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of all the base ball fraternity as well as gether on the TItica team. Then they many others who know him only to have separated, Sliindle going to Detroit and the sincerest regard for him. Griffin to Baltimore. When Detroit dis­ THE SPORTING LIFE. Dieksou, the great young of banded Shindle joined Griffin in Baltimore. WESTERN AMIRS. A WEEKLY JOURNAL the University of Pennsylvania team is They both joined the Philadelphia Players' but 17 years old. League, and then separated again. Grlf- Devoted to Grady has been hitting hard and he nn going to Brooklyn and Shindle return­ THE OPENING OF THE HEW LEAGUE'S promises to become a great backstop. He ing to Baltimore. Now they are once more BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND is inclined to be a little overanxious and together in Brooklyn.____ GENERAL SPORTS AND grasps for the ball almost before the bats­ CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON. man swings at It. This habit is often SELEE'S SIGHT. , PASTIMES. prolific of passed balls, but after a few games it is thought Grady will be in How the League Race Looks Through good shape to handle any of the home Wednesday Next the Opening Day Published by effectively. His Spectacles. Four o'clock is the hour set for be­ Manager Selee, of the Boston League For What Promises to b& a Suc­ THE SPORTIHG LIFE PUBLISHING CO. ginning games at Philadelphia Park. team, makes the following predictions Callihnn seems to have the making of a about the coming season: Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. good pitcher about him. "While I am not claiming the cham­ cessful Season-The List of Play­ pionship, I'll say that the Bostons will play any club in the country a series of ers, Umpires, Etc., Under Contract. FRANCIS C. RICHTER Editors. nine games and win a majority of them. FRANK A. EGAN LATE NEWS BY WIRE. I'll also predict that we will be one, two, three at the finish of this year's race. CONTENTS: The Latest Official Bulletin From Leaving Boston out of my calculations, I The reorganized Western League of Headquarters, think Cleveland should bo first. New York 181)4 is composed of clubs located in Base Bull News...... _...... Pngei 1 to 8 Milwaukee, Kansas Cily, Minneapolis, Bicycling News ...... 1'agcs 0 lo lit Special to "Sporting Life." second, Pittsburg third, Philadelphia Washington. D. C., April 20. Headqrar- fourth, Cincinnati fifth, Chicago sixth, Grand Uapids, Sioux City, Toledo, In­ Billiards, Aquatic, Trigger, Brooklyn seventh, Baltimore eighth, Louis­ dianapolis and Detroit, making one of King, Cricket, Athletic...... Page S ters National League and American Asso­ ciation of Professional Base Ball Clubs: ville," ninth, St. Louis tenth, Washington the most compact and lucrative circuits LEAGUE CONTRACTS. last. I think Cleveland has a winner. ever possessed by any large league west SUBSCRIPTION RATES: With Louisville W.. M. Karle, C. Scott That team can bat, bases and field One Year...... S4.OO with the best of them, and the pitchers are of the Allegheny Mountains. The cham­ Strattou. pionship Six Months...... 3.35 With Boston-C. A. Nichols. very strong. Tebeau also cau get a great season opens Wednesday next, Three Months...... l-*5 With New York Amos Kusie, C. A. Far- deal of team work out of his men, which Is April 25, and closes September 25, each Single Copy...... l«c. rell, James Stafford. a big factor. New York has a cracking club playing every other club 10 games. PENNSYLVANIA LEAGUE CONTRACTS. team, too. I think Ward's men will out­ The president-secretary-treasurer of the PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. class Philadelphia and Pittsburg in pitch­ League L Mr. Ben Johnson, of Cincin­ Foreign 1'ostnge, $1.04 Kxtra per Annum. With Reading B. W. Beaumont, George ing and base running and will just as Goodhard, W. J. Clare, Ed. Henry, Wil- hard. Farrell is the best catcher New nati. Following is a correct list of the linui L. Lawson, Frank J. Eustace, Frank teams of the League: DISTRIBUTION: York has had since Buck Ewing's palmy Miller, George B. Fox, W. C. Khoads, K. days. He will get a lot of work out of PETHOIT. .E SPORTING LIFE is the only C. Stepheuson, Thaver Taneyson. the pitchers, and will handle Rusie better Mnnngcr and captain H. J. Glonnlvin; catcher* With Altoona T. McOuirk, J. H. Butter- William Krieg, Jerry Hurley; pitchers George weekly paper (to our knowledge) than any catcher that has ever faced him. Cobb, L. Balz, George Ilui-|ier; first base more, P. J. Haggerty, W. W. Setlcy, Am­ He Is also a winner and one of the gen­ Howard requiring a perfecting press and nine brose McCann, Fred Miller, George Uoss. Earle; second base K. J. Glccalvin; third base hours, at a speed of 10,000 per tlemanly players of the profession. Ward W. L. Hvcrett; short-stop Monte Cross; out- With Easton Frank Wilson, Percy Grif­ has a strong pitching corps, and he has flolrtors-Clirl Carroll, Joseph McGuckcn aud Jarne* hour, to complete an edition. This fin, J. W. Holmes, John E. Dunu, Jacob also strengthened his team with Vail Hal- Burns. is not a claim of 90,000 circulation, but Weihl, Frank Sharp, Thomas Gillen. Harry tren in centre Held. I still feel that Mur­ GRAND RAPIDS. Hughes, Charles II. Levis. John Wente. phy is the best short stop ou the team, Manager and captain W. B. Wright; catchers it is a claim and demonstration that the With Pottsville Thomas Fleming. Frank and I shall be surprised if he doesn't laud H. Spies. G. Dlion and W. C'ody; pitchers circulation of THE SPORTING LIFB is Gilleu, John Tighe, William McCoach. Os­ there. The new rule calling bunted fouls W. Watkins, O. Schuiidt. W. Ithinea, H. I'arker, car Hill. Harry Lemmon. Thomas K. Gold­ WILLIAM JOYCE, strikes will help Boston. My players are R. Martile, W. Wolters: first base R. Camthcre; by far larger than any weekly published en, Patrick J. Fox. Philip Bademan. Theo­ second base A. Slppi third base George rinck- Captain and Third Baseman of the Washington League Team. delighted with the way It works. There iify; sbort-stop H. Wheelock; and almost equals the largest monthly dore Shilzky, Charles Noyce, John Uackel. are so many skillful bunters on the team outfielders W . B. With Harrisburg C. G. Baldwin, Wright, W. George, L. Bailey, W. II. Riley. on a monthly basis. The papers are W. S. that the rule won't affect us at all. It INDIANAPOLIS. shipped by express as fast as printed and Wetzel, George Reese. George Hodson, W. also should benefit New York and Cleve­ Manager "William £.harstg; captain James Mc- T. Patchen, George Slattz, M. F. Hogan. any and all news stands in the following land, while the other teams will be hand­ Taniiiny; catchers W. Gray, diaries Snyder, I!. W. H. Massey, George T. Westlake, John icapped by it. The prospects for a base Wcstkike; pitchers A. Mauck. R. G.iyle, H. . cities or localities should have the paper F. Doran. PLAYING RULES. THE WGLEiGDE. ball boom are very bright, and especially Phillips, W. Sowdcra, H. Ortli; first base W. on sale the day specified opposite to each With Hazleton-Zeke Moore. John W. in New York city. I sincerely hope that Pluck; second base .Sum Mills; third base Janie* Ely, B. I'. Couroy, August Land, E. H. when the race draws to a close we will be Graham; short-stop W. Devimiey; outfivlders locality: Rothermel. Gus Moran, Charles T. Jordan. battling with New York for the pennant. Leidy and McTamany. New York City...... Saturday A. M. With Allentown Henry T. Cate, J. Wal­ HOW THEY MOST BE CONSTRUED THE THIRD CHAMPIONSHIP RACE If such should prove to be, the case I KANSAS CITY. ters, Dan K. Alexander. Manager and captain Jumes H. Manning; BiooUlyn, N. Y...... Saturday A. M. don't believe Ward's men could beat us catchers T. Donahue, G. W. DuUgherly; pitch­ Trov, N Y ...... Saturday A. M. VIRGINIA LEAGUE CONTRACTS. ACCORDING TO LAW. OMR WAY. out." __ ers G. Dilily, W. McGinnily, P. Daniels; first Buffalo, N. Y...... Saturday A. M. With Richmond-C. E. Kain, W. H. Na­ base W. Kinsman; second bast1 James H. Man­ Albany, N. Y...... Saturday A. M. pier, T. C. West, H. F. Mace, C. Blanken- FIRST SERIOUS ACCIDENT. ning; third base W. Niles; short -stop G. Sharp; Boston. Mass...... Saturday A. M. Hhlp, O. E. Foster, G. W. Buckman, 1'. oultielders Ulrich, Nichol and Hernon. Springfield, Mass...... Saturday A. M. Warmsley. President Young's Interpretation in Only Two Changes Made Within the Catcher Burke Collides With a Run­ MILWAUKEE. Portland, Me...... Saturday A. M. With Staunton Charles Ewing, W. W. Manager Charles H. CXishman; captain J. B. Providence. K. I...... Saturday A. M. Setty, F. M. Lothrop, G. E. Arthur, J. B. ner aiul Breaks a Leg. Ijiby; catchers Roberts, Lohnian, Joliason; pitch­ Montreal. Can...... Saturday A. M. Sherer, G. J. Seigler, W. W. Clark, Shir- Fall Doubtful Points Explained Past leak-The Schedule For The first serious accident of the season ers T. C. Williams, W. Hastings, F. Figge- Toronto, Can...... Saturday A. M. ley Thompson. occurred at Eastern Park Monday during ineier, C. Carish, J. SheiMe; first ha?» W. Baltimore. Md...... Saturday A.M. a game between the Brooklyns and Spring- Girey; second base John Shields; third uise Washington, D. C...... Saturday A. M. With Petersburg J. D. Foreman, Bert at Length I Synopsis ol His Kext Week-The Probabilities ol W. Clingman: short -stop R. lytngsford; outtield' New Orleans. La...... Saturday A. M. Myers. fields. The victim was catcher Dan Burke, era Luby, MeVey and Newman. fjouisvtllc, Ky...... Saturday A. M. RELEASED of Springfield, and the accident will end MINVBAPOIJS. tfrle. Pa...... Saturday A. M. By Boston Henry C. Ga«tright. Instructions. the Long Campaign. his playing for this season, at least. It Manager John S. Barnes; captain F. Crooks; rittsburg. Pa...... Saturday A. M. Bv St. Louis Charles J. Crooks. was in the first , Tom Burns, of catchers J. Rnnvll, T. Hess; pitchers 0. Morse, Chicago. III...... Saturday A. M. By Pittsburg W. M. Earle. Brooklyn, being on third base and Tread- W. Mains, E. T. Lincoln, J. Diiryea. E. Cor- way at the hat. The latter hit to Stccham, bett. T. Morris, O. Frailer; ftrst base McCiuiley; Cleveland, O...... Saturday A. M. N. B. YOUNG, Secretary. According to President Young's views The championship season of the big second base J. Crooks; third Iwse W. Hnlen; Cincinnati. O...... Saturday A. M. tweive-club League was started Thurs­ who threw the hall home. It was a wild St. Louis. Mo...... Saturday A. M. the rules applicable to bunt hits are plain throw, and as Burke stepped to the third short-stop T. MeGuire; outfiolders M. Hiuea, Pittsburg After Breitenstein. enough for the comprehension of any day. April 1!) too late for results to be base side of the plate to catch the ball E. Foster, J. Gurry and T. Siieehan. Milwaukee, WIs...... Saturday A. M. Special to "Sporting Life." SIOUX CITY. Detroit, Mlch...... Saturday A. M. intelligent umpire, and the Ijoasjue staft chronicled here, us the "Sporting Life." is Burns ran into him with a fearful force. Pittsburg. Pa., April Manager W. H. Watkins; captain Joe Walsh; Kansas Cltv, Mo...... Mondav A. M. 2O. President Kerr, of umpires have bcjeu instructed to being printed while the opt-uing games are Burke uttered a yell, which struck terror ditchers A. Twin/chain, P. Krnnss, T. Woods; Rt. Paul, Minu...... Saturday P. M. of the local club, is. it Is learned, in St. in progress. to the hearts of spectators, and fell to Louis conferring with President Von der enforce them in accordance with the The diguing series finds pitchers W. Hart, J. Jones, T. Parvin. B. Cun- Denver, Col...... Monday A.M. letter of the law. Brooklyn in Boston, New York in Bal­ the ground. The players picked him up ningham, Wliitehill and McMackin; tirst base Omaha, Neb...... Monday A. M. Ahe. of the Browns, about the transfer of and carried him into the dressing-room, Charles Mnrr; seecmd base Joe Stewart; third San Francisco, Cal...... Tuesday P. M. Pitcher Breitenstein to the Pittsburgs. THE QUESTION OF INTENTION. timore. Philadelphia in Washington, where a doctor attended to him. base J. Newell; short-stop J. Walsh; outfield- Philadelphia, Pa...... Saturday A. M. The great Western combination of pres­ Mr. Young defines a bunt hit as being Pittsburg in St. Louis, Cleveland in It was fo'.md that his leg was broken ers H. Howe, G. liogrlcver, F. Gentry and C. Harrlsburg. Pa...... Saturday A. M. ident and manager will kick a little on made when the bat is pushed or held Louisville, and Chicago in Cincinnati. at the ankle and that the boue protruded Groves. Newark, N. J...... Saturday A. M. the proposition Captain Kerr will make, forward so as to allow the bnU to re­ For next week the programme- is as through the flesh. Manager Burns, of TOLEDO. but the alluring dollar and a judicious follows:- . . tho Springlli-lds, says that Burkc's family ManngfT Dennis I/mg; captain J. T. Oarney; "Anyone finding delay in ihe delivery application of glucose will bring him to bound from the u'at without its being will not suffer through this misfortune. catcbers-D. Mci-'arlnnd. P. Sonimers; pitchers of THE SPORTING LIFE as per the terms. struck at, as in the case of swinginc April 2U Cleveland-it Louisville, Chicago at It was Burke's first game with the Spring­ G. Wadsworth. G. Rettger, T. Itlue, H. Pas- Cincinnati. "" -- - torlus, F. Foreman, W. M. Meyers: first base above table will oblige the publishers it forward to meet Ihe ball. When the Al'i-il 23 Boston at Brooklyn, Washington at field team and he was considered the best J. J. Tarney; second base .1. Connors; third biBe Condensed Dispatches. batsman, simply holds the bat iu front IM •:>•••> ."Ma. '--~-- I catcher on the nine. His home is at Whit- by immediate notification. Efforts will illpu. Kan., where he has a wife and G. HatnVId; short-stop R. Cargo; ouUieluer» be made cheerfully Special to "Sporling Life." y. ' but Man­ sou. otherwise. If he attempts to strike at Chicago at St. Louis. ager Burns said that Uurkc's satSty would League are: Norman L-. Barber, of struction in delivery. Second baseman John Strlcker has sign­ the ball slowly or swiftly, however, April 2S. 30 lioslon at Philadelphia, Brooklyn beglu to-day aud be paid through tlrtrTSe'tt" Forest City. Ia.: John Sheridan, of San ed with Providence. by swinging it forward to strike the ball, nt Washington, I'altimore at New York, Pitts­ FrtVUcisco; .Tas. McDonnld, of San Fran- The Syracuse Club has released Pitcher he does not make a bunt hit. burg nt Cincinnati, Cleveland at St. Louis, Chi­ cisco-'iHUl Charles Mitchcll, of Pittsburx. Driscoll and Onth'elder Jimmy Wolf. cago at IjMiisville. PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. In the former case, it' the ball ia mint­ April 29 Cleveland at St. Louis, Chicago at WARD CALLED DOWN. Following-vim! all dates for the open­ The only Southern League game of the ed to foul ground, whether it strikes fair Louisville. ing games and^rtlFsStmtests^ immediately 18th resulted as follows: New Orleans 4, Kiound first and then rolls foul or not, the Ma.v 1 Boston at Philadelphia, Brooklyn at Tim Murnane Gently Roasts His Old The Opening Game*in Washington Nashville 8. umpire must call a strike on each and ._ Washington, Pittsburg ut Cincinnati. Baltimore Bosom Friend. April 2H, 20, 27-Mihva\lkec at Milligan's New Ambition Frank Manager Baylies. of New Bedford, has every such bunt hit n.r.de. But if the bat at New York, Minneapolis at Slom City. Grand RapidsM Hough's Bereavement. is lirst plainly swung forward to strike While Tim Murnare was In New York signed Stewart. catcher of last year's Uni­ In our last issue was given a correct last week with the Boston tei in he made diana|)0lis, Detroit at Toledo. Philadelphia, April 18. versity of Vermont team. the ball, and not pushed forward or held up April 28, 2;>, SO Mir.neapolis nt Kansas city, to meet the ball, without any effort to \'\st of the teams which are now entering some emphatic statements about his al- Milwaukee at Sionx City, Toledo at Grand The Phillies will leave on the 8.15 train Near Oneida. N. Y.. April 17. Teddy Me- upon tho long race. Since then hut two l'-ged connection with the Farrell case. Rap. Million, of Utica, whipped Nick Freedom, strike at It as in the case of a bunt id* from Twenty-fourth and Chestnut Streets bit then no strike can be called if the changes have occ-mTcd. Catcher Earle Said he: April 28. 30-Detroiti at Indianapolis. Station for Washington to-morrow morn- of Oneida, in eight rounds. "I see that some persons, and especially Mr. Ing. They will he accompanied by a large ball goes to foul ground. The distinction beins: reloaded by Pittslmrg and signed May 1. 2, 3 Simix City at Kansas City. A. A. Zimmermnn left on the New York between the effort to strike at the l>;ill by Louisville, and Sam Wise being re­ Ward, have charged me with blocking the deal May 2, 3, 4 Milwaukee at Minncujmti«. In­ delegation of local enthusiasts, who will Wednesday afternoon to fulfill his profes­ and that to let the ball rebound from the by advising Farrell to hold on* for some of that dianapolis at Toledo, Grand Rapids at, Detroit. go to "root" for them in the first cham­ sional engagements in France and Italy. but as it is held forward for a bunt hit leased by Washington. purchase uwwy. Now the fact ia that I never May 4, 5, 0 Kansas City at Sioux City. pionship game of the season. Eddie Pierce and Walter Edgerton. the is plain enough for the most ordinary com­ It would bo folly lo enter into a n:iid a word to Farroll. He is a clever fellmv, May 5. fi, 7 Indianapolis at Grand Rapid*, MILLIGAN'S AMBITION. "Kentucky Rosebud," have been matched prehension. lengthy discourse us to the possibilities aud managed his own case. While I brouglit MinneaiKilis at Milwaukee. Catcher Jack Mllligan him out in 18S.S, and I have since felt a great May 5, 7, 8 Toledo at Detroit. Is among the ap­ to light at the Grund Central Palace in NO DIFFEKE.NCF. IN KICKING. and probabilities of the race, considering interest in his welfare', I never for a moment plicant's for saloon licenses. Jack wants New York, April 28. As for kicking against decisions in the the many contingencies that make or told him what to do in this matter. My attidne to loeate at Twenty-eighth lielow Federal Tlie Arkansas State League has been or­ case of foul bunting. It is simply the same mar each team and decide a long pen- toward ball players has changed considerably streets. Milligun a year ago had aspira­ ganized with Little Hock, Van Huron. Cam- MILLER'S SUGGESTION ACTED ON. tions of becoming a Councilman; now he as against called bulls and strikes ami 'ajit race. There is just about one since tho days of the Player's Ix-ague. den, Fort Smith. Hot Springs and Pine decisions in regard to base running, and chance in several hundred thousands to "Then I did everything in the world to help Tho Washington Club Hangs lip has aims in another direction. There are Bluff in the circuit. must be punished In the same way, as in them along, and for that matter, I think that a number of old ball players In business Horace M. Leeds, of Atlantic City, has the case of all other cases of decisions guess the correct standing at tho finish I did considerable for Mr. Ward, who has never Medals For League Players. in this-clty, but Lew Siimnons is about the arranged with Stanton Abbott for a six- which are marked only by errors of judg­ of all of the twelve loams; so why waste said bo much as "Thank you.' Hall players can Wasbiiifc'lon, D. C., April Hi.-Tbe $50 only one who has been prominent in the af­ round bout at the Lyceum Theatre, New ment, aud that is by a fine of from $5 to time and talent upon it? do an they please for all I care, so long as the Kold medals to be bung up by Mr. Louis fairs of th" national game who has come York, between May 15 and 20. $''!>, according to the abusive character of On form and bar accident Boston Boston Huti doesn't get the worst of it. That's Callisuer and Mr. Earie Waftncr, respec­ up before tup License Judges. Milllgan t'he kicking, and In case all. But let me add that if Farrell had come tively, for the fastest runner and best states that he Is tired of roaming around The Southern League games of April 17 of a repetition should again win tho League champion­ to me for advice I would have told him to hold resulted as follows: Charleston. 10. Atlan­ of the oft'euse after the infliction of a thrower In tho base ball profession will the country, and is desirous of settling ship, despite the alleged strengthening off from signing until the Wagners paid him be provocative of sonic excellent sport dur­ down, and, therefore, wants to go into ta, 6; Savannah, 13, Macon, 5; New Or­ fine, by the prompt removal of the offender of the other leading teams. The fight $1000 of the purchase money, which he could leans, 6, Macon 3; Mobile, 5, Memphis. 3. from the field. All kicking of the abusive have gotten easily. ing the coming season at the National business in his native city. As a ball nature which prevailed last year on all will doubtless be between Boston, Cleve­ Ball Park. It is probable that a com­ player and a citizen he has always en­ The college games of the ISth resulted land and 1'ittslmrfT. with Philadelphia, ".Messrs. Talcott and Wheeler have done a mittee of. three, consisting of ono member joyed a good reputation. as follows: Pennsylvania '2.1, Hopkins 1; the League club grounds will this season great deal for base ball in New York, but the Should his ap- be promptly punished by order of Presi­ New York and Brooklyn as possibilities. success of the team rests with Mr. Ward. He each of the Columbia Athletic Club, Y. appllcnlion for a license be considered fa- Prineeton 9, Lafayette 0; Yale 8. Wesley- M. C. A. and Carroll Institute, will be ap­ Torably he may again lie attacked by the an 7; Harvard 15, Woven Hose 8; Brown dent Young from the very day the League The teams named should all finish in lias as strong material as Boston bus, and if championship opens. the first division. The fight for the head he can handle his men as well as Captain Nash pointed to take charge of the contests, do­ political fever, and might start in by be­ 17, Tufts 2. tukes cure of the Bostons he should win the ing all the measuring, holding the watches, coming a School Director, which is usually The college games of April 17 resulted THE STUIKB HULKS. of the second division should and doubt­ pennant. The responsibility is on Mr. Ward's etc., so that if a record Is broken there the stepping-stone to higher political hon­ as follows: Cornell, 3, Syracuse, 13; Am- The rules bearing upon strikes are as less will he between Baltimore. Chicago, shoulders." ______will be no question as to the correctness ors. herst, 2. Springfield. 4; Georgetown. 2, follows: Louisville and Cincinnati. Last place of It. Entries must be made at least two THE SUBURBAN LEAGUR Washington. 15; Prineeton 'Varsity, 3, Hide 43 A strike Is: will lie between St. Louis and Washing­ WHAT'S THE OBJECT? weeks prior to the time when the club to of this city Is now fully organized and Prineetou Freshmen, 2. Section 1 A hull struck nt by the batsman which the player entering for either of ready for without its toiiclilng ton, with the chances for again decorat­ the season's play. The circuit Jimmy Ryan has re-signed with Chicago his liat; or ing the tail end in favor of Washington, No Notice of Any Admission to Pro- the events may belong plays In Washing­ will consist of four clubs, namely, (it-r- ('atelier Merrltt has accepted Boston's Sec 2 A fair ball, legally delivered by the ton. mantown, Highland, of Mount Airy; Scott, terms, but has been docked half a month's pitcber, but not struck at by the batsman. owing to that team's weakness in the lection Has Yet Been Published. On the first day of each scries the of Nicetown. and Ashbournc. salary, notwithstanding the fact that he. Sec. 3 Auy obvious attempt to make a foul pitching department. Given St. Louis' Harrisburg, April 10. The State League watches will be held on the boys as they The Hoard of Directors consists of the with the possible exception of McGuire. strong pitchers, the Senators would un­ would like to know where it is at lu the endeavor to lower Harry Rerthrung'g record following persons: For Germantown, S. g'co. 4_A foul hit, other than a foul tip. made of Washington, is the cheapest catcher In liy the. batsnmn while attempting a bunt hit. as questionably he good for ninth place or matter of National League protection. of 14 ft-fi seconds (by the way, made lu Jungkurtli and William Deal:Scott H. K. the League. Some time ago it was announced that Washington in 1»!S) in making the cir­ Pclioeenhnt and Jesse C. Hnrdin: Highland detincd in rule 40*. that fnlla or rolls upon foul better. The "dark horses" in the race The results of the exhibition games of ground between home base and tirst base or this year are Baltimore and Chicago. Secretary Young, of the National League, cuit of 'the bases. On the second duy the Frank Meehan and Enoch Holland; Ash- the 18th were: Brooklyn 13. Springfield home I«i8e. and third base. had been pf.id.the sum necessary to secure hundred-yards straight away dash will be bourne, William Knight and William B. G; Harrisburg 9, Syracuse 5; Binghain- <*rtule 40 is as follows: A bunt hit is a fair such protection end everybody thought run. Should there be more than one en­ Gault. hit to the ground within Ihe Inllehri. everything was lovely, but It seems that try from the visiting club the men will The season will open on May 5 and close ton 7. Scranton 4; Baltimore 13. Monu- THE CAMKBA DIDN'T BKEAK. inentals 4; Philadelphia 7, Wilkesbnrre 0; See. 5 A ball struck at if the ball touches any there is a 'hitch somewhere. On Thursday bo pitted against cacli other. If there is on August 25. Two handsome silver cups part of the batsman's person. the papers made public Nick Young's only one entry from the visiting club he are offered to the club winning the cham­ Minneapolis 20, St. Joseph 13; Pittsburg The batsman Is out OQ called strikes, as de- Datl dark's Picture Taken Under bulletin which announced that the Pennsyl­ will be sent against time. On the third pionship. The complete schedule of games 7, Indianapolis 6. KerilM.'d in the fallowing sections of wile 44: Distressing Circumstances. vania State League had applied for classi­ dav the throwing contests will take place. is as follows: The Schedule Committee of the New York Sec. 6 If, while the first base be onoupied says It took a photog­ fied membership under the National Agree­ Taken all in all, the base ball patrons of May 5, Germantown n. Scott at Wayne Junc­ State Base Ball League, consisting of Ju­ by a bnse runner, three strikes be called on rapher two hours to take Dad (Murk's, ment (Class B, without reservation); not a Washington will be more favored than tion. lius Haas. Albany; James M( Donald. him by the umpire, except when two men are picture, and that Dad had to go without word to the effect that such membership those of other cities, for they will have May 12, Scott vs. Ashhoume at Ashbonrne; Poughkeepsle, and Henry B. McKewlg. already out. Ills dinner. Clark says the camera man hail been grai led and protection guaran­ an opportunity of seeing these trials in Highland vs. Gerniantown at Wayne Junction. Kingston, met at Rondout Tuesday, and Sec. 7 If, after two strikes have been called, penciled Roger's eyebrows and roughed teed. Only that the State League "has ap­ addition to the games without extra cost. May 19, Germantown vs. Ashbonrne at Ash- adopted a schedule of games to be plr.ycd the batsman obviously attempts to make a foul his cheeks, besides using a curling iron plied." President Meyers, of the State bourne; Scott vs. Highland nt Wn.vne Junction. by the six clubs composing the League hit. as in section 3. nde. 43. League, insists that he has Mr. Young's cer­ It will bo plainly seen that the batsman Is on the UK fellow's mustache. Apropos of May 20, Ashbourae vs. Highland at Mount during the season, which begics on Sat­ this, the New York "Sim" says: tification of the League's admission. Why, NICK YOUNG WILL APPOINT. Airy. urday, May 12. out, under the above rules applicable to the call­ then, doesn't Mr. Young officially promul­ June 2, Highland vs. Germantown at Mount ing of strikes, as follows: "The proof of Dad dark's photo, which reached Airy; Ashbourue. vs. Scolt at Wayne Junction. On April 17 Philadelphia beat Wllkes- Firsfr-By his striking at the ball, without him yesterday, represents the pitcher with a gate tho news? We want to know that Yale and Pennsylvania Ilequest a Juno 9, Germantown vs. Scott at Wayne Junc­ barre 22 to 5; Toledo beat Cleveland 9 to hitting It, after tw» strikes have been called most angolic smile UIH>II his Romanesque coun­ such is the fact, and we want the assurance League Umpire For Their Games. tion ; Highland vs. Asbbotirne at Ashbourne. 7; Chicago beat Hammond 5 to 3; Balti­ on him. tenance. It turns out that the smile was the that when we have corraled a good team Washington, April 18. A letter has been June 16. Highland vs. Scott at Mount Airy. more beat Erie 10 to 2; New York beat Second By a palpable effort to hit a ball foul result of the fallowing suggestion from W:u-d inst none of the members can jump a contract received by President Young, signed jointly Springfield 10 to 1; Brooklyn beat T. A. L. after two strikes have been called. before the camera snapped, the other day: 'just with impunity at the tempting offer of a June 30, Germantown vs. Scott at Wayne imagine by J. F. Sinclair, on the part of the Penn­ Junction; Ashbourne vs. Highland at Mount Airy. 18 to 2; Louisville b»at Milwaukee 13 to 3; Third Ky bunting a ball to foul ground after yon are pitching against the Chicagos. higher salary. sylvania I'niversity Base Hall Club, and C. July 7, Germantown vs. Highland at YV'ayne Pittsburg beat Indianapolis 11 to 1; Bos­ two strikes have been called. It's the ninth inning, tho score 4 to 3 in our Fourth He is out If three strikes favor, three men on bases, two out, Anson at the K Sklnkcr, on behalf of the Yale team, Junction; AshlxMUTie vs. Scott at Ashbourne. ton beat Holy Cross 10 to 8, and Cincinnati be called bat, and you strike him out.' " A REM ARABLE FACT. requesting that a League umpire be detail­ July 14, Ashbourne. vs. Germantowu at Wayne beat Navies 10 to 5. on him and flist Vase be occupied when third strike Is called, and this, too, without regard ed to preside at the games to be played Junction. All of Baltimore's Players Once Bat­ between the teams representing these two July 21, Highland vs. Scott at Wayne Junction; to the ball being caught behind the bat or not. ALAS, POOR RADBOURN. Germantown vs. Ashlwnrne at Ashbourne. Personal Oriole Characteristics. Fifth If, after two strikes have been called, tery Men. Universities. Mr. Young is requested to and he plainly makes a foul hit purposely, assign the very best available man for August 4, Highland vs. Germnntown at Mount Inks is the best-dressed man on the team. Like Corey, the Great Pitcher Loses It Is a noteworthy fact that every man the occasion, and they promise that his Airy; Scott vs. Ashlwmrne at Wayne Junction. Kelley Is the star joker, Mnllnne has the Sixth The batsmrm is out, too, if, after two on the Baltimore team began his huge August 18, Germantown vs. Scott at Wayne best voice. linker is the most assiduous strikes have been called, he strike at a ball an Eye While Gunning. identity shall not be known until the day Junction; Ash'joimie vs. HiRhhuid at Ashbourne. which hits liia person. ball career cither as a pitcher or a catch­ of the contest, when he appears upon the reader, Keitz is the quietest and most re­ Seventh If, after two strikes have been called, Bloomingtou, 111., April 10. Charlie Rad- er. Manager Hnnlo:i, Hi'outhers, McGraw, .August 25, Ashiiourne vs. Gerraautown at served of all the Orioles, Jennings is the bourue, the well-known pitcher of this Kelley and Keeler were all once dispensers ball field with credentials from League Wayue Junction; Scott vs. Highlaud at Mount the batsman bunts a ball to foul ground. city, formerly of the Boston Club, had the headquarters. The first game Is scheduled Airy. bost-natured man to joke with, Brouthers The error in Rule 40 lies in the fact of shoots and curves, while Ueitz, lionncr, to be played at New Haven, April 28, and All of the clubs have inclosed grounds, is the tallest, McGraw is the shortest, that the rule does not properly define a misfortune to lose an eye last Friday while Brodie and Jertnings have all worn the the second game at Philadelphia, May 12. with the exception of the Scott, which McMahon is in the best physical condition, bunt hit. The rule in question says: "A out hunting with a friend. Itadbournc mask and chest protector. The present The officiating umpire is to receive from hopes to secure a suitable field in Nice- Keeler is the smallest eater, Clark thinks hunt hit is a fair hit" to the infield. stepped from behind a tree, when his pitchers and catchers always devoted them­ the college fund a sum equal to his salary town before the opening of the season. ITm- ho can sing tenor, Robinson is not trou­ This Is not so. A fair hit can be made friend fired his gun. and a portion of the selves to the same line of work. Keeler bled with a poor appetite and Brodie takes load took effect in his eye, injuring It so and expenses, at the same rate paid him plres will be appointed at the next meet­ to the infteld by the ball being struck and Homier once formed a battery for the by the League. ing of the board, which will be held some the prize for attending strictly to business. at. and that is not a "bunt hit." A bunted badly that the sight is destroyed. Plainfield, N. J., Club. time this week. ball Is plainly n hit made without posi­ LOCAL JOTTINGS. A Straw For Base Ball. tively striking at the ball, such as by Bangor's Team Completed. AN OBJECT LESSON ALREADY REDUCED. Pitcher Vickery has been working all Marshall P. Wilder felt New York's holding the bat in front so that the ball Manager Bacon, of the Bangor New winter in Reach's base ball factory. base ball pulse, at the Grand Opera House may simply rebound from the bat, In England League team, has finished his To Some Perplexed Magnates in the The New York League Drops Two Arthur Irwin has been talking ptctty in the metropolis the other night. He which case It may either rebound higher selection of players, and the aggregation Weak Cities. freely about how he will make Tils te:im says: "When I asked whether the New than the batsman's head, and become Big League. will play exhibition games with the Spring­ Syracuse, N. Y., April 18. Man­ Albany, April 10. The managers of the play ball this seasoti, and has eohsequeutly Yorkers were in H, a great wave cf en­ fair or foul according as It first strikes field Club ou Thursday and Friday next New York State League recently organized stirred up a little commotion in other thusiasm swept through the house from the ground; or it may rebound from the Manager Bacon will take to Springfield ager George Kuntzsch Is a very po­ League cities. Some sporting writers are the gallery to the orchestra. I tell you, bat directly to the ground and become litic man. In order that there should be in this city, met here last Thursday and with him the following men: Marcy and no occasion for the charge of favoritism lu decided to drop Utica and Little Falls of the opinion that Irwin's theories work there's a great ball season In store for fair or foul according as it settles on fair Menkiti, pitchers: Lynch, Hodden and and make a six instead of an eight-club well on paper only. the cranks. I can feel it in the air." or foul ground after the rebound from Wylle, catchers; Tigue, first base; O'Con- the selection of the official scorers, he The Phillies' new catcher, Grady. the bat. as In such case It is touched called the four sporting editors of the city league. The new league will comprise the made nell, second base; Kirmes, third base; together. Then he explained that each following cities: Albany, Johnstown, the first on the Philadclphai Boston will have a regular "sawed off" by a fielder standing on fair or foul Duggan, short stop; Deady. German, Poughkeepsle, Amsterdam, Pittsfield and ground. outtield this season. Duffy, McCarthy and ground. Sweeuey and McGeachy, outfield. should score for one-quarter of the season The many friends of Frank Hough, the Bannon are all under medium size. They It would be well for all players to and had each of them to draw by lot as Kingston. sporting editor of the "Press," will hear (ire only small in stature, for they are study up this explanation of outs on to the quarter In which he should officiate. The clubs now In the league have all with sorrow that his only son died very large and mighty in ability. If Bannon strikes and of hunt hits, for the rules will Run in the Same Channel. Tinder this arrangement the last quarter put up their guarantee money. Little Falls suddenly on Thursday morning of last can keep up with the other two he will ho interpreted by the League umpires The base ball careers of Griffin and is as good as the first, if the club goes withdrew several days ago, ami ntlca was week. Mr. Ilough will have the sympathy not be looking for a job next season. this season an above deiiued. Shiudle are peculiar. Tuey started off to- through Ike season, aaU of course it will. dropped. THE SPOBTIBTG LIFE. April 21.

