1 LEGEND LANE COLLECTORS CLUB NEWSLETTER ISSUE 12 Retired Items Still available with prices Old Group masks Collectors Swaps and items for sale 1955-60 Wall mask pictures Another oriental mask found Our American Indians with war paint Illustrated 1 2 FOR SALE OR TO SWAP I have received a letter from Ivan Victor in Australia, after reading my article concerning the Fred Wright Fisherman figurine sitting on a wall, Ivan who lives in Australia realised that he actually has the piece concerned. He wants to sell the piece therefore anyone interested can contact him. He also has some very old Italian lady masks the markings on the back state Riproduzlone Vietata and they are made in Italy. He wants to sell or swap these. He is looking for Indian Chief our mask from the early 1950s. If anyone has this and wishes to sell it please contact Ivan. MR IVAN VICTOR PO BOX 264 CLARE SA 5453 AUSTRALIA ****************************************************************** STEVE CLEMENTS 17 MICKLEFORD WAY BOREHAMWOOD HERTFORDSHIRE WD6 4LG ENGLAND TEL 0203 953 6961 email
[email protected] Has the following pieces to swap please contact him direct. ROMANY ROGUE SERIES 3 RAJAH WACKFORD SQUEERS NELSON MANDARIN BEDOUIN ****************************************************************** Legend Collector Mr B. Parker from Plumstead in London has sent to me a picture of another Legend Mask of an oriental lady from his collection. I don’t think we have seen this one before. 2 3 MRS G WALKER NANT FARM ERBISTOCK NR WREXHAM CLWYD WALES LL13 ODD 01978 780249 Has for sale a very old Cossack Marauder in mint condition (Centre item in the picture below).