Lunar Surface Geoscience Training for Astronauts

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Lunar Surface Geoscience Training for Astronauts Lunar Surface Science Workshop 2020 (LPI Contrib. No. 2241) 5085.pdf LUNAR SURFACE GEOSCIENCE TRAINING FOR ASTRONAUTS. T. G. Graff1, K. E. Young2,3, C. A. Evans2, J. E. Bleacher3,4, A. D. Kanelakos2, and S. J. Wray5, 1Jacobs, NASA/JSC, Houston, TX 77058 (tre- [email protected]), 2NASA/JSC, 3NASA/GSFC, 4NASA/HQ, 5KBR. Introduction: Geoscientists have been training and [11], with their specific 2018 and 2019 geoscience preparing astronauts to observe the Earth from space training activities highlighted in [12] and [13] respec- and explore other planetary surfaces with a legacy that tively. Initial planning for the selection and training of reaches back to the early days of the space program [1- Group 23 is already underway. 8]. Continuing this legacy and critical function, a core Geoscience training for NASA engineers, flight NASA team has been closely coordinating with the operations, mission planning, and managers has also Johnson Space Center (JSC) Flight Operations Direc- been a successful component of Phase 1. Leveraging torate (FOD) as well as academic, research institutions, the astronaut candidacy curriculum, this program has and other governmental partners to conduct a compre- developed and provided a field-based geoscience train- hensive geoscience training program that ranges from ing short course to members of the NASA community initial astronaut candidate training [9-13] to preparing that are currently working on lunar and planetary sur- assigned crew for future lunar surface missions. De- face exploration initiatives. Providing real geologic scribed below are the three program training phases fieldwork exposure and a unique cross-organizational (summarized in Figure 1), along with recent program training experience to those planning missions, devel- highlights and forward planning. Given NASA’s in- oping operations, and building flight hardware has creased planning and development efforts regarding proven extremely valuable. near-term lunar surface science activities, we welcome Phase 2 – Proficiency Training: Phase 2 of this ideas, concepts, capabilities, collaborations, and inno- program strives to build upon the foundational vations to this astronaut training program. knowledge gained during the initial phase. This astro- Phase 1 - Initial Training: The initial training, or naut training takes place post candidacy and prior to Phase 1, of the program is conducted during the inten- flight assignment. Phase 2 geoscience training includes sive ~two-year astronaut candidacy period. This phase Crew Earth Observations (conducted by JSC Earth has been iteratively developed based on feedback from Science and Remote Sensing experts in preparation for the Group 20 (2009) and Group 21 (2013) astronaut flight on the International Space Station), slots for classes, input from the Lunar Exploration Analysis crewmembers in high-fidelity operational mission ana- Group (LEAG), and findings from a NASA HQ com- logs (like the undersea NASA Extreme Environment missioned Strategic Action Team on Geologic Astro- Mission Operations (NEEMO) or the Desert Research naut Training. Approved by the NASA Astronaut Of- and Technology Studies (Desert RATS) projects), and fice and the FOD Astronaut Candidate Training Work- opportunities to accompany field scientists on expedi- ing Group, Phase 1 content is currently comprised of a tions to accomplish cutting-edge science objectives. comprehensive 4-week training curriculum that in- These opportunities give astronauts a chance to main- cludes classroom and field components. Classroom tain and develop the knowledge built during Phase 1, training modules include Geoscience Fundamentals as well as deploy that knowledge in operationally rele- (tectonics, structural geology, remote sensing, geo- vant settings. These unique field and analog mission morphology, and volcanism), Earth Systems (land opportunities also give crewmembers the opportunity cover/land use, atmospheric and climate sciences), and to build upon critical team and leadership skills. Planetary Science and Exploration Missions (Moon, In addition to the field-based activities, Phase 2 al- Mars, small bodies, and astrobiology). Field training so includes numerous JSC facilities currently under activities include expeditions to geologically-relevant development to simulate lunar and planetary surface locations that are particularly well-suited to introducto- conditions for crew training, operational testing, phys- ry geoscience