Aiklerson, in the bor. The third game was de- of the State League cities have as yet sided also in favor of (he boys from the Gulf LOUISVILLE LINES. claimed the championship. Wo used to do Ctty, by a score of 17 to 10. Pretty good, is NEW YORK NEWS. it that littls trick whau not so well acquaint­ not ? and especially when doue in the De­ WHAT THE PRACTICE GAMES ed with the beautiful uncertainties of the lightful City. national game. While we think CRANKS WILL TAKE A SPECIAL W* are awaiting Frank GraTes and bis boys, HAVE DEMONSTRATED. the Scrau- wh<«* gealps we need, and expect to laltc at least ton team Is a strong one, and one that TRAIN FOR BALTIMORE. two of the three. ought to be well up In the race, we are The bwae ball season opens In Mobile to-day, lie Pitching Strength of the Colonels making no claims. "Crow" is oot a pleas­ The Team and a rousing crowd will attend the game, aa ant variety of diet. In Pair Shape lo Begin the Mobile Club plnyed such a good gaino io —The Opening With Cleveland to The Scrautons will rettrn from their the Battle—Murphy Selected to New Orleans that the enthusiasm of the "fans'' be a Memorable Occasion—Gossip trip to open the local season on Thursday, Play Short Stop Permanently- has been f ul ly fired, and th ey row that t lie the 19th, with the Murray Hills. Syracuse "Rubbers" home club can now anocessfully down any team of Club and Players. plays here on the 21st and 2Hd, Biugham- and the Derby, Etc. In thla league, as they are in good condition ton on the 24th and 25th, and Erie on the «nil fully under the control of the management. 26th and 27th. This is something never known in the history <»f Lonsiville, April 16. Editor "Sporting The two open dates are New York, April IT.-Editor "Sport- base ball In Mobile before. ife:" The Colonels are now playing the 28th and 80th, rnd an effort will bo ng Life: Before this screed cau be Manager Wells fulQlled his contract when be made to come to some agreement with the erused in the metropolis the National rent ball and it is expected that by the Wllkesbarrcs for those days. t'ook two out of the three games from New Or­ me this appears in print they will have League season of 1894 will have been leans, and on their own grounds, too. Pottsville gets a first-class man in John :ut loose. Day after to-morrow The surprises of the season have been the aken the opening game with Cleveland, Tig'he, whom they signed last week. Jack Ward's strength displayed by the Memphis ttMtm, and 'hey started off rather slow in the exhi- is In fine condition, and of course will bonders open the ball at Baltimore, aud the weakness shown by Macon; but the players itioQ games, but their work in the clos- p. t. g. o. h. I. len we shall know whether we are any of the latter club have hud little practice, and ig contests Henry Southard left for St. Joseph on ood or not. So far there has been uo we hope at an early date they will give a cred­ preliminary to the cham- ionship season was full of Friday niRht. where he expects to aston­ eal test of the team's merits, but when itable acers of the State House and Senate ilmself out Iu practice, and German has been at work all winter, and the result tained as a big relief not doye any work right fielder aud change catcher. lo him at the time. Next came lim up to the brewery and tap a keg of fill occupy seats at the christening of beyond light exercise is far better than we ever expected. No Schobel, formerly of Atlanta, has been icer. If be don't like beer I think we he new park, around the ground. Dad Clark and Wes- slgued as catcher, the ''farming" out of Charley Campau. which is to be the home erv.lt are ready to game ever started in this country and so far has officiated That helped him greatly, for he was act­ light find something else. We'll go from f the Reds for the next ten years. The take their regular has made such rapid strides as in three games. Having a sore arm ou ac­ eer to wine or from wine to beer, just urns In the points. Clark may go In ono count of little ually worried as to what to do with all Id Western Avenue Park has not game at Baltimore, base ball. We now, in four years, practice, he has shown up his outfielders, having n've, aud s his fancy dictates. If he don't have as Ward thinks very splendidly and will no doubt prove a good all about good time it won't be our fault. He can hanged its location, but everything about well of him, and also has confidence In have more clubs established than man. equally matched \vheu it came to con­ he place Is so new that it seem* only fair lim. The warm weather sidering all the points of the game. iavo anything he wants in the town except of yesterday any other field sport ever had in Herman Colltns Is our new fielder, and ur ball club." o Include the grounds in the general re- hawed Dad out, aud In bis practice work the first 10 years THE INFIELD AND OUTFIELD. uveuation. The stand Is complete to ie shot of its existence. of all the new men has proved the favor­ Campau's temporary turning aside leaves The enthusiasm is greater now than at the ball across the plate with If those in America who think the game ite aud shown up the best. He comes he opening of many seasons in years past. he most miuute detail, and for comfort Ightning speed. His strong points are lilm with Selbach, Abbey, Tebeau aud and general neatness it is far superior rhauge slow In catching on In England should look here with a great reputation as a ball Itadford for the outfield, and as he Intends Everybody wants to get down to of pace and a cool head. Wester- look back and see the progress It made tosser, and has so far fully corne up to THE OPENING GAME, o anything Cincinnati has ever had be- velt has a great future. The boy has caryiug au extra outlieldcr all these mru ore. There are seats for 3000 people in vonderful at home the first few years, they will then expectations. are regarded as fixtures on the Senatorial nd those wbo v. culd like to be Invited speed, aud, best of all, beau- see that wonderful things have been done In York, Guttinger and Underwood will s guests nre numerous. The fair sex will his great steel structure, aud every one iful control. Few amateurs come into th« contingent. As for iulielders, the list I f them will he "bespoke" if the advance League with here. be found a fine outHeld and one of which made up for tho "Sporting Life" last ie there In force, and Manager Barnie an ability to get the ball ORGANIZING EVEEYWHEKR no other team in the League can boast week las been besieged by requests to favor ale continues at its present rate, lie- ivor the plate with reasonable regularity, came pretty near being correct. It is served seat tickets are selling like the The success of last season has encourag­ a superior. dollars to doughnuts he lades with invitations. As during >ut this young man is a marked excep- The new suits of the home team, worn that Cartwrlght will ast year there will be two days jroveibial hot cal.es. A pretty colored lou to the rule. If he listens to Instruc- ed us very much, and base ball has now stay on first, .Ward en second, Hasamaeur set apart uvltatlon card will admit several hun- taken a prominent place among English for the first time against Mobile on Wed­ at short, and Joyce s "Ladies' Day," when ladies accom- ious from bis ma.iager and catcher, Wes- nesday, are exceedingly neat. They are oa third. While Joe mnlcd by escorts will be admitted free. Ired editors, clergymen and city officials, ervelt will be a League star before the pastimes. On February 22 a meeting was Sullivan is a great ball plajer by spells, and a very distinguished crowd will held at the Holborn Restaurant, of midnight blackness. The same days as last year, Tuesdays nil season ends. London, he is uot steady enough for every day he front row seats on opening day. Roger Connor Is playing first to organize a Loudon and South of Eng­ Sylvester will officiate at this point lu play. What he gains one day by his beau­ and Fridays, have again been designated. base in his land Association, and the following (Lon­ the first nine game, and so far has done Therefore," such ladies as do not care TUB TEAM. 188U form. His batting, while not of th« tiful fielding and throwing he loses the The men who will furnish slug order, has been good. If don) clubs were represented, viz: Thes­ Quite well. Naturally there Is always more next lu such a "devil-may-care" way that o walk up to the Captain's desk and set- the amuse- some of the pians (winners of English cup), Reraming- or less "bluff kicking." but when it le will not be able to attend until the nent on that day have been keeping them­ wild-eyed critics will et Connor alone the "fans" are somewhat after his scalp. selves In tine trim, aud if they this year he'll play a game tons, Electris, Jay's and Clapham Post reaches the stage of tbe last Mobile game, This does not mean that Sullivan is ready Irst game with Plttsburg. can carry that will Office. Mr. Eugene Stratton was elected someone should be required to leave the Some time ago It was announced that heir practice work Into the champlon- lelp tho team climb the ladder. This jump- for the decapitation process. He Is too hip season the other 11 clubs ug ou a man for president; vice presidents, Messrs. John field. valuable a man to turn adrift, and the he owners of the club did not care to will hear popping up an Infield Bexton, and Albert Le Fre; secretary, Mr. NAGOL. iispose of stock to anyone uot already something drop. At the outset none of the ly iu an exhibition game is becoming more Manager Schmelz thinks it over the eers gave the Ueds so much as decidedly nauseating. W. Parkes: hon. treasurer. Mr. Vernon more is he determined to carry both lolding a block. This rule has beeu vio- a thought, Ward's fielding Las Powsett, Tlvoll Theatre; council. Messrs. ated in one instance, though It Is not )ut lately there has been a surplus of lot been up to the mark as yet, but he will HAPPY HAKRISBURG. Johnny McMahon and Sullivan throughout complimentary criticism ou Cincinnati's >e in line all right. R. G. Kuowles and Athol (Thespians), the season as substitutes for his Infield. tkely to be In another. Manager Baruie His batting, however, Wlllle Bolsset and Jerry Hurley (Jays), new team. Another club, which has re­ s wonderfully strong, and his bsstrunning The Team For 1894 Well Thought of Where "Little John" McMahon has been A ceived scant notice, will, unless s as fleet Kose and Sexton (Reminington), O. Pet- expected to be weakest this year he has BONA FIDE STOCKHOLDER. the signs as it ever was. George Da*ls tlgean and J. Graham (Electris), Messrs. at the Capital. n the Louisville Club. Mr. Baruie has all, make its existence felt that club is at third base Is ai-. Improvement over the been the strongest. In the years agonc shown such zeal iu Baltimore. The Reds broke tbeir record George Davia who played the Way and Johnson (Clapham Post Office). Harrlsburg, April 17. Editor "Sport- since John started professional ball pluy- the Interest of tbe bag last Mr. R. G. Kuowles read letters and con­ Ing Life:" Hasu ball In the Capital City Colonels that it was thought he ought be as unbeaten spring champions by the loss year. He is throwing better than I have lug, and since he joined out with the financially of one game to Indianapolis. The club eve.- seen him gratulations from Mr. Henry Irvlng, who has taken an unprecedented boom, and the Southern League he has been considered interested iu the success of and some of his stops would regretted his inability to be present, aud spirit seems to be even more enthusiastic he Colonels outside his salary. It was that needed strengthening in the eye« of make Billy Nnsh swallow a tooth. a weak hitter. Ha 'has been fooliug the 'or this reason solely he other Western Leaguers walloped the MUUl'HY TO PLAY SHOKT. expressed his willingness to become a than in tbe days when Tom Burns, Shetz- boys this year by smashing them out reg­ the list of stock- patron and subscriber; Mr. Arthur Rob­ liuB, and George Miller were ou the pay lolders was increased. The step takou Keds in easy style, and won distinctly Now we come to the position of short- ularly aud often. He has always been a n permitting Mr. Barnie to acquire stock on Its merits. Bobby Gayle, who twisted stop. "Yale" Murphy has had his trial erts, Mr. George Dare, aud several other roll of the Senators. great fielder in the short stop position, well-known gentlemen. He also read a The selection of Ed. K. Mcyers to neets with approval of all base ball en all manner of wonderful curves over the and has beeu permanently selected by and the work be has done so far tills husiasts. Billy >late, and remained cool to the last, was Ward to fill the bill. Murphy is a lively list of the following prizes offered for 'he lofly position of president of tho year, while not as regular as he can is a hustler wbo never State and rests, aud he deservedly has the entire at the bottom of it all. Tbe Keds were Ittle fellow in every movement. In three competition: League seamed to act as a stimulus will play, has been very satisfactory. So, unable to hit him with Tue Sualdtng English cup, value among tbe local sport*, and served to in­ confidence of the liberal magnates now iu any success what­ ;ames against the yellowest kind of pitch- 80 guineas. between the three mcu ou hand who control of the Louisville Club. ever. The quiet Quaker has oue of the .ng he has done some very clever battlrg. The SimlUIug I/mdon cup. value 50 guineas. spire them with renewed vigor. can play third it is a pretty sight better The Music Hnll Review cup, value, 25 guineas. Dugan at secoud In a neat, quick and None of the Colonels are now outside strongest teams in the Western League, His hits have been well placed and bis than an even thing to wager that Has- resides possessing one or two men who h>aserunnlng has been very fast. The R. G. Knowles' trophy, value 15 guineas. accurate thrower, and one of those active amear will start in the charaiitosshlp In field- The G. W. Hunter trophy, value 8 guineas. ittle fellows, like Billy Kagan. GRIM AXD ST-.A±L-C"T HAVE SIGNED knew how to pitch. It was hard to lose ng. Murphy handles himself pretty well, The season at short field, and it will be his own contracts, and, like the other players, are that game to Indianapolis, but then It's mit he has been very fortuuate in Waterhury watcb (#uld), valu« 8 guineas. Moss covered short with credit last year, fault If he does not continue there UBT- Also the John De-war cup, value 75 guineas. and if b« improves for practicing bard to be In trim when the all in the family. ng easy chances. Yesterday he piled up his batting a trille good. He Is a better "sticker" than either ;oug sounds for the opening of the sea­ WATKDv'S1 REMARKS. A splendid base ball park has been se­ thi.s yaar, he will be found In faster eoui- of the Other hree errors on plays that would have been cured where all final cup ties two candidates, aud barring son The five pitchers will go Into the Sioux City made the Reds work to win, ;>le for Fuller. The question at issue now will be play­ >auy next year. a little slowness in throwing the b:\ll io\ ed. Huaton nt third did all the Important In regular order. Hemming will and leads iu the race for the spring pen­ s, what will Murphy do with such pitchers NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. to first or second, aS occasion may re­ probably pitch the first game, to be fol- nant so far. Detroit has one as Nichols, Young, Klllen, twirling for last Joffr's team. He will quire, he Is right in It with the best of game to Weyhing, Brel- Following the meeting of the London "~'~ " t-am. owed by Strattou. Menafee, Wittrock and jlay here before that flag is awarded, 'ensteln, McMuhon aud the other League and great things are them. Kllroy lu the order named. In the ex- vla'uager Watklus said Association the parent body held « meet­ fiom him this year. He Is a THE BATTERIES. «f his Indians: stars? Also, what kind of a baserunuer ing in the same room, the object b«l,sg to itiii baiter, ilbition games the pitchers have all shown 'The Sioux are a pretty good class of will he be with such throwing catchers sure bunter, aud good base The catchers will, of course, remain as ip well. Kllroy seems to be In as good men, and I believe elect a president for the coming;' year. miner was forecast last week. McGuire, Dugdalc will stand high this as Ganzel, .Dalloy, Clements, Zlmrner, The following delegates wer.fr--present, as Eagan, Wrieht, and form as in his best days, and tbe way he time. I never said that the team was Kittridge and others? We shall see. Staf­ Schmink nre nil and McMahon are the fixtures there. For makes the base runners hug the bags better than last year's St. Louis well as those named Jlfetfve »t Loudon lever outflelders, and good bntters, and pitchers the thing ts still a little on edge, Browns, ford, according to Ward, Is a trifle slow Athletic Meetings-Provincial: Northumber­ complete never falls to keep the crowd In a good though I have several times been credited n fielding, but his batting and bawrunning a team which will accomplish fesper, Maul and Mercer will stay. Of iiimor. Grim and Weaver are both doing with majking that .assertion. land and iJcKh Durham, Mr. J. If. Ap- very much. that we all feel reasonably I Hon t are good. But It may surprise many per- certain. But good work behind the bat, aud have their think so. All the men understand their sous to know that may land d and South Durham, Mr. The grounds have been remodeled, and from which to choose the other two re­ eyes on E Roberts; Middlesboro Club. Mr. a capacloui grand tbe ball. Grim throws to base. work, and pull together. The team is in the much disputed position after all. J. stand has been lilted out mains a question. The men remaining Ike a shot, and its going to take a fast well balanced as to batting strength, W. Wrlght; Stocktou-on-Tees, Mr. W. with opera chairs. available for the two extras are Stephens, Burke, Van Haltren and Tiernan make Kleoat; also delegates from Darlington, man to steal a base on him. have the best set of pitchers that I ever a better outfield than most people think. Stocksdale, Petty and Eagan. Two of SAM 1TK.EE, JR. had anywhere. Billy Hart Is nt for Newcastle-on-Tvne, Derby Association, these will probably be turned adrift any Btirke's fielding has been superb, but bis Derby EASTONT EASY. be- Club In the League, and is doing as good batting needs a little more snap and gin­ Club aud many other places. After for the week Is much older. Pitcher II. work »ome formal business Mr. Newton Crane AI/TOONA as he evur did. The story that he ger. Van Haltren's all around work ex­ \V. Black has been removed from consid­ AFFAIRS. had not signed is all bosh. I have been cels anything was unanimously elected president, aud The Players Signed by Manager eration because he will be either loaned done by a New York cut- Mr Walter G. Roberts, hon. treasurer. trimming the team down to the required fielder in the past five years. His stick Lovis on Deck. out or sold to Charley Morion's Erie Club The Team's Work Abroad—Setley 12 men I was very sorry to have to THE DARLINGTON OLCB. In a day or two. He work is immense and his baserunnlng very This club held their annual meeting at Baston, April 1G. Base ball In this town is one of the most Jumps the Club. Vet Cliff Groves go, for his work was fast, but his fielding, contrary to discour­ will occupy mote attrition this year than promising young pitchers I have ever seen, Altoona, ijood, but hs was signed after I had aging reports Pnrliiigton, and elected the following of­ considering that be has Pa., April 17. BJitor "Sport- from Pittsburg, when tha ficers for the coming year, viz.: Mr. E. D. over. In addition to the State League never played be­ ng Life:" The work of preparing the dia­ chosen my regular outfield, and I could transfer to New York wa» made, has and tho Lafayette College games the ama­ fore with a professional team. He Is a not afford to carry an extra man. I have Walker president; Mr. Dov«, treasurer; J. strapping mond aud outfield at Junlata Park was com­ been simply phenomenal. The ex-editor M. Marshall, secretary. The balance sheet teurs are in the field. Tne League grourds big fellow, with good control ami menced this morning, and one week frcrn recommended him to Detroit." was led Into making another bad break by bows the club to be In a good financial ar« being put In hotter condition than plenty ot »peed and never loses his head to-day if the weather is favorable, the THE NEW DIAMOND. relying upon the Judgment of Plttsbuigers, ever. under any circumstances. After a year or for In a recent position. two In a minor Defiance, of this city, and tbe Altoonas will The Reds began their work on the new hnwl in the "Herald" he Tbls club arranged with the "Cany Boy, All the players hare reported, the last organization he will be play the first gave of the season. diamond with last Sunday's defeat. In all said that "Van Haltren was uo fielder," coming in yesterday. The first to arrive ripe for the big League, and then some of Walker-on Tyue Club, to play an ex­ of the The defeats at the bauds of the Peters­ respects tbe change of position of the dia­ remark that has caused no eud of mer­ hibition match on Saturday last, at Cram- was Frank Wilson, pitcher of Montgom­ heavy hitters had better look out burg, Va., Club, has not been altogether mond is not a perfect success. Tlie fields riment and fun making in tho club house. llugtou, a small town about eight miles ery, Ala. John Dunn. of Brilliant, O.. for him. in the nature of a surprise, as the Peters­ are greatly shortened in all directions, ant "RUBBERS" AND THE DEMY. came next. He is the third bascman, MNOR MENTION. And that reminds me that "Rubbers" out, as several clubs are about to start In Mulvey will also be ready for signing burg boys are a very strong club, and It long hits are almost an impossibility. Even is that locality. A goodly number turned out and both are tip-top men. George Sharp, was expected that Altoona would lose one in the two games played, several hits ttal at present giving an Imitation of an Inac­ to see the match, catcher, and Jacob Welhl, left fleld«r, with some other organization this week. tive volcano. He is tugging away with his and were delighted with No fault can be found with his work. II or two of the four games. would have been home runs on the old the game. The scores were: Newcastle, £>; both of Freeport, 111., arrived Thursday Tlie Altooua Club will be stronger when diamond were merely two or three base self-restraint and will soon pour the vials morning, followed by J. W. Holmes, cen­ has been of the very best character, bul of his dyspeptic wrath upon the devoted Walker, 13. Jovce is a little more valuable because of It returns home than it was when It left hits. The ball will have to be hit into the WH-TLEY-BY-THE-SEA. tre field, of Truo. la.; Charles Levls, for tbe South. There has been three new seats before a home run can be made heads of Ward, Farrell, Dad Clark, Connor A new club h«s just been started at the llr»t base; Percy Griffin, short stop; Freak his "never-aay-dlo" policy of fighting for and others of the team. "Rubbers" has a gams to the end of the rope, and there­ players signed by President Beantley. hereafter. On the other hand, the diamom' above fashionable seaside resort, and the Welknrt, second base, and Thomas Gll- Setley Jumped the club while In Is ninety feet from the stand in each di vowed a vow of awful portent that he will following officers hare been elected, viz: lan. pitcher, all of St. Louis. fore Mulvey will secure his release. Mul- "roast the life out of Farrell" (squeaky vey has an offer to captalu aud play third Richmond. Va. He is a good pitcher. It rection and the chances for flue infield Mr. J. H. Appleton, president, vice presi­ Jacob Wente, the star catcher of last Is true, but with Jones, Quarles and Alex­ work, on foul balls particularly, are great voice) if Charley doesn't play tho fast­ dents. Mr. John Thompson, Councillor year's L«ague, anil Harry Hughes, pitch­ for the Portland, Me., Club, and Is also est ball on earth. This is simply because wanted by Mike Kelly for Allentown. and ander, Altooua has enough good pitchers. ly increased. The fielders face the sun Routledge. Mr. Lambert and Mr. J. Smith; er, both of whom were great favorites Only a few days more and the base ball w-itbout apparent difficulty, and none of the peanut consumer was beaten out of bou. secretary, Mr. 1. V. Wldderburn; bore, will join the club this year. This will not be out In the cold any longer sight on the recent Farrell negotiations. than be cares to remain. season will be In full swing and local en­ the men have complained on that score treasurer, Mr. N. Hoggon. It was decided makes a strong aggregation. Sharp and thusiasts will have an opportunity to yet. The spectators In the grand Blanc "Rubbers" really broke tbe Ice last Sat­ to opeu the new ground of the above club Wenre, the catchers, will alternate in "Big John" McMahou went home last urday morning by giving the catcher a Saturday for a rest of a week or ten days enjoy themselves at Juniata Park as they have cool, comfortable, shady seats, am by playing a friendly match by two nines right field. did during last season. The coming a splendid view of the game can be na< hard dig, but that night he took his horns picked from the various clubs In the dis­ He had aB attack of the grip this spring season In, and in Sunday's paper declaied Hat and had not fully recovered when he re promises to be even livelier in base tal1 from any part of the stands. The steam trict, and to b* captained by Mr. K. G. roller has been kept at work night and Farrell caught good ball. If somebody Knowles, of the Thespians. London: and HANLON'S HAZLETONS. ported hers for duty. A fresh attack of circles than the year of 1893. would only tell this poor misguided beefer cold threatened to lay him on his back MeGuirk will report on the 18th inst. In day, leveling the diamond, with great care y r T c- A""'"ton. president of the Whit- not to crush the network of drainpipes something about the game, and what's go­ ley Club, ou Easter Tuesday. The game Men Who Will Represent This Coal and so Manager Schiaelz sent him to his this city. . , . ing on, he wouldn't have to depend upon Massachusetts home, where he could be McGann has been released by the club beneath, and though it will take som ISUI-UM at 4 f. M., by a fine hit by Region Town This Year. time for the new field to become thorough (as he tells them at the "Herald"), Messrs. Knowles who succeeded in scoring, and attended by his home folks, with instruc whlls in the South. Talcott and Abell for "inside informa­ Hazleton, April 16. Manager John Han- tlont to return as soon as he felt good and H. J. C. ly "set " before the year Is over Cincln the whole side made a good display of lon Is now busily eugftgcd arranging mat­ nati will have oue of the finest and bes tion." By the way, when does he Intend batting. Mr. Appieton's nine then went to ters for tho opening of the base ball sea- strong. drained diamonds in the country. to shake that fried egg derby? '"Tis said" the bat, but were retired In 1-2-3 order. Not Jim McGuire has become the star of th JOHNSTOWN that he has worn it twe'-ty years. Take it sou. The players who have been signed Washington "fans" by his admirable work JOTS. CHIPS. a man reached first base. Both sides show­ will arrive this weak aud practice will be off!! ed good play before the game ended, and both at the bat and In catching. In i Bancroft's torchlight procession hnd t< A LITTLE CORRECTION. commenced «t once. game yesterday he made four The Old New York Town Once More be abandoned because the Chicago teair the spectators seemed to enjoy it very Tha following named well-known players hits a home The "Telegram" recently printed a story much. Score: Appletou's nine, 17; Kuowles, run, a three-bagger, a two-bagger and a in Base Ball. was unable to get here in time. There wil by one lawyer Guise, now of Detroit, but have been signed and will, it is believed, single. He promises Johnstown, be a street parade with a 12. keep Hazleton in the front rank: Catchers, to do wonders thl N. ¥.,April 16. Editor "Sport big brass band formerly manager of the Willlamsport, WALLSEND CLUB. Ing Lile:" Our city Is once more In tb however, on opening day. Pa., ball club, telling of John Ward's Z. Moore, of Camdeo, N. J., and Gus Land, r

| very pteaeiug to Ms friends here. Be seems to alwry, but, on the eontrtry, they want Univeusity School of Law would very | improve ccch season and without a doubt hag PESSQ8AL MB FERTIHEST. to make a cut in his price. served hia time nt bench wanning. I immagioe much like to get a trial with the Bostons BASfe BALL , roth Ward and Foutz will regret disooeing of Tbe famous "Little Casino" schedules but says he supposes he will have to I him. popularity la en the increase are now ready, and will be sent to any go to the Washingtoas. He would rather Lobeck 10 the only man signed by Manager hi Cincinnati. address on receipt of 10e., by Bmll Gross- play at borne. Doscher and ordered to report, who has failed. Grand Rapids has signed the unique man & Co., Cleveland, O. * Captain Comiskey will be In uniform He pleads not enough advance. Unless he toes the pitcher Schmldt. George Davis is being unmercifully and on the coaching line in every game the mark very sooa he will be suspended. First baseman Dan Stearns is still in gayed about the so-called mustache he has Reds play this season at home and abroad. MOTT'S MISSIVE Now that the New England League is under Buffalo unsigned. ou his upper lip. Davis says he would not The team will have the benefit of his the National agreements, the suspension of D. J. The veteran Doe Kennedy has been part with It for untold gold. brains If they are minus his fielding aud Mahoney last season assumes an entirely differ­ batting ability. ent aspect to the Portland Club. Last sea-Kin signed by Worcester. "Yale" Murphy has shown up strongly it was "You go to h 1, well play him any­ Charley Fan-ell is the tallest man on in batting, fielding and base running. He The Washington players, In .a body WHAT THE COMING LEAGUE SEASON way." This year its "Won't you pleaae reinstate the New York team. is small In stature, but apparently a giaut along witli Manager Schmetz, have quar­ Mr. Maboney? We need him badly." Mahoney First baseman McCauley has been in endeavor and achievement. ters in a private residence near the Wash­ WILL DEMONSTRATE. himself has changed ble tune correspondingly. signed by Minneapolis. Catcher Billy Earle attributes his re­ ington ball park, and when President He is a spltndid catcher, but a natural bred lease from Pittsburg to the backcapping of Wagner Is in Washington he poU up at loafer and team disorganizer and uuch men. 110 Southern practice trips will be in :ertalu players who were afraid of his the same place. matter how well tbey play never grace the pro- vogue again next spring. hypnotic powers. Whoa, Juke! There are some good critics who think Will the Game Under Present Rules '• fesslon. Francis Wilson belongs to the Grand Manager Bancroft is putting on frills that Stenzel will not prove the valuable I Delaney's work yesterday In the box for the Army of Theatrical Fans. man to the Pittsl;i;rg Club that was ex­ [ Eingoe was splendid and speaks well for the In keeping with that new $30,000 grand I abilities of this coming pitcher. Striking out ten Burke has been put at the head of the stand. He has Installed a female type­ pected. If he should not, Pittsburg has be Robust and Liiely Enongh For I men and ooJy giving three mon basos on balls New York batting order. writer in his office at the park. a long and hard row to hoe before the and striking one man is a feat to be proud of. Ed Tray is going to sign an Indepen­ Manager Shar»ig has the proud record end of the season. the Patrons? Comment Upon the Murphy's work at short for the New Yorks dent team at Jackson, Mich. of having played many games at Cincinnati Tbe Cleveland "Leader" disputes the has been splendid and it to be hoped that he Erie has signed Pitcher McGinnis, during the past twelve years, yet has New York's claim that Farrell i» the lead- will receive a better reception at the hands of just released by Philadelphia. never lost a game there by rain. Ing catcher of the day and says; "Stuff Mr. J. W. Goes Work ol the Orioles. the League players than the average collegian The Savannah Club has released all and nonsense. Farrell is a good catcher, does. E. H. Dickey, of Lowell, has secured the but he hasn't the head of half a dozen Savannah, New York. The Bingos are expected home to-night and to­ claim to McFarlaud. of Maeon. privilege of issuing the new official sched­ catchers that can be named." Baltimore. April 1C. Editor "Sport­ morrow opens the ball with an exhibition game Clevelanders consider McAleer the ule Iu all the New England League cities, with Scranton. The results of the game will greatest outtielder in the world. It will be published in hook form. The undersigned would like an engage­ ing Life:" The team came home from be known ere this gets in print. A'au Haltreu and Farrell still retail* in ment at short stop with some club iu a their southern trip, and are now playing "BINGO." Louisville's batting has not been satis­ minor League; can furnish best refer­ Scrofulous Bunches factory in the exhibition season. their possession the celebrated claw-ham­ ence. Address, Short stop, care J. J. the Erie Club a scries of three games. Jack Rowe is going to play with the mer dress coits which they, as members Bowers, Greenmount avenue aud Twen­ To show the craze and impatience to see FOREST CITY FINDINGS. Pastimes, a Buffalo amateur club. of the Chicago lei m, wore in 1888. ty-third street, Baltimore, Md. * Neck Lanced Without Relief the team it may be mentioned that over Col. McAlpin, of the New York Club The Cincinnati "Enquirer" suggests If contests with minor league teams twenty-six hundred people sat out an has gone to Europe for his health. that If Mr. Von der Ahe isn't stuck on his afforded a tiuo test of League team A BAD BEGINNING MAY MEAN A abilities as a manger he could do no better Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the extremely one-sided game on a very Sioux City has released outfielder Cliff. than secure McGunuigle as manager. strength, St. Louis would win the cham­ Blood and Conquers. disagreeable, pneumonia-breeding day, GOOD ENDING. Groves iu order to reduce expenses. Manager Murray, of Providence, Is pionship In a walk, as the Browns have and worked up the steam of enthusiasm In the New England league teams been fairly killing strong teams that gave "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: after "Sam" Wise, and the Maeon (Ga ) other big League teams much trouble. to ail Sad Lack of Practice Noticeable— managers receive only $125 per month. Club has wired Mr. Schmelz to learn what " Gentlemen ; I had large scrofulous bunches ENORMOUS PRESSURE. The New York Club intends to carry terms Wood and Stricker will accept. Of the 74 National League pitchers, The Opening at Louisville—Pat's seventeen men throughout the season. 12 are left-handed, nine have never played on my neck for seven years. I treated with The same number of people would have Bob Lcadlcy is secretaiy of the DC- diB'erent physicians and tried many remedies but Bold Prophecy—A Good Young In New Orleans ice water is furnished troits. It would be strange, indeed, if De­ in the big organization before, 13 mode been present to see the men practice, for the ladies iu attendance at the games. their debut last season, and only 11 were really that is what the first game Player—Notes and News. troit were to have a club without Lead- in the League before 1S90. The old Ameri­ Did Not Get Any Help played amounted to on last Safurday. There are no cliques in the New York ley connected with it in some way. can Association stars are 14 in number. ball team. New York ""World." No? Among the many thousands of base ball for them. I went to Rome, N. Y., and had them surely the signs of the times are that this Pitcher Nichols re-signed with Boston opened, but this gave me only temporary relief. is to be the greatest base ball year of Cleveland, O., April 10. Editor George Davis is the dude of the New patrons in this (.-01111117 there are many, last week. Merritt Is now the only mau history. The game of Saturday was too "Sporting Life:" If bad beginnings York team. He nearly always goes gloved. very many, who believe that the Bostons on the outs. The directors are determined My physician then urged me to take Hood's dead easy ii> furnish any tit ta for an esti­ make good endings, the Cleveland Club ruts quite a figure in the will again win the League pennant. not to pay him one cent over $1200, and Sarenpariila, and before I bad used one bottle mate of the strength of the team, but it ought to land away up at the top this politics of his native place, Holyoke, Mass. | This is the time of the year when the as the club is well provided with catchers, the bunches began to grow better. was noticed that the men showed an earn­ year. Certain it is that there has been John B. Sage, of Buffalo, still supplies ; teams booked for tail end places put up they do not care whether he signs or not. estness that speaks well for the discipline ball clubs with posters and other printing. winning ball; when the real fight comes To-day I am O. K., little or nothing in the early season dis­ ikey grow weary af;er a few set-backs. President Byrne, of the Brooklyns, si:ys of the club. If players can be taught play to encourage anybody to any very Harry Staley has accepted the Bostou the $500 Treasurer Talcott, of tbe New and the trouble has not returned since I took that there Is something due spectators high pitch of enthusiasm beyond the Club's terms reduced salary, we suppose. 1'arvln, the ex-Southern League pitch­ Yorks, wants to put up that his team will lor their fate money it Is altogether be­ Who Is the fastest runner to first base^- er, who is with the Sioux City team, is a beat out the Brooklyns is the $500 the club Hood's Sarsapaiiila, only the scars being left yond what has ever been done in Balti­ clearly demonstrated fact that young Tom Brown, Elmer Smith or Billy Hamil­ fix-footer, but be runs largely to height held out on Charley Farrell, and adds that more' before, and reflects exceedingly great Olarkson and Ctippy are in good form. ton? aud does not carry much avoirdupois. it is an easy thing to bet other people's credit on the ability of Manager Haulon Fisher seems so, too. He pitched at The Louisville Club has signed catcher Barney Mulhall, a well-known local money. to draw t(je men out. It is a very dif­ catcher, would like to play with some Grand Kapitls Saturday, holding that Billy Earlu, recently released by Pitts- In placing Mike Kelly in Allentown, Al. Upon my recommendation and the effects of ficult matter to suppress club down to five singles and two runs. burg. minor league team. He can be addressed Johnson is only making reparation for HOUSE PLAY NEED PRACTICE BAULK. Shortstop Frank Fennell has been 1305 South Seventh street, Philadelphia. the throwdown he gave Kelly by selling Hood's Sarsaparilla in lay case the druggist hag when a League club has a minor team for The miserable weather of the signed by Portland. He will captain the Van Haltren thinks that the Pitts­ out the_ Cincinnati Association Club, of sold a great deal of Hood's Sarsaparilla in this an opponent, but in this case the Orioles past month will be responsible team. burg pitchers will try to Injure him by which Kelly was to have been manager, place." J. W. Goss, Savannah, New York. pot up a stiff article of ball and gave a hitting him with tbe ball for passing an and leaving him without the breastworks decidedly excellent entertainment. From for it if the Clevelands do Now that Bassett has re-signed with adverse criticism on their pitching pow­ of the League. the talk of the spectators, however, it was not make a good showing in the open­ Providence a load is off Manager Murray's ers. Hood's Pills are prompt aud efficient, yet ing games. Fully a score of practice games mind. There is considerable speculation In easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25c. evident tUat, while they were highly Pitcher Radbo-urnevs loss of an eye, State League circles as to how much Mike pleased and unusually enthusiastic, they at homes were all put over because of Jack Crooks will greatly strengthen the cold or rainy weather. These games. If Minneapolis team to which he has been due to a gunning accident, recalls the fact Kelly is going to pay his Allentown ice- were Dot carried away so far but what played, would have been of almost incal- that Fred Corey, of the old Athletics, was wagon team. The limit of salary is $1200, they reserved judgment until the scries added. pu£ out of the business through a similar tbe market by a Baltimore house. It la cuable benefit to the club and would have There are 23 players on the pay-roll of and the other teams will keep a watchful claimed for this shoe that it has an im­ with New York, beginning April 10 (next demonstrated the amount of actual worth accident. eye on tho festive Michael to see that h» proved shank, iu two parts, which gives Thursday), should afford some data for the Washington Club, with two more to keeps within bounds. possessed by the new men. It is no secret report. Gentle-men who love a good, scrappy it the effect of a sprinting shoe. This a comparative estimate of strength. The that tho Cleveland players have bad al­ time are getting ready to take in all the Barnie's Louisville "Colonels" had a shank is patented. The shoe is very standing of the. club in the percentage ta­ most no practice at all in batting or field­ Pitcher Market has been released by games in which Patriclo Tebeau and Little gala occasion in Bloomington, lud., April durable, being made of bull kangaroo. The ble will not hav« «o much effect ou pa- ing and are necessarily content wiuh the Giand Itaplds. Ho was too slow in his Willie Joyce will meet this season as rival 10. They played the crack college team of shoe is rapidly catching on In the profes­ troaaxc as will the general physical exercise they have acquired in the delivery. captains. the State there, and before beginning play sion, being used by McGraw and Kelley, GIT UP AND GIT hand ball courts. Boston has the three shortest outfield- McGraw, of the Balttmorcs, is always witnessed a marriage at the home plate. of the Baltimore team, and other noted of the whole business. If there is a fast BOASTFUL OMVEB. crs in tbe League in McCarthy, Duffy and looking for trouble on the ball field, 'and After the game the citizens gave the Louis­ players. Further particulars and measur­ game and robust action there is no ques­ To-day and to-morrrow the Clevelauds Bannon. frequently finds It. Ills small size is all ville players a banquet. ing blanks can be obtained from N. Hess* tion of Its being the greatest year of the play in Toledo. Then they come home and The mother of Pitcher Fisher, of the that has saved him from many a good Buckeuberger, Tebeau, Foutz, Irwln, Sons, 112 East Baltimore street, Balti­ sport, but if it begins to tame up and get ready to Journey to the battle field at Cleveland Club died at Anderson, Ind., whipping. Auson, et al., listen to lliis: John Warrj more, Md. toue down with the advance of the season Louisville. Before they return they play last week. The Steubenville Athletio Club, of says the New York Club has nobody but Mike Kelly, the hlstrion, closed his sea­ the people will very naturally tire of it nine games, three with Barnie's men, three Pitcher Hawke, of Baltimore, and Steubeuville, O., would like to correspond Boston to fear; that the Cleveland Club son of "98-04 Iu a blaze of glory at the as they have done before. Much of It, of at St. Louis and three at Cincinnati. Catcher Merritt, of Boston, art- still out with managers of base ball teams having is stronger than Pittsburg. Philadelphia National Theatre, Philadelphia, last Satur­ course, depends upon what advantage the "Will you win four of the nlue games?" in the cold. second hand uniforms; G. F. Pattersou; rot at all dangerous; and that Brooklyn day night, and on Monday morning he pitching department proves to have over I asked of Pat on Friday. secretary. will be simply lost In the shuffle. appeared for the first time on any stage the other features of the game. If it dom­ "Four? Why me boy, we're almost sure Manager Sclee says that Murphy, the j inates, as it ihas in the past, there will New York player, will make his mark In Pitcher "Bumpus" Jones has joined The Chicago Club has returned to the as Magnate Michael Kelly, the very head of seven. Maybe we'll get eight." the League. the Soos. He has resigned the position of use of the old and famous white stock­ and front of the Allentown Club. In his be the same financial result, but if there "But haven't the other teams had more time the versatile Mike has played many Is a reasonable amount of batting the in­ practice than ours?" Garish, one of Milwaukee's pitch­ official barber at Cedarville and expects ings. When they were discarded in ISSN terest will be held throughout the season. ers, hails from Alma, Wls. lie is tt to give a good many teams a close shave the "Sporting Life" expressed regret for parts, and it remains solely with himself: "Sure thing, but we don't need as much this season. the act, Anson has now been converted to determine whether he shall be a suc­ But there the rotes are as they are, and as they do. The men on tho Cleveland brewer's son. to the belief that the Chicago's luck de­ cess or a failure in his new role. Let him there is no us*? of kicking until cold weath­ team are ball players. They don't need a Cincinnatians expect to see quite a Armour, of Homestead, does not ex­ serted them when the white was discarded but once drop out of the game, and his er calls for vigorous exercise, and it the month's efforts on the part of a captain tussle between Latham and Hoy for bus* pect to be able to play ball for six weeks for black. value as a Thespian would be almost noth­ season then has proven that the magnates to tell them how to play the game." running honors. or two months. In that coasting accidint were wrong again it will be made warm he- came as close as possible to having his Of the Baltimore pitchers McMahon ing. But there is a lot of good ball playing LIKES THE SCHEm'LB. The New England League staff of um­ now weighs 160 pounds and Mullane 170. In the old sport yet, and if he Is to con­ enough for them without enlisting any red Secretary Howard Roblson thinks it a pires will not be announced uutil the day back broken. tinue to occupy so large a portion of the hot stoves iu the service. good scheme that the Clevelands are to Horner is complaining of a sore arm and of the first game. Bangor is very much pleased at being Baker has shown improvement over last public prints as formerly he want* to Every one of the men engaged in Sat­ be home nearly all of September. "No mat­ Before the season starts get a "Little a member of the New England League bring it ail out. urday's game appeared to be in good physi­ ter what the conditions are," said he to this year, and as it is a sporting centre of year's work. Inks did not at first appear cal form, and showed that the practice the "Sporting Life" correspondent to-day, Casino" Schedule lt)c., Emil Grossuian & 50,000 wide-awake people, it can support to realize that the club was taking this they already had had bjeen enough to edu­ "the attendance falls off that month. I am Co., Cleveland, O. * trip for practice and training, but is work­ There Is some dissatisfaction with a club easily. THE VIRGINIA LEAGUE. cate their «ye« to the standard of glad wo will be at home then. Why last The old battery of Bennett and Rad- ing hard now. EAKLY SEASON PLAT. year in September, even the fast-going Pitcher Ehret In Plttsburg, and there are hourue has been singularly unfortunate The New York "World" pays Umpire They will become more perfect as the Philadelphia^ scarcely ecrned enough mon­ rumors of release. this year. Beuuett lost both legs aud Hurst this tribute: "It is to be hoped Some of the Players Signed by the Reason ages, of course, but there was noth­ ey to pay their hotel bill, although they Manager Wa«kins considers Jimmy Hadbourne had an eye destroyed by a that Nick Youug assigns Tim Hurst to Clubs. ing to complain of even then. There is were playing remarkably good ball. Then, Canavan as one of the best general play­ charge of shot. New York quite frequently this season. Richmond, Va.. April 1G. Editor "Sport- no question about it that Hugh Jeunlngs too, it is an advantage to be at home If ers in the League. The New Yorks ar* weariug black leath­ The cranks like square, fearless umpiring, Ing Life." The Altoona (Pa.) State League has improved all around, and that be is you are near the top. Once in a while Catcher Kelly, of last season's Keene. er belts, upon which Secretary Staekhouse whether it is against the New York Club was here last week and defeated our col­ an Immense popular favorite. He played there may be exceptions, but as a rule a N. II., team, was killed by railroad care at prides himself. When the hot weather or not. The city is the fairest of all the lege in both games. This was the strong­ second while Honny Reitz was nurs­ club plays mnch better at home than else­ Barre, Vt., April 7. -^ CDthcs these leather belts will be in all League circuit." est batting team that has been here his ing a lame ankle. It Is still a ques­ where. If we should have a fighting chance New Yorkers think that Pitcher Wes- probability discarded. Mike Kelly is of opinion Bosto* will season. tion whether he or Bonner will act as on September 1 with all the succeeding tervelt is the most fastidiously dressed agin win the championship in a walk. games at home, I think we should wiu The latest addifhHiM -to the Worcester The Virginia State League opens Its sea­ substitute. Bouncr's only advantage, if player in the League. team are Mike Slatterly, Pitcher Everett He says Duffy ajid McCarthy are of as son Monday. April 2:i, and at the present any. is In batting, and Jennlngs has shown the flag." much importance to Boston as any five PATS NEW FIND, Director ttgckstulil. of Louisville, has .' llo*<\ third haHontmi Stcp^n J. Foley, outlook promises a very profitable season. a disposition to keep n» his end In that. Young Graney, the ptayer imported from wagered President Brush S.V) that Louis­ lirst baseman "Doc." Kenntdy, TSfH-sr*! players would be to any other League The clubs adopted the "Klffe League As to all other points of the game. Jen- ville will beat out Cincinnati. Hayes and John Anderson. Itatn. Tn tile "King's" upinion these two Ball" as the official ball with which all Dings is admittedly the superior man so Pana, III., promises to be a surprise. He players are- ifio finest in the profession, all championship games shall be played. far. Manager llanlon shows a disposition came unheralded and unknown, but he is Connaughton, the Boston catcher, is Sharsigs' Pennsylvania recruits, at no bigger than Duffy, but size doesn't whom so much fun was poked in Western things considered. 'u «6f« Manager West, of the Virginias, of Rich­ to give each man an equal chance, and evidently a ball player from away up the Chicago had a chance last Week to mond, has signed the following players: has by no means settled it in his own hack waters of Bitter Creek. He resem­ count for much In base ball. League circles. have shown up as bles a farmer, but insists on playing hall Jim McTammany docsu't look a day strong as any Western League team, aud turn out its first crowd to an exhibition Muce, of Washington, and old "American mind which will play the short stop's po­ game. Though the weather was cold and Association" Wormsley, of Baltimore; Os- sition permanently. The outfield is par­ like a star. In Sunday's game at Grand older than he did when he chased flies for stronger than most of them. Kaplds, for instance, he jumped into the Brooklyn and Columbus teams. disagreeable, the crowd was so large that born, of 'UMtlmore, last seusou with Char­ ticularly John Burk, a hard-hitting young ct teh- the local newspapers marvelled over it. lotte, and Blunkenship, the winning pitch­ WRONG AND SNAPPY. Child's place ou an uneven field and took W. D. Davis, orgauizer of the North­ er, is recommended by ex-Manager Fitz­ er of last season, an- ^^chers; Buckman, In eight hard chances without an error. western League, is going to mannge the gerald as stroi-g enough for any minor The same reports come from every city and appears to be a good throwing one, In the outfield he is fairly fast and ac­ where base ball Is to be played profes­ of Washington, aud Fostcr^of Richmond, too. Keeler had minor club* pitching to Eau Claire Club of that new League. league club. He can be addressed at 703 sionally this season. catchers; Ed. Tate, one time wi bang, and be banged it up to his reputa­ curate. Third baseman McGlone complains that Bridge street, Trenton, N. J. as catcher, also with Baltimore, NOTES AND NEWS. he hasaccepted Detroit's terms, but up to Manager Doescher and one of bis tion. Indeed, the whole club seems to take Clarkson, Young, Ewlng and Ganns did Manager Watkins says the report that pitchers, Barnett, had a narrow escape first base; West. Napier, Kain and kindly to moderate pitching, and any not go on the exhibition trip. The weather date bus not been tendered a contract. Billy Hart had not signed with him is on their way to New York from Philadel­ Hodges. This is considered by many to be League boxmen who are not up to form brightened up and they took their practice Catcher Coogan, of the University of false, as he is regularly signed, and the phia last week. Their train ran into a the strongest team Richmond has ever in the beginning of the championship sea­ here. Strange It was that as soon as the Pennsylvania team, Is attracting a great contract is in the hands of President John- freight engine, which crashed into the had since the days of "Old Virginias," son will unquestionably have a discourag­ team went away the weather Improved. deal of attention from League managers. sou, of the Western League. corner of the car in which the two men with Charlie Ferguson, Billy Nash, Dickie ing time of it. Ilandall does not seem to be quite in The manner iu which John T. Brush The Cincinnati* go to Indianapolis were sitting. Beyond a slight shaking up Johnson and others. Manager West has The infield appears almost perfection, form for the fast pace set by the League. "jollies" the Cincinnati newspaper re­ every spring, but never manage to get nobody on their train was hurt. strong hopes of landing the pennant la but no doubt the balls will begin to be Joe Vila's witticism as to my being "on porters shows what a master spirit he is. in more than :>ne game between stovers. The Savannah authorities sat down on Richmond this season. Blammcd down that, way with a liltle more tlhe hog train" was excruciatingly funny. Pntcher Whitehill, of the Sioux City Henceforth Indianapolis will be scratched Sunday base ball last Sunday. The Savan­ The Altoona League Club was defeated vim after Wednesday, and after that bet­ One must go to Gotham to get pure, una­ team, who proved such a stumbling block from Cincinnati's visiting list. nah aud Maeon teams agreed to play the in four straight games by the Petersburg ter opinions can be formed of just what dulterated humor. It may be pointless, but to the Pittshurgs Is a Brookvillc, Pa., boy. First baseman E. J. Couley, late of game scheduled for Monday on Sunday, of Virginia League last week. the Oriole team for 1804 Is composed of. It the English is faultless. You can't tell where the clubs play Binghamton, who was to have played first leaving Monday a day of rest. Sunday Among those signed by the Norfolk Club IB barely possible that Harry T;iylor may When Colonel John Ward admits that unless you have a "Little Casino" schedule base for Atlanta, is now lying very ill iu morning the Mayor notified the Chief of ate: Deuuy Cleary, the heavy hitting sec­ yet officiate on the Baltimore Club as a that city, and will not in all probability ond baseman, late of New Jersey League; catcher and act as the Clevelands are in the r&ce, there must 10c., Emil Grossman & Co., Cleveland, O. Police not to permit the game. The man­ Charlie Elsey, who will cover first and be something in it. We are Indebted to the Washington be able to play all this season. agement of the club will not tight the mat­ captain the team, an old Southern League A STPANDING MENACE Captain Tebeau is batting very hard and "Post" for the excellent cut of Captain Two thousand dollars seems to be the ter. to ^Dan Brouthcrs to keep alive. The effectively in the early season games. player; Colllflower and Hodges, the Wash­ "beep" alive, is used advisedly, for the Bill Joyce, which appears iu this issue. average salary in the League. At that New York had three of the first six base ington Y. M. C. A. battery, who so easily The Clevelands play an exhibition game figure there is a chance for each club to runners' in the Leagne last season. They big batter Is certainly now one of the at a little town name Peninsula, on May 2. Mike Kelly Is dead sore on John M. make money this year and offset the last defeated the Yale team; Harry Hauptman, quick and nut tl"> dead. No doubt lie can The Cleveland "Press" will run a base Ward, and speaks of the New York man­ were Johnnie Ward, and the heavy hitting left fielder, and Johnson, be jollied through ti," season by Ned Hnn- ager in the most uncomplimentary terms. four years of disastrous losses. George Davis. The other three among the the third baseman of same team; and ball extra every day during the season. The New Orleans Club has signed honored half dozen were Latham, of the )on. but then It Is Just as well to have an- Old "Cy" Young tried his hand in a game Anson Is positive that Boston will not "Foxy" Fry, pitcher of Roncevcrte, W. Va. otuor first baseman available for emergen­ win the championship this year, but first baseman Louis Whistler and Catcher Keds; Tom Brown, of the Louisvilles, aud Lynohburg has signed the following: with Hue Western Reserves the oth day. Schabel. Catchers Lavelle and Wcckbeck- Dowd, of the St. Louis Browns. The lat­ Mckenna and Glass, the crack battery of cies. It really looks now as though the Had so much speed that the batters com­ doesn't state on what he bases his faith. cr have been released. First baseman ter Is one of the fastest straight-away run­ only questionable thing about the team is plained of their inability to see the ball at The mascot craze that was so prevalent last season; Tclfair aud Wright, of Wil- the pitching corps. If that proves to he in base ball a few years back has died Ilaller will go behind the bat. ners that ever wore a League uniform. mington, O.; Keating and Kress, of Pitts­ equal to the other clubs, then it looks very ""' ELMER E. BATES. out entirely. It is just as well that it The Wilkesbarres have adopted a black Tim Murnane is responsible for the burg; Schultz, of Baltimore; Lyston, Lewis, much as though the Orioles will not simply has. uniform which is quite appropriate for a statement that Manager John Ward is not Ulam. This is considered a very strong have to fight to keep out of the "second team hailing from the coal regions; but popular with the players on the New York team division." We want one grand battle for KELLY ON DECK. In signing with Boston Tom Lovett Wilkesbarre is only imitating Erie, whose team. For this the New York "World" Willie Quarles, the pitcher who played the pennant itself, and there is no earthly once more got under the wing of the man­ uniform last season was black. belts him under the ear with the following: with Boston the last of last season, left reason why Baltimore should not at least He Beaches Allciitown and Assumes ager who made him a star years ago iu If the Western teams of the League can "Tim Murnane says that Ward is not pop­ for Wilkesbarre, Pa., where he will pitch, aspire for that as well as any other city. Direction of Affairs. Omaha. win a few more games in the East than ular with his men. He is a sight more the coming season. ' ALBEUT MOTT. jVllentown, April 17. Mike Kelly Is here. Jack Chapman says that In all his they have been doing in recent seasons tbe popular than Manager Selee is with the The Petersburg Club will play the fol­ long career In base ball he never saw the various cliques existing in the Boston lowing players this season: Leach and He came late last night with Sam Wise equal of Curt Welch in his prime as an chances of both Pittsburg and Cleveland BINGHAMTON BITS. and entries Hudscn. The letter is Kelly'a for the pennant will be better. team." Foreman, pitchers; Brooks and Keefer, theatrical manager, and will assist him outfielder. The Eastern I«eague this season con­ The management of the Connecticut catchers; Meyers, Kelley, Roscoe, Brodie, Not Dismayed »t the Preliminary in the financial work of his club. Manager Gus Scbmelz says he will tains some outfielders once in the front State Base Ball League is making final Hammoud and Sanford. Kelly has the following players under carry eighteen or nineteen men all season. ranks of major league players, viz.: Jim arrangements to charter a steamer for li. H. S1DGKL. Showing of the Local Team. coi tract: Sam Wise, to play second base; Whew, but that's strong medicine for a Daly. Sandy Griffin, George Gore, Curt every Sunday during the summer. It is lilngliamton, N. Y., April 16 Editor ,I(hn Mllligan, catcher and first baseman; tail-end club! Welch, Vau Dyke and Sheffler. planned to have Sunday games played on Sporting Life:" Now that a few games George Wood, fielder; Kllroy, of last year's The New York "Herald" insists that Manager Selee says he never managed Two Tree Island, off Niantic, and run ex­ 'JETROIT DOTLETS. have been played an opportunity has been Providence Club, and Jack Colemau, of Mr. Von der Ahe released Jack Crooks a ball nine which showed up iu such per­ cursions from New Haven, Norwich, New given local crank to criticize the Blngos, last year's York Club, pitchers. Wo-d and because he became jealous of Crooks' per­ fect physical condition as the Boston are London and Bridgeport. All the nines iu The feum Gradually Getting Into and he has made the "I told you so" man Coleman are ex-Philadelphia players. sonal beauty. this spring; and yet Yale beat the cham­ the League will play Sanday games, and a Form—Notes of the Players. happy. The warm days and bright vvealh Kelly is sure of securing John Stricker to Manager Hanlon, encouraged by the re­ pions one game and tied another. contest will take place every Sunday after­ er lu'crease rather than diminish the ball play second base, and Esterbrook and Joe sults of his Southern trip, now ventures to There is no reason to fear disaster in noon ou the Island. Detroit, April 9. Writing from Na«hville fever, and cranks are coining out fiom Vlulvey for tldrd base. Kfelly himself will predict that the Orioles will finish in the the Western League this season, because There ts no doubt that to place "Yale" Manager Glenalviu says Cue team Is rap­ their winter holes and burdening the air alternate behind the bat and first b&se. front division. the salary lists have been kept down and Murphy on the New York team, should he idly getting into base ball form, although with their prophesies as to who will have He says that within a week or ten days prove his ability to play equally as well the soreness contracted In the South hangs tho biggest average, etc. Most of these remarks are On the average base ball salaries are the "fans" out that way ought certainly on like a leech. The stiffness that has half a hundred National League players not so high as they were thre^or four to be base ball hungry by this time. as Fuller and Stafford, would be an im­ concerning the IMugiM. and as It is partly upon will be released, among them good players, years ago by 30 per ceut., but they are mensely popular movement. There is a sadly interfered with the effectiveness of tlifse lhat put/lie opinion Is based your corre- A Dauphin County (Pa.) amateur league large Yale element among the base ball the Detroit pitchers is slowly disappear­ qjoudeut will endeavor to give a Jew of the and he proposes to pick some of them. more uniform. is being formed, Harrisburg, Lykens, Steel- ing and a marked improvement was no­ He intends his team to be a heavy bit­ Pitcher Tom Parrott, of Cincinnati, patrons of the Polo Ground, which would moves cener.il. ton. Tower City, Millersburg and Halifax be very greatly pleased to see "Brownie" ticed in their work during the Memphis SATISFIED WITH RESULTS. ting one, and if other clubs think they will and Catcher Billy Merrlt, of Boston, are will no doubt go into it, as all of these series. Nothing but praise la heard on every side for t,o slow on bases it will not take them long now the only players still holding out for places will have good amateur teams. on the nine regularly. And that Yale ele­ The team is composed of gentlemanly Manager Duscher for having the nerve and pluck to discover th«ir error. The seasen will ment is not one to be slighted without higher salaries. Catcher Pat Kollins, of Fall River, Is some serious consideration. players, who will conduct themselves with to start out in th« very teeth of a storm with open here on April 27 with the Bostons. Catcher Martin Kennedy, a good left- the first player this season to be remem­ credit both on and off the field. It will a t«im on Ills hands. At I'hiladelpbla the rain The next day the Hinghan>tons will be handed hitter, is In New Yory City disen- bered by friends. Upon his departure for What made eatchiug easy? Why, Ted only be a matter of a few weeks until played on the grounds and the Bingos and Phillies here, and on April 30 the phllllea will aged. He can be addressed S63 West his new field of labor his Harrisburg Kennedy's Famous League Mitts. These the men will get their eye on the ball, were oblhjcd to loaf and tell each other what play here. they could do and what they r.ave already done. f(fly-first street. friends presented him with a gold watch. are the originals and the only real mitts aid some first-class hitting may be Mat ager Kelly also states that he has ar­ That hard-hitting first baseman, Tom made. Any player will easily be con­ looked for. The fielding up to date has On the way from Philadelphia Manager Doschcr ranged for the Philadelphia Club to play Manager Watkins has had several of­ vinced by sending his hand, drawn on and Pitcher Baruett had u rather exciting shake here ou every open date during the entire Dwyer, is at Binghamton, N. Y., disen­ fers from League clubs for Pitcher Billy been very good, and with a little more up. The car iu which they were riding was gaged. His address in that city is 48 Hart's release since his rejuvenation, but paper, and state price and kind wanted. practice the pitchers will be putting the run into by a locomotive and for a time It looked season. The .-ad of the week will see the Whitney avenue. all have been rejected, Hart himself has League Catching, $7, $6, $5, $4. $3, $2. ball over tlhe plate oftener. team complete and the players here. The League First Baseman, $3, $2.f>0, $2. "Big Bill" Everett has a faculty of get­ as though it would throw a full bouse. Neither uniforms adopted by the home club are Herman Colline, New Orleans' new out­ no desire to quit Watty's merry crew. was hurt except in feelings a little. Before Jack Crooks signed with Min­ League Fielding, $2.50, $2, $1.50. Beware ting mixed up in all kinds of arguments At Itrooklyn the Biugos were more fortunate. white with blue stripes and the word fielder, was recommended to that club by of useless Imitations. See trade mark. and generally succeeds in getting the They secured one game, and taking Into consider­ "Aller.town" across the breast. Interest Manager Schmelz. Coilins, of course, is neapolis he telegraphed Gus Schmelz for Ted Kennedy & Co., Ann and Randolph worst of the discussion. Bill Is a gtod, here Is aroused to the highest pitch, and a Columbus boy. a job on the Washingtons, but Schmelz streets, Chicago. Adver. * ation the fact that it waa the oral lime all Up to Ti esday, Baltimore, Chicago and turned own the man whom he once son- lively player, always playing to win, and had met together on the diamond, tbey did re- the arrival of Kelly has set the en­ If it be true that Jim Mutrie is laid although he makes a rood many errors, nmrkaUy well. thusiasts will. Whet ever he goes he is New York were the only League teams to sidered a great player after his own heart. his earnestness ! nd desira to do his best Saturday the Giants polished us without a run the object of much attention. escape defeats at the bauds of outside We have letters for Frank Hinn. Joe up with paralysis in a Corning (N. Y.) hos­ teams this spring. Stewart, J. W. Shumway, Eddie Fnssel- pital, the sympathy of all base ball people make him a great favorite. while they stamped the rubber lust 17 times. will go out to him, for, with all his faults, Jerry Hurley Is laid up with a bad leg, With all this only seven of Uielr runs were NORRISTOWN'S NINE. Stage's umpiring has given satisfac­ back, Harry T. Smith, George Vander- and Bill Kreig has been doing all the earned. Yesterday (Sunday) the Bingos were de­ tion in the exhibition games at Cleveland. beck, Joe Butler, Manager Hoggins, Jake Mutrie was a good base ball man, and did feated by the Ironsides, of Newark, by a score of much for the game particularly in New catching of late, and doing It well. Hur­ A Set of Strong Players Signed by and the opinion is expressed that he will Virtue, Phenomenal Smith aud Manager ley will resume his position behind the 8 to 2. do in the League. Watkius. York. He also possessed oue virtue which bat in the Louisvi'le series. THE WORK OP THE MEN. Manager Teese. There are two full blooded Indians Harry Weldon thinks It would be funny many of his detractors lacked gratitude Earle on first is by long odds the best In all these games the fielding has been very Norristown, April 10. Manager Teese has com­ and fidelity to his friends. If Mutrie is good with the exception of) short stop. If Snap­ playiug in the Dickinscn (Pa.) College if Washington should beat out New York man ever seen In the South, and has es­ pleted the Norristown Club with the exception team. The Harrisburg team has an Ii.dian in the race after selling its $7500 battery. reduced and in need, the many beneficiaries tablished himself very favorably in the per Umg could only commence the season us well of a couple of players, who may be signed later. He says stranger thing* have happened. of his bounty years ago iu New York as he ends it his weak hitting could be over­ The present indications are that the team will pitcher named Mackey. should get up a benefit for hire, at once. estimation of the Southerners. His hit­ looked. Yesterday a young man named Jones, he composed of the following men: Pitctiers, C. John M. Ward knows "Scrappy" P>ill New York "World." Perhaps, but not ting Is of a very high standard. Mr. Van hailing from the same place as Keeler. was Kilroy, Cray and Emery; catchers, CTlwell, Kane Joyce. He is willing to wager that Cap­ iu base ball. A careful estimate shows that there are Dei-beck thinks be has few equals as a tried at short. Out of four chances he had and Reynolds; Reynolds, first base; Harris, sec­ tain Joyce will be put out of forty games It is not unlikely that the ball-throwing already in existence for 18W4 three times guardian of the initial bag. three errors with one base hit. Unless there is ond base; Supplee. third base; Kaae, short stop; this season by umpires. and base-running records will come to as many professional base bail clubs in the Can-oil, Burns and McGuckin make a a big Improvement here Jones will not do. The left field, Bryuau; centre neld, Gray; right field, Manager Selee, of the Bostons. Is of grief this year in the contests that will United 'States as there were at any time mode! outfield, end their work can be com­ work of all the rest of the players has been Emerv. be held at Washington for medals offered last ytar. New York "Henld." Very care­ pared most favorably with any outfield very gratifying to the local fans. Mack at sec­ Charlie Kllroy is the youngest of the Kllroy the opinion Chat "Yale" Murphy will hold by tho Wagners for superiority in those ful estimate, indeed! There are just eight in the country. They are fielding their ond, Raymond on third and I-ong In left have be­ brothers, and from his work done last season up his end iu the League, and predicts a departments. more professional base ball clubs In the positions finely and hitting well. come favorites at once and FriU behind the bat promises to surpass both his brothers' in tbe success for the midget. Keeler seems to be oiie of the strong­ field this season than existed last year. Monte Cross, as a srhurt stop, can fill has a host of frionds already. To-day, weather pitcher's box. Joe Gray comes from the Oamden Ex-President John B. Day, of the est men on the Baltimore team, aud also It Is true, two new leagues have been the hill almost to perfection. "Strong permitting they wrestle with the Giants again Club. FVank Emery is from the famous Bor- New York Club thinks that this will be seems destined to be a big favorite in organized In the West, but the four-club Arm" Monte will be a prime favorite and to-uiorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday they dentowu team of 1892. Harris comes from Mill- the most successful year for base ball iu California League has passed out of ex­ with Detroit crowds during the season: play the coal hftavei-s from Scranton. I do not villa and has played on the Royeraford dub. the history of the game. Baltimore. His good playing is the more anticipate a picnic for either team. Supplee is from Swarthmore College and played prominent because he has far exceeded istence. and the Southern League has been The young man is quick as chain light­ FLJES. on the Norristown team last suasoo. Tom Pitcher Gastright says he has not expectations. reduced to an eight-club basis. ning on his feet and a remarkable The work of Keeler for Hanlon's Orioles is ii from the Johnstown Club. naked the Boston people for a raise of Pitcher Mike Sullivan, of the Boston A new bate ball shoe has been put upon thrower. THE SPORTIISTG LIFE.

