I ^YTT"^ C*T^^"VT> T^T'rVT/^ T TT~^T"> 1 HE oPORTINGLJFECOPYRIOHT, 1894, BY THE SPOHTINO LIFH PUB. CO. EIJTESED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTES. VOLUME 23, NO. 4. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 21, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS of all the base ball fraternity as well as gether on the TItica team. Then they many others who know him only to have separated, Sliindle going to Detroit and the sincerest regard for him. Griffin to Baltimore. When Detroit dis­ THE SPORTING LIFE. Dieksou, the great young pitcher of banded Shindle joined Griffin in Baltimore. WESTERN AMIRS. A WEEKLY JOURNAL the University of Pennsylvania team is They both joined the Philadelphia Players' but 17 years old. League, and then separated again. Grlf- Devoted to Grady has been hitting hard and he nn going to Brooklyn and Shindle return­ THE OPENING OF THE HEW LEAGUE'S promises to become a great backstop. He ing to Baltimore. Now they are once more BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND is inclined to be a little overanxious and together in Brooklyn.____ GENERAL SPORTS AND grasps for the ball almost before the bats­ CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON. man swings at It. This habit is often SELEE'S SIGHT. , PASTIMES. prolific of passed balls, but after a few games it is thought Grady will be in How the League Race Looks Through good shape to handle any of the home Wednesday Next the Opening Day Published by pitchers effectively. His Spectacles. Four o'clock is the hour set for be­ Manager Selee, of the Boston League For What Promises to b& a Suc­ THE SPORTIHG LIFE PUBLISHING CO. ginning games at Philadelphia Park. team, makes the following predictions Callihnn seems to have the making of a about the coming season: Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. good pitcher about him. "While I am not claiming the cham­ cessful Season-The List of Play­ pionship, I'll say that the Bostons will play any club in the country a series of ers, Umpires, Etc., Under Contract. FRANCIS C. RICHTER Editors. nine games and win a majority of them. FRANK A. EGAN LATE NEWS BY WIRE. I'll also predict that we will be one, two, three at the finish of this year's race. CONTENTS: The Latest Official Bulletin From Leaving Boston out of my calculations, I The reorganized Western League of Headquarters, think Cleveland should bo first. New York 181)4 is composed of clubs located in Base Bull News......._.............. Pngei 1 to 8 Milwaukee, Kansas Cily, Minneapolis, Bicycling News ....................... 1'agcs 0 lo lit Special to "Sporting Life." second, Pittsburg third, Philadelphia Washington. D. C., April 20. Headqrar- fourth, Cincinnati fifth, Chicago sixth, Grand Uapids, Sioux City, Toledo, In­ Billiards, Aquatic, Trigger, Brooklyn seventh, Baltimore eighth, Louis­ dianapolis and Detroit, making one of King, Cricket, Athletic....... Page S ters National League and American Asso­ ciation of Professional Base Ball Clubs: ville," ninth, St. Louis tenth, Washington the most compact and lucrative circuits LEAGUE CONTRACTS. last. I think Cleveland has a winner. ever possessed by any large league west SUBSCRIPTION RATES: With Louisville W.. M. Karle, C. Scott That team can bat, run bases and field One Year................. ............................. S4.OO with the best of them, and the pitchers are of the Allegheny Mountains. The cham­ Strattou. pionship Six Months....................... .................... 3.35 With Boston-C. A. Nichols. very strong. Tebeau also cau get a great season opens Wednesday next, Three Months....................................... l-*5 With New York Amos Kusie, C. A. Far- deal of team work out of his men, which Is April 25, and closes September 25, each Single Copy........................................... l«c. rell, James Stafford. a big factor. New York has a cracking club playing every other club 10 games. PENNSYLVANIA LEAGUE CONTRACTS. team, too. I think Ward's men will out­ The president-secretary-treasurer of the PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. class Philadelphia and Pittsburg in pitch­ League L Mr. Ben Johnson, of Cincin­ Foreign 1'ostnge, $1.04 Kxtra per Annum. With Reading B. W. Beaumont, George ing and base running and will hit just as Goodhard, W. J. Clare, Ed. Henry, Wil- hard. Farrell is the best catcher New nati. Following is a correct list of the linui L. Lawson, Frank J. Eustace, Frank teams of the League: DISTRIBUTION: York has had since Buck Ewing's palmy Miller, George B. Fox, W. C. Khoads, K. days. He will get a lot of work out of PETHOIT. .E SPORTING LIFE is the only C. Stepheuson, Thaver Taneyson. the pitchers, and will handle Rusie better Mnnngcr and captain H. J. Glonnlvin; catcher* With Altoona T. McOuirk, J. H. Butter- William Krieg, Jerry Hurley; pitchers