Trench Pedigree [Microform]
12 3 4 5 6 7 1 TEENCH PEDIGBEE. FREDERIC DE LA TRANCHE, or TRENCH, a Protestant, passed into England in consequence of the civil wars in France upon the subject of religion, and esta blished himself in Northumberland, in1574-5 ; m.(1576) Margaret, daughter of—Sutton, Esq. l.Thomas (M.A.in1599), m. 1610 Catherine, daughter of Richard Brooke, ofPontefract, formerly merchant in London. FREDERIC (came to Ireland 1631 ;purchased Garbally, in County Galway) ;d. 1669 ;m. 1632 his cousin-german Anna (only daughter and heiress ofRev. James Trench — see below, page 2), who d. 1664. His sons Frederic and John are the ancestors re spectively of the families of Clancarty and Ashtown. 1. FREDERIC (ofGarbally), b.1633 ;d. 1704 ;received grants of lands from the Crown ;m. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard "Warburton, of Garryhinch, King's County. 1.Frederic (M.P. for County Galway), b. 1681 ;d. 1752 ;m. 1703 Elizabeth, daughter of John Eyre, Esq., of Eyrecourt Castle, County Galway. l.Richard (Colonel ofMilitia,County Galway), b.1710 ; d. 1768 ;m. 1732 Frances (only daughter and heiress of David Power, Esq., of Gooreen, County Galway), who d. 1793. l.William Power Keating, b. 1741 ;d. 27 April 1805 ;m, 1762 Anne (daughter of Right Hon. Charles Gardiner); Ist Earl ofCLAITCART7. See Clancarty Genealogy. 2. John Power (Collector of District of Loughrea, County Galway). 3. Eyre Power (Major-General) ; m. 1797 Char lotte, widowof Sir John Burgoyne, Bart., and daughter of Gen. Johnstone, of Overstone. 4. .Nicholas Power (Collector of the Port and Dis trict of Galway) ;d.
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