Committee Rejects Salary Bill Dumke Attacked 'Gross Mismanagement'

By MARK THAYER have hied ;.ou," NicAteer told "The real issue is inefficiency," lature will have to bail us out in appointment" and urged the com- Professors (ACSCP), when noti- Miludul..d to h(1lii hearings State Senator J. Eugene Mc- Dumke. McAteer said. the end.'" mittee to reconsider its action, in fied by Spartan Daily of the com- Ion an identical bill, introduced by Ateer charged Glenn S. nutlike, McAteer told Dumke that if George Miller, chairman of the Dr. Robert Clark, SJS president a statement issued after the com- mittee's action, said, "The fact that Robert Crown, ID-Oakland) late chancellor of the California similar acts had occurred in county finance committee, said, "This is yesterday called the move to kill mittee hearing. it's still pending in the Assembly this afternoon, These hearings State Colleges with "itieff government it would be "embezzle- arrogance; it's as if saying 'OK, the salary bill "disastrous to the Dr. Theodore Norton, president leaves some room for hope, but have been rescheduled for a later cy" and "gross mismanagement" ment and someone would go to we'll continue to do it because the morale of the faculty." of the SJS chapter of the Associ- not much." date. at yesterday's session of the Jail." guys need the money and the legis- Dumke expressed "extreme dis- ation of California State College The Assembly Finance Commit- The assembly bill must clear Senate Finance Committee. the Assembly Finance Committee, Hopes of restoring the 1.8 per Ways and Means, the full Assem- cent cut in senior faculty members' bly, then the Senate where it will salaries were all but quashed as be referred back to the Finance the committee voted not to pass a Committee and then back to the V bill introduced by Sen. Stephen full Senate for passage. 'reale iD-West Point) aimed at In view of yesterday's action the making the necessary $281,000 prospects of a legislative restora- available. tion of the pay cut appear dim. The charge against Dumke cain,. The statewide council of the after he testified that he first la. American Federation of Teachers came aware of the shortage in I AFT) will meet in Sacramento salary increase funds in October, RTAN DAILY this weekend. An AFT spokesman although a member of his staff indicated that a "work-in" is knew of it much earlier. II planned and "classes will not be Dumke declined to name the met." staff member. "Did you fire him?" 11 and more detailed "SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Specific plans McAteer asked. information are expected to come "If you didn't and if I were on out of the weekend meeting. NO. 84 the Board of Trustees, I would Vol. 62 4.311." SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1965 In Sacramento, Dr. Dumke said, lti "The principle of mutual trust be- tween the administration of the state college and its faculty is of paramount importance." He said, "The state colleges have upheld their public trust and seek New Housing Rules support of the legislature. Dr. C. M. Larsen, representing the Coordinating Committee of Campus Organizations (CCCO), an ad -hoc group of STS faculty or- ganizations formed to battle the pay cut, said in Sacramento yes- Receive afternoon. "This decision High Support terday makes it all the more imperative By MIKE NEUFELD lion will be up to the Academic! a new boarder," she commented. that we seek a favorable vote on The Student Housing Committee Council. Yesterday's proposal, if ap- Assembly Bill 652, which will ap- of the SJS Academic Council voted If this group passes on the proved, possibly could not go into propriate $15 million for faculty yesterday afternoon to recommend one-semester contract plan, then effect until next year because the salary increases." that a one-semester contract be Dr. Robert D. Clark, SJS presi- College Housing Office has already This is an increase of approxi- initiated as quickly as possible in dent, must give his approval before received signed contracts from ap- mately 15 per cent. college approved housing. It becomes policy. proved living centers. Dr. Larsen said he would report The committee heard a letter SAN DIEGO In addition to the resolution to the CCCO and all interested Monday front Student Council asking for At present the California State on one-semester contracts, the faculty members at 2:30 in and B. the one-semester policy. College Board of Trustees is re- housing committee moved to send afternoon cafeteria A Presenting council's case viewing a request for one-year con- a letter to the Associated Women * * * John Hendricks, ASS vice presi- tracts at San Diego State. Students (AWS) requesting that dent. SJS is presently under a full group to review AWS rules and Next step for the recommenda- year contract basis, and Student regulations pertaining to students Pres. Clark Ciaancil. feels a change should be In college approved housing. made. Previously AWS was directed Talking to students, this re- Calls Action 'Lonely Feeling' porter found the opinion seems by council to investigate the to coincide with council's call for possibility of establishing "senior STEPS INTO SPACELt. Col. Alezei Leonov ing 17,500 miles per hour on an orbit that took action. In Selma, Pace keys" or abolishing lock-out. steps from the Russian spaceship Voskhod II 90 minutes to circle the earth. Leonov spent 20 'Disastrous' One radio-television major stat- 1 AWS will report to council next to become the first man to leave a spaceship minutes outside the ship. ed, "A lot of guys would move out The tullowing statement was week on its findings. while in flight. The ship at the time was travel- Tells Audience If they had a chance." made by SJS Pres. Robert D. Clark yesterday afternoon upon "When you get down to Selma, TOO BIG A JOB Breaking the year-long contract hearing of the Senate Finance you feel quite lonely because it's Cosmonaut Committee's action against restor- a long way from anywhere." proved too big a job for two SJS coeds. ing the 1.8 per cent faculty salary San Jose Mayor Joseph Pace cut. gave this description of Selma, "My dad went to a lawyer, and Pro-U.S. Viet Nam Rally Leaves Ship, "This news is disastrous to the Ala., at a civil rights rally yester- my roommate's mother also con- sulted a lawyer, but, since our morale of the faculty and to the day at noon on Seventh Street. repuation of the entire state col- After going to the Capitol to parents had signed the contract, we were bound to it," one of the Floats Free lege system. talk to Vice President Hubert "The amount of the salary cut Humphrey about the concern in coeds replied. from UPI Is small, so the financial loss is Today on Seventh Street Compiled this city over civil rights prob- A senior from San Bernardino The Russians made another first not the overriding consideration. lems, he flew down to Alabama stated the one-semester contract A rally to support the Street opposite the Women's Gym. Bradley has indicated a desire in space achievements. Quality of California higher edu- to see the problem first hand. would give students a better U.S. position in South Viet Nam will Featured speakers include State to address SJS students on the after launching cation is now in jeopardy. Members of the Selma City chance to move if living conditions Yesterday, Senator Clark Bradley and Dr. subject of South Viet Nam. He II, one of the "We have had good support from Council invited Mayor Pace to an aren't up to his expectations. be sponsored today at 12:30 p.m. spaceship Voskhod on Seventh Milorad Drachkovitch, professor of said it is important to bring out the ship for the legislature in the past, and I executive session, They informed A 20-year-old coed explained Street by SJS Young two cosmonauts left Republicans (YRs) and political science at Stanford Uni- the side of the U.S. in stopping cannot believe that the legisla- him that only one per cent of that, to get out from under a con- Young 20 minutes. Americans for Freedom (YAF), versity. Communist aggression in South Le- ture, if it understands our prob- the demonstrators are Selma citi- tract, a person must sell the re- Cosmonaut Lt. Col. Alexi East Asia. His topic will be "The lems, will fail us now." zens and "we resent the fact that maining portion of his contract according to YAF President Bob SJS students Jack Cox, western onov, 30, took pictures with a Will to Win." everybody else all over the U.S., with the approval of the landlord. Young. regional chairman and member of movie camera while outside the and it seems like all over the LANDLORDS This rally will not be held the national board of directors of Dr. Drachkovitch, who will dis- ship then floated free in space for world, is coming to Selma right "Landlords can be awfully se- around the traditional bench but YAF and Richard Reeb, president cuss "U.S. Experience With Com- 10 minutes, connected to the ship Two Students now." lective when it conies to aproving at1 new location on Seventh of SJS YR's will also speak munism and the Viet Nam by a lifeline. Crisis," received his Ph.D. degree TURNS SOMERSAULT from the University of Geneva, Just before returning to the Face Court Switzerland. spacecraft, the cosmonaut turned He is also senior staff member a jubilant somersault. 'Strangelove Society' of the Hoover Institution on War, This Russian achievement came On Tuesday Revolution and Peace at Stanford. only five days before the United Dr. Drachkovitch has served as States plans to launch a two-man Two SJS students will appear Appears on Campus director of studies at the College Gemini spaceship with astronauts in San Jose Municipal Court Tues- of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, and Virgil I. Grissom and John W. day to face charges stemming from By AL BURNHAM adjacent to the table stood a haa worked with the Russian Re- Young aboard. two fatal automobile accidents, A new movement, the Stu- miniature rocket painted search Center at Harvard Uni- The other cosmonaut, who re- only four blocks apart. dent Strangelove Society, ap- bright red. versity. mained inside Voskhod II, was Ronnie Muranaka, 21, of 724 peared on Seventh Street yes- Besides handling the peti- In 1959 he joined the political r'ol. Pavel Belyayev, 39. S. Sixth St., will have a prelim- Larsen sold buttons During Leonav's feat he ship terday. tions, science department at the Univer- inary hearing on three counts of sponsoring his new society and ;thinned to stay in flight one day, manslaughter. Its chief proponent, a stu- sity of California at Berkeley. Dr. felony dent from the University of the lowering of the present was orbiting the earth at a speed San Jose police filed the charges Drachkovitch has been at Stanford California at Berkeley John drinking age. Each sold for of 17,500 miles per hour. The maxi- against him after his car was in- Larsen, solicited petitions ad- 25 cents, the proceeds going since 1961. mum distance from the earth was volved in an accident at South dressed to the Joint Chiefs of "to build bombs so we can more than 300 miles, highest in Seventh and Virginia Streets on Staff to "help us avoid World bomb the Pentagon." the history of manned space flight. Tuesday, March 9. Three persons War IV by immediately start- Larsen later stated that the Seventh Street TV TRANSMITTER I died in that crash, including Mu- ing World War III." button sales also "help me Tass News Agency said that ranaka's roommate, SJS senior Larsen, sporting an army work my way through col- Remains Closed Leonov's work outside the ship George A. Coleman. helmet with large ears at- lege." was "transmitted to the earth The second student in court will Seienth Street a II re- tached to each side and seven The petition urged the U.S. South by means of the ship's television be Richard C. White, 21, of 318 protest buttons, expressed his to "start the war to end all main closed today between San system and observed by a net- S. 10th St., a junior from Oak- desire to "blow up the world wars, to end the war in Viet Carlos and Keyes Streets, to all work of ground stations." land. to achieve ultimate peace." Nam, to end war, to end peo- but emergency traffic. The street Voskhod II orbited the earth White will be arraigned on He also carried a placard ple, and to end everything." every is being resurfaced. 