(Newsletter for former residents of the Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel (1940-68) and Bishop Spencer Lodge (1927-40)


Summer was so slow in coming, but zipped by so quickly! Now the fall colours are putting on a great show. I have a Pacific Sunset Maple in my yard that is blazing beautifully, and the blue jay sitting in it seeming particularly impressed with the bright red colour! So I’m waxing poetic here today, since it seems we are looking forward to a few days of bright sun ahead. We hope that your summer season went well, and that the days leading into Christmas keep you well We held our AGM/Luncheon in June with the highest number ever for that event (see Page 7, Events News). The West Coast girls held their mini reunion in late September and you will find that photo and write up on Page 5. The next event to look for now will be the annual Corporate Communion and Breakfast on Nov. 20th. (see Upcoming Events, Page 7), Grand Falls girls have a get together every 6 weeks or so. Details for their most recent event and the Scholarship Fundraiser Luncheon will be published in the February 2017 Newsletter. You can see that, even though we are living far and wide, some sort of communication – in person, by phone or e-mail – still continues long after the 2008 reunion. We started our journey in 2006. Ten years after we’re still keeping in touch and we have our Scholarship to show that we play a vital part in our province. A Scholarship Donation form is attached to this Newsletter for your convenience. For news on the Scholarship, see Marge’s Report on Page 5. Membership 2016-17 is now due. There is a current membership list on Page 4, and for those whose membership is now due, a Membership Form will be attached to this Newsletter. As we look forward to the Christmas season, we wish you and yours, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Shirley Cooper; Communications, Membership and Newsletter Coordinator, Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel Group Committee.