ters. We have won a championship or tin fact that Joliet failed to get Into the two la this town and Just manage to show PITTSBURG PENCILLINGS. Association. No one hare has forgotten the a clean pair of heels to tha procession, was Joliet helped to freeze Jacksonville BASE BALL Brooklyn Included. Get In line, there, and THE PIRATES LEAVE FOR THE out of the old I. I. League in '92. Then, waste a little more time on your team too, Des Moines Is in every way a better aud lea* on others who do not need your SEAT OP WAR. ball town thuii the peniteu'tlsry burg. attentions and free advertising. The officers of the local Association are A very unpleasant feature of the open- Hardly in the Best of Shape Ehret all prominent business men. W. W. Kent. HDB HAPPENINGS. Ing exhibition game on the South End treasurer of the Association, Is our presi­ grouadg tbls year was the throng of hood­ Again Under a Cloud The Release dent; J. W. English, vice president; A. D. lums th»t were allowed to roam around of Catcher Earle Bits of News and Black, a prominent L. A. W. consul, sec­ THESPALDINQ the game at will. They got inside of the retary, and J. O. Voaseler, treasurer. THE WEATHER A HANDICAP IN THE enclosure and crowded around the visiting Gossip. Among the directors of Captain C. A. Cat- player*' bench. When the lattar drove Mn, W. H. Dalton, P. A. Kihxau and E. away In their coach they were assailed by rittsburg, April 16. Editor "Sporting C. Vlckery. CHAMPIONS' TRAINING. a storm of stones by these plagues, and Here's the way a local enthusiast places one of the mlssllas struck Manager Hun- Life:" Fifteen strong the Gas City the teams at the finish: Omaha, St. Jos­ toon in tbe cheek. team left for Indianapolis last night. eph, Jacksonville. Lincoln, Des Moines, Harvard's infield made seven errors last The first stop is a little exhibition snap, Qulnoy, Feorla, Rock Island. We'll see Tlie Harm ol Early Opening A De- Saturday. That was way off. but next Thursday the boys will go up about this after a while. At any rate Jack­ Fred Lake's friends gave him a nice against something hardor. Then will sonville will not be far from the band wag­ sflryed Tribute to Pitcher Niccols send-off prior to his leaving to Join the start the trials of Christopher J. Von der on when the parade reaches the grounds League Wilkesbarre?. Ahe, manager of der I'rowus. If Chris on the return. "Bobby" towe's wife bad a pretty good never ran across any genuine unabridged The Salary Question-Altos ol taste of Ne.w England weather two snow head fretting he can have the satisfaction storms within four days, in the second of knowing that it will soon be with him. THE HOOSIERS. the weok of April. While the Pittsburg boys are not exactly New England League. A brother of Catcher Charley Ganzel, in the best of shape.owiug to the beastly cli­ How Sharsig's Aggregation is Viewed of the Bostons, will play with the Water- matic diversions of the past two weeks by a Home Critic. bury Club. they are full of confidence. They think Indianapolis, April 16. Editor "Sporting Ball Boston, April 19. Editor "Sporting Tim Murnane says that In Trndeau that they will do pretty well on the trip, Life:" What little I shall have to say Life:" Up this way, nncl I guess all Yale has one of the finest pitchers in although sure the Western teams are in this week will be In the nature of personal through the North, March and April the college arena of to-day. Tim sr.ys better form. They expect to break even, mention of the Indianapolis team, after has been the adopted ball of hav« exchanged places; for up to this of him: "John Clarkson must have found and possibly better, and come home In a having had an opportunity of witnessing the National League and nearly time ws> had better weather in March him an apt pupil, as he has every move­ fair place, then play up in their old way. three games upon the home grounds. In for bnse ball than In this month, and ment of the great pitcher down very An intimate friend of the players said this the main, and as an organization, the all the leading Professional, the championship season will be really fine. With a friendly umpire It will be al­ afternoon.. "I suppose Breitenstein, the boys are all right. There are, of course, Amateur and College Leagues «n us without any preliminary season most. Impossible to get hits off the Yale Brown s left bander, will first go up against weak spots to strengthen, and ragged pltchar, as he has perfect control, and the boys. If they win that game they places to straighten up a little. No party and Associations for the PAST to apeak of. Up to this wtelt the cham­ can work the corners of tbe plate to per­ will not be alarmed about the others in of players can be brought together ns let­ pions have not had a single fair day fection." the series." ter perfect at the beginning of a season. TWENTY YEARS and will be on which they could play aud the players It will be "hard luck" In earnest this Kedtop. It is reported, has been pitching Exercise, practice anat more than all, a chance used again by the limber up a bit. It is taking big year If you can't get there: ch. Vila? a good game, his old-time gait. to flght for blood, makes a team weld together chances on the weather to open a cham­ With "Doc" Kennedy, Mika McGeachy "Go right at-him," will be the word the Iu proper form and I hope I shall shortly sliout pionship campaign so shortly after the and Mike Slnltpry there is scmewhat of moment Dory takes up the ball. "glad tidings of joy" from ths West over numer­ an old timer look to the Worcester CK'b. ous League victories placed to Manager Billy middlo of the month. I have known the PHIL UNDER A CLOUD. SLmrsig's credit. month Pawtucket has secured Tom Bannon, a There Is a great deal of disappointment of April to have some remark­ brother of the Boston player. We have a strong fielding organization. That ably balmy weather in ita early part, over tho fact tbat Phil Ehret is not one thing is very evident. With the stick the Our local polo players were In hard uxactly in shape, as demonstrated by his boys seem but this does not happen very often. luck In having such a rainy night for a trifle uncertain, but th«y liave Still the BojtoBs lofty work with the ball on Saturday. thus far batted In runs at critical points In the are no worse off than their benefit last Thursday. gam«. They also appear to bo good base runners, Southern * League Phil came home from Hot Springs over the New Yorks, Brooklyns or I'liila- Miah Mi'rray will umpire most of the three weeks ago redueed to the thinness but there have been one or two occasion* when delphins and some of their Harvard exhibition games this spring. He of a consumptive. He lacked strength aud the judgment of the coacher lias proven faulty FOR THE SEASON OF 1894. players have played In California and will not play with his partner's (John Ir- so he did not go Into hard practice on his and baa prevented more ran getting. Tims the South go recently that they did wlu) team, but will look out for their arrival. The bad weather came on aud WILL CERTAINLY REMEDY. THAT TROUBLE. OFFICE OF not need any Umbering up at all. The bad business in South Boston. Phil couldn't handle the leather as much As the men get better acquainted and thoir weather comyltttely spoiled the trip to Johnny Grffln. the light-weight pugilist. aa ho should have. Saturday when he tried mysterious signs and yells become more thor­ J. B. NICKLIN, Secretary, Prlnceton. Visits to that place are al­ Is a candidate for a position on the New to pitch his best, he couldn't do a thing oughly understood, they will naturally improve in Chatanooga, Tenn. ways very pleasant. All that the boys England staff. Heaven knows that he with the ball. In vain did Joe Sugdeu try tho matter of scoring. Team work will undoubt­ could flo after reaching New York was to should be appointed without delay. With to get him to ease up aud take his time, edly be a feature! of this Western League Club. CHATANOOGA, Tenn., April it, 1894. turn about and go home. They stopped Griffin, Dison and one or two others but the magenta-faced young man kept There are no favorites and star players to pet- over In Springfield. It wns found irnpos- there would be less intimidation In some mollify aud make rich. We have been so used to MESSRS. A. G. SPALDINQ & BROS., New York, N. Y. banging in wild pitches. The spectators the home run styla of butter and the phenomenal ilble to fill tho date at Mlddletovvti with of the New England cities; eh. Phillips? groaned at tbe first few bases on balls, Wesleyan on account »f the weather. The Bostons missed Charlottesvllle and tielder that it will seem both strange and hlfctil.v Gentlemen: The la doz, balls received, and have then finally became wild, and gave Philip satisfactory to gaze at an evenly balanced aggre­ POOR POLICY. Petersburg. Va., this year. It has proved an awful roast. Ehret was trying to get been distributed among the clubs. The opening game most costly to keep the gation of players. Sharsig's discipline is perfect Saturday morning Manager Burns tele­ players North. them over, but the people thought be and the men like to play ball with him. I in Nashville I witnessed, and also watched the ball, and phoned from Springfield that he thought j. O. MORSE. wasn't. Coming over In the street car the hava sounded one or two of them ui»on tbat » game could be played aud accordingly fans gave Ehret quite a going over. Later point. Not otily that, but they thiuk well of each if all balls sent us in future are as good as these are, the players were compelled to make the 'iu they cooled down, vowed that Hed other and hava started out good friends. Tho journey. I do not thluk that H shows SAVANNAH SAYINGS. wouldn't do that poorly agatu during the probable fact of there being no "big beauties" there should be no complaint. I want you in future to managerial Judgment to make League play- year, and again it was a game that didn't will tend to help the friendships along. put band around the outside of the cartoon containing »rs take the ileld In bad weather. No oue The Opening Games of the Cham­ count. In the Indianapolis games Red Viill BOTH THB LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI would thluk of working a valuable horse pionship Season Commented on. do his best to get control. base ball writurs have h;id many good words tn the ball (like the band you have around it now and ad­ under *n bad conditions as the players are say for us and our record* tn the gft:m-s plnvt»<< Savannah, Ga., April 14. Editor "Sport- EAItLE WAS LET GO. in both cities were anything but discouraging dition to it) and have printed on it "Adopted by the compelled to work, and all for a few dol­ Ing Life:" The opening day of the South­ "I suppose you heard Wiat Billy Earle even In a big league standard. lars, which generally are more thau bal­ ern League championship series, April 11, was released," said a base ball writer to Starting out ou the boys, there could be no Southern Association of Base Ball Clubs, for the Season anced by the handicaps to the club In was cleur, bu'kpomewhat chilly, with quite the undersigned as he entered his oiflce possible improvement in back stop material. of 1894. SPALDING LEAGUE BALL." sore arms, colds, etc. The game at Spring­ a blow from L^ie west. Nevertheless, 2319 the other night. "What?" was the quick Wfstlrtke is the best nfttured and the most will­ field was noteworthy for the fact that It people were preseut to see the game be­ reply, "Earle released? I should say 1 ing fellow behind the bat I ever saw ban-Ing, J. B. NICKLIN, Prest. was tho first this year In which the tween Charleston and Savannah. The possibly little "Dordie" Mycrs, who did such Coston Club of 1894 had participated. didn't. Tell me something about It." In clever work in connection with Henry BoyleV game was very uninteresting. Luck was a Jill'y the man said that Little Billy had one day magnificent twirling. If he bad bis own Duffy and McCarthy being both In place, with tho "Gulls," however, aud they beat been a dissatisfied pluyer ever since he no comparison could bo made between Yale tho "Blues." Score, 17 to 6. way he would evidently catch nil games sched­ and Princoton even bad Boston played joined the team this spring, growled about uled. His head work IE a great feature and the On the 12th and 13th the Savannah play­ overwork, didn't display any ambition, and little manager has faith in his ability to steady A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ^ Jn the latter place, for Boston did not ers turned the table on the Charleston the club had decided that It didn't need the boys up at critical points in the play. Sny- have either Duffy or McCarthy, or at Yale, men by taking the game each day very any men of that kind on the team "Billy " der is a youngor player, but capable, honest anil, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. «8d would have had both at Priucetou. handily. Scores, 4 to 2 aud 10 to 3. continued the talker, "told a friend to- more than that, level-headed. BnUi men seem to In these preliminary games you will find Tho gama of the 12th was an exceedingly uigbt that he was disgusted with base­ be good hitters. Gray in right field is ever rer.dy . that the professionals will not exert them­ pretty game, for this time of the year. ball." to go behind the Itat and uo good work. In tho I selves, even In tbe finest of weather, and, Tom Itamsey was Iu the box for Savannah, Next day the writer met Earle at the field he Is par excellence; with McTamnmny aud therefore, a victory against them means aud pitched a truly magnificent game. The Central Hotel. Wiliie said he lui.lu't Leidy he forms part of a trio of excellent ball nothing at all. The colleglaus have every­ "Sea Gulls" could do uothing with him growled about overwork. He confessed chasers. Gray Is also a thing to gain aud nothing to lose, while at all. Our team gave Kamsey perfect that he felt a little sore because he was HAN'DY MAN WITH THB STICK, the professionals have everything to lose in support. out during the winter, especially when he McTammany will prove a fine captain In my es­ euch contests. The professional pitcher is On the 13th Martin Dnke occupied the timation. His batting Is of the highest order. not going to take chances lo put his arm ould have gotten a better position. "I toll! It reminds us of Happy "Jack" Glasscock when box aud gave a splendid exhibition of his Manager Bucket berger," said Earle, "that our side wanted a run. The out for weeks by exerting himself. Not abilities as a pitcher. The Charlestons I could go to Boston, but he assured me only difference Is be. A strain might mean his retirement made but five hits off his delivery. In that in those days when "Jack" and Jerry Denny f»r weeks. that I was wanted In Pittsburg. I told did hrlug anybody in, the other side got more. ALL PLAYERS TO WEAR this game the team gave tbe pitcher per­ him that if I was cut I would only have Leidy Is already a prime favorite and his steady NICHOLS SIGNED. fect support, Peoples easily carrying off to submit because I am not one of the fielding with a cirous catch thrown In almost 'ROGER & FERGUSON'S "Kid" Jflchols' name was added to the the fielding honors, while Jantzeu excelled kind who say they will carry the hod be­ every game brings forth much comment. Leidy WANTED. list of Boston contracts this week. 1 at the bat. The former accepted every fore they will sigu for such and such a bats as well as he fields. Plock is the BASE BALL GLOVES and prophesy that Boston's success will depend chance offered, without an error, and bis sum. So I signed. I have no kick coming GIANT M,AN OF THE TEAM MITTENS, now being worn exclusively by such well known players as largely upon him this year. I do not need throwing was of the gilt-edged order. against Buckeuberger." and holds down first with ease. When he gets to dilate upon the qualities of this young Jantzen succeeded in knocking out two Earle refused Louisville's terms last his batting arm wann«d be will be hard to pitcher, for they are altogether to well home runs and two singles iu his four Thursday and left for Cincinnati. The beat. Mills, Dfvlnnoy and Graham help out Known, but this I want to say: A pitcher times at toe bat. writer heard that before he started he with a fine Infield and all try hnrd to win ball. like Nlchols Is a Jewel. He should be Macon came on the 14th, after being de­ told a certain person that he had been We might add another good twirler and save Nash, worked In the box a* often as he can feated three straight by Atlanta, and our the victim of some knocking. the team such hard work with the stick. Of ctand it. He has a wonderful arm, aud by team did them up to the tune of 20 to 4, It remained for the Cincinnati papers to course, it would not be fair to criticise and cry McAleer, that I mean wonderful endurance as well Peppers pitching a fine game. get tlhat story. It is dented here. rlowu a pitcher before he la pitted aguinst, men as skill. If he can do the work of two It is evident that the men are out of of his own class. Gayle shows great speed and a men h« certainly should have the pay. MILWAUKEE HOPS. better command of tho ball than when located Holliday, shape. That Is, they have not had suf­ No use talking, those blue ribbon orna­ in the "rainmakers." Sowders held up beantl- In fact, I think it would have been a good ficient practice and team work to bring Uea If "Nick" had made ments on the boys are attractive. 't'bsT fnfly ngnlmt Louisville, but he says that the this suggestion out tUelr real playing ability. Further please the "Captain," aud tlyat's why "they weather put him out of form for the Minneapolis Graney, U hit employers, that in case hu pitches than this, they appeal' weak at two im- game. pure thau a pitcher Is are there. A friend of John Scheible was Mauck is steady, but willing te exercise generally called ortant points, which I understand will telling me that Jack was a handy man in a great doal more before being judged. Phillips Kinslow, upon to pitch he should be remunerated e remedied as soon as possible. showed up nioely against Minneapolis. I only accordingly. I remember well how often C a scrap, and When Imposed on could put GENERAL MENTION.. up a .." n-Ufci go. Bates was wearing the hope he can prove as effective against the Robinson, he was called in "out of turn," as the ier Western Leaguers. saylug Is, aud was called In many a time The opening day programme was carrier Sweater winch his Youugstown friends ut. We had thehe pararV«- the music and gave him. Newmau has a little too much A LITTLE) VERY WARM WEATHER Duffy, to help his olub out of tight scrapes, but the other trJUamL.Js. and everybody voted is wanted out here In order to bring out both I never learned that he gut a penny ad­ beef on him yet. J. Patrick Uuby wasn't players and people. We nre hoping for good ditional. If ho didn't he deserved It. H a cociyi«te success. voluble enough for Manager Cushmau, and weather this week with which to greet Denny, Long, J*erhaps Boston won't feel obliged to call "Tub" Welch makes a tip-top Captain. was told to talk more. John P. can still Glasscock, Tom Brown, Fred Pfeffer and the upon him as often this year as it 85 per month, when the m»n the brain, and becoming hopelessly Insane. streams. He thought this a nice chance will receive nearer $250. If the salary be wan committed to an asylum. Since to get away. The Team Signed by Manager Brack- lists of at least two clubs were shown np he has been all but forgotten, and the Will Terry will hardly be asked to do ett A New Grand Stand Erected. In their true light, they few tbat did occasionally would be found think of him much work until the red-hot waves dance 1'eorla, 111., April 15. Editor "Sporting team of players, including several good permanent organization, and elected of­ to be very close to $1200. It can be seen believed him dead, but It seems that this from the ground. Life:" Once men. ficers for the year as follows: President, very easily that tbls policy will give some Is n mistake, for his wife n few days ago George Nlcol Is right In clover. He has more a season opens, with The traveling uniform of the club will John Dick; vice president, W. S. liennett; of the other clubs no possible show and filed suit In a Oran,1 Rapids Court for a delighted his employers. 1'eorla In the swim, and this time we are be black shirt and pants, with white stock- secretary, Waller Williams; financial sec­ tbat they will be driven to the wall before divorce. She will probably get It, as Phil­ OffiCLB. most decidedly In It, and as all reports Ings, cap and belt.' The one used at home retary, Frank Sauppe; treasurer, I. R. Wil­ the season has advanced very far. In tbe show the other clubj of the League nre may be the lips himself cannot make a contest and In same; If so, the Peorla Black­ liams; manager and captain, W. 8. Ben- greed to have a pennant team, the offend­ his relatives probably will not. If they JOYOUS JACKSONVILLE. first-class shape, there Is no good rea­ birds will be tacked onto the team. nett. The club now has fair prospects of ers -have secured what are really star play­ were of a mind they could moke things son why this will n**t be the banner The mat.ager of the St. Joe Club writes securing good playing grounds year for base ball iu the West. on this aid* ers for minor leagues. These players are decidedly Interesting for Mrs. Phitlips, as Manager Strothers' Team Now About that they Intend having a grand opening of the river. ______really the ones that should be shunned. they are said to be very wealthy. The fact President Kowe and W. W. Kent, as with Peorla In the first game of the sea­ They do not begin to do the work that that base ball Is to strongly Intrenched Made up. president-secretary, and treasurer, ere son. Brass bands, carriages and an open- FOXY MR. BYRNE. the young and ambitious players do and In popular favor at Pittsburg to-day is due Jacksonville, III., April 16.-Edltor "Sport­ able men for the League, and will surely Ing address by the Mayor Is part of the their presence on a team its most harm­ In a large measure to poor Mr. Phillips' ing Life:" Manager Strouthers has taken make a record for the Western Association. programme. This is good news, for St. Not to be Caught Making Ante-Sea­ ful. If Mttraane oan succeed as he has unremitting hustling. As a financial genius hold of things iu a manner that Is delight- 1'eoria has as president Charles E. Flynn, Joe. It shows the right people are hand­ begun he will be a wonder Ing the enthusiasts. He has all of his and for manager Geo. Bitekett. These ling the son Predictions. indeed. In his he ranked with Chapman, Bancroft, Pow­ affairs of the club. New York, April 19. As every Liiguo the clubs I have alluded to, In­ ers and Selee. He was also a splendid men signed, with one exception, and they two gentlemen will practically own the The Des Moines muddle has been settled. one tbeso stead of helping their officers, throw as judge of a player. Buffalo Time*. have all reported. The grounds are In ex­ club. Thj players are Uoruian, Blaln, The directors have taken matters into their days Is taking a shy at predicting the fin­ many obstacles in his power and abuse cellent condition and two or three hours' I.yston and Watson, pitchers; I'urvls, first own hands and will have full charge. The ish of the teams iu the National League him In every possible way. I wonder if practice is had daily. The team will be base; \Vllkes, second base; Mortlmore talk of Joliet taking the place of Des race, a reporter yesterday asked 1'resident 1000 men can be picked up In Lewiston to Ijewiston'8 Club Organized. made up about as follows: catchers, Belt I.yston, third bnse; Nulton short stop; Moines seems to have been a mistake, as Byrue, of the Brooklyn Club, to fall Into "llok" Muruane aa Mr. McDouough said Lewiston, Me., April lO.-At the annual and one other; pitchers, Sherwood, Copp- Kyan and Schaeffer, with another yet to a special In a Chicago paper from Joliet line and have his little say. The Invita­ there were to "lick1 'me last year. Why, meeting of tha l^ewiston Base Ball Asso­ llnger and Burrlss; first base, Captain and sign, outfielders. savs there Is nothing In it, as the parties tion was declined with much vigor. "There tue National League Is not in it with the ciation yesterday, these odlcers were Manager Strouthers; second base, Crott.v; It will be seen from tho above list that doing the talking could never get any hack­ Is so much uncertainty in base ball, and Kew Engl.vid, when it comes dowu to chosen for the ensuing year: President, third base. Carroll; shortstop, Darrah; left the team Is a good one, and well able to ing there. the slightest accident Involves so much genuine fun and playful threats. I B Isaacson; treasurer, A. E. McDoo- field. Letcher; centre, Herold. keep up with the procession If not lead It. ______HURLEY. that It Is rank folly to guess at the out­ SPOKES FROM THB HUB. ouglr clerk, Arthur G. Staples; directors. The season opens May 6 with the locals Fire destroyed the grand stand at the come," said Mr. Byrne. "I know that a away from home. They will remain out ball grounds some time ago, but a fine Braddock's Club Organized. number of magnates and managers rush Tho "Boston Herald" recently published I B Isaacsou. A. E. MeDonoufO, C. L. Into print with their opinions, but that Is splendid portrait of Catcher Ryan. Martel U- M. Mason. William Greeuieaf, till the 18th, then return and stay a tine was built to replace it, and is now Braddock, Fa., April 8. The Braddock I don't wonder .that old Brookie Is F W Dana. A. G. Staples. The team will month, meeting all the cities. ready for the' games to begin, the first of Club of the Monongahcla Base Ball no reason why I should make a fool of, £alous of my use of the "I" in my let- report lu Lewistou April W. Very great satisfaction Is expressed over which taken place to-day with, a picked League held a meeting here last night for myself." A.pril THE SPOUTING LIFE. 5

Earned runs—Brooklyn, H; Wllkesbarre, 2. Plttiburg ...... 40120520 5—10 Berber. Hit by pitched hall—McGraw. Jennmgs. First base on errors—Brooklyn, 3; Wilkesbarre, Milwaukee ...... 010001001—8 Double play—Bonner and McGraw. Stolen bases— 2. Left on bas«s— Brooklyn, 6; Wllkesbarrs, 11. Earned nin«—Plttsburg, 8; Milwaukee, 1. Two- McGraw, 2; Brodle, Kelley, 2; Jennings, 2; BASE BALL Bases on bolls—Off Sharrott, 2; off Cnntield, 4. base hits—Donovan, Beckley, Glasscock, Bnuer, Bonner. Kobinson. Struck out-~by McMahon, 5; Struck out—By Sbnrrott. 2; by CanAeld, 2. Luliy. Three-base bits—Becklay, Glaisayk. by Baker, 8; by Gannon, 9; by Barnea, 2. Three-base hits—Barnes, Treadwny. Two-base Saoriace bite—Smith, Donovan, QUMooek, Lyons, Sacrifice hits, Bonner, 2 Baraes. First base on hits—Grlffln, Lake, Sbarrott. Saerlnes hit«—Cor- 2; Bauer, 2; Knell, I.ingfort. Total buses on called balls—Off McMahon. 1; oft Baker, 1; Association ooraD, Treadway, Rharrott, Foutz, Wesfc, Keenao, hltt—Pittsburg, 26; Milwaukee, «. Total banes off Gannon, 5; off Barnes, 1. Wild pitches, REACH'S BALL. L«M>tt». Stolen buses—GrifBn (3), Corcoran, on hits—Off Lukens, 2| off Kiwll, 4. Stolen Gannon, 2. Left on Bases—Baltimore, 9; Erie, 6. EXHIBITION GAMES. Burns, Tteadway, West, Lezotte, Glllea (2). bases—Stenzel, Langfort. Bases on balls—Smith, Passed boll—Berger. Time—2 hour*, 10 minutes. tilt by pitcher—Gilbert. Wild pll ches— Canfleld, Beckley, Lyons. Bau«r. Lukens, Knell; off Luk- Umpire—Maloae. 2. Piissed balls—Lake, 1; Warner, 1, Umpire— eu», Lnby; oft Knell, Shields, Longfort. Hit by WORE WOE FOR BAKNia HDOPTED BY THE WESTEi LEPE FOB 1894. Mr. Multer. pitcher—Beckley, by Williams. Double play- At Louisville, April 18, the LouiSTllles GAMES PLAYED HERE AHD THERE ERIE'S OPENING GAME. Williams, Carey and Clingman. Left on bases— again suffered The Erles played I'lunburg, 11; Milwaukee, 5. Wild pitches— defeat at the bands of a their first game of the Lukxns, Williams. Umplr«—Power. Time of minor league team, Billy Wittrock. Hem­ DESPITE COLD WEATHER. season with Plttsburg at Pittsburg, April game—2 boura. ming and Mat. Kilroy pitching for the 9, and, of course, were easily beaten, Kentuckians. The Cincinnati boy was liarnes, Erie's young pitcher, made a good WILKBSBARRE SLAUGHTERED. At New wild, and while he was on deck the Wol­ 'mpresslon. Score: York, April 13, the Wilkcs- verines made six runs. Three off Hem­ [Mtteburg. r. h. o. a. e. Erie. r. h. o. a. p. barres were slaughtered bv the New Yorks. Results of tb8 Contests Between the Schalb'k, cf. 1 0 210 Sumb, as... 0 1 074 "Yale" Murphy played his first regular ming In one inning drew out a bcuch Donovan, rf. 3 1 010 Nlc'l's'n, 2b 0 0 050 game at short field. He had five easy warrant, promptly served by Captain Beckley, Ib S 2 8 0 0; Shearon, rf. 2 0 200 chances in the field and accepted them all Pfeff er. Score: Big League and Minor League Glassc'k, 89. 2 2 3 3 0| VnD'kc, 3b 1 1 112 rather cleverly. He got his Louisville, r. b. o. ». e.l Detroit, r. b. o. a. e. Stenzel, If.. 2 2 11 Oj Fields, Ib.. 2 2 17 1 0 three times and shoved two safe hlte over O'Rourke, rf.2 1 0 0 0| Everett, Sb.l 0210 Clubs in All Sections ol the Lyons, 3b. . 1 0 22 1| Berger, o.. 1 2 411 the luttelders' heads. But his base run­ T. Brown,cf.3 211 lIMoG'ckin, If 1 1 8 01 Buuer, 2b. . 0 3 25 l|Gnmdy, If.. 0 2 310 ning Twltehell, IfO 1 0 O 0| Enrle, lb...OO 9 21 Sugden, o.. was by for the best feature of his W Brown, Ib j 1 00 01 Carroll, rf..l 0 3 10 01 10 0 Oj Barnes, p.. 0 0 041 work. He gave a splendid exhibition of Pfeffer, 2b. .0 0 1 1 2| Burns, Country. Nicol, p.... 0 2 0011 Stryker, cf. 0 1 Oil Uichd'a'n, is2 1 1 40 Gl'n'lvin,cf...OO "" " " ~1 "10 " ffihreti, p.... 0 0 0 0 0| _____ sprinting, sooriug four runs and stealing 530 - - - - -I Totals ... .6 9 27 21 9 three bases. Denny, 3b . .0 1 2 12 Cross, is. ..11 3 43 Totals ...12 1327 133| New York. r. b. o. a. e. | Wilk'sbar'e. r. h. o. a. e. Weaver, o. .0 0 4 00 Krelg, o. ..10 1 10 Below will be found the results of the Plttsburg ...... 4 0 2 0 0 3 1 02—12 Burke, If.. 2 1 2 0 OBetts, rf... 0 0 2 00 Grim, C....O 1 5 0 0 ~ ' ..22031 DOUBLE STITCH various exhibition games played during the Erles ...... 1 1000130 0—,6 Ward, 2b. 2 3 0 21|Shannon, 2b 1 1 3 72 Wlttrock, p.O 1 040 past Earned runs—Pittsburg, 8; Erie, 2. Two-baso Vullnl'n.ef 3 2 0 0 0| West, Ib... 0 0 14 03 Hemm'g, p..O 0 0 00 week: Tiernan, rf 2 2 0 0 0|Lezotte, cf. 1 0 3 00 Kllroy, p....l 1 0 80 EDBYlriE AMERICAN Associ A A CLOSE SHAVE TOR CHICAGO. bits—Beckley, Bauer, Van Dyke, Berger. Sacrl- fice bits—Schalheck, Donovan, Stenzel, Lyons, Davis, 3b.. 2 2 1 8 1 Gillen, 3b.. 0 0 1 30 The Chicagos opened their season at Bauar, Siigden, Sliearon. Stolen liases— Sehei- Connor, Ib. 3 1 0 2 01 Lake, c.... 0 1 3 13 Totals ..,.8924^56 Totals ... .9~4 27 16 6 home April 8 with a prettily-played game beok, Donovan, Glasscock, 2; Stenzel, 2; Bauer, Murphv, ss 4 2 2 8 OiTlerney, If. 0 1 0 00 LonlsvllU ...... 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 8—8 before 2000 people, who shivered In the Nicol, Nlcholsou, 3; Shearon, Stryker. Struck Wilson, c.. 1 1 2 0 0|Keenan, p. 0 0 1 10 Detroit ...... 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 0 i— 9 cold. Schuiidt aud Claustn, a clever pair out—By Ehret, Nlcolsou, Sliearon, Barnes, Stry­ Clark, p... 00 2 0 l|Kellv, p...OO 0 21 Earned nine—Louisville, 1. Two-base hits—Den­ of southpaws, were pitted against each ker; by Nicol, Shearon, Van Dyke, Fields, Doyle, c.,23 9 1 l|Musser, ss.. 1 0 181 ny, Balsz. Three-baso hit—T. Brown. Sacrifice other. Schmldt was iu I ho best form aud Gnmdy. Bases on balls—Scheibeck, 2; Donovan, Rusie, p. ..1000 01 _____ hit—Deuny, L Stolen bases—Weaver. 1. First Glnsscock, Stenzel, Lyons; by Nicol, Smith, Westerv't.p 0 0 0 0 0[ Totals ..221727119 base on balls-Off Balsa, 0; Wlttrook, 4; Kll­ up to the- sixth Inning be kept the Colts roy, 1. Hit by Pitcher—W. Brown, down to one hit. In that Inulng, with Sbeuron, Berger, Barnes; by Ehret, Smith, Richardson, Shearon. Total bases on hits—off Nicol, 5; Totals ..S 3 27 17 0| Carroll, Kreifi. First Base on errors—Loulsvillo, the vislors one to the good. Auson's men New York...... 5 0404032 4—22 8; Detroit, 5. L«fl on bases—Louisville, 12; De­ Jumped upon SchniiJt for two singles and off Ehret, 7. Double plays—Bauer,, Glass- cock and Beckley. Hit by pitched ball Wilkefibarre ...... 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0—3 troit, 7. Struck out—Wlttrock, Burns, Glenalvln, a double, which with a close decision yield­ —Glasscock; by Nicol, Shearon. Passed balls Earned runs—New York, 6. Two-base hits— 2; Cross, Krelg, McOuokln, Eflrle. Double plays- ed two runs and gave the Colts the (fame. —Berger. Wild pitch—Barues. Time of game— Tiernan, Doyle, 2. Three-base bits—Doyle, Davis, Burns, Glenalvln and Everett; Carroll and Glen- Cblcagos. r. b. o. a. e. | G. R. r. b. o. a. c. 1.45. Umpire—Swttrtwood. 2. Homo run—Ward. Sacrifice hits—Burke, 2; alviu. Wild pitches— Balsz. Time—1.50. Um­ damp, 2b.. 1 0 1 ;( 01 Who'l'ck. ss 1 1 3 10 Ward. Davls, Wilson, Clnrk, Westervolt. Stolen pire—Kline. Attendance, 350. The ONLY BALL that gives ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. If your Dalilen, gb.OO 8 4 1'Wrljjlit. of. 1 I 4 01 EASY FOR BALTIMORE. bases—Burke, Ward, Van Haltren, Davls, Tier- HARD WOEK FOR CLEVELAND. •Wllmot, If . 0 0 1 0 010'riith'rs, Ib 0 1 7 11 At Roanoke, Va.. April 11, tbe Roanoke nan, Connor, Murphy, 3; Westcrvclt. First liase At DunguD, rf . 0 0 2 0 O'lCurroll. rf. . 0 1 0 00 Athletic Club, said to be the best amateur on errors—New York. 3; Wilkesbaire, 2. First Grand Rapids, April 14, the Cleve- dealer does not keep them, send direct to Purrott, of 00 8 0 o:(!«ir««. If.. 00 1 00 team In Virginia, succumbed to the Bal- base on balls-Off Clark, 3; off Rusle, 1; off lands had all they could do to win in Docker, Ib. 1 0 13 0 O1 Dowse, 2b. . 0 0 2 41 tlmorcs, the score being 16 to 6. Wcstervelt, 2; off Keenan, 2; off Kelly, 0. a pretty and exciting game. Graney Irwln, «8.. 2 1 i 4 1'Finkney, 3b. I 1 2 30 Except in the eighth Inning, when they Struck out—By Clark. 1; liy Rusie, 4; by West- played right field for Grand Rapids, as Claiuen, p. 0 2 0 1 OISIJIUB, o. ... 0 2 7 11 got the hang of Inks' delivery and hit ervelf, 5. Hit by pitched ball—By Kecnnn, 1. third baseman Pinckney was 111. and Fred Scbrtv'r, c. 0 2 2 0 0 Scbuiidt, p. 0 0 1 51 iiim safely five times, the amateurs were Double play—.Shannon and West. I*ft on bases— Carroll played second base, and pitcher R. J. l^eaeh Co., very much distanced. After the fourth In­ New York, ti; Wilkesbarre, 8. Passed bulls— P:\rker was put on third. Rhines pitched Totals ....4527122 Totals ....3 7 27 13 B ning Haulou's men took things easy. Doyle, 1; Like, 1. Wild pitches—Clark, 1; Kec- effectively for the home team. The score; Gbicngw ...... 0 01 10200 0—4 ii«u, 2; Kelly, 3. Time—2b., 10m. Umpire- G'd R'p's. r. h. o. a. e. Clevel'd. r. b. o. a. e. c, ,.,«., a.t.. .t.., TULIP AND PALMER STREETS, Grand Rupirts...... 1 0011000 0—3 Score: Hartley. Wheel'k, ss. 0 1 0 2 0 CbllJs, 2b. 1 1 342 &— Chicagos, 2; Gruml Raplfls, 1. Baltimore, r. b. o. a. el Ronnoko. r. h. o. R. e SIOUX CITY BEATEN. v.'right, cf.. 0 0 2 0 0! Burkett. If. 1 0 400 on .PPn.-tio». PHILADELPHIA, PA. First base by «rrore— Olcagos, 4; Grand Iliiplrls, MoGran-,3b 3 352 OlFrwli, ss... 0 0 1 21 Caru're. Ib. 0 0 11 0 HM'Kcau, ss. 0 0 100 J. Left on bases— CljiCHjtrjs, C>; Grand Itaplds, H. Kcvlcr, rf.. 1420 OiDnnli-l, If.. 1 1 3 00 At Cincinnati, April 12, the Sioux City nrodie, cf. 1 1 2 0 OiO'Hugan, 3b 2 1 331 team, fresh from victories over Pittsburg Carroll, 2b.. 0 1 3 2 lITobeau, Ib. 0 1 5 0 J Jlrst base cm balls— Camp, Giruthere, Irwln, and Louisville, passed the Keds early In George, If.. 1 2 0 0 0| M'Alter, cf. 0 0 000 pecker, Dungnu, 2; Irwln, Plnkni.'y. Struck out — Ilroufrs, Ib 1 2 7 8 l|M'Hoo'r, Ib 2 2 4 10 Gran 1}-, rf.. 0 ft 2 0 n M-CIUT. 31i 1 0 480 Wilmot, S; Schriver, Camp, Schmldl. Tbrao- Kelley, If. . 2 2 1 0 O'Cro-liet, 2b. 0 0 2 1 4 t'he game, but they afterward went to Parker, 3b. 0 0 2 1 1| O'Connor, rf 0 2 100 base bit— Unroll. Two Imse lilt— Irwln. Sacri­ lentil's, 2b21 1 2 0|Klrhy, C...12 4 21 pieces in the field. The Sioux City by Spies, c.... 0 0 4 0 1| Zlmmer, c.. 0 1 800 fice hit— Cluusen. Stolen buses— Dunt'au. Decker, Bonner, ss. 2 2 3 3 3| M'Glnn's. cf 0 2 n 11 their work took the lead In. the race for Ubines, p.. 1 1 1 6 0| Fisher, p.. 0 0 021 2; Spies. Douhlc plays— Camp, Irvia ;iud Decker. Chirk, C...10 5 1 li.Vevlns, rf,p 0 1 000 the spring pennant attired by Cincinnati to Passed bulls-Spies. Umpire— Frod. Javno. Tune Mullane, p. 3 I 0 3 OHIolb'k, p.rf 00221 the Westerners making the best sbowlug Totals .. 2 5*25 10 4 Totals .... 3 5 27 9 4 of game— 1.45. Inks, p.... 0111 01 _____ against the Rods. Score: * One man out in the ninth. HOOSIERS BEAT COLONELS. — — — — —I Totals .. 6 9 24 12 9 CINCINNATI. I SIOUX CITY. 5ase gall Qniforms Totals . 16 17 27 15 51 Grand Rapids...... 00000100 1—2 At Louisville April 8 the Hoosicrs won a r. h. o. n. e.l r. b. o. n. e. Cleveland ...... 10000100 1—3 Baltimore ...... 0 5 0 3 1 4 1 2 T—10 Hoy, ef....2 0 3 0 OiHog'ver, rf.O close game from the Colonels, thanks to lioaooke ...... 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0—0 1200 Earned runs—Grand Rapids. 1. Two-baso bits- two errors by Tom Brown ^ In the eighth Earned runs—Baltimore 7, Roanoke 3. Two-base Hoi'day, lf.2 5 3 1 0 Howe, If. .2 2 2 1 0 Carrol. SacriBce hits—Wright, Burkett, Tebean. Panti, inning. The Itoosiers made one hits—McGraw 3, .Tthiim, 3b.l 201 ll.Tonlns. cf.l 2101 Home run—George. Donblo play—Clillds and Te- hit off Keeler 2, Brouthers 2, Bonner M-.'Phce, 2b.l 223 0| Man, lb..2 1 8 0 1 beau. Bases from being hit^-Chlldf». Left on Shirt Hennlug in the 5 , and only two Brodie, Kellev. Home runs—Jennings, Kelley, 2 hits off Kilroy in 4 Innings. Sowders O'Hagnn. Sacrifice bits—Clark, Kirby, Crockett. Motz, m .1 0 1O U U ...... b.1 2 1 banes—Grand Rapids. 0; Cleveland, «. Bases on Cap, First on Vaughn,, C..1.. 1610 .Newell, _ .... ,"b.2 1210 balls— Rhines, 2; Fisher, 3. Time—1.45. Umpires Bait pitched the entire game effectively. Score: errors—Baltimore 5, Roanoke 3. First 'nav'n, rf.l. 1110 Walsh, ss.l 1 223 —Schmidt and Cuppy. Louisville, r. b. o. a. c.ilmllanapolis. r. h. o. a. o. on balls—Mullane, Holbruok, Ncvlns 8. Stolen '' bases—Bonner 2, Mullane 2, McGraw, Brtidie, Smith, ss.l 222 2]T'neh'm, c.O 1 2 1 0 EASY FOR BOSTON. O'Rourka, rf 0 0 1 « OIM'TanTny.cf 0 0 200 C'ni'rl'n, p.l 102 0| Ptirvln, p..O 0 0 4 0 Twltchcll, If 1 1 20 01 Mills, 2b.. . 00110 luks. Hit by pitcher—Jennings. Passed balls— At Springfield, Mass., April 14, the home Klrby 3. Wild pitches—Holbrook 2. Struck out^r — — — — — | C'n'gham.p.O 0230 T. Brown, cf 0 0 10 2|t,cld.v, If. . . 2 0 2 00 Totals team played Its first game and made n $3,50 By Mullane 2, by luks 1, by HoIbrooU 1. Left . .11 14 27 11 3 _____ \V. Brown, IbO 2 10 0 OIGraham, 8b. 0 1 2 20 Tbtals ..9112714 6 creditable stand against the champion Pfeffer, 2b. 0 0 11 0[0evlr.riy, uO 1 3 81 on bases—Baltimore 7, Roanoke 5. Time—1.50. Bostons. Tho game, despite the large Pactflefl Pants. Name on Snirt. RlOh'dson. SS 0 1 02 IKSrny. rf. . . . 00 1 00 Umpire—Ford. Cincinnati ...... 00133220 0-11 score, abounded throughout in A ST. LOUIS VICTORY. Sioux City...... 012011400—9 hard hit­ Penny, 3b. . 0 1 3 8 01 Flock, lb.,0010 10 Earned runs— Cincinnati. '2; Sioin City, B. Two- ting and showy fielding. The score: Weaver, o. . 0 0 20 0| West lake, cO 1 4 10 "Cy" Duryea proved a regular cinch for base hits— MoPhee, Smith, 2; Stewart, Twine- Bostons, ab. b. o. a. e.l Sp'gfds. ab. b. o. a. e Grim, o.... 0 0 80 0|So\vdere, p. 0 0 1 40 the Browns at St. Louis, April 9, while ham. Threc-hase hits-Jcnins. 2. Passed biill- -fx.we, 2b...5 1 2 20 Sh'n'n, ss. .3 6 0 4 0 Hemming, p00010| _____ Kid Gleason completely puzzled the Flour long, SS....6 $5,00 Twlncliaui. Wild pitches— Chamberlain, Cunning- 2 1 S 0 Lvni-h, rf. .4 2 4 00 Kllroy, P...OO 120| Totals ....2327121 City batsmen. That tells the whole story. ham, 2. Bases on balls— Hoy, 2; McPhee, Motz. Duffy, cf...4 1 3 0 0 siiech'n, If.3 1 3 00 Other Qualities, $8.00 and $12, oo Buckley made his first appearance with Chamberlain, Hogrlever, Howe, Marr, Stewart, M'C't'y. lb.5 130 OlUuttcn'8, cf.4 2300 Totals ....1 624 9 8| the home team this season, and was given Newell, Wnlsh, Twineham. Hit by pitched ball Nash, 3b...8 131 11 Burns, 3b. .4 2 0 1 1 I/nilavllle ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0—1 Tucker, lb.4 2 8 lOJLehaue, II).4 0 10 0 0 Indhinapolls ...... 0 0 0 .0 0 t 0 1 i-2 a warm reception. He showed up In his — Jenlns. Struck out— McPhee, Chamberlain, Slow- Two-base bit — Richardson. Stolen base— Twitcn- old-time form. The score: art, Parvin, Cunningham,2. Left on bases— Cincin­ Bannon, rf.6 2 2 10 Nadeau, 2b.3 0111 John T. Bailey & Co., f\l. Double plays— Sowders, Devinny anil Plock. Browns. r. h. o. fl. e.!Minneapolis, r. b. o. a. e. nati, 12; Sioux City, II. Double plays— Canavan Ilyan, c... .3 2 1 20 Burke, 0.. .2 0 1 00 First base on balls— By Upturning, 2; by Kilroy, Dowd, rf.O 1 1 0 OIGnrry. cf...OO 411 to Vauehn; Walsh to Stewart to Marr. Time— Ganzol, c..l 0 2 OOlLeahy, C...2 0000 MANUFACTURERS AND MKTAILCRS 1; by Sowders, 1. Wild pitches— Kllroy. Time— Frank, If. 3 1 8 0 0|Kuebne, 2b. 1 2 4 10 2.10. Umpire— Mi-Quald. Stivctts, p..l 111 OlVickery, p.l 1 0 2 1 SljiiKart.cf 31 2 2 001 Hines, ss.. 1 0 1 20 Nt<*ols, y. .1 0 0 0 0 Kecfe, p. . .1 0 1 00 General Athletes' and Sportsmen's Goods. lh., 80in. Umpire— Cllne. BINGHAMTON SHUT OUT. Lovett, p...l 0 1 0 0 Welch, CLEVELAND BEATEN. Millur, 8b3 2 1 21>Hess, rf... 1 0 120 At New York, April 14, the Bingoes made p.. .2 1010 Werdcn,lb2 S U 0 0| Mains, Ib.. 0 0 8 20 a poor [bowing, being Irwln's Celebrated Gloves and Mits. In Cleveland, April 9, the Clovclands Quinn, 2b 1 5 5 3 OIM'Guirc.. If.. 0 2 0 00 beaten 17 to 0. Totals ..3S132711l| Totals . .33 15 23 «D 3 showed tlielr lack of practice In a game Ely, is... 0 8 1 50 Hulcn, 3b.. 0 0 2 00 Tho UlnghnnHoiis did not get a hit off •Only two Boston men put out in seventh In OR Louisville Slugger Bats. with Milwaukee. The Spiders tried a new Peltz, c.. 0 1 8 00 Duryea, p.. 0 1 1 61 Meekin or Huslc. Their only 'hits were nlng. Raleigh and Relay Bicycles: pitcher named Heddy, and he was hit free­ Buckl'y, 00020 01 Wilson, o.. 0 2 3 10 made off German, who also- pitched his Bostons ...... 3 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 x—15 ly by Milwaukee until relieved by Clark- Gleas'n, pi 1 0 20] __, - first game of the^season, aud those were Springfield ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0—0 Runs—Lowe 2, Long 3, Duffy 2, Nash, Tucker. _ His ... .3 9 2 wm6~aparlF7 The scoviT - . - _ mnjTJVTJ~Lry"L, Cleveland, r. h. o. ,n. e'i ftiiiwsnkee. r. b. o. a. e Totals ..18102712 1| New York. r. h. o. a. p.l Blng't'i. - T- "• «• a- e. Rannon 2, Ryan, Ganzcl, Stivetts, Lyncb, Shoe- iSsSsSSSSSs Obllds, 2b. 1 1 t 4 2|.\'e\vm:m. If. 0 0 2 10 St. Louis...... 4 0031140 i—13 Burke, lf..l 3 1 0 O'Mack, 2b. . . .0 i, ? SO ban 2, Bottenus, Burns, Welch. Earned runs— Burkett. If. 0 2 1 0 0 Shields, 2b. 1 0 3 81 Minneapolis ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0—3 Ward, 2b..2 2 4 OliLytle, rf. ...00 0 1 Z IVwtons 8, Springfield 3. Homo runs—I»ng, Duf McKcau. ss 0 1 2 2 3!Olinu'un, 3b 1 1 1 BO EnnuHl runs—St. Louis, 5; Miuneaiwlis, 2. Two- Fuller 2b..3 131 O'Wlllls, cf. .0 0 1 00 tv. Three-base hits—Tucker, Banuon, Burns. Ewlng, rf.. 000 0 0 Lnliy. rf,..12 0 0 base hita—Sbugart, 1; Quinn, 2; Ely, 1. Three- Van H'n, cf3 3 5 1 0 Power, Ib. .0 1 11 30 'Pwo-base bits—McCarthy, Tucker, Bottenus. Sac Tehran. Ib. 0 2 7 21 (Jurey, Ib... 1 1 IK 0 0 bnso hits— Sbugart, 1; McGulre. 1. Stolen bases Tieman,, rf.3. 1 2 0 o liavui'd, 3b.O 1112 rifloe hit— IVc^t. Stolen bases—Ijong. First base McGarr, 3b. 1 1 1 0 0 I/iiiesfo'd, ss 0 1 8 3 1 —Kiiehno. 1; Frank, 1; Glenson, 1. Double Davis, 3b..2 S 3 0 0 Long, If.. . 00 2 20 on balls—Duffy, NaSu-5., Tucker, Ganzel, Sllv«tts, TALK ABOUT PRICES! McAleer,, cf 0 1 ' 00! McVey. cf. 2 0 0 0 0 plays—Ely, Quiun and Werden. 2. First liase Connor, lb.1 1 5 0 0 Dowse, c. .0 0 221 I»vett, Shannon, Sheehnn, Nn.Vwu. First-base on Ganns, c... 0 1 2 3 OTohnson, c... 121 1 0 en balls-Off Gleason, 3; off Duryea, 5. Hit by Murphy, ss.l 3 0 011 Fritz, C... .OO 4 11 errors—Bostons 1, Springflelds 1. "Jussed ball- Reddy, p.. 0 0 1 1 OIHastlngs, p. 0 1 0 80 pitched bull—By Duryea, 2. Struck out-By Farrcll, C..O 1 4 4 0| Lang, 88.. . 00 4 33 Ryan, Ganzel. Leahy. Struck out—By '<• en;.., Clarkson, p. 0 0 8 4 OiFlgginiier, p 0 0 1 20 GliMison, 8; by Duryea, 1. Time, 2h. Umpire— Meekin, p. .0 001 llliobiii, p. ...00 110 Bannon; by Stivctts, Luhane; by Nichols, Burns; Rusle, p...O C .0 ? 01 Hiiru.ett/P. .0 0 1 20 by Levett, Bottcnus. Umpire—Hlukley, IS ALL WE ASK A FOR Totals .. 2 924 1(1 8| Totals .. 7 8 27 20 2 T *A WHITEWASH FOR KANSAS CITY. German, p.l 0 0 0 01 "~ = -=^= ~SEST EXHIBITION GAME. COMPLETE Cleveland ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-2 At Kansas City, April 10, Breiteusteln, ----- Totals ...... 0 2 27 21 7 At KansnsCrrfcAprll 13.-Thc Browns BASE BALL UNIFORM Milwaukee ...... 8 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1—7 the lefthanded wizard, pot in his fine work Totals ... .17 IS 27 10 3! and the Blues piaySl'-gWrCdged ball. For Made of gdo4 quality flannel, consiiting of Shirts, Double pbiys—MoKcan, Child!, Tehe.iu; Cilr.B- by shutting tho home tenm cut. He kept New York...... 4 0 3 0 1 2 0 4 8—17 ttan. Shields, Ctirev. First ou halls—Off Ruddy Binghamton ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 the second time the NalioirftW^"*' *'" Pants,'ftockings, Cap aud Belt. the hits scattered, and when hits meant Ewrncd runs— New York, fl. Bases 4, off Clarkson 8, off Hastings 1. off Flgglmlor 3. runs disposed of hU men. Ulrlch and Dan­ on balls— s'ait out Jim Manning's nggr Blruck. out-By Ueddy I, by Hustings 4. Wild Off Meskln, :t; off Ruslc, 2; off Doi.in, 4: on" teaturu of the game was the nif? ,75 iels worn the only man who could do at y- jiltcbes—Reddy, Ghirkson, Hastings, I'lggluiier. thlng with him. P•••"•<>: Harnett, 4. Bases on errors— New York, 4; BinK- pitching of Darby and Clarkson, who lunl «3s, as the bulk of our trade Is exclusively with f( hamton, S. Loft on buses— New York, 7; Bing- the batters completely at their mercy the leading Clubs andTStttja^througbout Umpire—Stage. K O. r. b. o. a. «.l St. Louis, r. h. o. a. e. hamlon, 5. Struck out— By Meekin. 