control of the Security Service of Ukraine's Office in Donetsk region building and afterwards seized the Ministry of Internal Affairs' district station in the town of Horlivka. He has links to Ihor Strielkov under which command he was involved in the murder of Peoples' Deputy of the Horlivka's Municipal Council Volodymyr Rybak according to the SBU. 12.5.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 137/5

Identifying Name Reasons Date of listing information

8. Igor One of the leaders of armed forces of the self- 12.5.2014 KAKIDZYANOV proclaimed ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. The aim of the forces is to ‘protect the people of Donetsk People's Republic and territorial integrity of the republic’ according to Pushylin, one of the leaders of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.

9. Oleg TSARIOV Member of the Rada. Publicly called for the creation 12.5.2014 of the Federal Republic of Novorossia, composed of South Eastern Ukrainian regions.

10. Roman LYAGIN Head of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ Central Elec­ 12.5.2014 toral Commission. Actively organised the refer­ endum on 11 May on the self-determination of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.

11. Aleksandr Head of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’ Central Elec­ 12.5.2014 MALYKHIN toral Commission. Actively organised the refer­ endum on 11 May on the self-determination of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’.

12. Natalia Born 18.03.1980 in Prosecutor of Crimea. Actively implementing 12.5.2014 Vladimirovna Eupatoria. Russia's annexation of Crimea. POKLONSKAYA

13. Igor Sergeievich Acting Prosecutor of Sevastopol. Actively imple­ 12.5.2014 SHEVCHENKO menting Russia's annexation of Sevastopol.


Identifying Name Reasons Date of listing information

1. PJSC CHERNO­ On 17.03.2014 the ‘Parliament of Crimea’ adopted a 12.5.2014 MORNEFTEGAZ resolution declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to Chernomorneftegaz enterprise on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘author­ ities’.

2. FEODOSIA On 17.03.2014 the ‘Parliament of Crimea’ adopted a 12.5.2014 resolution declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to Feodosia enterprise on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effect­ ively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.