90 minutes on an egg charges of felony drunk driving which read "Drop it!" and Said Larsen, "Some say shaped course. and manslaughter. However, officials of the Piazza announced the sponsorship of World War IV will be fought The Russians launched the first San Jose police allege that he Paving Company have assured SJS Pholo by Larry Belli, "SANS" Students Against with sticks and stones. I say unmanned satellite in October failed to stop for a stop sign at the Numbered Society. there will be nobody left to that access to the parking garage 1957. This was followed in 1961 South Seventh and California student John Larsen ap- Humboldt DROP IT!University of On the table bearing the fight." will not be blocked, according to by the first manned space flight. Streets on the night of March 12. rally on Seventh Street yesterday peared at a "civil rights" petitions was a natural-sized When asked if he thought supervising campus security offi- In 1963 the first orbital trip by a White's car collided with anoth- carrying the above sign and selling lapel buttons for the covered replica of an arm, his movement was facetious, cer Frank Schoff. If traffic fnto woman was made, and last Oc- er auto. A young Sunnyvale "Student Strangelove Society." with blood. On the ground Larsen said "No!" the garage is halted, it will only tober came the first multi-manned mother in the second car was be temporary, Schaff said. shot. fatally injured. 2sPARTAN DAILY Fr;day, March 19. 1965 111111li Skiing San Jose Staters Beckoned An Evt.nlog wit -s One IBM Card THE KINGSTON TRIO To Snow Covered Sierra Resort Slopes Benefit Pei formance for the Auxiliary of the Good Samaritan Hospital 11.) k DA% IN lite :6Its June Note II6ki !Mi. MO 1:01 WI FI,11: anti CIVIC AUD., SAN JOSE TUES. EVE.. MAR. 23 of 8:30 To Another The fact that aiding ill a turn awa!, stu- San Carlos is more quiet. Which started to $4.00, $3.50. $2.50 The doctor in the Health Cen- Tickets: $475, popular loom is evident. dents when the membership list ID LOUIS KING ter says "Welt, you have a On sale WENDELL WATKINS BOX OFFICE in Sherman Clay No need to look further than reached oser 200. Se 89 So. 1st 110:30 to 5:301 1 St. Ps Vs:. A B.S11.V 01.1. stS sprained ankle and a sprained Skiers are not just bystand- knee." You thank him and bob- CY 3-6252 Journalistic hiss' does not state your lacts have to be correct in rs either. Every two weeks up ble off. That's not the end a column, just don't libel anybody. Thrust and Parry to this weekend, the SJS ski though. The column in Tuesday's Spartan Daily didn't libel anybody, club has sponsored trips to vari- You have gone on a ski trip but it didn't give the facts, either. Students Salute ous resorts. and you know the feeling of The men planning the San Francisco March in protest of Selma Ski resorts with titles such as ing down those romantic announced an estimated 150 people would march out of San Jose Camp Committee Squaw Valley, Alpine Meadows Editor: You know that next year on the El Camino Real. (The national radio networks announced and Heavenly Valley beckon are going to try again. TICO S Congratulations to the Sparta- this estimate.) these enthusiasts. The response Luck! camp Committee for a job well Good The man planning the march announced an estimated 6.000 is loud, as students living in the done! Spartacamp is the best In, plc would have taken part in the march by the time they reached vicinity of Fourth and San Car- 1ACOS thing that can happen to any- the Federal Building in San Francisco. The national radio net- los know. HERB'S one who is interested in a wa-ks announced this estimate.) FAREWELL Chevron Station A Spartan Daily column announced the estimate for leaving stimulating intellectual and so- A FRIDAY cial experience! San Jose at 6,000. It also indicted and condemned the march lead- 11 is here, on Friday evenings CHIVIION STOP AT THE OPEN One of the worthwhile ideas ership for such pour planning. one or two buses are loaded SIGN OF that evolved during the Educa- This column stated that less than a dozen marchers finally with many pairs of skis, boots BETTER made it. A who closer tion Discussion was speculation of count of those -made it" would have been and poles. The inhabitants SERVICE 24 hours on a student-faculty lounge with to 150, as a -sign up" in San Francisco showed. these buses are an interesting a relaxed, congenial atmosphere Whatever way of BREAKFAST - LUNCH The column also stated the San Francisco rally, which contained study in themselves, dressed as your needs in the in the proposed student union. auto services, from a tankful of gas DINNER 6,000 people, was made up almost entirely of "teen-agers, rickety they are with heavy jackets, to an engine A place where students can tune-up, you can be old men, women and children." All 6,000 of them?) mittens or gloves, "apres-ski" sure you'll get prompt expert at- meet their professors and dis- The number who joined the march at Stanford was given by boots, scarves or wool caps, and tention at reasonable student rates If you are hungry, don't let the time worry you. Tico's cuss any topic and bridge the the column as two. Witnesses put the number at at least 20. tight stretchy pants. OIL CHANGE gap between the students LUBRICATION is now ready to service you anytime. Stag or drag, you The column didn't Jmention that Cecil Poole, federal repre- and Equipped with all the essen- faculty. WHEEL BEAWNGS sentative in San Francisco, failed to keep HIS WORD to meet with tials, plus hopefully, insurance, PACKED w;11 enjoy our food by Sunlight or Moonlight. Spartacamp afforded the marchers. us this these snow bunnies are off to BRAKES ADJUSTED & rare and rewarding opportunity. RELINED The Spartan Daily column points out that the President has not the romantic valleys of snow. We believe that we should make TIRES BALANCED Drive-in and Dining Room Service been swayed by marchers. The column points out that the President Once there. they are in a ENGINE TUNE-UP this relationship a reality right "made his decision BEFORE civil rights groups made their de- world of their own. After buy- Corner of 8th and William St. Phone Orders CY 7-8421 4i h and St. James here on campus What do cisions to march." you ing a ticket that allows them say? Did the President make his decision for a Saturday speech to ride dangerous-looking chairs Linn Simi to A12231 13EFORE the Wednesday decision for San Jose's march? Did the to the top of treacherous-looking Brenda Finkle A1068 President make his decision before the decisions of all the groups mountains, they proceed to Will Da6id A1239 that marched at the beginning of last week? point their little slat,: of wood to DO YOU BELIEVE? And more important. was the President's decision a decision Students Question the bottom of these romantic to act and stop bloodshed or was it just more words? Was the sounding valleys. * that man is a part of nature? President's Saturday speech in fact what the marchers were pro- Dispersal of Funds Here the fun begins. Here I testing empty platitudes not backed up by action? I enter the story. I too thought *that his most important concern should be the well being of all men What about our President who is elected to represent the will Each semester at registration how dramatic this all sounds of the people and do their bidding but is not about to be "black- a large sum of money is col- and I too got on one of those in this life? jacked" by the people into acting in their behalf? lected from the students In the buses and bought a ticket form of student body fees. and rode a chair, I too started * that this can be accomplished only by man himself? This money belongs to the down the slopes on two slabs of student body and RTAN DA I LY its use is con- wood. * that he can best do this free from superstition? SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE trolled by the student council. NO STOPPING Yet the student council never Second class postage paid at San Jost California. Member California informs the student body of the Here though I differed. I did Newspapers Publishers Association and Audit Bureau of Circulations. Published what is commonly referred to IF SO, though you may not have known it, YOU ARE A HUMANIST. daily by Associated Students of San Jose Stets College, xcept Saturday and exact disposition of this money. Sunday, during college year. Subscription accepted only on a remainder-a- Furthermore, no member of the "as trying to stop." Gravity ss:m*0er basis. Full academic year, $9; each semester, $4.50. Off-campus price student council, nor candidate said no! Well I stopped anyway. per copy. 10 cents. CY 4.6414 Editorial Ert. 2383, 2384, 2385, 2386. Adver- The ride down the slopes Support your point of view. Come and find out about the Humanists on campus. tising Est 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084. Press of Glob* Printing Co. Office hours in the student body elections. 1:45-4:20 p.m. Monday through Friday. ever takes a stand on the issue strapped in a neat little basket pulled by a young man wearing Organizational Meeting, 3:30 p.m., Monday, March 22, Cafeteria, Room B. Editor TOM POWELL Business Manager BOB SARIES of how this money is being used Adv. Manager ... ED FOSTER Promotion Manager BOB SCHERNER or ought to be used. a sign that said "Ski Patrol" Day Editor VALERIE SMITH Classified Manager BOB LEAVERTON Here is a real campaign Issue, is funexcept when one looks up and sees all the nice people News Editor .......... SCOTT MOORE Reporters Ken Allan, William Bat- an important one if only be- 405 S. 8th St., Apt. 2 San Jose, California Copy Editor AL MASON taglia, Steve Boffin', Carol Cord, cause of the large amount of riding in the luxurious chairs Feature Editor _ JEANNE GATES Virginia Cash, Susan Crawshaw, Dick money involved. Why doesn't -- and all staring at you. Sports Editor ART SIMBURG Davin, Barbara Dunn, Jean Fleming, one of the "Mommy look at that kid lay- Fine Arts Editor SHERRY BROWN Mark Hall, Jerry Henry, Michel candidates take a Society Editor CAROLYN CLAUS Janicof, Susan Kong, Cary Koegle, stand on the issue of how stu- ing in the basket" a little boy External Affairs Louis King, Torn Mead, Mike Neu- dent body funds are being used of about six says as he skis by Editor KAREN CHRISTIANSEN feld, David Park, Phil Paulsen, Vicki or ought to he used? spraying snow in your hot face. Public Relations Reed, Chris Richert, Valerie Smith. For some reason, the ride Director JIM MELTON Sandie Sanderson, Mark Thayer, George 1.11(.11eMil A1323 Photo Editor DAVE NOZAKI Denis Wade, Roland Zechmeister. Robert Lartlesol A2487 back in the bus is not as much .... - - - Silva Service

in a testimonial to the TIIE COLLEGE PLAN exclusively for Tom Huck sought scientific excitement Spartan 'Daly TIIE COLLEGE MAN LEO SiLvA

