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Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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1 Review

2 Current status on development of as anticancer agents

3 Q1 Atul Gupta, B. Sathish Kumar, Arvind S. Negi

4 Medicinal Chemistry Department, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP), Kukrail Picnic Spot Road, Lucknow 226015, U.P., 5 India


a r t a b

7 i c l e i n f o s t r a c t


9 Article history: Steroids are important biodynamic agents. Their affinities for various nuclear receptors have been an

10 Received 4 December 2012

interesting feature to utilize them for drug development particularly for receptor mediated diseases.

11 Received in revised form 25 April 2013

Steroid biochemistry and its crucial role in human physiology, has attained importance among the

12 Accepted 19 May 2013

researchers. Recent years have seen an extensive focus on modification of steroids. The rational mod-


ifications of perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene nucleus of steroids have yielded several important

14 Keywords:

anticancer lead molecules. Exemestane, SR16157, fulvestrant and 2-methoxyestradiol are some of the

15 Antiestrogens

successful leads emerged on steroidal pharmacophores.

16 Aromatase inhibitors

The present review is an update on some of the steroidal leads obtained during past 25 years. Various

17 Hormone dependent cancers

steroid based enzyme inhibitors, antiestrogens, cytotoxic conjugates and steroidal cytotoxic molecules

18 17␤-Hydroxysteroids dehydrogenase

19 inhibitors of natural as well as synthetic origin have been highlighted.

20 Steroid conjugates This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘Synthesis of steroids’.

21 Steroid sulfatase inhibitors © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

22 Contents

23 1. Introduction ...... 00

24 2. Steroids as antiproliferative agents ...... 00

25 2.1. Enzyme inhibitors ...... 00

26 2.1.1. Steroid sulfatase inhibitors ...... 00

27 2.1.2. Aromatase inhibitors ...... 00

28 2.1.3. 17␤-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitors ...... 00

29 2.2. Antiestrogens ...... 00

30 2.3. Antiprogestins ...... 00

31 3. Steroids as cytotoxic agents ...... 00

32 4. Conclusions ...... 00

33 Conflict of interest ...... 00

34 Acknowledgement ...... 00

35 References ...... 00


of time, these can move from one organ to another through the 45

38 1. Introduction

blood and lymph systems and damage the healthy cells in differ- 46

39 Carcinogenesis is a highly complex multistep process induced ent tissues. This stage of disease is known as metastasis. Because of 47

40 by a number of carcinogens which leads to development of can- the severity of disease, cancer is now considered one of the social 48

41 cer [1]. Depending upon stage of disease and affected body part, and economic concerns on the public health-care system. Over the 49

42 there are more than 100 different types of cancer such as oral, years, several anticancer drugs have been developed with excel- 50

43 lung, breast, uterine and ovary. Cancer cells abnormally divide lent cytotoxicity such as paclitaxel and cisplatin. However, owing 51

44 without control and invade nearby normal cells. Over the period to their non-selective action these are associated with serious side 52

effects such as bone marrow depression, alopecia and nephrotoxic- 53

ity. Hence, their use is limited. On the other hand, antiproliferative 54

∗ drug like tamoxifen have receptor based high selective action on 55

Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 522 2342676x327; fax: +91 522 2342666.

cancer cells. However, these agents are not very effective to kill the 56

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

(A.S. Negi). existing tumour cells and their prolong use may develop uterine 57

0960-0760/$ – see front matter © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

(2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.05.011

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2 A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx


[17β -hydroxylase/17, 20-lyase] HO HO 3 steps Cholesterol C-21 Steroid C-27 Steroid


HO Dehydroepiandrosterone C-19 Steroid [3β -Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase]


HO 4-Androstrosten-3,17-dione C-19 Steroid



[17β -Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase] [Steroidsulfatase] O HO S O HO HO


Estrone sulphate Estrone Estradiol

C-18 Steroid, Potent C-18 Steroid, inactive C-18 Steroid

form of estrogen endogenous estrogen

Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of steroidogenesis.

58 and endometrial cancers. Despite several advances made towards secondary sexual characteristics in females in particular. Steroid 85

59 the diagnosis, prevention and cure of cancer, it remains one of the hormone related carcinogenesis is mainly due to accelerated cell 86

60 major causes of human morbidity and mortality. Presently, it is proliferation. These metabolizing enzymes and steroidal recep- 87

61 second largest killer to human being after cardiovascular disease tors are major players. Estrogens also play a crucial role in the 88

62 which accounted 7.6 million deaths in 2008 (13% of total human cell proliferation. However, over-expression of estrogens stimulate 89

63 deaths) and projected to continue rising 13.1 million by 2030 [2]. excess proliferation of hormone sensitive cells leading to various 90

64 Therefore, it is a need to have safer and more effective anticancer types of hormone dependent cancer such as breast, uterine, ovar- 91

65 drug and indeed a challenge for medicinal chemists. ian, prostate and endometrial cancers [4]. Some of the cancers are 92

66 Steroidogenesis and its effect on human physiology has been due to rise in reductive activity and decrease in oxidative activity 93