2; by Rusie. the United States, and they V BOSTON WINS A GAME. Ulrlek, rf. 0 4 2 0 0] Dowd, rf... 0 1 2 00 1; by Barnclt, 2. Three-base bits— Davis, 2. iVerden and Peitz won the game for St use the beet. -**^. * •] Before 8000 people at Watorbury. Conn., Mauuing,2b 00131 Frank. If. . 1 0 0 Louis. The score: Then we have our Boys' Complete Uftiform wUnh we are selling at ^ Two-basa hits- Ward (2), Murphy, Fuller. Ray­ St.Louis, r. b. o. a. e,| Knn. Cy. r. h. o. a. f>. April 9. I he Bostons beat Jimmy Peoples' Hernon, If. 0 0 3 01 Shugart. cf. 2 0 1 00 mond. Stolen buses— Ward, Fuller. Van Haltron Dowd, team with ease, despite the special engage­ Klustn'n.lb 0 0 12 00 Miller, 31). .00 1 10 (3), Tiernan (3), Davls, Connor, Murphy, Long. rf. .0 0 1 1 1 Ulrick, rf..O 2000 Samples Furnished upon Application. Nlohol. cf. Peitz, 2b... 0 3 10 30 Frank, If. .0 0 4 1 0 Mnnn'g,2b.O 0011 ment of lefthanded Pitcher Klobeaanz. 0 0 3 00 Sacrifice hits— Van Hallren. Tiernan (21, Davls, Shugart, cf.O 0100 Hernon, lf.0 0200 Lnmpe pitched for Boston and was hit Nlles, 3b.. 0 0 0 2 OlQuInn, 2b. . 0 1 3 01 Ifmg. Double play— Van H.iltron and Davis. Sharp, ss.. 01 0 Bl|Ely, Miller, 3I>..0 1332) Klus'n, lli.O 1000 hard. Score: SS....11 1 21 Passed balls— Dowse, Frilz. Hit by pitcher— By W'rd'u, lb.1 0 11 0 0| Xk-iril, cf.O 0300 A. G. SPALDING Bostons. r. Donah'e, c 0 0 8 20 Buckley, e. 0 0 1 10 German, 1: by Barnett, 1. Time of game— 2.10. & BROS., b. o. a. o-IWaterb'ya. r. h. o. t. ». Daniels, p. 0 2 0 BO Rappold, c. 0 0 B 00 Quinn, 2b...O 1 550 Mles, 3b..O 1120 Ix>we 2b... 1 1 22 0]I./inder, ss. 2 3 1 4 2 Umpire— Mr. Hartley. Ely, 68.....0 111 0| Sharp, ss. .0 0 8 1 0 Long' 88.... 1 — — — — —iBrelteus'n.p 0 1 2 B 1 PHILADELPHIA BEATS PRINCETON. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. PHILADELr-n-.» 2 11 lIPTs. c.,1 0 0 11 8 2 Totals ....0 724 17 31 - - - — — I'e'ltz, c. . .0 2 1 0 0 I)<.noh'c. c.O 2 6 2 0 Bannon rf.. 3 1 10 01 Norton. 2b 0 2 0 1 0 Totals ....4 At Philadelphia, April 14, the Prineetons Clarkson, p.O 0 0 3 0 Darby, p...O 0 0 B 1 Nnsb 8b... 8 2 21 HTuttle, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 S 27 14 3 were easily beaten. Forsythe was in the Tuoker Ib.. 3 2 10 Kansas City...... 0 0000000 0—0 I and Detroit beat Cumberland University 0 OIKI'b'nz, p. 0 2 0 2 0 St. Louis...... 2 0100010 1-4 box for the college nine, and, while hit Totnla. ..1 52714 3| Totals. . .0 6 24 11 2 O'nn'fn, cf. 2 0 2 0 II W. Fox, 311122 Earned runs-St. Louis. 2. Two-hnse hlts- pretty freely at times, he pitched a fairly St. Louis...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 l-l S to 1. • BASE BALL! BASE BALLI Nlcbols If.. 2 1 10 1|J. Foi, cf 1 1 S 0 0 Peltz, 2; Dowd. Double plays—Daniels to Dona- good game. Bradley relieved him in the Kansas City...... 00000000 0-0 On April 10 Boston beat Waterbury PHILA. BALLPARK, DROAD AND HUNTINGDON Jtyan. c.... 1 0 81 OIBr'nn. 1, c 0 2 8 0 2 Two-base hit—Kinsman. Double plays—Dono- 13 to 0. 8ATUKUAY, April HI, OI'JiNINO DAY of tuo lamps, p... 2 1 0001 Minnls, If. 0 1 1 0 hue to Kinsman; Miller to Peitz to Miller. ninth inning, and two runs came in as tho 2 Bases on balls—Off Daniels, 1; off Breltenstcln, result of two bases on balls and bne to Sharp, 1; Frank to Quinn. 1; Miller to On April 12 Cincinnati beat Sioux City CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON. Dele- Quinn to Werden, 1. Bases on hulls—Off Darby, II to £ Louisville beat Detroit * to 8, PHILADELPHIA vs. WASHINGTON. Totals ...171027(141 Totals ..512241210 4. Struck out—By Brvilenstein, 3. Tim« of hauty's triple. The score: game—1.45. Umpire—Cantilliou. Phila r. h. o. a. e.l Pr'e'l'n. r. h. o. a. e. 1; off Clarkson, 1. Struck out—By Darbv, 4; Syracuse beat St. John College 8 to 3, Monday, April 23, WASHINGTON" vs. PHILA. Bostons ...... 0 B 0 0 2 2 1 7 x-17 by Clnrkson, 1. Hit by pitched ball—Ulrlch. Indianapolis beat Minneapolis U to 8, Pitts- Saturday, April 28, BOSTON vs. PHILA. Waterbiirj-s ...... 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0—5 BINGOES BADLY BEATEN. H'm'fn, cf.2 2 1 0 o|Klne. 2b....l 1 440 Mnnninc. HTm'n, 2b.2 433 1|F. Ward, rf.2 0101 Werden, Miller. Time—1.50. Urn- hurs beat Milwaukee 19 to 3, and St. General Admission 25c. PLAY AT 4 P. U Earned runs—Bostons, 4; Waterburvs, 2. The Bingoes played their first game ptre—Contlllnn. ReBtrvi'd Seals nt I,ASA A MILI.OS, S02 Home runs—Lender, Nnsb. Left on bases— of the season at Brooklyn, April 13, and DTh'ty, If. 4 2 3 OlMWhTms, C..1 1630 Louis beat Kansas City 1 to 0. Cboiluul rmp'n, rf..l 201 0|.M'cK'zie, lf.1 2111 CINCINNATI WINS ANOTHER. Ou April 13 Washington beat Y. M. C. Boston, 7; Waterhurys, 0. Three baso bits— were badly beaten, their pitchers being After beating Indianapolis A. 30 to Klohedunz. Two basu hits—Ixwe, Bannon, Klo- nil bit hard. Score: Cross, 3b..O 3 1 2 0| Otto, lb....0111 00 12 to 2 on 4, Chicago beat Minneapolis 6 to struck him out, much to tho crowd's de­ bcdanz. Stolen bason— Lowe. 2; Ixmg. 2; Bannon, Br'klyn. r. h. o. a. e.lB'g'mton. r. b. o. a. e. CTm'ts, C..1 1 9 lOll'ayuc, cf...01 1 01 the 13th. the Cincinntis had hard work :i, Cincinnati beat Minneapolis 12 to 2, light. Big Stemmeyer pitched for Boston. 2; Nosh, NIcliols, Landcr, Pecples, Norton, W. Daly 2b. .0 0 2 lOIIJ-tle rf....01 4 00 Grady. 0...0 0 2 0 3IJ. Ward, ss.O 1 122 on the 14th to scratch out against the 1'ittsburg beat Minneapolis 7 to 1, St. The score was 3 to 2. Foi. Minnis. First base on balls-By I-ampe. Griffin cf.l 12 0 01 Mack, 2b...01 320 Weyh'g, p.O 0 0 2 01 Brooks, ss.,01 1 21 same team. Holliday again played sen­ Louis beat Sioux City 10 to 1, Detroit beat. Coogau, tho University catcher, Is good 4; by Klobedanz. 6. First hasp on errors- O'ro'r'a, ss 0 0 1 20IWillis. Cf...l0 100 H'dd'k. p.. 2 1 0 1 0| Gunster, 3b.O 0 1 11 sational ball, while Jimmle Canavan made Louisville 9 to 8 and Syracuse beat euougn for a League club. Boston, 7; Watcrhnry, 2. Hit by pitched ball — Foul/., 111. .4 312 OOllxaig, If....02 1 01 Oillih'n r.O 0 O 0 01 Forsythe, p.O 0010 one of the greatest catches ever seen Sera n ton 13 to 7. The only college game played April H Klotiednnz. Passed balls— Breunau, 3; Ryan, 3. Burns rf .2 2 9 0 fliPower, lb...O 0 13 1 1 Boyle, lb..l 0 7 0 II Bradley, p.. 00 0 00 at tho Cincinnati Park. The score: On April 14 Milwaukee beat Plttsburg was by Bro\\u and Williams, the formes Wild pitches—Klobcdnnz. Shlndle, 3b.3 2 1 3 Olltay'd, 3b.. .0 1 0 30 Alien, st. ..2 1 1 B 1 _____ Clun. r. h. o. a. e.| Ind'n'ap's. r. b. o. a. e 15 to 8; Kt. Louis beat Sioux City G to 1; winning by 10 to i). ATLANTA TIES BALTIMORE. Tred'y, If.2 O 1 1 01 tang, SS....OO 1 53 _____| Totals ...5827147 Hoy, cf.....01 0 0 OIM'T'ffl'y, cf.2 1 400 New York beat Binghamton 17 to 0; Cleve­ On April 12 the Baltimore League tenm At Atlanta, Ga., April 9, tbe Baltlmores KlnsFw, c.O 0 4 22|Dawes, C...OO 3 00 Totals . .15 16 27 15 6| Holliday, lf.2 1 5 OOtMills, 2b.. .0 0 8 40 land beat Grand Uapids 3 to 2; Baltimore gave University of Virginia a terrific drub­ could only manage to make the game a draw Stein, p. .1 1 1 8 OlDolan, p....00 0 20 Philadelphia ...... 2 0 2 5 0 2 1 1 2-15 r/vtham, 8b.2 0 4 30|Leidey, If. .1 1 4 00 beat Erie 23 to 1; Chicago beat Detroit bing, beating the collegians 21 to 0. Ou as they could not hit little Kecnnn. The La Ch'ce, c.l 1 8 0 OIBaimt, p..00 0 11 Prlnrpton ...... 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0—5 McPhee, 2b.l 153 0| Graham, 3b.l 1130 S to 2; Cincinnati beat Indianapolis 9 to the following K'rw'n, p.O Ruined rung— Philadelphia 5. Two-base bits— Motz, lb....l 2 8 0 OlDemmey, sa.l 1331 day, 13th, the Virginias Atlantas In the seventh inning tied the 1 0 0 OlDelaney, p. .0 1 1 10 Hallman (2). MncKenzle (2). Three-base hit— 8; Scranton beat Syiacuse 6 to 5, and braced up and were beaten 11 to 5. •core Vaughn, c.. .1 0 1 30 Gray, rf. ...0 0 1 00 Boston beat Springfleld 15 to 6. because Roltz lost bis lieiul and held Totals Di-lcbunty. Home run— Thompson. Sacrifice hits— Canavan, rf.l 1 2 00 Plock, 11). ..1 1 7 0 0 Captain Wlggii: has reduced the number the bail while two men crossed the plate. ..14 11 27 12 21 Totals ...1 627 15 C Hallman, Delchanty (2), Thompson (2), Haddock. On April 16 the Phillies bent Wilkesbarre of base ball csndldrtea at the training Brooklyn ...... 0 0 0 3 1 0 B 3 2-14 G. Sm'h, ss.l 2233 Snyder, C...1 2 1 10 37 to 0; Brooklyn beat Springfield 10 to 7; Score: Blnghamton ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0—1 Boyle (2), Williams. Payne. Double plays-Alien. Dwycr, p.. .0 1 0 00 Phillips, p. .1 1 0 01 table to the following 16 men: Pitchers, Baltimore, r. b. o, ». el Atlanta, r. h. o. «. • Earned runs—Brooklyn 4. Binghamton 0. First H.illman and Boyle; Haddock, elements and Hall- Cleveland beat Grand Kaplds 12 to 3; Wigglii, L. S. Highlands, '94; Ames, '96, M'Grnw, SbOO 3 41|Bntler, cf. . 2 0 300 baso on errors—Brooklyn 2, BhiKhamton 1. Left ma:!; King and Otto; MucKenzle and Williams; TWals ... .9 9 27 14 3 Totals ... .8 8 27 11 2 Cincinnati beat Manhattan 11 to 4; Lou­ and Perry, '97: catchers, O'Malley, '96, Kesler, rf. 1 2 4 1 OUlllnmn. 21). 10300 on bases—Brooklyn 10, Binghamton 9. Struck out Forsvthe, Williams and Gunster. Left on bases— Cincinnati ...... 0 0 6 1 1 0 0 1 0—U isville beat Milwaukee 12 to 2; New York and Seanncll, 97; Iniielders, Dlckiusou, Brodle cf.. 1 0 0 0 olRyan, Ib... 0 t 8 01 —By Dolan 1, by Barnett 1, by Stein 5, by Kor- Philadelphia 7, Princeton 10. Struck out^-By Indianapolis ...... 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—S beat Binghamton 10 to 1; Chicago bent 'U4; Whlttemore, '95; Cook, L. S. Steven­ Brout'g Ib 0 1 11 0 OlAshenb'k, If 0 I 3 00 wan 2. Baso on balls—Off Dolfln 1, off Barnctt 4, Weyhlng 4, bv Haddock 4, by Calllhan 1, by Two-base hits—McPhee, Snyder. Base on balls Detroit 7 to G; Baltimore beat Erie 16 son, '97, aud Hapgood, '94; outflelders, Kellsy. If.. 0 1 0 J nlRnl'an, rf... 1 0 0 00 Forsythe 4. First base on errors— Philadelphia —Holliday, Latham 2, McPhee to 5; Boston beat Brockton 18 to 5; Sioux Bcltz, 2b.. 0 Stsln 4, off Delaney 4, off Korwan 1. Home run 3, Canavan, Me- Panie, '94; Wlnsiow, Hayes, Goutermen 0 3 3 OIHollahan, ss 0 0 1 10 —La Chance. Two-base hits—Foutz <3), Stein, 4, Princeton 1. First base on balls— By Haddock Tammey, Lcldy, Demmey, Gray, Snyder. Time— Clty^beat St. Joseph 13 to 4; Norfolk beat and McCarthy. '96. Bonnw. ss. 0 0 2 20! Boyle, C...02 7 00 3, by Callnhan 1. hy Forsythe 3, by Bradley 2. 2h. 10m. Umpire—McQuald. Clark, c... 2 2 4 00 Chard, p... 0 0 0 30 Griffin. Sacrifice bits—Raymond, Lang, Daly, Altoona 10 to 9, and Pittsburg beat Indian­ On April 14 Williams defeated Harvard la Shiudlc, Power, Hit bv pitched ball— Bv Weying 2, by Haddock A DEFEAT FOR PITTSBURG. Inks, p.... 1 0 0 20 Kcenan. p.. 0 1 1 00 Klnslow. Stolen bases—Tredway, 2. Wild pitches— Forsythe 1, Bradley 1. Passed apolis 8 to 6. 10 Innings by 13 to 11; Lafayette beat Mullane, p. 0 0 0 1 0| Levee. 8b.. 1 1 1 10 I^ytlc, Burns, Korwan. Double plays—SU-ln and The last spring exhibition game of the On Sunday, April 15, Grand Rapids beat Franklin-Marshall 14 to 10; Yale Beat Foutz; Lang. Muck and Powers. Hit by pitcher ball— Grady. Time— 2 hours. Umpire— Campbell. Cleveland, 11 to 9; Indianapolis beat Cin­ Brooklyn 4 to 3; Pennsylvania beat George­ YALE DEFEATS BROOKLYN. Pittsburg team at home on the 14th, re­ Total .. F <1 27 14 1| Total . . 5 6 27 51 —Daly (2), Foutz, Burns. Wild pltcbos—Barnett sulted In a defeat for tho Leaguers. The cinnati, 4 to 3; Ironsides, of Newark, beat town 27 to 19; Philadelphia beat Princeton BolDuiore ...... 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0—5 1, Delar.ey 1, Stein 1. Passed balls—Dawes 3, At Brooklyn April 14, the home team result was largely due to Ehret's erratic- Binghamton, 3 to 2; Chicago beat De­ 15 to 5, and Ann Arbor beat Ohio Wesleyaa Atlanta ...... 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0-5 Kinfilow 1. Time of game—2h. 17iu. Umpire— like the Brooklyn before them, had to pitching in Hie eighth inning. Score: troit, 13 to 4. 18 to 4. Two-biiso hits—Kelley, Broiitbers, Ityan. First Mr. Mutter. submit to defeat at the hands of Yale. Tred­ PITTS. H. H. O.A.E.I MIL. R. H. O.A.E. On April 1C Harvard b?at Mass. Tech. 20 on errors—Bnllimorft 1, Atlanta 1. First on balls ERIE'S WHITEWASH. way and Shindle played very yellow ball Smith, c.f..l 1 2 0 01 Shields, 2b.3 0310 to 8; Brown beat Boston University 40 to —Inks B. Mnllane 4. Chnrd .">. Keenan 2. Left At Philadelphia, April 13. the Phillles at one stage of the game, which practi­ Dun'vn, rf..l 210 OiClg'mn, 3b.2 3212 COLLEGE NOTES. 0; Lafayette was beaten by Kaston 17 on bases—Baltimore 10. Atlanta fl. Sacrifice lilts shut the Eastern League champions out. cally gave the Ynlenslans the victory. Bkl'y, Ib. ..2 2 13 0 0|Nu'man, lf.2 1200 to 5; and Pennsylvania beat State Col­ —Reltz, McGrawt Chard, Oilman. Hollahnn. Weyhlng pitched, the first five Innings Then, again, the Brooklyns' base running Ul'u'ck, ss.l 212 OlCarey, lb..3 2 11 0 0 lege 21 to 6, and Cornell beat Syracuso Struck out—By Inks 1. by Mullnne 2, by Chord and the Eastern Leaguers made but three was very stupid at times. Steuzel, lf..l 000 0| Lnisfort, ss.l 1012 It Is claimed that this season's base Stars 8 to 7. 1, bv Keenan 0. Hit by pitcher-Chirk. Oilman. hits off his delivery. TJie batting of Alien Brookl'n. r. h. o. a. e.l Yale. r. h. o. a. e. Lyons, Sb...O 2 1 1 l|McVey, cf..l 1300 ball team of Frinklin and Marshall Col­ It has been decided that If a third gam« Double plays—Kcelur, Brouthers: McGraw, Reltz. and Reilly, and home runs of Dalv. 2b..l 3 8 1 l|ltuslin. 2b.l 2210 B'rb'er, 2b.l 085 0| I/ihman, rf.O 0200 lege is the strongest that has ever repre­ Wild pitch—Chard. Stolen bases—Brodle. Kelley, Clements between Harvard and Princeton is neces­ and Thompson wore features. Score: Griffin, cf. .1 1 1 0 OlCdse, cf....O 0 2 0 fl Sugden, c. .0 0 3 2 01 Johnson, c..2 1830 sented that Institution. sary it will be played at New Taven. McGraw. Keeler. Time—1.45. Umpire—Connelly. Phila. r. h. o. a. e.|Er!o. r. h. o. a. e. Coro'n, 85. .0 181 2| Blgelow.lf.O 1200 Colco'gh, p.l 1 0 5 0|Hast'gs, p..l 2140 The University of Pennsylvania has at EASY FOR CINCINNATI. During practice hist Monday A. A. Bige­ Hami'n, cf 1 2 2 00 NkHil'n, 2b. 0 1 1 3 C Foutz. lb..l 8 B 0 OISfp'h'n.lb.1 1722 Ehret, p...O 0 0 0 01 last arrange.! two base ball games with low, Yale s left fielder, sprained his ankle At Clnct'iunll April 9, tho home team Turner, c.. 0 1 0 01 Shearon, rf. 0 2 0 00 Burns rf..O 020 0]S|»er, rf...l 1 1 1 0 Princeton, one to be played In Princeton very seriously, and it is doubtful If he had an easy time winning, thanks to ter­ HaIIm'n,2bO 0020,Smith, s.. 0 1 1 60 Shindle. 3h.O 130 II Carter, p...l 0111 Totals ...8 10 24 15 1| Totals .15 11 27 10 4 on April 25, aud the return game to take Dcl'h'ty, If21 1 0 0 Lnlly. cf...OO 000 Tredway.lf.O 120 HQuimby, sa.O 0422 Pittsburg ...... 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0— S will recover sufficiently to play In the rific hitting and seventeen bases ou halls Milwaukee ...... 3 place In Philadelphia on May 24. championship games with Harvard, Prince- distributed by two Milwaukee pitchers. Tb'ps'n. rf 2 1 1 1 0 V'nDyk1 , If 0 2 2 00 Dailey, o. .0 0 5 0 0| Ar'th't, 3b.O 0321 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 i—15 W. W. Wilson has 2 0 Fields, Ib.. Kennedy.p.O 1 0 2 0| Gr'nw'y, c.O 0 B B 1 Earned runs—Pittsburg, 5; Milwaukee, 3. been elected captain ton and Pennsylvania. He was a bril­ Score: Cross, 8b.. 1 0 1 0 1 17 11 TWO-IMSO hits—Beckley, Glasscock, Carey. Sac­ of the Princeton Kreshman team. The Cincinnati, r. h. o. a. e.lMllmmkce. r. h. o. a. e. Reilly, 3b. 1 3 1 3~ 0 Berger, 8b. 0 1 1 42 liant fielder and the best batter on the Clem'nU, c 1 2 6 10 Grander, Totals ..3~1124 4 5 Totals ..4 B 27 14 7 rifice hits—Smith, Donovan, McVey, Hastings. first game of tho season will be played nine. His injury may necessitate a change Hoy cf. 4 2 7 0 UCllngm'n, 3b 2 1 2 30 o. 0 0 4 11 First base on errors—Pittsburg, 3; Milwaukee, with the Yale freshmen Can'Vn rf S 3 0 0 01 NVwmnn. Weyhlng, p 0 1 0 10 Strycker, p. 0 0 1 20 Brooklyn...... 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0-3 at Princeton on In the infield, Kushton, second base, going If 01 3 00 Yale ...... 40000000 x-4 1. First base on hills—Off Colcolougli, 0; April 14, and vigorous practice will be Holl'd'y.lfl 8 2 0 0| Shields. 2b. 0 2 1 12 Carsey. p.. 10010 - - off Ehret, 7; off Hastings, 3. Stolen bases— to the outfield, and Murphy playing second. Iftt'ain.Shl a 1 2 1 i/il.y, rt...OO 0 11 Taylor, p.. 00 0 00 Totals ~..0827174 Earned runs— Brooklyn, 8: Yale, 1. First base given the team until that time, as this Is Boyle, on errors— Brooklyn, 5; Yale, B. I^eft on bases Douovan, Stenzel, Bierbuuer, Lyons. Struck out— the most important game of the season. M'Phee.Sh 1 S •» 4 1 llJUigTrd. ss 0 0 253 Ib.. 1 1 0 20 By Colcolough, 2; by Hastings, 2. Hit by SYRACUSE STAUS. Motz. Grady, Ib. 1 1 2 00 —Brooklyn, 11; Yale, 7. Struck out— By Ken­ The ex-Yale shortstop, Murphy, says ^ar- Ib. 2 0 8 1 OlCarey, lb..22 7 00 nedy, 2-' by Carter, 3. Base on balls— Off Ken­ pitched ball—By Ehret, 2. Passed balls—John­ fiinitb «s 3 2 3 3 1 McVev, cf. 1 2 4 00 Alien, ss.. 8 4 son, 3; Sugden, 1. Left on bases—Pittsburg, U; ter, of Yale, has not got Into his pitching The Saline City's Team Makes Murp'y c.3 120 olRoberts. nedy, 2' off Carter, 3. Three-base hit— Daly. form as yet, but when he dees he will fool Its c. 0 0 8 10 Two-baso hits— Corcoran, Foutz, Rustin, Bigelow. Milwaukee, 1-'. Time of game—Two hours and Debut and Impresses Well. D'yer, p. 2 2 0 1 0|I/>hman. c. 1 0 3 00 Totals ..14 17 27 14 II 20 minutes. the collegiate batsmen. He says that Philadelphia ...... 3 1 1 3 1 0 0 4 1-14 Sacrifice hits— Burns, Case, Bicelow, Arbutbnot. Umpire—C. B. Powers. Greenway Is catching a splendid game of Syracuse, N. Y., April 16.—Editor "Sport- Totals .20 17 27 11 4|Schleble,' p. 1 1 1 Erie ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Stolen bases— Daly, Qulmby. Double plays— Car­ SIOUX CITY BADLY BEATEN. ball, throwing well to bases, and Is a bet­ Ing Life:"—Our stars have made their Eanied runs—Philadelphia, 5. Two-base hits— ter, Greenway and Stephensnn. Hit by pitched At St. Louis, April 13, the Browns gave ter man all around than Kedxle. bow to the people, and oc the wholo have Totals ....7927 14 7 Delahanty, Reilly, 2; Grady, Alien, 3; Shear- ball— Stephcnson. Wild pitches— Kennedy, 1; Mathews' Siouxs a bad beating. Kid Glea­ Carter, 1. Umpire-Mutter. The Columbia College players found con­ made an excolleut Impression. The n'.ea Clnclnnatls ...... 0 3 5 2 0 2 5 0 3-20 rn ll'init' runs—CHunen's. Thompson. Sacrifice Time— 1.55. son pitched great ball, and but for a close siderable fault with the Prineetons' reported here in good condition generally, Mtlwaukees ...... 1 I 0 0 1 0 0 4 0—7 hits—Hallman, Cross, Carsey. Bases stolen— BATIMORE'S HOME-COMING. decision by umpire Kuehne in the eighth Hamilton, 2; Turner, Reilly, 2; Carsey, method of play. They claimed that the but will use Judgment In exhibition con­ Two base hits—Holliday. 2; Murphy, Dwyer, Alien. Tho Baltimores 'returned to Baltimore inning the visitors would have been shut tests. Scrunton carried McPbee, 2; Smith, McVey. Three-base hit— Double plays—Allan and Boyle. 2; Reilly and from their Southern trip April 14, aud out. The score: Tigers blocked base runners as if they away a victory Cunflvan. Base on balls—Hov, 4; Canavan, 2; Boyle. Left on bases—Philadelphia, 10; Erie, 4. wore playing foot ball and not base ball. Saturday, although the defe-U was no dis­ Struck played the Erie Club, of the Eastern St. Louis, r. h. o. a. e.l Sloui C'y. r. b. o. a. e. credit to the home team. Hollldav, 3; Lntham. 2; McPhee, Motz. Smith, out—Hallman. 2; Clements, Nicholson, League Though the weather was fair, a Dowd rf...l 2 4 1 OlHogr've, rf.l 2 2 00 Shortstop Brooks was the principal offend­ Harry Smith la S; Murphy, Shields. Carey, McVey, Roberts, Lally, 3; Strycker. First base on errors—Phila­ high Frank, lf..O 1 3 0 01 Howe, If...01 2 10 er, they »ny. showing up strong, and Manager Kuntffcb, Schieble. Time—2.40. Umpire—McQuald. delphia, 2; Erie, 1. First base on called balls— wind made it unpleasant for players At Lancaster, April 7, the new base thinks his team will cut a figure In East­ Delahanty, Thompson, Clements, and spectators. The visitors played a poor Sh'g't, cf..l 2 3 00 Genius, cf. .0 1 4 01 WILKESBARRE'S FIRST GAME. Weyhlng, Nich­ Miller, 3b. .0 1 1 31 Marr, lb....O 0 11 01 ball grounds of Franklin and Marshall Col­ ern League circles. The attendance at the olson. Hit by pitched ball—Hamilton and Clem­ game in the field, while their pitchers lege were opened with a game between The Wilkesbarre team played Its first re batted bard. The score: Weiden, lb.2 3810 St'w'rt, 2b.O 1420 the opening games has been satisfactory acd ents. Passed balls—Grunder, 3. Time—Ib., 40m. uiun, 2b..l 1 4 1 01 Newell, 3b.O 0 110 strong Active Club and the college team demonstrates that Syracuse wauts the game at Brooklyn, April 10, and made a Umpire—Hurst. B-iltlmore. r. U. o. a. e.| Erie. r. b. o. a. e. creditable showing agnlust strong com­ )r'w 3b.3 110 HMoh'ln, 2b 0 1 2 21 ly SS.....1 1 0 4 11 Walsh, ss.,.0 0 0 71 The latter won by a score of 11 to o. ame. Eagnn has Jumped into r>op"Jnl''ty MILWAUKEE EASY VICTIMS. Mc( gPeltz, C....2 1 3 11 Tw'neh'm, c.O 1 3 10 Tho grounds are fine. There Is a fines rom the start. Tho petitors. They showed their lack of prac­ At Pitlsburg, April 13, the home team Kcepeerr..ler 'rf...2 310 0 Sh'ron,, rf..l.. 1 1 00 f fans are generally tice In fielding but batted well. Score: had a picnic with pitcher Williams, Sten­ Brodle,''*~ ' cf..4I , 2n 1* 1• 0.1 Smith,^.,, l»l- a...__ 00/\ 11 3•» 32O O Gl'son, p...2 1 1 1 0 Parvin, p...OO 0 40 grand stand aud tbe grounds are fitted well pleased, and tho goose Is elevated Brooklyn,-- -- r. b.• o. a. e. Wilkesb'e. r. b. o. a. e. zel especially hitting the youngster hard. 'tU'rs,, Ib 2 2 701 Lally, cf . . .0 1 2 00 up for all kinds of athletic sports. muchly. The team starts out to-day on Belts. rf.....l 2800 ! 0 1 V'ndyke.' 3b.O 0 3 21 Totals ..1013271281 Totals ...1627163 The University of Pensylvanla Isi con­ their exhibition trip, opening at Cornell Duly, 2b. ...1 0 211 Pittsburg. r. h. o. a. *.'Mllmuik'«. r. h. o. a. e. Kelley- If... 2 St. Louis...... ! 8012120 0—10 Gi linn, of. .8 2 300 Shannon, 2b.O 2 531 Smith, cf..l 030 0| Newmitn.lf.O 0502 Jen'ngs, fc2b. 2 3 > 2 0 Fields, lb..O 2 9 00 sidered the best batting team of any of University, and thence Invading I'eci.Ryl- Bonner, 68. .1 3 «, 1« n~^>llBerger, &».. , ....«-c . .0 1 Sioux City...... 000000010—1 the college nines. vania League circles. Oorcor'n, BS.l 1 241 West, lb....O 1 10 2 1 Donovan,rf.O 2 1 0 01 Shields, 2b.O 0031 4- -21 - Earned rm:s—Sfc, The opening game at Fouts, lb...2 0 12 0 0 Leaotte, cf..O 1 200 9eckl'y. lb.4 212 0 OiClgm'n.Sb.l 0281 K'blns'n,K-umaii, 0..3«..« 2. 8d 1 O'Mays, if....01If....01 1102 02 Louis 4. Two-base hits—Dowd, Kussell, Brown's left-handed pitcher, has Providence on May 1 will call out the McM'h'n, p.3 302 O.lianaon, p...O 0 Shugart, Werden, Quinn, Gleason and Howe. Hit Burns, rf...2 2 100 Gillcn, 3b.. .0 0 020 Glassc'k, 88.4 304 IJLuby, rf...l 3201 0 00 by pitched ball—Walsh. Struck out—By Glenson a style of delivery that closely resembles Rhode Islanders In force. The pitchers are Gilbert, 3b.l 2221 Lake, C.....1 1 502 Stenzel, If..4 530 0| Carey. lb..O 0 12 1 0 Baker, p....l 0 0 2 IjBamcs, p...OO 0 10 that of Carter, of Yale. working all right, and using good Judg­ Tr'dway, lf.1 1200 Keenan, lf..O 0 100 3. by Parvin 1. Time—Two hours. Umpire— Lyons, 3b..3 2 1 2 01 Langfort,s«.l 1100 Kuebue. ___ Yale's defeat of Boston last week was ment thus early in the season. Curt Welch Warner, 0..0 1 310 J.UssarCanfleld. p..O----- 0 1 r, 0 Bauer, 2b. .1 265 0] McVey, cf.O 1200 Totals. .23 21 27 9 5| Totals .. 1 7 24 10 8 the second defeat Yale has administered has caught ou. and should get back to Sliarrot, p.O 1 000 Mock,' o. ...1 210 OiLobman, c!6 1 11 Baltimore, ...... 8. 3 8 6 0 4 8 1 1-23 to the Boston League Club. The his old form this year. Altogether ra ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Other Exhibition Games. other was the I Lukens, p..O 0 0 1 Oj Williams, p.O 1 0 B 0 On the llth inst. Baltimore beat Ro­ in 1887, when Stagg aud Daun did the prospects aro bright for the success of the Total .. .11 10 27 8 S Total .....2927134 i Knell, p...l 1 0 1 Oj Earned runs, Baltimore, lli; two-base hits, honors for Yale. Kelly had then just been team this season. Brooklyn ...... 0 0 - 'J 2 o :; <> - :i Totals ., S 8 27 18 0 Brodle. McMahon, Keeler, Bonner, Fields. Robin­ anoke 10 to 0, St. Louis beat Kansas City Wllktsbarr* ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 (I 0 U-2 I Totals ..19192713 I, son, Sbearoo. Three-base hits—Keeler, UcMahou, 7 to a, Indianapolis beat Minneapolis 5 to purchased by Boston aud caught. Stugg G. THE SPORTING LIFE.

President Powers In reappolntlng him to brief, the reason why he Is not, Is flue to the the position of umpire. He is one of the ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. fact that dity In and day out he pitch?* the best men In that position the Eastern ball in juftt one way. He oaes lew head work BASE BALL League has ever bad. READY FOB THE GREAT FIGHT than any other »ucces«ful pitoher, and batter* William W. Kirby, the popular assistant who are cool and can wait on him never wiU treasurer of the Providence Base Ball OF 1894,. be troiiblod by Inability to bat the ball. Of course thoy may not alway* hit tafely. That Association, was married last week. Is another matter, but they need uot >trlk« out. "WHAT CHEER." The Browns in Fine Condition--Geo. Th< great feature of Klllen'e pitching is a CHICAGO GLEANINGS. Miller Proving to be a Veritable high, fast ball that is not hard to bit whan it names over the plate. Too often It due« not ERIE EVENTS. Find The Opening to be Made (to over th* plats, but the batter Is deluded into batting at it. That 1» where Killen's & WISE STEP TAKES BY THE CLDB The Team That Will Represent the Memorable, Etc. success has been made as a pitcher, News and Who should rank with Ruale, Young and City This Season Some Nichols Is quite another matter. Some ball MANAGEHENT. Gossip. St. Louis, April 17. Editor "Sporting players »ay there is no one to compare with Brie, P., April 16. Editor "Sporting Life." Thursday next the battle in the tham. To place Killen on a par with the tbrct third season of the National League and sccrns to be an exaggeration. Certainly there Life:" Manager Morton, accompanied are pitchers In the League, with somwthing of I>T Second Basaman Thomas (Parson) American Association of Base Ball Clubs tbe same style as Killen, who would do quite The Club Returns to the Dse of Nicholson and pitchers Al Mays, begins in earnest and the St. aa well did they have a good team behind them. Stryker and Gannon, left last week Louis Browns are ready, yes, more Mullane ought to be on* of the boat. Mo- than, ready, they are eager for Miihon baa a change of pace much more puz­ the Famous White Stockings for Pittsburg, over the Eria and zling than Kllluu's, and quite as muoh speed, Pittsburg. He was met there by the fray. The men without excep­ and there are others as effective against the The Work ol the Players in the the remainder of the men, who tion are in splendid physical condi­ better teams as Killcu. All things being equal will start the season of '94 on the local tion. Nearly all have been working Kfllen would bave no better winning record t9 team. While we look rather weak in hard during the winter months either his credit than many another pitcher. Field General Mention. the pitching department, yet enough in playing hand ball in the gymnasium taleut may be developed from the five or other equally beneficial work, and as BASE BALL IN CANADA. a result all are now clear-skinned, with Chicago, 111., April l(i. When Captain and possibly six. men thus far signed What is Going on in Toronto and the Aneon marches his Colts upon League to carry the team through. One muscles as hard as steel. fields hereafter they will be garbed in thing is certain, ere the Eastern A GALA OCCASION. Country at Large. gray, and their thanks will be covered eague season shall have opened The St. Louis Browns will open the Toronto, April 16. Editor "Sporting with wEite stockings. The Chicago ball th« men will have had a good solid championship season of 1894 Thursday, Life:" The new constitution of the players will return to the suits they month*' practice, a thing not had last sea­ April 19, playing the famous Pittsburgs, Canadian Amateur Base Ball Associa­ wore when they vton fume and pennants son. Manager Charlie will also have had who last year came withiu an tion is in the hands of the printers and ample tim» and opportunity to know his will be ready in two weeks. in the League. exact strength In the box. We certainly ace of winning the League pen­ BAUK TO THE OLD SOX. are muoh stronger In that respect than nant. Pittsburgh chief hustler, Cal­ A league has been organized in North­ In discussing this matter the other last season, wbun we had but one man to liope George Miller, is now captain of the ern Ontario to be known as the Georgian Browns, and he says that he only hopes Bay District League. Mr. A. Creighton, day, Captain Anson looked wise and depend upon. viz.: (The gent who has him­ that the Pittsburg pirates will come to St. declared: "Yes, sir! This is our lucky self to often interviewed). Long John Louis thoroughly charged with the idea Owen Sound, has been elected president; year. We wore white when we were Healey promises great things let us hope that they will have a snap In tackling tbe T. Williams Collingwood, secretary and at the height of our prosperity, and had so. Al. Mays Is not Just fit. Al. requires J. Douglass Meaford, treasurer. The Dis­ warm weather ere his effectiveness shows Browns. Captain Miller says if ever an trict will comprise clubs from Owen Sound, no business evar to discard it. This Itself. Su-yker, Gannon and Barnes are aggregation was full of Inflation of the Meaford, Marksdale and Collingwood. They season we will stick to white hosiery novices. Hughey, who Is a possibility, composition that makes balloons go into will join the C. A. B. A.. at home and abroad. Now, Jim," said has bad mucu experience. He is holding the air, that aggregation Is Pittsburg. He Cobourg has not as yet decided to put he, turning to ths gentleman who man­ out for moie of Uncle Sam's "long gre£n." says when It comes down to business, a team In the Midland League. jfl BASE BALL If they get one out of three they will ages the business end of the club, Ho may be "landed" tho' for all that. have to hustle harder than they hus­ Herb Davis aud Charley Spaulding, 01 "I want you to order the suits as soon TUB FIELDERS. tled any time last season. The ceremonies Dundas, will play with Hamilton this as you can. We will wear all white at Behind the rubber "Little Johnny Dump­ attending the opening of the game will be year. home. Abroad, of course, we have to wear ling Berger" will again be found. "Nut of a very elaborate character. Governor Peterboro will have a pretty strong team gray uniforms, but will have white stock­ cod." There Is a boy that does his work Stone aud Lieutenant Governor O'Meara, this year, aud make a strong bid for the ings, and the lettering across the breast at all times, and knows how to do it, too. Midland pennant. IU UNIFORMS of the State of Missouri, and Mayor Cyrus will also be In white/' At flrst base our old friend, Jim Field, P. Walbridge, of this metropolis, will not Ned Morlsln, who pitched for Davenport, "How long since the Chicagos discarded will again be found; at second the best only be In attendance at the game, but la., four years ago, Is in Toronto and says white stockings?" "I don't believe I can second baseman in the "Eastern (all they will take part In the monster pa­ his arm is as good as ever it was. Ned Cap, Shirt, Pants, Stockings and Belt «ay, but It has been several years. Why things considered) will again make tbe rade which President Von der Abe is fir- would like to get a show with some of did we do It? Just because everybody "regulars' " hearts glad. At short we have ranging to bave on the morning of the the minor leagues. He Is a good batter. else got to wearing them. But it was a "Pop" Smith, who takes little Shelbeck's day of the opening of tbe game. There Poor Mickey Jones is dead. Never was mistake. We ought to have stuck to them, place. "Pop" needs no Introduction, for will be speeches at the ball park by the there a man who donned a base ball uni­ PRICES FOR BBTTER QUALITIES ON £8 we made a name for them. I believe nhereevcr base ball Is known there, too. dignitaries named, and the exercises will form more faithful to tbe club be played every club should hav« Its colors, Just as Is Charlie "Pop." Our aldermanlc third be In keeping In every way with the mag­ for than Mickey. I have known him a APPLICATION. Mifaaim. colleges do. The colors of the Chicago basamau. Bill Kuehue, completes what nificent demonstration which attended the b'reat many years, and can safely say he Club should be white and gray. There many consider the best Infield In the cir­ opening of the season of 1SSI3. always played to win. Base ballists in Is not a prettier unit In the world Uhau cuit. Tho outfield will be Just the same Canada, and in many American cities, haa gray with white trimmings." ns that of '88 Van Dyke at left, Lally at BUOKLEY AND QUINN. it warm place in their hearts for smiling THE H. H. KIFFE CO., RYAN AGAIN AT WORK. centre and "Home-grown" Jack Shearou Buckley went home to Chicago last fall Mickey. He was one of Canada's foremost Jimmy liyaii will continue to wear a Chl- right. Are we In it with the above ar­ badly out of condition, weighing 220 players, and WRS loved alike by friends and 523 Broadway, near Broome St., New York pounds, and wholly unlit for the skillful opponents. Even last season when he plnved cuffo uuiform. The groat outlielder has ray? Well, I ain't sayln' a word, but will exercise which base ball demands. Thus, uot signed a coutract, nor Is It likely that do much thtnkln'. Of course, "Murphy, several games for the Hamilton Athletics, BEND FOR CATALOGUE. he will. Last Thursday Captain Auson old boy," must not be forgotten, for with­ In addition to a glass arm and a sulky tie was well received In both Toronto and called Ryan aside. "I want you to report out "Murph's" "bloomln " countenance mood, be was In no shape to do even him­ London. In conversation with him last for duty to-morrow," said the old man. the makeup would not be complete. And self any good. Last week, however, he fall he said he hoped the Base Ball As­ "It's about time that you got Into shape." then, too, we would not have the best kept returned to St. Louis, showing up in mag­ sociation in Canrda wo,ild be a success, The next day Jimmy was on baud and has park In the "Eastern" either. So now, nificent shape. He was attired in a styl­ and the game he loved would take hold been working hard ever since. "I did not boys, you're off. Let's see If you can dupli­ ish spring suit, bis step elastic, and his. of the vouth of this country the same as A NEW BALL SHOE faco set firm and ruddy, while his weight In the United States. slgu any conract," he said. "1 suppose cate your last season's grand work. was reduced to less than 1UO pounds. His TH E H ESS Bal1 Shoe conceded by those who have worn it to the old one will do. I thought that I &IINOU MENTION. manner and appearance impressed Presi­ TORONTO TIPS. would have a talk with Hart, but Ansou Manager Morton is negotiating with dent Von der Ahe so favorably that not The Crescents have organized with the = be far superior to any Shoe they have ever used. told uie to go to work and that settled It. pitcher Hughey. The young man's sal­ much time was spent in coming to terms. following officers: Hon. President, Aid. T. The old contract Is good enough. If I am ary Ideas are something above what Erie's Foster, secretary-treasurer, E. Trowbridge; He has been devoting himself the past SEASON WITHOUT COST. not worth the money that It calls for 1 manager thinks he ought to have. The winter to getting himself In condition for manager, D. Leonard. KEPT IN REPAIR ONE am not worth a dollar. I am satisfied and difference may be adjusted though. the coming year. He went to Mt. Clem­ The Stars bave reorganized for the season feel that I am still In the ring and capable A new man In these parts Jnmes ents, Slich., where a thorough course of with the following officers: Hon. President, It combines Lightness, Improved Flexible Shank, Hand Forged of putting up a good g:-m». I am in first Grunder-wlll assist In the backstop work baths at that famous resort unquestionably Aid, J. J. Graham; secretary-treasurer, class condition and will uot have to train He Joins the team at Pittsburg. Grunder benefited him greatly. The rheumatism Hugh Lo.ean; manager, James Cnrroll. =Plates and Perfect Fit. liard to get into shape." comes very highly recommended by has entirely disappeared from his right Stone, the crack catcher of last year's COMISKEY CAPTURES PARROTT. Ruehne* shoulder, and judging from the manner Wellesley, will play with the Stars this WRITE TO- Captain Charles Comlskey, of the Cln While Erie had the very best park In the In which he has been throwing the ball year. clnuati Club, came to town on Friday and entire League list season, when completed around, his good right arm has regained Martin Ward and Frank Snyder are go­ left for horns yesterday, but he did cot for '94 it will be Just 1(X) per cent better. its pristine prowess. His return to the ing to organize the Parkdale Beavers. They N. HESS & SONS, 112 E. Baltimore St., return alone. Tommy Parrott accom­ Two hundred loads of loam and cinders Browns will unquestionably be beneficial will have a good team. panied him as a witling captive, having have been placed and are being worked In in many respects. Trinity University have reorganized their For Measure Blanks and Full Particulara. finally agreed to Cincinnati's terms. Par­ and rolled. Murphy has a big force at Another man who last season was looked base ball team for '94. rott pitched good ball for the Boston work doing the necessary labor. Billy Somers, who has signed with Tole­ RKKE&RENCB3: team on the Pacillo coast last winter, ond Already one of our newspaper boys has upon at least aa being unfortunate is do, left for Cincinnati on Friday last, to is regarded as a coming man In the box. begun to cast out his little sly digs at tills year showing up in the full playing Join bis team for the Southern tour. Hilly McGRAW, Baltimore B B. C. KELLY, Baltimore B. B. C. JENNING8, BultimoreB B.O. The question of salary was the point on Healey. Come, give the man a chance. strength of his ability, and that man is looks well, and promises to give a good CLAKK, Baltimore B. fl. C. MENNEFEE, Louisville B. B. C. WEAVER, Louisville B. B. a which the long pitcher and Comlskey could If the big pitcher does good work the Joe Qulnn. He Is uot only playing sec­ accountand at ofthe himself tar: "'"t lii--j''Br ~~~~~both bi not agree. It required a personal visit from writer, who never missed a chance to ond as skillfully and as artistically as any -~-v A n ji guardian of that bag in the business, but Barney X. Young, the Duke's crack twirl- Comlskey to bring the boy Into line. rub It In, will be first and foremost to give he is hitting the ball with marked fre­ THB CHAMPIONSHIP OFBNINCr. bl01 his Just dues. er is in good shape this spring. Some of Friend Kathman wants to know how quency and with a bat that seems fo be the minor leagues would make no mistake- On Monday the Colts will Inaugurate Sunday games will effect the Erieites, or fairly electrified with base bits. In giving Barney a trial. Besides bulng. the handsome new park et Cincin­ words to that effect. Fact is, I have not PRAISE FOR HII,LEH If not the bast, one of the best pitchers nati, and, If the weather Is favor­ mentioned the matter to either Manager Captain George Miller !a a veritable find In Canada, he Is a good, steady batter. N. HESS & SONS, able, an Immense crowd will cer­ Morton or President Depiuet, though I for the Browns 7fe is a worthy successor Jack Nethery, who played with tbe tainly turn out. On Friday, an open date, think I am safe In saying, not this grass. to tbe IV.TU Charles Comiskey, whose tri- Washington Territory League a few years' MANUFACTURERS, the Chicagos will run to Indianapolis to Brie lived without Sabbath-breaking l«st .I'liipua were scored In old Sportmen's ago, is in Toronto, and will likely play play an exhibition game with the Hooslers year, and certainly can do JT- ag.un. See? Park In St. Louis. He Is every Inch of with the Parkdale Beavers. On Sunday and Monday they will again That was a ^ueer attulr on Buffalo's part him a ball player, shrewd, calculating., Strowger,_ of Jast yo«r'» Park nine, is 112 EAST BALTIMORE STREET, lay at Cincinnati. Then Anson will take in releasing Vveddlge, and within a fort­ emrgetlc and a bundle of outjmslSWAr 'aTl HlTising "about going to Montreal to play SIs men to St. Louis and Louisville, and_ night reclaiming his- services. Do our of which will come intontoTyin good time with the local club there. BALTIMORE, MD. on May 3 will Inaugurate the local ct&m friends down there Imagine Erie wanted In bis handling jif^-tEeHi-owiis for the The Alerts of the West End intend put­ plonslilp season. It Is too early ysj'to even Alv No; we could have-him. Erie would coming seasijo^iiiiier is a modest, unas- ting a strong team In tho field this year. venture a BUCKS as to the fornvtue chica have no room for him * yhow, Just now. sumlng/-jeifjw, uut he is showing marked They will again have their crack battery, l.ave had more or less experierce to profit by. gos will show in the JUK£-fr,'{~the bunting Tbe make-up of the o r:ii«p nt least S12I10 In going to he of iron, but It will be a neat, no CIRCULAR DI8TK1HD 1'fcHB «ntM to dmmuu Wren. here. On Saturday and Monday games will decided that It should be known Ufa, mnplwi of tobftoco, medicine*, soapa, newipftpcrf, ete. as the Albany Athletic Association. The name Consider Him Pie. cash on the start to secure a club, para­ tasteful structure that will be strong and .IS to 15 ersuade him, and when unearthed by Mr. Chapman was A letter received from Pitcher Slagle Bassett signed a Providence contract last ington team. His work in the box earned him twirling for an amateur team. He at last night says that he IB taking gymua- the name of whom they do not desire to make a reputation. PittBburg was very anxious to as (hera was no money iu it for him, and he is sium work. week after holding oft as long as he could. publio at present, wlio, thers Is uo doubt, will defeat Cleveland and promptly entered into do.iig too well in the cigar business to give It once became a success, and afterwards It is understood that he will receive an up for nothing. He, with bis brother-in-law, played In Pittsburg, then Buffalo, and The Bisons will report here on April please the patrons of the game In this city. negotiations with Washington to get Killuu. New uniforms will not be or­ Increase in salary over last season, and it The ligning of players will be commenced next He WIIB released to the Pittshurg management, has a very lucrative business, aud as Tip Is again in Pittsburg. If Galvin comes he 16 for duty. Is presumed that he will put up a gilt- week. The meeting of ths new league will take and, strange to say, never won but one game on the road part of the time he has no time will be the king bee base watcher of the dered for some time yet, as the club has edged article in the way of playing. He place »t the Globe Hotel April 4, when th« from Cleveland after he became a member of to bother with base bull. All of the sjiorU Eastern League. The old man has been a full set that Is almost as good as new. is capable of it, and that Is the way "old- schedule committee will report. At this meeting th« PittslHirg Club. smoke the "Pug," the best 10 cent cigar ou In the hotel business at Pittsburg, but met They are the pure white ones that were timers" get back into the big League. The representative* from the following cities will b> The secret of bis non-success against the earth, made by ItcKay A O'Nell. with reverses. purchased in the middle of August. oases of Deuny and Gilbert are good Illus­ present: Albnuy, I'tica, Amsterdam, Johnstown, Clevc-lnnds, after Joining the Pittsburga, was The money for the club 10 being raised now TEAM NOTES. Manager Chapman bus notified President trations. Little Falls, Poughkuepsie, Fitteneld and Kings­ not due to the fact that he did not pitch as by subscription. If enough la not secured by the A letter from Judson Smith, who is in Powers tl:at the Buffalo Club had decided Dave McKeough. who caught -nearly ton. well, but to the fact that Cleveland had thor­ 1st of May the matter will be dropped, and Brighton, Mich., says that that player to waive its claim to th'i services of Pitch­ oughly analyzed his work, and knew exactly Amsterdam will have no club, unless aa in­ er Bob Barr. Tbe only man who is still every game Providence played last season, city In Is tn fine shape and. like all other players, has asked for his release, that he may where to meet him on big own ground. Kil­ dependent one is male up later. Every promises to "plav the game of his life." subject to Buffalo's claim in case he cares Tim Keefe need be In no hurry about len In spite of all the success tliat he may I he I«igue, but Amsterdam, have beun repre­ to play ball Is Al. Weddldje, the Uil City sign elsewhere. liave had, it scarcely to be grouped among the sented by professional cl'jbs heretofore, which Smith, weighs ISO pounds and stands six The many friends of John T. Hunt In signing. He will be In big demand before will give theiii a decided advantage; surul; tbejr feet aud oue Inch, but this does uot iuter- maa. this city are pleased with the action of tlie championship season U two weeks old. four best pitcher* la Uie Katiuuui League. la .April THE SPORTING LIFE.

