GTZ-Regional Sustainable Development Tirana 2002

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GTZ-Regional Sustainable Development Tirana 2002 GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation, Eschborn Institute of Ecological and Regional Development (IOER), Dresden Towards a Sustainable Development of the Tirana – Durres Region Regional Development Study for the Tirana – Durres Region: Development Concept (Final Draft) Tirana, February 2002 Regional Development Study Tirana – Durres: Development Concept 1 Members of the Arqile Berxholli, Academy of Sci- Stavri Lami, Hydrology Research Working Group ence Center and authors of Vladimir Bezhani, Ministry of Public Perparim Laze, Soil Research In- studies Works stitute Salvator Bushati, Academy of Sci- Fioreta Luli, Real Estate Registra- ence tion Project Kol Cara, Soil Research Institute Irena Lumi, Institute of Statistics Gani Deliu, Tirana Regional Envi- Kujtim Onuzi, Institute of Geology ronmental Agency Arben Pambuku, Civil Geology Ali Dedej, Transport Studies Insti- Center tute Veli Puka, Hydrology Research Llazar Dimo, Institute of Geology Center Ilmi Gjeci, Chairman of Maminas Ilir Rrembeci, Regional Develop- Commune ment Agency Fran Gjini, Mayor of Kamza Mu- Thoma Rusha, Ministry of Eco- nicipality, nomic Cooperation and Trade Farudin Gjondeda, Land and Wa- Skender Sala, Center of Geo- ter Institute graphical Studies Elena Glozheni, Ministry of Public Virgjil Sallabanda, Transport Works Foundation Naim Karaj, Chairman of National Agim Selenica, Hydro- Commune Association Meteorological Institute Koco Katundi, Hydraulic Research Agron Sula , Adviser of the Com- Center mune Association Siasi Kociu, Seismological Institute Mirela Sula, Hydrometeorological Kujtim Kokoshi, Advisor of the Vice Institute Prime Minister Bashkim Sykja, Ministry of Eco- Flamur Kuci, Co-PLAN Center for nomic Cooperation and Trade Habitat Developments Eltona Toromani, Institute of Sta- Berdo Kulluri, Albanian Power tistics Committee (KESH) Leonora Zaloshnja, Urbanistic In- stitute Cooperation Communes of the Tirana – Durres Region: Tirana, Durres, Berxull, Bubq, partners Farke, Fushe-Kruje, Gjepalaj, Kamez, Kashar, Katundi i Ri, Linze, Mami- nas, Manez, Ndroq, Nikel, Paskuqan, Peze, Petrele, Preze, Rrashbull, Shijak, Sukth, Vaqarr, Vore, Xhafzotaj, Zall-Herr Projects of GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation as well as other international projects and donor agencies in Albania Coordinators Ismail Beka, GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation, Tirana Albert Kushti, GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation, Tirana Moderator and Sokol Celo, GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation, Tirana translator Advisors Dr. Petra Stremplat-Platte, GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation, Eschborn Prof. Dr. Bernhard Müller, Technical University of Dresden and IOER Dr. Markus Leibenath, IOER Prof. Dr. Isolde Roch, IOER Dr. Thorsten Wiechmann, IOER Regional Development Study Tirana – Durres: Development Concept 2 Preface The following document is the result of an intense process which covered a period of about 15 months. During this time, the “Development Concept for the Tirana – Durres Region” was elaborated within the framework of a bilateral German-Albanian project aiming at a compre- hensive development study of the region. On the German side, GTZ GmbH German Technical Cooperation was in charge of the con- duction of the project. It was assisted by experts from the Dresden based Institute of Eco- logical and Regional Development (IOER). Professor Bernhard Müller and his team have frequently been in Albania in order to give advice to the Albanian experts regarding meth- odological aspects of the elaboration of the development concept, the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the region as well as the proposals of goals and measures for a sustain- able development. On the Albanian side, the municipalities1 of the Tirana – Durres Region as well as a number of ministries, agencies, other institutions and experts were involved in the elaboration of the document. The head of the Tirana office of GTZ, Ismail Beka, and his collaborators were in charge of the coordination of the activities in Albania, e.g. the involvement of Albanian ex- perts, the elaboration of related studies and the preparation of the development concept. Between November 2000 and January 2002, many interviews were conducted, almost 20 thematic studies were prepared by Albanian experts, and about 10 workshops were organ- ized in order to discuss various aspects of the development of the Tirana – Durres Region. The results of all these activities were the basis for the formulation of the concept which again was discussed in a series of workshops with local experts. The elaboration of the concept in such a short period made tremendous efforts of many Al- banian and international experts as well as other collaborators necessary. This is the right place to say “thank you” to all persons involved in the different stages of the process for their commitment and their willingness to share their experience and their insight. A regional development concept never can be more than a starting point for further action. It has to be used and substantiated by the relevant stakeholders. May this document help to guide the development of the Tirana – Durres Region in a sustainable direction. (to be signed by a high ranking Albanian official) 1 In the following there will be no differenciation between municipalities and communes. Regional Development Study Tirana – Durres: Development Concept 3 Contents Part One: Summary Towards a sustainable development of the Tirana – Durres Region ........................................ 6 Part Two: Development Concept 1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 13 1.1 Background and purpose of the concept ............................................................ 13 1.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 13 1.3 Spatial structure of the Tirana-Durres Region .................................................... 14 1.4 The Tirana-Durres Region in a European context .............................................. 15 2 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Tirana-Durres Region.............................................. 17 2.1 Demography and social situation ........................................................................ 17 2.2 Economic structure and development................................................................. 18 2.3 Spatial development and land use...................................................................... 20 2.4 Transportation...................................................................................................... 21 2.5 Communal technical infrastructure ..................................................................... 22 2.6 Social infrastructure............................................................................................. 24 2.7 Natural conditions and environment.................................................................... 25 2.8 Rural development .............................................................................................. 26 2.9 Overall framework and institutions ...................................................................... 28 3 Vision and development goals: Wise growth and sustainable development of a European region................................. 29 3.1 Vision ................................................................................................................... 29 3.2 Development goals .............................................................................................. 30 4 Proposals for priorities and measures ............................................................................ 31 4.1 Demography and social situation: Caring for the youth and shaping an open society......................................................................................................... 31 4.2 Economic structure and development: Creating a more favorable frame- work for the economy.......................................................................................... 32 4.3 Spatial development and land use: Promoting effective land management, planning and regional cooperation ...................................................................... 32 4.4 Transportation: Developing an integrated regional transportation network providing improved accessibility and mobility..................................................... 33 4.5 Communal technical infrastructure: Establishing coordinated and efficient communal infrastructure supply services to the people...................................... 34 4.6 Social infrastructure: Making basic social infrastructure services available to all people at an acceptable level ..................................................................... 34 4.7 Natural conditions and environment: Promoting environmentally friendly development and searching for acceptable conflict resolution mechanisms ..... 35 4.8 Rural development: Promoting economic potentials and improving living conditions in rural areas ...................................................................................... 36 4.9 Overall framework and institutions: Strengthening local capacities and establishing a fair partnership between rural and urban areas .......................... 36 Part Three: Maps Map 1: Administrative and Spatial Structure Map 2: Analysis: Infrastructure, Economy and Land Use Map 3: Analysis: Environment Map 4: Priorities and Measures Regional Development Study Tirana – Durres:
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