67 most fascinating aspect to Biochemists and Endocrinologists. Var- towards the estrogens and androgens. Nevertheless, steroids have 94

68 ious types of steroid molecules are synthesized biochemically been centre of research for the development of antihormonal drugs. 95

69 in human body involving conversion of cholesterol (C27) into There are various approaches to reduce the hormonal response 96

70 progestins (C21) followed by androgens (C19) and finally into of cancer cells. Either biosynthetic enzyme inhibitors are used to 97

71 estrogens (C18) with the help of various enzymes (Fig. 1). This mul- reduce the biosynthesis of endogenous hormone or a better lig- 98

72 tistep process is known as steroidogenesis [3]. As described above and to replace endogenous steroid hormone from binding with 99

73 cholesterol is the main source of steroids in ovaries. Enzymes such specific receptor. Sulfatase inhibitors and aromatase inhibitors are 100

74 as aromatase (CYP450arom), 17␤-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme inhibitors while, antiestrogens are competitive inhibitors 101

75 (17␤-HSDs) are essentially required in the last step of estrogen of estrogens. Antiprogestins have also been reported to act as 102

76 biosynthesis while steroid sulfatase (STS) is required for intercon- antiproliferative agents. A brief account of steroidal anticancer 103

77 version from inactive form of estrogen to their active form. Various agents has been shown in Fig. 2. 104

78 important steroid hormones are synthesized by this process such In the drug discovery, steroids have been a prime focus of 105

79 as progestins, androgens, estrogens, glucocorticoids and mineralo- research not only due to their fascinating structural framework [5], 106

80 corticoids. but also due to their astonishing array of pharmacological proper- 107

81 Among these hormones, biosynthesized from cholesterol, estro- ties. Steroids have an excellent ability to penetrate cell membranes 108

82 gens are the main hormone responsible for the maintenance of and bind to the nuclear and membrane receptors. Even a small 109

83 Central Nervous System (CNS), Cardiovascular system (CVS) and change in steroid moiety can elicit an extensive biological response. 110

84 bones in both males and females in general and development of All these facts have attracted Medicinal Chemists and Biochemists 111

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

(2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.05.011

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A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Steroids as anticancer agents

Antihormonal/antiproliferative Cytotoxic (through non-hormonal targets)

Biosynthesis inhibitors Action inhibitors Semisynthetic (through enzyme inhibition) (through Receptors) Naturally occurring

Antiestrogens Antiprogestins

Steroid sulfatase Aromatase Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase

inhibitors (STSI) inhibitors (AI) inhibitors (17HSDI)

Fig. 2. Classification of steroidal anticancer agents.

112 to explore these after modifying them suitably to induce various 2. Steroids as antiproliferative agents 120

113 pharmacological properties. Different type of steroids have been

114 modified as cytotoxic and cytostatic (antiproliferative) anticancer 2.1. Enzyme inhibitors 121

115 agents. The present review is a concise report on steroid based

116 anticancer molecules for the treatment of various types of can- 2.1.1. Steroid sulfatase inhibitors 122

117 cer. Most of the steroidal anticancer drugs have been developed Steroids sulfatase (EC is a member of mammalian sul- 123

118 as enzyme inhibitors and cytotoxic drugs. This brief update covers fatase superfamily catalyzing hydrolysis of sulfate ester bonds of 124

119 the potential leads developed during past 25 years. steroid sulfates to free hydroxysteroids. There are several well 125

Table 1

Some potential steroidal STS inhibitors.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 1 (Continued)

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 2

Some of the potential aromatase inhibitors.

126 known endogenous substrates of steroid sulfatase (STS) like estrone carcinoma [14] as well. In colon carcinoma the tissue concentration 153

127 sulfate (E1S), cholesterol sulfate (CHOLS), dehydroepiandrosterone of estrogens was found to be higher, but it could not be properly 154

128 sulfate (DHEAS) and sulfate (PREGS) [6]. The tissue correlated to STS activity. Overall, estrogen level is high in all these 155

129 distribution of STS varies considerably among the different mam- type of cancers [15]. Since, higher level of estrogens produced by 156

130 mals. In humans, STS enzyme is actively present in placenta, adrenal STS pathway contributes to the progression of several endocrine 157

131 glands, ovary, prostate, testis, skin and brain. STS converts estrone related carcinomas, STS inhibitors may be clinically effective to stop 158

132 sulfate (inactive form of estrogen) to estrone (active form). This further proliferation by curtailing STS enzyme activity. 159

133 conversion is a reversible reaction where STS catalyses forward The basic structural requirement for this class of inhibitors is a 160

134 reaction and reversible reaction is catalyzed by another enzyme sulfamate ester that should be linked to an aryl group. The position 161

135 known as steroid sulfotransferase [7]. In normal condition both should be preferably at 3-position of steroidal skeleton. Various STS 162

136 reactions are in equilibrium. inhibitors have been reported in literature incorporating steroidal 163

137 The steroid sulfatase plays a crucial role in the regulation of nucleus which have been summarized in Table 1 [16–29]. These 164