Pender, Colllns. Struck out By Andenon 8, by CHAttM'v.AB.B. B. P. A. I' ATI.AKTA. AB.U.B. P. A.I with the lame club, and has already get BraiiD 9. Stolen bases Qettinger, Wolls. Umpire Klopf, rf.... 4 3 4 1 0 0 Butler. rf....3 2 1 1 1» the cranks afire by his killful work In CHADWICK'S CHAT. Syly.iUr. Time 1.60. fields, c...... 4 2 2 1 0 0. Oilman. 2b.. 1 0 0 221 tha field and his timely »tick work. ThU BASE BALL ATLANTA vs. MACON AT ATLANTA APRIL Beard ss.... 4 2 2 1 0 o'Syen, Ib..... 4 0 1 800 player was rocommerded to Campau and SOME RECENT GAMES COM­ 12. The home team won again by good bat­ Polhemua,ef» 3 1 0 0 Oi Boland, c, cf 2 2 1 S SO Powers by Gus 8chm«lz. Taste ting, although Gray pitched well. The Biebel, Ib.... 3 2 1 9 0 1 Asbenb'k.lf.3 1 0 1 08 In the second game at Nashville Pat MENTED UPON. Wentz, 2b.... 2 2 1 1 1 O.lloluhan, Bsii 1 2 2 22 has lost lives. In former game was called in the eighth inning on Flaherty, captain of the Memphis team, Behu, 3D..... 2 B 2 3 I IfObard, p, cf.4 0 1 0 00 was attacked with a severe ease of pal­ The Excellent Work of Collegians account of darkness, and six runs, which Hill, If...... 5 S 1 1 0 OiCooorer p... 110 0 « 0 pitation of the nerve, so much so that years people wouldn't take SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Atlanta made in her half, were thrown out, McFarla'd,p3 3 0 1 S 0; Lewee, 3b.... 200 0 00 Umpire McLaughlla fined him a. V and put Commended The Debut of Far- leaving the score as it was in the seventh Total...... 302"2l4f8 103 Boyle, c...... 3 01 » 06 Cod-liver Oil on account of him out of the game. roll and Meekin Another Protest inning, 7 to 4 in Alanta's favor. The score: I Total...... 26 7 1 l5l2 6 Atlanta's three straight from Macon has Its bad taste. Now we have THE CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON OPENED ATLANTA. AC. m. B. P. A. Bl 1IACON. AB.BB. P. A.B Charleston...... 2 0670 8 22 pet the cranks daft on the sport, and has Against Kicking The Exhibition Bntler, cf.... 3 2 2 1 0 1 M'F«rls'd,cf4 0 0 100 Atlanta...... ! 2 1 1 0 2-r 7 cast a correspoading gloom over the fair Record, Etc. Oilman, 2b..3 1 3 3 4 3 Hoover, c. If 2 0 0 400 £arnedruos Charleston 5, Atlanta 1. Two-base city of Macon. Ted Sullivan has begun ADSPiClOUSLY. HlttD.lt...... 4 1 0 8 1 OJMaver, 3b.... I 0 0 101 hits Klopf, Fields 2, Polhemus, Hill, Butler, Kyan, a thesis in French on "How to Pick a Buland, r'.. .3 0 1 1 0 (J.liMtian, 21... 4 0 0 111 Holohau. First on balls Ofl Conover 8, Chard 7, Winner," which he will have published New York, April 10. Editor "Sporting AKbenb'k.m 0 0 1 0 0 ; Welsh, If, c.3 1 2 311 McFarland 8. Left on bases Charleston 6, Atlanta Scott'; and distributed hefor* the week is out. Life." I saw the Yale nine play, for the Boyls, c...... 3 0 0 I 3 O 1 Jo«ne>, rf... 3 2 3 200 9. Struck out By Conover 1, bv Cbard 2, by Me- Miss Lizzie Jackson, of Hollohan.s«4 0 0 1 2 o'llonglus, Ib3 1 0 801 Farlaud 1. Sacrifice hits Fields, Gilman. Stolen Nashville, won first time this season, on Saturday last Good Crowds and Much Enthusiasm the season ticket offered by tho man­ at Eastern Park. It was the first spring­ Lewee, 3b... 0 3 0 0 1 0 Eeterday, SB. 1 0 0 131 bates Fields, Polbemus, Hill, Butler, Lewee. Wild agement of the Nashville Club for the Kissluger, p3 0 0 1 1 0 Gray, p...... 2 0 0 020 pitch McFarland. lilt by pitcber--Behne, Boland, nearest guess as to t!ie attendance at the like day of the season at the park, Everywhere Results ol the Games Keennn, p... 1 0 0 000 Total...... 25 4 6 2T Lewee. Djublo plays Weutz, Beard, Siebei. Cm- where the weather had previously been pire Ho>ran. Time 2.15. opening game. Her guess was 1300, and Emulsion Total...... 27 7 6 2f. 12 4 the tickets sold numbered exactly 1335. wretched for ball playing at all the Played The Championship Record Atlsnta...... 0 01410 1 7 SAVANNAH vs. MACON AT SAVANNAH Varney Anderson, the young Mobile spring1 practice games there. The collegi­ Macon...... 0 00103 0 4 APRIL 14. Savannah out-played Mucon the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, Two-base hits Boland, Jrtaues. Stolen bases pitcher, surprised the New Orleans con­ ans were fresh from their New Haven at every point. Macon started with Grey tingent by his wonderful work in tha tox game*, with the champion Boston team, np to Date, Etc. Butler 2, Giinmn, Anhenl.ack, Boyle 2, Lewee 3, in the box, but he was batted so easily that which is palatable and easier Kicsinger. Double play Oilman, Holloban, Kvan. against them. His main strength appeared in the first game of which the collegians Fir.t ou balls Off Kissinger 6, off Keenan 1, of Uray he was replaced by Hoggins. Savannah to be in his deceptive drop, which he defeated batted him worse than Grey. Score by in­ has completely under his control, and eight the Bostons by 7 to 5, and in on the digestive organs than Games to be Played. 10. Sacrlfloe hits Oilman, Uyan, Abheubick, Gray. of Campau's Pelican^ agitated the at­ the second secured a draw by 4 to 4 Struck out By Kl-ainger 2, by Uray 3. Passed ball nings: in a nine-innings game, in which young plain oil, besides being more April 24, 26, 2« Muliilr at Charleston, Nash- Boyle. Urupir. Hi. gun. Time 2.80. Savannah...... 30206410 t 20 mosphere three separate and distinct times rille at Savunnah, Memphis al felucca, New Or­ Macoo...... 1 00002000 8 in a vain effort to connect, in that famous Carter pitched against Nichols. The con­ leans at Atlanta. NASHVILLE vs. MEMPHIS AT NASHVILLB Base hits Savannah 1 to 0 game. test at Eastern Park with the Brooklyn effective. Physicians, the world April 27, 2S, SO-Nnabrtllr at Oharleiton. Mo­ APRIL 12. Memphis defeated Nashville in 21, Macon 7. Errors Sa- team was a lively one from start to fin­ bile at Savannah, New Orleans at Uacou, Mem­ vanuah 2, Macon 7. Batteries 3avanuah, Pepper The Atlanta team stole forty '.bases over, endorse it. the ninth inning after an exciting contest. and Jantzeu; Gray, Hoggins and Hoover. in the three game with Macon, and yet ish, and It was markedly an alternation phis at Atlanta. Tub Welch thinks he's a catcher! of good and bad plays, wjiicb made it May 1, 2, 3 Naslivllla at Atlanta, Mobile at The score: specially exciting at times, when flne Macou, Memphis at Charleston. New Orleans NASIIVIL'E. AB.R. B. P. A.I MEMPHIS. AB.R.B. P. A.B New Orleans has already set up a howl Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Meara, II... t 21601 0. Smith, rf. 4 2 4 2 10 nt the action of the Mobile players on the fielding cut off runs aud errors gave them. at Savannah. SOUtHERN AFFAIRS. Young Carter pitched against Kennedy, Prepared bj Soott A Bonne, N. Y. All Draggiit* May 4, 5, 7 NnihTllle at Mann, Mobile at At­ Sweeney.tl.501 1 0 liGooden'li.cfo 2 3 800 field. Maybe thsy wouldn't raise such an lanta, New Orleans at CtiarK-slou, Mftupula at O'flrien, 2h..3 1 1 8 5 UTruby, 2b.... 5 3 4 210 objection If Jake Wells hadn't run off and by tb« figures of the score bad the Eavaimab. Collopy, s»...i 2 2 4 S OlLuib'g.ll-Sbi 0 1 611 PRESIDENT NICKLJN ENCOUR­ with the last two games to their credit. worst of It, as the professionals earned May 0. 10, 11 Savxnutiu at Charleston, At­ \Vhiti-b'd,3b6 3211 1 i Flaherty, 3b3 10420 AGED AT THE OUTLOOK. Lachrymatlon is bad taste, Count. three runs to oue in th« game, and scored lanta at Maeon, New Orleans at Nashville, Mo­ Do.jloy. lb...S 1340 IjO'lIun. C..3 01400 If Dooly, of Nashville, don't stop hit­ 11 base hits to six, while the battery errors bile at Memphis. Stalling, c.. 5 1 2 4 1 0 W. Sroilh. If3 0 0 1 00 ting the ball so bard and often he will tha figures favored Yale by 4 to 5. But May 12, 14. IB Charleston at Atlanta, Sa- Webster, cf 5 0 0 3 8 0 Bammert, u2 1 0 0 20 The Auspicious Opening of the Cam­ find himself heading the van of hard- Yale had the best support behind the bat rauiiah at Macon, Mobile at Nabhville, Lookab'b, p 4 0 0 1 0 0 ! Bolau, lb...200 700 paign More Contracts Approved bitters before the hot weather sets in. given their pitcher. Kennedy, as a general Kew Orleaiu at Memphis. Total..... 89 10 f2 26 15 3, M»S°»> P-- « i 2 ° £ ° Everybody is more than surprised at thing, was rusty in his box work, called I Total...... 35111427 13 1 The Salary Limit Question The the poor showing of Macon thus far. Here's balls being fnxjuent;s!tll be did good work. The Record. NnahTille...... 0 4200141 0 10 Umpire's Power, Etc. hoping that Manager Hoggins will soon Carter's speed and curves bothered the The Southern League was the first to open Ui-raphis ...... 0 0 H 0 3 1 0 2 2 11 whip his team Into winning &nape and majority of the Brooklyn batsmen greatly, h.aincd runs Nashville 7, Memphis 5. Twu-base laud a few scalps before 'he strikes out Daly and Foutz being the ouly batsmen the championship season, starting its cam­ Ill's Sweeney, Dooley, Truly. Chattanooga, Tenn. April 13. Editor who could hit his pitching, they making paign on the IHh inst. The attendance haa Three-baaa hits for home. O'Hrien, 0. Smith, Tiuby. Horn* run Meara. "Sporting Life:" They're off!! Fielders, "Shorty" Ryan. of Atlanta, Is surprising three hits each, while all the rest only been exceedingly {rood at all of the games. Stolen bases Nashville 3, Memphis 2. Double play base rmmers, umpires all of 'em, In one his many friends by his timely work added five more, Burns and Daily being This shows that interest in the game is not follow. O'Brien, U.oluy. First on bills Ofl sense of the word, at least. Baud wagons, with the willow. Ryan always was as helpless before him. The fielding features diminished down thero tlespite the collapse Lookabaugh 10, off Mason 4. Stolen bases Coll"py, redlights, orations, fireworks all had a tine a fielding first baseman as there Is were a splendid double play by Carter, ot last year, mid that a successful season Stalling! 2, Uoodenocth, O'Meara. Struck oul By share in auspiciously opening the base ball Gieenway and Stephenson; n beautiful run­ Li.okHbaugh 1, by Musou 4. Wild pilcues Mason season of 'SM In the South. And big crowds In the- business, and if he adds hard ning catch by Bigelow, and the splendid may be anticipated. There seeion to be con­ 2. Umpiri McLauifhlin. hitting to his other good qualities he won't siderable inequality in the teams at present, Time 2b. turned out in every city, the fair sex par­ have a superior in the business. base playing of Kustln and Arbuthuot, SAVANNAH vs. CHAKLKSTON AT SAVAN­ ticularly showing up strong, numerically The Chattanooga Amateurs play In Har- likewise Greeuway's catching, a feature but that was to be expected as all started NAH APRIL 12. Savannah played a rattling speaking. New Orleans seems to have had of which was the throwing out of Grif- out with entirely new teams, whose probable rlnan to-day, and will meet the Knox- game. The fielding ot both clubs was good, TILE BIGGEST CROWD. rllle braves here on Wednesday. fln and Shlndle at second base. The er­ £VERY ONE can afford to use Clam ! performance and ability could hardly be Savannah got the lead while Charleston had and a hard-earned victory of Jake Wells' AL Vi'EINFELD. rors were few and far between, those In the determined in advance. This is a matter, aggregation helped wonderfully to rouse fourth and fifth Innings being costly. But Bouillon for Lunch, Dinner and j McFarland in the box. At the end of the In both they were offset by masterly however, that can and will be quickly second inning .Charleston put in Zahner, and the enthusiasm and warm the hearts of Tea at 2O cents a quart. Enough : remedied as the progress of the season the ardent fans there assembled. Savan­ THE TRAPPED BALL, RULE. fielding. In those two innings the for a whole family. Prepared in five j Savannah played the last seven innings, nah, Atlanta and Nashville each had professionals made seven of their eleven demonstrates excessive strength or undue getting but one hit. Score by innings: hits. On the part of the Brooklyns, the minutes from a bottle of i weakness. The record of the campaign ovcjr 20UO enthusiasts present at their A Practical Illustration of Its Im­ Savannah...... 2 2000000 0 4 opening, and the fellow who said base becility. low liners and safe grounders by lialy and from the start to April 16, inclusive, is ap­ Charlesion...... 00000020 0 2 Koutz were model hits, only one 'uugo hit ball is dead in the South has mys­ The Imbecility of the new trapped fly pended: Karned runs Savannah 2, Charleston 1. Two- teriously disappeared. President Nicklin was mad* between the two; the chances basu bits Savannah 1, Charleston '1. First rule was Illustrated in the first inning > IX on balls took a run down to Nashville at Stallings' for catches being the weak point of Grif­ z 9 Kainsuy, McFarland 2. Klopp2. Errors Savannah yesterday, and if the author of that won­ ? < o earnest invitation, and he tells me the en­ fin's play at the bat in this game, as also CLAM S S I 1 o a g? 3. Charleston 3. Batteries -Savannah, Ram«er and derful amendment to the League laws in that of Treadway. The tostly errors I T < thusiasm there is estimated to be about e cr B ? 3 D .lanlzfn; Charleston, McFnrlaLd, Klupp, Field and had beeu In the stand he would have by the home team were Treadway's « o" i ~ I Je_ 214 degrees in the bleachers. The grand heard a gurgle of derisive laughter ripple BOUILLON : S Zaiiiier, stand registers 210. After a grand parade, dropped fly, Shlndle'B wild throw aud a Quality improved, price reduced, j in which the band wagons fairly outdid through the stands. Catcher Kurrell was battery error by Kennedy, which gave ( 3 0 0 0 0 Games Played April 13. on first base whan Magulre popped np a three unearned runs. Not another error larger bottles. All Grocers sell it. j themselves, the Mayor of the city made little infield fly for Smith. "Germany" Charlea ton ...... t 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 .IKIO ATLANTA vs. MACON AT ATLANTA a neat speech to the players and the au­ gave a run. Kustiu aud Spear led the E. S. BURNHAM CO., j II II 0 1 1 0 II 2 .600 got under It and Ingloriously muffed It. collegians in base hits. The appended A PHII. 13. Atlanta took the third game of dience at the ground, broke open a box Btirrell was scared into running for se.coud no Cansevoort St., NY Macou ...... 0 0 0 I) n (1 0 (1 Mil of Spalding's Special, and tossed It to summary gives a good analysis of tho Sampl* bottle, 10 cents; makes a pint. Mobile...... 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 .OIK the series from Mucon in the presence of the Umpire McLaughliu with the remark: "Let and was, of course, forced out. Umpire play. Of course, Foutz sent the home 0 0 0 II 0 1 .HI!' smallest crowd out this season. The game McQuaid then astounded Maguire by de­ Ka»hTille...... (1 •i h«r go, Gallagher!" And they just about team to the bat first and they laid a duck New Orleans...... 0 0 (1 0 1 l 0 .MX was a one-sidtd one almost from the start did let her go, tooth and nnil, fighting ev­ claring him out, too, although his life had egg, the visitors making all their bits in 6aTannah...... H...... (1 2 0 2 0 0 0 4 .800 and there never was the time that the old ery Inch of the ground, the game being beeu spared by the dizzy error. The de­ the first inning. Had the game not ended cision was correct. All infield Dys are now as It did, the Yales were given the last '/ •r. timers from the Central City had a chance called after the ninth inning with the score Lost...... ? f. 5 2 2 1 18 a tie. out, no matter whether they are caught chance to score by being sent In last at GfrOK REMEDY CO to win. The score: or muffed, provided first base Is occu­ the bat. The Yales, by the way, all faced Woo. Lost. Pet. | Won. Lost. Pet THE ATLANTA TEAM pied. I'rl aiary, 8»»aimah...... 4 1 .800 Memphis...... 2 2 .500 Iluller.cf, if3 42 0 00 McFarl'd.cfo 23600 didn't do a thing to Macon, simply snowing for right field hits. Second­ Charleston..... 3 2 .GUO.Nrw Orleans. 3 2 .5'K) Gilniau,2b...5 2 0 0 1 1 HooTer, lf...4 1 2 301 her under in the opening game, as the Kill that essence of idiocy! Saturday last saw the Harvard and ary or AHunta...... S .61)0 NaiUville...... 1 2 .333 Kyan, Ib.... 5 ?. 2 13 1 0 Mayer, 3b.... 4 1 1 1 63 score, 18 to 0, will show. Teddy just about The "Times-Star" ridiculed the now Prineetou nine defeated at Cambridge and glSYPHILIS! Tertiary Mobile...... 3 .60« MBC..D...... 0 ft 000 liola'd, rf.cfC 1 1 3 rule when it was put on tho books and the Philadelphia, while Yale won honors at permanently cured In 15 to 35 days. 1 1 Joants, rf... 4 0 2 001 has a find in Pitcher Connor, who demand for its abolition Is getting vo­ We eliminate al I poison from the sys­ A»heuba'k,c6 2 1 2 0 0 Baslinn, 2b..4 1 0 110 held Hoggins' hard hitters down to one Brooklyn. How these college men do play tem, so that there can never be a Opening Games I'lajcd April 11. Doilo, c...... 6 3 3 2 2 2 Wtlch, c..... 4 0 0 401 ciferous. The "Commercial Gazette" says: ball. There Is an earnestness and a "vim ' single, and that in the Inst inning, and "When championship games are being return of the disease In any form. NASHVIU.K vs. MEMPUIHA TNA.SHVILI.B llollnlian, 8»6 3 4 1 0 0 lloegius, Ib 2 0 0 804 struck out 11 Maconltes. Sullivan's te.au about their field work that Is lacking In Parties can bo treated at home as 1..>we... 3K... 5 0 1 3 6 1 Hill, p...... 3 0 1 0 10 of youngsters fairly caught the crowd played and a similar play comes up and most of the professional teams. As for well as here, (for the game price and A PIIIL 11. The home le.uu held the lead up Keeuan, p...5 11030 Este'rd»y,sf.4- 0- 0- -121 tho home team gets the worst of it, there base running and headwork play most of under the same guarantee,) but with to the seventh inning when Memphis tied by their scrappy exhibition, and surprised those who prefer to come here, we Chanl, p.....O 00 0 0 (I Total...... 34 5 9 24 10ll everybody by their fhie team work. And Is goiug to be mob rule around the ball the professionals are "not In it" In com­ will contract to cure them or refund on a hit by Qoodenough, u base on bulls, Total...... 4C191624 145 that's where Teddy just about shows up park. A ball crowd, nor any one else, for parison this season. all money and pay entire expense of JjUtenberg's hit, Itorchers'error and an out. Atlanta...... 2032332 4 19 liis strong point, as he can actually take that matter, cannot see any justice in coming, railroad fare and hotel bills. The Mayor of Nashville opened the game Macou...... 0 1200010 5 a team of v lid Indiana aud, with a fair such rules. Tha sooner that splendid Next Thursday Is opening day In the with a speech to the players and tossed Hie luunou runs Atlanta 4, Macon 1. Two-base bits showing and a week's time, round them monument to ignorance Is repealed the League campaign of 18&4. Who says that Our Magic Remedy ?» ball into the diamond. The score: Ryan, Holluhaa 2, Jouues. Three-base hit Mo- into a winner. That's Teddy, every time. better It will be for the game." The Boston, New York and Philadelphia won't Never Failed to cure the moat obsti­ Furland. Stolen b»ses Hutler 4, Oilman, Uyati 2, "Tribune" also observes: "That piece of win? Brother nate casee. Wechallenge the wcrld MABHVIl.'C. AB.U.B. P. A. Kj HKUi-lllB. AB.R. B P President Passulhilgue, of Charleston, Schmelz, however, says for a case we can not cure. Since the 'eir.i. II..... B 1 1 1 0 0,0. Mmitli,rl.4 2 1 1 Holloiiau,|&li:Farlaud, Mayor, Joanes. Double play know what he was U'Iking about wheu he misdirected legislation called 'abolishing he Is going to astonish the Phillies, and history of medicine a true specific for Sneeuty. rf 3 2 2 1 U 0 Gooden'b, cf 4 212 Slayer, Un^fcina. First ou hallx Off Keenan 4, off wrote that his Charlestonians would snow the trapped ball' should be reformed, and Haulon has his cards out for a victory. Syphilis has been Houg-htforoutnever O'Uri.u, 2b.4 2223 o'lruby, 71)...3 212 Cliaro 1, off Hill 4. Hit by iltcher By Hill 3. under the Savannah boys at tho opening that at once." I am glad to see that the Washington found until our Magic Cyphilene SacrlfiCH hits Oilman, Borle, Mayer, Joanes, Hus- Kill the rule! Cincinnati Times-Star. was discovered. We solicit tho most Cievo, CI.....5 0 0 3 0 0 LutoubV.lb 2016 game, as that's just about what they did. grounds are to be so greatly Improved. obstinate case* and challenge tlie Cullow. UI..4 U 1 0 31 Flaherty ,3b.4 U 0 3 tlan '2. We'oli. Kslerdav. Striifk out By Keeuan Ho certainly has a good team ami they are Manager Schmel^'s new rules for the world for a case we cannot cure. This Uouley, 1U.4 1 2 8 0 0 WaJs«o'b, ii4 U 2 0 21 2. by Hill 4. 1'ussfd balls By Welch 3. Wild pitch going to make a hit for the pennant from Tut. tut; not so hasty. Lot us suppose grounds are excellent. Messrs. Talcott and disease has always baffled the skill SlallniK", c.. 4 2 2 8 U U ! Bol»n. c...... 4 10640 Keennn. Umpire Hocau. Time 2.15. the jump. In reference to Mobile's kick another case. Tebeau, for Instance, is on Byrne could copy them to advantage In o/ the most eminent physicians. Webster. 3b3 0 1 1 0 OjW. Smith,If4 01 4 10 NASHVILLK VB.MKMPHIB ATNASHVILIE first base. There Is no one out. McCarr some special respects. $5OO,OOO CAPITAL liui uhon. p. 4 0 0 0 32 liummert.m. 310 0 24 APRIL 13. In the first half of the eighth THE Gr.UtAXTEH! RTU! comes to the bat and knocks a little babv behind our unconditional guarantee. 1 fly to the Infield. McPuee could easily Absolute proofs sent sealed ou appli-1 Total..... 36 8 fi 24 9 3 Tolal,..., 32 5 1 24 10 ? Nashville jumped onto LaCourage and President Nicklin eent the following com­ Farrell and Meekin, aud especially Yale's cation. Address, Saskville...... 0 062001 0-8 pounded out seven runs, winning the game. munication to all the clubs, asking them" eatcji Jr ajKLretire the butter. That would pot short stop. Murphy, have each made I be one out affd the game would still go on COOK REMEDY CO., M«mphi«...... 1 100402 0 8 There was a large crowd iu attendance. to send in their vote on it: "Mobile wants decidedly impressive first appearances at Boon SOI lUMile TcnpU, Chicago, 111. Karne<] runs Nashville 4, Memphis 1. Two-base the gate receipts divided so that the visit­ until three hands \Vt-re ,retired In that iu- the Polo Grounds. I have not seen either hiu Meiira, O. Smith. Three-base hit Collop.v. The score: ing club is guaranteed $180 for the three i ing. McPhee decides'that he will not of them play there yot, but hope to this Home nin Sweenev. Stolon bane* Nashville 0, NAfiHVJLLE. AB.R.B. r. A.II MEMPHIS. AR.m.B. P. A.B games, with piivik-ge of r>0 per cent, of ibti-h the ball, but trap It. reboau. dues week. Sam Crane, In referring to Mur­ GO OK REMEDY CO ftluniptiiK 3. lAmMejiliiya Collopy. O'finun, Dootey; Meara, lf...331 1 0 0 0. Smilb. rf 4 0 2 200 i«of know whether the ball is to be caugnt Sweeney, rl fi 2 2 1 0 ulUoodc-n h, CIS 11301 gate receipts, for their Ramps not $CO a phy, says: _ W. Stnilh, Trubj. First on ball" OB Borcher» 4, oB game guarantee, or privilege of 50 por or trapped. He dare not leave first base, "One good futaro of W'-irphy's play Is that ho Wudsworlh 2. Hit by nilcher iSvnticj. Struck O'Brien, 2b. 4 2 2 7 1 OITiuby, 2U.... 3 3 1 a 31 for If the ball Ir caught McPhee can easily thinks qviick and goes for everything, and gets out By Burchers G.tiy W«d»»ortb 7. Punned bai's Collopy, a-.. 5" 1" 2~ 1" 3 2!LulenbV.lb2 01810 cent, of gate receipts of each game. Kind­ thiow there aud retire him, thus making the ball away from StiillilKS 1 Bul»[j 3. Wlla pitch Wad«wurtli. Stolen Whlteh'5 120 6 liKI>herly.3b3 11311 ly vote on this." New Orleans, Nashville. a double play. Neither dare he remaiu counts in a gnrie of b tamw Sweeuey. O'Uriea 2, Douley X, Stalling. Dooley, Ib... 5 1 2 10 0 II Bolan, c...... 3 0 0 021 Atlanta, Memphis and Macon have thus on first base, for he knows that McPhee As Tim Murnaue would _ (jootleuon|tb 2. Lutenberg. Uuiub-e McLaugbtiu. Stalling", c-5 1 2 6 3 l! W. Stnilb, If3 0 0 6 00 far sent In their vote against any ohango. ran trap the ball and retire him at second, dead right there, Sam, my boy." Head- Tiuie-i.15. Wobsltr, cl.,3 1010 ll! Bammert,ts 3 10241 So the original agreement will remain in with nine chances to three work Is the main thing, and the New York CURE Borcbers, p. 5 1 I 0 2 0 L*Coura'e,p4 0 1 1 1^0 force as the five clubs mentioned repre­ in favor of re­ ATLANTA VS.MACON AT ATLANTA APRIL tiring McGnrr at first on a double play. team is very strong this season In that 'rouRSELFf Total.... . 4l f3 T4 27 14 I| Tola'...... 30 5 7 27 12 5 sent a majority of the League members. Therefore, the base runner and the batter respect. 11. The visitors were not in the game at Nathvllle...... 0 1200007 3 13 THE FOLLOWING COXT11ACTS Tlf trou blert witti C on orrhru& all. They got only one hit and that not until have practically no chanee for a life. If Gleet, Whites, Spermntonktei.1 Memphis...... 200100120 6 have come in since I last wrote, which the trapped tly werf abolished, Tebeau At Eastern Park, In the Yale series, or any unnatural discharge uk<^ the last inning, and were shut out. The Earned runs Nashville 4. Two-base bin O'Hrion, President-Secretary Nicklin has approved. would stay resolutely on first base, know­ though the umpire was thoroughly im­ Tour druggiit for a bottle of Macons plainly showed lack of practice. Cjllopy. Whitehend. Dooley, Flaherty. Tl n>--: ase With Savannah Gporgo S. Cain, \V. F. Pop­ ing that the umpire would have to call partial, and the decisions generally marked J Big O. It curci in a few days Tiie score: bits Meara, Sweeney, Dooley, 0. Smith. Stolen pers, A. C. Jantzen, Martin Duke, Thomas Kam- the batter out, whether Mcl'he.e muffed by good judgment, there was still some of without the aid or pit bllcilj of a bases Nasbf lIK- 4, Memphis 1. Left on base* Na ll- sey, John McCann. Fred. Clarke, E, F. Iliitch- the ball or not. That is, It would be the old stupid kicking Indulged in. Es­ (doctor. Non-poiBonotu and Butler, cf... 4 1 2 0 1 MTmlii.'l.oH 002 ville 8, Memphis 6. Firtt ou balls Oft horchrrs 6, inson. Sain Luroonue, W. L. Peeples, Jutues possible to make but one put out, which pecially was this the case when Foutz was 1 guaranteed not to stricture. Gilu,«n, 2li.. 4 I 2 S II' Hoover c... .100 oil LaCourdK* 5. Hit by pitcher O'Urien, Bam- Welch. J. J. McOloskey. is all that should result under a natural fairly decided out In the last Inning. The i Universal American Curt. Kyan, Ib... .5 2241 ol Slayer. 3b_.. 3 003 merL Stolen bases Meara, Wbitehead, SulliUffH 2, With Mobile John O. Knorr, Robert render, - " '" order of things. There i tight to be no beuch players In the innings rushed up Manufactured by _ B; .l»u. c...... 4 2 3 12 1 l UiutiaD.2h..8 0 U 0. Smith. Struck out By Uorcliers 6. Sacrifice hits W. E. York, Fred. Underwood, William Kliug, rule In base ball that would permit both when Umpire Mutter rendered his decis­ Ashm.b'k,lf5 (I 1 0 o oj Kfccins, If... 3 001 Collopy, Flahe-ty. W. Smith. Wild pitch Vurney Andorson, Juke Wells. L The Ivans Chemical Co.l Borchers. Umpire McLailgblin. Time 2.10. With Memphis Charles Lntcnburg, H. Trubv. batter and base runner to have neither ion and kicked like hoodlums, led by their llollfh.in.Mt 312 0 2 llo aim, Ibil I) 0 T With New Orleans Frank S. Hnller, A. S. a life on bases nor at bat. The rules of captain, Klnslow, especially, though be CINCINNATI, o. Chard, rl_.. 4320 0 0 Joaues, rl_.2 000 SAVANNAH vs. CHARLESTON AT SAVAN­ Kennedy, Joseph Dowie. Fred. Uout, Jack Fun­ base ball were not intended for that sort had no right to be there. When will this Cunover, fv. 6 3 1 2 1 U toteiday. ss2 0 0 02 NAH APRIL 13, The game was one long ning, T. J. Flood, George Schabul, William of thing. There is nothing that disgusts folly cease? \ Lewis, 3b....3 31 0 00 Hill, p ...... 3 » 1 kick trora the Charleston men. Charleston Hrauu, Cbas. Campftu. the ordinary crowd more than the trapped Tot«l..._ 38 18 To 2l 6 4 Total...... 20 6 1 2? 1? 7 had advertised to put Winny in the pitcher's I noticed in last week's "Sporting Life" fly. The reason that It disgusts them is The record of the exhibition campaign Atlnuu...... 0 8 0 1 3 1! 1 3 18 box, but thought it better to put Blackburn where your New Orleans correspondent simply because the men concerned In the up to date, April 14, in which League Micon ...... OOUOOOOO 0 in. Savannah's heavy sluggers batted him jumps onto Stallings without any warn­ play have no escape for their lives. It clubs have played against minor league Karned runs Atlanta 3. Two-base bits Butler, ing, claiming that the might be stated in the same breath that clubs Is as follows. The names are given Kyan. Tliree-basw bils Kyau, tiolan, Holluban. with the greatest ease. The score: Nashville Club is OVEU THE LIMIT nothing disgusts home crowds more than In the order of victories: Slo.et. base* llutlor, llollabau. Doul'li- plays llol- SAVANNAH. A3.B.B. P. A. K;('HAti LLs'.N. AB.B..B. P. A. K the failure of an iuficlder of the home I UIXOR LEAGUE lah..n, Ujan;Bul«n, llolUbati; llulUhan, Uilman, Clarke, It... 3 2 2 1 0 u'Klopf, rf.... 4 I 2 2 00 as regards the salary question. Oo slow, club to trap the ball properly In an effort LEAGUE RECORD. | KECOKD. FAT PEOPLE B..laii. t'iial on balls 00 Hill 1. off Coiiuver 2. Ilutclii'n,:4b4 1030 0 tVld-i. c..... 6 12110 young man, go slow. Don't do that now, to make the play. The fact that the Cin­ Clubs. Won. Lost. | Clubs. Won. Lost. PARK OBISITV PILLS will reduce your weight Hit by pjchrr Hill 1. f-i'CiiU» bils ISutler, Welcb, Ib... 5 0 2 13 1 0 Beard, ««..... 4 0 1 41 I beg of you. It's deucedly easy for you cinnati Club had two men especially strong Cincinnati. .... 8 0| Sioui (Mty..... 4 3 PERMANENTLY from 12 to U pcmnria a month, Kyan. Asbenback. S:ruck oul bj C'Uovnr 11, by Laruqne,2b.5 01430 I'olheiuup,~r2 121 11 to make such a rampant assertion, but I at working the trap, of course, made St. Louis 11 Milwaukee. NO STARVING sickness or injury; NO PUB. Hill 2. Pawed ball Hoovei. Wild pitch Hill. McCios'y.rfS 1 3 2 1 0 Sieble, It.... 3 0 1 8 20 tell you right now. me boy, it'll be devilish It a popular play in Cincinnati. Wherein Baltimore. 0 Detroit. ... LICITY. They build up th« health and humify Umpire Uognr. Time 2.20. 8IcCann.cf..4 01 1 00 Weutz, 21.....2 00 6 11 hard work to buckle down and prove that the rule is wrong Is that it does not prop­ Chicago. 6 0 Kansas City. the complexion leaTlux NO WRINKLES or NKW ORI.KANS vs. MOBILE AT NKW OR­ Peeplts, ss.. 4 1 0 0 10 1 Behne. 3b.... 3 0 0 2 52 you know what you are talking about. Boston. 3 0] Indliinafiolli. flabblnesa. STOUT AUDOMKNS and difficult Janlzen.c... 4 3 4 3 1 0 Hill, H...... 3 0 0 5 00 1'se your think-tank first and then shout. erly dcfir.e a fly ball that can be handled New York.. 2 LEANS AI'HIL 11. Three thousand fans saw by an infielder. It is not reasonable to 2 OJKnoxvllle. ... breathing sorely reli.-verl. NO EXPERIMENT Duke, p...... 5 2 2 0 3 0 Ulaekbu'u,p4 0 0 1 00 The Nashville Club is not over the salary Brooklyn. .. but a BCieutlnc and poMtive relief, adopted only the game ai''i were quite enthusiastic over Total...... 3a 10 T5 z7 Itf 1 Total...... 30 3 8 27 14 6 limit, nud 1 make this statement, knowing suppose that a long run and miss of a -'hllndVlphla 2 0! Wllmlngton. fly hit by an lufielder will he deemed that Cleveland. 1 1] Wuterbury. ... after years of experience. All orders supplied the encouraging beginning. The battery 8a nunah...... 0 0203120 2 10 of what I speak. l!y kindness of Secretary direct ftom our office. Prlc« $2.00 p*r packag* work of Kling and Trost was fine, but kind of a hit upon which a trap might Flttsbure 2 3| lilnijhaniton. the O.i irleeton...... 0 02000010 3 Nicklin I have looked over his hooks, have been made. The only fly that can be I/iulsville. 2 4i wil'kBsbarr*. . or throe packages for 5,'i.iX) by mall puslpuA field work of the vi?itor« was not baruoii runs Savannah 5, Charleston 1. Twu-base showing the salary of each club with each . 0- 0' Brie...... Testimonials and pnrticulars (aealeil) 2cts. hits Clarke, Fields. Home runs Jantzeu 2. First of its players, as entered by him from the handled by an Infielder is that under which Washington. proportionately good, which accounts for the infielder is firmly established, and 1 Minneapolis. All Correapondenoe Strictly Confidential. the defeat. The score: ou balls By Uuke 7, Ill«cki urn 3. lilt l.y pitcher original contracts mailed to him for rati­ Total. .. . 40 0| Grand Ilnpidl. By Blarkb'niu 1. Passed ball Jautien. Wild fication, aud 1 beg to assure you aud all which he waits to have drop in his hands. (New Orleans. . ORLCA 8. AH.R. H. V. A.Bl MUfclLK. AR.R.B. P. pitches Duke 2. Sacritire bil« ilutchiueon, Mc- difi'ctlv or indirectly interested that the Any fly hit that an infielder Is compelled Toledo...... PARK REMEDY CO., Boston, Mass. 0 uiiau, II.. 4 I 1 -1 1 '"York. .f.....5' - 030- " 4 <'loskey, McCann, Wen z Behne. Stolen bases Nashville Club Is just exactly $10 per to catch on the run Is not a fly ball that ]>o«ie, 3b... '6 1 4 S llUetlingei, II 5 0 0 n itchinson, Welch. MoClockey. StiucK could be trapped, and base runners will Total...... 9 40 llaller, Ib... 3 1 10 1 0 Uuilci w'd rf 4 1 U 2 out Duke month within the limit. The proof of the 2 Double plays McC'loakey, Peeplea, UutchiUbOu; pudding Is In the eating, not the chewing have to govern themselves accordingly. The HENRY CHADWIOK. K..at. lib...-. 4 0 1 Taylor,2b... 5 1 2 3 Peeplea, Wflch, Hutchiuson. umpire may now aud then have a knotty flood, rf..... 4 1 0 1 UJWellH, 1I...... 5 027 of the string, or the chewing of the rag. decision to make concerning the matter, Kf'UDrdy, ss3 1 1 4 2 Trust, c...... 4 1 2 10 NEW OUI.KANS vs. MOBILE AT NEW either. And furthermore, since we are ou but the chances are there will be little or A BIT INCONSISTENT. Collinj, cf... 4 1 2 II (l|B>rle, »»..... 3 1 2 0 ORLEANS APRIL 13.— This game was a tills subject, I wish to state that np to no trouble. Practically the entire Intent of tJchulwl, C..4 1 2 6 (I I'eudor, 3b_3 010 wrangle from start to finish, catcher Trost date there is not a club in the Southern the rule was to do away with the Idiotic Calling Down Salary Kickers, Yet Faonlug. |>_ 4 01120! p.....4 0 1 I behaving disgracefully. Mobile won on Association which is over the limit. True, feature of the game where a base runner Tolal..._ 33" f 5 'fi 15 o| Total-.... 38 4 13 '11 10 I there are several clubs who have not yet Wishing For a Salary-Raising Ri­ cosily errors of the locals and hitting in sent in any contracts, but there is dare neither stand still nor run. and where Hew Orleans...... 0 A 0 U 0 0 U 2 0 7 the nick of time. Flood, who was in the the batter doesn't know whether to run val League. llobile ...... 0 0100300 0-4 NOTHING TO FEAU box for the locals, could not command the or stand still. Cleveland "Leader." The Cincinnati "Enquirer" makes this Fine Tables, Carom, Combination a:nl Pool E.rne.l rung New Orleans 4, Mobile 3. St..leu from that quarter, as the contracts are fling at ex-Players' League supporters: baaea -Ortinpau 2, Koat, Kennedy, York, Underwood, ball, neither did he have anything like his bound to come in very shortly, and as the of the Brunswick Italke Cullender Make. "The old Anarchistic blood will creep to the Ordbrs from all parts of the wolld promptly attended t» Trost, Fender. First ou balls Off Fannlne 2, on usual speed and he was a pudding for the penalty of over-reaching the limit is simply A HASTYOKI11C. mirfae* whenever the occasion presents. Tim Klhij 3. lilt bj pitcher Tender. KiCrificu hlls visitors. The score: a forfeiture of all games now played I Murnnne and Jake Morse, of Boston, both loud Over 1,OOO,OOO Noise Subiluers Sold. Dunie. Struck ou: Dowie, Koat 2, Colllui. Schiehle, MOBILE. AH.H.B. P. A. ElNBWOCL'B. AB.B.B. P. A. F. hardly think any of the managers would VOH l>er Abe Scored Without Just find persistent shouters for the 'lost cause,' ore JOHN CKKA11 AN,Continental Uotel,Ageat,Plilla.P* tanning 2, Taylor, G«ttln^er, Uuderwuotl, Kliu)f. York, cf..... 4 333 1 OlCnuipau. lf.3 S 3 0 21 be rash enough to run such tremendous Cause or .Reason. now 'boosting' catcher Jack Farrell In his Tuned bulls Scbaeble, Trolt. Wlld;pllches Fuu- Getllnner, If 3 1 2 2 0 0:D,.wle. 3b... 5 2 2 2 21 risks. They know that President Nicklin 'hold-out' against the New York Olub. Perhaps ninK 2, Kliug 1. Umpire Sylvester. Time 2 15. "Domino," a new arrival In sporting they are ri^ht, but Farrell should take care Kling, rf.....O 000 1 O.Whistler, lt>4 01 421 will not tolerate anything in the nature of affairs in St. Louis, has aroused the wrath SAVANNAH vs. CHARLESTON AT SAVAN­ Knurr, rf..... 4 1 2 0 1 OJUoAt, 2U..... 5 2 3 340 a violation of the laws of the Association, that he doesn't get left altogether. The experi­ laylor, 2b... 4 ^ 1 5 4 2 Collins, cf... 3 1 0 000 and will act accordingly. So. don't worry, 01' Chris Von dcr Ahe. He recently In­ ence of Tommy Lovptt and Scrappy Joyce In the NAH AI-KIL 11. Phenomenal batting was vited I->er Boss President to get out of 'liold-out' line should be food for serious reflec­ ttevtleiaen. OI.P* *r responsible for the overwhelming defeat of Well,., lb....3 116 10 Kennedy. »s5 0 1 2 20 young man, ~t>ut have confidence in the Trost, c...... 5 227 I O'llaller, rf... fi 13 11 ability of the executive official to make the game in this select language: "Ther* tion. " "Old Reliable Plater." OB!/ the Savannah base ball men in the first 21 we enough wealthy enthusiasts In thin And then our esteemed Cincinnati con­ practical w»j to replatc ruity a&4 Berte. se..... 6 31 II Flood, p...... 3 01 each member live up to the agreement to temporary proceeds to trample all over it­ worn knlTea, fork*, spoons, ttt.t game of the tea son, by a score of 17 to 6. In Pcuder,3b... 4 2 3 0 2 0 Brauu, p..... 2 0 1 010 the very letter. He'll do it, and won't city who will see that St. Louis is prop- qulckij done by dipping. Q m«ll«4 the field both teams showed fairly well, but Uuiler'd,p,rf3,, 2 2 0 OjSchabol, c.... 3 1 0 622 waste words about it. either. The umpires srly represented on ths diamond If Von self by enuuclattng an "anarchistic" wail metal. No experience, polishing. the wind was against good fielding and Total ...... 35 17 17 24 12 31 Total...... 38 fo 15 21 ft ? of the Southern Association this season iier Ahe will only retire. He should either for another contentious American Associa­ or machinerinery. Thick plate tt on4 Jo this or get a very swift move on hlm- tion as follows: open lion; IvtU Ii to 10 y*rt; fl broke up a good many good plays that Mobile ...... 0 250541 « 17 have seif." "There Is no doubt but that an elglit-club finish when taken from tho pUter. might otherwise have beeu made. The New Orleans...... 2 200311 1 10 BEEN EMPOWERED league Is the proper size, but the fact remains Evnrj fucilj tiu plating t* do. Earued runs Mobile 9, New Orleans 8. Two-base by President Nicklin to make As a rule, the wealthy enthusiasts who PUter Belli readily. Frith* Urg*. core by innings: short work go Into base ball never cut much of a that the closest and most excltiner championship W. f. HarrUoa A Co. Columbus. O, bits Uuderwood, Taylor, Flood. Three-base bils of all belligerent players who don't know race !u the history of the national Rnnie was Savannah ...... _ 1 3000010 1 6 Trost. Gettin^er, Haller. Home runs Csmpau 2. figure. It is not the size of a man's bank Cbaricnton ...... 22141620 1-17 when to stop kicking or jawing at that rail that makes him a successful magnate, played In a twelve-club or^aniziitlon. The Amer­ Two- Sacrifice hits Gettinger, Kiuirr, Wells, Pender, Cam- much-abused ofiioial. Last season the ican Association in 18X4 had 12 clubs, and such a Earned runs Charleston 13, Savannah 4. pan. Stolen bases York 3, Dowle 2, Knorr, Trofit, although his willingness to "unloosen" base bl!s Clarke, I'ulhemus. Three-base hit- amount of fines paid Into the treasury of race for pennant honors was never witnessed. Bcrte, Pender, Canjpau. Double plays Peuiler, may help to jolly him along. Domino ap- The Metropolitans, then In the heyday of their STRICTURE .STiSi. "Welch. iJouble plays Peeplei, Laroque, Welch; the League was sufficient to materially jiears to assume that getting together a Sirirture cames obstruction to tin- Mow of urine, partial Taylur. Wells; York. Trost. First ou balls Ofl Un­ reduce the monthly pay-roll of the different glory, won the pennant by an eye lash, with closing of the pastitgu, gleet prostuiic irritation and cularg*. Beard, Wentz. Sieble. Struck out By C'ain 4, by derwood 4, off Knorr 2, off Flood 1, i.ff Braun 2. Hit ball team is ouly a matter of dollars and BUckhurn 2. First OD balls Blackburn C, Cain S, clubs when settling with the players. This Columbus, St. Louis, Louisville, Athletics and meiit, bearing down uncaldini? of uriue mucous IIUC»]»TK««. by pitcher Wells. Struck out Underwood, Kuorr cents; that all one has to do is to go out Cliicinnatis so close up that a blanket would Ion of power, and ca:arru of bladder. Treatment safe aftl Fepper2. Umpire Couelly. Time 2.30. year Nickliii has instructed his staff of um­ S, Flood 3, Braun 2. Passed balls Troet 2. Wild pires that, should a player, after being into the open market and buy up a lot of luivo covered them all. Oh, for another pen­ palate... NQ op ERAT | ON . Ditch Flood. Umpire \vlTtetrr. Time 2.30. once warned repeat the offense, lie should players just as the careful housewife pur­ nant race like the Asosriution fight of 1S.S4! No loss of time. No foih r<;. Certaiu cure. Book Free. Games Played 4pri112. NASHVILLE vs. MEMPHIS AT NASH­ chases her eggs. Probably "Domino" Ther» would be so much money In base ball EMPIRE MKD1CAL CO., Box 110 M, Boston, Mast, flne him $5, and if he then again gets in­ would discover the dlffere:u'o if he wei« that the clubs would have to double their NEW ORLEANS vs. MOBILE AT NEW OB- VILLE APRIL 13. The game was an excit- subordinate he should put him out of the clerical fores to count it." LEANS APRIL 12. This was the first shut 'iig and interesting one, and was Memphis' game without more ado. This will act as ontrustcd with, say IfftO.oOO, and told to a sort of damper to the spirits of some go ahead and ge-t together a winning teaui INSTRUCTIONS given how to win out championship game of the season, the up to the end of the seventh inning, the for St. Louis. The chances are that, even home team being unable to bunch its hits score then standing 4 to 3 in favor of the of those blustering bomb-proof buccaneers ANOTHER FATALITY. who find such excessive delight in in­ after spending that money, his club would on Anderson. Wells scored the only run on visitors. In the first half of the eighth not finish in the first division. The evolu 1 $500,00 WEEKLY his cessant altercations with the diamond A Ball Player Killed by a Swing of double and Trost'e single. The score: Nashville jumped on to LaCournge and dignitaries. tion of championship teams Is a slow pro- or more on horse racing. Absolutely MOBILE. AB.n. B. P. A. Kj W. ORLF.s'S. AB.R. 8. P. A.B pounded out seven runs, winning the game. LINE HITS. cess, and the St. Locls cranks must pos­ the Bat. certain. Address JOHN H. MURHPY, Yc.rk. cf...... 3 0 0 I 0 OC«mps>u,lf...4 '> 1 2 00 The score by innings: "Sandow" McDirmott wrote Nicklin that sess their souls in patience. Mr. Von o>r Albany, N. Y., April 14.-John H. Far- 1012 Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska. Geltingxr, If3 0 1 1 1 1 D.mie, 31.... 401 2 10 Nashville...... 0 1200007 3 13 It would be impossible for him to offi­ Ahe is doing as well as can be expected rcli, aged 16, was instantly killed while Uriderw'd,tf3 0 0 0 1 0 Whlsllor, Ib 4 0 0 810 Memphis...... 200100120 6 ciate at the opening games at Savannah, under the circumstances. playing ball yesterday afternoon. Farrell TH.vl<.r, Sli... 4 0 1 3 -' Koat, 20...... 4 - 012 " 4- 0» Hit» Nashville 14, Memphis 7. Errors Nash­ owing to the sudden serious illness of was just finishing a home run, aud as he W.lls, Ib.... 4 1 1 12 Kennedy, »4 010 3 1 ville 4, Meni).hls 5. Batleries Borchers and Stal­ his brother, which would cause his ab­ was crossing the plate William Fitzgerald, Trost, c...... S 0 1 9 1 GColliiM, cf... 3 Oil 1 0 ling*, Lacoarage and bol&u. Enforcing the Limit. 'ONLY A GIRL!" Brrte,ss...... 2 000 3 0 Flood, rf...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 sence for the next tea days. Nicklin 1m- President Mnruanr, of the New England League, who was at the bat and failed to sec him, e,$l liii.U A I. IKK A CO.. 10:1 . Uhlan i Ave , Chicago Fender, 3b..2 000 2 0 Sthsebel.. c.. 2 0 1 1 0 .medlately wired J. C. Conlay, at Atlanta, refused to approve a contract of Stafford, of tbs swung the tat around with terrific force, 20 Games Played April 14. to report at Savannah and open the sea­ bitting Farrell on the side of the head. Atidcrson, p 3 0 0 1 40 Brauu, p..... 3 0 1 1 Lewistons, that called for $85 per month. In His jawbone was broken and part of it Total...... 2f I I 27 13 1 Total.....32 0 8 24 13 1 CHARLESTON vs. ATLANTA AT CHARLES­ son there, and his work was first class. tola connection it Is inter^sti'is to know that LAmES SmdlOo. fer''likbllib1e B»fr^"H"(*» 0010000 0 1 O. Smith and Truby, of Memphis, are Manager Louis l?aeon offered Stafford $200 ppr forced into the brain. Farrell dropped dead ui*liclDe, no d«*ptiou) j juit vhtvt JOU irnnl. S«Dfla Mublle...... 0 TON APRIL 14. This was a slugging game both lauding on the ball hard ami often. at" the feet of Fitzgerald without a cry. MARRIED pUin»Ml«dwt.\piMr. Lt>dlMBuM',KAnHuCitj^Bte l*ew Orleans...... 0 0000000 0 0 in which the home team excelled. Only month to go to Providence last year and the offer Earued run Mobile. Two-base bits Collina, Lew Whistler has signed to play first for was refused, yet n Lowlston paper slates that The coroner will hold an impiest, but will seven innings could be played owing to this player is to receive $150 or less this season. not have Fitzgerald arrested, as he be­ Wells. Double play G.'ttlnner, Wi-lln. First on New Orleans, and Hernmn Collins, a young 1C MADDlCn o* "boat to tw, read " lialls Off Audersou 1, off Brauu 4. Sacrifice Lite darkness. The score: outfielder, ol Coluiubua, O., has signed tUA contract tthows that. Bostoa Globe. lieves U purely accidental. IF MMJInBCU w 8 THE SPORTHSTQ April

Glnnis four tjmet in tv, enty-minutcs, catcli- as-catch-can, and succeeded. Athletic Director Lathrop, of Harvtrd, has chosen the following men on the Mott BILLIARD TABLES. Haveu team to go to the tralrlng table: Whittren, '95; Storrs, '96; Meiril, '94; The Brimswick-Balke-Collender Company, Bingham, '95; Hill, '94; Hollister, '97; Manufacturers of Lakln, '94; Coolidgo, '95; Garcelon, L. S.; Jameson, '95;, Putnarn, '96; Stlckney, '97; Billiard, Pool and Combination Tables. rhillipi, '97; Bloss, '94; Wheelwright, '94; Elliott, '95, and Holmes, '96. Importers of and Wholesale and Retail Dealers Iti A. B. Coxe, of Orange, N. J., has offered BILLIARD MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. a silver loving1 cup for competition at MAIN OFFICES: 800 Broadway, New York; Nos. 4, 6, 8, 1O and l» W. 6th St., Cincinnati Yale this spring to candidates for the Nos. 263 and 305 Wabash Ave., Chicago; No. 113 8. 4th St., St. I.ouiJ track athletic team in the sprluts. Trial contests will be held semi-weekly, and the winner will receive the cup In June. Coxe 1002 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. NEW MOVE IN COLLEGE ROWING. graduated from Yale in '87, and was un­ 4^-Braocb offices and salesrooms in all principal cities. JI. J, BERGMAN, til last year the intercollegiate champion Harvard Varsity to Have a Rival in hammer thrower. Word has been received at Bockville, an Eight Picked Prom Class Crews. Conn., that Steve Farrell, the local sprin­ At last a Harvard 'Varsity manage­ ter, has won t'he Easter 100-yard handicap ment has come to see the advisability In England. Farrell won the Sheffield han­ All Records Beaten! of paying attention to men outside the dicap a month ago, being the only Ameri' can to twice win the event. His trainer OUR GRAND SPECIAL WATCH OFFER. immediate 'Varsity squad. There is to writes that cash prizes and wagers to the be a new and interesting arrangement amount of $15,000 have been won by Far­ Ladies or Gents Valuable Solid Finished Watch Absolutely Freel with regard to crew work. rell during his present three months' trip Our paper has met wiih such gratifying suppurt that we have decided TO There is more interest in the class to England. SEND TO KACH ONK of tho first five persons who cut out tills announce­ boat races than in any other Interclass ment and Bend it to us with 26 cents, {postage stamps, postal note or mouey event at Harvard. The teams order), for 6 months subscription to HOMES AND HEAKTHS, u handsome all train SOLID GOLD FINISHED WATCH, at regular training tables. It is a big (Either Larlfeft* or G«nts'), thing to win the final two-mile struggle. ABSOLUTELY FREE. This year that race will take place May Onr previous premium offers of bcu-ks, fl< wer seeds, etc., bare jrfven tli* 10, one week later than usual. greatest satisfaction, but we kuow that this offer of an eieg«nt watch free will advantage of 242 points in favor of the In addition to this race, however, there meet with prompt and univei&il favor, aud there H no icasnn why YOU, former, or so many points against Carter. will be two other mile races ou other reader, should not secure (bis handsome present, bv cutting Ibia offer out and Yet we find at the conclusion of the sec­ days beUyeen all the class crews, until eendln" It lo ns at once witb your subscription ami 2G cents, HS ntntod ab'>ve. ond night's playing that Carter scored 460 the captain of the 'Varsity can pick out Specify whether you wish gents' <-r ladies' size; B n1 ala" STATE WHETHER to 400 for Eames, with the former but YOU WILL ACT AS AGKNT FOR THE SALE OF THE WATCH 182 behind Mr. Eames. In other words, the most promising men. From all the \ TO OTHERS WHEN YOU HAVE RECEIVED YOURS. Carter made 60 points more than Eames, class crews eight men will be picked HOMES AND HEARTH* is an attractive 16-pa«e monthly, with oriRiniil and reduced his score to a wtuning point and set to rowing together in a 'Varsity Illustrations; absorbing oiixinal sturies; special

