Committee Rejects Salary Bill Dumke Attacked Mismanagement' 'Gross By MARK THAYER have hied ;.ou," NicAteer told "The real issue is inefficiency," lature will have to bail us out in appointment" and urged the com- Professors (ACSCP), when noti- Miludul..d to h(1lii hearings State Senator J. Eugene Mc- Dumke. McAteer said. the end.'" mittee to reconsider its action, in fied by Spartan Daily of the com- Ion an identical bill, introduced by Ateer charged Glenn S. nutlike, McAteer told Dumke that if George Miller, chairman of the Dr. Robert Clark, SJS president a statement issued after the com- mittee's action, said, "The fact that Robert Crown, ID-Oakland) late chancellor of the California similar acts had occurred in county finance committee, said, "This is yesterday called the move to kill mittee hearing. it's still pending in the Assembly this afternoon, These hearings State Colleges with "itieff government it would be "embezzle- arrogance; it's as if saying 'OK, the salary bill "disastrous to the Dr. Theodore Norton, president leaves some room for hope, but have been rescheduled for a later cy" and "gross mismanagement" ment and someone would go to we'll continue to do it because the morale of the faculty." of the SJS chapter of the Associ- not much." date. at yesterday's session of the Jail." guys need the money and the legis- Dumke expressed "extreme dis- ation of California State College The Assembly Finance Commit- The assembly bill must clear Senate Finance Committee. the Assembly Finance Committee, Hopes of restoring the 1.8 per Ways and Means, the full Assem- cent cut in senior faculty members' bly, then the Senate where it will salaries were all but quashed as be referred back to the Finance the committee voted not to pass a Committee and then back to the V bill introduced by Sen. Stephen full Senate for passage. 'reale iD-West Point) aimed at In view of yesterday's action the making the necessary $281,000 prospects of a legislative restora- available. tion of the pay cut appear dim. The charge against Dumke cain,. The statewide council of the after he testified that he first la. American Federation of Teachers came aware of the shortage in I AFT) will meet in Sacramento salary increase funds in October, RTAN DAILY this weekend. An AFT spokesman although a member of his staff indicated that a "work-in" is knew of it much earlier. II planned and "classes will not be Dumke declined to name the met." staff member. "Did you fire him?" 11 and more detailed "SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Specific plans McAteer asked. information are expected to come "If you didn't and if I were on out of the weekend meeting. NO. 84 the Board of Trustees, I would Vol. 62 4.311." SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1965 In Sacramento, Dr. Dumke said, lti "The principle of mutual trust be- tween the administration of the state college and its faculty is of paramount importance." He said, "The state colleges have upheld their public trust and seek New Housing Rules support of the legislature. Dr. C. M. Larsen, representing the Coordinating Committee of Campus Organizations (CCCO), an ad -hoc group of STS faculty or- ganizations formed to battle the pay cut, said in Sacramento yes- Receive afternoon. "This decision High Support terday makes it all the more imperative By MIKE NEUFELD lion will be up to the Academic! a new boarder," she commented. that we seek a favorable vote on The Student Housing Committee Council. Yesterday's proposal, if ap- Assembly Bill 652, which will ap- of the SJS Academic Council voted If this group passes on the proved, possibly could not go into propriate $15 million for faculty yesterday afternoon to recommend one-semester contract plan, then effect until next year because the salary increases." that a one-semester contract be Dr. Robert D. Clark, SJS presi- College Housing Office has already This is an increase of approxi- initiated as quickly as possible in dent, must give his approval before received signed contracts from ap- mately 15 per cent. college approved housing. It becomes policy. proved living centers. Dr. Larsen said he would report The committee heard a letter SAN DIEGO In addition to the resolution to the CCCO and all interested Monday front Student Council asking for At present the California State on one-semester contracts, the faculty members at 2:30 in and B. the one-semester policy. College Board of Trustees is re- housing committee moved to send afternoon cafeteria A Presenting council's case was viewing a request for one-year con- a letter to the Associated Women * * * John Hendricks, ASS vice presi- tracts at San Diego State. Students (AWS) requesting that dent. SJS is presently under a full group to review AWS rules and Next step for the recommenda- year contract basis, and Student regulations pertaining to students Pres. Clark Ciaancil. feels a change should be In college approved housing. made. Previously AWS was directed Talking to students, this re- Calls Action 'Lonely Feeling' porter found the opinion seems by council to investigate the to coincide with council's call for possibility of establishing "senior STEPS INTO SPACELt. Col. Alezei Leonov ing 17,500 miles per hour on an orbit that took action. In Selma, Pace keys" or abolishing lock-out. steps from the Russian spaceship Voskhod II 90 minutes to circle the earth. Leonov spent 20 'Disastrous' One radio-television major stat- 1 AWS will report to council next to become the first man to leave a spaceship minutes outside the ship. ed, "A lot of guys would move out The tullowing statement was week on its findings. while in flight. The ship at the time was travel- Tells Audience If they had a chance." made by SJS Pres. Robert D. Clark yesterday afternoon upon "When you get down to Selma, TOO BIG A JOB Breaking the year-long contract hearing of the Senate Finance you feel quite lonely because it's Cosmonaut Committee's action against restor- a long way from anywhere." proved too big a job for two SJS coeds. ing the 1.8 per cent faculty salary San Jose Mayor Joseph Pace cut. gave this description of Selma, "My dad went to a lawyer, and Pro-U.S. Viet Nam Rally Leaves Ship, "This news is disastrous to the Ala., at a civil rights rally yester- my roommate's mother also con- sulted a lawyer, but, since our morale of the faculty and to the day at noon on Seventh Street. repuation of the entire state col- After going to the Capitol to parents had signed the contract, we were bound to it," one of the Floats Free lege system. talk to Vice President Hubert "The amount of the salary cut Humphrey about the concern in coeds replied. Today on Seventh Street Compiled from UPI Is small, so the financial loss is this city over civil rights prob- A senior from San Bernardino The Russians made another first not the overriding consideration. lems, he flew down to Alabama stated the one-semester contract A rally to support the Street opposite the Women's Gym. Bradley has indicated a desire in space achievements. Quality of California higher edu- to see the problem first hand. would give students a better U.S. position in South Viet Nam will Featured speakers include State to address SJS students on the after launching cation is now in jeopardy. Members of the Selma City chance to move if living conditions Yesterday, Senator Clark Bradley and Dr. subject of South Viet Nam. He II, one of the "We have had good support from Council invited Mayor Pace to an aren't up to his expectations. be sponsored today at 12:30 p.m. spaceship Voskhod on Seventh Milorad Drachkovitch, professor of said it is important to bring out the ship for the legislature in the past, and I executive session, They informed A 20-year-old coed explained Street by SJS Young two cosmonauts left Republicans (YRs) and political science at Stanford Uni- the side of the U.S. in stopping cannot believe that the legisla- him that only one per cent of that, to get out from under a con- Young 20 minutes. Americans for Freedom (YAF), versity. Communist aggression in South Le- ture, if it understands our prob- the demonstrators are Selma citi- tract, a person must sell the re- Cosmonaut Lt. Col. Alexi East Asia. His topic will be "The lems, will fail us now." zens and "we resent the fact that maining portion of his contract according to YAF President Bob SJS students Jack Cox, western onov, 30, took pictures with a Will to Win." everybody else all over the U.S., with the approval of the landlord. Young. regional chairman and member of movie camera while outside the and it seems like all over the LANDLORDS This rally will not be held the national board of directors of Dr. Drachkovitch, who will dis- ship then floated free in space for world, is coming to Selma right "Landlords can be awfully se- around the traditional bench but YAF and Richard Reeb, president cuss "U.S. Experience With Com- 10 minutes, connected to the ship Two Students now." lective when it conies to aproving at1 new location on Seventh of SJS YR's will also speak munism and the Viet Nam by a lifeline. Crisis," received his Ph.D. degree TURNS SOMERSAULT from the University of Geneva, Just before returning to the Face Court Switzerland. spacecraft, the cosmonaut turned He is also senior staff member a jubilant somersault.
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