138 tissue concentration of estrogens and androgens in human tar- have been categorized as first and second generation STS inhibitors 165

139 get organs. Over-expression of STS activity in the tissues leads depending on their biological activities. The first generation STS 166

140 to high estrogenic response which is considered as the prognosis inhibitors are purely hormone inhibitors, while second generation 167

141 of various cancers like prostate, breast, etc. Estrone sulfatase has STS inhibitors are dual action inhibitors (hormone as well as tubu- 168

142 longer half life than the other estrogens [8]. It is 5–10 times higher lin polymerization inhibitors). The first generation STS inhibitors 169

143 than unconjugated estrogens, i.e. estrone, estradiol and estriol dur- are antiproliferative (cytostatic) and latter are cytotoxic as well. 170

144 ing menstrual cycle and postmenopausal women [9,10]. Pasquilini The second generation STS inhibitors are mainly synthesized as 171

145 et al. (2004) found higher tissue concentration of estradiol in breast 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME2) analogues. These compounds also pos- 172

146 carcinoma [10]. It was 5-fold higher in premenopausal women and sess antiangiogenic property. Now, a third generation STS inhibitors 173

147 23-fold higher in post-menopausal women. STS enzyme activity are underway where compounds are able to inhibit both STS and 174

148 was detected in majority of breast carcinomas [11]. STS mRNA aromatase enzymes. But, so far no effective lead could be developed 175

149 expression was higher in breast carcinoma tissues and has been on steroidal framework as third generation STS inhibitor. Several 176

150 significantly associated with the progression of the disease [12]. research groups such as M.J. Reed, A. Purohit, D. Poirier, T. Suzuki, 177

151 Similarly, STS enzymatic activity was found significantly higher in S. Ahmed and S.P. Newman have enormously contributed in this 178

152 endometrial carcinoma [13], ovarian carcinoma [14] and prostate area. Some of the notable leads have been described. 179

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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6 A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 2 (Continued)

180 2.1.2. Aromatase inhibitors estrogen. Aromatase enzyme is considered as one of the most 190

181 In the last step of biosynthesis, aromatase enzyme which is important CYP because of its role in the development of female 191

182 a member of cytochrome P450 (CYP19A1) converts androgens characteristics. However, it is over-expressed in breast cancer 192

183 (C19) to estrogens (estrone and estradiol, C18). This important tissues and considered as a target for the development of anti- 193

184 irreversible step occurs in ovary. Aromatase is found in ovary, pla- breast cancer agents [30]. An aromatase inhibitor (AI) efficiently 194

185 centa, bone, skin, testis, brain and adipose tissues. At menopause checks aromatase enzyme action which reduces biosynthesis of 195

186 and post-menopause conditions, when ovaries are non-functional estrogens and ultimately proliferation of cancer cells. AIs are cat- 196

187 the peripheral conversion of androgens provide estrogens by egorized in two subclasses namely Type I and II. Generally, type 197

188 aromatase enzyme. Androstenedione is converted to estrone, I AIs are steroidal in nature and act irreversibly, while type II 198

189 while testosterone is converted to estradiol (E2), the most potent inhibitors are non-steroidal acting reversibly. Steroidal AIs are also 199

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 3

Some of important 17␤-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitors.

200 known as ‘suicidal inhibitors’. In case of steroidal AIs, generally of breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors are very effective for the 211

201 androstene-3,17-dione nucleus has been considered very impor- treatment of estrogen dependent cancers. However, associated side 212

202 tant to interact with aromatase enzyme. There are several closely effects like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and headache are very 213

203 packed hydrophobic residues in the active site of aromatase, which common with use of AIs. It is also reported that induction of osteo- 214

204 provide stack against ␣-face backbone of adrostenedione [31,32]. porosis and endometrial carcinoma are possible in some cases [31]. 215

205 Steroidal inhibitors bind covalently to the aromatase and convert it AIs are very effective in cancer treatment, but drug resistance prob- 216

206 to a reactive intermediate causing irreversible inactivation [33]. On lem is often encountered. Researchers are making their efforts to 217

207 the other hand, type II AIs bind non-covalently to the heme of the have a safer aromatase inhibitor devoid of these side effects. In 218

208 aromatase enzyme and prevent binding of endogenous androgens the past few years scientists across the globe have reported many 219

209 to it [31]. Presently, exemestane (37), a type I AI, anastrozole and new therapeutics of this class with improved biological profile. The 220

210 letrozole, type II AIs, are approved by US FDA for the treatment research groups of A. Brodie, M. Akhtar, S. Chen, A.M. Brodie, D. 221

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 3 (Continued)

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Table 3 (Continued)

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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10 A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 4

Some important steroidal antiestrogens.

Entry Compound name Structure Activity Ref.