PART 3: REUNION JULY 18th – 20th, 2008

On July 17th, Reunion Co-Chairs Barbara and Shirley checked into Burke House where they would stay and set up their command post for the duration of the Reunion. The purpose of their staying at the residence would be to maintain a central point of contact in person and by cell phone for both the Committee members and registrants. MUN Housing had kindly provided them with a room to serve as an office across the hall from their bedroom. They also had first aid supplies in case of emergencies. After distributing the Welcome Sheets to each room and setting up an information table in the lounge, they then proceeded to deliver materials for the Meet and Greet at St. Augustine’s. There they found Ruby (Moss) White arranging flowers while her Hospitality Committee volunteers were busy setting up the food tables. Marge Brown and the Registration Committee were setting up the Registration station and a printer was provided for them to use for the duration of the reunion. The lovely registration bags were admired – the shoe bags made with materials donated by hostel girls and sewn up by many hostelites and their friends. The first arrival at the residence from California was Mrs Margaret Sayers (40-43) (shown left, signing the guest book at Government House while on the city tour), daughter of our last matron, Mrs. Elizabeth Gosse. She was a bright, energetic 80+ lady who exhibited the same interest in life as her late mother. As the night proceeded two others arrived, Marie Cook (60-62)from Grand Falls and Ev (Clarke) 1 McTaggart (64-66)from Toronto. Bright sunlight greeted us again on Friday morning. We walked to the Science Cafeteria for breakfast (it was here that Shirley, the only “casualty” to use the first aid supplies – a band-aid, fell off the seat of the picnic table!). After breakfast, more girls arrived and much excited talking and laughing could be heard throughout the residence. Barbara and Shirley fielded questions both in person and by phone leading up to the “Meet and Greet”. A backup person (Wendy Bursey) was hired to take care of these duties while the Meet and Greet was in process, and again on Saturday while the tours were in progress. Eight or nine of us walked across Prince Phillip Drive to have lunch at Bitters Pub where the chef came out to greet us. We ate well, we felt special! Throughout the afternoon, the remaining girls arrived and it was wonderful to match faces to names. We also fielded phone calls and handled little problems that cropped up. The “Meet and Greet” at St. Augustine’s (shown right) on Friday was a hit. The Registration Desk gave out the Hand-Sewn Shoe Bags filled with goodies. The Hospitality Booth had memorabilia laid out and the VCD showing photos of girls across the 40 years of the Hostel being open. These were being sold along with some books. Tickets were sold on a couple of paintings that were donated by Art Marsh (husband of Eileen (Eveleigh) Marsh) and another by Georgina (Budgell) Hedges. The first was drawn for at the Meet and Greet and was won by Jean (Hill) Nash. The Hospitality had flowers, food and drink laid out on a central table for all to enjoy. Barbara and Shirley greeted everyone, using the Hostel Bell as a signal to start the event. After welcoming everyone and attending to some housekeeping points that everyone should be aware of, Barbara informed everyone of the glitch we had encountered with the Harbour Cruise only three days before the reunion. The vessel had not passed the federal safety regulations and thus could not sail. Fortunately, Barbara was able to contact a friend who was the manager of the Fairmont Hotel, the former Newfoundland Hotel, and he came to our rescue with just 24 hours notice and provided us with a VIP Luncheon at the Cabot Club. Anne (Combden) Perchard was also able to arrange for an entertainer who played the accordion. Those interested could either opt for the new offering or get a refund. This was well received and most went along with the change and, in the end this event was a highlight of the Reunion for those who attended. With music from across the decades provided by VOWR’s Joe Kelly, everyone proceeded to enthusiastically enjoy the rest of the evening reminiscing, chatting and even dancing with their former hostel mates. The Hall rang with laughter and the camaraderie was truly felt by all. This did not stop at the end of the Meet and Greet, because when we got back to Burke House we found an impromptu party going on in the lounge with wine and food brought in by the 35+ girls who were staying there. It was some time before we finally rolled into bed! Early Saturday morning, we were blessed with yet another beautiful day. Breakfast was brought into the residence by two hardworking early-rising members of the Hospitality Committee: Ena (Torraville) Oake (with husband Guy for lifting of heavy boxes and tables) and Eileen (Eveleigh) Marsh. The water urn doesn’t work! Eileen rushes off to get a kettle from home, bless her! While everyone left to go to the two arranged events, Shirley stayed behind and held the fort. What a good idea of Barb’s to have a central communications line, because Shirley’s cell phone got a good deal of use that day. Hiring a back up to help us was brilliant as we sure needed it when little problems arose that needed to be taken care of immediately. Evelyn and Barbara left to pick up the current owners of 55 Rennies Mill Road, the Drehers, and saw they even had a big welcome sign (shown right) on their veranda. They joined other Hostelites at the Battery Hotel for a buffet luncheon, and then 25 of them were picked up by a tour bus at 1:30 pm and drove to Quidi Vidi Village. It was the Drehers’ first visit there! The tour then visited Government house and signed the Visitor’s Book. This visit was also a first for many. Then came the highlight of the day; the tour bus took them to 55 Rennies Mill Road, the former Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel. The door was open and the Drehers graciously invited everyone into their home and gave them a tour. They posed on the “sacred stairs” (shown left) and the Drehers’ son, Richard, patiently used everyone’s cameras to take wonderful pictures for them. They took the Drehers’ address so they could individually express their appreciation for the opportunity to once again 2 visit the Hostel. The atmosphere was so welcoming and they stayed so long that the planned visit to the Basilica had to be aborted since by now a wedding was in progress. So they toured Signal Hill instead. They then hurried back to the Residence to get ready and listen to the other girls rave about the wonderful VIP Luncheon (shown right) and entertainment by Joan Upshall on accordion at the Fairmont’ Cabot Club. Their answer was: “That’s nice but we sat on the Sacred Stairs again!!!!” Afterward we learned that some girls had gone to Rennies Mill Road separately and were also made welcome. The kindness of the