Run Dv Wanner Former Spartan Grid Star says I Bought My 111,41, INSURANCE POLICY because ....Guaranteed by a top Cornpun's' He's finding it at Western Electric ....No War Clause Exelusive Benefits at Ohio University conferred a B.S.E.E. degree on This constant challenge of the totally new, Special Rates C. T. Huck in 1956. Tom knew of Western Elec- combined with advanced training and education ....Deposits Deferred tric's history of manufacturing development. He opportunities, make a Western Electric career until you are out of that our realized, too, personnel development pro- enjoyable, stimulating and fruitful. Thousands of srlsind. gram was expanding to meet tomorrow's demands. young men will realize this in the next few years. After graduation, Tom immediately began to How about ej_i? For Your work on the development of electronic switching If responsibility and the challenge of the future COLLEGEMASTER systems. Then, in 1958, Tom went to the Bell Tele- appeal to you, and you have the qualifications we phone Laboratories on a temporary assignment to are looking for, talk with us. Opportunities for fast- outline ... Contact help in the advancement of our national military moving careers exist now for electrical, mechani- Jim Marcie+ capabilities. At their Whippany, New Jersey, labs, cal and industrial engineers, and also for physical Tom worked with the W.E. development team on science, liberal arts and business majors. For more Darwin Shoop John Mack computer circuitry for the Zeus guidance sys- detailed information, get your copy of the Western tem. Tom then moved on to a new assignment 286 6700 at Electric Career Opportunities booklet from your W.E.'s Columbus, Ohio, Works. There, Tom is work- Placement Officer. And be 505 So 1045 It, sure to arrange for an ing on the development of testing circuitry for the interview when the Bell System recruiting team memory phase of electronic switching systems. visits your campus. DAILY CLASSIFIED Western Electric MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY UNIT OF THE BELL ISKIrCIN ADS FOR PROFIT AM 1...1,1. OPPORtUNITY I 4PLOYLR -age 0 wow Pr nrnsl rntntils.-turinr le-stiont ' I-1 Operating renter-in many of theqe rum* citIes plta5 16 other- throughout ii AND CONVENIENCE .I f ’,type Corp., tikokie, ill., Little Itoh, Aik.Ottrneral Headitilerter:,14,4e Yeit 4pplications Available !Friday. March 19. 1965 %FABIAN DAILV-11 U.C. Regents To Supervise Death Valley Trip Bakmas Tuition Refunds Flower Sororities and Fraternities the deadline tuition retunds for st Wier; Hospital Duty, Study Tours INGLEWOOD IUPI1 The St e chief counsel registered for the Is, . Shop i:ght of the University of Califor- 11. MeKeNson..commented, field trip but cantle, I nia regents and the state college "The u tee "le g" lu "11 trip, according 1,, le NI Flowers this most 'went vici,wy and Film field si,1 , , and rustees to supervise campus !pleased that the univei:ity Students who a Ii lf, ran, I Corsages sororities and fraternities with re- Provide College Credits against racial and relrAieus di4- their iegistrition may obtain tui- for all aard to racial discrmination has crimination has again I ern up- ' thin refunds from Mrs. Ellis in Occasions been upheld by Superior Juti.4e teth Santa Clara College credit at University of regular academic summer sessions applications from Mrs. Zone Wade, held." S127E. CY 2-0462 & Newell Barrett. The the Pacific iStockton) or San at the college, while the eight head resident at Washbuin Hall, action stemmed fr-to a - It Barrett Tuesday sustained liii Diego State College will be given intervening weeks will be spent and SJS campus representative of j the, iltion for injuction last Ss.: governing bodies of the A.., In the 1965 10-week summer work- on job assignments in hospitals the Adler University Study Trot. state's' Merl re. POLICE OFFICERS public institutions ef study program in mental health. and other special programs. to Hawaii. higher lelrn- Beta Mg against a suit challenginl their sought I , pi, od eol !hew Students with a good scholastic Students participating in the "Interested students are urged FOR authority to act in connection with I the non-ill4rrintinatrin cella s record who wish to explore career program will receive a salary of to send for the university's sum- fraternity. and sorority functions. by the regents and the Itu,le, possibilities in mental health or about $560 for the period. Costs mer session bulletin since there CITY OF SAN JOSE to gain a better understanding of will include tuition, room and is a time limit on accepting appli- ----.....--..... efforts in mental health fields are board and transportation. cations for this ever-so-popula, Starting Salary: $620.73, after six months: $651.03. If you are eligible. Interested students should apply summer school," said Mts. Wade. plan to attend ga a age 21 to 34, a U.S. citizen, and have completed 60 or more The program is sponsored by to the college they The Adler Tour allows students i y Care . .UOP or San Diego) for the ses- to have a full sightseeing and units of college work (any major) your career, and the needs of the Western Mental Health Train- 1 Low, low prices deadline. ing and Research Project of the sion by the April 10 social program during their stay San Jose, may have much in common. in the islands. k II work 'lone Western Interstate Commission for EUROPEAN SEMINARS 1)% .11111101M Higher Education. There are 10 NEAR HONOLULU -Ili/lents wide. isms California state hospitals partici- A college-credit program In -''I'''"' For further information and application, contact: The university is situated in pating in the program. Europe with week-long seminars Civil Service Depart., Room 211, City Hall, San Jose. Will be directed by UOP this sum- Manoa Valley, 3 miles from down- SULU \ \ \ EM 1T COLLEGE HOSPITAL Drrv mer. town Honolulu on the island of B The opening and closing weeks The program provides seminars Oahu and encompasses some 265 its South First St 595.95 5 , An Equal Opportunity Employer. of the session will he spent in In London, Paris and Munich, ac- acres...... ,... cording to Frank George, presi- The regular faculty will teach dent of Hallmark Tours of San the summer session, along with Fly to Europe 1Rafael, who is in charge of ar- professors from the Orient, Europe rangements. and United States. this summer on The London seminar is from Unique courses include Indian via June 21 to June 29; Paris, June 30 and Far Eastern Art, Chinese Lit- low group rates to July 6; and Munich, July 21 to erature In English History of ti. July 23. Far East and Living Religion: A regularly scheduled A descriptive folder or further Hawaii. 11111 EMI flight information may be obtained by The program includes dep Open only to S.J.S.C. contacting Hallmark Tours, 1344 tures from San Francisco or 1 Fourth St., San Rafael; UOP; Angeles from June 19 and ret u :I faculty, students California Teachers Association, by August 1. The tour lasts six employees Central Coast Section, 1244 Bay weeks. St., Santa Cruz; or a local travel Interested students may cool., Approximately June 16 agent, according to George. Mrs. Wade at 294-2916. to Sept. 8 * * * * * * n Call CY 3-3992 Students wishing to do summer An agreement between Travel & Study, Inc. of New vark Co, left studies at the University of Hawaii Only a few seats and Soviet organizations will pi may now get information and t.4034420030100000O210:06021=0. vide for a Russian langaage coui,e Jan to be given this summer at Mos- cow State University. The course is designed for inter- LESSONS mediate and advanced students of Blues - Folk - Bluegrass Russian who have completed at least one year of college Ru-iian by Three weeks of study in Moscow Jorma Kaukonen & Peter Grant will be supplemented by two weeks various Soviet Republics Rental - Purchase Plan touring and three weeks of visits and 0 study in Poland. Czechoslovakia, BENNER Austria and France. CY 7-7417 1884 W. San Carlos BALKAN TOUR A Study Travel Seminar to the Balkans. East and West irope and the Soviet Un:on will also he operated by the comreny. It Student Bowling eludes seminars. We views a i;li Afternoons 3 games $1.00 . government officals and lectures at various universities. Evenings 40c per game Each tour provides six hours of graduate or undetsraduate 16 Clean Lanes credit. Furtacr intzrmation may. be cbtained from Travel & Study. Inc.. 681 Lexington Ave., New Billiards Parlor York, N.Y. Pool-Snooker $ I per hour Transformation HOLLYWOOD (UFDCarrcil Paker chose a trans-Atlantic ti Downtown Bowl aboard tha Queen Mety to re ,1 her transiortraticn as Jean 375 W. Santa Clara St. 2947800 low for the new Jo, .ph Lc vire movie. READY AIM FEIN anytime . . anywhere . . with MARVELOUS MADRAS! Genuine Bleeding" Pr 'ii S4Iit1E.Lij Sportshirts of that real hand -dyed cot PICNIC BOX SPECIAL 11, to take out imported from Indianever more popular and dia Full Half Broasted Chicken (4 big pieces) french Fries, roll, whipped honey, butter, 2 delicious butter rich cookies from our bakery. in great demand! With Ivy button-down collars $109 MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and short sleeves, tailored fit. Just what you REST OF THE WEEK, JUST $1.39

(IF YOU WISH CHICKEN ONLY, THE MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY PRICE IS JUST 99c, want for bright spring wear! Get yours PEST OF THE WEEK $1.19) Ready in a rr itter of mimeos or telephone and it v.ill be d -livered to your car when you come. For your Spivey's now real Madras is getting rare! 6.95 Picnic Spcc;a1 to enjoy at ham: or on r3 cu -ling, c:nie io the Spivey's tcsiast ant nrcircst