George weekly paper (to our knowledge) than any catcher that has ever faced him. Cobb, L. Balz, George Ilui-|ier; first base more, P. J. Haggerty, W. W. Setlcy, Am­ He Is also a winner and one of the gen­ Howard requiring a perfecting press and nine brose McCann, Fred Miller, George Uoss. Earle; second base K. J. Glccalvin; third base hours, at a speed of 10,000 per tlemanly players of the profession. Ward W. L. Hvcrett; short-stop Monte Cross; out- With Easton Frank Wilson, Percy Grif­ has a strong pitching corps, and he has flolrtors-Clirl Carroll, Joseph McGuckcn aud Jarne* hour, to complete an edition. This fin, J. W. Holmes, John E. Dunu, Jacob also strengthened his team with Vail Hal- Burns. is not a claim of 90,000 circulation, but Weihl, Frank Sharp, Thomas Gillen. Harry tren in centre Held. I still feel that Mur­ GRAND RAPIDS. Hughes, Charles II. Levis. John Wente. phy is the best short stop ou the team, Manager and captain W. B. Wright; catchers it is a claim and demonstration that the With Pottsville Thomas Fleming. Frank and I shall be surprised if he doesn't laud H. Spies. G. Dlion and W. C'ody; pitchers circulation of THE SPORTING LIFB is Gilleu, John Tighe, William McCoach. Os­ there. The new rule calling bunted fouls W. Watkins, O. Schuiidt. W. Ithinea, H. I'arker, car Hill. Harry Lemmon. Thomas K. Gold­ WILLIAM JOYCE, strikes will help Boston. My players are R. Martile, W. Wolters: first base R. Camthcre; by far larger than any weekly published en, Patrick J. Fox. Philip Bademan. Theo­ second base A. Slppi third base George rinck- Captain and Third Baseman of the Washington League Team. delighted with the way It works. There iify; sbort-stop H. Wheelock; and almost equals the largest monthly dore Shilzky, Charles Noyce, John Uackel. are so many skillful bunters on the team outfielders W . B. With Harrisburg C. G. Baldwin, Wright, W. George, L. Bailey, W. II. Riley. on a monthly basis. The papers are W. S. that the rule won't affect us at all. It INDIANAPOLIS. shipped by express as fast as printed and Wetzel, George Reese. George Hodson, W. also should benefit New York and Cleve­ Manager "William £.harstg; captain James Mc- T. Patchen, George Slattz, M. F. Hogan. any and all news stands in the following land, while the other teams will be hand­ Taniiiny; catchers W. Gray, diaries Snyder, I!. W. H. Massey, George T. Westlake, John icapped by it. The prospects for a base Wcstkike; pitchers A. Mauck. R. G.iyle, H. cities or localities should have the paper F. Doran. PLAYING RULES. THE WGLEiGDE. ball boom are very bright, and especially Phillips, W. Sowdcra, H. Ortli; first base W. on sale the day specified opposite to each With Hazleton-Zeke Moore. John W. in New York city. I sincerely hope that Pluck; second base .Sum Mills; third base Janie* Ely, B. I'. Couroy, August Land, E. H. when the race draws to a close we will be Graham; short-stop W. Devimiey; outfivlders locality: Rothermel. Gus Moran, Charles T. Jordan. battling with New York for the pennant. Leidy and McTamany. New York City.............Saturday A. M. With Allentown Henry T. Cate, J. Wal­ HOW THEY MOST BE CONSTRUED THE THIRD CHAMPIONSHIP RACE If such should prove to be, the case I KANSAS CITY. ters, Dan K. Alexander. Manager and captain Jumes H. Manning; BiooUlyn, N. Y. .......... .Saturday A. M. don't believe Ward's men could beat us catchers T. Donahue, G. W. DuUgherly; pitch­ Trov, N Y .. ........ .Saturday A. M. VIRGINIA LEAGUE CONTRACTS. ACCORDING TO LAW. OMR WAY. out." __ ers G. Dilily, W. McGinnily, P. Daniels; first Buffalo, N. Y............. .Saturday A. M. With Richmond-C. E. Kain, W. H. Na­ base W. Kinsman; second bast1 James H. Man­ Albany, N. Y............. .Saturday A. M. pier, T. C. West, H. F. Mace, C. Blanken- FIRST SERIOUS ACCIDENT. ning; third base W. Niles; short -stop G. Sharp; Boston. Mass. ............. .Saturday A. M. Hhlp, O. E. Foster, G. W. Buckman, 1'. oultielders Ulrich, Nichol and Hernon. Springfield, Mass. ......... .Saturday A. M. Warmsley. President Young's Interpretation in Only Two Changes Made Within the Catcher Burke Collides With a Run­ MILWAUKEE. Portland, Me. .............Saturday A. M. With Staunton Charles Ewing, W. W. Manager Charles H. CXishman; captain J. B. Providence. K. I.......... .Saturday A. M. Setty, F. M. Lothrop, G. E. Arthur, J. B. ner aiul Breaks a Leg. Ijiby; catchers Roberts, Lohnian, Joliason; pitch­ Montreal. Can............ .Saturday A. M. Sherer, G. J. Seigler, W. W. Clark, Shir- Fall Doubtful Points Explained Past leak-The Schedule For The first serious accident of the season ers T. C. Williams, W. Hastings, F. Figge- Toronto, Can. ..............Saturday A. M. ley Thompson. occurred at Eastern Park Monday during ineier, C. Carish, J. SheiMe; first ha?» W. Baltimore. Md. ............ .Saturday A.M.
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