1. SR16137 (153) Selective estrogen receptor modulator, [75]

antiestrogenic to breast tissues. It has

beneficial effects to bones

2. SR16234 (154) Orally active antiestrogen, under [76]

clinical trial

3. RU3941 (155) Antiproliferative against MCF-7 [76]

carcinoma cells, pure antiestrogen, no

utereotropic activity

4. RU51625 (156) Better antiproliferative than tamoxifen [76]

against MCF-7 cells. No uterotropic


5. ICI 164,384 (157) More inhibitory than tamoxifen [75]

against MCF-7 and ZR-75-1 breast

cancer cells and DMBA induced

mammary tumour. Orally active

6. 11␤-Perfluorenated Strong antiproliferative activity against [77]

fulvestrant (158) MCF-7 cells. No down-regulation of


Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 4 (Continued)

Entry Compound name Structure Activity Ref.

7. 11␤- better antiproliferative than [78]

Amidoalkoxyphenyl 4-hydroxytamoxifen against MCF-7

estradiol (159)

8. 11␤-(4- Strong antiproliferative against MCF-7 [75]

Pentafluorinated and T47D. Effective in in vivo

alkylsulphonylpentay- mammary carcinoma in nude mice

loxyphenyl estradiol model


9. Fulvestrant (161) Selective ER down-regulator, no [79]

agonistic effect, drug for metastatic

breast cancer. IC50 (MCF-7) = 0.29 nM

Table 5

Some potential cytotoxic steroids from natural origin.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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12 A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 5 (Continued)

222 Ghosh, R.C. Coombes and M. Numazawa, etc. have contributed sig- DHEA, one of the key intermediates in steroidogenesis is con- 245


223 nificantly in this area. A brief description of some of the emerged verted to -androstene-3␤,17␤-diol by 17␤-HSD1 and 17␤-HSD5 246

224 AIs is presented in Table 2 [34–47]. [50]. This reversible reaction is driven by 17␤-HSD2 and 17␤-HSD4 247

to backward direction [51]. Testosterone oxidation is catalyzed 248

ˇ ␤ ␤ ␣

225 2.1.3. 17 -Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitors by 17 -HSD2 and 17 -HSD8 [52]. 5 -Dihydrotestosterone is 249

␣ ␤ ␤ ␤

226 Enzyme group affecting availability of biologically active converted to 5 -androstane-3 ,17 -diol by 17 -HSD7 [53] and 250

␤ ␤ ␤

227 estrogens and androgens is the family of 17␤-hydroxysteroid reversed by 17 -HSD2, 17 -HSD5 and 17 -HSD11. 251


228 dehydrogenase (17␤-HSD). 17␤-HSD [EC] is an alcohol -Androstenedione and testosterone are converted to estrone 252

229 oxidoreductase enzyme which catalyses dehydrogenation of 17␤- and estradiol by aromatase enzyme. Estrone is oxidized to biolog- 253

␤ ␤ ␤

230 hydroxysteroids. In steroidogenesis, various interconversions of ically potent estradiol by 17 -HSD1, 17 -HSD5 and 17 -HSD7. 254

␤ ␤

231 steroidal substrate from their inactive to active from or vice Inactivation of estradiol is done by 17 -HSD2 and 17 -HSD8 255

␤ ␤

232 versa, e.g. dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to androstenediol, in breast and uterus epithelium and also by 17 -HSD4, 17 - 256

233 androstenedione to testosterone, and estrone to estradiol respec- HSD10 in human peripheral tissues [52]. Considering pivotal role 257

234 tively are catalyzed by this enzyme. There are several other of 17 -HSDs in steroid hormone modulation and their substrate 258

235 hydroxysteroids dehydrogenases also, converting steroids at posi- specificity, these are promising targets for various types of dis- 259

236 tions 3, 5, 11 and 20 of steroidal framework. Among these 17␤-HSD eases [48] like breast cancer [54], endometriosis, osteoporosis and 260

237 is the most important, modulating biological potency of both prostate cancer [55]. 261

␤ ␤

238 estrogens and androgens by redox reaction at 17-position. So far The 17 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 -HSD) enzyme 262

239 fourteen different forms of this enzyme have been discovered family is involved in the biosynthesis of active steroids and its inhi- 263

240 denoted as 17␤-HSD1 to 17␤-HSD14 [48]. 17␤-HSDs with mainly bition constitutes an interesting approach for treating estrogen- 264

241 oxidative activities tend to decrease the potency of estrogens and and androgen-dependent cancers. 17 -HSD1 is expressed in prolif- 265

242 androgens which ultimately may protect tissues from excessive eration of human breast carcinomas [56]. Further, its co-expression 266

243 hormone action. Their expression is in a wide variety of tissues was positively correlated with estrogen receptor status in inva- 267

244 such as breast, ovary, uterus, liver, prostate and kidney [49]. sive ductal carcinoma. It is indicated that breast carcinoma can 268

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 5 (Continued)

269 effectively convert estrone to estradiol to exert higher levels of activity. Recently, other positions such as 15, 16 and 17 of steroidal 286

270 estrogenicity in tumour cells [57]. Estradiol has been shown to nucleus in particular estrone and estradiol, have also been modified 287