Drehers meant a lot to those who loved that old Residence. The rest of the afternoon was spent coordinating the transportation to the evening event for those staying in the residence. We then proceeded on to the Banquet at the Holiday Inn (shown left).Things were running smoothly, thanks to the detailed planning of the Hospitality and Registration Committees and was shaping up to be great success. Tables were arranged in order of the year in residence. Here, for the first time, Barbara and Shirley got a chance to relax a little and sat with their own year(s). The food and service and feelings of joy and goodwill made this Banquet magical. Everyone and everything looked gorgeous. The Hospitality Committee with the help of Dr. Georgina (Budgell) Hedges (64-65), who was the emcee, kept everything flowing smoothly. Rita (Wareham) Collett (33-35), said the Grace. Rita, a youthful 90+, was the oldest to attend and resided at the hostel when it was known as Spencer Lodge. Lively entertainment was provided by Sheila Williams, singer and comedian, of Spirit of Newfoundland Productions. Her sing-along and storytelling brought laughter and a great sense of fellowship to the event. There was a real “Hostel Party” feel about it all – even without the men! A lot of prizes were awarded that had been donated by the girls from the Reunion Committee, as well as some from organizations and companies. This was done by asking a series of questions such as “Are you a grandmother of twins or triplets” which resulting in 12 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets – using 13 prizes for just one question. Looking out over the sea of faces at that Banquet, we were suddenly struck with awe and brought to tears by the realization of the enormous task we had accomplished over the past 26 months. There had been over 1350 girls staying at the Hostel over 40 years, we had been able to find information for over 1100 of them! When we returned to Burke House, a late night party was going on in the lounge, and we stayed up to wish Happy Birthday to Patty Way (65-67). It’s the last day and Sunday morning’s bright appearance did not disappoint. Shirley got to the showers first and made her rounds of those who wished to be called for Communion. We coordinated the rides for those needing it and headed to the Cathedral early. There we found the Committee Members who volunteered to act as Greeters and Stewards already on duty. They were handing out the special programs, containing the history of the hostel/lodge, the order of Holy Communion and the In Memoriam list, which Dean Josiah Noel kindly arranged to print for us. We staked out the pews where we needed to reserve empty spaces in memory of the Matrons. 256 of the 274 Registrants had managed to get to the Anglican Cathedral for the 8 am Eucharist. We were filling up the Hostel pews and overflowing. We all had so much to be thankful for that morning. Retired Bishop Martin Mate officiated in place of Bishop Cyrus Pitman who was attending the Lambert Conference at that time. Canon Dr. Frank Cluett (husband of Matilda (Combden) Cluett) was honorary assistant, and also assisting was the Rev. Timothy Parker, Curate. Readers and Eucharistic Assistants were two of our “girls”, the Rev. Mildred (Blagdon) Tobin (63-64, SS 1961) and Mrs. Joyce (Lamswood) King (57-59, 60-62). The high point for Barbara was to be part of those women from the Lodge/Hostel to walk down memory lane and take part in that beautiful Holy Eucharist Service at the Cathedral. She sat, thinking, here we all started out as Anglicans. Because we lived at 55 Rennies Mill Road we had all shared this Church experience in our teens. For some it was the first time back since those school days. We were all moved. The tears rolling down some cheeks were evidence of that. It is not very often you experience a feeling of Christian Love and 3 unity in all around you. That morning, for Barbara, was one of these times. For her at that time Mrs. Gosse was so near. More emotion was felt when we walked out behind the banner (carried, designed and handcrafted by Marguerite (Sutton) Drover). We proceeded down the main steps of that beautiful Gothic building and had our photo taken as a group (Photo bottom Page 3). Both Barbara and Shirley reflected on this large group of female humanity and how they had influenced and touched the lives of so many people around them and how our Hostel/Lodge experience had shaped us to deal with the people and events in our daily lives, from which fork to use, to how to address envelopes to the clergy or when it was proper to wear a hat. Looking at that photo today, we note that two of these girls passed away within two months after the reunion – Joan (Short) Bardon Downie (49-51) and Barbara Heffern (55-56, 58-59). Then it was on to Gushue Hall where the Breakfast and Meeting were to be held. Everyone was happily chatting in the Junior Common Room when we arrived and then all proceeded to the Buffet Breakfast downstairs in the dining hall (shown left). From the Church to the harp music of an angel – Glen Bartlett had donated an hour of Harp Music to a Church Auction where it was bought. This music entertained us at breakfast. Linda (Johnson) Jamieson (59-60, 65-67) emceed the proceedings, and, after the meal encouraged the girls to tell stories highlighting their experiences at the hostel. It was light-hearted and funny. At least two stories were about “mice’. One from Ev (Clarke) McTaggert about finding newly born mice in her Sunday hat; the other from a girl who remembered Louisa (Harvey) Hoddinott who would catch mice with her bare hands! We all remembered mousetraps going off in our dorms a few times in the middle of the night - a direct result of ignoring the “no food in dorms” rule. Those packages from home could not be so easily discarded! Bishop Mate, who had officiated at the Cathedral, accepted our invitation to breakfast. It was heartening to see how many of our gals knew Bishop Mate, and they were so happy to have the opportunity to speak with him since he is now retired. After breakfast, a meeting was called to order by the Co-Chairs. The proceedings resulted in forming an Interim Committee charged with the duty of determining the type of group or association appropriate for us, to manage the directions of the funds for the Bursary, and to form and continue raising money for an “In Perpetuity” Scholarship at MUN in order to keep the name and goals of Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel girls alive. It was also decided to maintain the archives, and to maintain the existing network. Volunteers for the Interim Committee were received from the floor. The meeting ended with much thankfulness to be in communion with each other and that the weekend cumulated in the joy of being reunited with old friends, dorm mates, etc. and reliving the memories of Hostel life. It was so easy to believe that even God approved since the sun shone on us for that whole weekend

