'*?r H 1 ; : ; : * ^ « v; ^ *> , /iDaF><' *• > * ^ ,; v~'; / • • • V- "V;.' =:! "• ;•'.<* . • •'•;/: •: I *•-<;." /v= •'; .•; ',:t,•-'•>.r-" '_v;. ' •: •'.- &MY- ' ;,.v' -:. The Only Newspaper iPPfSS'J Published In the f Town ot % 11 . .?,:* *fcwjf %. ' c.y-vjr^11 ; -" % f ^ ' Enfield, CL Jl ' - t COVERS ^N ABEA POPULATED .ftY' *— Fifty-Fifth Year—No. 9. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—^Single Copy 5c* ^•jSraSi 5,;^ riSSfl- >A4 ARRANGEMENTS Receives Degree At Mfm District Fire Loss For vu ;U ''.'a4wS' FOR CELEBRATION Catholic University EXHIBIT WILL OPEN fKU«iw?«ss 1 •*?"• !WB Is PARADE COMPLETE J * ^r- i MONDAY, JUNE 17TH Past Year Was $7,152 Unusually Spectacular Various Products Manu­ Of This Amount $18,636 Has Been Expended on Street Event Assured factured in Town of Annual Report of Fire Chief William J. Hines II the Section of the Project Already Completed, in Connection With the Enfield Will Be On Dis­ Indicates District Fire Loss Slightly Above the ^ According to the Figures of the Engineering Tercentenary Celebra­ play to Public For En­ Average—Treasurer Laurence T. Downey Has and Accounting Departments, v tion on June 22. f tire Week. Compiled Annual Financial Statement. Final arrangements for the civic, % According to the cost figures com The industrial exhibit sponsored by According to the figures of the an­ :.¥-vv POWER COMPANY piled by the Engineering and Ac< fraternal and industrial parade which the Enfield Tercentenary Committee, counting Departments of the trunk- is to be held Saturday morning, June and which will be one of the features nual report of the activities of the"RESULT OF POLICE line sewer and sewerage disposal pro­ 22, in connection with Enfield's Ter­ of the celebration here, will open on Thompsonville Fire Department by ject, the town's share of the expendi­ Monday, June 17, at one o'clock in Chief William J. Hines, the fire loss . ANNOUNCES NEW centenary celebration, will be made the afternoon. This exhibit will be i • i j _ EXAMINATION TO tures so far is $33,550.40. Of this fo 1 theth year ustt c oqp wa amount, $18,636.55 was spent on that at a meeting of the parade commit­ held in the vacant store on Pearl I. ., J closed was slightly section of the intercepting sewer tee, of which Fire Chief William J. street formerly occupied by Sisitzky's above the average of the past few RATE FOR GAS USE Hines is chairman, in the fire head­ Public Market. The exhibits will be years. The amount is set by Chief BE KNOWN SOON north of Asnuntuck Brook and con­ quarters, Pearl street, Friday eve­ sists of 2,624 lineal feet of pipe line so arranged as to show to best ad­ Hines at $7,152. This is a compara­ Change in Household laid, the construction of 13 manholes, ning. Tlie sub-chairmen in the vari­ vantage the various products that tively small amount but appears two regulators, chambers and equip­ ous divisions report much interest in are manufactured within the limits large because of the exceptionally Examining Board Is Ex­ the parade, and an unusually large of the town of Enfield. low figures of the fire losses in the Rate Made Recently Is ment, construction of three catch number of entries, including many pected to Have All Pap­ basins, the relaying of 286 lineal feet HAROLD J. HINES The residents will probably be sur­ district for years. Said to Be More Desir­ decorated floats, nave already been prised to learn that there are nine The value of the property endang­ of -curbing and replacing of 1368 assured. ers Corrected by Early square feet of new concrete sidewalk. different manufacturing concerns pro­ ered by fire is placed at $23,500, and able From Viewpoint Typical of this interest is the -re­ Graduation Exercises at Wash­ ducing a series of products which the insurance on the same amounted Next Week and An­ There has been expended according port of D. William Brainard, chair­ to the report, $3,101.11 for tools and ington, D. C., Yesterday At­ give to the tbwn of Enfield a diversi­ to $11,152. The department respond­ of the Customer. ~ ,••: man for the business men's division, fication which is not commonly sup­ ed to 15 box alarms during the year nounce Standing. equipment which are to be used for who is being assisted in securing en­ tended by Relatives Here. and the causes for the fires are list v the life of the job. The cost of se­ posed to exist. The following exhib­ A new basis for the computation tries in that group by Fred Crichton, tt ij t v xi- j it.