271 accumulate in the malignant breast tissues. In prostate cancer cells with a view to get a potential antiestrogenic molecule. However, 288

272 multiple forms of 17␤-HSDs have been over-expressed, whereas, with only few exceptions such as steroidal antiestrogen namely SR 289

273 17␤-HSD2 expression is significantly decreased in colon carcinoma 16137 (153) and SR 16234 (154), modifications at 15, 16 and 17 of 290

274 [57]. steroidal nucleus lead to development of mainly enzyme inhibitors, 291

275 Some of the major contributors of the area include Jerzy cytotoxic molecules or dual acting antiestrogens. The potential 292

276 Adamski, R.W. Hartmann, F. Labrie, D. Poirier, P. Vihko, R. Mind- steroidal antiestrogens were achieved through modification of 293

277 nich, T.M. Penning, etc. A brief description of some of the notable 7␣ or 11␤-position of the estradiol which led to the discovery of 294

278 leads is given in Table 3 [58–74]. RU 3941 (155), RU 51625 (156), ICI-164384 (157) and fulvestrant 295

(161), etc. Complete structure activity relationship of these com- 296


279 2.2. Antiestrogens pounds reveals that length of spacer chain between steroidal core

and functional group plays crucial role in biological response. A 298

␣ 299

280 Antiestrogens compete with endogenous estrogens for estrogen limited C4–C6 carbon chain is required at 7 -position for pure


281 receptor (ER) binding and also for direct interaction with growth antiestrogenic property. Increasing the carbon chain-length does


282 factors which ultimately lead to inhibition of estrogenic action. not help in activity enhancement. Introduction of an aryl group at

␤ 302

283 From receptor ligand topology and X-ray studies of ligand binding 7 -position increases agonistic property. While at 11 -position,


284 pocket of ER, it has been learnt that any modification at position an aryl group is preferably required for antiestrogenic activity

␣ 304

285 7 or 11␤ is well tolerated and leads to induction of antiestrogenic [75]. Research groups of J.A. Katzenellenbogen, R.N. Hansen, S.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Table 5 (Continued)

305 Ray, R.W. Hartman, Y.J. Abdul-Hajj, J.M. Renoir, J.A. Gustafsson, antiprogestins was induced through inhibition of cyclin depen- 323

306 R.W. Brueggemeier, etc. have contributed in this area significantly. dent kinase-2 (CDK-2) [84]. CDK-2 has been shown to be critical 324

307 Some potential steroidal antiestrogens and their biological activity in promoting the transition of cells in the cell cycle from G1 to S 325

308 profile have been collated in Table 4. phase. However, all these effects were not dependent upon expres- 326

sion of classical nuclear . Lonaprisan (165, 327

ZK230211) another antiprogestin is under phase II clinical trial for 328

309 2.3. Antiprogestins

postmenopausal women with metastatic breast cancer [85] (Fig. 3). Q2 329

310 Antiprogestins are mainly utilized in reproductive medicines

311 and less explored as anticancer agents. However, 3. Steroids as cytotoxic agents 330

312 (162, RU-38486) an early abortifacient has been extensively

313 explored as cytostatic agent. In various in vitro studies mifepri- Selection of cancer chemotherapeutics for the treatment of 331

314 stone has inhibited growth of neuroblatoma, breast (MCF-7 and disease is mainly based on the stage of cancer. At initial stage, 332

315 T-47D) and ovarian cancers cell lines. ORG-31710 (163) and CDB- when cancer formation begins, use of cytostatic (antiproliferative 333

316 2914 (164, ) are other antiprogestins of similar or enzyme inhibitor) drug is a preferred choice while at advance 334

317 structure differing in 17 -side chain, exhibiting similar effects. stage of disease various cytotoxic drugs having different modes 335

318 ORG-31710 effectively increased apoptosis in human pre-ovulatory of action are preferred. In case of drug resistance, combination 336

319 granulose cells [80] while, 164 inhibited proliferation of uter- of either antiestrogen with enzyme inhibitor or cytotoxic drug 337

320 ine leiomyoma cells by inducing apoptosis [81]. Both 167 and with enzyme inhibitor is given to overcome the problem. Diver- 338

321 168 reduced the growth of DMBA induced breast tumours in rats sified classes of compounds have been developed as cytotoxic 339

322 [82,83]. This antiproliferative effect of all the three (162–164) drugs such as paclitaxel, combretastatin, doxorubicin, cisplatin and 340

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O O O 162 CH3 163 164 O


Fig. 3. Some of the antiprogestins as antiproliferative agents.

341 fluorouracil. Various cytotoxic steroidal molecules active against A brief coverage of some steroid based important drugs as well 348

342 different human cancer cell lines have either been isolated from possible leads is presented in Table 4. A proper structure activ- 349

343 natural sources or rationally synthesized. These molecules gener- ity relationship has also been established in most of the cases 350

344 ally follow different modes of action through non-hormonal targets particularly in case of molecules having potential for future drug 351

345 like tubulin, topoisomerase, etc. Beside their anticancer activity, development. 352

346 these molecules may or may not have antihormonal effects. Such Despite the use of steroids for the development of antiprolif- 353

347 molecules have been classified in this study as cytotoxic steroids. erative, cytotoxic compounds and enzyme inhibitors, these have 354

Table 6

Synthetically modified steroids.