1761 W. San Carlos, CY 7.712- 12th & Santa Clara, CY 34920 Campbell, FR 8-0424 Mountain View, YO 8-5540 Santa Cruz, GR 5-7600 and GA 6.0803 IN DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE: FIRST AT SANTA CLARA IN SANTA CLARA: STEVENS CREEK PLAZA Sunnyvale, El Camino and Wolfe Road, RE 6-7211 Aa .APINII,..,=.../4=1.1=11,..M.0.1=1.1.M0.1,..M.,M, 41SPARTAN DAILY Friday, March 19, 1961 AOPi Names Brown To Discuss Religious Paradox Independent claus The Match Box 1' PINNINGS Vinso y an 1n myths !le San Jose now fed f 'tanford Un:- Dream Guy Marilyn sue Ryan, former SJS student from the Ba', By CAROLYN CLAL3 as a stewardess with United Airlines, to Mohammad .ty wit!, a ih D in hioh-y. employed credible Society Editor Adwan, Tau Delta Phi and the Arab-American Club. junior political ,'he topic is taken from his Stintia.t. I have instituted this column for two reasonsas a means of science (international relatimst majiir from Amman, Jordan, ' 0'.cn e.hich toe recognizing and saluting activities of various campus sororitio,,, Tomorrow Fe-nandii Janie Cannon, Alpha Omicron Pi, junior Spanish major from tam, fraternities and clubs and as a legitimate-looking mouthpiee2 lor The new Dream Guy of Al- Chula Vista, to Jim Pingatore, Sigma Chi, senior real estate major ' 4, my personal observations. from Oakland. crowned KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA pha Omicron Pi will be ENGAGEMENTS Newly installed officers of Kappa Kappa Gamma include: Pa- tomorrow night at the sorority's Suisun Poore, Ski Club, junior -home economics major from tricia Abrams, president; Marty Mitchell, first vice president; Spring Cotillion in San Fran- Hayward, to Kon Fite, part-time 5.15 sophomore business adminis- Charter rr, ''no--Europe $264.00 R.T. Joanie Peters, second vice president. tration major and full-time IBM emplo)Lie from Concord. They will Kristine Oxsen is recording secretary; Margo O'Brien, corre- be married sometime next year. June 15, N.Y. to Brussels Sept. 11, Brussels to N.Y. contest began with 32 sponding secretary; Stephanie Finlay, treasurer; Janet Parsons, cisc.The Carol Swensen, 5.15 journalism graduate from Oakland now SIERRt TR/ `'r OF BEVERLY HILLS marshal; Cindy Bryson, pledge chairman; Pam Hutton, house man- contestants. After three func- employed as society editor of the Cupertino Courier, to William ager. tions, including a "come-as-you- Costa, senior occupational therapy major from Pleasant Hills. The 9875 Ti', Phone (213) 274.0729 Other chairmen include: Kathy Ronay, membership: Jeanne are" breakfast last weekend, couple plan a summer wedding. Baarts, social; Barbara Reith, hehmidtmann, senior psychology major from Redlands, to seven finalists were chosen. :warn activities; Gloria Glidden, mu- Mike Dunne, SJS journalism graduate now employed as the editor

sic; Joyce Keim, public relations; They include: John Dismeyer, of the Siskiyou Daily News in Yreka. They hope to be married in Jan Schreyer, Panhellenic dele- Delta Upsilon; Doug Warner, August.

1/2 OFF SALE SLACKS V2 OFF gate. Pi Kappa Alpha; John Dunlavy, Carolyn Montevaldo, Kappa Alpha Theta, senior education Sigma Chi; Chris Ottinger, Sig- Limited Only! KAPPA DELTA major from San Francisco, to WIlltain Penn, student at the Naval Time Kappa Delta recently held ma Phi Epsilon; Bob Young, Academy's nuclear power school, from San Francisco. They have Kappa Sigma; Jim Wills, Theta Entire. traditional clici- selection its spring elections. set their wedding date for June 12. New officers are: president, Zi; and Ray Nolton, Phi Sigma Sue Eisenberg, Delta Phi Epsilon, junior secretarial adminis- eat, n a Dacron Janet Brown; vice president and Kappa. tration major from San Mateo, to Steve Weiner, Sigma Alpha Mu, pledge trainer, Jacque Miller; This year's winner will be senior marketing major from San Francisco. They hope to be mar- wools . . . Dacron Rayon . . . membership chairman and Pan- crowned by Dave Brady, pm- ried on Sept. 5. other blends. COME IN EARLY hellenic delegate. Sharon Lat- ent AOPi Dream Guy. Linda Straight, junior social science major from Campbell, to imer; secretary, Sue Anderson; Gordon Nilsen, senior music-pre-seminary major at the California FOR TOP SELECTION! editor, Martie Wilson; treasurer, Lutheran College and assistant pastor of St. Stephen's Lutheran Linda Barley. Casual Kerchief Hats Church in Granada Hills, from Sunnyvale. They have set Aug. 1 New Kappa Delta initiates in- as their wedding date. clude: Sue Huson g, Nancy 'In Vogue' for Spring Sandy Morels, Delta Zeta, junior psychology major from San 1/2 Off Hutchinson, Carol Sanchez, Very much in vogue for Jose, to Ron Candray, Sigma Phi Epsilon, senior mathematics major Abby Darley and Robyn Hand, spring: kerchief hats with cas- from San Anselmo. They will be married in the latter part of August. 12.95 6.50 who was also selected outstand- ual draping and attention to Heidi Johnson, Kappa Alpha Theta, sophomore exploratory 16.95 8.50 ing pledge of her class. back detailing. The Millinery major from Atherton, to Lew Colman, Alpha Delta Phi, Stanford 19.95 10.00 SIGMA ALPHA MU Institute of America reports law graduate. They will be married Sunday. Sigma Alpha Mu recently these are youthful, easy to wear MARRIAGES 22.95 11.50 Rif elected two new Sammy Sisters. and can be worn comfortably Anne Merrill, Delta Gamma, 24.95 12.50 Pat Holmstead and Lynne Wood- with coats, suits or dresses. SJS r..cciolcgy graduate from ruff joined 17 other such hon- They come in cotton, silk Secramerto and Fresno, to ca. 121 S. 4th 292 7611 and ored coeds. pliable straw braids. %W. Barkley, SJS business ad- ministration graduate from Ta- hce Valley. They were married Saternay. IT'S GREAT TO BE 'IN' MIR Arab-Americans R -1 Tapers. k On 'Active' List Student Council has apploved AUTHENTIC IVY SLACKS a recent request for the statement of the Arab-An' Benefit Performance lean Club ad an acthe orr,..ri- for the Auxiliary of the zetion on the SJS camp,' Good Samaritan Hospital CIVIC AUD., SAN JOSE 1 According tc deo pi c-ident 013UC'flON A- 1 Kotzin Co., Los Angeles, Calif. TUES. EVE., MAR. 23 of 8:30 Mohammad Adwan. The club Tickets: $4.75, $4.00. $3.50. $2.50 elcomes any American studert on sale at WENDELL WATKINS interested in ancient Arab civili- Box Office in Sherman Cloy zation or in the modern Arab 89 So. lot St. (10:30 to 5:30 world." except Sat. & Sun.) Interested students may call CY 3-6252 Adwan at 297-5038.

"Assist at Mass" Roger Willinms Fellowship Wesley ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ALC LCA We're having a Formal FLING Founcletior 55 V,/ . r , _ 292 4124 "Disarmament and I Mpt r Lutheran Worship Viet Nam" at ZUKORS 1 . L7-8-910-11:1512:15 South Sunday 9:30 A.61 Speaker: Mr. Ben Seaver 7:30 p.m CI (American Firm's Service 1 5-C:00- :2:06: Committee) 7 to 5:30. 7:30 40, Tht 6 p.m. Supper 5111c Where you eroq, aM Chapel of Reconciliation 6:30 p.m. Meeting will find fho largest selec- The Wes'ey Foundation encour- 100 Sn 100 at ogcs you to write your congress- tion of full men in support of the New Civil Grace Baptist Church length formals Rights legislation. r o Baptist Convention hofYourChoice Program Meeting null of San 484 East San Fernando i". Worship Sund.,, TAM P.M. Tuesday Jose ... virtually hun- First St. Paul's 8:45, 11:00 and 7:45 p.m. Church Service dreds from Santa Clara & 5th 10fh at San Salvador Hoch, Campus Paste Roy C. George "Shorty" Collins John M. Men which to t; STMINSTER 9,30 & 11,00 a.m 9:30 & 11.00 a.rn Baptist College Chaplain Pastor choose in sizes 5 TERI/ N through 16 and modestly r. HURCH Evangel NEWMAN CENTER priced. THE ALAMEDA AT SHASTA Book Store Catholic Student Center from Worship 8:30. 11:00 & 7:00 p.m. Your Store 79 So. 5th St. 295.1771 Srody Hour 9:40 for 2299

COLLEGE LIFE SERIES: 6:00 p.m.-125 DANA INTERVARSITY SUPPLIES Daily Mass .. . 11:45 A.M. Open RELIGIOUS RECORDS Moo, Catholic Women's Center Thurs. BUFFETT 500 P.M. BIBLES Meetings... Wednesday Evenings ... 8 P.M. Transportation 7th & San Carlos 9:20 a.m. 4:40 p.m. PRAYER BOOKS Fri. RELIGIOUS GIFTS Chaplain: Father Laricente Nights Newman Club President: Hill Scary

96 S. 2nd St. First Immanuel Lutheran Church and 292-2353 for the complete collegiate experience Student Center worship this Sunday at Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 2,4,V First Baptist Church 374 So. 3rd Street the downtown church Sunday Morning Services: catering to the college community 8:15. 9:30 end 11:00 8:30 5 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 2 blocks from schml College discussion group: 9:45 Worship at 9:45 a". College "Seminar" 5:45 p.m. Tri.0 A. J. BROMMER. Pastor 292-5404 Club Two Mid.Week Lenten Services, Wednesday, 6:45. 8 p.m. your church. 198 So. Second St., San Jose Director of Music; B. Dahrns, Vicar - 294-7033 R. Fiea or. Dr. Clarence R. Sands, Pastor

