Southworth Named Editor of Sou'wester For
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S(~ t ~ ;£ CLASS GOES TO BOL IVAR., NEXT FRIDAY -= I VOLUME IX. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, MAY 4, 1928 NUMBER 30 PALS PICK CAST FOR FINAL PLAY SOUTHWORTH NAMED EDITOR OF OF THE SEASON "Anthony and Anna" To SOU'WESTER FOR FOURTH YEAR Be Given May 24, 25 ELECTIONS HAVE Student Publication Leaders For Next Year UNIQUE RECORD REHEARSALS START BEEN QUITE THE MADE AS BOARD Final Production of Year RAGE THIS WEEK Is Rich In Satire REAPPOINTS HIM "Anthony and Anna," a satire on the Students Rise and Fall In Melvin Renamed Business American abroad, will be the annual the Balloting Manager of Paper spring production of the Pal Dramatic Players of Southwestern in Hardie Au- ditorium on May 24, 25 at 8 o'clock. POLITICS ON FIELD WAILES EDITS LYNX Try-outs for places on the cast were held on Monday and Tuesday. Prof. Ernest Haden, faculty coach, announces Elections Complete Ayers Wins Race as Head the following successful candidates: Except Few Minors of Publication Board Charles Rond ill, Ronald Hayhoe, Fred- erick leidelberg, Allen Haden, Ann Election of students to offices for Election of Luther Southworth to his Roach, Charlotte Bruce, Price Patton next year has been the rage during the fourth year as editor of the Sou'wester, and Thomas Drake. past week. Politics has been one of the FULL OF WISE CRACKS Southwestern student weekly publica- main factors in keeping anticipation tion, establishes a unique record both at "Anthony and Anna," rich in wit and high and speculation rife. Southwestern and in collegiate newspa- droll cracks, centers about the English With the exception of student body per history. conception of the American girl and the elections, all balloting has been under The Publication Board recently named American idea of the English. The plot the supervision of political cliques. Southworth to the office for next year, is woven around the wooing of Anna Successful office seekers for next year which gives him the undisputed title of Penn (Charlotte Bruce), and daughter include: Upon Leolin "Mike" Wailes falls the duties of publishing the Lynx annual next year. Palmer Brown, "long distance college editor,." perhaps of Mr. Penn (Frederick Heidelberg), a Student body-Crawford McGivaren, assistant business-manager this year, will hold the Lynx purse strings. Luther Southworth will succeed him- a standing record. millionaire taking in the sights of Eu- president; Warner Hall, vice-president; self as editor of the Sou'wester, this being his fourth year on the paper. James Melvin will continue as busi- rope, by Anthony Fair (Price Patton), Catherine Underwood. secretary-treas- ness manager of the Sou'wester. Harmon Ayers, business manager of the Lynx this year, is the new head of EVENING APPEAL WRITER a gentleman who lives by his wits. An- urer. the Publication Board, succeeding Chester Denham, who will graduate this June. Southworth, who is a member of the thony seeks the hand of Anna, but Penn Sou'wester-Luther Southworth, edi- Evening Appeal editorial staff, and for won't consent to the marriage until An- tor; Houston Minniece, assistant editor; several years associated in journalistic thony has worked two years. Work to James Melvin. business manager; Ira circles in Memphis, is a graduate of Cen- FARNSWORTH ISDulin Says Never ELECT THOMPSON tral Hligh School. While there he edited Anthony is unbecoming his nature as assistant business manager. Goldsmith, senior year, as that is only for the ignorant and crude, Lynx-Leolin Wailes, editor; Palmer NEW HIGH PRIEST Again After First QUIBBLER PREXY the school annual in his while he is of the intelligensia and a Brown, business manager. well as being an associate editor on the school paper. boon to culture. Journal-Catherine Richey, editor; Trip In Airplane FATHER CONSENTS Allen Haden. assistant editor; Charles Eleanor Beckham Chosen The gridiron is for football players Final Debate Against Ole On entering Southwestern in 1925 he Penn, being a subscriber to the idea Snepp, business manager. High Priestess and the air is for birds. That's natural. Miss On May 9 was made associate editor of the Sou'- of work for a living, abhors lounge liz- CLASS ELECTIONS But when football players go up in the wester, the editor having been chosen ards, and refuses Anthony's request. Senior class-Harold Avent, president; Dode Farnsworth, one of the two air and birds play leapfrog on the Quibbler Forum Debating society has the spring previous. Although not edi- Anna steps in to close the play by whis- Billy Hughes. vice-president; Jane Hyde, grid captains for the coming season, will ground-that's not natural. elected the following members to serve tor-in-chief he has edited each i'sue of pering to her father that if he will con- secretary-treasurer. be known on the campus next