  • -lT'TTl t an average of over -b -bt±!j J±i I CIE 1^ /^ ^^llvC^Bnl acrlptiou at once! ^ddrfrsa D, while Eames' ave­ the college crew, in distinction from the He Wins the Tiixedo rage was 7 2-8. This Is mighty good balk 'Varsity. About June 1, just before the Handicap by a HOMES AND HEARTHS PUB. CO., 21 Park Row, New York. line billiards for short-stop players, and 'Varsity leaves for New London, the Notable Score. proves conclusively that if Mr. Carter Is The second renewal not a match for Eames he would make "Varsity and*college crews will row a of the Tuxedo things very stiff race on the Charles. handicap began April 13 at the pictur­ CHAIN A^CHARM FREE WITH ETBBT WATCH. iuterestlug, if not very hot, esque grounds in the Ramapo Moun­ CDCC *«« "t «<>w pu- NEW ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIP. for such experts as Dodds and Burris. This new move is being greatly rnLC **d *fttch to evtiry It would, of course, be to the interest of praised by the general undergraduate tains, seven crack shots, representative CBMBW reader of this papsr. billiards Iu New England and all over Viody, for it is expected of New York and Philadelphia, par­ Cut tbla oot and send U to us with The Series Between Fred Eamcs and the country to have Carter defeat that the 'Var­ your fall name and address, and w* Eames, sity will be more careful and steady in ticipating. At the close of the day each -C will send you one of these elegant, George B. Carter. simply because Eames Is regarded as the I-* its training, if it has the prospect of a man had shot at 50 birds, and George richly jrwcltd, gold finished watchei Fred Eames and George K. Carter be­ better player of the two, although it must Work, of the Westminster Kennel Club, $ by express for eiainlnation, and it be confessed that so far there is but possible defeat by a crew picked from you think it is equal In appearinc* to gan their billiard match for 1200 points little differeuce, while the class crews. The 'Varsity will was the leader with 47 killed, his near­ any $25.CO gold watch pay our sample and the championship of New England it really looks as price, $3.50, and It la youra. We at ad If In point of nerve Carter est opponent being L. S. Thompson, of with at Murray & Irwin's, in Boston, April is the strive not to suffer any such defeat as the watch our guarantee that master expert. The paper which we have the Yale 'Varsity did at the hands of the Carteret Gun Club, who killed 46 you can return it at any time within 11. The former came out with a long seen does not refer to the attendance on out of 50. Edgar Gibbs Murphy, of one year If not satisfactory, and If lead on tho first leg by playing a fine, the second night, but such masterly the Yale Freshmen in a two-mile race you sell or cause the sale of six w« bil­ in New Haven Harbor. the Larchmont Gun Club, and Charles wtll glv* you One Free. Write at teady game. Eames' game delighted liards, even on a toy table, deserved a Macalester, of the Philadelphia Gun BOXERS MAY FORM A LEAGUE. once, aa we stuH B»nd out iample* the experts. There was no gallery bil­ packed house, and there is no doubt that This fresh incentive is just what the for 60 Java only. Address the attendance will be very large on the 'Varsity crew needs. But a more im­ Club, were tied for third place. The THE NATIONAL rYVF'O liards, one twice-across-the-table effort in scores were: Benny Williams Planning to Divorce & IMPORTING CO., the middle of the game closing night, for it Is not often that portant step is the interest that is being 83i Dwrbcrn St.. Chicicro. IlL being the only Boston or any other city can witness so shown in the men from the class crews. George Work 1 0202 21302 122 This Sport From the A. A, U. risky shot. All through the scoring his Interesting a contest as that of the sec­ 22 -22111 21222 22222, 212 cue work was marked by a beautiful This extra work, this extra development 2212122 22212 1222 2 Killed, As an outcome of the disagreements ond night. 47; missed, 3. jetween the Columbia Athletic Club and at h«r tnyttcrlec. ERecti of a apoiUtiK lift. 9Ck caugo of force, which necessarily made The playing on the third night was un­ on their part, speaks well for good p»pe book for m*n; 27 picture* 11 full-pkg« eM his runs a study doubtedly such as to convince all that 'Varsity material next year. L. S. Thompson^ 2222 22022 220 the Metropolitan Association of the Am­ eravmici, tru« to life. Pont piM forlftc in lUmpJ in "position" play of 2 0, 2 2 2 2 2 2222222012 22222. ateur A PEEP . 101 W. Oth St., KM. CUT. "ft the first order. His best run of 100 in Eames U the better expert of the two. 122212221212222. Killed, 46; Athletic Union over the schedul- his 18th inning was a handsome nest of Not that he played his game, but In having Long Island Oarsmen Meet. missed, 4. ,ng of dates for the boxing tournament failed to (to so, and having won, after a B. S. Murphv-1 0222 12022 12222, :ield in Februray at tho Grand Central FREE, too ladiea and points, practically all of them being most wretched scoring for Six of the eight boat clubs comprising 01220212211212222221 gents want correspondents made on what may be characterized practically half the Long Island Rowing Association were Palace, which resulted in the suspension tho game, he simply won because he could 22220 01222 21212. Killed, 44; of the GUNNELS' MONTHLY, TOLEDO, OHIO. as open "nursing," without relying on not lose. There are various ways of test­ represented at the annual general meeting, missed, 6. Columbia Club, B. C. Williams held at the Seawanhaka Club House, Bed­ C. A. Macalester 0 2021 las made a new move. the tricks of balk-line nurse, or, on the ing the abilities of experts, and this was ford 10222 102 other hand, on feather-edged handling. one of them. Eames was away off in his avenue, Brooklyn, April 16.' Ihe 10, 21112 10122 22211, 111 Mr. Williams, as vice president of Mass., 120 pounds, for a purse offered playing, but Carter principal business was the election of of­ 222211 1 1 12211112. Killed the Columbias and chairman of the by the Score: was more so, or could ficers for the ensuing year and making ar­ 44; missed, 6. Nashui Social Club, Haugh was de­ Eames-8 7 9 IS 14 1 not take advantage of the situation. There Athletic Committee of the New York clared the wiuner. Both men were fresfi 15 7 4 0 0 10 28 2 0 7 is rangements for the annual regatta, which It. A. Welch-1 0222 120212111 at tho close. « 100 3 5 IS 0 7 13 62 8 1 4 1 9 23 11 2 11- nothing new to be learned from this. It is to take place on July 28, on Flushing 2 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 1220222211210 Athletic Club, takes the position that Haugh forced the fighting, 400. simply proves that In the end the best man 02212 11101, 22211. Killed, 43; he Amateur Athletic Union is not capa­ keeping McNulty on the defense. Carter 3 S42101083003S100392 is bound to win. Mr. Eames made runs missed, 7. It is said that Joe Choynskl will become 80280806718713 of 41, 35, 30, 42, 51 and 25, when he found The clubs sending delegates were Nau­ ble of governing boxing on the large 37-158. tilus, Nereiis, Flushing, Crescent, Varuna N. C. Reyonl 1 2202 02220 22202 scale it has attempted, and he favors a resident of Cincinnati and abandon the Averages Eanies, 11.76; Carter. 4.79. Highest that he could not lose, while Carter and Seawanhaka, J. G. Tighe, Varuna 22220 2222222221 2222202 ring. The story is that Joe Is in love with. runs Eames, 100, 02; Carter, 37, 21. Referee made runs of 18, 19, 19, 38 aud 27. The B. 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 2. 2 0 0 1 2. Killed, 40; missed, the organization of a separate league of a pretty girl, and that is the only condi­ John 1m ID. victor's C was elected president; W. T. Tileox, 10. average was 8 2-3, and the loser's Nereus B. C., vice president, amateur boxers for the proper manage­ tion upon which she will consent to marry Thursday night, the 12th, was a fraction over 3. On- the whole we should and J. S. Fred Hoey-2 0022 22022 22222 ment of the sport. He is preparing him. Joe is perfectly willing, but wants Carter's Teed, Seawanhaka B. (.'., secretary and 00022 2 2112 22021 22202 a night. Eames continued iu bis 34th in­ consider Mr. Eanies a first-class State ex­ treasurer. The Regatta Committee are K. circular which will be sent in a few one more fight. It is said this is the story pert, a man who Is not McLaughlin's 20022 02122. 20012. Killed, 36; hack of the challenge to fight anybody iu ning at the opening of play, finding tho equal, but who H Pelton Seawauliaka; B. L. Fowler, missed, 14. days to the leading athletic clubs balls in a perfect nursing position at might be able to play him Flushing; K. Schellcnberg, Nautilus; 1. SUMMAUT. throughout the country asking them to the world, barring Corbett and Jackson. for money. Carter probably ranks as an The Twin City Athletic bout the »pot. He added 23 to the expert with Dodds aud Burris, which is H. Sayre, Crescent, and A. B. Pruyden, Right Left Dead join with him in organizing such a Club, of Minne­ ile of 11 h« had gathered on Wednes- proof Varuua. Quar- Quar- Drlv- Incomv Called Out of league. apolis, has offered a purse for a fight be­ that this country still has many Neme. terers. terers. «rs. ere. Birds. Bounds. tween "Solly" Smith and "Tommy ' Dlx- Say. Carter found 13, and then both good players who should be encouraged, Work. ..11 24 11 4 0 2 Mr. Williams has been in correspon- on, the featherweight champion of Can­ had bard luck for a fsw innings. Boston has now been heard from, aud to Do the Rowing Magnates Object? Thomps'n.12 22 11 B 2 1 dece with the secretary of the Ama­ ada. Dixon is willing to bet .$500 on the Carter woke up In his 12th, making the credit of that city. The next in order It Is stated in New York aquatic circles Murphy..15 18 10 8 1 1 teur Boxers' League of England, an or­ outside, the men to weight-in at 118 Is Pittsburg, aud it is to be hoped that Maeal't'r.lO 17 17 8 4 pounds six 44 beauties, and again in his 22d, when the tournament there will not fall through. that the National Association of Amateur 4 ganization on the lines of the one he hours before the fight. The he found 85 by gtraightout, handsome Oarsmen aud other rowing organizations Welch...12 19 12 7 7 1 wants to form. The proposition Is favorably regarded by Smith, SIMON WASP. may reject New York A. C. entries if the Ke.vnel. .12 IB 15 8 3 4 secretary writes and the match is likely to become a fixture balk lino billiards. The run was greeted Hoey. ..11 11 17 11 1 6 that under its system there is never any xrith a prolonged shout. Carter's whole club continues to recognize Eugene J. for May or June. Stock's Room Closed. Giannini as a member in good standing. On Saturday, April 14, the sport was trouble to keep out professionals or in After being buffeted about on the waves play was notably steadier than before, A few mouths ago he succeeded George brought to a close under favorable con­ regulating the affairs of the tourna­ of adversity for the past six months, the and tho buttons piled John Stock's billiard room, on Glrard up fast. Score: avenue near Sixth, has been closed. This Goldie as professor of physical culture to ditions. George Work kept up his re­ ments. He has sent a copy of the con­ big sporting club of Providence, R. Eames-28 00 80 11 2600S 10 806001 room, if we are not mistaken, is the sec­ the club, and he is now engaged in couch­ markably cool, steady shooting all stitution and by-laws to Mr. Williams, I., known as the Metropole, with 0 1 3 0 10 18 4 2 10 80 0 8 43 84 0 30 6 3 0 2 ing the oarsmen at Travers Island. a four-story home on Aborn street, 9 4 2 20 8 1 4 0 10 0 17 10 1 11 1-400. ond to close in this city under the plea through tho contest, and come out an who will use them as a model in outlin­ of not having a bar, the first being Mc­ Secretary John C. Guliek, N. Y. A. C., ing an American society has been leased for a term of Carter 18 302 37 0030 10 9 440 16 29 was seen at the club house last night by easy winner, being five birds ahead. He to cover the ten years. The gymnasium with It! 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 3 2 2 6 31 0 16 2 19 0 1 0 12 33 Laughlin's, on Ninth street, above Mar­ finished the contest by making sport. ket, a place which never should a "Sun" reporter. He was not aware that tho ex­ ring for boxing will be retained, but tho 0 S 8 13 620138 22 15 0 17-460. have been the matter had been debated among the cellent score of 9ti killed, 4 missed, three swimming tank and the baths will ATernges Eames, opened as a billard room. As a matter of bo 7.CO; Carter, 9.02; for both members, and had heard nothing cfHolril of which died out of bounds. L. S. MR. BOWDEN abolished. It is stated tho club will blos­ olehM, Bames, 9.41; Carter, 7.36. Highest runs fact, McLaughlin's Ninth street room was or otherwise, from the rowing AGAIN. Bamc«, 43, 34; Carter, 85, 44. Total-Earnes, not a billiard room in any sense of the authori­ Thompson, Charles A. Macalester and som out in due season as a first-class ath­ SCO; Carter, 618. Referee John word, but a pool room. It was opened at ties on the subject. He said that Profes­ Edgar G. Murphy, Jr., shot a He Rises to letic institution. Irwln. sor Giannini is still ou the regular mem­ tie for Remark That the Cor- Fred Eames more than held his own a time wheu pool could practically be second money. In the shoot off at ten bett-Jaokson Fight Will plaved for bers' roll of the club. Occur in In the, final game in his match with nothing In this city. This new birds, Macalester and Murphy again Jacksonville. George Carter on night of April 13, in venture on the part or McLauKhlic, which shot a tie, and agreed to divide second was against the wishes of his best friends, Ripples. J. E. T. Bowden, ex-manager of the a contest with very few features. Eames cost hiin^^M^tlilusnnd dollars. Stock's money. Score: piayed in excellent form, The captains of the Harvard class crews C. Work 2 2121 22112 12212 old Dnvnl Athletic Club, says that the aud ran up 400 *^R"'>V«Ht. Tho location 22 Corbett-Jackson fight will come points while Carter was making 21ii* went there have changed the dates of the class races. 12022222211211111 12 1222 off in was not only The one-mile contests will be rowed on 1112212221. Missed, 1 killed. 49. Jacksonville some time in December Eames won ths mach by a score good, but as a matter of fact Is quite as I/. good, if not better, at the present day, than April 24 and 28, and the two-mile race on S. Tbomiison-O 1112, 22222, 221 next. He adds that be knows of tho to 883. The summary: May 10. 0222122221222220222220 move made E«mes-l, 1, 0, 8. 9. 0, 2. in. 0. 40. 7, 0. It was then. Mr, Stock, however, lacked 2 2 2 2 2, 2 2 2 2 2, 2 2 2 0 2. Missed, 0; to secure it here, but that 4, 11 8S 9, 0, 1, 1!. HO, 42, 14, 0, 2, 2, 7, the money which Is necessary at present, The Harlem Rowing Club will endeavor killed, 45. he isn't in it. The parties concerned, 4 7, 12, 10 1, 0, 0, 14, 2. 0, 0, 0, 1, 61, 1, or at any time to manage a room or any to turn out a senior eight-oared shell crew C. A. Macalester 2 2122 22222 222 lie says, can carry it through, aud will 28, 15. 3, 1. Total 400. -other business. It is absurd to suppose for the Harlem regatta. Amcng the crew 11 12202 22222 02222 21102 offer a big purse. Hlgl) runs 51, 42, 40. that any man can enter business at the will be James Pillungton, stroke; J. E. Na- 2212121211 21211. Missed, 3; There is now no law in Florida to Qtrtw 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 7, «, 1, 18, 19. 0, present day without having capital. Any gle, J. Heraty, F. Mase, aud other tried killed. 47. 9, 0, 2, 5. 10. 4, 2, 7, I, 9, E. S. Murphy 2 2222 21211 21121 prevent it, he says, and the parties who 1, 9. 3, 9, 9. man with capital can make money iu men. CHICAGO CRICKET ASSOCIATION 19, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1. 1, .0, 1, 10, 12. 0, 1, 0, 38, 27, Stock's recent location. The man who has The Reading, Pa., Boat Club has elected 21220 l'l222 22112 20222 have it in charge know this. He added 6, 6, 11. Total 265. not the money to keep the room in first t'he following officers: President, F. E. 22210 22222 22222. Missed, 3; that Brady tried to get him interested High runs 38, 27, 10. Stetter; killed. 47. in the Schedule Arranged For the Pennant Grand totals Eames, 1200; Carter. 883. class condition must fall there or any­ vice president, Harry M. Babb; B. A. Welch 2 2012 21122 21122 matter, but, said he, with a laugh: At'cmges on niglit's play Eatuts, 8 82-46: where else. That is all there is of It. corresponding secretary, S. M. Fisher; 21221222211220221112120 "I've had enough of bossing and will Competition Officers Elected. Carter, 5 40-45. Robert Leinster Fitzgerald, the youngest treasurer, William Driscoll; captain, Chas. 211111102100. Missed, 5; killed, 45. not go in with others. I know more The Chicago Cricket Association met Grand averages Eames, 9 30-130; Carter, 6 son of the late Colonel Fitzgerald, died Wesley, and lieutenaut, C. Frederick Ficht- SUMMARY. now than I did then." in this city on the 5th inst. horu. last week at the Grand Pacific Hotel 100-129. The notice of Left liight In- Dead Harry Mason, president of the old and elected the following officers: Presi­ Highest runs Eauies, 100; Carter, 88. young Fitzgerald's death does not give his The Mutual Rowing Club, of Buffalo, has Qunr- Quar- Drlv- Com- Called out at club, rather scouts at the idea, but says age, but he was probably between thirty chosen these officers: President, William Name. tere. ters. era. ers. Birds. B'nds dent, J. P. Jaffray; first vice president, and thirty-live. "Bob" Fitzgerald, as he H Drlseoll; vice president, John T. Moon- Work ..... 8 21 17 4 1 1 he has a man who will put up forty F. Wild; second vice president, Comment Upon the Match. was best known to the roomkeepers of this ey; recording secretary. James F. Boland; Thompson . 14 15 27 4 1 2 thousand for a purse. The Law and Or­ D. S. Lee; secretary-treasurer, J. Duke. The opening game of the three nights' city, aud to the men about town, is proba­ financial secretary, John Collins; treasurer, M.wilester 16 12 15 7 0 2 der people are already taking steps to The Chicago Cricket and Athletic Club contest in Boston between bly forgotten at the present day, even by James Cullen; captain, William P. Sulli­ Murphy ... 15 8 27 B 3 2 fight the project if it should get any Eames and Welch .... 15 16 11 9 2 0 was admitted to membership. The sche­ Garter was played on the night of the most rboirkeerers, alhongh it has been van; lieutenaut, William Lauipshlre. further. dule for the pennant competition was ar­ llth inst, and attracted a large attend­ but a comparatively brief period stnc> his The Passnlc River Amateur Rowing As­ FINAIy SITMMARY. In an interview sent the "Florida Cit­ well-known figure and genial smile were sociation has decided to levy assessments . De:id Out of ranged as follows: ance notwithstanding the fact that the as familiar ns it was welcome everywhere. Bound. Missed. Killed. izen" Governor Mitchell says decidedly liny 19 Wanderers v«. Pullmans; Chicago! of $50 upon each of the clubs comprising Work ...... 3 4 96 that not April blizzard raged there, just as sum­ The brief life of this youngster Is full of the association, for the purpose of de­ another prize fight shall take vs. Alblons. mer heat in March favored (?) the open- sadness. Th< se who knew him best, and Thompson ...... 3 0 81 place on Florida soil. "As soon as I am May 20 Pullmans TO. Chlcogos; St. George* fraying the expenses of the regatta to be Murphy ...... 3 9 91 vs. Alblons. Ing of the tournament In this city last who watched the llfo which is now a held at Newark on Muy 30, aud to award Macalester ..... 6 convinced that these people really mean thing of the past, will have 9 91 June 2 Wanderers vs. Chlcagos; Pullmans TS. month. Even the summer heat of the nothing but gold watches as prizes in all senior shell Welch ...... 1 12 88 business," said he, "I will call the Legis­ fai. Georges. first night did not prevent a large at­ sympathy for the surviving brothers, over events. lature together and endeavor to have June 0 St. Georges vs. Wanderers; Pullman* tendance on the second evening here, the untimely death of a bright and gifted The Nereus Rowing Club, of Flushing, A BIG KVENT. laws passed that they cannot evade." vs. Alblons. and it is more than probable that the man. ______L. L, has elected these new officers: Pres­ The Governor means business, as he Juno 16 Wanderers vs. Alblons; Cblcagos v». ident, James Breath; vice president, F. Some Grand Shooting St. Georges. blizzard will greatly aid the attendance to be Provided hnsn't yet got over the game they June 23 Pullmans of the Caroms. Guild- secretary, F. L. Wood; treasurer, at Riverton. played him the last time. vs. Wanderers; Alblons v«i Boston contests. Summer heat in A son and daughter of the late John John Schmelzer; captain, W. F. 'Wilcox; Cblcagos. winter is practically not felt until the Keane died recently. first lieutenant, D. C. Beard; board of One of the greatest shooting events of June 30 Cblcagos v«. Pullmans; Alblons ?». spectators are crowded together in a the St. Georges. A private residence at Ambler has been trustees E. C. Wood. G. W. Seaman, J. season will take place next month Shoulder Hits. July 7 Cblcagos vs. Wanderers; St. George* hall; then it becomes very serious. To W. Wood. E. D. Willls aud M. F. Covet t, at the Hiverton Gun Club grounds, as attend a billiard match, however, during furnished with a B.-B. C. table which Billy Madden is no longer manager of vs. Pullmans. a raging b'lzazrd cost the best part of $1000. The Racine Yacht Club, of Milwaukee, will be gleaned from the following pros­ "The Cyclone," Fred Morris. July 14 Wanderers vs. St. Georges, Albion* is yuito a different thing The Wistar brothers, the millionaire has elected the following oflicers: Commo­ pectus sect out by tho club: \s. Pullmans. the Bpectnlors are all right after they Peter Mahcr is looking for a match with July bachelors, who died recently at Atlantic dore, Wallace Easson; vice commodore, Ed. HIVERTON GUN CIXB ANNUAL CHAMPION George Godfrey, Choyuski or Steve O'Don- 21 Alblons vs. Wanderers; St. George* reach the hall, but the thing is to pie- City, were well known in local billiard Milstead; captain of the fleet, M. Mlokel- STAKES. vs. cbicagos. rail on them to go tb>re. The blizzard son; lieutenant of the fleet, Gus Sutine- The Riverton annual champion stakes ucll. July 28 Pullmans vs. Wanderers; Albiona In Boston, as a matter of fact, seems circles. "Honest" John Kelly Is still looking for vs. Chlcagos. Heading mann; secretary, A. C. Mlckclsou; treas­ will be shot on the grounds of the River- to have had no more terror to the public Is getting to be a very im­ urer, Gus Sunnemanu; measurer, John ton Gnu Club, Friday and Saturday, May that $1000 due him from the Duval Ath­ Aug. 4 Pullmans vs. Cbicagos; Albiona vff. of that city than the heat had here, and portant market for the sale of billiard 4 and 5, 1894, open to all members of the letic Club. St. Georges. yet tables. Three tables of the Brunswick- Wctherall. There ar« fourteen yachts in Aug. 11 Veterans' match. tho Boston contests were for $100 the fleet. following clubs: Ted Pritchard has refused the offer of AUK. is Chk'atjos vs. or $200 loss than the tournament played Balke-Collender make were shipped there Philadelphia Gun Club, Carteret Billy Madden to come to America and" Wanderers; St. George* a few days ago. Gun vs. Pullmans. ID this city, while the New England ex­ Club, Tuxedo Club, Larohuiont Yacht Club, fight Frank Craig, the Harlem Coffee Aug. 25 Wanderers vs. St. Georges; Pullman* perts are not half so well known as tho Charles Dawson defeated John Roberts, Valley Gun Club, Westminster Kennel Cooler. vs. Alblons. experts who played In Philadelphia. It is the English billiard champion, In their re­ ATHLETIC NOTES. Club, Country Club, Washington Park James J. Corhett was named as a co­ Sept. 1 Wanderers vs. Albloas; Cblcagos vs. true that Eames and Carter may be ns cent match. Roberts was giving Dawson Club, New Utrecht Gun Club, Blooming respondent in tlie suit of Elizabeth M. St. Georges. well known in Boston aa McLnughlln, 9000 points start In 24,000, and was 741 The Pennsylvania Railroad Athletic As­ Grove Park Club aud the Rivertou Gun Johnson's husband for divorce in a San The matches will be played on the Burris and Dodds are in this city, but. be points behind when Dawson ran out. sociation has amalgauiamted with the Club. Francisco Court yesterday. Corbett says grounds of the first-named this ns it may, It is obvious to us that William Ching, at one time connected Railroad Y. M. C. A., at Forty-first street Conditions $50 entrance. 50 birds per he never knew or saw the woman. clubs. Tho there is a great opening in this country with Bullock's room iu this city, recently and Westminster avenue. man. Handicap rise, 25 birds at 50 yards Herman and Chandler fought seven fierce Pullman Club will, as usual, play at now for State tournaments or contests fell heir, through the death of his father, H. C. Lakin, '94; N. W. Bingham, '95; boundary, aud 25 birds at 30 yards bound­ rounds In a barn two miles southeast of Pullman, the Chicago Cricket and Ath­ of this character, just as was the case to $28,000. Mr. Chlng has not lost his H. R. Storrs, '90, and E. Hollister, '97, ary. 50 per cent, and Riverton Challenge Kockford, III., April 15, Iu the presence letic Club at Parkside, the Wanderers at fifteen, twenty or twenty-five years ago, brains, although he did invest In a bicycle. have been appointed captains of the class Plato to winner, 25 per cent, to 2d, 10 per of « crowd of Kockford sporting men. Thirty-ninth street and Wentworth ave­ and that it is not necessary for every William Clearwater and Alfred de Oro athletic teams which contest for the class cent, to 3d, and 5 per cent, to 4th. Chandler was knocked out in the seventh nue, St. George Club at Fullerton ave­ *xpert to be a Schaofcr, Tves or Slosson finished their series of pool games In Cleve­ championships one week from next Mon­ Entries close May 1, 1804. iflO forfeit, round. nue, and the Albion Club will probably to command public sipport. All that Is land Saturday evening. Clearwater's score day. which will be added to the stakes U any H. Bernau, essential withdrawals. of Galveston, and Charles play in Douglas Park. Arrangements is to guarantee the Integrity of was 186 and De Oro's 150. The grand to­ Charles E. Coon, formerly asiistant sec­ Mot'h, of New Orleans, met in the ring for the president's cup competition will such contests, and the public may be tals were Clearwater, 1000; De Oro, 863. retary of the Treasury, last week tele­ By order of the Board of Governors. April 12, at Turner Hall, Galveston, for a relied on for very generous support. De Oro's challenge for another series for graphed to Washington from New York MONTRIEF CLELAND, Secy. purse of $500 and the heavy-weight cham­ be made later, as it is not known how The contests in Boston seem to be all $250 was accepted by Clearwater. City his resignation of the presidency of CONDITIONS OP THE RIVERTON CHALLENGE ionship of Texas. Moth was knocked out many of the clubs will place second f thla, and, like the recent tourcEment In London John Roberts and W. J. Peal], the Columbia Athletic Club of that city. PLATE. in the second round. elevens in the field. ere, will no doubt be rewarded to the Winner of this trophy must defend same £ the billiard champions, began a match of The resignation has been accepted. against all comers Tli« fight becwecn Stanton Abbott and entire satisfaction of all Interested. Tho 24,000 up (spot barred), at Birmingham, The Columbia College Track Athletic for one year. If lie Martin Denny, the light-weight champion playing on the opening night was, un­ on April 2, I'call being allowed a start of does not accept, the Challenge Plate must of Auatralii. who were to have met at Byes. fortunately, not calculated to make the Association will hold its nriutal spring be handed over to man sending same. Each 9000. Tho match was finished April 14, games on May 11. They will take piece match is to the National Sporting Club, May 21, for H. H. Castens, who is to captain the tournament a financial success. This was and resulted in favor of Peall. The score be shot on grounds selected i2(ft pounds a side, has been declared off, either owing to the good playing of Eatnes on the Columbia Oval, at Williamshridge. by holder of plate, and challenging party Sout'i Africcn cricket team to visit Eng­ at the close was: Peall, 24,000; Uoberts, The athletes will begin training under the must deposit $50 with the and Denny received forfeit. land this year, is an old Oxonian. or tho bad work of Carter, and we must 23,499. challenge, the "Billy" attribute It to the latter, although direction of J. W. Stone, who will fit the winner to take said money and the plate. Madden is trying to get "Pat" The Haddonfield Cricket Club has elect­ It was, Henry E. Dixey, who Is probably best men not only for the Columbia garr.es, Loser pays for the birds. Each match Raedv, the champion middle-weight of the ed the following officers for the present of course, no fault of his. Our old friend known to South, to fight Frank Craig. the Earno» is an "old offender" In playing the world as "Adonis," now but also for thoss with Prlnctton on May must be for WO birds per man, at 30 or "Harlem year: President, Joseph Alexander; vice playing in this city, has been seen but 19. 50 yards boundary. Plate to become the Coffee Cooler," on May 5. in Lenox Ly­ president, William J. Hamilton; treasurer, tlio role of a good expert. This is to his little here ceum. Kuedy, In his fight credit. In the Interest during the past few years. Daniel McLeod, the California wrestling property of the man holding it against with Elmer A. M. Batten; secretary, J. Wood Hunt; of the cortest, Dixey, like most actors, Is well known champion, was worsted In a catch-as- all comers for one year. Should there be Johnson, the Michigan champion, proved corresponding secretary. Murray C. Boyer; however, it Is to be regretted that the in the billiard himself to be result world. Actors, as a rule, catch-can at San Francisco, April 14, in a no challenges, it becomes his personal a great fighter. trustees, Frank L. Flthiiui, Oliver Gee, was not closer, although the play­ are as fond of billiards as billiard men match with Tom McMahone, of Detroit. property by forfeit. Rivertou Gun Club Charles Davis, alleged champion of the Eyre Mercer and Harry F. Pollock. The ing on the second night may be more are of the histrionics. One of these days McLeod agreed to throw McMabonc three Rules to govern. South, rfnd Paddy Moran, an unknown, present membership of the club Is 107, satisfactory In this respect. when we have the time we may devote times In an hour, but only succeeded In The following men will be handicapped fought a twcnty-seven-round draw April 15 comprising 74 no-live, 23 associate, 8 junior Of the artistic work of the experts, It Is a chapter to difficult to compare them with other mas­ the actors who have played throwing him twice. This is the second as follows, should they ei'ter: at Hopefield, Ark. The fight was for $2(10 and 2 contributing. ters of the game in billiards, but to do so it will be neces­ contest between the men, McLeod winning I, S. Thompson.... 301 Aubrey Gillingham.. 28 and the gate receipts, about $150. Duvis consequence of play- sary for us to go back from the days the first. George Work...... 301 Russell Tucker...... 28 weighed about 100 and Moran 140. Moran Ing ou a 4Vk*9 table, which even intelli­ hnd gent amateurs refuse to use. of Edmund or Edward Keeue to Adouls W. S. Weldon. Honorary Secretary of rreil Hoey...... 30| Seaver Page...... the host of the contest, but on ac­ How's This ! Eames' ave­ Dixey! ____ the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union, has Oias. Macalester,.. 30| Meredith Bailey count of darkness the fight was called a rage of over 11 shows that he might make written Itntit. A. Welsh... 30| Kiuinp ...... draw. We offer Ono Humired Polmrs Hi-ward for «ny cme things very lively for Helser, of N'cw York, Secretary Sullivan that the Cana­ onklelgh Thorne... 301 Clarence W. of Catarrn lhat caunot be cured by Hall'i Cutartb A plan dian championships this year will be held Dolan.. Stakeholder Davis, of the Columbia Thea­ or even McLaughlln, of this city. His best is on foot In Bloomfield, N. J., to T. S. Dimdo...... 30 Leonard Flnlcttcr... tre, has received from Jim Corbett the lat- runs were 100 and 62. Carter naturally organize an athletic association and build on September 29, and asked Mr. Sulllvau H. Yale Dolau..... 30 Prank B. Frishimith. tt 'e' F. J. CHENEY & Co., Prors., Toleilo. 0. to see that the dates of the clubs in New ter's third payment of the stake money We the undersized have known F. J. Client)' suffers Iu an effort to make a comparison an Inclosed ball grounds, race track, etc, F. U. Moore...... W. C. Downing.. for his mach with fur between him and Dodds, of Pittsburg, or The proposed grounds are to be situated York would not conflict, as he is anxious Capt. A. D. Money, Noel Money...... Peter Jacksou. The tho lait 15 yi-ars, and l'i-lieve him |i«fi-ctl.v honor­ to have New York athletes at the Canadian amount sent to Davis was $8000, and it able in all Ltlsinei* trmianctirus and financially able Burris, of this city, owing to the same near the railroad station, and many of the j. B. Ellison...., Juuhis H. Dnvis... came in the shape cause, that is, the imbecillity most prominent citizens of the place have championships. Ed. S. Handy, Jr... E. H. Godsliallt. ... of a certified check. to carry out nny obligation ma'ie by their flrm. displayed in I.ouis Duryea...... 29! .1. C. W. Frishinuth. The next and final payment of $3000 will WEST * TBVAX, Win lemle Dius!»l-ts. Toledo. O. tho matter of tho size of table. His best volunteered to subscribe for shares of tho Pat McHugn, of Fond du Lac, Wis., was be runs were 37 and 21, with an average of stock, and the promoters of the scheme de­ defeated by James McGlnnis, of Cincinnati, Dr. Wioue...... 28|W. W. Watrous.... made in May. Jackson's money will WAI.DIMJ, KINNAN & AliaviN, Wholesale Drug- nearly 6. The balls were left in a very clare that the grounds will be arranged Greaco-Koman style, at Cincinnati, April Any applications not included in this be posted on schedule time. gis's, Toledo, O. favorable position for Eames to commence at once. Among those interested In the 14. McHugli quarreled with Referee I.au- list will be handicapped on receipt of no­ In a 10-round contest at the Nashua Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken iuterivtUr acting on the second night. reposed organization are J. U. Wolven, lus. Lauius took off his coat. A fight was tice of iuteution to enter. Address all en­ Theatre, at Nashua, N. II., between Maxy directly upon (tie blood and uuicoiu surf toe*, of the . Higglns, VV. Jarvey, F. Uoangst aud reveuted by police interference. After tries or communications to Moncrlef Cle Haugh, of Brwklyn, the 116-pound cham- s)8!em. Price. 7nc. per bottle. Sold by all Diu^^Uts, The score at th# close of the first night g piou, anil Billy TeiU'uiouiala free. was 100 to 15S Iu favor of Eamcs, or aa others. -«-*«- --- _ EU defeat McHugb. offered to throw Mc­ laud, 31 South iLird gtrset, Philadelphia, McXultj, of Lawrence, .April THIS SPOBTHSTG

    than many growls and a few thanks. much he was indebted to me for the Under the present order of things this princely price he had sold his amateur­ U cot done, and I therefore advocate ism for? Had I bought it for a beg­ " We have in town, in con­ the plan I have outlined above. Will garly thousand dollars, as I might have the League accept the proposition? done, Fran.ce would long er« this have had tjj« mighty Zim without having to stant use, one of the earliest < Recognizing that racing to-day is a pay as heavily for the honor as she has. bus-iness for the men who ride, for those F. A. E. of Victor Bicycles, ordinary Victor who give rneeta, and fir those whose duty is it to govern same, I would carry No. 280. It has been run OHt tha principal of making the dane-tfs PRIZE BANKING BURSTED. pay the piper even further than I havs steadily for nine years. The sdvoeaUd in the foregoing item. The THE MILLENNIUM PLAN OF PURI- United States Government is not above FYINO AMATEURISM FAILS. rider is unable to purchase a registering a trade mark and charging Durability the owner of it a fee for its registra­ An Attempt to Allow the Pure Ama­ tion, so the League would be well sup­ safety and will run this ma­ plied with a precedent if it was to say teur to Have the Frosted Cake of to the festive one register your colors Amateurism in Addition to the chine until it all falls to pieces which are nothing but distinctive trade Penny of Professionalism Aban­ marks and pay for the registration, like the 'one hoss shay.' Just think of riding a too. Again right here the principle is in­ doned. volved that anything in a business way We point to it every day wheel for nine successive worth having is worth paying for, by the No greater proof of the correctness one who seeks it. The racing man of the views held by the "Cyclist," and as an evidence of 'Victor sta­ seasons. Rather telling evi­ should rightly be made to adopt a dis­ already set forth in these columns, could tinctive costume, the same as a jockey have been adduced than the crushing is forced to do, aud like the rider of the defeat which was the fate of the Eng­ bility.' dence of good bicycle ma­ horse, should have his colors protected lish prize-banking scheme. We give Mr. from other riders. This is an advan­ Hall every credit for having the best W. J. HBALEY CYCLE Co. terial and construction, is amount of rpaca which wonld have to tage to the public, the racing man, and interests of the sport in view in pro­ be so filled whether thay were acting as the promoter, and should be paid for as pounding the scheme, says the "Cyclist," Mitchell, S. D." it not? .'. an organ or not. There is somewhere such. The League's present color but, as we said in these columns a few CAUSER IE. in the plan I have outlined above the scheme is a rather vague one, so far as weeks back, it was absolutely opposed true solution of this much discussed it goes it is satisfactory, but, it does not to the spirit of true amateurism, and and much mixed organ question, and it go far enough. For instance in the the remarks of every speaker who crit­ MERE MENTION MADE OF MATTERS should not ba a very difficult thing to list of registered colors sent by the chair­ icised the scheme at the council meet­ discover for men as wise as the con­ man if the Raciug Board, I learn that ing bore out in every particular the INTERESTING AND OTHERWISE. trolling powe-rs of L. A. W. affairs are Mr. Wylie claims as his, an "old gold opinions wo have already expressed. ___We have greater facilities to-day for supposed to be. cap." Now it is but right and proper, Mr. Hall informed the meeting that he » * * perhaps, that a gentleman whose reputa­ had long lists of names of racing men building high grade bicycles than when Would There TCere More Like Him When I penned the item a few issues tion rests upon his "dead broke" record, all over the kingdom who had written to ago that the secret of successful ad­ should in consequence seek to get his rac­ him in support of the scheme, strings of vertising lay in condensation I did not ing colors down to a minimum, but real­ them, in fact, and.to make a rough guess ordinary No. z8o was turned out.______Organic Tronbles and Their Care expect Jake Bretz would follow that ly an "old gold cap" is carrying the mat­ from Mr. Hall's statements, we should advice to the extent that he did. Cer­ ter a bit too far. So long as Mr. Wylie imagine that quite one-half of the rac­ Brevity, Thy Name is Bretz tainly no one could have condensed an has that "old gold cap" upon his head he ing men of the kingdom were in favor of Side a Victor and you need have no fear advertisement into fewer words or a can ride in any other color of the rain­ the scheme. All this goes to show that Let the Dancers Pay Colors and smaller space than Bretz has done, un­ bow, so far as the other portions of his the amateurism which some of our of your wheel going to pieces under yon as less they supplied the readers of it with racing costume are concerned, and still friends are so exceedingly anx­ Their Claimants What Might Have a microscope so they might be able to be within the letter of the law. ious to encourage is nothing more read it. Yet, just the same, no one ever This is not what the League intends nor less than a sham. It is not ama­ some would-be high grade bicycles are turned out a better advertisement than the racing man should do iu this mat­ teurism at all, and the only thing which -Happened in a Cloak Deal. that one of the Liberty. It tells the ter. The idea was to make the rider can be said about it is that it is not doing. ______whole story, it tells it well and forcibly, and his costume one in the minds of the altogether professionalism. When Mr. and no man can open the paper in which race-going public, so that at a^y time in Hall said that we had to look at things Th« securing of sufficient money to a race well-known riders could be dis­ Victors are made of honest stuff, stand b« known as a rich man is by no means it appears without seeing it. Its very as they are, and not as they ought to be, brevity and uniqueness will attract tinguished without any reference to num­ correct, and if our leg­ either a. very difficult or a very unusual bers, which are too often indistinguish­ he was perfectly thing in a n«w country like America. more attention and comment than a islators generally could be got to look hard service, and are built to ride.______page of printed stuff. It stimulates, not able even by the scorers. Again as the they are in the fullest pos­ The knowledge of how to spend the law now is, there is nothing to prevent at things as fortune after it has once been gained surfeits, the interest of the reader and sible sense, then we should have some causes him to examine further into a a man who has never ridden a race or BUY THE is the one thing, however, which de­ who does not ride in half a dozen in a chance of placing real amateurism as notes tha difference between the money wheel the makers of which had so well as real professionalism upon a gen­ much faith in it that they are content year, from registering a set of colors and grubber and the nobleman of nature. keeping every one else from using them uine footing. The amateurism which The man who makes of money a god, to rest their entire case upon the plain those "learned pundits," who are so statement of the machine's name. This in a-dog-in-the-manger sort of fashion, or uses it as means of vulgar display, nor is it possible to prevent a third class strongly amateur that they will, if they is the man most duspised by all the is the mountain moving kind of faith can, crush the professional under an of which we read and its moving quali­ rider, by means of an early applica­ world; his wealth Is but gilt upon the tion, from stealing the very colors a iron heel, and have naught to do with hoofs of a hog, serving only to accentu­ ties will prove equally satisfactory to its him, are encouraging is a sham, a de­ Mr. Bretz. In sending out crack has made famous by his fast rid­ ate the porcine qualities of the animal originator, ing. To avoid all of these and other lusion, and a snare. Every effort made itself. When a man, unaided by other such an advertisement as the one I have by these opponents to professionalism, mentioned Mr. Bretz has made friends complications, the League should define than his own efforts, has in fair fight just what "colors" are. It should have and opponents to true amateurism we wrested from the world a plenitude of of the editor of every paper receiving may also say, is directly in the interests it. Composition costs money, and no a blank for the racer to fill out which flYEBW WHEEL GO wealth, and won by so doing the pleas­ should state the distinctive colors and of the shamateur, and not of the ama­ ant distinction of being a millionaire, small part of the publisher's profits go teur. The one great mistake which so week to pay for the setting up of marks of his cap, jersey,-and trunks, BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT what he does with his wealth will ever each and only such colors should be recogni­ many of the present day make is to be the test which determines whether those favors they solicit so assidously believe that the making it impossible from the manufacturers, but advertise­ zed and registered. For attending to NEW YORK. CHICAGO. DENVER. he was worthy of his good fortune. To this the League should exact a small for men to ride at all, unless they ride see a man use wealth as a means of ments like the Liberty one are all "fat" in races "open to amateurs," is syn­ -PACIFIC COAST aud the heart of the editor goes out in fee, say $1 per annum, from each claim­ benefiting his fellow-man by making the ant. The result of this would be onymous with the encouragement of world better, brighter and more beauti­ great chunks of kindness towards the amateurism. With no other course open SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. man wise enough to introduce the niul- back-woodsbronchos, and once-iu-a-life ful to live in, U not so very common a time racers would not rush in and put to them but races of this character, is thing as it possibly might be, and when tuui in parvo system of addressing the there any wonder that men should dear public off whom all of us must iu the Racing Board to the expense and ters, and shall also have beeu a bona ury placed before him, this time th« it is found its very rarity makes it wor­ both&^ in a way St. Charles Hotel. He is a man of ALBERT A. POPE." to the League, advising it to charge ble of the whole with the flesh in so doing was quite Not every man in the bicycle trade race meet promoters a sanction fee for offset by the registration fees the racers another matter. To jiut it plainly, the sufficient to keep indoors any S'4m.doPS not favor judicious one as well. It is with no for; if it is not, it is a farce, and should so niggard hand that Colonel Pope deals out be abandoned at once. No logical man color that now makes horse racing reduce the value of prizes given in other than a most satisfactory state of the South for a training to public good and private charity a will question the value of sanction to a attractive, but at present we are a long amateur events to a nominal value. To mind, pleased alike by what he saw and advised Walter to go to Caiit more than generous share of that golden race meet without which it would be im­ way off from that much to be desired restrict the nature of the prizes which the entertainment offered him. Over­ Definite nrrangenients have not yet shower that has fallen upon him. possible for any tournament to be held state of affairs. can bo given to cups, medals and ar­ man's employes seem to have all been been made, but it is probable that tha * * * ticles of an essentially trophy character, apt scholars of the company's president, trio Dumbleton, Sanger and Tyler Wealth has not warped this millionaire's successfully, therefore, Mr. Merrihew's and nature nor spoiled the greatness of the proposition that sanction be properly Well, Zimmerman has openly joined and at the same time to give men equal where entertaining is concerned, will leave for San Francisco next week. the vast majority of which he, like opportunities for riding for what they Mr. Williams was in nowise an excep­ The veteran trainer was surprised to man. In the many years I have known paid for is both a logical and a timely tion to this well-known Overman trait. him it has ever been a boast of mine one. Of course, it is now too late to every other fast man, has for so long can make by the free holding of unre­ find Sanger in such fine condition, and boon a secret member. He has confess­ stricted professional events. We do not Amid a background of palms and flow­ he is confident the Milwaukee boy will that Colonel Pope was one of the very attempt anything of the kind this sea­ ed he is out for the stuff, and expects to ering plants the Victor line was seen to few men I knew to whom the gaining of son, but the idea is too valuable to be believe, with the anti-professionals, that be a rvcord-breaker this season. He get his full share of it. On the theory the moment a cash prize is put up all the best possible advantage, and where says he has no fears about the result of a fortune did not mean the losing of some allowed to be lost, and it should be that the King can do no wrong, this there seemed to be a danger that the of those qualities which had attracted agitated until it is adopted. Roughly fair racing ends, and we are prepared a race between Johnson and Sanger; friends to him in the days when prosper­ erstwhile monarch of amateurism is now to look upon the professional as an visitor might miss any of the Victor's it would be Johnson at the rear every speaking there must be at least a thous­ being lauded, praised and flattered by many good points there was always at wheel broke down. ity was a tning he sought for and not and race meets held in America each honest man. Mr. Hall's statements, time, unless Sanger's yet obtained. We would hear less re­ the very men who but a few short weeks and facts within our personal knowl­ hand either G. H. Bolton or S. H. Mr. Dumbleton thinks he has the great­ season, and the number is constantly ago openly stated that a man who raced Bilyeu, to help the poor ignorant one est team of racers in the country in, garding the curse of riches were more of increasing as the sport grows. To sanc­ edge, all go to prove that the amateur­ our milioriaires Popes or more of our for other than alleged glory and inci­ ism, as such, of to-day, is rotten to the out of his cycling darkness. The inner Sanger and Tyler. Ha was not sur­ tion these, to properly arrange a circuit dental "expenses" on the side, could man and the smoking man both received prised at Ximmerman's course in becom­ Popes millionaires. which admits of the least number of core, and that we are yet far from * * * not be a sportsman, a gentleman or an being in the right way to improve it. attention at the hands of Mr. Williams' ing a professional, as the offer was a conflicting dates, and to otherwise look honest man. While they in their hearts forces, and with the sole exception of the very tempting one, but he feels con­ The official organ of the League seems after and care for the interests in­ knew then that they were wrong, and way the weather man treated him Mr. fident that Sanger can defeat the to me to be very much like the vermi­ volved requires not only ability of no knew, too, that there was no reason ROAD RULES. Williams has every reason to be proud New Jersey man at any distance above form appendix in the human body mean order but a vast deal of hard why a man might not as honestly race in Philadel­ to Insure of the reception given him one mile. Tyler will also be under the something which exists only to get its work besides. All of this and more, for money as to covertly gain it while Strict Measures Taken phia, while the latter had an equal cause care of Mr. Dumbleton while on the owner into trouble. Such being the case, too, Mr. Raymond, as chairman of the masquerading as an amateur, it did not Honest Speed Work In Road Rac­ for pride in the way Mr. Williams had road. wisdom would suggest that the only Racing Board, is called upon to do suit their professed faith in the myth ing. saw fit to welcome its citizens to the The North Side Cycling Club com­ safe way for the League's doctors to do gratuitously a manifest injustice any of amateurism to admit this, and now Boston, April 14. At a meeting of new home of the Victor. pleted a deal late yesterday afternoon is turn surgeons and cut the pesky thins; one must confess. Now, why not be as we see them slobbering over a man who the executive committee of the Asso­ whereby the club secures possession of from out "their midst." Some time in as to the various handi- knows them too well and too intimately just to him ciated Cycling Clubs last evening a OVERMAN'S LATEST. the old Benjamin residence on Reser­ the past there may have existed a cry- cappers? Surely his labors are more ex­ to accept as genuine their professions list of events for the Decoration Day voir Avenue, between First and Second ing need for the vermiform and for that j acting and of more importance than those of admiration for his boldness and meet was decided upon as follows: One Will Sup- streets. It is a three-story brick build­ it is true that greatness. Kimmerman is far too clever A Game Which He Thinks need it was created, so of any handicapper, and yet he is un­ mile novice; class A, two-third mile plant Foot Ball. ing with fifteen