SPARTAN TIII-C Baha'l Club On occasion of the Baba .gird Covenant Church 3rd & San Antonio New Year's Dny, Col & Riverside 9:45 a.m. SeminarBarry Keiser The Baha'i Club presents Services Complete alteration Dept. reasonably priced ,4 Study in Revelation Vinson Brown (author of many book) Covenant Collegians meet et 9:45 LT. 5:45 p.m., Evening Forum Teacher: Jim May, Campus Crusade Director Use our convenient parking lot on Topic: The Incredible 2nd Street Development of Christian Thought Paradox of Religion College Youth Fellowship 8:30 p.m. and enter through our back door 231 E. San Fernando, S. J. # 12 Services: 11:00 a.m.; 7:00 p.m. 132 South First St. College Dept. First Baptist Church Sundal. March 21, 8 p.m. 294.3480 Dr. Arvid Carlson, Pastor 19e1 gP tnT VITT-41 Kingston Friday. March 19. Trio To Present Benefit Tuesday Presents The Kingston Trio will appear Actor's Repertory Theater DW In a benefit performance for the ad Auxiliary of the Good Samari- :al 'A Streetcar Named Desire' Friday tan Hospital Tuesday at 8:30 members are Ro- p.m. at the Civic Auditorium. 8.IS uiitu,i Ii' The production leatitre, Jcan other east student in draica, is directing Serlin lit the key role of Blanche. berta ’isenvich as the sister, ior The best-selling recording trio the current production of Ten- Mrs. Serlin, a former profession- Stella; Frank Parker as Mitch. is composed of John Stewart, nessee Williams' "A St it' al stage and radio actress in Production staff in,ludes David Nick Reynolds and Bob Shane. Named Desire'. by the .V.ii Chiotgo, has appeared in lead- Shepard, Stage Manager, Les Among their many best selling Repertory 'rhea, PI% ing roles around the community. Landison, Set Designer, and Geri recordings, the most recent is fillt.011111, currently working She was last seen in A.R.T.'s Hewing, Costume Designer. in a Performances will be given "Time to Think." for an M.A. in drama, won the productions "Ten Nights 1963 SJS Players -13est Actor Bar-Room" and "Alice in Won- Friday and Saturday nights ow The Kingston Trio is, in a of the Year" award for his derland." March 19-20, 26-27, at 8:30, 25 sense, unique. It sings on key eerforniance in the title role Playing the brother-In-law is W. San Salvador St. 'he and with a regard for the geo- of "Amedee." William Houck, member of the For ticket information call graphical He last appeared in ART'S repertOry Mt) pany. 297-4797 or 297-9913. to and musical meaning "Two for the See-Saw." tor of each song. Versatility, high Holcomb also portrayed the in humor and a feeling for the title role of .1.13, in the San Jose dramatic are present in each Theater Guild's production. The on performance. VIII W1,11 HIV 1,1,1 COM- at ROMANCE YOUR GIRL The trio combines with musi- 11111110 Ififly Oat' 101' we cianship the sound knowledge of Sall Jilse area. new dandify (^w- t,ito the gamut from sea chanteys "Streetcar," A.R.T.'s fifth of- is- to calypso rhythms to the west- fering of the season, won the lu, ern-type roundelay. Pulitzer Prize, the Donaldson Wad. and Thurs. ir- THE KINGSTON TRIO will appear at the Civic performance York Ozzie Peterson Trio 2 Car, u Floors They have been roundly ap- for the Auxiliary of the Good Award and the New Drama 11 Auditorium Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in a benefit Samaritan Hospital. Critics Award in 1947, first year and SA !If'ofn Floor to plauded at such places as San Fri. of production. Marty Procaccia nia Francisco's "The Purple Onion" Mcalorif no The play is the story of and 'an and "the hungry i" and Chi- Blanche DuBois, who flees the The Hebron Band .1 cago's "Mr. Kelly's." 'Peyton Place' Classic Films To Show Olympic Games memory of tragedy and scandal The singers recently ap- Place," "pcylosi concerned in a small southern town. She peared as guests on the Jack with f ;an the hypocrisy and warped moves to New Orleans and her garden City ...... 11oitrau Benny Show. On the television values of a small New jor England By 1936 Hitler Film Propagandist sister. But her sensual, crude program they cavorted in a community, will be shown at [writ her-in-law in o violent. 51 So. Market CY 7-2002 try comedy sketch with Benny and Friday Flicks. By DALE ISLACKEY was, of course, became lAtni passionate rage cuts off her last - - - - ay' sang as only the Kingston Trio Because of the excessive length Riefenstahl made it." 1.94101i11,r 110(1\014\V ’ers \vii 111 1S7iVrt Wednesday's Classic Film, chance of escape from the misery can sing. of the film, it is scheduled for "Olympia," considered the great- Leni Rivfenstahl, now 63, wti-. of her life. The performance in San Jose 6:30 and 9:30, in Concert Hall. est film record of any Olympic Hitler's leading film propagan- will be the only appearance In The movie, bused on the novel dist and reported to the Fuhro grectle31 thing to hit Cainptioei Games, was subjected to an in- this area. Tickets for the bene- by Grace Mel alious, is the fore- personally. This so outraged fit performance are on sale at runner of next week's presenta- timidation campaign by Hitler's Goebbels that he never forgave oince co-ecb Wendell Watkins Box Office, tion, "Return to Peyton Place." right hand man, Goebbels. her. \ Television located in Sherman Clay, 89 S. this season tagged Goebbels objected that anyone Prior to Riefenstahl's commis- to the success of the two First St. on outside his immediate authority sion by the International Olym- eas-1-4 that followed. The box office is open from novels and movies would be commissioned to film pic Committee to film the 1936 (-)1 Its ABC serial "Peyton Place" 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily the 1936 Olympic Games in games in Germany; she had, run to such except Saturday and Sunday. has cornered the ratings Berlin. direet commission front Hitler, extent, that next season it -Dtacki Reservations and information an In an effort to block produc- filmed the 1934 Nazi Party Con- will go from a two to a three may be obtained by calling tion of this athletic record, gress in Nuremberg. a week pre,entation. MOTOR HOTEL 293-6252. nights which shows Jesse Owens win- -eimerMinier She transformed the eVVIII, ning three gold medals, Goebbels into a 2-hour speetaele Every ordered SS men to disrupt "Triumph of the room 286 South First St. camera equipment and harass Roberta's She resigned from war assiun- technical personnel. a suite mvnts when she protested Grii- In spite of these difficulties, Tworoom suite What's NEW? man atrocities directly to Hitler. "Olympia" emerged as a mag- for price of bedroom. 50 Dresses - Junior and Junior Petites Between 1948 and 1932 Riefen- Singles from $8; nificent 4-hour record of the doubles from stahl was tried by Allied and $10. games. German tribunals, and each time *Free 24.hour limousine service to John Grierson, documentary and fern airport with free direct Just arrived! 100,000 new dresses in interesting $1299 the verdiet was "no politic:,1 phone service from airport bag. film authority. makes this com- gage counter to hotel. fabrics and styles. Petite sizes 3.13, Junior sixes activity which would warrant to ment: "There have been films * Taking an early morning flight? 5-15. Open Mon. & Thurs. 'CI 9 p.m. I unishment for support of the Sleep at hotel, leave your car there on all id' the recent Olympic. free of charge and use limousine Nazi regime." service to and from airport. Save We Validate All Parking Lots $2999 Games, Ind there was Inily one on parking fees. great Mal flu iginally an ail loss, she * Direct dial phones In every Olt. turned to directing in 1931. Full room service Including food. Restaurant, coffee shop. Free IV. The last two hours of "Olym- Air conditioning. Heated pool. - will lin ...hrm Ii Worlites.lii., at die ri Palms in TI13:i 4200 W. Century Blvd. 3:30 and 7 pro. Included in this INGLIWOOD, Hill. Isn't if the lihn tire the gym- nastic, aquatic, .hulling and 677-1155 Al les Af,geles equestrian event.. The film ends Intel-not, cc fl Airport with the closin spectacle of the i4I1111,,,

STUDIO ROPICAIR 797 396 SOUTH FlOGr 6778 i969 ALUM ROCK AVE 258-8I44 "HUSH HUSH. SWEET NORTH SCREEN CHARLOTTE' "RAIDERS FROM BENEATH "MONDO PAZZO" THE SEA" STUDENT RATE "DUEL OF CHAMPIONS" EL RA CH SOUTH SCREEN ALMA Ind Al Iv1ADEN 294.2041 "GOLDFINGER" OF SINBAr)" "LOST WORLD "THE GREAT ESCAPE" "WAR OF THE ZOMBIES" let's go to McDonald's with for a new taste treat CONENIA settlifiRA FaraPress Bascom Never 552 S. 2954230 A FILM ADVENTURE McDonald's JAMES BOND IS [ WITHOUT MALI Need BACK IN ACTION! Ironing Filet-O-Fish They're ironing while they're drying Crisp and golden Filet 0' Fish seised The luxury look is piping hot on a plump, bun with yours in permanent plenty of zesty tartar sauce to give you press, permanent color slacks of a real adventure in good eatin'i this masterful double-plied, yarn-dyed weave. Styled for wear on campus and SUN CONNERY,I., 12,1xrriili oarItt !Afigel. 111516'S off, and made to 141OLDFINGER always look neat. look for the golden arches - I TERINICOLDIrreir.r ou UNITED ARTISTS plus Jrirrn Delinondn "THE FINEST HOURS" Mader McDonaldti -THAT MAN FROM RIO" Winston Churchill Story by FARAH HELD OVER air 611617K11 re HURRY II 6th WEEK CV. - 30 6 0 ENDS SOON 1433 The Alameda 90 E. San Carlos 295-9657 lest Actress Zz r, f Idrf e $ 798 kflia Lam Marriage Italian Style for Nemeth) mastroianni . Vittorio De Sica's ADDED: "SUPER MARKET" ;eXf FARAH MANUFACTURING CO.:1111e,EirIPARA 'ERAS ’nPART null,. Friday. March 1t:I, 1965 SPECIAL Spartan Nine Looks Greeks Aid Swim Star Mike Hansen STEAK ' For Third Straight Recruiting l'ery 1 ender Also Excels in Water Polo 11.. San Jose State ba,eball VioNau ut Stadium. am will he looking for its third Itighthanders John Lyon t0-0. SIMBCRG 1 ever, said Mike, "until my junior summer. and swims throughout With Patatae.,. Pro ram By ART 1 1-1 I are top forced me to the year, held four records in high I ;Morin win of the season this or Bill Ardis choices "On a swimming team everybody year. My father