year as Arthur Dulin, Wes Adams, Ora John- in official capacities during the coming the paper since October 4, 1925. sent to the marriage, Anthony will work Junior class-Bobby Lloyd, president; "Hizzoner the High Priest of the San- son, Dode Farnsworth and Wilson Foote year: 11. R. Ihompson, president; War- James "Pete" Melvin, business man- rather than stay home with her. Palmer Brown, vice-president; Frances hedrin." -habitues of the gridiron, took an ner Beard, vice-president, and Malcolm ager of the Sou'wester this semester, was The remaining members of the cast Crawford, secretary-treasurer. Farnsworth was elected Wednesday aerial trip last Sunday, and Dulin flew Ritchie, secretary-treasurer. reappointed to the office for next year. an elderly head waiter; The will be Rond, Sophomore class-Robert Logan, pres- morning to head the Sanhedrin Council, the white flag. final debate on the present sched- Houston Minniece was appointed as- his assistant; Haden, "Dun- Hayhoe, ident; Malcolm Ritchie, vice-president; which is composed of upper-classmen Twenty-five Baby Ruth candy wrap- ule will be against Ole Miss on May 9. sistant editor of the Sou'wester, and Ira woody," a popular novelist; Miss Roach, Pauline Barton, secretary-treasurer. whose duties are to discipline the fresh- pers and $1.25 was the fare at a spe- Charles Rond Ill and Warner Beard Goldsmith assistant business-manager. Cynthia Speedwell," a "reduced" "Lady Publication board delegates-Harman men in the proper way of living and cial offer holding good at the Bry's Air- will represent Southwestern at Univer- Miss Catherine Richey will edit the gentlewoman, and Drake, a rich prof- Granville port. Each one gathered the wrappers sity, Miss., on the question of the re- Ayers, president. Senior class, department. Journal next year. Allen Haden will as- iteer. McRaney is the new "Priest." and the necessary coin of the realm. cently enacted Baumes bill in New York Farrar; Junior class. John Stansell; Duncan sistwith the editorial duties. Charlie This play will conclude the year's is the "Grand Execu- All except Dulin had been up before. which condemns a person, after four Sophomore class, Robert Carpenter. Charlie Snepp Snepp will be business-manager of The program of the Pals, and will be the Each fraternity will furnish Even he would have been all right, but convictions, to life imprisonment. Honor Council-Warner Hall, presi- tioner." Journal. sixth large production. dent; Leolin Wailes, vice-president; Dor- one member to the Council, and the he had eaten the candy from inside the The Ole Miss debate will conclude the OF LYNX othy Vanden, secretary-treasurer. New non-fraternity men will send a member. 25 wrappers-and that was a bad start most extensive program yet undertaken WAILES EDITOR is the new edi- class delegates: Senior, Crawford Mc- The editor of the Sou'wester will com- for the flips and tailspins which fol- by the Quibblers. William Orr, Abe Leolin "Mike" Wailes succeeding OLE MISS HERE Givaren. Warner I lall, Leolin Wailes, plete the personnel. lowed. Fortas, and H. R. Thompson opened tor of the Lynx annual, FOR MORE GOLF Dorothy Vanden; Junior, Edmund Mc- Eleanor Beckham, basketball star, has It would not have been so bad had the verbal campaign against the North- Frank Heiss. who will graduate this Givaren, Morris Ford, Gerald Capers, been honored by the girls of the insti- there not been so many air pockets hid- western University team. The debate June. Elizabeth McKee; Sophomore, Jeff Da- tution by being elected "High Priestess" den along the air lane. As the plane was a no-decision tilt. Malcolm Ritchie Palmer Brown, for the past year as- Clash Today In Return vis. Harry Walton, Barbara Bates. of the Girls' Sanhedrin. Miss Beckham dropped and tucked against the pock- and Billy Flowers defeated Union Uni- sistant business manager of the Lynx, Series of Matches Boys' Sanhedrin Council-Dode Farns- and her cabinet of disciplinarians will ets, Dulin's feeling grew worse and worse versity, at Jackson, Tenn., while Nate was appointed business manager for next worth, High Priest; Duncan McRaney, see that all freshettes adhere strictly to and even "worser." White and Gerald Capers lost against year. Southwestern golfers will clash with Priest; Charles Snepp. Executioner. the straight and narrow path. All but Dulin will go up again. "The Union in Hardie chapel the same night. The Publication Board, composed of Ole Miss golfers in a return series of Girls' Sanhedrin Council-Eleanor air is for birds-terra firma for me," is Flowers and Orr then, defeated the three faculty members and three stu- golf matches on Friday and Saturday Beckham, High Priestess. his only comment. West Tennessee Teachers by a unani- dent members, presided over by a stu- of this week at the Galloway Golf Club Ministers Club--Frederick Heidelberg, Greeley Students' mous vote of the judges.