rooms. There is a large years ago a need for an official organ justly, I think, asked to devote a great a man not to see through all this; he open; class A, milo handicap; class B, gymnasium room with a fine running may have existed, but such is no longer share of his time to a labor of love,which knows that the great public, who believes two-third mile open; class B, mile open; Springfield, April 15. "Roller Ball," track on the upper floor and a meeting the case. When an organ was necessary costs the League not less than $1500 per in fair play and common sense, is back class B, mile handicap. the invention of A. H. Overman, which room on the second floor. On the first for the League's existence, welfare and year in expenses. of him in the step he has taken, and The special committee appointed to is intended to supersede foot hall and floor is two cozy parlors. It is intended prosperity, the cycling papers were few Business is business, and the foregoing the amateur fakirs did not dare to meet draw up a set of road racing rules will its brutality, was given a trial by the to renovate the place and make it one Now that with any of their poppycock about report the following at the next meeting training school athletes at their Alden in numbers and weak in influence. is only an example of business which is used of the finest club quarters in the city. every little town, almost, has its wheel not business. The League is spending pure amateurism, and hence were forced of the A. C. C.: street grounds last week. The ball The bath rooms will be improved with paper busy in supplying a "long-felt $1500 each year in cash, and the gra­ to fling up their hats and join in the 1. Any aud all road races may be held is the largest foot ball ever made, three new showers. The club expects to occu­ loud hurrah which cheered the modern under these rules, providing, however, feet in diameter, and filled with air, want" and the League in consequence tuitous labor of one of its brightest that sanction is obtained from the road no py its new quarters by May 15. This no longer should demand any one of officials to do what? Why, to enable Jason in his departure for the golden as is any kicking sphere. Although club has adopted a novel method of se­ fleece of France, even while their hearts racing committee of the A. C. C., and rules have been made to regulate the them for its own especial organ. Under race meet promoters to make money. that the services of at least one official game, it is understood that the ball is lecting the members who are to make up these circumstances it looks as if it does the promoter do in return grieved over the slap their idol had timer are obtained. The usual What given them. Such over is the result of to ba rolled or thrown over the regula­ the racing team of the club. would be a good stroke of policy on the for all this? Nothing. Does anyone 2. All rond races shall be officered as tion foot ball field and through the custom is to name a committee, who, in part of the L. A. W. to cease trying think that is either just or business like? the worship of false gods, and so the follojvs: One referee, three or more turn, after the examination of the rec­ the devil around the stump," the very pures are but reaping the re­ Judges, three timers, oue clerk of course, goals. to whip Certainly it is not. The remedy is not ward of upholding rot against reason. with necessary assistants, a scorer for At the first trial of the ball last Fri­ ords of members, name the members of to get its official organ through the post far off. Let the L. A. W. demand that, For a long time I had known it was each Judge, and one starter. day very little resembling a system was the racing team, according to their abil­ office under a low rate of postage which for all this labor, those benefited price not prejudice that kept Zim from 3. The course over which the race ts run accomplished, but they are confident that ity in the past. This shuts out the was never meant for such form of publi­ shall pay. Make every race meet pay freeing himself from that frayed cloak shall not pass any given point more the big ball is the nucleus of a revolu­ members who have no record, no mat­ cation, and in place of this undignified $5 for sanction; let the five thousand or than twice, and its length, shall be cer­ tion in foot ball. At first pushing the ter how much speed they are likely to evasion of the law make an effort to more dollars thus gained be equally of supposititious purity which even the tified to by a recognized surveyor. develop during the season. But the elastic bands of League law scarce kept 4. No rider shall start In a race without ball was tried, the ball to remain on secure every wheel paper as a recruiting divided between the chairman of the from sliding off his shoulders. In fact, having a number, ore foot In height, se­ the ground, but with a dozen men push- new plan does away with the objection. gent for the League as well as its Racing Board, who performs the actual about this time one year ago I myself curely sewed to his back at the hips, iug it on each side, the balloon was se­ It will be put in operation on Sunday, official organ. work, and the League, which is respon­ was offered the garment, and could have and a rider finishing without a number curely anchored. Then the number of May 6, when candidates for the team To accomplish this let the League sible for his official existence. The con­ purchased it and three others of al­ shall be liable to disqualification. nion allowed ou the ball at a time was will meet, with other members of the submit a proposition to every wheel sequence will be that the chairman will most a like value for a lump sum of 5. Riding on sidewalks, cutting the limited to two, and later to one from club, at the toll gate on the Whitefisb. paper to accept and print such official secure a proper return for his labors, not buying. I be­ course short, if an opportunity Is offered, each side, but the result did not seem bay road. Each candidate will be sent $10.000, but I was accepting pace from any other than com­ over the course, to the Bay aud return, communications as may be sent it, free and the League, by the saving of $1500 lieved then as I do now, that profes­ petitors, or starting before his class In satisfactory, as with the tackling of or­ of any expense to the association. Let each year in his expenses and the $2500 sionalism must sink or swim in the sea a handicap race shall disqualify a com­ dinary foot ball there was generally a computed to be six miles. No pace these communications be of the briefest received for its share of the promoter's of public opinion on what it is, not on petitor. tangled mass of limbs surrounding the making will be allowed find in order to possible description and confined only to money, will each year be a clear $4000 what it can be made to seem to be. 6. A competitor accepting pace on the re­ ball until a warning from the referee prevent any soldiering in this way the such matters as it is absolutely neces­ better off than it is now. After the offer for the garments named turn trip from any man who has not beeu caused it to be raised in the air aud men will be sent off separately at in­ sary the League should have all its There are few who will assert that I was declined by me, I had submitted to checked at the turning point sliall be con­ juggled In the direction of the man tervals of five minutes. It will be a sidered as accepting pace, and shall be race against time and the eight men members acquainted with, omitting all hold any brief from the present chair­ me one yet more advantageous. I was disqualified upou a written protest being with the longest reach. Considerable the rubbish of division reports aud such men of the Racing Board to make the informed that if I would announce a filed with the referee not Inter than half headway was made in this manner, but making the fastest time will constitute like, which are of interest only to a foregoing proposition by which he would scratch race at a mile for a purse of aa hour after the termination of tha race. the whole game just at present is, of the racing team. limited number of the general member­ be benefited. What I have said in the $1000 to the winner, that Zim would Pace making of all kinds Is prohibited. course, devoid of anything resembling Marshals will be stationed along the ship. To such papers as accept this matter is the result only of my own agree to start in the event; this, too. 7. Wilfully causing a competitor to foul a science. However, the ball will be road and at the Bay to see that the race proposition let the League agree to pay convictions, brought about through my I declined to do, and thus ended the another, or reckless riding with Intent to used by the school for regular practice, is conducted fairly. The winners will by cause a foul, shall disqualify the compe­ hoped to bring the game into make up the racing team for a period fifty cents per annum from the duos of attention being called to the matter first chapter of-. Zim's parsing into the titor pursuing such tactics. and it is each member choosing that particular reading Mr. Merrihew'n argument in great beyond. It was not because I 8. Checking stations shall be announced tangible shape before long. of two months. Then, at the end of paper as his official organ for the ensu­ favor of charging for sanctions. The did not think Zim's support was worth to competitors before starting, and each that time, there will be another test, ing year. The consequence of such a whole thing is so feasible, so just and to me all find n-ere than the figures shall call out his number when passing SOAKEKS. open to all the members of the club who plan would be that all wrangling over so easy of accomplishment, that it is a it was offered at, tut because^ as be­ them. aspire to membership in the team. The who should have the privilege of turn­ wonder no one ever advocated it before fore stated, I had made up my mind 9. A competitor who has not paid bis same process will then be gone through, entry fee in a previous cycling event. If This Will Probably be the Name ing the official organ-crank would at its present originator. I am no believer that the N. C. A. should survive or full Given This New Handle. the eight fast men making up the racing once cease. Each member would be al­ in the spoils system too often alleged upon a businesslike basis, and I did objected to, may rkle under protest, but team. The club will follow this plan the referee shall not award any prize won Compared to his predecessor of fifteen every two months, thereby giving all lowed a choice of an organ from among to be responsible for the scramble after not consider that the purchase of any if he finds the charges sustained. years, what a shameful Sybarite the the various papers accepting the League office, nor do I for a moment crack rider would be a sample of such 10. In a team race points shall determine the members of the «lub an equal op­ League's offers, pud everyone would be think that the present chairman of the a policy. I am glad, now, for Zim's the winning team. The first competitor modern-day cyclist appears to be. With portunity to get in the team if they ar» benefited thereby. The League would Racing Board is actuated by any sordid sake that he- did not sell to me for a to finish shall count as many points aa feather-weight machines, made and fin­ fast enough. « motives in his official capacity; yet I do paltry $1000 a thing which subsequent there may be starters, tbe second one ished in a manner undreamt in the relieve itself of a burden, the member less, and continuing thus until all have days of plain-bearings, solid tires, and would no longer feel he was forced to believe that it is but right and just that events have proven was worth many Correr e 1. pav for the times that amount. I wonder, when finished. plate saddles, he rides on air, and sits subscribe to a paper he did not want, those who dance should 11. A competitor representing a team for are as "Ob, happy days!" ttuj riu-T cried; while the papers accepting League mat­ music they dance by, and that'the leader Zimmerman received that cablegram any club shall actually maintain a residence on springs which in comparison ''The giud spring-timo is liert." from Troy saying the French had ac­ miles of the town or city in wirt mattresses to bed rock. Now the "^ay. nay," Hie funny uue replied? ter would gain a number of subscribers of the orchestra should receive a more within five ''It's autumn that is sere." by the mere filling up of a certain satisfactory recompense for his labors cepted his terms, if he thought of how wuku said club shall have its headuuar- dilettante wheeler has yet another lux­ THE SPORTHSTQ ril 21.

    Wheeler, we will train together. Bank­ calf o' his'n with four horns an' no fail, er is a better man than many give him A PLUCKY RIDE. yes, siree! An' I kin pilot ye to tho CYCLING. credit for, and he will make some of identikal spot whar Bob Higgins an' the stars on the other side do some tall BREAKING A RECORD WHILE Bill Jeffries fit a duel with corn-cutters, Beware of Bicycles that riding in order to cross the tape ahead RIDIXG IN A WILDERNESS. an' " of him. I can't understand why Wheel­ But the tourists had piloted them­ er did1 not make a good record since he An Australian Wheelman Docs a selves on their way, and the native said "° TROTTALRS. has been abroad. But I guess that life in a tone of disgust: are Sold at Citt Prices. in Paris has had too many charms for Wonderful Cross Country Perform­ "Reckon they're lookin' fer water­ him. As soon as I get there I'll take ance, to Accomplish Which He falls an' natchral bridges an" mounting HOME FROM FRANCE WITH THE him under my wing and watch him with Goes Three Days Without Sleep. lakes an' trash o' that sort. Some folks a fatherly eye. You can look for big is queer, and them bysickle oneu is the Z1MBERMAN DOCUMENTS. things from Wheeler if he can be got queerest of the whole danged lot of in any sort of shape." Melbourne, N. S. W. March 1. When 'em." _ According to present arrangements, Frank Toms, of Adelaide, broke the rec­ Ziminorman, Banker, Manager Troy, ord from that city to Melbourne, it was AN IRISH CRIME. That Celebrated Amatenr "Cloak" and his wife, sail on the Majestic Wed­ thought that his figures would remain for Columbia nesday next. In August Brother-in-law a considerable time. However, J. E. The Blow in the Dark and the Deed Brings a Phenomenal Price What McDermott will go abroad and try to Snell of the same city started from That Was Done by It All's Fair in induce the foreign cracks to come here Adelaide last Tuesday and arrived in Love and War. Melbourne Troy Learned Regarding Foreign and race. If successful, big meets open 1 hour 10% minutes in­ The very night and the very place for to professionals will be held in this side Toms' time. His ride is a par­ a crime. A narrow, elevated stretch of Racing What the American Colony and other cities. It is expected that ticularly meritorious one, and never be­ road, running gray through a wild waste Zimmeruian, Wheeler, and the foreign fore has such interest been aroused in a of black, dismal moorland. The dwarf­ Bicycles wheelmen will return here in time to record trip. About 700 people witnessed ed and blasted trees which stand at Are Doing in Paris. race in the latter part of September. his departure from the G. P. O., Ade­ lengthy intervals on both sides of the The company under which Zimmer­ laide, at noon on Tuesday last, in com­ road, afford no shelter from the great man will raco has already made ar­ pany with O'Grady, Terry and Prosser, gusts of wind which come moaning New York, April 17. All arrange­ against a head wind, to Macclesfield, ments made by Willis B. Troy, rangements for sixteen races In France, across the swamp, rustling the dry reeds although allowing Germany and Italy. which he reached at 2 hours 18 minutes, in a ghostly way, and stirring up great a fair margin of profit to the the manager of Arthur Zimmer- distance 27J/-> miles. From here to AVell- man, have proved to be of a satisfactory clouds of sand from the road. ingtou he had O'Grady and Terry as In one place a small stream runs slug­ dealer, are sold with less discount than any character, and the American champion FOB PROTECTION. pacemakers, and reached there at 4.50 bicycle rider will never again be seeu as gishly beneath the road through a lit­ Canadian 05% miles. Then on through Meniu- tle bridge. Sitting on the low stone other wheels made. an amateur. On Wednesday /immer- Wheelmen Unite Against gie to Kingston accompanied by Green­ Municipal Interference With Their parapet of this is the dark form of a man will Bail for France, and accept wood, riding through the night. King­ man. A bicycle leans against the wall the offer made by tho Union Velocl- Rights. ston is 186 miles from Adelaide, and he at his side. By the fitful glimpses of the pedeque Francais to ride ia profes­ Toronto, April 14. A meeting of the reached there in 21 hours a splendid moon from behind the thick banks of sional races. Zimmeruian will receive representatives, of the city clubs, to ride. Between Moningie and Kingston clouds one may see that the man's fac« $10,000 in cash from the French com­ consider what eteps should be taken in he had to ride on the banks of the C'oor- is pale and an ugly look in his eyes. ecause pany, $150 for each race in which he the matter of the proposed city ordi­ uong Lake, the only path being within a He mutters thus: "Ah, Miss Mary, you takes pnrt, and 80 per cent, of the net nance regulating bicycles, and also to foot or two of the water, where the rejected me and accepted John Nixon. profits of the meets in which he is a discuss the Sarnia-Montreal ride, was beach was hard. Once a cloud obscured You are to marry him to-morrow? And competitor. Troy arrived Thursday on held last night. The chair was occupied the moon, and he fell into the water and you expect to see John to-night? Well, the Majestic, of the White Star Line, by Mr. W. J. Darby. Upon motion of got completely covered. His machine I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I with all our great facilities with all our many and was met at the pier by a coterie Mr. George H. Orr, It was decided to went out of sight, and the wotting must have my revenge. But Tom is of friends. He has only been absent a organize a city club association for the through discomfited him. Leaving King­ late. Is he going to fail me? Ah, I years of experience, we are not able to make mouth, but in that short space of time purpose of consulting together in mat­ ston with his brother, he pushed on to think that's him." he has 'had an opportunity of studying ters of mutual interest, each club to be Narracoorte, a country never before Another bicycle conies in sight. As it a bicycle as good as it ought to be for the price the outlooU for professional cycling in represented in this association by three traveled by a cyclist, and he had some reaches the bridge its rider alights. France. Troy is a very close observer, members. A copy of this resolution was great hardships. The distance between "Here I am, Jim. I was delayed, and asked, and then give the selling agent an and is the best critic of wheelmen on ordered to be forwarded to the various these places is 52 miles, and he had to had to come at a race pace," he pants. this side of the water. clubs, with the request that each ap­ walk 22 miles of it. Ho reached Nar­ "All right. We must get ready at enormous discount to divide with his customer "I WAS SURPRISED." point its respective representatives. The racoorte at 7.12, being out 31 hours and once. Lay your bike in the grass there. Raid he, "to see the growth of popular­ following clubs became members of the 12 minutes, having covered 238 miles in Now, I'll go behind the wall here. You or keep if he is able to do so. Columbia bicy­ ity of the wheel in Europe. I have new organization: Toronto, Wander­ that time. His brother paced him along must stop him. You want a match. been over there before with several com­ ers, Athenaeum, Royal Canadian, Col­ to Mount Gambier, and the roads were See? And then!" He puts his hand in binations of American riders, and was umbia and St. Alphonsus. The pro­ almost impassable. Before reaching the his pocket and draws out something. cles are sold at one fair price; are worth what always under the impression that the si­ posed city bicycle ordinance was then mount they were overtaken by a storm There is a flash of steel ia the moon­ lent steed would some day take the discussed. Mr. G. A. Kingston, for the and completely drenched. He reached light. is asked for them and bring it every time. We place of horse racing, athletics, cricket, C. W. A. Rights and Privileges Com­ Mount Gambier at 2 in the morning, "Right you are. But, I say, is my pay and football in England. In France, mittee, announced that his committee where Bradshaw, a Melbourne rider, sure, for I don't like this job at all?" have prospered for sixteen years by pursuing however, I never looked for this craze. had the matter in hand, but that he was was awaiting him. After a meal they "Never you fear," says Jim, as he dis­ The roads In Paris and other cities are desfrious of an expression of opinion started off again, and crossed the bor­ appears behind the wall. Then all is an honest policy, listing our goods at their true first-class for riding, and machines can from the meeting upon some of the points der 18 miles out. Thence on to Cas- silent. Presently a third cyclist appears. be seen everywhere. The walking to be embodied in the measure. terton the roads are composed of sand It is John Nixon. He appears happy value, and treating all men alike. match craze here or the roller-skating A discussion upon the proposed clauses hills, and much difficulty was exper­ and unconscious of the fiendish plot epidemic could never be compared to the then ensued. It was the general opinion ienced. Reaching Hamilton at 3.07, af­ laid for him, as be sings lustily the love for the cycle in France to-day. that 10 milos an hour upon the public ter being a little over two days out, they chorus of "Marguerite." Just as he Men, old and young, and mothers and streets would not be an unreasonable were met by the local cyclists, who comes to the bridge the waiting Tom their daughters can be seen every morn- rate of speed, being the rate which is cleaned their machines whilst they had a calls out, "I beg your pardon, but have Ing and evening speeding on the boule­ prescribed by recent enactment in the meal. Without any rest they rode off you got a light? My lamp's gone out." vards of the French capital. It is a State of Massachusetts. The introduc­ again and reached Colac at 5.30 on Fri­ "Certainly. I have a matchbox some­ Pope Mf g Co. grand sight, and I can look forward to tion of lamps was frowned down upon, day morning. Here Wright took Snell where." tho day that we shall be able to see and in the matter of bells the meeting in hand, and Bradshaw, who had ac­ He gets off his machine and leans it similar sights in this country. was in favor of the English enactment, companied Snell 195 miles, enjoyed a against the wall, just where Jim is hid­ Boston, New York, "On account of the popularity of the under which a wheelman is required to rest. Snell up to this had had no sleep, ing. "Now, where the deuce did I put wheel, the desire to see fast racing is give notice of his approach when neces­ and he kept awake with great difficulty. it?" he says, as he searches his pockets. Chicago, Hartford. great. When the French promoters sary, either by bell or by vocal warning. That sterling rider, Wright, urged him And now an arm stretches across the spoke about forming a grand profes­ The delegates were against the number­ on to Geelong, which they reached at wall. There is again a glint of steel. ing and registration of wheels at tho 10.40. Snell had thus traveled 543 Then a loud report. Nixon, leaps high sional association and asking the fastest in the air. Then two figures go speed­ Our CATALOGUE free at Columbia riders iu the world to compete, City hall, particularly if a fee is to be miles in a little less than 3 days. After Agencies, or mailed for 2 two-cent I WAS OBLIGATED BY ZIMMERMAN charged. It was also pointed out that leaving Geeloug, with 4G miles from the ing away into the darkness, and the tho city has not the legal power to col­ end of night wind carries back the sound of stamps. to go over and look after his interests. his journey, Suell was greatly cruel laughter and exulting cries. * * I saw the gentlemen at the head of the lect such a fee, although they can, of exhausted. Being without sleep for over course, compel the owners of wheels to three days And was he shot? Oh, not at all! scheme shortly after arriving and made he became quite stupid, and Jim had merely stuck a knife in the tire known register their names and numbers, and Wright was much relieved when they niy plans. They asked for a few all the wheelmen present expressed of his back wheel. But wasn't that days to consider the proposition, and were met at Werribee, 25 miles from bad enough? "Irish Cyclist." then said they would agree to the stipu­ themselves as willing to indorse any home, by E. Beauchamp and L. Dahl- reasonable enactment. berg. Snell was fast breaking up, and lations made by the American cham­ The following SHE HADN'T A CHART, pion. We came to terms in a most were appointed a com­ from here to his journey's end it was mittee to act in conjunction with the one prolonged struggle. When he came friendly manner. All France wanted to C. W. A. Rights and Privileges Com­ So She Lost Her Bearings and Got see Ziuimerinan. His name is a house­ within view of the city he freshened up Southeast by Northwest. mittee, and wait upon the Board of a bit, and at 5.42 in the evening he sped hold word there, as it is in America. A cycle dealer in Brooklyn relates a While abroad I saw , Works at their meeting next Monday along to the G. P. O. Over 4000 people morning: Messrs. A. F. Webster, G. H. witnessed his arrival, and the greatest funny story to the "Citizen" in connec­ the smooth-faced boy from Orange, N. Orr, F. tion with a sale he made and his fair J., and Charley Ashiuger, "Billy" Mar­ Bryers. W. J. Darby, E. Doug­ enthusiasm prevailed. The plucky Ade­ las Armour, Dr. Doolittle, A. E. Wal- laide man customer's anxiety to become properly tin, and Waller, the long-distance men. was lustily cheered. He had attired for bicycle riding. The pur­ Wheeler has not been feeling well. tou, J. E. Willowes, and W. Hyslop, thus accomplished the 589 mile journey Sr. A resolution was passed condemn­ in 3 days, 5 hours, 42 minutes, Toms' chaser of the wheel wanted to be fitted He is suffering from a sort of influenza, ing the practice of fast and reckless rid­ for a broonier costume and was advised and on that account did not train faith­ time having been 3 «la£g,_23''ilbars'1'52% to patronize ing upon the streets, indulged in by a minutes. The performance is a grand a well-known New York fully for his races. In good condition few wheelman. The relay ride subject costumer. This she did and was in­ he can beat any of the riders in France. one, and SiifiLr-"should be proud of his vited by the lady attendant to try on a was then threshed out. Mr. J. H. Ger achievement. In my estimation, Wheeler is second rie, having announced, -fa the meetiag- His ride is uiarvelous suit. When she emerged from tho only to Zimmurman. As soon as Ar­ in TTiat he rode the entire journey with­ dressing room the costume looked any­ that he had coiuplpteu1 all arrangements out any sleep, and only rested for meals. thur goes abroad he will take Wheeler to run the #ffajr through, ^fwa&. de- thing but neat and fitting, and she in­ in bund, put him through a course of His pacemakers proclaim him to be of dulged iu considerable fretfulness and training, and make him retrieve some of ^ him to do so. an exceptionally plucky nature, and harsh criticism. The cause of this sup­ his lost laurels. Martin, the bo when it is considered that the roads are posed trouble was finally discerned in won the first six days' race iiw^f..,!; .. WHAT WILL, YOU GIVE ? comparatively unmade for over half the the fact that she had donned the suit Square Garden, has made//q^j te a hit journey the real merit of the ride can of bloomers in the reverse fashion, and in Paris. Of_ cour^Tg^Qf n() accouut That is the Question of the M. A. A. be understood. Snell was not long in consequently cut a sorry figure. The -in a rac, W'UWfsprinting qualities are C. to the Manufacturers and Others getting to rest, and after having a fault was explained to her, and she but if they ever start a Interested in Road Racing. night's sleep was knocking about look­ modestly and blushingly explained that -iiisht-and-day race iu Paris and the The Kace Committee of the M. A. C. ing as fresh as possible. although she was a married woman it chances are they will Martin ought te C. have sent the following communica­ The most remarkable part of the ride was the first time she had ever tried to get first prize. He has won several tion to the wheel trade: is that Snell actually gained one pound wear th& pants, and hence her igno­ long-distance races, and on the whole, "It devolves on this committee, ten ounces in weight during his ride. rance in dressing in bloomers, which she is well satisfied with bis success in entrusted with the management of did not know were intended to be worn France. the sixth annual Irvlngtou-Milburn similar to a gentleman's nether gar­ JSBINGER. road nice, to again ask of the QUITE ENGLISH. YOU KNOW. ments. BETTER KNOWN trade a continuance of the co-operation as the "Oklahoma Boomer," was one of and patronage so generously accorded iu How the Speckled Amateur Sounds the starters in the eight-day race, but he OILS FOR OILERS. the past. Briefly, this Is the object of His Fellow Suspect, and the Result tremulous whisper, "bow much are you ty I had last year? Well, I was riding finished in one of the last places. He this communication. We believe that we Be Sure You Get the Kind Best down Butcombe Hill this afternoon when can make the Thereof. worth?" Lad not got acclimated and on that ac­ request consistently and Suited For Your Use. "Don't say a word; I'm worth about the 'bike' was run over by a steam­ count failed to make a good showing. with good grace, as the event is really one "Morning, Seaktyn. How do?" roller, and it was not even scratched." Moreover, he had but little time to train, of the few which unreservedly merits the "Morning, Oof man. Pretty well?" A paper was read recently at the $25,000 that is, I think I am if 1 can support of the wholo trade. We want you Birmingham Association of Mechanical convince those Frenchmen to buy my A fearful moment ensued. When wo while his opponents were in fine fettle. "Pretty well, thanks. Any news?" had slightly recovered old Hall said The same can be said of Martin and to feel that the race is as much yours "License?" Engineers on this subject, in the course amateurship, as they did Zim's, and I ve as ours. It has been a fixture for years, "Yes." of which some interesting facts were sent my agent over to Paris to see slowly and distinctly: Waller in this race. Martin was in no Is of world renown; It is not a money- "Do you mean to say that your ma­ shape at all, and Walter had to quit, uiaking affair, is not promoted by or Mr "No. Haven't applied yet. Have made known. The lecturer called at­ about the matter." tention to the three kinds of friction, Her face shone in the twilight. ^ chine was run ovor by a steam-roller as the pace was too fast for him. Waller the advertisement or benefit of any man you?" and wasn't even scratched?" is one of the sights of tho gay city. At or wheel, but entirely in the interests of "Well-er-no. Time enough, you'knowV sliding, rolling and fluid. The necessity "Then you don't have to ask him, cycling aud the whole trade and of smoothness of bearing surfaces was she said with a simple trust. "Let him "No," replied Buggins, edging toward all hours of the day he may be seen on with "Yes, yes of course just so." the door, tho prominent boulevards, speeding not a penny's worth of return to its pro­ dwelt upon, and for the proper spacing know that and he will ask you. "it was the steam-roller that moters. Its success and the good that may Both laugh uncomfortably. wasn't scratched." along in a loud suit, with medals Hap­ "When will you apply. Oof man?" between spindle and bearing, so as to And Georga gave the old man a tip. accrue to cycling is our only reward. allow a proper flow of lubricant. Deadly silence, broken only by att ping from every inch if his coat front. "Tho raco will, as usual, be open to the "Er -not exactly sure yet. When will Oils « He is looked upon with amazement by for lubrication should not be liable to de­ occasional stifled groan. "Bi. News." world, both classes A and B, being eli­ you?" OPEN TO THE WORLD. the other riders from this country, who gible to compete. It Is our desire that the "Urn next week, perhaps." composition by heat or wear. The qual­ do not relish the idea of being gauged prize list be In keeping with the event. "Of course you'll get it?" ity is usually of more importance than THE MAJOR AND MEG. or placed in the .same class with Waller. Will you not aid us in this respect? Any the quantity. Sperm oil, which has English Championships Not to be prize you may contribute will be appreci­ "M'yes. You expect yours?" been referred to before in these columns, Closed Against Foreign Competi­ They Arrange Things For a New Many of the riders, when they left to "Er doubtless." go on the other side, felt as though they ated. 'Equal and exact Justice' will ba is undoubtedly the most suitable, and tors. House For Their Club. meted out to all. No preferences will be Pause. tho cheapest oil for cycle purposes, and had a mortgage on the best prizes, but in shown. The attempt to bar foreign riders from Louisville, April 14. It is all but set­ this they were mistaken. The winners In the order of their "Tufflegg has been refused." one of the best known lubricants. Other The French­ finish being permitted such selection as "So he tells me." N. C. U. championships having failed, tled that the Louisville Cycle Club will men, particularly at long-distance riding, suits their individual desires." oils have less lubricating powers; others "Wheeling" editorially deals with tho move, provided it can get the building, are first-class men, and they have only "He's off to Paris next week." are reducers of friction, but do not wear "To join the pros?" question in this broad and logical man­ 822 Third street, on a five-year lease, the best machines. Ziuimermau will well (castor oil is one of these); others ner: at favoiable terms. Nearly 50 members Sanctions Granted. "Rather. Says he'll make more out gum so seriously that they cannot be not make this mistake. He knows just July 4, Jacksonville Athletic and Boat "We cannot help congratulating tho wi ro present at the meeting Tuesday how fast the men can ride, and h« of it than by hanging around old used; others congeal, while some are Union and the country upon the result Club, Jacksonville, Fla. Puffem's shop." night, and the sentiment in favor of knows that he will have to got 'tit' in or­ August 14, Charles Uanauer & Bros., rendered useless By decomposition. Un­ of Mr. Sturmey's attempt to close the taking the new building was unanimous. der to hold his end up. Or, rather, he Cincinnati. O. "So he will." der light pressures awl high speed, p'^re championships of England to all but Tho first step that will be taken will believes that it is safer to be in the best July 4, South Bend Cycle Club. South "Of course." sperm oil was strongly recommended by Englishmen and foreigners qualified by be the incorporation of the club. Mr. W. possible condition. As regards Harris, I Bend, Ind. Pause. the lecturer, who also referred to the residence in England. The N. C. U. W. Watts now has this in hand, and think that Arthur can beat him, all July 8 and 4, San Antonio Cycling Club, "When did you say you intend apply­ appreciable gain in power where this championships aro the greatest cycle will have it settled in about three weeks. things equal, with easo. San Antonio, Tex. ing for your license?" was fsed under the conditions mentioned. events in the world, and they are so It is proposed to issue 400 shares of May 25, Field Day Case School, Cleve­ "Er um you sec: When do you?" "Bi News." ______"IT IS AML'SINO TO KBJAD land, O. because they are open to every race, stock, each share being placed at $5. accounts of the interviews with Messrs. 'Well, really " creed and color on the face of the earth. April 21, Austin Fair Association, Aus­ PUZZLERS FOR PURES. Every member of the club will be given Sanger, Tyler, Johnson, Bliss, Dirnbor- tin, Tex. Regard each other narrowly. This has made them the object of the one share, which will represent his pres­ "Much chance, seeing " hesitates. ger and others who want lo make the June 18 and 19, Bridgeport Wheel Club, Before You Claim to be a Clans A ambition of every man of the highest ent interest in the club property. He public believe that 'Zimmie' is a back Bridgeport, Conn. "That Tufflegg failed?" class, no nutter from ivhat part of the will then be required to purchase one May 30, T. C. Forbes, Greenfleld, Mass. "Just so." Racer Glance at These Queries. number. If there was a chance of the "Dunno." world he came. To all intents and pur­ additional share, which ho can retain champion meeting them again they May 30, Altair Cycle Club, Danbury, The "Cycle" suggests the following as poses they hava been, and still are, or dispose of to some person eligible, COIID. a catechism would never open their mouths. 'Zim­ July 4, York County Wheelmen, Saco, Pause. for amateurs: thank goodness, the championships of to become a member; the ownership of mie' U "Look here, I'm blessed if I'm going Do you know any agents or makers? tho world. To lower them from such a and has been for some years Me. Do you ever speak to them if you do a share of stock being a requisite to their superior, and it is too bad that he May 12, G. K. B. Wade Sec., U. T. A. on my knees to that hanged committee, krow thorn? position to the level of the champion­ membership, the stock taking the place cannot stay here long enough to take C. A., New Haven, Conn. Ooftnan." Did the maker of your machine ever ships of any other country would have of an initiation fee. Every member the conceit out of some of the so-called May 12, J. W. McDuffee, Franklin Park, "Nor I not if I know it." refer to any communication of youra as been a fatal mistake, and we are glad present Tuesday evening favored thia champions." Saugue, Mass. "I er. I fact isi" desperately, "I "an esteemed order?" that it has not been made. In every scheme, and every man at once sub­ April 19, A. A. Heroux, Lawrence, Mass. Did any person connected with the manu­ other branch of sport England extends While Zimmciman is not particularly June B, Y. M. O. A., I'eorin. III. shan't apply at all." scribed for an extra share. In this way anxious to leave the amateur ranks, he "You won't?" Looks relieved. "Neither facture of your machine ever lend you a welcome to the world why should it be money enough to furnish the new club July 4 and 5, Oskaloosa A. C., Oska- wrench, oil can, or pump, and omit to otherwise in cycling? If other centres sees a future iu the professional arena, loosa. Iowa. shall I!" ask for Its return? house in luxurious style will be raised. and realizes that while his speed lasts September 3, Quincy Bloycle Club, "Candidly, I never intended." Has the maker of ycur tires ever given choose to ado'pt a narrow, parochial Mr. Ed. Meglemry is the father of thia he can maka money enough to get in Qulncy, III. "Plainly, neither did I." you a postage stamp, and lias he refused policy in such an important matter, it incorporation scheme, as he was of tho some business and live comfortable the July 4 and 5, Qulncy Bicycle Club, "When, do you start for Paris?" to take tha equivalent from you? is no reason why we should. We be­ moving plan, and ho has worked inces­ remainder of his life. He has worked Quincy, III. Would you accept an invitation to din­ lieve that Mr. Sturmcy had the best in­ July 4, Michigan Athletlo Club, Detroit, "Well, I had arranged to go with santly to bring his pet ideas to a suc­ long enough for glory, and in the fu­ Tufflegg." ner at a manufacturer's bouse? and In tentions possible, but for once in a way cessful fruition. ture Midi. such case, would you pay your own ex- he made a mistake. A time may come will look for all the dollars that July 4, Cycla Track Association, Winona, "Strange so had I! We'll be all to­ pensa from the station ratuc-r than drive be can get out of racing. While a pro­ Mln gether." we do not think it ever will when we 11. in his carriage? will have real international, or world's In Two-Word Verse. fessional he will do his utmost to gain July 28, Metropolitan Association of 0. "We are a nice pair of humbugs." Did you ever receive a pair of worked Greasy day; the confidence of the public, as he has C., Waverly, N. J. slippers from the sister, cousin, grand­ championships. When that time arrives, Nasty wind; May 12, Metropolitan Title Insurance "We are." done while an amateur. Zimmerman They go off arm in arm. Philander mother, or aunt of a manufacturer? State this question of parochializing the cham­ Girt in wa.v; Co.. New York City, N. Y. approximate pionships of England might possibly be Eikc behind. was never known to do a "crooked" May 23 and 24, New Jersey Pharmaceu­ in "Irish Cyclist." value, etc., etc., etc. act since he took to the racing path, . considered. But iu the meanwhile Very trying tical Association, Asbury Park, N. J. HE WAS WELL Ou the pervesl and It is hoped that the same can be June 2, Crescent Wheelmen, Plalnfield, FIXED. there is no room for tha "little Eng- Horse shying, DISGUSTED HIM, landers." said of him when he retires from the Zim's Experience Had Put Him Onto Cyclist swerves. professional ranks. April 23, Tenth Battalion A. A.,' Albany, Awful slip, "I think," said Zimmerman, that I N Y The Native Could Not Tempt the a Gold Mine. Such » spill 1 will be able to ride as fast, if not faster, May B, Princeton University, Prlnceton, Tourists to View the Local Sights. He loved her. EXPLAINED IT. Sore hip. Doctor's bill. "Cycle. 1" than ever before, this season. Last year "What are the objects of special in­ She loved him. They Thought It Was a Lie Until I was ill and in no condition to race, May 12, College of City of N'ew York, Berkeley Oval, N. * ., , terest around here?" asked a party of They loved each other. He Proved His Statements. yet I won over 100 races from the men June 2, Boonvilla Athletlo Association, tourists going through Arkansas on But her father objected because the A Chance For You to Make Money. who are now seeking championship laur­ young man was almost a total stranger. We were seated round the fire in the Boonvitle, N. Y. their wheels. club house discussing the endless topic The Herald Cycle Club, of 114 Nassau els. When I go to France I will get in "Wal, thar's var'ous thing wuth look- The time had couie when the youth street. New York the best possible condition and do my of tires, when Buggins, our licensed city, are determined to After That $15,OOO Verdict. in' at. Thar's Bud Jackson's bull-pup, must ask the father for his daughter, be represented in every town and village utmost to carry the Stars and Stripes to only six months an' kin lick any year- and he feared to go to him. joker, rushed in, and in an excited man­ In the United States. If they cannot ap­ "Alnck and alas!" the statesman cried, ner tho front in every race in which 1 take "My fat* 1 bitterly rue; ol-i dawg in these parts. An' then thar's He held a long conference with his exclaimed: point a regular bicycle agent they will part. There are some good men over There'd have been tio suit for man-iaga Si Dobson's twins, both on 'em got beloved. "I say, you Johnnies, it was marvel- give tbc agency to a prominent rider. The there, and a man has to be on ed'ge all If, instead of taking a carriage, He told her he did not want to ask ous; simply marvelous." Herald cycles weigh from 20 to 30 pounds twelve toes an' twelve fingers. An' if and Lave tho time to be successful. We'd gone down the street ye wanter see a reel curiosity ye orter ber father. "What?" we shouted. made quite a hit iu New York "CEORGE BANKER WIIA GO ABROAD Upon the seat "George, dear," she asked him iu a "Why, you know the 'Crocodile' safe­ this season. Hidcrs scud for particulars. aa my racing companion, and, with Of a bicycle built lor two."- ride ov«r to old Ben^Hobbses uu' gee a THE SPORTHSTQ LIFE. It