it meets of Head Coach Ed Sobczak for interested swim, hut during my freshman I school. Garlic Bread football program. has his own event and is The Spartan lucky to swim the the role of starting pitcher. in his teammate's progress. In Year, I was He is in the limelight on the already deeply involved in an ex- pool Wednesday. the Spartans stam- water polo, however, we may- be length of the swimming team. as he Is one of has humorous swimming peded Vandenberg Air Force Base, pansive recruiting program, friends outside the pool, hut coin- "The most the top own In his event, but EXPERT witnessed occurred 99c 13-1. ia a is Id sooring contest at received help from several of the Petition for positions is intense ''incident I ever he plays it different role on the Municipal 1,tartium. The Spar- when one of my. hiu-h LUBRICATION fraternir tea and sororities on cam- This view was expressed by ju- sehool,fearn- water polo team. m:ites jumped out of the pore after , mar. nior Mike Hansen, the only start- instead of tour aga inst i "mtI. 5i'.'' Ill said Mike, "I had 11, ing menthe'. of the water polo tw.r lengths Alpha Fail Omega, Theta Chi, 1t lid' pofire-t shooting percentage hr,..drast particip atin g on Los Gatos High Slii(11,I. SAN JOSE learn who is also but my swim- relta Sii,nia Phi. and Phi Sigma out I'1. the pool, looked on the entire team, vtanieipal saaditim tin the swimming team. ''lit'''lit'grit 98` Kappa tra kind it's will house 15 around, saw es crytiody yelling, ming ability enabled me to remain ALL OTHER CAR SERVICES is!! II 93.7 tog beginning "The high point of my career." !high school and junior college Oh- :1 starter. AT DISCOUNT PRICES :1 2:55 1..1,1. Ken Allan and Rich said Mike, "was last year when I ICAFETERIA dry who are visiting SJS. Kappa teams "Our water polo team was see- i’en11111411.% IA, ill handle the play - placed third in the 100 yard five The Spartan snitilming PURITAN OIL CO. Alpha Theta, Gamma Phi Beta, erkeley ond in the U.S., and I originally I,'. May rust post game si style in the State College Tourna- will Meet the ir I (*. B 3rd and ;ita KEYLS sermilies and Alpha Phi have in- terpurts tomorrow in tire thought we could do as well ra’., vited the athletes for dinner. !season. Unfortunately, howe,.! ba I.! la!, as Sobczak "I had been doing well In I Spartan pool at II a.m. "This roaches held :Captain Bill Parker broke both 26 players and six pitchers The SJS football work-outs, so my teammates de- will be our last and most im- a Round Hills bones in one leg while skiing, and IN THE SUMMER OF '65 SJS. highest scoring game of dinnra. at the tided it' Mike can do it, any- portant meet of the year." said EUkOPE Club in Alamo Tuesday may be in a cast for six , season. Corm' ry body can. Thus we went on to SOS swim coach, Tom O'Neill. months. An errang,-, has ,e for faculty and ..,t of. San Jose Slate ores'home runs were hit for all the high school and junior State College tomna is College, and tl.ea famil,es through Pan American,,v, fly to Europe by Wilt the !HO school water polo college football coaches from back in, and won the race. , a regularly scheduled Polar fl:ght at a substantial sn. Left fickler Robin Tomlin went for the second year in jumped small time compared to college. Vallejo to Oakland. A similar din- he was Mt a three-run shot in the first is row." Al ter all this, however, Teammate Tom Eldridge was for London Aug. 2nd was held Wednesday for all on the Leave San Francisco inning whirl] led to it five-run ner Mike started swimming as a disqualified for standing playing for Santa Clara High 2 days after six week session the coaches in the San Joaquin 'er lino High bottom of the pool." opening episode. fles h ma n a t Sehool when our two teams met. Mike, who Is a lifeguard in the Arrive in San Francisco from London Sept. 9th First baseman Malt Miholovich School. "I didn't do well, how- The referee Was so lax that he Several days before fall seme:t, belted a two-run homer in the sec- just watched while Eldridge and slugged it out. Later we met Save $200 Plus o the 35 Seats Available unit to balloon the score to 7-0. Third baseman Greg Modesti fol- again, laughed about it, and We For information call AN 9.3117 or ext. 2158 SJS Wins Camp Pendleton Track Stars lowed a short time later with the are now the hest of friends. long bomb. "I attribute my success in water Fresno is in town for a la.. Tennis Meet Invade SJS Field Tomorrow polo to coach Lee Walton. He is a game series. The final game will . demanding, but appreciative couch. only a SAN JOSE lie played tomorrow at Municipal The Camp Pendleton 1 1 ar: of life 6 -.. . . If one slacks off, however, he is Al IV!' Se..U1 in;; an 8-1 victory the 'Imliurn beginning at 1 p.m. No track team, featuring 1960 Olyrn-lsoplionairv. "By the end of warned. If one slacks off again, over the U.S. Marines on Wednes- Winter, -.ailing pitcher has been named pie participant, Paul Winder, will seasiar" said coach Bud he finds himself on the second day. the San Jose State varsity his FOREICH CAR 'SERVICE SJS. invade Spartan Field tomorrow -Doe should be able to hold string. tennis team travels to the Uni- m own wi I h any collegiate high versity id San Francisco at 2:30 it 1.30 "After I have completed my eli- members of the team in- jumper in the country." Expert repa;ring for today in search of their fifth con- Other gibility in swimming and water Have elude Mike Barrick and Ron Free- Owen Hoffman's 4:16 mile was All Makes and fr you secutive victory. Polo I may try another sport. An of whom ran with it creditable time 11S he hag been Although they lost their first man, both athlete is allowed five years in Models seen the new Henry Carr 1,irciiil to fill in foe injured men -6) indhidurd match of the campaign. Ulis Williams and which to participate, although he Ari- , In whet' events, and hasn't. been Mexican Jewelry Shop? the Spartan raoketmen maintained on the world record setting can parlicipate only four seasons relay team. !able I. concentrate on the mile. Brakes their undefeated record with little zona State mile in one sport. Tuneups has recorded 1 Engines Garbs General Repairs difficulty. Camp Pendleton "I was thinking about football, Transmissions 10% Discount Left-hander Rich Ande rs o n some of the best times in II.! Judo Competition Lut I don't want to get hurt. nation this season in the mili. am STUDENTS: 1O. OFF WITH A 5.8 CARD! to Students topped ex-Pepperdine star Doug Gymnastics intrigues me, so I Clark 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 in the feature and 440 yard relay's. Spartan fans The Spartan Judo team will seriously considering it." All Foreign and Sport Cars match. Bob Murio, the Spartans' will witness Torn Smith in I he travel to San Leandro tomorrow mile relay for the first time in to compete in a tournament at free-swinging seoond Man, lost 6-4, BETTER CATCH f;;Z) 180 S. Market St 'hilIBANKAl" .1-3 in singles, but combined with the outdoor season. Winder will the San Leandro Boys Club, Across From Park 1=311 LOS ANGELES CUPI1- --John Anderson for a 6-4, 5-7, 6-2 dou- face Smith awl Wayne Hermon in The competition is scheduled to Roseboro of the Los Angeles Dodg- 286-1100 bles triumph. he sprints. begin at 5 p.m. ers led the National League in Diminutive Yit Louie claimed a With the rash of outstandinu "This tourney will be an open passed balls in 1959, but received Latin Arts and Crafts 7-5. 6-3 win, while Rod Kop won Spartan track titres, certain ind!- meei.' said head Spartan judo the Gold Glove Award as the out- 818 Town & Country Village 6-0, 6-4. Bill Burns and Jack La- :iduals might have been ove: (mach Yosh Uchida. . standing fielding catcher in 1961. San Jose, Calif. Fever registered identical 6-3, 6-3 looked. Under Uchida. the Spartan victories. In the last meet Phil Darnall iudokas have w, in three national from Berkeley High School ran chairpienships. 'Chi, season, ' WWMItesthiNbliNhket--1.1NO4L'i" 1 9:04 two mile, the fastest time have received a.lile.1 training Student Co-op Tour his vi life. Darnall Is only a sopho- I vantages with the nid of 8 Days down the Amazon ore and should he one of the Japanese 111,111 or.h, the Sob-hi and cross-country men in Shimizu of Keio Univers::: America ,Japan, who has been assist in Columbia, South .antry next yea ii. 30 days in all Tom Tun 0, who won the t wo ! Uchida wit h coarhing. de event in 8:5(i. has also run - - - Interested students call 1I:01 three mile this year. Both UP AGAIN Jerry Gogol are among the hest record- CHERRY HILL NJ. WPI, CY 4-6019 ,in the,,..,s. d the young JockeyFall Hartack won the firl Markham Hall , oloor seasen..Garden State Stakes with Barb:- Students Only Slemp's times have in"! zon ill 11.Thi .,ad repeated the foi :e..ed enormously each week. 1"wi"Li Y' lb N"dli.- --voral key middle distance men o'e been injured, and the depth I! provides may be vital. I Ken Shackleford, for the second! :me this season, hit a hurdle in ' ANGELO'S 330 yard inter mediate huid.:t :ern, but still managed to record ood time, Bob Baughman, one of the most SPECIAL of the day !rsatile athletes on the team. doing well in both the hurdles It the javelin. Terry Doe, who jumped a best Servcd witti Potatoes, Fresh Vegetable, Bread and Butter, $1.35 NEBRASKA HORSEMAN HOT SPRINGS, Ark. WM) During 1963 a total of 134 horses raced for Marion H. Van Berg of Columbus, Neb., the year's lead- ing ovvner with 201 winners. it HUMIDOR SMOKE SHOP 339 S. 1st St.