(Part 4: Conclusion will be published in February 2017)


The 2016-17 Committee consists of: Co-Chairs – All the committee are currently acting as co-chairs on a rotating basis, Shirley prepares the Agenda; Recording Secretary - Verna (Bishop) Smith; Treasurer – Linda (Johnson) Jamieson; Scholarship – Marge Brown; Communications and Membership – Shirley (Morris) Cooper, Linda Jamieson(Membership); Archives – Grace (Hiscock) Hollett (Chair), Matilda (Combden) Cluett; Marguerite (Sutton) Drover; Website – Shirley (Morris) Cooper; Newsletter Co-editors – Shirley (Morris) Cooper, Hazel (Pritchett) Pritchett Harris, Barbara (Wells) Davis; Social Convenors – Anne (Combden) Perchard, Verna (Bishop) Smith; Members- at-Large - Barbara (Wells) Davis (St. John’s), Louisa (Harvey) Hoddinott (St. John’s), Muriel (Hulan) Chislett (West Coast NL), Daisy (Whitehorne) Amirault (Grand Falls), Frances (Butler) Patey (St. Anthony). Our website is: and the e-mail is [email protected], Telephone number (Shirley) 709-368-6180.

MEMBERSHIP 2016-17: Barfitt, Ethel; Billard, Kay; Brown, Marge; Buckle, Gertrude; Budden, Kezzie; Butler, Chrissie(HM); Chislett, Muriel; Chriistopher, Jean; Clarke, Jean; Cluett, Matilda; Cooper, Shirley; Crocker, Sheila; Crosbie, Florence; Dale, Sylvia; Davis, Barbara; Drover, Marguerite; Evans, Helen; Farnham, Joan; Forsey, Alice; Fowler, Gloria; Foy, Bessie; French, Greta; Galuga, Mary; Genge, Maxine; Genge, Sybil; Godden, Cothilda; Haber, Betty; Hann, Violet; Higgins, Inez; Hillier, Daphne; Hoddinott, Louisa; Hollett, Grace; Hookey, Lillian; Jamieson, Linda; Kemp, Verna; Kirby, Mabel (HM; Lee, Audrey (HM; Lee, Bev; Lomond, Mae; Milley, Margaret; Moulton, Verna; Murray, Hilda; Nash, Jean; Newman, Eileen; Noseworthy, Louise; Oake, Ena; Osmond, Joan; Parsons, Alberta; Parsons, Elsie; Patey, Elizabeth; Patey, Frances; Peavy, Doreen; Perchard, Anne; Pinhorn, Forence; Pritchett Harris, Hazel; Rideout, Barbara; Smith, Verna; Stanley, Dorothy; Stevenson, Annie; Taylor, Sheila; Tilley, Audrey; Tilley, Barbara; Walsh, Veronica; Wareham, Elizabeth; Way, Patty; Wells, Elizabeth; White, Jean; White, Ruby; Yetman, Margaret; Young, Annie