training, sampling, and mapping activi- iological assessments, and hardware evaluations. These ties. In addition, these field activities serve as a mech- facilities include the Active Response Gravity Offload anism for expeditionary skill set development by System (ARGOS), the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory providing a platform for operational, team, and leader- (NBL), the JSC Rock Yard, the Physical And Cogni- ship experiences. tive Exploration Simulations (PACES) lab, as well as Group 22 (the NASA and Canadian Space Agency numerous mixed reality facilities. Science content and class selected in 2017 nicknamed “The Turtles”) was planning considerations have been closely integrated the most recent group of astronaut candidates to com- into the development of these training facilities in the plete Phase 1 of the geoscience training program. The form of appropriate simulant materials, science opera- overall training curriculum for Group 22 is detailed in tions, terrain modeling, sampling methods, scientific Lunar Surface Science Workshop 2020 (LPI Contrib. No. 2241) 5085.pdf Figure 1: Schematic demonstrating the three phases of astronaut training, starting from candidacy and moving through mission specific training. instrumentation, mobility considerations, tool devel- through field assistantships, crew slots on analog mis- opment, and traverse planning. sions, facility testing, and classroom training in Crew Phase 3 – Assigned Crew Training: Planning is Earth Observations. As NASA moves forward with the currently underway for Phase 3, the intensified training Artemis program, Phase 3 development is underway that will take place once a crew is assigned and a land- and will include extensive classroom instruction, facili- ing site is selected for a specific lunar or planetary ex- ty simulations, and field experiences. We welcome ploration mission. Phase 3 training will include addi- ideas, concepts, capabilities, collaborations, and inno- tional geoscience classroom instruction and extensive vations to this training program. fieldwork geared towards the science objectives of the Acknowledgments: We would like to mission, as well as detailed science operations incorpo- acknowledge the contributions, hard work, and dedica- rated into facility-based simulations (e.g. ARGOS, tion of all the individuals and organizations that have NBL, etc.) using flight-like hardware (space suits, made this program possible and successful. Collabora- landers, rovers, tools, instruments, etc.). This phase of tions across universities, research institutions, other geoscience training will be highly integrated with governmental agencies, JSC organizations, and NASA JSC’s FOD and a strong partnership is already estab- centers is critical to the success of this program and lished. will ultimately maximize the scientific return from Phase 3 components that are currently underway future missions to the lunar surface. include the selection of field training locations, science References: [1] Lofgren G. et al. (2011) GSA operational planning, and lunar surface tool develop- SP483, 33-48. [2] Schmitt H. H. et al. (2011) GSA ment. Initial evaluations and reconnaissance of poten- SP483, 1-16. [3] Hodges K. V. and Schmitt H. H. tial geoscience field and operational training locations (2011) GSA SP483, 17-32. [4] El Baz F. (2011) GSA for a lunar south pole mission are in progress. Current SP483, 49-66. [5] Phinney W. C. (2015) NASA/SP- progress on science operational planning and the de- 2015-626. [6] Evans C. A. et al. (2011) GSA SP483, velopment of Artemis sampling tools are reported by 67-74. [7] Eppler D. et al. (2016) GSA Today v.26 [14] and [15] respectively. no.8, 34-35. [8] Bleacher J. E. et al. (2017) Planetary Conclusions: A comprehensive multi-phased geo- Science Vision 2050 Workshop, 8088, [9] Young K. E. science training program is well-established for train- et al. (2017) HRP IWS, [10] Evans C. A. et al. (2018) ing astronauts from initial candidates all the way to AGU, P31H-3798, [11] Graff T. G. et al. (2018) 49th selected crew for lunar or planetary missions. A suc- LPSC, 2547, [12] Graff T. G. et al. (2019) 50th LPSC, cessful Phase 1 of this training program was recently 2139. [13] Graff T. G. et al. (2020) 51st LPSC, submit- completed training the Group 22 Astronaut class. ted. [14] Young K. E. et al. (2020) Lunar Surface Sci- Phase 2 training opportunities have been given to a ence Workshop, submitted. [15] Naids A. J. et al. number of crewmembers over the last several years (2020) Lunar Surface Science Workshop, submitted. .
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