CT 7.4653

* Imported Pipes and Tab * Meerschaum and Calabash Pipes * Smokers Accessories * Complete Stock of Magasinen ANGELO'S STEAK HOUSE and Paperbacks Advt. for Falstaff Brewing Corp. of San Jose, Calif., dedicated to those who have experienced the thrill of free fall and great beer. * Barnes 6 Noble 72 East Santa Clara Street College Outline Series San Jose, California rridas'. 1(.)15 RTAN DAILY-7 Basketball Dropout Roger Werne Finds Home Frosh Track The freshman tracksters will The feature races will he the play host to San Jose City College mile and two mile where Sparta. and powerful Co liege of San Ma- babes George Weed and Art Burk. teo today. CSM ts considered by As Pole Vaulter; Sets SJS School Record hard will face former Spartababe several coaches to Lie the most Hetu and Ralph Li- vaulters jumping. I would settle record at 16-6. Fred Hansen's powerful junior college team in star Marcel for a place in the NCAA. but I world record is 17-4' the state. liens. Attempt at 16 Feet Foiled want first. Concerning workouts. Roger said "I began using n fiberglas pole he emphasized running and fun- my senior year in high school. The dementals, "Two days of the week Words Iran; the Eternal Christ big rush of 16 ft. vaulters came I jump for height, but the rest By Short Field "The Lord possessed me in the beginning of Assistants His trey, before His rotil immediately after John Uelsses of the week is mostly conditioning. of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning or avow the aril was When than were no depths. I was brought forth, when there wen. Pc Bj ART SIMBLItIl cleared 16 ft. in 1962. All the new Fall track was entirely condition- fountains abounding with water Before the mountains were settled before the stars were using Fiberglas poles. ing. hills, was I brought forth; while as yet He had not made the earth, nor MI "I attempted 16 ft., but they had field,. nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When He prepared the heavens, I was there: when He set compass upon the face of the depth: trouble getting the standards up "The fiberglas pole is more "As the season progresses, I When He established the clouds abovr when He strengthened the fountains dangerous, but I have broken will start Jumping for height or the deep: When He gave to the sea His decree that the waters should that high and it really hurt me. not pass His commandment: when He appointed the foundation of the earth: eight poles and have never been In praetice every day. I'm also Then I was by Him, as One brought up with Him' and I was dal,. His do' I cooled off and lost my edge." light, reloicing always before Him. Rejoicing in the habitable part of Hit hurt. The take off is crucial. going to start lifting weights." earth; and my delights wore with the sons of men. The speaker was SJS senior It determines where you will "Now therefore hearken unto we, 0 ye children, for blessed are Ono Roger, who changed his major that keep my ways. Hoar instruction, and be wi-r, and refuse it not. Blessed Roger Werne, who had just bro- land in the pit. If you have a Is the lean that heareth me, watching daily at my gator waiting at the posts from mechanical engineering to off, you might land of my doors. For whose findth me findeth life: and shall obtain favour of ken his own school record in the poor take civil engineering, plans to do his the Lord. But He thatat sinneth against me wrongeth His own houl: all they out of the pit. that hate me death" (Proverbs S'22-36) pole vault, leaping 15-6% in the graduate work here, and says he "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord which is. and which was, and which is to come. the Almighty . . I'm the triangular at Spartan Field Sat- "Brian Sternberg from the Cni- will remain at SJS for several fli,res.1 :77147e last. I are H. that !loath. and was dead; and behold, I on would have alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death" (Revelation urday. ,ersity of Washington more years. d"en the best pole vaulter in the "I hope to help future pole Won't you accept God's gift of eternal life now? "Jesus Christ the same was selected North- yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 1311. Werne, who world if he had not been para- vaulting aspirants, said Roger, ern California field man of the lyzed in a trampoline accident "and possibly work under Bud Contemporary Christians on Campus week for his performance, began two years ago. He holds the NCAA as a student assistant." Box 11791, Palo Alto, California his career as a freshman at Los Gatos High School. "I went out for freshman bas- ketball, but I got cut," said Werne, "so I started training for track. "In my sophomore year I began going to all-comers meets. Here I met former Spartan pole vault- ers Jeff Chase, Dick Geer, and Dick Kimmel. Chase had cleared 16 ft. and the other two had cleared 15 ft. all in the same year. JUST A LITTLE BIT HIGHERRoger Werne, who set an SJS school record in the pole vault of 16-6.'4 last weekend, hopes to "As a sophomore, I jumped make 16 feet by +he end of the season. Werne will lead the 227 So. First St. only 9 ft., but I was comment tracksters against Camp Pendleton tomorrow. (Formerly location of J. S. Williams) that once I mastered the funda- mentals, I could improve. to Jump in the last two meets I of only so many good vaults. "In my junior year I jumped and got up to 15 ft. "The trick is to start high so 11-4. and as a senior, my 13-6 "This year I jumped 15-3% in' you can hit your peak, attempting BUYING OUT vault was first in Northern Cali- the Interclass Meet and 15-64 in vaults at difficult heights. Some- fornia in the B classification." the triangular Saturday. times, however, starting high can After high school, Werne was "I'm sure I can make 16 feet hinder your performance. In the near future, but there are "I think 16 ft. can win the PARTNERS prepared to enroll at the Uni- SALE! many factors involved. The pole NCAA because last year the win- versity of California in Berkeley and major in engineering. "I had vault is a long drawn-out event ning leap was under 16 ft., al- all my acceptance papers," said in which a vaulter is capable though there were several 16 ft. AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS BRANDS Werne. "The only thing I didn't have was my housing. "At this point, Bud Winter (SJS track coach) invited me for lunch. SELLING ENTIRE I walked into his office and was STOCK OF amazed at the countless pictures of former SJS athletes, including Ray Norton. Far more impressive SUI than this, however, was Bud Win- ter himself, by far the most knowledgable man in track and field I know. I had given SJS sec- * SPO ondary thought, but after talking ALL REDUCED to Bud that day, I was sold on coming here to school. In addition, * SLACKS4 I was aware that SJS has one of the best engineering departments on the West Coast. In my freshman year at SJS, * TOP COATS 'A- our team won the national fresh- man championship. I broke the For that Lenten snack . . . freshman school record, jumping Stop in at the Winzit, where son can get a Fisliburger * RAIN COATS 14-4% in a triangular meet with with chips for only 50c and a Banana Winzit for 35c. Cal and Oregon. The following Monday I pulled a groin muscle * JACKETS and was out fin. the year. The Winzit is open 7 days a week. "My sophomore. year I had a Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. * CASH ONLY series of minor Injuries that All day and night Friday and Saturday * kept me from doing my best. SWEATERS Last year I pulled a nuowle in BANKAMERICARD the interclass meet, the first Openle citack gap meet of the year. I eventually * SPORT SORTS pulled the same muscle three SANTA CLARA & I I th ST. * FIRST NATIONAL CHARGE times that season. I was able * JEWELRY * GIFT ITEMS


Get It done right. Get MAN-POWER ...the new power-packed OPEN EVERY EVE. aerosol deodorant! MAN-POWER'S got the stepped-up pene- tration power, the 24-hour staying power a man needs. Goes on fast ... never sticky ... dries in seconds. Try it! 1.00 BY THE MAKERS OF OLD SPICE I 5HU LTO N SUNDAY 12 to 5 P.M. 1,1; I \ %Ili Friday. March 19, 1665 'Code Qualifications' Spartaguide Require Politicos, TODAY: 1, 111 Is., E. San Fernando St, Danforth Deadline Nears Chess Club, :-luistkPr be Hen Spits el', American Grants ( !1,1. -dad, r. International Friends Serviee Conimittee. 5- is IMadlite iudtutt,thmts in the ly Newham on the college level. flees have u ininItnam ot one year pant's salary plus one-sixth foi Parties Register 8 ji rti . '285 S. topic is Disarmartimit Vi 1 eintorth Giants lot stud!. Grant recipients, free to enroll it graduate study, be from 24 to each dependent listed on his in- dig" sponsored in i , 10 e. NMI]."

during 1966-67 is Thinsdey. April I it the accredited American uni- 40 years old and be in at least come tax return. Tuition and o(fi- Ij Qualificationsfications for SJS political International stud. 1.1 I 1, 14.11iiry- The Danforth Teacher Grant versity of their choice, must be the second year of teaching in a cial fees will be paid by the Dan- !parties are defined in the election thin, 3:30 p.m., eatelet hi A mu ER Program, established in 1954. aims prepared to engage in a 12 month senior accredited college or uni- forth Foundation. John Bayer, returned Peace Corp, Rally Committee II code established by Student Coun- to enhance the quality of instruc- program of graduate study toward verity. He must have full faculty Candidates are nominated by the volunteer, will show slides and tion In American colleges and the doctorate degree status including a minimum of half cil in April 1963. uni- beginning in deans of institutions where they speak of his experiences in Re Names Five New versities. The grant provides assist- June or September, 1966, it helm time devoted to classroom teach- Groups of students, organized Ste teaching. Interested teachers! public of Somali, East Africa ance toward the completion of dation spokesman said. ing. ! for the purpose of endorsing can- Coffee hour. should contact Dr. Ted C. Ifinck- Cabinet Members doctoral work for persons current - The Foundation asks that nomi- , The one year award includes didates for ASH offices, must sub- Pegasus, creative writing so- partici- F0222. stipends of one-half the let:. mit a registration form to the ciety, 7:45 p.m., 624 Margaret St ineinhers ..1 secutive by 4 p.m., Thurs- - election board 811.-NDAV: ealanet for the spring semester day, April 8. Tri-C Club, 9:45 a.m. and 5:15 Spartan Daily WORSHIP WITH hake been chosen. emanating to The registration form must in- p.m.. Third and San Antrinie John Robbins, chairman uf the UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN MINISTRY clude the name of the party, streets. Speaker. PresLyterian-CengrgationI-Disciples I SJS Rally Committee. names and ASH card numbers of Roger Williams Fellowship, 6:30 , Classifieds Sunday 11:00 a.m. 25 interested members, the stated Members of the cominittee are : purpose of the party, and the 'Jeff Conway, vice chairman, Sermon: EXCLUSIVE APT., 2 r. I . I , !Diane Cleary, High School Day AUTRIBBOTIOILI18 names and addresses of the party frorn SJS. 460 S. 4th Tempts You?" Corpsman chairman, Gary Kleemann, game "Who chairman and two assistants. TIRE CHAINS , Pu chairman, Niki Daseking, corres- The names of all candidates to Navarra 8 Lehmettn Bros.. 1837 S Is $155 FURNISHED APT. FOR 3 The ponding secretary. Bob Pitcher, 294 C204 be sponsored by the party must Speaks Today Spann chairman. 61 FORD r Chapel of Reconcilation also accompany the registiation VACANCY AT SYCAMORE HALL. 300 So 10th (across from mens dorms) , Other committee members are form. oill14.1 ,n1 1.1'11.1111(1.r 58 EDSEL aic,r sernester. 357 E. Se, 'John Kloster, card stunts chair- . . Students of all races are welcomed Parties must endorse at least Ic or rail 293-7839. John Bayer is featured speaker man; Gary Whitman, publicity ! three candidates to gain the bene- 64 YAMAHA 2 BR. APT. NR. SJS, w 'pool. $100 9:310 4 m. Coffee Discussion et Christian Contr at this afternoon's meeting and chairman; Gary Fitschen, athletic rr. 266.5398. Pastors. Don Erninel. Mark Rutledge fit of campus political advertising. coffee hour Inter- representative, John Grueni, rep- NEED 3, :1'are .v '3 others. The Each registration is valid tor sponsored by the '60 VW resentative at large; Anita Cowen, 508 S. 11th, No. 18. 286 the pending election only and must natirimil Student Organization ,. secretary, 61 CHRYSLER CONY. I be renewed each time there is an :ISO: at :1:30 in cafeteria A unit vreecn.ding and Debby I MALE 'ere Antritertnan, treasurer. new unepp. apt. $36.25 ' . ASTI election. B. KARMAN GHIA 61 Bayer was a volunteer serving High School Rally Day on may 2 MALE I St.. 1. to share the biggest activity for in the Republic of Somali in East ' 1:s Will he 62 MGA MKII SECURITY FIRST group this semester as well LARGE SINGLE RM MARCH 23 Marketing Group Africa. He will show slides of his! the experiences there. ! as planning activities for next NU. 57 FORD NATIONAL BANK UPPER DIV. Schedules Trip During his two year stay in 61 VOLKSVvAG CONY Somali, he taught English and NOW RENTING ' Students * Student Wives serving South Tomorrow geography in the public schools. 56 FORD WAGON. ' : - ,J t.e., At the present time he is a grad- 'al. 5.1rn. Rates. 695 S 11th. 286.305 Southern California Fifteen members of the SJS uate student at SJS and is treats- TF MFT rn '62 150 l (.1,0 241.1000. ! chapter of the American Market- urer of the ISO. 2 ROOMS - I req. size, 1 large will have a representative ing Association IAMAi will be All interested students are in' TASK 60 FALCON cower. Cooking opt. $35 8 54 on campus to interview on the guests of Pacific Southwest vited to attend the meeting and .nr 21. Call eves. 8 wknds. FORCE toffee hour, according to ISO pres 55 BUICK CENTURY (DAY and DATE) Airlines I PSA I tomorrow on a MEN Clean private roLrns. . flight to San Diego. ident Jeeba Abbeyquaye. MONEY 0.0f..het. 295.4049. 19; S. 151t The students will also four thy 58 CHEVY Candidates will be selected from control tower at lais Angeles PROF CONVENTION SPEAKER FOR Cle.3f1 If, ,f11 kit. olio. , both the Bachelor's and Advanced COED w International Airport where they Dr. George Huteliim,ar hcosekeepind. 1,1 degree levels of Accounting, Busi- tent professeo. of Illallag1.1111.111, FOR SALE (3) ..44 t, 295.6513. will see visual and radai approaCii ness Administration, Economics, spoke to the national convention MARRIED COUPLE preferred for 1 L / control in action. We have numerous and various Business Majors. WEDDING 300 ;or $79 tdeal! 649 S. 9th, Nt., Finance and other After the L.A. stop the students of the Institute of Management positions available during the Well . ,46 Liberal Arts degree candidates with Tar Hotel in will cuntinue to Lindbergh Field Science at the Jack summer months. TASK FORCE SPANISH ROSEWOOD GUITAR .LOST AND FOUND 161 at least one year of Accounting, as in San Diego to see PSA main- San Francisco, Dr. Hutchinson well as alumni with a minimum of tenance, crew training, dispatch, spoke on Feb. 3. His talk wa, needs and offers interesting LOST: Wccnan’s - 1 year's full time banking experi reservations and busi- titled "A Computation Center temporary assignments. SKIS - Head e3 - 190 cr, Reward. 29E1.123", automated