4 WEST COAST NL MINI-REUNION By Maisie (Beaton) Harding (63-64)

The West Coast Bishop Jones Hostel Group annual reunion was held on Sept.28, 2016 at St. Michael's Church Hall in Corner Brook with 27 in attendance. There was a meet and greet from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon followed by a beautiful lunch served by St. Michael's ACW. The ladies then joined in a sing-along led by Rev. Roberta Woodman. Lots of memories were shared and a great time was had by all.

Front Row: Sybil Genge, Louise Chaffey, Muriel Chislett, Mae Lomond, June Whitten, Vera Sheppard, Ethel Park, Lorraine Goosney Middle Row: Frances Payne, Lily Critch, Terry Lynne Strickland, Marion Rumbolt, Phyllis Brake, Regina Park Back Row: Beth Goosney, Millie King, Selina Pieroway, Marjory Kendall, Ethel Baldwin, Maisie Harding, Mary Harding, Mildred George, Eunice Lee, Cavelle Kerwin, Ulah Wilton, Hughena Wight, Sheila Crocker


The winner of the Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel Group Scholarship for 2016-17 is Emily Edison of Springdale, NL. (Watch for profile in next Newsletter). The value of the scholarship this year is $1622.00. Following the AGM in June 2016, $965.00 was added to our scholarship fund. $230 of this was collected at the AGM, $235.00 was donated after the AGM and $500.00 was from our current account, as voted on at the AGM. In addition to this, $580.00 was raised at our 2nd annual Fundraiser Luncheon hosted by Barbara Davis on October 13, 2016. (More news about this in next Newsletter.) At the AGM there was some discussion about how the scholarship is administered so the Committee decided to publish an explanation in the Newsletter. Following is that explanation: All monies donated to the scholarship fund (personal donations or contributions from our current account) go into the fund which is divided into two portions. 90% goes into a restricted portion and 10% into an unrestricted portion. The amount paid out each year is based on the current spending rate which presently is 4%. The rate is regularly reviewed and adjusted if necessary. The payout is also based on the previous fiscal year. The payout is 4% of the amount in the restricted portion of the previous year. For example, in 2014-15 the amount in the restricted portion of our fund was $37,515. 4% of this is $1500.60 so the payout for 2015-2016 was $1501.00. While the payout is 4% of the amount in the restricted portion, it is taken from the unrestricted portion. If in any year there isn’t enough in the unrestricted portion for the payout, we would be asked to fund the difference or the payment for that year would be waived and there would be no scholarship awarded. The amount in the unrestricted portion is never touched to make a payout. If this isn’t clear for you or if you have other questions please feel free to contact me at 21 A Shea St., St. John’s, NL A1B 1Y2 or 709-738-8864 or [email protected]

Marge Brown, BJMHG Scholarship Coordinator


We were so glad to see Florence Maud (Newhook) Pinhorn (54-55), now living in Winterton and who operates Island Rock Studio, attend our AGM and Luncheon in June. Florence is a well known artist who, with 8 other artists presented a group showing of artwork “Different Dimensions” at the Peter Lewis Gallery on June 10th. She also held her own art show Aug. 5-14 at the Ocean View Art Gallery where she unveiled her winter months’ work entitled :Concerning Multi Species”, an exhibit of 21 paintings where she brought to life the species of fish caught in Newfoundland by our fisher people with the hope that many would appreciate what those people do for our province. To view her work, go to Joining Florence, from Stephenville, was our West Coast Reunion co-ordinator, Muriel (Hulan) Chislett, (54-55). She was a classmate of Florence’s. Muriel and her team of west coast BJH girls do a bang-up job every year in bringing together more than 25 girls to keep the spirit of BJMH alive! We were also delighted to see Frances (Butler) Patey (58-59) who now resides in St. Anthony and is out committee member-at- large. Congratulations to Helen (White) (54-55) and George Evans on their 60th Wedding Anniversary this summer. Also, congratulations to Verna (Bishop) (61-62) and Boyd Smith who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary this summer.. And coming up we wish congratulations to Barbara (Wells) ((59-60, 64-66, SS 1960) and Gary Davis who will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in January 2017. Our 2014-15 Scholarship Winner, Janice McCarthy, has won the $2500 St. John’s Port Authority 2016 Memorial University Scholarship Award based on her academic excellence. She is pursuing a Civil Engineering Degree at Memorial.