- i. itorsltors will show not only their current ed as follows: uuuukjChimney ",5, automo The twenty-seven candidates who curing easements and rights of ways Frank A. Stuart, Albert F. Merrill •of the charge for household gas use through the private „property on the Harold Joseph Hinesi of: this town!products but some of the oIder pro_!bile 2, stoves 2, unknown 2, garage took the examination for patrolman has been inaugurated by the North- qW ?. and J. Burton Edwards. Up to last wasis one of the 500 graduates who re- ;ts formerly manufactured in the 1. shingle roof, frozen water pipe 1, een $1,586.20. du( formerly and membership in the supernumer­ em Connecticut Power Company, ac-1 m,t+w tw'o ia nn night more than 25 entries from bus­ ceived degrees from the Catholic town. For instance, some of the old false 1. The department record will cording to an announcement made ?he report points out that there is on iness houses had been received, with University of America in Washing- ary force last Monday evening in the hand for use in the section south of powder kegs which carried the prod- be included in the annual report of this week by General Manager Wal­ many more in prospect. ton, D. C., yesterday. His parents, i uct 0f a ]arge local industry at one the district committee, which will be town building will know how success­ Asnuntuck Brook, 262 lineal feet of Firms enrolled for parade entries ter P. Schwabe. The new method of 24-inch vitrified tile, 1400 lineal feet Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hines of time will be shown. There will also presented to the annual district ses­ ful they were early next week. The computation, which is said to be more include the Crombie Ice Co., Brainard Pearl street, his sister, Miss Eleanor be exhibits of sun bonnets made by sion the latter part of this month. of 8-inch drain tile; 2528% lineal feet Nursery & Seed Co., Enfield Lumber examining board of the police com­ desirable from the viewpoint of the of 20-inch cast iron pipe with all C- Hines and his aunt, Miss Eleanor former Shaker settlement. To be included in the report to the customer, is explained in the follow­ & Coal Co., Thompsonville Lumber D. Hines, attended the exercises. Mr. The concerns which will exhibit annual meeting also is the financial mission, Attorney Francis J. Fahey, valves and fittings for the force Corp., Peter A. Crombie, Sage-Allen Hines, who received the Bachelor of statement of Secretary-Treasurer Laurence T. Downey and George A. ing letter issued this week to the gas main, 156% lineal feet of 24-inch C. their products are as follows: Inter­ customers in Enfield, East Windsor, Co., Hartford, Southern New Eng­ Science degree, graduated from the national Casket Hardware Company, Laurence T. Downey, which was com­ Hedenburg, are inspecting the exam­ I. pipe to cross Asnuntuck Brook and land Telephone Co., Louis Chevrolet Enfield High School in the class of piled following the close of the fiscal ination papers and will complete the Windsor, Windsor Locks and Suffield: to go under the railroad siding on Gordon Bros., Amos D. Bridge's Sons, "Until a few days ago, your bill for Corp., Merrill Bros. Motor Co., Fran­ 1931. At the Catholic University he Inc., Bogey Beverages, Newgate Gin­ year last week. The report shows marking of them early next week. the property of the Enfield Lumber cis H. Crombie, Zace's Tire and Bat­ has been prominent in extra-curricu­ that the total receipts for the year The result will be made known imme- as used in your home and supplied & Coal Company; 40 lineal feet of ger Ale Company, Gordon & Gordon, fy us was computed according to our tery Service, Jones Motor Sales, An­ lar activities, only recently serving Brower & Best, General Waxed Pap­ were $27,100.87. The largest item on| diately and the successful candidate 12-inch vitrified tile, 191 lineal feet thony Molinski, James T. Knight, as a member of the Cardinal Hop the list of receipts was the revenue!for the single vacancy in the depart- so-called Rate No. 21b. On May 27, of 15-inch vitrified tile, 20 lineal feet er Co., and the Bigelow-Sanford Car­ 1935, that rate was withdrawn and Enfield Motor Co., Van Doren Serv­ committee to arrange for the social pet Co., Inc. from the one mill district tax for ment and the supernumeraries will replaced by a new rate, No. 20, which of 18-inch vitrified tile and three reg­ ice Bureau, Larabee's Market, J. Bur annually conducted by the editors of The exhibit will be open to the 19?4 which was $12,246.08. Other re- be recommended to the full board ular manhole frames and covers, also r is more desirable from your view­ ton Edward, Thompsonville Hard­ "The Cardinal," yearbook of the public, free of charge, from 1 to 5 P.
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