1 , ,r 264 V4n8 $110 ence, are also invited to apply. ness practices. I Simulation Project." REMINGTON MONARCH PERSONALS 171 Register now I.L U.N.A L' NO FEE T W.Y.W.M Please matte necessary arrangernenle WANTED 141 HELP it your Placement Office -e- Job Interviews AMATEUR ENTERTAINERS - Most bc 111111111l.8m11=111111 All interviews will tar held at ministration for positions as li- 21, 4.ngers. kik groups, band. the Placement Center, ADM234. brarian, junior civil engineer, ad- ! e.c. Call RE 6-6246. Between 12-2 TYPING-All kinds IBM electric. Wort guaranteed Jo Vine. 378.8577. Check at the center for time of ministratIve t r a ine e, personnel I hriAN trainee. Citizenship required. 'FEMALE TELEPHONE SOLICITORS - AUTO INSURANCE for students, Chet interview. DIVISION OF STATISTICAL :rho. Rena Wa-e Bailey. 286-5386 449 W. San Carlos. Hunt Fooda and Industries, Ine.: TABULATING CORPORATION MONDAY: 286-4745, Mrs. TYPING - Term piper. thesis. etc general business and accounting, 11 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE Pica electric. 243.631'1. City or Stan Diego: MS. in engineering, chemistry or Molt SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 809 BANK OF AMERICA GIRLS GIRLS - GIRLS SPECIAL FOR STUDENTS, boys or girls brarianship, B.S. in civil engineer- technicians for positions in qual- Sewing, fitting, designing and tailoring ing. B.A. in public or business ad - ity control, ass trainees for pro- CV 3,0411 293-5009. ----- !action, industrial engineers, and proof. PART HME WORK TYPING-Light Reasonable. Near ft ic management. Citizenship campus. 442 S. 4th St. -tot required. Male only. Work itl TYPIST - Neat, fest, corrections made I Bicycles For Rent California. Mr, O'Neill, 377.7843. *-torthern Pacific Gies and ElertrIr S!! TV'S FOR RENT electrical and mech:11,.. Special student rates, $8 per mo. Call HASHER WANTED . 2954220. 377 2935 after 4 p.m. ngineering majors for position, AI systems operation, design and - HOUSING (a) TROUBLED BY HIGH INSURANCE analysis, construction and sales RATES ON FINANCED AUTOS? HAVE MOTHER OLSEN'S BOARDING HOUSE THE USED CAR DEALER OR BANK ngineering. Citizenship required -Men. Best food in town. New apt PHONE US. LOWEST FIRE, THEFT. Artna Life Insurance Ctompan.s : laund. units. Linen 8 maid sir,,. Kit. 8 COLLISION RATES. FINANCED AUTO Iiusiness administration, matke:. facil. 3 TV's. 122 N. 8th, CY 5-9504. DEPT. REXXO CO.. 298.4321. $20 wk. mg, general business, liberal art, A TV ROOM 8 BOARD - Women. $75 mo RENT siajors for positions as life un- Call Esche 251 2' No co -tract no curfew. Unappr. House larwriter sales management

on bus 'ire nr. US. 286-433i. GERMAN TUTOR - Experienced. C,11 .'itizenship not required. Male block $E/ MONTH - Clean rooms, V2 29/.6166. Gudrun. ,n1y. Work in Santa Clara County.. " IN. rm.. showers. No lease 3 speeds, 10 speeds, pd. 292.1327. Heated. Kaiser Aerempare and Electron- To place an ad: - 2 bdrrn. turn.. $160 too tandems. s.s Corporation: electrical en - 4. 460 S. 10th. 297.4604 Call at steering majors for positions as FURN. Apts. $70 mo. 41 S. 8th Reserve now. lanior electronics engineer. Citi- Classified Adv. Office J206 ,nship required. Male only. Wink 1 BEDROOM APT., r -n. paneled hAWF 9:30-3:30 M ir, apt. 4. 295.8101, a Palo Alto or Phoenix. 10:30-3:30 Ernst and Ernst: accounting. 2 MALES 'neded to share unapp. apt T-Th PAUL'S CYCLES . . 780 S. 11th. 292.9399. Imsiness administ rat kin majors Send in handy order blank. Enclose The 1435 Alameda tor positions as junior accountant 0181 . 71. Sirgle Prn. $38.50. Doubl, :ash or check. Make check out . 8 laund. 1, 294.5142. Spartan Deily Classifieds. CV 3-0766 Male only. Work in Santa Clara En,RM. APT., turn Close-k Ph.,,. 704_5414 1.44 744. ',aunty. it 474' CLASSIFIED RATES To buy, sell rent. or CAMPUS MARKET / announce anything Minimum Two lines Oise time three times Five times "Home of Your Friendly Meat Man" lust till out end clip One time 50c a line 25c a line 20c a line Don't stumble through this handy order the literary classics. blink. 2 lines $1.00 I $1.50 $2.00 SPECIAL. CLIFF'S NOTES will help you make better 3 lints 1.50 2.25 3.00 COCA-COLA - 1 Qt. Free with Purchase grades! These study of 6 pack of 16 oz. Coca-Cola and Presen- aids give you a clear, Send to: Spartan 4 tines 2.00 3.00 4.00 FIBAKEY'S concise summary and Daly CLASSIFIEDS. tation of Thi sAd. S lines 2.50 3.75 5.00 explanation, chapter by 1206, San lose State chapter.CLIFF'SNOTES OF FUN! are now being used by College, San lose 14. Add this cALENDAR Banquet T.V. Dinners 59c Calif amount Per SO 75 1.00 high school and college each eddl- students throughout the bone) line Monday- (-I Can't Stand Piano and Banjo Night.") Sara Lee Frozen Pastry 98c United States. There are CHECK A over 100 different Print your ad here: CLIFF'S NOTES cover- CLASSIFICATION: Eggs Large 45c Dz. - Med. 39c Dz. (Count 33 Letters and Spaces tor Each Line. Tuesday ing the literary classics. Piano and Singalong Night 0 Announcements (1) Wednesday 0 Automotive (2) FEATURING U.S.D.A. CHOICE MEATS For Sale (3) Thursday $1 0 Help Wanted (4) Friday Piano, Banjo and Singalong Night CHUCK STEAK RIB STEAK 0 Housing (5) Saturday at your 55c lb. 79c lb. Lost and Found (6) Sunday 1 favorite 0 Personals (7) 0 Services (8) GROUND CHUCK bookstore FREEZER PACK Ej Transportation (9) SHAKEY'S PIZZA PARLOR 49c lb. or write: 10 lbs. S4.95 Pr III4HY STATION Netall_. - Address 580 Meridian Road Steaks - Chops 1.5, ULK tatHASSA Drei San Jose 134 E. SAN SALVADOR Rue Ail 1110 at dun) Ent10118 E._ Fryers - Ribs (Between 3,d 8 OH (Across from White Front) Ground Chuck PHONE 292-4313 sl 1 iff'L-Nole-t. Serene Dote..