    like Helen Blazes, but when all the facts having a chance to seenre the services of as usual, won, the time given out wa§ are laid before the National Assembly a trainer at a moderate cost. Attached 60m. 27%s., and the gentle reporter en­ CYCLING. it will be found that absolute necessity to almost every track are a number of thusing says: "Just to show what he was the driver and the men who held capable handlers, who will take charge of could do Prince buckled down to work on the reins will be commended for their tbe racing man at a trifling charge. the last mile aud his feet flew. He made He was an amateur racing man and that mile in two minutes or less, tbe exact prompt and vigorous measures. What the income tax fiends had assessed his in­ time was not tfikeu, as there was but on.« lias been written above still goes, but the come at $1000 a year. And now he wonts stop watch in the crowd." Think of it - ORGANIC. action of the Executive Comittee i§ out­ to know If he can claim redemption be­ the last mile in a 20-mile race rua off lined in the following copy of a tele­ cause he has had a row with the maker Iu "two minutes or less!" gram sent to Secretary Bassett: who formerly paid him to ride his In speaking of the International cham­ MOTT TELLS THE WBOLE STORY OF 'Executive Committee order office of wheel. pionship r«c*s, Chairman Kaymond has publication established at Chicago. Bul­ Owing to the Saugus track being a per­ stated that the L. A. W. was undecided letin subscription voluntary. Publish fect quagmire, the MoDufi'ee tournament about sending a team abroad to race In THE ORGAN TROUBLE. has been postponed until May 12. The en­ Belgium. He added that the League had Bassett editor. Washington require­ tries will rtmaiu open until May 7, and as received assurances from several promi­ ments exactly followed. Renewals one; there are already over 100 men entered nent wheelmen that, iu the event of th« applications two dollars. Report this for the several events there Is reason to organization starting a subscription What Led to the Does Being Ad­ to Chicago Post Otfice. Official action expect some Rood racing. fund to defray the expenses of a mailed." Sanction has been granted the Wichita team to go abroad, thu necessary vanced to One-Fifty-All's Well So there you are. Cycling Club, Wichita, Kao., to give mati­ Remarkable Raleigh Results ironey would be forthcoming In a ____ ALBERT MOTT. nee races every Saturday afternoon, for few days. We very muoii doubt that club members only, from April 28 to May any such subscription could be raised, ex­ That Ends Well, and so it is With 26. No prizes to be awarded and sanction cept from the makers of the wheels ridden BITS OFJUCING NEWS. not to be operative on any date for a reg­ by the "amateurs" who would b* sent. This Narrative. ular meet assigned there. A great many of the mishaps In road The rncer who "itches for fame" Is Bliss Is very anxious to secure the races are caused by the man who is lead- usually kept scratching. privilege to maintain an exclusive right to Ing easing up suddenly, and being run No doubt most professionals always wear the pink racing suit that distinguish­ Into by those behind. This should be Baltimore, April 16. Editor "Sporting hope to go to a bettel laud. IDE^S very carefully guarded against by speed Life:" ed his appearance on the track last year. men. Each rider should have at least two "Here's a how-de-do." Madison, Wls., Is discussing the pos­ Several fast men have preceded him In feet between his front wheel aud tho rear "If I oiarry you." sibility of building a race track. registering the same hue with the Racing wheel of tin man In front, and the Bang the dapper little Jap, and tho whole Cycling syntax. The money the maker Board, and "Pye" stands a chance to lose. BCREATB track of his machine should He at least Oriental chorus joined in to call it "a pays to the amateur racing man. In accordance with Clause F, section 5, ti foot, and preferably two, to the rlsht of A ruce for one-legged speed merchants of Racing Kules requiring thirty days' OUflD that of his pacemaker, so that if the latter pretty kettle of tish," and that boiling nil! be a feature of the Homo Cyclers' notice of date and place of national cham­ pulls up suddenly, he can shoot past, oil was really too good for these sar­ meet. pionships, official notice Is given by the OOOH ROADS or If he falls avoid him. If these simple dines of the Mikado's monarchial ter­ Wlllinru P. Murphy tint won 234 firsts Racing Board that nil national cham­ precautions were observed there would ritory. That is about tha way the out of 521) races withlu the past five pionships have been assigned to the Colo­ be fewer accidents ncorded In the annals "Cycle Press" "has it in" for the Kxecu- years. rado Division, to be contested for at Den­ of road racing. tive Committee of the L. A.. W. for The accomplishment of a record feat ver, Col., on Aug. 16, 17 and 18. Dirnberger ia still In Boston preparing Almost all the Canadian bicycle manu­ for the racing season. He is train­ making a contract to furnish the offi­ often puts the racer who aceompllshes It facturers and dealers will put strong rac­ cial bnlletin to the members free of on his feet. ing under the charge of Charles ing teams on the truck this season. One Daniels, of the Y. M. C. A. Dlia- additional cost to them. The cycle "Tommy" Kelph, now to England, has local firm will have six promising young gone into training for a shot at the francs herger expects to leave for the Mid­ papers are honest about it, but mis­ i)f Franco. racers mounted on Its machines, while an­ winter Fair In San Francisco early uext taken. Yon see, the National Assembly other will have four. In many eases the ON week. He and Bliss will commence ran- passed a resolution that it was the Most racing men prefer that one should riders will be the employes of the houses Ing April 25, at the Fiiir, and from that question their amateurism rather than whose wheels they thus advertise. "sense" of the meeting that the organi­ their speed. OUflD date until May IS they will participate zation should publish its own literature. Never look round In racing; It is a In the big meets on the Pacific coast. The To the pure all things are pure, but most dangerous habit and serves no good IVAliS pair will return East in order to enter the That was their opinion, their "sense" at this does not include uuregenerated butter end. Either listen for the rush of your Memorial day races, probably at AYaltham. tho time, based on the circumstances or amateurs. opponent's wheels, with your head slight­ Then the national circuit will be followed of the case as those circumstances were The Kover Wheel Club, Pneblo, Col.. ly bent, or look back under your arm. from beginning to end. Both men are In then. It was very good "sense," too. Ims been added In th* national circuit, When the sun is on your back look out good condition and expect to lower con­ The National Assembly was at that on August 'JO. for their shadows. This will, as a rule, siderably their last year's records. time confronted by testimony that a Ore Hayinau, Grand Island, Neb. Is give you timely notice of a sudden rush. ALtEIGfiS The "Herne Hill" system ot pacing will suitable publication, printed in the form suspended pending un Investigation into There will be a large addition to the he adopted In all English championships In desired on a suitable grade of paper bis amateur status. ranks of those cyclists who secure the the future, i. e., each man will be paced. The N. C. V. licensed 2500 men last services of a private trainer in 181)4, and, If necessary, so that one who is temporari­ could not be had without paying addi­ season, with a profit to the Union of just of course, if a man wishes to do his very EQU1RB ly left can be paced up to the field again tional for it, and had provided to col­ exactly twelve cents. best there ia no doubt that the services If he feels equal to the effort. The pacers lect the 50 cents additional from each Tin chances are America will send two of a competent man will be of the greatest BPAIRS will be fully under control of a pacing di­ member to supply what WHS wanted. of her champions abroad on the same value. It will be quite worth while for rector or marshal, and will be distinctively That was the "sense" of the meeting, steamer Zlm and Corbett. any amateur during the coming year to dressed and altogether independent from based on the conditions that then con­ An Italian count says he Intends pro­ take caru of himself. the competitors. It Is not proposed to fronted it. But it was moting a road race with a prize of 100,000 George F. Taylor, having leased his pace the mile, but all other national cham­ NOT MANDATORY. lira. We believe he is another. leg power for the season to the firm of pionships, and It should greatly Increase It was simply a qualified opinion wheel makers that furnishes "Johnny" the interest of these competitions, for, as ex­ Organized Ilerae Hill pacing is to be Johnson with "the oil that makes his Dr. Turner said, there Is uo reason why pressed to guide the Executive Commit­ Introduced into all I£uglish championships, wheels go round," the arrangements for the fifty miles should not then be a most tee if those conditions continued to pro- with the exception of the mile. the match race bet%veen the two have Interest event, from a spectator's poiut Tail. The National Assembly had just —'/Am Is to take over to France with him been allowed to fall through. The pre­ of view. elected an Executive Committee of stan­ a racing Stur, a machine he thinks he may vious advertisement la said to have been Men In training would do well to re­ dard business men of good judgment, find good use for In various way. only accidentally fortunate. member that, of all fats, butter Is th» and did not Intend to niaki' a law like Tandem racing. If properly encouraged, When a man is passing you in a race CYCLE CO. most easily digested and the most nu­ would provide a welcome change from the keep a careful watch. Riders are very apt tritious. Unlike other fatty or oily sub­ that of the Medes and I'ersians, to tio monotony of short distance safety racing. their hands irrevocably to the detriment through carelessness to cross too soon, stances, butter, on entering the stomach, So groat Is the popularity of cycling In and unless on yonr guard will flud it diffi­ 2O81-83 Seventh five., NEW becomes emulsified at ouce, ami is conse­ of the business of the league, but ex- Spain becoming that it is quite on the cards cult to avoid a collision. If a man de­ Zimmerman. quently ready for Immediate assimilation. pitted them to act as business men that bull Hugs will give way to cycle liberately bores or fouls you It is your 289 Wabosh Ave., CHICAGO, IliU Iteef, and more particularly mutton, fat would for the interest of the whole tracks. duty to report him, and the chivalrous docs not assimilate so readily, and re­ membership, bearing in mind that it The colors of the American racing feeling which prevents so many racing men ON Training, 500. quires a much greater expenditure of di- was the general "sense" that if an otti- men In Paris, riding under Troy, will bo from taking this course Is misplaced. goHtive energy. Too much butter Is, of cial bulletin had to bs provided all black, with a silk American nag around Always ride with your front wheel course. Injurious, and is frequently provo­ the waist. cative of bilious disorder, but, taken In AT AN UNUSUAL COST, slightly outside the driving wheel of the moderation, it is an excellent mid most nu- it had best be published by the organi­ "Wbat did Zlm say when he got that man In front. If he slows syuidenly this Irlllous form of food, and, as such, should zation. Well, the Executive Commit cablegram from Troy telling him that the will enable you to escape a collision. If ITS NAME IS Fruuch would pay him $10,000?" "Dear ine! you ride inside a man's driving wheel form nn indispensable part of every well- tee found tbey could have a suitable you are powerless In case a man from be­ arranged dietary. piper published without the unusual I imagine." ITS GUARANTEE. It cannot be said that the French au­ An article on training In our last Issue hind spurts in front, and if the man in TH& cost to the members, and, as the Na was wrongly credited to "Wheeling," when front cuts a corner very close you n ay thorities have made too much haste Iu im­ tionnl Assembly intended under such be bored on to the grass or collide with proving upon their present methods of "Cycling Life" was the one entitled to him. timekeeping. With the experience that has conditions, snapped up the bargain, as that honor. been gained during the past twelve months any good business men wouhl, and closed Uoad racing In the suburbs of Paris Is The woods are now overflowing with a great deal has bceu learned, but it Is n contract at once. The next National becoming such a nuisance that it is stated racing men who feel confident 7,im Is for­ not easy to find accurate watches or Assembly will undoubtedly not only ap the police are about to take steps to put saking amateurism purely because he is men phlegmatic enough to use them. Now rove that action, but commend the a stop to It. afraid these modest wood-ticks would de­ that the racing season proper has opened Executive Committee for having the The millionaire racing man, Max Le- feat him during the coming season. If It has become absolutely necessary that ? Zim decided to ride as an amateur the something should be done, and after practical common sense to analyze the baudoy, Is said to be the "angel" who Is woods would swallow up those ticks so much souse" of the putting up more than $10,000 for Zirn's careful discrimination the U. V. F. are meeting. amateur cloak. completely that no one would ever know appointing timers who are certain to give At the next meeting of the National they had existed. Such l» fame of the satisfaction except to those win* have been Assembly the Executive Committee will Sanction has been granted the Bay wood-tick variety. Bicycle State Bicycle Clnb to hold a raca, horse overlooked. As the timers will be paid of­ in all probability report that there wore vs. wheelman, on May 30. Class A prize Asked what he considered his chances ficially, the competition for tne of­ 50 cents collected from each member amateur driver. were against the racers In France, Zlm fice is of course very keen. neces-jarily, in accordance with the said: "I have no fears whatever about the Has more important Style Is everything In long-dlstanc* The question t.s to whether the photo­ probable outcome amended constitution and by-laws, and graph Is the only true way to decide the of my contests with the path-racing. If a man possesses this one foreigners. I believe that amateur riders valuable point it will carry him that that half-dollar was not required nuisli of a close race can ouly be answered are much faster than professional riders. improvements through pud is in hand for disposition of it as in the negative. many a "bad time." and a long-distance but I may be mistaken." We think that Price style means an easy, free, sniuging gait, the meeting: shall deem best for the in­ Choppy Warburton, Interviewed, be- Arthur will flnd that he is mistaken In than any other btirntten at practice In long straights, terest of all concerned. Whereupon the Haves that the best man France can put rating the speed of the professional below round big corners, aud on a safe and fast National Assembly, being composed of Into th» Held against Zimmerman Is the that of the amateur. surface. Douhtlfss this Is why Hei-ue picked men of standard business honesty, veteran Medlnger. Fred C. Graves, who is nt present trav­ Bicycle made. $125.00 Hill to-day holds pride of place for it* will unquestionably comprehend at once For riders who -dm at speed on ordi­ eling for the Overman Wheel Company, is two ions-distance races, which in all but that this additional half-dollar was col­ nary roads, a roadster saddle of good make In Springfield, and will remain there a name are the 12 and 24 hours long dis­ lected of members for a specified ob­ la just as much no essential as a light ma­ short time. He says that he has not yet CATALOGUE FREE. tance path championships. The Interest In chine or resilient tires. made his plans for the summer and Is "ic new branch of sport Initiated at Herne ject, and, that it lieinr found "Life is full of narrow escapes," said undecided whether he will continue trav­ Hili n, 1S!»2 grows apace, and it is mo«t UNNECESSARY TO USB IT the racing man to the Interviewer. "Even eling, or go into training and take part satisfactory *o note that quite a number for that object it having been attained the Russian bath I have to employ to take In the meets. At present he Is all out of of long- a difference fers or proposals, and Insisted on hiring lug of the London County Club. Milwaukee will have a date In the na­ in the amateur aud professional, therefore a staff of editors, business managers, ao> tional racing circuit, J. E. Reiter having allowing both classes to compete in the "Sprinter" wants to know what bark same contests. Zimmerman has already en­ Yertisement hustlers, printers' devils and Is the best tonic for developing sprinting. received word last evening from Chair­ boss satanic majesties, and spent man Raymond that the Associated Cycling tered in these competitions. His object in that Try the bnrk of a bull dog, "Sprinter," Clubs had been gr.tnted August 6. This doing so is to give the amateur cracks in 50 cents and probably got a worse "or­ and ask as an easier on* next time. will follow the Chicago meet and will this conntrv who have bceu issuing chal­ gan," the National Assembly would have An Anglo-Fronch team race has been Insure a large field of entries. Efforts are lenges to iii:n since he turned professional resoluted them "a dod gasted lot of arranged In ParlB. Harden. Edwards and being made to have one of the Hipon dates an opportunity to make good their boasts tdjets." Harris will represent England against transferred to Milwaukee so as to give the In a test of speed and endurance on the There are Founder, Louvet and Antony for France. local men two days of racing. track and not through the newspapers. ALTERNATIVES At th« Charleston, S. C. Wheelmen's Tandem safety racing will be likely to _M. V. J. A. Weber, who won tho Eng­ which the Executive Committee mny meat tha other day. a handicap half-mile become popular abroad this season, ami lish five miles' bicycle championship at adopt. It may conclude to make sub­ race for messenger boys was given. Nat­ events for this type will probably appeal Jarrow, In 1.SS5. and was known, (luring a scription optional with members. The urally it was a slow walk-over; time, llm. on most of tbe sports programmes. The short but meritorious career on the path, dollar and a half dues were fixed by Ss. public undoubtedly take an interest in as one of the most brilliant racing men Lamb, who rode second to Ashlnger competitions of the kind, and they may of his day. in now engaged in chicken the Assembly to meet an expected crisis. In Madison Square Garden. Is out with a favorably affect the "gates." The haudl- farming In Florida. A few years ago he If the Executive Committee finds that challenge to rids any man, anywhere, for capper's task In connection with this de­ left Kngland, where he had been read­ crisis does not exist now, it will be any sum, at any distance. Schoch, please scription of race will be a much more dif ing for the bar. for Australia, and there commended by the National Assembly note. licult one thun with the single. cleared sumo land with the Intention of for not extorting the money from mem­ Jllson says that he has noticed that so The Hudson's Bay Company is fitting farming It. Then he changed his plans bers to meet it. Was the dollar and a long as a racing man has rhe dust, there up In Winnipeg the property know as the aud migrated to Casa-Cola, near St. Au­ half dues In the shape of legislation Is little liability of his name becoming "flats" for an athletic and sporting gustine. In Florida. Here, in company by the National Assembly? Yes. Hag mud, even If he doesn't know eoougli to grounds. A club house and bicycle track with Marvln, another Isle of Wight man come In when It rains. of the best quality are being built, regard­ of some ronowi;. he is at present occupied the Executive Committee constitutional In poultry rearing. Weber was well known power to legislate or amend the con­ The newspaper reporters of Paris htve less of expense. The grounds are adjacent arranged for a special train to meet A. A. to the company's stores, and the supposed to tho Amerk-a.'i wheelmen of a decade stitution? No. But the temper of the Zimmertnan, W. B. Troy and George A. enterprise is a large business advertise­ ago as "Alphabetical," and was a com­ National Assembly is well known, and Banker on their arrival at Havre and es­ ment. Cycling continues to win a peg petitor at Springfield ID tbe Uuckerouian it will commend the Executive Commit­ cort them to their destluation. even In the wilderness of the Northwest. period. tee for meeting a crisis in a sensible England is planning her tirst relay race. The 13th, 14th, and 15th of July are V. J. Osmond has met with his flist aud business-like manner. The event is to be from London to Edin­ the dates fixed for the wheel contest from defeat since he finally deserted the ordi­ Now as to that story about the East burgh, each relay to rifle 20 miles, and Lyons to Paris and back, a dis­ nary, in a safety scratch race. At the DUMPING TUB WEST the entire 800 miles if scheduled to b« cov­ tance of 606 English miles. The second day's racing at the Sport and Play In the elections. There is no truth in it ered In less than 50 hours' actual riding race has been promoted by the meeting in Birmingham Ben Fisher and whatever. There were four elective of­ time. "Progreg de Lyon, one of the leading I<. Stroud finished in front of him In a ten aud most Influential newspapers In France, miles' race. There were twenty-four start­ fices and the East proposed to the West Zlm and Wheeler should make a record- ers In the event, and numerous falls. that each territory should furnish two breaking tandem team, and as that form in conjunction with the "Petit Journal," of 1891; there Is something lacking some­ In a series of races for any amount from of racing Is gaining iu popularity abroad of Paris. The pries amount to $1000. The thing of his former exceptional power and $2500 to $25,000, the distance nt events Stroud and Osmond were the only first-class candidates. That was simply a propo­ we may y«t see some new figures put up race is open to all comers of all nationali­ certainty although he is still a first-class to be mutually agreed upon. The. result men in the rnce. and were content to wait sition to open the discussion. The West on the French record slates by the Amer­ ties. rider. It Is not often that a man comes of such a competition would. I believe, on each other to the bell. Stroud led down would not even discuss the proposition, back again to his best form after being the back straight and round the ber.d, icans. The Race Committee of the King's Coun­ leave no doubt as to the superiorly of with Osmond on his back wheel. but gave an ultimatum that it "must ty Wheelmen are engaged in arranging for "off" for such a lengthened period as two the one over the other." Fisher Harry teeming has returned to Spring- years. had come out from the other men, and rid­ have the Presidency." "Men and meas­ fluid after a still hunt for racers of the their aunual midsummer race meet, which A large, well-made roadster saddle, ing hiph up on the banking came with a ures" could go to the demnition bow­ "dark horse" variety. Leemlug claims to will be held on June 30. The committee, Never slacken once you turn Into the with good springs, is an addition that cou- great sprint In tho straight, and beat the wows they "must have the Presidency." have discovered several of these who are after considering the matter of tracks, finishing straight. When one eases in one's cerus not ouly the scorcher's comfort, but crack pair by a foot; Stroud being half world beaters If they are trained by have decided to hold tbe tournament on the spurt, especially at the end of a hard- also his neatness of pedaling. There is The officers, other than, that, actually run race, It takes time to get going a wheel In front of Osmond. On the pre­ "went a-begging" in the West, until a Looming. Parkway Driving Club track at Gravesend. again, nothing like an absolutely steady aud com­ vious day Osmond won his heat of the It has been proved by a series of ex­ The track is half a mile, and the driving and under such circumstances a- rush fortable seat for insuring fast pedaling. mile scratch, but did uot turn out in the final ticket was proposed by the East periments that the circulation of the club will put It in first-class shape for the from behind is almost irresistible. When The ankle, when not illegitimately employed with two Western men on it. There is blood is affected by music. This may tournament. Last season the races were hard pressed remember that your opponent in pushing back the rider Into his proper When in second position approaching no cause, on that score, for dissatisfac­ partly account for the racer's Increased held at Eastern Park. Is probably quite as much done as you place every now and then us Is unavoida­ the last turn do not allow the leader to tion in the West and you can set it down speed when inspired by the lively playing In abandoning Independence Williams, are. It then becomes a matter of pluck; ble with a jolting seat is free to work slow too much, or someone from behind us a fact that the L. A. W. will always of the baud. the man with the biggest heart will win. properly; the thigh is uot strained by con­ may come with th« originator of the track, made famous No man can attain great racing dis­ stant unconscious efforts to seady its own­ a rush and not only take exist there, and It will be a part of the It has been predicted that first time by Johnson's records, has given tbe kltu tinction without pluck. er; and the whole strength can be devoted vour position before you can Jump Into parent organization, too. prize in the Martin road race will have the go by. The new track which is to be lo the end of getting ahead. your sprint, but draw others with him Again that story. Mr. Luscomb, Mr. to b« won la 1.06. In that event the win­ built for "him by the citizens of Galesburg. The governing bodies of the sport are and effectually pocket you. Don't back ner will have to cover the course In 1.12 III., where Williams Is to locate, Is to be very solicitous where a man's amateur Hyslop, the Canadian crack, has Joined podal at a coruer. It will upset your WilTison, Mr. Perkins, or any authori­ actual riding time. Tals is at the rate of of the regulation pattern by the express status is in question, but they are too apt the racers training at Savannah, Ga. steering, and It U much easier, to get zed person for them 2.55 per mile. stipulation of Mr. Williams. A kite track altogether to overlook the responslbil.tles "Billy" puts on avoirdupois so rapidly round pedaling, especially if you work NEVER MADE A PROMISE By vote of the Racing Board It has is about as poor property as a trotting as­ which they undertake in governing cycle that h< finds It, he says, almost Impos­ the right or outside lo? the hardest. If of giving office or even hinted at it be­ been decided, That while a college Is iu sociation cau own, Williams says, and he racing. It Is quite as much their duty to sible to get into condition without hard, the corner Is a really bad one It often fore election, and there was not a man session, auy member of same may give ought to know, if anyone does. protect their clientele as to punish the steady application, taken in a warm tem­ pays by a sudden rush to start the men In existence who knew who would be his college as his legal residence, iu deter­ An Irish racing man had been sum black sheep. Cycle racing Is. under th( perature. The step he is taking will In front, sprinting some sixty or seventy the appointees until Mr. Luscouib an­ mining his right to compete within 200 moiied before the licensing committee to best of circumstances, dangerous, bui loubtless prove a judicious one. His work yeards from It, then slow slightly, drop proper regulations minimize the risk. 11 with the speedy flyers with whom he will back, and. as they swing wide, sprint by nounced them after election. The elec­ miles of same. show cause whv he should be allowed to ouie in contact Iu the South will give tion was absolutely clean, without any Portuguese cyclists need not complain consort with the lamb« of amateurism Is the boumlen duty of the governing on the inside. Nothing takes the pace off of the deadly monotony of prizes. One of rather than with the goats of profession­ hoilles to see that luch regulations an ,iiiu many valuable pointers and largely a machine and the go out of a rider so swapping, trading, log rolling or prom­ carried out. isslst iu the development of bis latent much as to bungle a corner. We have ises. If there is any man who thinks he the prizes at a recent race-meeting In Opor­ alism. His re.uly wit stood him iu good; to was a silken scarf, embroidered and finally the cross-questioner of tu« commit­ The greatest cycling event of the yea peed. He will return home In time to seen a man who carried out this dodge knows to the contrary, let him confess painted by the Queen, aud presented by tee lost his patience and exclaimed tes­ in Europe will be the Grand Prlx. to I uke in one of tbe 24th of May meets. successfully get a twenty yards' lead be­ that knowledge. He is challenged to do her own fair hands. tily: "You're a nice fellow, ain't you?" decided iu Paris In August. Its value to The trustees of the Kings County fore the men who had been leading him go. Of course it is an easy matter to as- There Is considerable speculation as to Witness replied: "I am, sir, and if I was the winner will be 100,000 francs. This Wheelmen at their last meeting decided to an Instant before could got going again gert there was trading and promises, but how the class system will result. not on my oath I'd say tha same of you. Is the same amount of money givon for allow C. H. Murphy the 9000 miles which to catch him. The the blue ribbon of the French turf of the he claims to have ridden, and have award­ Mr. J. M. r/inseott, promoter ana it must be more than mere assertion to Racing Board as yet has taken no steps -Aids to speed, of every kind, and at founder of tbe famous Linseott have any effect. A great deal of the to place mon In th« different classes, and any cost, are what cyclists In general same name. The Grand Prlx for cyclists ed him a medal for that distance; and, road race, tbe riders themselves are very reticent Is a new fixture, aud It Is expected will In order to sustain the spirit of harmony proposes making that of 1894 the greatest correspondence of the campaign is on re­ most earnestly dertre. Feather-weight ma­ attract the best cyclists of the world of and avoid any futuie unpleasantness, the road event in the country. His prize list file here, while this is written enough garding their intentions chines suggest themselves to every mind; Strict enforcement of the amateur rcle and it does not take very much intelli­ l-arta, so that the winner In ufldltlon to road officers of 1893 have decided to pre­ will aggregate over $2000, including, as it to prove anything herein put forward. has left so many Scotch racing men out In gence to think, fnrt! crmore, of detaching pocketing the handsome sum mentioned sent both Mr. Needharn and Mr. Murphy does a JWOO horse and team, a house lot, Any one is welcome to see it even you, the cold that In self-defense they have mudguards and brake. After that, the will receive th« championship as well. with souvenirs alike In every respect except three high grade bicycles, several gold Mr. Editor and you can publish it, too, organized a Racing Union. The new or­ aspiring scorcher cogitates deeply, and re­ The money Is given by the municipal au the Inscriptions. This will uot allow either watches and numerous other things, both if thorlties of Paris. one to claim supremacy, and will go a useful and ornamental. The course over you want to. There is not a line or ganization intends promoting amateurism moves nis footrestsj aud possibly goes on great way toward restoring the good feeling which It will be run is a record course. a word in in that would reflect any­ as it was, not as it am. to put a light rating sai'dle on bis mount. Zlm gives this parting shot at the ge,ntlemen who are barking at him: "So that was endangered by tba discussion on It btlng that on which McDuffoe created a thing but credit on any otlicial of the George Banker will not send his resig­ This last Is a deadly mistake nine cases tbe subject. world's 25 miles record against time last League. Any man who writes you con­ nation to the L. A. VV. before leaving out of ten. muclj talk has been indulged in by cer­ Osmond, according to the English pa­ tain amateur riders of meeting me In a Our old friend, "Cracker Jack," still May. It will be faster if anything, as It trary to this, simply informs you of his for Paris as he has not decided whether match race that I have decided to make maintains his old-time ability to hypno­ has been slightly altered, so that three impressions and not facts. to race or not. He will make the trip on pers, is very anxious to get back uis old or four turns have been done away with. his own account, and should he race It will form, and has betn training carefully for them an offer. It is this. I will agree to tize those who act as timers for his horse Since writing the foregoing the a Kood while. Those who know him best, race the amateur rider who is declared versus cycle races. In a recent 20-mile It has been chain surveyed and found ta EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HAS ACTED. be for the cash prizes only. champion at the end of the racing season ruce of this kind ID Florida, which Jack, be correct as to the dlstauufe. __ _; --^ - No doubt some will think (t has acted English racing men are favored by however, say that be Is uot the Osmond THE LIFE. .April back from the big marks in handicap the delegates stating that at present there races, slowly but surely, until his abil­ was no certain revenue to pay the au cunt Extract from the Cyclist, the largest and mo«t CYCLING. ity was recognized, and he was placed frum. Influential wheel paper In Europe. on scratch in all events. I was his On Saturday, April 28, the Milwaukee Wheelmen will be 10 years old. The club EMiNGTON " THE USE OF EQUAL WHEELS appears to friend when he could not ride fait is making arrangements to celebrate the ;npugh to keep warm, and now in the event with an entertainment at Recreation hare been almost universally adopted by American sieight of his fame. I am proud to say, Hall. There will be speeches, folowed by manufacturers this year. English makers still GOOD-BYE TO Zlffl. 1 remain his friend. I may assert, that a hop. A. A. Zimmerman is to-day the most What wheelmen want lu an ad. Is exact, largely adhere to the use of a larger steering popular man in any line of recognized definite Information. It orght to be given wheel than a driver. They admit that they may AMID FEAST AND SONG HIS FRIENDS to them In a smooth, more or less argumen­ sport. None so unassuming after hav­ save a pound ing won a tative way, and as strongly as possible, by using the smaller wheel, but aa big race; always the same; for "the other fellow" is after these same SAY ADIEU. never conceited. To him I say: 'God people. most consider that the larger steering wheel is bless you!' I love the man for all he The tendency of cats to sharpen their mechanically correct, and makes the more perfect has been to me. He has helped me, he claws on something firm and springy has machine, A Testimonial Worthy ol the King idvised me, and assisted me in. every way been the cause of more thin one pair of they prefer to adhere to it." I have needed it." pneumatic tires being punctured In es- After a few general remarks, Howard tablishmenets where cats and cycles reside . ..BUT.. Who Received It Friends and Ad­ E. Raymond was appointed officer of tlie together. A Kowley (Mass.) grocer now covers his we will furnish both mirers Wish the Champion night, and the party departed for Koster route on his bicycle. He says he has God­ & Bial's, where several private boxes eighteen hooks on the machine, so he can wheels 28 128 if were gayly decorated with the French, carry anything and everything. Recently desired. speed and Success. American and English flags. he was seen on the street with three large The second box had "Zimmy's" racer, five-gallon oil cans, and a bag of meal Note our frame de- interwoven with the American flag, fas­ on the bicycle. New York, April 17. The farewell tened to the rail, and when the party A wheelman who has returned from Rus­ lign as illustrated dinner tendered Arthur A. Zimineruian entered at about 9 o'clock the audience sia says that cycling there is far from bo- above. It was orig­ last evening at the Hotel Bartholdi was arose and cheered the champion con­ ing a pleasure. The police are very strict, a success in every way. To be sure, all tinuously until he acknowledged the and when one of tihem speaks to you in un­ inated by us in "93, and those intelligible Russian It is wise for you to invited did not attend, but the Elaudits in a quiet bow. la another answer, "Yes, Czar," anil make yourself we are endorsed in ones that did were able and willing to ox were Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Zimmer­ scarce at once. continuing it for '94, ive the champion a proper send-off, man, the champion's parents, in com­ Oh, those dear, delightful, original Par­ f'he dinner was given Ziinmerinan by pany with several other ladies. A large isians! One of them now rides a tandem by the fact that nearly old, personal friends, who, although sprinkling of wheelmen were among the tricycle the front seat of which is all the prominent man­ sorry to lose his presence in the United audience, and served to remind the pub­ occupied by a grinning ape, who, how­ States, were sincere in their wishes for lic generally that it was "Wheelmen's ever, does not earn his prominence by sup­ ufacturers in the coun­ his success as a professional abroad. Night." In conversation with George A. plying any of the motive power for the try are adapting it as Covers were laid for 22, but the num­ Banker, during the performance, wheel's propulsion. he said The "Irish Cyclist" thinks It is curious new (?) for their this ber of gentlemen at the table during tho that the reason he has been so non- that although the air cushion is au an­ feast was 13. If "Zimmy" fails to ride commital as to his professional plans cient contrivance it was not till the ad­ year's model. up to expectations it will be blamed on in the past was because when Troy vent of the air tire that Inventors turned the unlucky number. Those present and returned and told him that no arrange­ their attention to utilizing the principle We use the World-Renowned Bartlett "Clincher" and "Palmer Tires. the order in which they sat was as fol­ ments as to a bonus could be made for many otlier purposes for which. It has lows: for any one except Zimmerman, he im­ lately proved effective. . WORKMANSHIP THE BEST. PRICES REASONABLE. POPULAR WEIGHTS. At the head of the table -was Will mediately wrote to H. E. Raymond ask­ We have come to the conclusion that, ex­ ing for credentials to race in Europe as cept in rare cases, the gaitered leg Is R. Pitman, one of the oldest wheelmen very trying to a rationally-dressed lady's in America, a veteran league of Ameri­ a class A amateur. This Mr. Raymond appearance. Perh-ips It is, however, Just can Wheelmen and informal tot>stmas- refused, on the grounds that it could as well at present, but we shall be edu­ ter; at his right sat Ximraerman; next not be allowed, inasmuch as he was cated up to black silk stockings and well- 313 & 315 BROADWAY, to "Zinimy" and following rotation to going over in the employ of a certain fitting neat shoes in time. the end of that side of the table were cycle company; but if he desired cre­ An English writer, arguing In favor of REMINGTON ARMS CO., NEW YORK. W. S. Webster, H. L. Saltonstall, W. dentials from the L. A. W. as a class the cycling soldier, has figured out that an B man he could have tlnm. "As there ordinary cavalry soldier costs over $800 O. Overman, George A. Bunker, W. B. vanced Ideas- of Troy jind Sidney W. Bowman.. On Mr. are ro half-way professionals recognized to equip. A cyclist infantryman, who is the dress reformers. She UP TO DATE-...... ir_ Europe," said Mr. Banker, "there equally valuable except under certain in­ was plump and shapely, and her black Pitman's left sat Howard E. Raymond, frequent circumstances, can be put in hair clustered In curls about her head. Her following in the order named were Carl seems to be nothing for me to do but costume was of a delicate gray blue, and turn professional out and out. My the flekl for something under $100. Von Longerke, L. C. Boardmnn, Joseph An English wheel club has fidopted the full bloomers were held by leggings of IMPROVEMENTS McDerruott and G. Minturn Wordei). first race will be the same day that the following commendable rule: "The the same color. She wore a loose jacket, At the proper moment champagne was 'Zim' rides his." club will bear the expenses of any mem­ with a pleasing commiugliug of masculine ber who prosecutes a person for stone or aud feminine lines; and she seemed obliv­ ...... WE LEAD produced, and after cigars had been ious of the attention she attracted as slue lighted those present settled themselves cap throwing, or other mischievous inter­ HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE. ference with cyclists, providing the com­ pushed her bicycle -along. down for the speeches. In a few com­ mittee approves of the prosecution." Henry Sturmey thus compliments the plimentary words Mr. Pitman called high-framed wheel: "After six mouths' Weight, Strength, Style, Ease of Running-, Room for cycling- Improvement A repair Benevolent Rector "And so, Mrs. Too- upon Zimuierman to speak. With that shop. good, you say that your poor old hus­ continuous riding upon a high safety we SPECIAL POINTS : Adjustment, and Simplicity in Construction same air of languor that has always band has been growing mounted a low one again last week, and News of the season Neuralgia, pneumo­ somewhat ec­ we cannot say we enjoyed the change. all combined in the characterized the actions of the cham­ nia, pneumatics. centric in his behavior of late?" Old pion, as he lounges to the tape in his Party (tapping her forehead significantly) The feeling was that of crawliug over the A relic of a lost race Thz second prize "Ah! face of the earth like a creeping thing. races, "Zimmy" arose and, speaking you won in the event. yer riverenco! I'm afeard as how Vehicles seemed rather to overpower us, quietly, said: lie's got a spoke loose here." "Hi. News." and we certainly felt a great deal 'hap­ It looks as though the lost month of L'Enfaiit Terrible. "Be "ZIMMTS" ORATION. March bad now turaed up at last. a good boy, you pier' on the high machine. In point of LOVELL f)IArlOND CYCLES know on Sunday you will put on your pace for road riding our 'High Hover' is "Words cannot express niy gratitude Every rider you meet now greets you flrst pair of knickerbockers." "Will you with:4 "Dj'evversecsuch weather?" certainly up to anything In the way of to all for the honor you do me this buy me a bicycle as well then, papa?" wheels we have ever ridden." evening. I never could talk as fast as Toronto, Canada, proposes to limit Its "A bicycle! What made you think of We are the Pioneers in Low Prices wheelmen to Cycling, for profit as well as pleasure. Is I could ride, if you will pardon me for an eight-mlle-an-hour pace. such a thing?" "Why, you bought one perhaps more practised in Washington Our Bicycles Never Give Out .... alluding to that. I shall always re­ Oswego has decided that six miles IB fast fur nm wheu she had her first pair!" "Le than in any other city In the country, member while in France th:U I am an enough for wheelmen to ride In the roads. Volo." and it has some odd developments that We flake All Sizes ...... American, and I promise you that, as a To sec a novice handle a wheel is amus­ Cycling, 3 P. M. till 4. Polo, 4 till 5. strike the visitor with both surprise and professional, I shall race as honorably ing to every one except the novice him­ Hockey, 5 till ti. Tea, 6.30. .Dancing, 7 amusement. The smooth, asphalt-paved and act as fairlv as I hope I have done self. till 0. Cycling, 0 till 9.30. Such is an or­ streets and park-like roads reduce the labor Cycling produces In an nnequalol man­ dinary Saturday afternoon's programme of propelling a cycle to a minimum, aud as an amateur. ' of Ireland's JOHN P. LOVELL ARHS COHPANY When the enthusiasm had quieted ner decision of character and quickness famous wheel club, the Ohne one sees bicycles and tricycles with all of action. Hast. The polo is the only part of the sorts of attachments and arrangements for somewhat Howard B. Raymond said: programiiHne in which the ladles Go not MANUFACTURERS "To Mr. Zimmernmu "That la what I call rough," murmured the carrying of packages which In worse we bid adieu. We the Pedal Pin as the repairer introdiced it participate. paved ami less-crowded cities would call BOSTON, .... flASS. shall miss his smiling face at the race to the File. While coasting down a hill near Sum­ for the services of j. torse and wagon. meets in the United States, mit, N. J., on Thursday, a Mr. House but will In Haarlem, Holland, there is a wheel lost The flrst insertion of an advertisement AGENTS WANTED feel assured of the fact that, by his club whose name is the Kettiuggaugers control of his bicycle and collided with a very seldom pays the manufacturer. That CATALOGUE FREE own words, even in Europe, amid gold (chum-goers). carriage. One of its occupants, a woman, is, to say, If you have never advertised was thrown out and severely hurt, one of Write for Terms and glitter, he will not forget staid, A "Coxey Commonweal Annv smoker" before in a certain paper it will take the carriage wheels was knocked off and some little time for its readers to get old America. France presented the Am­ will be given by the Atlanta Wheelmen In the bicycle was wrecked, but House es­ erican people their club house. acquainted with you, and until they do, with the Statue of Liberty. caped Injury. don't expect much return. There are oc­ which Is constructed entirely out of papier which now stands in our harbor and At length it appears to be safe to ven­ A village ordinance regulating Moycle casional exceptions, of course, hut they mache. All the different parts, the body, welcomes all to our shores. In return ture the opinion that the backbone of win­ riding has gone into effect in Babylon, L. are few and far between. It is the sys­ wheels, poles, etc., are finished ia the we. givo Arthur A. Zimmerrann. Did I ter has been fractured. I. Cycists caught riding their wheels on tematic, persistent effort that pays In best possible manner. While the durabll- say give? No; we lend him to her, and Rhode Island has a standing temptation the sidewalks in any part of the incor- advertising, as in everything else. Iu ity and powers of resistance possessed by our eyes shall follow his career abroad to the fool-killer in a wheel club with the porated district are liable to a tine of taking medicine the regularity of the dose this material are fully as great as those the same as though he had not forsaken idiotic uauie of Bo Bo. from $5 to $10. The ordinance also re­ Is almost as important as the drug itself. of wood, the weight is, of course, much The essence of knowledge of a wheel is, quires wheelmen to carry a light on their France-Is one of the few countries where less. If this is possible with so heavy a the ranks of the League, but was still piece the idol we all have worshiped the bavins It, to apply it; not having it, to wheels at night. the annual death rate is lu excess of that of machinery as a fire engine, why confess your ignorance. of births, but, thanks to cycling, all this may not so light a one as a bicycle eventu­ amateur champion of the world." Carl A change from the old-time cycling fun­ ally become paper-framed? Ton Lougsrke He that worries himself with the dread eral yarn comes from Vermin, where, we is now to bo remedied, sinoi; we read in then said he considered of possible contingencies will never mid are- told, ail infant was escorted to church a French wheel paper that "A midwif(> Men used to boast a good deal In the "Zimmy" the greatest "brain rider" the pleasure In riding a wheel. to be baptized by 60 cyclists, luvited by of Courvllle, France, visits all her pa­ dear old days of never carrying this, that, world has ever known, and to lose him Wheelmen ask of the manufacturers first the father. The four kilometres separat­ tients on a bicycle, and thanks to its speed and the other thing when awheel. Some­ was something from which it would for something now and afterwards iufj'i ing the house from the church were the number of her patients has nearly times the boastful Individual never car- ^akc- a lifetime or longer to recover. whether it IB of any value. traversed on bicycles, the nurse and lufant doubled." It now only remains for the lied a lamp, sometimes a bell, sometimes a When H. S. Sultonstall, the donator The cal!' nK °nBhf man who cleans your being on a tandem. French Government to supply all of Its wrench, sometimes an ollor, and sometimes CURTIS- of the celebrated "International Cham­ wheel '"' you f^ff >>° '< « , but he has to The wheel advertisement of the future midwives with bicycles, which will of ha never carried anything but a littlo shh'e In his profession to succeed. will be one that will leave out any idea course double the business each one has; silver. How much this practice has died CHILD pionship Cup," was called upon, a warm out does not need a very long ride to con­ outburst of enthusiasm followed. Me A smart manufacturer has named a of being funny or "eatohy." It will t^ll and, there you are, France Is saved by the wheel "The Journalist." He expects In bicycle news plainly, clearly, honestly. cycle. vince anyone. But there are men now, It MFG. said: this way to get the machine When It talks about bicycles it will tell Buyers will do well to be particularly appears, who go out on lonely rides minus . "Mr. Zimmerman, in le^iug us, causes puffed. a pump or a repair outfit When the chain bearli -gs not so much something about thorn. If they are good, circumspect when big discounts on un­ of any sort. Co., Jp '' " of lonelin<-<>» almost before the aJ. will not only say so, but will known wheels are pushed forward for There seems no reason for pursuing this PHILADELPHIA, PA. «. Although competition the outside, uiind you are unlubilcatud, course, Send for Catalogue., will even the best of chains are likely to go. say why. If they are best the same. their consideration. They will do far bet­ aud such foolish wheelmen suffer more animated when the mas­ There ter and consult their own Interests to a some unpleasant experiences sometimes Emancipator "Woman Is making great are many inconsistencies in human owing to tlielr careless disregard. ter of all has departed, yet we Ameri­ strides those days.'' Miss Wheels "Yes; nature. The ui:m who swears that bicy­ far greater extent by paying a higher rate hinder, your own ends. Remember, cans, I believe, would rather see Zim­ those cycling trousers are so delightful. cles should be wiped from the face of the figure for a machine of well-known name Chain wheels as well as chains do not there are lady riders wlio shrink from pub­ merman walk over than all tho hardest earth, because a rider has the temerity to and reputation; even if it so happens that receive enough consideration at the hands licity, and may "What Is this pneu tired feeling I their pockets are not deeply lined with of makers. The unhealthy craze for ex­ object to he objects of contested races of the earth. I realize have?" »ald the wheel after the repairer dash silently by him on the street, almost your missionary efforts. it to be a matter of business, he having breaks his submissive neck to get out of cash, it will be more to their Interests to treme lightness has led to tlicir being The attempt which had replaced solid tires with Inflated ones. tho track of some bug brute on a beer secure a second-class mount by a good cut down to the smallest possible size. was Inaugurated to everything to lose and nothing to gain If you want to convert Introduce spring cycle wheels some years a dvspcptlc to wagon who Is drivlug bis horse at a mur­ maker at a fair and reasonable price, rath­ The strain on the chain, and consequently ago has not deterred by remaining in America as an amateur. cycling, Invito him to a wheelman's Imn- derous pace. ' er than to be led away by such subter­ on the frame of the machine must be- inventors abroad When the International Championships (luet and let him see the assemblage there fuges. cnormoufl, and ere long something is bound from giving further attention to this ques­ feed. There were two cycling friends, who, tion. Iu the arrangement of M. A. B. are being run in Belgium next Septem­ according to "Bi. News," used always The wear on the axle cones round to go. We quite agree with several riders I.ejeutie, of Paris, ordinary carriage ber we shall look to Zimmerman to up­ Marriott & Cooper are displaying a tan­ to be out riding together, and so chummy which the balls revolve Is not only severe (and writers) of what we may term the springs are employed, a number of these hold his standard, even though he bt> dem safety, with connected steering, en­ were they that they occasionally forgot hut uneven, particularly upon the chain steady-going school who contend that the being fixed to the rim by means of brack­ riding under tho entry of France, and abling the occupant of either scat to they were on bicycles and fell off on side of the driving wheel. To obviate back wheel pinion ought to have at least ets. To the ends of these arc attached steer. hills, until they instituted a code of rules, this the rider should several times dur­ nine or ten cogs and feel sure that against to win which would kwp the honor from wind or up hill there would he a great In­ the spokes. The arrangement, designed by America. To him I say from the bottom New York has a "Puck on Wheels Bi­ of which the most Important two were ing the season slack the nuts securing the Mr. K. W. Brown and J. W. Flnvell, of cycle Club." Puck It was who made that not to spenk going uphill, and not to axle, and give cone and axle together crease of power, more partlcnlaly if the Birmingham, Is really Intended to take of my heart, ben voyage." very sage remark, "What fools these mor­ laugh going down. a quarter turn In the frame, so that chain and chain wheels arc kept clean. the place of the usual tire, and consists Next to speak wps Brother-in-law Joe tals be?" A. C. Mocrkcl and J. C. Boeder, two the strain of driving will come on a differ­ Machines In England last yoar were of a number of bow-shaped springs fixed McDermott, who has accompanied here­ There are some men who would rather young bicyclists of Allegheny, will leave ent portion of the cones. The wear should lighter than they ever were before, and, between two metal hoops or rings form­ tofore the world beater on all his trips. hear themselves preach about pure ama­ in a few days on a trip on their wheels then be taken up by turning the loose says the "Cyclist,"we are Inclined to think, ing the rim. These rings are connected to He said: teurism than to listen to an angel tuning for Panama. Tlioy will go to St. Louis and cone on the left part of the axle, from than they tver will he agiln, until perhaps the hub by ordinary spokes. The springs "Undoubtedly Arthur is closer to me Ills harp. thence through Texas to Mexico and Cen­ (eft to right, until the bearing Is adjusted aluminium or some other similar metir own canoe' may lumself as entirely satisfied that if to lay out a tennis court and base ball until they do, don't expect much return. man that "does" our sentimental articles well relinquish It for hotter things. There are occasional exceptions, of couise, llver In rational dress, rejoice In your "Zim" could ride like that in France he field. having absented himself for the purpose, emancipation quietly. Please do not show would surely win everything in sight. A German expects to make a fortune out but thev are few and far between. It Is as he subsequently explained, of bury­ the systematic, persistent effort that pays off. Other woman are less likely to follow Owed to Spring, The next and last to bid farewell to of a wbeehvonian's bouquet holder which ing his uiother-in-law, our funny man your example if you do. Above all, do he has Invented. We think we can name In advertising as iu everything else. In volunteered to take on his job. This Is Balmy zenbyrs, warm sunshine, "Zimmy" was Sidney Bowman. He taking medicine the regularity of the dose not attempt the conversion of those who Swelling buds on live ami vine; at least one man in Germany who will be the result.)" are not anxious to be reformed. Show said: "As a man who has always been much disappointed before he is much Is almost as Important as the drug it­ Passengers on open cars, 'ZimV friend, even before his reputa­ self. The proposition made by an English them the beauty, the comfort, the tasteful- Getting scent from bad cigars; older. Inventor to build bicycles out of paper Is r.css of your costume, and If it has these IJieyclists iu aidless tmtp, tion became so well established, I beg A proposal made at the annual meet A young woman appeared in Herald not altogether as absurd as It may seem qualities they will dawn on the poor be­ Most of them with monkey stoop; you to allow me to speak a few words. ing of tho N. C. U. of England to pay Square. New York, on Monday afternoon at first sight. The Fire Department at nighted heathen, but do not aggressively Overcoats on left