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Table 6 (Continued)

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24 A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 6 (Continued)

355 also been successfully used as a mean of drug delivery in the hormone, so that the drug can bind to the receptor. These molecules 374

356 form of a carrier molecule. Based on this concept several steroid have good bioavailability and can cross lipophilic membranes. Both 375

357 conjugates have been synthesized after linking steroidal compo- steroidal and non-steroidal pharmacophores have been tried to get 376

358 nent with cytotoxic molecule such as nucleosides, organometallics, an ideal drug. 377

359 nitrogen mustards and doxorubicin. These conjugates provide site STS, an attractive target to develop antihormonal therapy is 378

360 specific delivery of cytotoxic component to achieve selectivity. comparatively a newer approach. So far no drug could be developed 379

361 Such molecules elicit their anticancer potential at the site of action based on this approach, but a few are under clinical trials. Irosu- 380

362 because of their cytotoxic part following their specific mode of stat (667Coumate) a non-steroidal first generation STS inhibitor 381

363 action. Some metal complexes have also been synthesized with is under phase II clinical trial and 2ME2bisMATE (9, STX140), a 382

364 platinum and ruthenium metals. Platinum complexes crosslink steroidal second generation STS inhibitor is under phase I clin- 383

365 DNA and interfere cell division by mitosis. Thus, ultimately induce ical trial. Both the investigational drugs are expected to treat 384

366 apoptosis. Diversified derivatives have been achieved on modifica- endocrine resistant breast carcinomas. The 2-methoxyestradiol 385

367 tion of steroids. Structurally rings A and D of steroids were more based STS inhibitors such as 2-methoxy/2-ethoxy estradiol sulfa- 386

368 prone for modifications. Hence, most of the analogues have been mates (10–17 and 22–33) seem to be potential candidates 387

369 developed after modification of these rings. A concise description [23,26,27]. These dual action antiproliferative agents are less likely 388

370 of lead molecules has been provided in Tables 5 and 6 [86–165]. to develop drug resistance. 389

Aromatase inhibitors block the last step of steroidogenesis and 390

371 4. Conclusions may not affect the normal synthesis of other endogenous steroids 391

such as androgens and . Exemestane (37), an orally 392

372 There are several advantages associated to take steroidal phar- active steroidal AI, is in clinical use and is given after tamox- 393

373 macophores. Structural similarity is required with the endogenous ifen treatment. AIs have been very effective in clinical use, but 394

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A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 25

395 these are associated with side effects like risk of osteoporosis, joint Steroidal conjugates (405–444) have been prepared with vari- 461

396 disorders (arthritis). Statins and bisphosphonates are given along ous cytotoxic drugs such as nucleosides, paclitaxel, chlorambucil 462

397 with during the treatment to overcome these problems. Among and metal complexes. Estradiol conjugates prepared by modi- 463

398 the various emerging leads, 6-alkynyloxyandrost, 1,4-dien, 17-one fication at rings A (416–437 and 435–438) and D (439–442) 464

399 series (65–68) seems to possess impressive AIs and antiprolifera- showed potential anticancer activity in both ER+ and ER− cell lines 465

400 tive activities [46]. [161,134,163]. However, A ring conjugates were non-selective to ER 466

401 17␤-HSDs type 1, 2 and 3 play a crucial role in androgen and while D rings conjugates had some selectivity. Recently, Dao and 467

402 estrogen biosynthesis and are suitable targets to modulate the con- Hanson reported that bioconjugates of E2 were not of much suc- 468

403 centration of the estradiol (E2) and testosterone in case of steroid cess as researchers were unable to introduce linking groups onto 469

404 dependent cancers. As they act selectivity in an intracrine manner, the E2 scaffold without seriously compromising binding affinity 470

405 inhibitors of these enzymes might be superior to endocrine ther- [166]. A recent report on platinum complexes by Prof. G. Berube 471

406 apies like aromatase inhibitors, antiestrogens and SERMs due to group exhibits ER␣ selectivity in some D ring modified E2 conju- 472

407 off-target effects. gates. Considering the associated side effects with cytotoxic drugs, 473

408 Fulvestrant (161), an antiestrogen, is in clinical use for tamox- the approach of delivering them selectively to the site of action by 474

409 ifen resistant breast cancer treatment and second line metastatic the use of steroids is appreciable and needs further exploration. 475

410 anti-breast cancer drug. It is marketed by Astra Geneca under the In a nutshell, steroid based anticancer drugs have bright 476

411 trade name of ‘Faslodex’. It is reported that fulvestrant is the only prospects with a limitation of inherent hormonal effects. A bet- 477

412 steroidal antiestrogen that down-regulates estrogen receptor (ER) ter understanding about structure–receptor properties and careful 478

413 and is devoid of any estrogenic activity. However, compounds such modifications by the researchers may deliver successful drug in 479