In this month’s issue of Anglican Life I read an article by Kevin Smith entitled “Bishop Jones: The Planned Giver”. The article contained some facts about the man whom we knew as an avid advocate for the education of girls. So here is the article, reprinted with the kind permission of Kevin Smith and Emily Rowe of Anglican Life:

Bishop Jones: The Planned Giver by Kevin Smith Kevin Smith Every day brings its share of surprises! Earlier this summer I visited with a collector of bottles and other items in Trinity Bay in search of a cover for a new electrical panel in my cabin in Spreadeagle by the sea. Well, he brought out this huge picture of none other than Bishop Llewellyn Jones (photo right) that he had found it while cleaning out a house in the area after the occupants had passed away. The picture was too big for my use and I didn’t take him up on his offer. However the picture did pique my interest in Bishop Jones and I began some research into this remarkable man. Llewellyn Jones was born in Liverpool, England in 1840 and was consecrated Bishop of Newfoundland in May 1878. He arrived in St. John’s in June of the same year. Interestingly enough, his predecessor had resigned the year before due to an aversion to sailing but this wasn’t the case with this man. Bishop Jones served the Diocese until 1917 – the longest serving Bishop in our history in the (which at that time also included ). During his tenure, he had to deal with the great fire of 1892 which caused extensive damage to the Cathedral and destroyed a number of clergy homes. According to reports, Bishop Jones rolled up his sleeves and supervised the reconstruction of the Cathedral which was completed in 1905. There is another aspect of this story which fascinated me. Bishop Jones had a legal will and testament which was probated in 1919 –one year after his death in 1918. His will demonstrated his generosity and his Christian charity in his will. He left funds for family members and friends. However, more importantly, he bequeathed a number of legacies to organizations such as the Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund as well as the Clergy Retirement Funds all within the Diocese. He also left funds for Clergy Sustination Fund and the Church of England Orphanage. In addition, a bequest was left to the Widows Fund of the Bermuda Church Society. One important message that has been promoted over the last sixteen years is that church leaders – clergy and layity – should show leadership in the ministry of planned giving. That means they are encouraged to ensure they have a legal will and in that will, they are prayerfully asked to consider the church as worthy of a bequest. After all, if the leadership isn’t onside with this ministry, how can we expect our faithful parishioners to endorse and support our church through a planned gift! That’s why I was so delighted to read about Bishop Jones – a pioneer in the ministry of planned giving and an excellent role model for all church leaders. Kevin Smith is a gift planning consultant for the Anglican Church of Canada. He can be contacted at 709-739-5667 or by e-mail: [email protected]


Letter of thanks from our 2016 Scholarship Winner: Dear Ms. Brown: I’m writing to thank you for choosing to continue to support females who strive to excel while being away from home. I’m thrilled to have been chosen this year’s recipient of the Bishop Jones Memorial Hostel Group Scholarship. This monetary award is deeply appreciated and I thank you so very very much. Sincerely, Emily Edison.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT The Happiness Bank: The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she manoeuvred her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room, just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged.. it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away just for this time in my life. Old age is like a bank account: you withdraw from what you've put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories. Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing." Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less RECIPE

