ASK Working Paper 05 Michael Winter The judiciary of late Mamluk and early Ottoman Damascus The administrative, social and cultural transformation of the system Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg ISSN 2193-925X Bonn, August 2012 ASK Working Paper, ISSN 2193-925X Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg History and Society during the Mamluk Era (1250-1517) Heussallee 18-24 53115 Bonn Editor: Stephan Conermann Author’s addresses Prof. Dr. Michael Winter (1) Tel Aviv University Email:
[email protected] (2) Annemarie-Schimmel-Kolleg "History and Society during the Mamluk Era, 1250-1517" Heussallee 18-24 53113 Bonn Telephone: 0228/7362946 Fax: 0228/7362964 Website: The judiciary of late Mamluk and early Ottoman Damascus: the administrative, social and cultural transformation of the system by Michael Winter (Tel Aviv, Bonn) About the author Michael Winter is a professor emeritus of the History of the Middle East at Tel University. He earned his PhD in Islamic Studies at UCLA (1972). The focus of his research is on social, cultural and religious themes (such as ʿulamaʾ, Sufis and Sufism, qadis and ashrāf) in Egypt and Syria under the Mamluks and the Ottomans, and the political thought in Islam. He published Society and Religion in Early Ottoman Egypt: Studies in the Writings of ʿAbd al- Wahhab al-Shʿarani, (1982, first paperback printing, 2007), and Egyptian Society under Ottoman Rule, 1517-1798 (1992, Arabic translation, 2001). Winter has co-edited four books and published numerous articles. For a few years he has been working on the social history of late Mamluk and early Ottoman Damascus.