414 as steroidal antiestrogen namely SR 16137 (153) and SR 16234 future. 480

415 (154) follow ER mediated mode of action as followed by other clas-

416 sical antiestrogens such as tamoxifen and raloxifene. Use of enzyme

Conflict of interest 481

417 inhibitors such as aromatase, sulfatase and 17␤-hydroxysteroid

418 dehydrogenase inhibitors in cancer chemotherapy is effective and

There is no conflict of interest. 482

419 preferred at very initial stage of cancer. However, their use brings

420 near about complete inhibition of estrogen biosynthesis which is

Acknowledgement 483

421 undesirable since estrogens are required for proper maintenance

422 of body. Antihormonal therapy has been a moderate approach to

The constant encouragement and support received from Direc- 484

423 stop the further proliferation of cancer cells at early stage of can-

tor CSIR-CIMAP is duly acknowledged. 485

424 cer. In case of drug resistance for a particular drug, most of the

425 time these antihormonal agents are used with enzyme inhibitors


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Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 27

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777 [87] X. Hea, B. Liuc, G. Wang, X. Wang, L. Sud, G. Qud, X. Yao, Microbial metabolism Chemistry 9 (2001) 1073–1083. 863

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Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

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28 A. Gupta et al. / Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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878 [116] R. Bansal, S. Guleria, Synthesis of 16E-[3-methoxy-4-(2-aminoethoxy)- 1554–1559. 964

879 benzylidene]androstene derivatives as potent cytotoxic agents, Steroids 73 [139] D. Kovacs, Z. Kadar, G. Mótyán, G. Schneider, J. Wölfling, I. Zupkó, É. Frank, Syn- 965

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890 Structural analogues of diosgenyl saponins: synthesis and anticancer activity, oxathiaphospholanes. Synthesis, assignment of absolute configuration 976

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892 [120] J. Roy, P. DeRoy, D. Poirier, 2␤-(N-substituted piperazino)-5␣-androstane- 558–565. 978

893 3␣,17␤-diols: parallel solid-phase synthesis and antiproliferative activity on [143] Z. Iványi, N. Szabo, J. Huber, J. Wolfling, I. Zupko, M. Szécsi, T. Wittmann, 979

894 human leukemia HL-60 cells, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry 9 (2007) G. Schneider, Synthesis of D-ring-substituted (50R)- and (50S)-17b- 980

895 347–358. pyrazolinylandrostene epimers and comparison of their potential anticancer 981

896 [121] B. Slavikova, L. Kohout, M. Budesinsky, J. Swaczynova, A. Kasal, Brassinos- activities, Steroids 77 (2012) 566–574. 982

897 teroids, Synthesis and activity of some fluoro analogues, Journal of Medicinal [144] L.H. Huang, Y.F. Zheng, Y.Z. Lu, C.J. Song, Y.G. Wang, B. Yu, H.M. Liu, Syn- 983

898 Chemistry 51 (2008) 3979–3984. thesis and biological evaluation of novel steroidal[17,16-d][1,2,4]triazolo 984

899 [122] A.Y. Misharina, A.R. Mehtieva, V.N. Zhabinskiib, V.A. Khripachb, V.P. Tim- [1,5-a]pyrimidines, Steroids 77 (2012) 710–715. 985

900 ofeevc, Y.V. Tkachev, Toxicity of (22R,23R)-22,23-dihydroxystigmastane [145] S. Parihar, A. Gupta, A.K. Chaturvedi, J. Agarwal, S. Luqman, B. Changkija, M. 986

901 derivatives to cultured cancer cells, Steroids 75 (2010) 287–294. Manohar, D. Chanda, C.S. Chanotiya, K. Shanker, A. Dwivedi, R. Konwar, A.S. 987

902 [123] P. Bunyathaworn, S. Boonananwong, B. Kongkathip, N. Kongkathip, Further Negi, Gallic acid based steroidal phenstatin analogues for selective targeting 988

903 study on synthesis and evaluation of 3,16,20-polyoxygenated steroids of of breast cancer cells through inhibiting tubulin polymerization, Steroids 77 989

904 marine origin and their analogs as potent cytotoxic agents, Steroids 75 (2010) (2012) 878–886. 990

905 432–444. [146] H. Jegham, R. Maltais, P. Dufour, J. Roy, D. Poirier, Solid-phase chemical 991

906 [124] A.H. Banday, S.A. Shameem, B.D. Gupta, H.M. Sampath Kumar, D-ring sub- synthesis and in vitro biological evaluation of novel 2␤-piperazino-(20R)- 992

907 stituted 1,2,3-triazolyl 20-keto pregnenanes as potential anticancer agents: 5␣-pregnane-3␣,20-diol N-derivatives as anti-leukemic agents, Steroids 77 993

908 synthesis and biological evaluation, Steroids 75 (2010) 801–804. (2012) 1403–1418. 994