GREEN TOMATO CHOW (from the recipes of Barbara (Wells) Davis: Green tomatoes, sliced 5½ lbs. ( 2.5 kg.) Onions, cut up 1½ lbs. (680 g.) Course (pickling) salt 1/3 cup (75 ml.) Granulated sugar 3 1/3 cups (750 ml.) Mixed pickling spice 4½ tbsp.(85 ml.) (Tie in double layered cheesecloth) Turmeric 2 tsp. (10ml.) White Vinegar 2 cups (450 ml.) Layer tomatoes with onion and salt in large pot. Cover and let stand on counter overnight. Drain. Add remaining ingredients. Vinegar should be a little visible. Too much will make excessive juice. Heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. More turmeric can be added for colour. More sugar can be added for taste. In order to obtain an accurate taste, cool a spoonful and then sample. Pour into hot sterilized jars to within a quarter inch(6 mm.) of the top. Seal. Makes 4 pints.


BJMH Corporate Communion/Breakfast will be held on Sunday, Nov. 20nd, with Communion at 8 am at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s. Breakfast will follow at 9 am at Rumpelstiltskins. If you cannot make it for the communion, why not join us for breakfast anyway! You will be ordering from the menu and pay your own bill. In order for us to make reservations for the appropriate numbers please call Shirley Cooper at 368-6180 or e-mail: [email protected]. by Nov. 15th if you plan to join us. Hope to see you there!

Church Fall Fairs: Anglican Cathedral, Autumn Parish Sale, Cathedral Parish Hall, Oct. 22nd, 10 am onward, Morning Coffee, Lunch and Various Stalls,; Church of the Ascension, Mount Pearl, Nov. 19, Morning Coffee and stalls, 9:30 am to Noon; St. Peter’s, Upper Gullies, Nov. 5, Morning Coffee and Stalls, 10 am onward; St. Michael’s and All Angels, Nov. 5; St. Mary’s Fall Fair, Oct. 29, 9 am – 3pm, Turkey Tea Supper, Nov. 12, Fish & Brewis, Nov. 24; St. Mark’s Morning Coffee and Sale, Nov. 5 starting at 10 am. EVENTS NEWS

BJH Luncheon/AGM: by Verna (Bishop) Smith: The 2016 AGM of BJMH Group was held at the Marine Institute on June 9, 2016. The meeting was chaired by Linda Jamieson. Shirley Cooper, although recovering from a recent knee injury, continued her major role with the group. 37 girls attended – the largest group to date. Attendees represented all areas of NL and Labrador. They were: Marge Brown, Gertie Buckle, Muriel Chislett, Matilda Cluett, Shirley Cooper, Barbara Davis, Marguerite Drover, Joan Farnham, Maxine Genge, Clothilda Godden, Inez Higgins, Daphne Hillier, Louisa Hoddinott, Grace Hollett, Liillian Hookey, Linda Jamieson, Bev Lee, Margaret Milley and daughter, Donna Mactavish, Verna Moulton, Hilda Murray, Eileen Newman, Louise Noseworthy, Ena Oake, Joan Osmond, Elizabeth Patey, Frances Patey, Anne Perchard, Florence Pinhorn, Hazel Pritchett Harris, Barbara Rideout, Verna Smith, Dorothy Stanley, Barbara Tilley, Elizabeth Wareham, and Jean White. This was the fourth time the MI hosted our AGM. All offered thanks to the Institute staff for an excellent meeting facility, a fantastic buffet luncheon of Cod au Gratin, stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes, carrots, corn, green salad, dessert, coffee, tea and cold beverages. Reserve dates now so you can attend 2017 AGM next year in early June. The BJMH 7 Group has been very active and successful since its inception in 2008. We are pleased with a growing collection of photos and historic memorabilia from past years. Our Archive Committee was excited to receive numerous photos of the 1944-45 girls from Margaret (Raymond) Milley. Dorothy (Burton) Stanley also provided photos from 1959-60 and 1965-66. Please check your collections and share any historic document to our Archives Committee. The BJMH Scholarship for an out-of-town female student at MUN is funded through your donations and we were able to present a scholarship of $1501.00 in 2015-16. We continue to seek support and donations to this scholarship fund. Thanks to all. Keep active, stay in touch and check our website for future activities in your areas.

