Official Base Ball Guide
TRADEMARKED BY THE SPORTING- LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME 24, NO. 22. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 23, 1895. PRICE, TEN CENTS. LIFE. therefore the supply being, greater sala AS TO PLAYING RULES. haoids of an official who aside from it ries are lower, can do much to make or mar the artis But it is not true that clubs are carry There is little doubt that at the League tic and financial success of any club or than formerly. On Committee on league. And it should not be added to A WEEKLY JOURNAL ing more players meeting next week the the contrary, thanks to the new rules, Rules will report against any radical certainly not to the extent of permitting Devoted to they can carry less, if so disposed, as changes in playing rules. It is also reas as has been .suggested, an irresponsible than former umpire to suspend players from service BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND no more pitchers are needed onably certain that the League will ac- ly, while fewer catchers are necessary. cept the committee's view in the matter for any term, however brief, beyond a SPORTS ANP GENERAL Few, if any, clubs carry more than despite the pressure brought to bear for game in progress. PASTIMES, two catchers and in most clubs one retrogression in the interest of certain The umpire's powers are ample now catcher does the bulk of the work. have left no stone unturned for all practical purposes, and particu Published by clubs, which Pitchers are hit harder, it is true, but to accomplish their selfish purpose, even larly in the matter of noisy coaching, THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO.
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