909 [125] C. Li, W. Qiu, Z. Yang, J. Luo, F. Yang, M. Liu, J. Xie, J. Tang, Stereoselective [147] L. Rarova, S. Zahler, J. Liebl, V. Krystof, D. Sedlak, P. Bartunek, L. Kohout, M. 995

910 synthesis of some methyl-substituted steroid hormones and their in vitro Strnad, Brassinosteroids inhibit in vitro angiogenesis in human endothelial 996

911 cytotoxic activity against human gastric cancer cell line MGC-803, Steroids cells, Steroids 77 (2012) 1502–1509. 997

912 75 (2010) 859–869. [148] R.M. Mohareb, F. Al-Omran, Reaction of pregnenolone with cyanoacetyl- 998

913 [126] H. Guo, G. Zhang, T. Zhang, X. He, Z. Wu, Y. Xiao, Y. Pan, G. Qiu, P. Liu, hydrazine: novel synthesis of hydrazide–hydrazone, pyrazole, pyridine, 999

914 X. Hu, Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of some 16␤- thiazole, thiophene derivatives and their cytotoxicity evaluations, Steroids 1000

915 azolyl-3␤amino-5␣-androstane derivatives as potential anticancer agents, 77 (2012) 1551–1559. 1001

916 European Journal of Medical Chemistry 46 (2011) 3662–3674. [149] G.G.L. Lanos, L.M. Araujo, I.A. Jiménez, L.M. Moujir, I.L. Bazzocchi, Withaferin 1002

917 [127] M.A. Fernández-Herrera, H. López-Munoz,˜ J.M.V. Hernández-Vázquez, A-related steroids from Withania aristata exhibit potent antiproliferative 1003

918 M. López-Dávila, S. Mohan, M.L. Escobar-Sánchez, L. Sánchez-Sánchez, activity by inducing apoptosis in human tumor cells, European Journal of 1004

919 B.M. Pinto, J. Sandoval-Ramírez, Synthesis and biological evaluation Medical Chemistry 54 (2012) 499–511. 1005

920 of the glycoside (25R)-3␤,16␤-diacetoxy-22-oxocholest-5-en-26-yl ␤-d- [150] H. Shamsuzzaman, A.M. Khanam, N. Dar, S. Siddiqui, Rehman, Syn- 1006

921 glucopyranoside: a selective anticancer agent in cervicouterine cell lines, thesis, characterization, antimicrobial and anticancer studies of 1007

922 European Journal of Medical Chemistry 46 (2011) 3877–3886. new steroidal pyrazolines, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2012), 1008

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924 López-Dávila, M.L. Escobar-Sánchez, L. Sánchez-Sánchez, B.M. Pinto, J. [151] T.F. Liu, X. Lu, H. Tang, M.M. Zhang, P. Wang, P. Sun, Z.Y. Liu, Z.L. Wang, L. Li, Y.C. 1010

925 Sandoval-Ramírez, Synthesis of 26-hydroxy-22-oxocholestanic frameworks Rui, T.J. Li, W. Zhang, 3␤,5␣,6␤-Oxygenated sterols from the South China Sea 1011

926 from and hecogenin and their in vitro antiproliferative and apop- gorgonian Muriceopsis flavida and their tumor cell growth inhibitory activity 1012

927 totic activity on human cervical cancer CaSki cells, Bioorganic and Medicinal and apoptosis-inducing function, Steroids 78 (2013) 108–114. 1013

928 Chemistry 18 (2010) 2474–2484. [152] A. Berenyi, R. Minorics, Z. Ivanyi, I. Ocsovszki, E. Ducza, H. Thole, J. Messinger, 1014

929 [129] M. Jensen, S. Schmidt, N.U. Fedosova, J. Mollenhauer, H.H. Jensen, Synthe- J. Wolfling, G. Motyan, E. Mernyak, E. Frank, G. Schneider, I. Zupko, Synthesis 1015

930 sis and evaluation of cardiac glycoside mimics as potential anticancer drugs, and investigation of the anticancer effects of estrone-16-oxime ethers in vitro, 1016

931 Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 19 (2011) 2407–2417. Steroids 78 (2013) 69–78. 1017

932 [130] G.A. Elmegeed, W.K.B. Khalil, R.M. Mohareb, H.H. Ahmed, M.M. Abd-Elhalim, [153] J. Ren, Y. Wang, J. Wang, J. Lin, K. Wei, R. Huang, Synthesis and antitumor 1018

933 G.H. Elsayed, Cytotoxicity and gene expression profiles of novel synthesized activity of N-sulfonyl-3,7-dioxo-5b-cholan-24-amides,ursodeoxycholic acid 1019

934 steroid derivatives as chemotherapeutic anti-breast cancer agents, Bioorganic derivatives, Steroids 78 (2013) 53–58. 1020

935 and Medicinal Chemistry 19 (2011) 6860–6872. [154] S. Parihar, A. Kumar, A.K. Chaturvedi, N.K. Sachan, S. Luqman, B. Changk- 1021

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Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

(2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.05.011

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Please cite this article in press as: A. Gupta, et al., Current status on development of steroids as anticancer agents, J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol.

(2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.05.011