Stephenville Group: This group will be meeting again in the Fall of 2016, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, if you are interested in this event contact Muriel (Hulan) Chislett at [email protected] or phone 709-643-2207. They would be delighted to hear from you.

Grand Falls-Windsor Group: Their get-togethers include “girls” now living in the Grand Falls area who stayed at Bishop Jones Hostel from 1940 to the final year in 1968). Their recent event had to be cancelled due to the hurricane but we hope they will be able to get together before the next Newsletter When they do get together they enjoy swapping stories of their experiences from the good old Hostel days. If you are living in the area or planning on being in the area contact Daisy (Whitehorne) Amirault at [email protected] or telephone 709-489-6296 TICKLING YOUR FUNNYBONE

The joy of old age, from a lady who used to work in a retirement home complex: The people who lived there have small apartments but they all eat at a central cafeteria. One morning, one of the residents didn't show up for breakfast so the nurse went upstairs and knocked on his door to see if everything was OK. She could hear him through the door and he said that he was running late and would be down shortly so she went back to the dining area. An hour later he still hadn't arrived so she went back up towards his room and she found him on the stairs. He was coming down the stairs but was having a heck of a time. He had a death grip on the hand rail and seemed to have trouble getting his legs to work right. She told him she was going to call an ambulance but he told her no, he wasn't in any pain and just wanted to have his breakfast. So she helped him the rest of the way down the stairs and he had his breakfast. When he tried to return to his room he was completely unable to get up even the first step so they called an ambulance for him. A couple hours later she called the hospital to see how he was doing. The receptionist said he was fine and that he just had put both of his legs in one leg of his boxer shorts! LOST GIRLS

If anyone knows the whereabouts of these girls, contact Shirley Cooper at [email protected] or 709-368-6180:

Winter 1943-44: Ada Petite, English Harbour West, BSC, (P) Mrs. H.E.; Pearl Clarke, Dunfield, BSC. (P) Mr. G.; Nita Ralph, Angle Brook, MUC, (P) Mr. Winter 1942-43: Geraldine Butler, Port Rexton, BSC, (P) Mrs. C.G.; Irene Butler, Topsail, BSC, (P) Rev. W.A.; Marjorie Sharpe, Corner Brook, BSC, (P) Mr. R.; Jocelyn Cowan, St. John’s (England), BSC, (P) Mrs. Cowan; Mary Tulk (also 40-42), Harbour Grace, BSC & MUC, (P) Mr. G.S.; Eleanor Drover, Whiteway, MUC, (P) Dr. W.H. Winter 1940-41: Stella Mercer, Catalina, BSC, (P) Rev. R. F.; Dorothy Parrott, Burgoyne’s Cove, BSC, (P) Mr.l E.C.; Grace Smith, Baine Harbour, Placentia Bay, BSC, (P) Mr.J.W.; Jean Cosgrove, England, MUC, (PG) Mrs. W.A. Munn, St. John’s


Marilyn (Gill) Watt, MUN, Carbonear, 60-61 Peggy (Bird) Callaghan, BSC, St. John’s, 47-49 Maxine (Prince), BSC, Port Rexton, 43-45 Mildred (Randell), BSC, Port Rexton, 46-48 Jessie (Sheppard) Ryley , BSC/MUC, Humbermouth, 36-39 Dorothy (Vallis) Hubley, BSC, English Hr. West, 45-46 Jacqueline (Parsons) Cumby, MUN, Codroy, 59-60 [sister of Leona (Parsons) Edstrome (57-58) and Doretta (Parsons) Samms (57-58)]

Sherrilynn Barfoot, daughter of Beryl (Boland) Barfoot (54-55) Doris Stanley, mother-in-law of Dorothy (Burton) Stanley (59-60, 64-66) Thomas Sparkes, husband of Norma (Cave) Sparkes (53-54) Dr. Lawrence Moss, brother of Ruby (Moss) White (58-59) Eric Patey, husband of Elizabeth (Parmiter) Patey (58-60)

“Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.”

Jessie (Sheppard) Ryley



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